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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 600x800, DSC00494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3096353 No.3096353 [Reply] [Original]

I going to class in about an hour and 20 mins but I thought I should post these since I said I was going to. They arrived in the mail today.

>> No.3096355


>> No.3096358
File: 75 KB, 600x800, DSC00493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 moar lensflare

>> No.3096366
File: 80 KB, 600x800, DSC00495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the newfags... it's me, Chisame I the one with the maid at the computer pic.

Third try should do the trick

>> No.3096368

Need better images, trap-kun.

>> No.3096370
File: 92 KB, 600x800, DSC00496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fits like a glove, a bit skin tight.

>> No.3096374

Your arm is too muscular and your shoulder is manly. Other than that, awesome trap, would fap again 10/10.

>> No.3096375

I was in the rain today so my hair is all messed up. Took these in a hurry because I still need to get ready for classes

>> No.3096377
File: 60 KB, 635x476, 1221935833586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great now we have camwhore males.

>> No.3096378
File: 110 KB, 800x600, DSC00498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's a wrap for now...

>> No.3096382


>> No.3096391

The only good kind of camwhore.

>> No.3096396

There is no such thing. Quit deluding yourself.

>> No.3096413

You're only jealous of his slender womanly body. I know I am ;_;.

>> No.3096448
File: 92 KB, 866x762, 1249716325439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly enough, I am totally okay with this.

>> No.3096454

I'm not exactly slender you know, That's a size L in woman sizes

>> No.3096459

Oh great, we have camwhores now.

>> No.3096467


>> No.3096468

this one has been around for a while, posted a maid set a while back

>> No.3096476
File: 70 KB, 360x364, 1231339363142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop now?

>> No.3096483

It's OK OP, I enjoyed them. If I ever get around to getting rid of all my body hair I'll post my own trap pictures, just for you.

>> No.3096486

Haha oh wow. /jp/ is truly shit.

>> No.3096492

As much as I enjoy them, /jp/ isn't the place for this.

>> No.3096497

Sad to hear your first day on /jp/ didn't work out. Hope you find a board where you fit in.

>> No.3096498

this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.3096506
File: 35 KB, 300x369, Marisa 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wasn't so fat and typically American I'd love to cross dress.
Lucky fucker.

>> No.3096509


>> No.3096520
File: 168 KB, 1280x960, DSC06473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something from 3 months ago

>> No.3096527

Isn't there a chan for this sort of thing?

>> No.3096540

yeah there probably is
Chisame aka Kureha, has no life and just spends time archiving h-games on the forum and cosplaying on the side.

>> No.3096553

I have slender asian body and hair that makes women jealous, and manwhores never show their face, so I should be set.

But I also have way too much hair for an asian. It's like having every loli in the 2D universe offering themselves just after I lost my penis in a tragic smelting accident.

>> No.3096557

>> no life

sounds like most of /jp/

>> No.3096560

Most /jp/ is average in weight, and I dont mean average american fatshit.

>> No.3096569

Which Shuffle girl are you cosplaying? Kaede?

>> No.3096570
File: 68 KB, 400x400, hp6513_FULL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair problems are easily taken care of

>> No.3096571

Does anyone here tuck their balls? Is it practical to do this?

>> No.3096577

I wish I could crossdress as well as you. ;_;

>> No.3096579

I don't think Kaede wears the hat in her summer uniform, she wears it in her winter uniform though. The only ones that actually wear that stupid hat is Sia and Nerine but no shuffle girl has black hair so...

>> No.3096582

you don't need to tuck anything unless you're gonna go around flashing

>> No.3096583

No money and if I did do that I'd look like a fag whenever I go to classes.

I want to dress up as a woman for /jp/'s enjoyment, but I also don't want to look like a fag outside of /jp/. IT'S NOT POSSEEBLE!

>> No.3096586


>> No.3096592

Post your stuff there, OP.

>> No.3096593

that's for trannies though.

wear pants....

>> No.3096597

that board is sick and you should feel bad for knowing it's address

>> No.3096598

There's one called chansluts or something. You could post there.

>> No.3096604

Sometimes I wish I was a woman simply so that I could dress up like that.

>> No.3096605
File: 35 KB, 512x384, 1195478851685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3096612

they have a cross dressing board as well

>> No.3096619

that's a cosplay though

>> No.3096624

Pants and traps never work brokell. I did wear stockings once and crossdressed for halloween with 2 of my friends, and I convinced everyone at the local McDonalds 'til I spoke, but stockings are really uncomfortable and I'd look wierd buying them.

>> No.3096625

I don't think OP is even around anymore, didn't he say he had classes?

>> No.3096628

no wear pants when you're not in trap mode

>> No.3096631

It's still crossdressing.

>> No.3096636

You go to class as a girl?

>> No.3096637

and you're still insecure about your sexuality

>> No.3096642

holy shit... MIND BLOWN

>> No.3096645

F5ing so hard

>> No.3096646

Not really. I happen to like traps. It's just that /jp/ doesn't need camwhores.

>> No.3096647

no I'm not that successful and the locals don't really take kindly to my long hair already

>> No.3096649

But I'd like panties to fit.

>> No.3096652

then tuck them already.
by definition of a cam whore it's someone who posts on the internet to gain fame, this guy doesn't even use a name or a trip code unlike the other traps who do

>> No.3096653

I was a trap when I was a kid. People always mistook me for a girl, so I got all the merits like being offered to get in front of the queue in supermarket and such.
When i went to the men's restroom I would get so many weird looks I would ultimately end up going to the women's restroom.
I still remember their faces.
Same thing happened when I went to the pool.
Good times.

>> No.3096657

I'd imagine it would hurt the balls walking around. Like I asked before, is it even practical?

>> No.3096661

I took my aunts kid to a toy convention and these people selling children's picture books kept saying as the kid's mom I should buy some books for the kid.


>> No.3096667

some people do that for most of the day if it hurts I don't think they can keep that up.

>> No.3096683

dear /jp/, in the shower today i finally said fuck it and shaved my thighs. don't dare go further down than that. fantasized about buying a skirt. Once again I dream of moving out of my parents house.

>> No.3096695

actually most people only shave from the knee and under as their isn't that much hair on the upper half of the leg

>> No.3096697

there is that much hair on the upper part of my leg.

>> No.3096702

Do you wear your hair down or tie it back and try to look gangster or Shang Tsung or something?

>> No.3096703

use an epilator and pull them out by the roots, shaving results in stubbles growing out and getting as itchy as fuck

>> No.3096704

besides, now i rub it and go "ooooh smooth" and get a hard on. Also, shaved my balls. need better method to remove hair from balls. and ass. How the shit do you remove hair from ass?

>> No.3096707

woah that's not that expensive

>> No.3096716

hair removal cream like nair
I don't know if I'm the one you're trying to ask but I never tie my hair , I'll clip it up with a banana clip at home but outside I keep it in a free fall state. I want long straight hair that goes down to my waist .

>> No.3096727

Ive been meaning to buy one, know any good brands?

>> No.3096728

Me too, but I tuck it behind my ear rather than clip it. Where's yours now, mines a few inches past my nipple right now

>> No.3096729

Why is it that I want to be cute and demure but I don't have any body dysphoria in regard to genitals or mammaries?

>> No.3096747
File: 86 KB, 580x791, b1ba110da17d8d3e7451723451c2f35a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i have brown eyes and brown wavy hair slim build can I dress like this if i'm 6 foot tall?

>> No.3096754
File: 1.43 MB, 4000x3000, DSC00499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philips Satinelle ICE Premium HP6515 or newer comes with an ice pack addon to numb the skin so it doesn't hurt as much. You probably won't use the ice pack addon after you get used to it though.

and snap! I'm gone and out to classes

>> No.3096759

back to my shoulders because I burnt it by accident was leaning over the stove and well shit happened

>> No.3096760

I tie it up behind, like you said. It's become too long for it to be comfortable hanging down. I end up swallowing my hair when I eat and such.
Once i was outside, and the wind was really blowing, I inhaled a good handful of it. T'was a weird experience.

>> No.3096769

Hairy slender asian dude here, I'm 5'11 so this is relevant to my interests as well.

>> No.3096772

Chisame trap said he was 178.8cm back when he was posting his maid set.

>> No.3096775

what makes this superior to other epilators/shaving products?

>> No.3096776

learn to eat like a girl, there are plenty of girls that eat with their long hair down.

>> No.3096781

Ah that sucks. It'll get there, I've been growing mine for 2 years now and it's slowing down. I'd cut my split ends but I don't trust hairdressers.
I get that too, but when I'm walking against the wind I feel badass as hell. I should get some sort of coat and stand facing the wind all day.

>> No.3096782
File: 162 KB, 700x1086, d78598ebc586146a4741af9140818ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more ryou

>> No.3096790

everytime I go to trim my split ends the hairdresser trims it back to my shoulders saying that's how most people want it.

>> No.3096793

I'd love to cross dress but every part of my body looks masculine. Any tips for someone like me or is there no hope?

>> No.3096805

>but when I'm walking against the wind I feel badass as hell.
Thats one of the best things about having long hair. Its an amazing experience. I once lived near the ocean, and the wind would blow like crazy near the beach.
I could stand there for hours.
Shit was SO cash!

>> No.3096812

go through the basics shave, loose weight, control your muscle mass, don't try to cosplay things that are too far away from your build, camera angles can make giants look cute etc.

>> No.3096817

makeup lessons are really really important if you're gonna show your face.

>> No.3096825

Hmm, well, how about trying actually being masculine if you have everything for it? Sure, it's not as fun as trying to pass as a trap, but much more benefitical in the long run.

>> No.3096835

or you can be MAN-FAYE
google if you don't know who he is

>> No.3096840

oh god why did you bring up that horror?

*washes eyes with acid*

>> No.3096845
File: 210 KB, 495x700, 683f5c6930ab939bd91c584403818eea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even more ryou

>> No.3096848

Not same poster, but I have an enormous ribcage, and am overall built like a dwarven warrior. No amount of weight loss could fix my skeleton frame ;_;

Some of us are doomed to not even being able to pretend.

>> No.3096860

dwarf women? i wonder if /tg/ is interested...

>> No.3096862

;_; We can always dream, can't we?

>> No.3096874

>control your muscle mass
how do you?

>> No.3096882

for all those that 'I wish to be the little girl.'
there is hope, http://translationparty.com/tp/#770174

>> No.3096898

Oh my, this is quite fun.

>> No.3096910

I'll look into these. Thanks.

>> No.3096917

i press button and it does nothing.

>> No.3096928

oh wow.

>> No.3096931


Oh, that... After our /b/ became shit, I spent at least an year posting on their /b/ before /jp/ was made.

>> No.3096932
File: 10 KB, 400x400, Cirno3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3096940 [DELETED] 

Can someone explain to me how I got SHINARU and some other nip in my engrish?

>> No.3096950

going on a diet and not working out as much means that your thick muscular arms will start loosing their muscle mass and become thinner, same with your chest and other areas

>> No.3096961

>not working out as much

I don't exercise in the first place.

>> No.3096962


>> No.3096987 [DELETED] 

What, really?

>> No.3097012

So it is possible.
