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3091416 No.3091416 [Reply] [Original]

How would you feel if Ryuukishi07 died?

Before he finished releasing Umineko

>> No.3091429


>> No.3091442


>> No.3091457

Suicide or something. Only people who haven't read the SN would feel anything but despair.

>> No.3091452

Well how about that.

>> No.3091469
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I was thinking about this earlier and I concluded that the community would find what he didn't finish it and make endings for themselves.

It's not something I want to see happen.

>> No.3091472
File: 48 KB, 513x387, uuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture related

>> No.3091479

It was obviously because he gave in and started believing in witches, but Battler will never quit.

>> No.3091485

I haven't, so yeah. I wouldn't feel anything.

>> No.3091512

Feel angry and despair for a while and then move on.

>> No.3091529

I have read it. I enjoyed it. I would feel slightly disappointed if Ryukishi died before finishing it.

Actually, I'd be more concerned about his Rewrite route.

>> No.3091621

I'd be happy because it would eventually mean much less Umineko threads on /jp/, but it could backfire and he would receive Kurt Cobain/Ian Curtis martyr status and nobody would ever shut up about him.

>> No.3091651

If he does you know there will just be even more threads about OMG HOW DO YOU THINK HE WOULD HAVE ENDED IT DID HE COMMIT SUICIDE TO KEEP THE WITCHES A SECRET?!

>> No.3091665

Awesome. Now I have all the time in the world to unravel the mystery.

>> No.3091674

He sucks at endings anyway. It'd be better if he just wrote the question arcs then moved on to the next series.

>> No.3091669
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Pic related.

On the other hand, we'd speculate for all eternity.

>> No.3091696

Everyone would just give up, not seeing the point in guessing something they'll never know

>> No.3091965

Someone would probably take his notes and release them or use them to write a conclusion himself.

>> No.3092674

Then the ending that they make up for the anime will end up being the TRUE ENDING.


>> No.3092691

This, holy fuck.

He must not die.

>> No.3092792

Kill myself and ask him who the real culprit is in the meta-world/purgatory

>> No.3092803

And who's gonna tell us huh?

>> No.3092822

Don't worry, I'll kill myself and get the answer from >>3092792

>> No.3092826

That doesn't explain how you're gonna tell /jp/

>> No.3092838

We call up our "bros" at /x/ to get out their ouija boards to help us set up a seance to contact their souls.

>> No.3092847


>> No.3092854

what is it with you and index

you keep fucking using pics from that anime.

>> No.3092858

that makes perfect sense

except ouji boards use magic, and magic doesnt exist

>> No.3092876

Hold on, give me a moment to think of an explanation that doesn't involve the ideomotor effect that makes somewhat rational sense.

>> No.3092900

Alright, here goes: Ouija boards really don't contact spirits per se but rather punch tiny trans-universal holes in the universe that allow information to pass through. Of course it might take some trial and error to contact an alternate Ryukishi.
As for the mechanics of how these ouija boards works: Devil's Proof, I refuse to explain.

>> No.3092904
File: 144 KB, 315x483, BAAAAAtler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all useless...

>> No.3092944

Check again, bro.

>> No.3092953


Information can never be destroyed just like matter and energy. So the knowledge of the culprit before Ryu's death should still exist somewhere in quantum space.

We assemble a team of Anons from /g/ /x/ and /jp/ and produce a device that can obtain the information.

>> No.3092978
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Sounds like a plan but...
>the culprit before Ryu's death

What if he dies by natural causes or sudden death?

>> No.3092989

Until we find out that Ryukishi was just making shit up as he went along and hadn't decided on who the culprit was yet.

>> No.3092990

Ryukishi will leave us one final mystery;

The mystery of his own death. Oh god oh god.

>> No.3092994

He can't have died at simultaneous points in all parallel universes similiar to this one as that would imply the existence of "fate", which if we except we might s well accept magic while we're at it.

>> No.3092997


>> No.3093007
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>accept magic while we're at it.


>> No.3093021

So, then by that logic, an alternate parrallel universe where Ryukishi did not die before completing Umineko must exist. Which leads back to earlier ouija board post.

>> No.3093038

Goddamn my head hurts now

>> No.3093045
File: 201 KB, 600x700, 1248580352176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then just accept magic then! You've already stopped thinking, haven't yooooou?

Or would you rather just give up and diiiiiiie!?

>> No.3093062

My penis always gets hard when i see that insane laugh/smile of hers. She is something like a loli/dominatrix, oh god, hot.

>> No.3093087

Don't give up yet, bro.

>> No.3093126
File: 124 KB, 255x480, battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's useless...

>> No.3093145

What's wrong? Too logic for you?

>> No.3093155

No, I think it's the other way around.

Alternate realities? Magic? What the hell is that?

>> No.3093168

The multiverse is a generally excepted concept in science today.

>> No.3093187
File: 148 KB, 800x600, 412c053761d3bbc90b277efda20fc734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? Are you going to try to deny magic once again with that twisted logic of yours? Go ahead! I'll cut down anything you say with the red text! There's nothing you can do except accept that magic exists in the end after all!

>> No.3093201

Fuck you guys I ran out of pictures

>> No.3093207

No it's not.
