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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 704x396, uminekoop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3080755 No.3080755 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just being better than the VN.

>> No.3080764


>> No.3080769


>> No.3080777


>> No.3080776

Both are mediocre.
The third game is the only one that could be considered good anyways.

>> No.3080770


>> No.3080772
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>> No.3080787
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>> No.3080794

The VN is god tier

>> No.3080796

Stop trolling so obviously.

>> No.3080823

I haven't been on /jp/ in awhile. Did you guys get over your honeymoon with Umineko and finally move on to acting like it's cool to hate it?

>> No.3080824

Umineko anime is the VN:
- Superfluous babbling
- eyerape art
+ Somewhat fixed character designs
+ Hot deep and mature voice for Beato

Y'all purist fags.

>> No.3080825


I am JUST realizing that something is horribly wrong with these people's teeth.

>> No.3080828

>+ Somewhat fixed character designs

Do you mean art? The designs in the VN are much better.

>> No.3080834



>> No.3080836
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Sure thing, Anon.

>> No.3080839

Not yet. I'm waiting for it though, it will be better than having Umineko threads covering over half of the front page.

>> No.3080847

-badass music tracks playing for an extended period.

srsly umineko soundtrack made the entire experience for me, nothing like listening to world end dominator for LOLMAGIC fight of the two Beatrice's.

>> No.3080851

ITT we realize that our personal views on certain subjects aren't always accepted as good by other people.

>> No.3080854


the newfags love Umineko. Give it some more time and everyone will hate the shit out of this mediocre game.

>> No.3080856

Guess I don't have much in common with the ADD infused fans of the anime. A lot of impact for some scenes was lost in the translation and could have been done WAY better.

>> No.3080859
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>> No.3080862

It's already been a year though.

>> No.3080864

Episode 1 in the game didn't have any impact.
What was animated in episode 2 was boring shit in the game too.

>> No.3080867


>> No.3080872

No, Umineko wasn't THAT popular when only the second or third games were translated.
It jumped in popularity in the last few months.

>> No.3080873

Tell me, when exactly did you start reading the series?

>> No.3080876
File: 99 KB, 247x248, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The designs in the VN are much better.

>> No.3080877

Yeah 'COUNTDOWN TO 3d translation patch OH GOOOOD' or 'WHY ARE WE TROLLED BEATRIIIICE' or 'FUCK YEAH ROSA' threads just skipped your radar I guess.

>> No.3080879

You can blame the old uminekofags for that, spamming Kinzo all over /jp/.

>> No.3080882

I'll agree that the third game is worth reading. However the rest of Umineko is shit.

Will Episode 5 be different? Doubtful, I am expecting more of the same bullshit. we'll see at comiket

>> No.3080890

Umineko has skyrocketed in popularity because of the anime, which brings faggots from /a/ over here, which makes /jp/ shittier.
Umineko isn't bad, but people will start to hate it once the 6 Umineko threads per page starts to get old.

>> No.3080889

How the fuck did you play the damn thing? With your speakers muted and vasline spread across your screen?

>> No.3080891

You know, I wonder why the fuck do you even continue if you consider 3/4s of it being shit.
This makes no sense.

>> No.3080892

Didn't wrote that it wasn't popular, just that it wasn't THAT popular, it was definitely more niche.

>> No.3080893

I thought /a/ has their own Umineko threads?

>> No.3080897
File: 104 KB, 824x644, 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it was released in Japanese, I used to make threads about it with some other anons.

>> No.3080898

Umineko got it's current number of threads theories after episode 4 was out.
The only difference from the spring threads is that we have additional 'compare to the anime' threads, but the ones about the VN itself are the same.

Fags who try to blame /a/ instead of /jp/ for the number of threads are delusional.

>> No.3080899

Not the same anon, but this is true. I was following the translation project since their first release and Umineko threads didn't start till about EP2 and grew from there. With the anime airing and summer vacation things have been getting pretty /a/-like.

>> No.3080900

Yes, instead of 5 maxed threads , we get 7.

>> No.3080905

They probably do, but some people got interested in playing the vn because of the anime, so they would come over here so they could talk about it.

>> No.3080906

I remembered the threads and followed them to read up on the then untranslated EPs.

>> No.3080908

Once Ep5 is translated there will be only threads about it on /jp/.
People who bitch now how bad it is will play it and discuss it with the other people here.
You can deny it all you want, but deep inside you know it to be the truth

>> No.3080910

These guys have MINIMAL influence.
Most threads are from /jp/ people who rediscuss things and our own slowpokes.

>> No.3080912

/a/ talks about the VN in their own board, /jp/ talks about it in theirs. It works fine.

>> No.3080914

You forget people spamming anime screencaps, vn screencaps, and blog updates about their progress reading the VN. Oh and there are more Angeburger threads and other lol so random threads. I'm not sure if they're started by people from /a/ or /jp/ but they've only gotten this bad in the last month or so.

>> No.3080916

True, most of the problem come from fags who love to repeat shit again and again.
Look at this thread
How many time did this shit get discussed before?
Too many to count, and they still aren't bored.

>> No.3080922

Again, they are a small part of Umineko threads.
Plus, there are obvious troll threads from people who just troll, regardless of the topic they choose.
Anyone who had no real problems the last 3-4 months should have no problem now either.

>> No.3080937

>Again, they are a small part of Umineko threads.
I have to disagree with that. They certainly outnumber theory threads (most of which aren't good either).

>> No.3080951
File: 43 KB, 375x257, 1249638641617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha.. ha

Episode 5 comes out in a week. /jp/ will be even more flooded than it was before

Enjoy your seacats

>> No.3080952

They do not.
Obvious trolls notwithstanding, which would just be ORT or BAWSON threads eitherway.
And most Umineko threads have the good habit of being almost maxed, instead of having too many of them.
This is our only saving grace compared to higher traffic boards.

>> No.3080955
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>> No.3080959


>> No.3080958

You say that like most of /jp/ understands Japanese.

>> No.3080961

The few who do will open a thread.
A spoilerfag will gather the info and repost it constantly.

>> No.3080963

5 minutes of Baldr Sky > an entire umineko game/episode

>> No.3080978

Though I'm not that interested in Umineko anymore, I'll probably make some threads about the game, that's what I did with the previous games anyways.
Since I'm nice I'll try not to spoil the biggest twists, or at least put them in a way that still make them surprising.
Of course that's provided that C76 doesn't have something else that grab me first.

>> No.3080991

Umineko popularity on /jp/

Before EP1 was released: 1
After EP1 was released: 5
After EP2 was released: 10
After EP1 was translated: 50
After EP3 was released: 100
After EP2 was translated: 300
After EP4 was released: 400
After EP3 was translated: 800
After EP4 was translated: 1000
After the anime started airing: 1200

>> No.3081012

Seems about right.

>> No.3081009

I agree, but it's not fair to compare a doujin game with a commercial title. The doujin will get blown away in all aspects

>> No.3081016

if umineko is doujin then why does it get professional soundtrack and official shitty anime

>> No.3081023

Why not?

>> No.3081045

>Umineko popularity on /jp/

>Before EP1 was released: 1
Ep 1 was released before /jp/ even existed

>> No.3081054

There were a few threads about it on /a/ though.

I remember making one talking about how much I liked the OP
