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3055954 No.3055954 [Reply] [Original]


>Final Fantasy XIV revolves around character growth. There will be no experience points or leveling system this time around, and a new system will come in to play. Square Enix wants to deliver an experience where new players have the freedom to try out any quest and many different things, growing naturally from their experiences. A deep story will be in tact in Final Fantasy XIV, including cut-scenes, but they're going beyond that by also delivering a wider variety of stories and quests. They want players to enjoy the process of character growth.

FFXIV: Mabinogi ripoff?

>> No.3055961

Still seems too vague.

>> No.3055960

tl;dr New levelling system similar to Oblivion's! Your environment goes up in level with you now~

>> No.3055962

Dude everything and anything is a fucking rip-off nowadays. Originality is a thing of the past

>> No.3055964

Final Fantasy XI/v/

>> No.3055966

They tried this once. It was called Final Fantasy II for the Famicom. Worst system of any FF ever.

>> No.3055972
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>A deep story
>Fable: Japanese edition

>> No.3055974

Final Fantasy started sucking after it switched to 3D, what else is new?

>> No.3055981

At least in Fable, you could hit on little girls and they would react to it.

>> No.3055983

Wait what?

>> No.3055984

Uhh... Isn't this more like .hacks leveling? Leveling in that game was just for show skills or whatever is what you needed to increase.

>> No.3055998

Yes, Mabinogi invented skill based systems.

>> No.3055999

Reported for non-NEET MMO.

>> No.3056003

So it's going to be total shit, like FFX's Grid Sphere, right?

The Enix merge completely fucked up FF, the last decent FF game was IX.

>> No.3056002 [DELETED] 

Nah, it was pretty much battle dependent with clear EXP rewards, and the Skill factor.

>> No.3056022

FFX came before the merger bro, and 12 is better than 10, so...

>> No.3056036

Sounds like FFII or FFVIII Online.

>> No.3056037

12 = 11

>> No.3056039

At best, they are both the same shit.
But FFXII can only be better than FX-2.
That's it.
Anything else makes no sense.

>> No.3056050

Incorrect, 12 is significantly better than 10. Hell, it's probably better than some of the pre-10 games also.

>> No.3056064

And 10 does? Hell, 12s entire cast is more interesting than any of the characters in 10.

>> No.3056060

It barely qualifies as a game.
It doesn't even have anything resembling proper leads.

>> No.3056061

10 was pretty bad, but 12 was horrible. Easily the worst combat system in any (single player) RPG I have ever played. IT'S LIKE I'M REALLY PLAYING A MMORPG.

Worst than 10, and I hated 10.

Squenix keeps wanting to apply MMORPG logic to FF and it's fucking terrible.

Just give me a stupid game with stupid regular leveling and stop trying to "innovate." If you want to create CREATIVE INNOVATIVE BREAKTHROUGHS, please use other franchises.

>> No.3056065

man i hope the economy is not bad as in FF11

>> No.3056074

Yeah, because 12 was a whole lot different than navigating through menus and pressin x repeatedly, oh wait

>> No.3056077

I absoulety hated 12.
Most boring story I ever had to witness, I liked the battle system a bit, it was refreshing from the usual slow turn based.

But come on, FFX is better then FFXII ANY day.

>> No.3056079

It seems like they made the Dragon Quest series be their actual RPG line and Final Fantasy be gimmicky shit that sells well in the west.

>> No.3056083

They are bad, but their role in their story is obvious and their development, as bad as it is, plays a role.
Bad characters> moving characters with barely any distinguishing traits.
FFXII is along with X-2 the only FF I could not even finish in my highest boredom.
I could not even play long enough to encounter Gilgamesh.

>> No.3056086

forgot to mention that FF12's graphics were complete and utter shit. it hurts just looking at it. looks all grainy and ugly.

>> No.3056092


More NM drop items like Kotes please, so it can be overrun by chinks 24/7.

>> No.3056098

Yes good job, they play a role in the worst plot Square has ever shat out. Congratulations.

>> No.3056095

x is for cancel bro

>> No.3056104

I did not say it's a good game, just more bearable than XII.

>> No.3056105

Take off your fucking nostalgia glasses. FF IX fucking sucked. Zidane sucked. Kuja sucked. Square fucking sucks.

Final Fantasy has been going downhill since VII and I can't believe it hasn't hit bottom yet, but faggots still continue to play them.

>> No.3056107

>x ... cancel
Cool story bro

>> No.3056112

But that would suggest VII is good, which it isn't.

>> No.3056121

You can't use the term nostalgia goggles for games that just came out recently.

>> No.3056126

Fuck customization and stick the "open world" up in you asshole. I play JRPGs for the grind, the moe and the cookie cutter builds.

>> No.3056128

>A deep story will be in tact in Final Fantasy XIV

Am I the only one that laughed when saw this?

>> No.3056134

You're thinking of corea, plenty of that there.

>> No.3056133
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>> No.3056129

Can I just get UO with graphic of this generation? Fuck this carebear, grinding shit. I want actual pvp, actual penalties and a real profession/class system. The only game that ever came close to UO was the original Dransik.

>> No.3056137

I think he means VII was the catalyst that began the sucking.

>> No.3056144


FF is exactly for innovation.

>> No.3056142

Not trolling bro, but feel free to keep telling yourself that's not true, whatever lets you sleep at night.

>> No.3056147

Rule 3: Don't use smilies - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. We are all heartless bastards who don't want to see what kind of faces you make IRL while posting (This also applies to reaction images, if you want to post them so badly go to /a/ or /v/) Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

>> No.3056148

Hahahaha, keep on dreaming. That shit doesn't generate cash.

>> No.3056166
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Hey /jp/, will you play as a wizard in Diablo 3?

>> No.3056177

VIII was decent because it introduces us an infinite time loop that can only be stopped if Squall kills Rinoa but he will not, making everything keep going.
Meaning Squall will keep doing everything forever. Will he care?
He would just say Whatever.

>> No.3056180

Diablo 3? More like WoW2 with less people to play with.

>> No.3056182

FF IX came out a decade ago.

It won't happen. I loved pre UO:R to death, but people have choices now and won't play the victim game anymore. They'll move on to fag shit like Everquest.

>> No.3056190

Diablo? I liked hack and slash games better when they were called roguelikes.

>> No.3056202

>Zidane sucked. Kuja sucked.
Yes. Yes.
>FF IX fucking sucked.

It was a rather good RPG with a classic FF feel. It just happened to have a shitty main character with a shitty main villain. The rest was all very good.

>> No.3056207

If it didn't come out in the 80's or early 90's, it's not nostalgia. You only feel nostalgia for things from your childhood, certainly not from something this century.

>> No.3056210


Will I be able to shoot a holy bolt and be able to kill everyone else in the game like diablo 1?

>> No.3056219

Scratch out century, I meant millennium.

>> No.3056234

The only FF game I've played is tactics. They should make more of those.

>> No.3056236

You and I know most of the people on here are 16-21. 10 years for that is nostalgia age.

>> No.3056249

People still care about Final Fantasy?

Not counting retarded weeaboos, of course.

>> No.3056250


Those must be the people from /a/.

>> No.3056260

People mid 20s and above are the minority on this board, its just a sad truth.

>> No.3056263

>retarded weeaboos
oh u

>> No.3056298

I'm 24 neet.

>> No.3056358

itt fags who hate final fantasy because it's popular

>> No.3056372
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I guess I'm the only one that's excited for FF14 then. I absolutely loved FFXI. It was the best time I ever had playing an MMO and made many friends I still keep in contact with to this day. I never had that same connection with people of different MMOs.

I'll be buying it the day it comes out and I think my old HNMLS might get back together to play it together.

>> No.3056402
File: 68 KB, 624x852, ramza_beoulve_-_FFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right they should.

>> No.3056422

/v/ - children.

>> No.3058318

My faith in SE is at the bottom after having played several of their titles. VI was the last good one, before they started to think chocobos were more important content than quests.

I just can't take more of "Oh you want the ultimate weapon? Then you have to win a match of mahjong against me!". I'm playing an RPG, not the crappy mini-game arcade machine at the local mall.

>> No.3058342
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>game has no EXP of leveling system, instead something different
>durrrhurrrrr eeeenf is that like oblivion or final fantasy two I'm gay
>not even a single mention of Ultima Online

>> No.3058350

How could they screw up the Mithras? Seriously!

>> No.3058359

They tried that. It is called Darkfall and it is complete and utter shit.

ff7 was good but overrated. ff8 was perfect. ff9 was good but got overrated by nostalgiafags. ff10 was ok. ff10-2 was shit. ff12 was good except shitastic cast

>> No.3058379

>ff8 was perfect

What the fuck? FF8 is the most horrible piece of shit since FF2. Its mechanics make absolutely no fucking sense and its plot is just random illogical shit happening.

>> No.3058398

Now that you mention it, I think I'd feel more compelled to play a Final Fantasy Tactics MMO than FFXIV.

They're claiming innovation but it feels like it's going to be a 'same crap, different package' affair. Like xp grinding will be replaced with 'insert innovative system here' grinding.

>> No.3058409


Exactly. It's not progress to replace the advancement system with a different one. At least grinding for experience makes some amount of sense, unlike most of the replacements they have tried.

>> No.3058953

Please, go back to /v/.

>> No.3060229

Don't care. FF is shit. Always have been.

Ultima 4 on the NES is the best version

>> No.3060268

Ugh. They just don't get it do they? They just keep changing the the system, never trying to actually refine what's gone before. I don't think I've played a final fantasy that has a truly great battle system. 10 was OK, then they completely changed it for 10-2, which was absolute shit. This is the goddamn core of the game we're talking about, just randomly changing it every game is not a good idea. It leads to abominations like 8.

>> No.3060281

This is still here?

>> No.3060373

The only Final Fantasy game I enjoyed was FF4. FF7 and FF10 were mediocre and FF12 was a complete waste of money complete with shitty backwards camera controls that you couldn't change. I never even bothered with 8,9, or 11 and I doubt I'll ever pay for another one.
