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File: 82 KB, 800x600, slut with slutfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3049430 No.3049430 [Reply] [Original]

You have one chance to satisfy this slut. If you fail, you die.

Could you do it?

>> No.3049433

There's no satisfying that.

>> No.3049436

Why would I want to dirty myself, for a slut like her?

>> No.3049437

Could I? Maybe. Would I? No.

>> No.3049439

I'd ask Berserker to do it. Problem solved.

>> No.3049441

Not enough Hawking radiation in the universe to dissipate that black hole.

>> No.3049446

"Come drop your golf pencil into our mine shaft!"

>> No.3049451

Refusal is just the easiest means of failure.

Enjoy your death.

>> No.3049465

Don't think of it as dirtying yourself, but purifying her.

>> No.3049468

Why would I want to purify a slut like her?

>> No.3049471

No way. Don't you remember what happened to Berserker?

You don't want to end up like that.

>> No.3049474

Satisfy her?
How hard could that be? How much can she even eat?

>> No.3049479

I take her to a really good movie.

>> No.3049506

She can consume a lot of liquid, that's for sure.

>> No.3049512


These Anonymous raise a good point. It doesn't have be done sexually, does it?

No need to dirty oneself.

>> No.3049518

Being in her presence is enough to dirty oneself, Anon.

>> No.3049529

Satisfy her how? I could always get Rance to satisfy her for me if it really comes down to it.

>> No.3049531

If you don't satisfy her sexually, she's gonna eat you.

>> No.3049544


I have unlimited stamina. I'll outlast her and then run away when she passes out from exhaustion.

>> No.3049547
File: 52 KB, 329x450, awesomelancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Lancer.

Lancer would fuck almost anything with tits and his Gae Bolg always hits the heart.

Sakura wouldn't have a chance.

>> No.3049553

But she'll cry if you leave like that. It will upset her and she won't consider herself satisfied.

>> No.3049557

But why would I want to dirty a true bro like Cu Chulainn?

>> No.3049561

>she's gonna eat you
Is that an innuendo?

>> No.3049569

Can she keep up with me?

>> No.3049573

No. She'll seriously eat you.

>> No.3049588
File: 76 KB, 800x567, lancer5..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Cu Chulainn is even more of a slut than Sakura could ever dream of being, that's why. He enjoys dark women. Hello Sachach and her rival.

>> No.3049597

>More of a slut than a woman
That's impossible bro.

>> No.3049598

It's a death sentence.

>> No.3049603

Men can't be sluts, bro.

>> No.3049605

Get to /r9k/ with the rest of your frat buddies.

>> No.3049609
File: 317 KB, 1180x944, twosluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rider appears. You must satisfy both women consecutively. If you ejaculate, you lose and die.

>> No.3049612


Even if I die it's worth it

>> No.3049614

Why would I want to dirty myself to satisfy two sluts, bro?

>> No.3049621

Why don't these challenges ever involve like Caster or Ilya or both of them at the same time while Lancer fucks your ass?

>> No.3049632

same here.

>> No.3049637

Because that's something you would want to do.

>> No.3049640

Sounds pretty gay, bro.

>> No.3049644

Or one with Lancer and Gil?

>> No.3049667

Sounds really gay, bro.

>> No.3049676

Why don't these challenges ever involve Lancer fucking you in the ass while Ilya laughs at you while giving you a footjob and threatens to cut your balls off if you ejaculate?

>> No.3049683

Because that's pretty close to the epitome of gay.

>> No.3049688

Ilya giving you a footjob might be worth the sodomy, though.

>> No.3049694

Now just add Gil in there. He could be forcing you to give him a blowjob.

>> No.3049695

[x] Start over and do UBW instead of this shitty route with endless bad ends.

>> No.3049704

Why don't these challenges ever involve Lancer and Archer spitroasting you while Ilya, Rider and Rin leave you a letter where they say if they were present they'd be laughing at you?

>> No.3049705


I quit smoking weed for the rest of my life just to have sex with Sakura

>> No.3049711

I see, you prefer the woman who you have no chance of pleasing at all.

>> No.3049729


Even if I fail, I would surely die and go to Valhalla, having died during valiant combat against her insatiable vagina with my swollen Excalibur

>> No.3049730

Better than a filthy whore.

>> No.3049745

Valhalla wouldn't accept a tainted man like you. Enjoy your hell.

>> No.3049747

Where the fuck is my Ilya route?

>> No.3049753

Mixed in with filthy whore route.

>> No.3049755

You'll never get one.

>> No.3049756


>> No.3049761

Pure women can turn into filthy whores.

Filthy whores can't get any worse than they already are.

>> No.3049762


You never survive long enough

>> No.3049765

Ah, but it is better to enjoy something, if only briefly than it is to never know the feeling of that joy.

>> No.3049769

If Shirou can UBW why the fuck can't I do something as great?

>> No.3049772

I once masturbated non-stop for 2 hours.

orgasm'd 9 times.

I will jack-hammer

>> No.3049773
File: 44 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you really want to turn Rin into a filthy whore, though?

Just look what she would turn into. A disgusting woman with a mouthful of your seed mixed with her saliva.

>> No.3049775


Cute is... stronger

>> No.3049780

sugoi monogatari, aniki.

>> No.3049789

Corrupted Rin is still infinitely superior to Sakura. And because of that, I can accept her being a slut as long as she's my slut. Also as long as she kills that sister of hers.

>> No.3049794


>> No.3049811

She's not your slut. A slut belongs to the people.

>> No.3049819


Socialism in sexuality?

>> No.3049831

Embrace her and tell her that I love her no matter what happens. That's how you satisfy Sakura.

>> No.3049835

She knows you're lying.

>> No.3049836

Its okay I have two very skilled hands.

Thankfully a 3rd slut has not shown up as I'm kinda weak on the lingus.

>> No.3049838

Comrade, have you finished with whore yet?

>> No.3049840

Promise her a definition
Tell her where the rain will fall
Tell her when the sun shines bright
and tell her she can have it all

I love this song.

>> No.3049844
File: 251 KB, 868x843, vacationingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but they are on vacation now, comrade.

>> No.3049845

What? Comrade, we must report whores to whorehouse overseer. These whores are abandoning their duty to glorious motherland!

>> No.3049849
File: 65 KB, 800x600, semencoloredhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third slut appears.

>> No.3049872

she'd be covered in pools of her own blood in my presence, not worried.

>> No.3049889

Awesome, lubrication for everyone!

>> No.3049898



>> No.3049911
File: 333 KB, 1152x864, pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many sluts need to appear before you'll put your penis in one?

>> No.3049912

blood gets sticky after a minute or two.

>> No.3049914


We'll give her blood thinners beforehand.

>> No.3049923

A summer ferstival huh?

>> No.3049924

Good thing she'll be constantly leaking fresh blood.

>> No.3049941

A festival of sluts

>> No.3049959

Maybe 4 or 5. really depends on the mood and if my spine wants to flare with pain during the act.

also tidal wave of type moon girls throwing themselves at me would probably make me faint in disbelief, like I did when I learned the manatee was a real animal.

damn you're right those anime character types have an infinite amount of the stuff to spurt over everything. I

>> No.3049978


I've only had sex once, but it lasted for 9 hours because I smoke so much weed orgasming was impossible and it became both torture and pleasure. I am ready for Sakura.

>> No.3049990

So which one would you put it in?

>> No.3050001

Iiya. Rin is a close second.

>> No.3050009

You like the tight ones, I see.

Good man.

>> No.3050014

in the act probably wouldn't matter and you would no doubt be going more than once.
I would try to avoid Sakura's though. It eats people and vore isn't a fetish of mine.

>> No.3050029

I'd savor Rin's body for as long as possible. Maybe the other girls would get bored and start fucking themselves.

>> No.3050036

I would take her to a brothel and leave her there till she dies. That would satisfy her.

>> No.3050051

She wouldn't be accepted.

Too slutty.

>> No.3050066

I would disagree. Enjoying sex does not make you a slut, if you are monogamous. And in Rin's arcs, she certainly is.

Personally, I'd go for Saber first. Then Rin would join in.

You could do the same for Rider/Sakura, but then you'd have Sakura in the mix, and that's dangerous.

>> No.3050078
File: 397 KB, 1501x2340, vintage sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New challenge: pick a classic slut. Saber, Rin, Sakura excluded.

>> No.3050086


>> No.3050089
File: 406 KB, 800x1150, Mougen tasha_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i had Excalibur, i would purify the black erotical hole for sure. After all, is a promised victory

>> No.3050090

Your choices are in the picture.

>> No.3050091

green swimsuit.

>> No.3050094

umm shit making bad choices isn't my strong suit.

>> No.3050108

Sakura emerged from her vagina.

Enjoy fucking the place where sluts are made.

>> No.3050135

She sucked his dick. A monogamous slut is still a slut.

>> No.3050139

Yeah, oral sex doesn't make you a slut. What the fuck kind of standards is that?

>> No.3050141
File: 383 KB, 1480x2340, fatezero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hisau, of course.

>> No.3050157


Why don't these challenges ever involve Boy Saber?

>> No.3050158

She does have the most experience.

>> No.3050159

Yes it does. What sort of personal gratification does sucking a dick give you unless you're a horny slut

>> No.3050161

The one in the white swimsuit to the left looks delicious.

>> No.3050175
File: 453 KB, 1888x2925, sola lancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3050183
File: 58 KB, 800x600, yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't just blow him, she 69'd with him. That's like twice as slutty.

>> No.3050188

Ah, but the most important factor in making Sakura a slut didn't come from her. e.g. Zouken, Penis-Worms, Shinji.

>> No.3050194

But she inherited some slut genes. After all, her mom got cummed inside twice, at the very least.

>> No.3050204

Monogamous a slut does not make.

>> No.3050206

she's doing something sexual with her boyfriend; how is that slutty?

>> No.3050210

She's doing something with Sakura's boyfriend.

>> No.3050211


I love her slutty pajamas.

>> No.3050214

That side story assumes Shirou and Rin are lovers.

>> No.3050215
File: 197 KB, 223x559, 凛パジャマ_髪下ろし02h頬(中).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her pajamas are moe

>> No.3050216

The definition of slut has apparently been corrupted beyond repair in your cases.

slut (slŭt)
1. A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.

1. characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, esp. having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis.

So yeah, enjoying sex, being kinky in the bedroom doesn't make you a slut.

Sleeping around does. Using your sexuality to get attention does. But I don't think we can accuse Rin of that.

>> No.3050224

Rin wears a miniskirt.

God damn slutty mcstrumpet whore slutttttttt

>> No.3050248

So she's not a slut. Just a nympho.

>> No.3050323

The stockings negate the sluttiness of the miniskirt.

>> No.3050347

Pajama Rin's cuteness is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.3050414

When was this became a meme again

>> No.3050484

Zettai ryouiki.

>> No.3050497

Zettai ryouiki is not slutty.

>> No.3050514

impossible to be satisfied, enjoy being eated

>> No.3050522

eated = eaten

>> No.3050528

If we combine our efforts, we might be able to satisfy her.

>> No.3050543

>you fail, you die
I remember this scene from Sword of Vengeance
good movie

Can you do it, Anonymous? Can you walk the path of demons?
