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3037525 No.3037525 [Reply] [Original]

Who is Battler's real mother?

Remember that both Ange and Battler both have red hair, yet Rudolph doesn't.

I think that Battler is Kyrie's miscarriaged son, who didn't actually die. He was raised in a secret medical facility on the island.

>> No.3037543


Then where the fuck did the red hair come from?

I think Kyrie's "miscarriaged" son is Akamuza Juuza (silver hair) (whether or not he is the "Real" Battler is up for debate)

Additionally I think Battler and Ange are both born from someone who is neither Asumu or Kyrie, which is where the red hair comes from.

>> No.3037541

Isn't Battler supposed to look like Kinzo when he was young?

>> No.3037552

It wasn't actually a miscarriage. Both babies were Ushiromiya, and it was assumed that the first name of Kyrie was a mistake, so when the other Battler died, since "battler's mom" was Ushiromiya and married to Rudolph, the quickly resolved the mistake, and gave Battler to her. The hospital thought they were resolving a mistake by giving the Ushiromiya family the Ushiromiya baby, even when it was really Kyrie's.

>> No.3037554

Oh god, i want Battlers shoes.

>> No.3037555

Kyrie is his real mother, I've brought this up before.

Asumu was a weak person, how could a weak person give birth to a baby boy?

How could Kyrie have miscarried the first time but not the second time?

Asumu miscarried and Rudolph panicked and made the decision of taking Kyrie's healthy boy and putting it in place of Asumu's still born so that he could still have a chance at the inheritance.

>> No.3037559

was it mentioned whether Kyrie's miscarriaged son's father was Rudolf or not?

>> No.3037562

Hair colour doesn't work that way. I have red hair but neither of my parents do.

>> No.3037568

I think you've got the order of events a bit wrong there.

The way Kyrie talked about it seemed to imply that Rudolf hadn't married either yet, and that had the situation been reversed she would have been the one to marry him.

>> No.3037571

>>How could Kyrie have miscarried the first time but not the second time?
Are you saying this doesn't happen in real life?

>> No.3037578

It was, Kyrie said it herself in episode 3.

She and Rudolph were a couple before Rudolph married Asumu. Asumu got herself pregnant so she could marry into the family, by coincidence Kirie was also pregnant with Rudolph's son, but Rudolph had already married Asumu by the time Kirie found out.

>> No.3037588

Red hair is recessive.

two brown haired people can have a child with red hair.

if you don't want a child with red hair...marry an asian woman.

and this leads to my next point.
they are all of asian bloodline, hair is merely a factor of character design.

you also forget Maria has red hair

>> No.3037593

Kyrie doesn't have red hair. Your theory is just in the air.
in b4 Ange isn't Kyrie's daughter either.

>> No.3037592

No, take a look at the character types, a strong woman in an anime or manga series isn't likely to miscarry, a weaker, sickly woman would.

Asumu had always had health problems, even before Battler had been born. So if you follow traditional archetypes Asumu is the character most likely to have miscarried.

>> No.3037598


>in b4

You're way too slow.


>Additionally I think Battler and Ange are both born from someone who is neither Asumu or Kyrie, which is where the red hair comes from.

>> No.3037613

A strong person can have a miscarriage and a weak person can give birth. There is nothing wrong with this. If you want to base your argument on anime and manga character types, then I don't think it's a very sound argument.

>> No.3037630

watch more anime, seriously, even Riyukishi is pointing these points out in the VN itself. Go read it again.

>> No.3037645

I don't even know what you're trying to say. That it's impossible for Kyrie to have miscarried at one point, and give birth successfully some years later? And that to realise this, I should go watch more anime? That sounds ridiculous.

>> No.3037653

Yep that's exactly what I'm saying. You sure are smart.

>> No.3037668

You people need to read the wikipedia article on miscarriage.

Women who have a miscarriage with their first pregnancy have MUCH MUCH lower chances to have miscarriages with each pregnancy after that.

>> No.3037678

He reminds Beato of Kinzo when he was young, but I think that was more in his behavior than actual physical appearance.

>> No.3037693 [SPOILER] 
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Rudolf needed a son for get Kinzo's fortune.
Asumu miscarried, Kyrie had the baby.Rudolf paid the doctors for make it all "Battler is Asumu's son and Kyrie had a miscarriage".
When Asumu died, Rudolf finally went with Kyrie as "Sorry Envy Queen....want another child?" and Ange happens.

>> No.3037704

Regardless of whatever anime trope you're trying to invoke here, what you're saying makes no goddamn sense.
You idiot.

>> No.3037712

If that were the case, why would he need to pay the doctors to do that? Couldn't he have just stayed with Kyrie instead?

>> No.3037741

Family reputation

Is like Kinzo went angry with Rosa because 1)Had Maria with a supposed nobody guy and 2)She named her daughter.

>> No.3037746

Yea but Kyrie isn't a nobody right? And he could've just married her instead of Asumu.

>> No.3037765

What about the "It was from Ushiromiya Asumu that Ushiromiya Battler was born" in red?

>> No.3037767

We know nothing of Asumu, there is no guarantee she came from a prestigious family.

Kyrie, on the other hand, did.

>> No.3037767,1 [INTERNAL] 

Keyword there is "did". She threw away that family to be with Rudolf.

>> No.3037957
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Beatrice as much as admitted that Battler's mother is her toy. This narrows down the list of subjects a lot. Unless it's one of the other parents, I'm betting on Kyrie.

>> No.3037961


>> No.3038032

There can have been 2 babies called Ushiromiya Battler. Asumu has a baby which dies in a miscarriage, but they had already decided on naming him Battler, so they do so. Kyrie has hier baby, which for some weird reason is instead taken up by Rudolf and Asumu to raise. They name the baby Battler to perfect the illusion of it being Asumu's baby.

>> No.3038033

Battler's mother and father are K1 and Rena

>> No.3038037

Umineko - 1986
Higurashi - 1983

>> No.3038042

I think you mean K1 and Mion, don't you?

>> No.3038049

meta K1 and meta Rena

>> No.3038059
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I wish Kyrie was my toy.

>> No.3038068

Wouldn't be the first time that Ryukishi07 pulled shit out of his ass to let things make sense.

>> No.3038070


Non-fat Ange is bonerific.

>> No.3038081
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Battler thinks so, too.

>> No.3038087

Haven't you contemplated the possibility Ange has red hair so that the players could easily related her to Battler?

I think you guys are looking too much into this.

>> No.3038106

Maybe Ange dies her hair.

>> No.3038123

>Maybe Ange dies her hair

only one way to find out

>> No.3038130

>Maybe Ange dies her hair.
>Maybe Ange dies
>Ange dies

you got part of it right
