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3029595 No.3029595 [Reply] [Original]

Past week sales, according to MangaGamer
1.) Edelweiss
2.) KiraKira
3.) Which girl should I choose?
4.) Shera, My Witch
5.) Suika A.S+

>> No.3029615

1.) Edelweiss

What the fuck?

>> No.3029611
File: 17 KB, 375x361, what (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.) Edelweiss
You best be joking, nigger.

>> No.3029617

Why would people buy Edelweiss?

>> No.3029618

Edelweiss in front? Looks like something changed.

Too bad for Da Capo, falling off the top 5 entirely. At least Circus still has one representative.

>> No.3029630

> Why would people buy Edelweiss?

This thought process

This website looks interesting, why don't I try KiraKira.
This is fuckwin
Edelweiss is also from OVERDRIVE and is only 25 euros? Why don't I buy that as well.

>> No.3029633

Why would anyone pay for engrish translations?

Even fantranslation groups do better than that.
Shame on you, MG. Shame on you.

>> No.3029634

>Too bad for Da Capo, falling off the top 5 entirely. At least Circus still has one representative.

I think the 50 euro price isn't all that attractive, and that is why the cheaper OVERDRIVE stuff has done much better, and why Shuffle got a price cut.

>> No.3029640

>Why would anyone pay for engrish translations?

MangaGamer have gave us 7 (would be 9 if not removed) translated games this past year that we wouldn't have otherwise. I would like to see this continue.

>> No.3029645

Where does in this train thought include 'Let me check if Edelweiss is even worse than Kira Kira's translation, which may have been readable but had problems'?

>> No.3029655

Outside of the small group here, most people don't know about the Edelweiss problems, so they don't even think about it. Also, remember that they have fixed many of the Edelweiss problems, not that you purchased it and got the patch.

>> No.3029656

Just saying they should at least hire someone to proofread their shit instead of going through the trouble of releasing patches later on.

>> No.3029663

>Just saying they should at least hire someone to proofread their shit instead of going through the trouble of releasing patches later on.

What does that have to do with Edelweiss selling well now?

>> No.3029665

>1.) Edelweiss

What is this, i don't even

>> No.3029669

The Kira Kira release wasn't much worse than the Family Project release.

>> No.3029670

Is the fixed Edelweiss translation leak out yet?
I have yet to play it.

>> No.3029675

I'm implying the chart is a pretty big hoax.

>> No.3029682

If it was fixed, the Circus stuff wouldn't be 5th and out of the top 5.

>> No.3029691

Okay, hold on just one second and I will get it for you. wwwwwww

>> No.3029693

Past week sales refers to total count as modified till last week, or what was sold just last week?
Cause that could mean Edelweiss happened to sell 3 copies, while the rest sold 1.

>> No.3029699

>I'm implying the chart is a pretty big hoax.

Not one of your points have been fair to current day MangaGamer, you are just trying to find some fault, please just shut the fuck up or make a valid point.

>> No.3029714

Why do you cry?

>> No.3029745

From August 15th until Higurashi is released
1.) Shuffle

>> No.3029826

Past week sales, according to MangaGamer
1.) Edelweiss
2.) KiraKira

This is a good sign for those who want the fandiscs.

>> No.3029834

>From August 15th until and after Higurashi is released
>1.) Shuffle

>> No.3029921

Didn't MangaGamer pick up/license Higurashi?
I'm not sure if this is good or not.

>> No.3029937

Yes. And it is good.

Twins did great job, but it would've taken them until 2014 to release all of it. With MangaGamer we'll get all of it by 2010 at worst. Also, according to one of the editors they appearently got twins to work on quality checking or something.

>> No.3029946

Personally, I couldn't stand Edelweiss. That guy was way past Shiro's level of retardation.

>> No.3029960

I don't recall thinking that at all. Mind providing some examples?

>> No.3030042

Every moment of the game from the start to finish. Let's ignore the gay horseplay on the boat as humor and instead focus the minute they step off the island and decide to fuck themselves over by running around pointlessly. They even realize that they'll probably get screwed over badly in the end and do it anyway with pretty weak ass reasoning. I guess the only saving grace is that this isn't life or death despite the fact that they act like it.

Right afterwards, the whole mistaken mermaid scene... what? It just snowballs from there. Outside of plain stupid, some of the scenes were additionally obvious. An example of that combination would probably be the flowers as presents part. The guy has less of a common sense than, "People die when they are killed" and even if he did, it's in one ear and out the other.

Yes, I liked Kira Kira. I also liked FSN. I didn't like Edelweiss despite wanting to like it. Only caveat may be that I didn't finish all the routes so maybe there is one fuck awesome route in there that I didn't play.

>> No.3030225

Best route was black haired pseudo-loli route.

>> No.3030285

ok, someone bought shera, so now wheres my torrent?

>> No.3030292

Hold on I will get right on it. wwwwww

>> No.3030302

is he stupider than the guy from kirakira? cause that guy is really pissing me off with his ignorance

>> No.3030313

Not the guy you were replying to, but yes. He's a total idiot.

And I even liked Edelweiss.

>> No.3030319

Well, I thought the Edelweiss protagonist was pretty good in Mizuki's route.

I guess I didn't mind the faults you pointed out since the trunk/common route was much more comedic, so I wouldn't view it seriously.

>> No.3030320

man, why do vns always have such terrible main charaters

>> No.3030331

god i locved her deadpan voice

>> No.3030328

You could have wanted the standard Mary Sue protagonist who despite being an average teenager can say lots and lots of metaphors with lots of references to literatures and others that even a college graduate could never know but the main protagonist is really just your average japanese high schooler and his view of the world and narration as a whole reflect that.
That's one of the reason I liked Kira Kira, pretty refreshing compared to most other VNs.

>> No.3030335

Can't wair for Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia where you get to fuck Rin and Sakura

>> No.3030352

How would you know what a typical college graduate knows?

>> No.3030351

Normal end was the best end, going from gaybar to manly speech at end.
"You don't become a man by putting your dick in a hole." Best line in whole game.

>> No.3030361


Maybe he is a typical college graduate.

>> No.3030380

>typical college graduate
>on /jp/


>> No.3030410

If he's a college graduate, he needs to get out of /jp/. Pseudo-intellectual wage slaves who spend four years of their lives drinking, picking up sluts and behaving like conceited, epicurean douchebags aren't welcome here.

>> No.3030411

THe pixels man, the pixels, it should be obvious

>> No.3030423

I went to college, but I never picked up any sluts
can I stay?

>> No.3030430

What part of "not employed, in education or in training" do you not understand?

>> No.3030469


this whole "/jp/ = NEETS ONLY" trolling is getting really old.

You can be an antisocial recluse who engages in /jp/-related activities on one's free time while still going to classes or working; just avoiding interaction with people unless required

>> No.3030538

It isn't trolling, and if you don't like it, then you should get out. Unlike you, not everyone is a slave brainwashed by the hollow social mores of normalfaggotry. Have fun wasting your life doing things you don't like, with people you don't like for money which you don't have time to use anyway.

>> No.3030582

Not everyone is a slave brainwashed by shitty commercial products from Japan.

>> No.3030637

So he could've easily gone to college and currently not be working.

But, I too hate the "/jp/ = NEET" thing. I live alone so I need to work so I have money for everything.

>> No.3030649

>assuming everyone who works hates their job.
haha, oh wow.

>> No.3030656

Thanks for showing your true colors, normalfaggot.

Newsflash: If you don't respect those who love 2d and hate 3d, masturbate onto figs and play eroge like true /jp/ anons, you aren't welcome here. Enjoy your STDs.

>> No.3030660

>4.) Shera, My Witch
torrent where

>> No.3030662

No where

>> No.3030667

If it was something you enjoy doing, it would be called a hobby.

>> No.3030679

trying way too hard

>> No.3030680

Not a hobby if you're paid.

Some people genuinely enjoy their jobs.

>> No.3030688

I agree with this anon. /jp/ isn't just NEETs, there's antisocial people who spend their free time dabbling in /jp/ activities. I'm currently between the two, living as a freeter debating whether going back to school is worth it.

Then there are the normalfags, who have a social life and don't belong here at all.

>> No.3030691

>Not a hobby if you're paid.

At which point it stops being enjoyable.

>> No.3030698

What do you need to be employed? A job interview. What do you need for that? A social life.

>> No.3030701

Define "social life". I have plenty of good friends and hang out with them on a regular basis. I also go to college.

Of course, I'm still a virgin and I enjoy VNs/Touhou/etc. Haven't spent any money on figurines or any of that shit though.

>> No.3030706

Feigning social skills is much easier than it seems, bro.

>> No.3030708

Oh come on, now you're being ridiculous.

>> No.3030711

You only think like that because you have enough money to go by withouth working. Im a teacehr and i enjoy my job, and the money it gives me allows me to spend on my hobbies

>> No.3030714

You are about as normal and socially acceptable as they come. You'll likely have sex in a few years. Enjoy your parties and drinking.

>> No.3030722

Why do you guys always fall for the "NEET is legion" troll?

>> No.3030730

You don't need a social life to feign social skills. And i work for my dad. I hardly see him cuz he owns the place and i always feel this "son i am dissapoint" vibe when i'm around him.

>> No.3030747

Sadly, there are no trolls on /jp/.

>> No.3030758

>"son i am dissapoint"
I can see why he would be disappointed, alright.

Take it easy, everyone. No need to derail this thread any further.

>> No.3030759

Not quite. I hate parties/drinking in general, and I still go out of my way to avoid strangers.

>> No.3030789

Why do people use the term NEET here when they really mean loser?

>> No.3030792

Because they're idiots. And by "they", I mean the same guy every single time.

>> No.3030798

Because both terms have a different meaning.

Do your homework, David.

>> No.3031208

Sure are a lot of normalfags in this thread. Oh, I should pay more attention to the time.
