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2994959 No.2994959 [Reply] [Original]

If the TV series cannot top this I will be very disappointed.


>> No.2994989

Alright, that was pretty fucking cool.

>> No.2995000
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>> No.2995001

You actually think Studio DEEN could come close to topping this? Their fights track record is not so good and Chiaki Kon is an awful director.

>> No.2995013

The scene will work if DEEN keeps it similar to that. There doesn't even have to be much movement.

>> No.2995017

That was better than soundholic's touhou thing at least.

>> No.2995046
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>> No.2995077
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Mio, Yui and Ui

>> No.2995085

Seven stakes? More like the light music club

>> No.2995094
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>> No.2995106

They might as well just outsource to another studio to do just that scene.

>> No.2995137

It wouldn't surprise me if Jessica played some k-on! song instead of silver forest in the school festival scene.

>> No.2995138

I'd be really disappointed if they don't make the magi circles or summons FUCKING AWESOME.

>> No.2995141

no it's in the credits, it'll be there

>> No.2995152

Jessica sings the ED

Enjoy your macho girl

>> No.2995171

Pretty mediocre scene there. Wonder if DEEN can still match it though.

>> No.2995182

I hated every second of every fantasy scene, and I watched all of this. If the anime does it well, it really is going to be quite something.

>> No.2995184

The steel knights weren't big enough. I expect them to reach to the clouds.

>> No.2995225

>I hated every second of every fantasy scene
What the hell is wrong with you? You might be taking the whole "anti-fantasy" thing a bit too far if it keeps you from enjoying the story.

>> No.2995271

It doesn't keep me from enjoying the story, it just gets in the way. What made it really bad for me was that I loved the first episode and expected things to stay that way, and instead each episode has less and less screen time devoted to things that actually happen. Of course, it seems likely that at least some of the fantasy scenes are meant to symbolize what actually happens, so they're not completely worthless.

What I really don't understand, though, is the large number of people who seem to be pretty emotionally invested in the fantasy stuff - "manly tears," etc. Starting with George and Shannon in Ep2, all those scenes were sickeningly melodramatic. Goat-kun, of course, was a wonderfully silly exception.

>> No.2995275

I agree. I almost was afraid to keep playing during the first board. After that, it just kept getting sillier and wasnt scary at all. I'll admit I loved dere beatrice but still...

>> No.2995279

You are not human if you didn't think the Rosa musou was awesome.

>> No.2995281

It's a mystery, not a horror. Being scary isn't its aim.

It's just like with onikakushi-hen from Higurashi.

>> No.2995286

Well that's what I mean. If you think the fantasy scenes get in the way because "that never happened" then you miss out on a lot of cool stuff in Umineko.

>> No.2995297

But is it really necessary to have bunny rabbit snipers and killer steak boobs family hug girls?

>> No.2995302


>> No.2995304

You don't like the Stakes and the Siestas!?

>> No.2995316

Umineko is entertainment. Nothing is necessary, but the bunnygirls and ass nee-chans certainly add to the experience.

>> No.2995326


After a little thought, I have to say that, to be fair, if Episode 4 wasn't the near content-less fantasy fest that it was, it would probably have either been repetitive feeling, or else would have given enough new information for the readers to start proving/inferring things they're not supposed to know yet. For instance, "Kanon was the 9th to die" can work just fine whether he's a killer or totally innocent. If Battler was with most of the characters for most of the time, discovering murders as they happened, as in the other episodes, a lot more would have been given away.

>> No.2995329

It is entertaining in its own right, but sometimes its just silly. Like when Virgilia has the goat fight in the tunnel and gets sat on. It was comic relief, but from the enemy, and in a murder situation. This kinda detracts from the seriousness...

>> No.2995330

You should think of why episode 4 was filled with fantasy. The fantasy is used to obscure the truth, so that means episode 4 had the most to hide.

>> No.2995341

I dont know about you guys, but if Kinzo is dead then I dont know what to think in all of the scenes with him in it

>> No.2995342

If you think the fantasy scenes _don't_ get in the way, then we're reading it for very different reasons. It's a mystery, and the only way for the mystery to be added to is real things happening. It also doesn't help that the format really restricts how impressive fighting/magic scenes can be; in fact it would probably be better if it was just a normal book in order to force your imagination to work harder.

>> No.2995357

Easy. Everybody in a scene with him that doesn't die in that scene is suspicious. This includes Nanjo, Natsuhi, Kanon, Shannon, Genji....

>> No.2995368

They only really become suspicious when they tell Battler that those scenes happened. I personally believe that none of the siblings know that Kinzo is dead other than Ep1/2 Natsuhi/Rosa after visiting the study, and that Genji, Nanjo, whoever Beatrice is, and maybe Shannon and Kanon are the ones keeping the illusion going.

>> No.2995369

We must be. I read it for the overall story, not really the mystery. I can't really think much of Umineko's mystery when is only allows for the absurd theories fans toss around.

When I say fantasy scenes I don't just mean the fights either, in fact those aren't the best fantasy scenes. Most of the best character development occurs during fantasy scenes. Umineko would be a lot worse without them.

Also, all meta scenes are fantasy scenes.
