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2984858 No.2984858 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /jp/. Here's my take on Umineko. Those who are following the VN, feel free to laugh at me if I'm wrong.

Beatrice is real, but not a witch. Beatrice is, in fact, a multiple personality of Kinzo, who unknowingly suffers from dissociative personality disorder. This can explain everything that has unfolded in the anime so far and treats episode 1 as a huge laundry list of hints. Some notes:

- Kinzo, as the owner of the mansion and the only resident of the island (note: not a visitor, but a) who is allowed to freely explore the island at anytime, is hence the greatest candidate for

- Kinzo's biological family doesn't even speak to him before his disappearance, but is carelessly moping around his mansion in between debates about how to distribute the money when he dies. It's quite clear that Kinzo's children do not have very strong sentimental feelings towards their father, and if Kinzo has multiple personalities, this aspect of his family could most certainly be a catalyst for premeditated murder.

>> No.2984859

- Natsuhi was praised by Kinzo and was the last one to see him before the murders started, yet is now the last adult confirmed to be alive after episode 4. Maria is also left unharmed when the servants are found brutally murdered at the end of that same episode. This supports Kinzo's bias towards Natsuhi and Beatrice's implied bias towards Maria who insists that Beatrice is real. In this case, the charms are simply a red herring.

- Maria, right from the start, came across as a weird girl, and we see her clearly being physically abused by her mother in episode 1. She's also a pretty young child, so it's plausible that if Kinzo's alterego were to appear to her in a convincing get-up (yes, this idea may sound silly), she would be convinced that she's met the witch.

- A charred corpse was found in the boiler room with six toes on each feet, yet is otherwise the least distinguishable body found so far -- it doesn't even have clothes on when it's found. Therefore, if Battler's hunch about one of the corpses being fake is correct, it is most likely that Kinzo's corpse is the fake.

- Only one bar of gold has been shown. There is no solid proof that ten tons of gold are actually in Kinzo's possession, and none of Kinzo's children (the parents) nor the servants had even claimed at anytime that they had actually seen this large reserve of gold. The burden of proof cannot be placed on anyone at this point unless either Kinzo is actually alive or Beatrice really exists.

Just some food for thought. Am I a genius or not?

>> No.2984874

You should next try and figure out the mystery of Higurashi from watching Onikakushi-hen.

Let's just say that a number of your assumptions are wrong.

>> No.2984884 [DELETED] 

>>>/rs/Kinzo is already dead

>> No.2984882

Kinzo is not the only resident. Jessica and her family live on the island too. Also, your theories are not likely to happen because Kinzo is already dead.

>> No.2984889

Did you think you would even come close to the truth?

>> No.2984893

You can't deny that Kinzo might have been a cross dresser, now can you? There's nothing he wouldn't do for his Beatrice.

>> No.2984895

kinzo-beatrice is the culprit

>> No.2984899
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>> No.2984901

Beatrice's only real bias is that she spares the children from the 1st twilight, and kills Rudolf+Kyrie early.

>> No.2984902

What would that have to do with what I said?

>> No.2984908

When I was reading the episode 4, I was hoping to see an episode where the children are killed in the first twilight, and see the reaction of their parents.

>> No.2984914


>> No.2984916

That's because the children are the culprits. They already had planned these murders ahead of time, but weren't expecting Battler to show up, so he's out of the loop.

>> No.2984918

I was hoping to see most of them dead at least myself, but Battler seems to have plot armor or something.

>> No.2984920

didn't you make the same exact thread on /a/?

>> No.2984925

Battler has to have plot armor or we wouldn't be able to trust fucking anything. If he died, things would go haywire immediately after. Everything that happens may as well be a bad fanfic.

>> No.2984935

Maybe in one episode, he could be killed by some culprit X and of course see said culprit, and then he would be sure that that a culprit X exists on Rokkenjima and he could make all his blue attacks based on that assumption, even if he sees magical battles.

>> No.2984944

I predict that he will die in ep5 and someone else will take his place.

>> No.2984949

Reported for spoiler.

>> No.2984953

But Battler does die every episode, even though meta battler is watching the game he still never sees a culprit. And in episode 3, battler is killed before Jessica is.

>> No.2984961

Yeah sure, but he always dies after the ninth twilight.

He avoided the 13 out of 18 probability to be killed before 4 times already.

>> No.2984971

But so have all the cousins.

>> No.2984977

Probably because he had been cut off from the family for 6 years and thus less of a threat.

>> No.2984980

So I had a thought today. At the end up Episode 1, Battler's status at the end of the game is 'missing', right? What if THAT was the real Ushiromiya Battler, and the one playing against Beato Episode 2 and later is a fake?

Though I don't know what this could possibly imply as far as a solution. It's just a random thought.

>> No.2984988

Huh, well no. Maria was killed during the episode 3's second twilight, and Jessica and George are the episode 4 second twilight.

>> No.2984990

Not even the cousins lasted as long as Battler has. Battler tends to always be the last man standing, except Ep. 3 but that time was weird anyway.

It's not that strange, considering that the deaths of Rokkenjima are somehow connected to what Battler did.

>> No.2984997

Sorry, I was a bit confused. I was thinking only of the first twilight for some reason.

>> No.2984998

I really think people make too much of a deal about there being two battlers. One is probably already dead - died at birth.

>> No.2985001

Has it even ever been said that there were 2 Battlers? Beatrice would know he is still Rudolf's son, and thus still Kinzo's grandson. It seemed to me that she was just trying to trick him out of the game by confusing him because Asumu isn't his mother.

>> No.2985012

Search nico or japanese blog.
Supposedly there is a screenshot with a female battler.
Who knows if it is shop or not.

>> No.2985015

Meta Battler is seeing the game through Beatrice.
Essentially all narration in the game is Beatrice talking.

>> No.2985017

It was said in red that "Ushiromiya Battler's mother is Ushiromiya Asumu" and then "You are not Ushiromiya Asumu's son". Unless you want to dive into technicality holes in the red or something, there has to be 2 Battlers.

>> No.2985031

I've seen it. I'm pretty sure it's a shop. I mean, the clothes are the same as Kyrie's only recoloured.

>> No.2985045

Hmm, well, Kyrie and Asumu were both pregnant at the same time right? Is it possible that Kyrie maybe didn't miscarry after all? Or that Asumu miscarried and they just mixed it up? Ah it's all useless, the two Battler stuff confuses me too much.

>> No.2985065

To Battler, Asumu is his mother.
To Asumu, Battler is not her son.

Wordplay: averted.

>> No.2985071

Beatrice is Asumu, we don't even know how she looks like.

>> No.2985089

I saw this image of a dog jumping through 7 flaming hoops. I mean, it may or may not be a shop, but god damn, look at that dog.

>> No.2985111

Did you know that if you search long enough, you can find pictures of a female Kyon?

Shocking, isn't it?

>> No.2985108

Here are a number of possibilities
1. Battler is a woman
2. Furniture purgatory "Battler" was not "Battler" from birth.
3. Battler is both a title and a name, like the name/title "Beatrice".
4. Beatrice is lying
5. Ushiromiya Asumu was never officially registered as Battlers mother, or alternatively, Battler came from another mother but was registered to be the son - Equivocation, but its not like Beatrice is the shining knight of truth.

theres probably more, but i cbf

>> No.2985118


>> No.2985123


>> No.2985142

I'm still forging but here is my theory ofr episode 01:

Episode 1:
(Note: Kinzo and Shannon are already dead)

Maria's Umbrella:
Kanon Beatrice gives her the umbrella and the letter before he continues

First Twilight:
Kanon poisons the food, then shoots Gohda, the only servant remaining not on into it, with a shot gun. Prepares the Corpses

incl. Shannon in the shed with help from Genji. Kumasawa as the first Beatrice paints the magic circle.

Second Twilight:
Kanon cuts the chain and murders first Eva then Hideyoshi with a stake shooting device (Crossbow?), later Genji covers for

him. Kumasawa paints the circle.

Third Twilight:
The letter is placed there by Kanon.

Fourth Twilight:
Kanon fakes his own death (note: the stake was found next to the body, not in the chest), Nanjo fake diagnoses. Jessica and

him discuss the later murders. Letter is handed to Nanjo.

Sixth to Eight Twilight:
Nanjo places the letter there with the intent to get out of the room (note: he is the first one to accept it). However is

shocked when later Kanon Beatrice arrives and announces that even he has to die. Genji and Kumasawa had already made their

peace, but Nanjo didn't.

Ninth Twilight:
Kanon Beatrice appears and kills Natsuhi (not Jessica's real mother). Konfrontation between Jessica and Battler, however he

fails to remember his sin. Jessica ticks off and tills everyone. She and Kanon die when Kinzo's final trap goes off(?).

>> No.2985173

I like it.

>> No.2985191

Sounds good, but I'm wondering why Genji and Kumasawa would just want to die like that. I'm assuming that they all believe in the ritual, right? Wouldn't they want to make it to the Golden Land?

>> No.2985198

One of the treasures is that all shallt be revived. And they're both old, maybe they are just happy that they can be of help for the witch to be revived. Their motivation is a devil's proof, it could be anything.

>> No.2985205

I like it a lot more than the theory Natsuhi was responsible for episode 1.

>> No.2985212

Gotcha, I always get a little confused when it comes to Epitaph. I always assumed only those alive after the eighth twilight get to go.

>> No.2985217

Doesnt work when you bring the ring into the equation, Kanon would both have to find the ring in the torrential rain, and prepare the envelope, crossdress to a high degree, give it to maria, uncrossdress, and act as if nothing happened.

We also need a motive.

furthermore, he's just furniture, in a very literal sense of the word.

>> No.2985242 [DELETED] 

The ring is not much of a problem. Remember: [poiler]Kinzo is already dead, so anyone could ahve taken his ring long ago.[/spoiler]

Also just look at him, he just stinks of crossdressing with his Nee-san complex and all. Also all Maria said is that Beatrice gave her the ring, does Beatrice have to be female? What if she knew that Kanon = Beatrice? Or maybe she believed that Beatrice had taken on Kanons form?

There are a lot of possibilities

>> No.2985246

The ring is not much of a problem. Remember: Kinzo is already dead, so anyone could ahve taken his ring long ago. All three envelopes were probably prepared in advance by Jessica.

Also just look at him, he just stinks of crossdressing with his Nee-san complex and all. Also all Maria said is that Beatrice gave her the ring, does Beatrice have to be female? What if she knew that Kanon = Beatrice? Or maybe she believed that Beatrice had taken on Kanons form?

There are a lot of possibilities

>> No.2985279

I don't see Genji resisting. Maria said that Kumasawa screamed a lot. Nanjo probably was killed without having time to think.

>> No.2985283

I don't think Genji CAN resist. At all.

He'd be a pretty good rape target.

>> No.2985294


Cool, I particularly like the last line, which isn't so far fetched considering how much trolling we got from Ryu07. But it also implied Kinzo locked down the escape route way in advance, or had arranged some help waiting outside, knowing the only chance it can only being executed on day of family meeting. This can somehow explain the millions locked in the bank vault prior to the meet, since Kinzo already perceived his death and willingly gamed on as a piece. Very few people can channel Kinzo's finances like that, being either Kinzo, Nanjo, Genji, Krauss and Natsuhi.

>> No.2985306

Are we sure that that money exists at all? You could disregard anything from Ange's future

>> No.2985321


Perhaps Kumasawa as well, especially if she's the predecessor beatrice/secret lover.

>> No.2985332

Kinzo threw the ring into the fucking thunderstorm.

unless you hope to claim that this scene, a concrete scene in both VN and anime, was merely delusion, and that your "possibilities" are plausable, despite being far cries from the more logical conclusions.

if you see a girl with a gun, and a dead body, you dont cook up some wild theory that there was a third person who shot the guy, hypnotised the girl, and commanded her to stand there with a gun.
no, its much more natural, plausable, and logical, that the girl standing there was the shooter.

saying "its possible" is meaningless unless the possibility is reasonable.

>> No.2985342

Kinzo was dead. Probably for quite a while.

Yeah, that scene didn't happen. It doesn't matter how much thunder there was.

>> No.2985356

Too bad Kinzo is seen after maria recieves the letter.

>> No.2985362


It's too much to deny the Urashimiya family actually being poor, but you can say since Kinzo got into intense study of black magic, business affairs and family wealth has slowly being squandered (bar that huge dividends he gets from companies). Either way, at the time of the meet and prior, funds are being channelled away, either to prop up Krauss's losts or for whatever purpose we don't know of. So money is there, perhaps not to the glorious scale the siblings were thinking (let's leave out the gold for now).

>> No.2985368

What's wrong with you. Haven't you played the VN in full?

>> No.2985379


It's a fabricated scene, Kinzo is confirmed dead prior to the meeting.


Chill Bro

>> No.2985381

I am seriously going to stop taking these threads seriously

1/3 trolling, 1/3 stupidity, 1/3 serious comments

either way, im getting 2/3rds of total ass.

>> No.2985414


>> No.2985418
File: 115 KB, 240x300, cute uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cute, uguu~

>> No.2985426

yes, seriously, but i refuse to explain

>> No.2985428

Go back to reading episode 4, faggot. Kinzo is dead since the beginning.

>> No.2985449

shut your whore mouth, etc.

>> No.2985455
File: 75 KB, 620x876, 5267922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth

>> No.2985459

Kinzo is already dead. Ryukishi agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.2985470

I vomited a little.

>> No.2985472

I lol'd

>> No.2985511

Putting the above aside, just to remark on a translated interview, Ryukishi said ep 4 reveals the most hints, which actually means it contains the most facts. Also as discussed in 3-4 threads in /jp/, we also have very little red text for ep 4 (confirmed information), which further confirms this, by flipping the chessboard '-'

Basically the more locked down we are in all directions, direction becomes clearer; ep 4's huge trolling is just a camouflage to the underlying facts. Is it so unrealistic that another family will pray on Urashimiya's reputed fortune?

He also remarked he's most happy about ep 3's closed rooms, by flipping the chessboard, we should attack ep 3's "truths" and order of action before other eps (but not without consideration).

Just a thought.

>> No.2985525

No, i can "hint" towards something, but does not mean the hints are true, nor does it mean that the hints are laid clearly.

assuming a statement to be a fact of face value will probably be a mistake.

your premise is wrong! i refuse to explain, etc

>> No.2985608

I like hints, the let you make nice theories.

I like Ange's approach. Don't just make one theory, make a wall of them, just one of them hast o be the truth.

Challenge this one:

Jessica is not Krauss and Natsuhi's child, Krauss and Natsuhi couldn't give birth. It could be because Krauss is impotent or Natsuhi lacks functioning ovarians... doesn't matter.
Kinzo was going to give up on Krauss and Natsuhi, but thens omething happened. He got human Beatrice pregnant and she died in childbirh back in 1967. At first he was going to raise her himself, eventuall with help from Kumasawa but then reconsidered. He hidden child had to may dangers, it would be safer to keep her out in the open. So he decided to give her to Krauss and Natsuhi, however they couldn't just get a child so the 9 months of pregnancy had to be added. Thus making Jessica one year younger than she actually is.
This explains why she was always taller and stronger than Battler despite both of em being the 'same age'. This explains why her hair is blonde.

That just leaves where human Beatrice came from. Some people say she's Kinzo and Kumasawa's daughter... but... Kumasawa doesn't seem Western enough. Just look at her children, they're picture book Japs.

>> No.2985611

>We also need a motive.
That's what getting me stuck.

I'm thinking of two in particular. The first;
It could be anything, really. I'm leaning towards revenge for Shannon. We saw in episode one that Shannon was ridiculed for not knowing what she was serving. It wasn't a once off, as the flashback in episode two shows that she didn't know what she was serving, again. Eva and Natsuhi think that she's incompetent, that's obvious. I imagine that Shannon had to deal with Eva/Natsuhi/various family member bitching at her for quite a long time, but she takes it on board. And of course, there's the whole, 'worthless little servaaaaaaant' quip from Eva. Since Kanon adores his 'nee-san' so much, her pain was palpable. Growing frustrated with the family's way of treating her, he devised that plan. That would also explain why the servants were in on it. Although, that doesn't make sense, since Kanon is really into being 'furniture', and just that. It could just be a facade, but...

Or, the motive is even more clear, if we go by the Shannon=Kanon theory. Shannon's pain wasn't just palpable to Kanon because she was his dear 'nee-san', it's because Kanon himself was the subject of the abuse. Possibly. That's the main motive I'm thinking of.

>> No.2985616

The second;

Another one could be, although not as potent, is to 'save' Jessica from such a family. He has seen first hand in the household, most likely, how strict Natsuhi and Krauss are with her. Perhaps he thought that all that pressure was unfair, and decided to free her from that pressure. What may have spurned this on, was seeing her at the school festival. He spent quite a good deal of time thinking how Jessica's persona was different from the one at home, and how the lively school!Jessica, was probably the /real/ Jessica. He felt like she should be free to live the life she wants, without pressure. Of course, there's the whole Kanon being strictly furniture thing, and one could argue whether he even had feelings for Jessica in the fair place, as the only time we see him responding to her feelings are during the magic scenes. But, his feelings just mightn't have been voiced? I don't know.

But, that theory also doesn't make sense, in a way. If Jessica is the only known family member left alive, wouldn't that be another case of what happened with Eva in episode three/four? She still /would/ be the family head, just without the added pressure around. Unless Kanon planned a way for her to escape, or something. I'm really stretching this theory, but...

>> No.2985638

I like that theory. But, what age would Kinzo have been when Jessica was conceived? In his 60's? 50's?

Also, I'm definitley leaning towards Jessica coming from Beatrice, but I didn't really know /how/ that would have happened. I like your way of explaining it.

But what about Rosa leading human!Beatrice to her death? Unless, at the time in the room there was so much pressure, that Rosa just blurted out whatever came to mind. But how would she have such a vivid memory of Kuwadorian, and Beatrice otherwise?

>> No.2985687

My main theory for a motive was that Shannon actually existed but died prior to the game starting. She was probably driven to suicide due to the way she was treated or something else... possibly being rejected by George. The reason why she died is a devil's proof, it oculd be anything, even an accident.

She would have been concieved in 1966, leaving Kinzo more than healthy enough to father a child. Also I ignored that scene with Rosa since Battler wasn't present. And even if it's true, she could have given birth to the child prior to that and then died in the accident.

>> No.2985709

Beatrice died 19 years ago and Jessica is 18. So if she really was born from the witch, she's at least 20.

And when you consider that official documentation necessary to enter school, participate in society and otherwise be listed in the government registries are difficult/impossible to tamper with for any of the Ushiromiyas, this theory of Jessica = Beatrice becomes difficult to explain without resorting to baseless speculation.

Why are you people so determined to try and proclaim that Jessica's parents aren't actually her parents when nothing of the sort was ever suggested in game?

>> No.2985735

Her hair color, also the fact that Krauss and Natsuhi weren't able to have kids for a long time. Also if Beatrice died in childbirth (lol theories) that would make Jessica 19. Just one year isn't that much, also for official dokuments Kinzo could have just bribed some officials, not a big deal. This also explains, as I mentioned before, why Jessica used to to be bigger and stronger then Battler, even though they were the 'same age'.

>> No.2985770
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Reading between the lines from the interviews, it was more or less "hints that allows you construct the factual information most out of the four episodes". Again, the minimal/restricted red text used in this episode supports this idea, even more so openly declared as dialogue to us readers. Either way, I can't deny your reasoning on hints, as Ryukishi wants us to attack it with a wall of theories, rather than 1.

Aside from that, Ryukishi has been able to use fan feedbacks and theories and integrate them into the arcs, something he wasn't able to do in higurashi. For example, Kanon=Shanon=Beatric theory, see pic. On dialogue point of view, it screams "how on earth would they know". Just to troll us on that popular theory? =)

>> No.2985774

Her hair color is most likely dyed. Just like Battler's and Ange's. Jesus, how the hell do you think they end up with hair color of some fucking rainbow?

>> No.2985789

I wouldn't put it past Grandfather's DNA...

>> No.2985910


In all anime hair colors like red or green or violett are natural, but blonde screams foreigner.

Also msot of the theories are simply for fun.

>> No.2985938


what? read them all and no way hes dead since the beginning besides some stupid theory of battler like small bombs

>> No.2985946

I was wondering how they knew that, actually. And someone's comment about Kanon being, 'a sub-human' really confused me, too.

>> No.2985957


kanon is furniture summoned by kinzo

>> No.2985954

It was stated in red that Kinzo is dead from the start. Sorry, but you can't argue against it.

>> No.2985959

"multiple personality of kinzo"

nope your already wrong, kinzo has been dead all along

>> No.2985961

Red Text, bro.

>> No.2985969


who was the one talking with natsuhi at first ep and at the conference at ep 4, what the shit, i must have played it half a sleep if i missed explanations for those or something

>> No.2985976

Actually, while we're on the sub-human thing, both Kanon and Shannon seem to be sub-human, whatever that means. Can we assume that everyone else in Kinzo's elusive orphanage are sub-humans, too?

>> No.2985978

Erm... the common consensus is that most szenes are simply shown by Beatrice to confuse Battler. Stuff like Natsuhi meets Kinzo or Kyrie sees Beatrice never happened.

>> No.2985994


haven't been here for a while since i was playing the game, but the thought that beatrice is showing something that's not true never even crossed my mind

>> No.2985998


No, they're just regular human servants.

>> No.2986007

So you just casually accept the existance of magic? Witches? Demons?

Also the "no more than 17 humans on this island" should have been a big hint.

>> No.2986038

He means that it didn't cross his mind that Beatrice might be lying about ordinary non-magic scenes.

>> No.2986084

He must be baking goats in that orphanage as well. Think of it as furniture factory.

>> No.2986281
File: 146 KB, 637x475, beatrice_battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anti-Magic Fags,

My name is Beatrice, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are boring, untalented, no-lifes who spend every second of their day solving the epitaph/murder mystery. You think you are so smart. Honestly, have any of you ever use your own theory and not steal from Battler? I mean, small bombs? Kanon=Shannon? Don't make me laugh with such childish theories. This is even worse than teasing the incompetent Battlers who at least came out with good blue hypothesis.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best red and blue text. I'm pretty much perfect. I was one of the first Golden Witch in the universe and lived for a thousand years trolling humans. What have you done, other than "pleasure yourself to nude images of me, Ange, Bern, 34" and going uuu-uuu? I also get to toy with Battler all day, and have undyingly loyal furnitures (Ronove cooked for me, prepare cookies and tea, the stakes sisters killing whoever I want). You are all pathetic humans who should just die and come to my golden land. Thank you for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my toy.
