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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 608 KB, 1354x742, reallynow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2979892 No.2979892 [Reply] [Original]

So you faggots made me like this game, be addicted for about 2 weeks, then it just closes down with character wipe.

What the fuck /jp/

>> No.2979899

I never knew there were character wipes for CBT, oh well. Time to make Makotou again.

>> No.2979917

Wait. Mabinogi NA is still in beta?

Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.2979922

So what is this? Looks like weeaboo Runescape.

>> No.2979925


It's not Mabinogi, it's ECO.

>> No.2979929


It's pretty cool, it's called Emil Chronicle Online, /jp/ had a huge thread about it a few weeks back and I remember seeing some /jp/ play it.

>> No.2979930

Does this game offer anything other than the obligatory pay 1000 dollars, win by default, call people that paid less unskilled scrubs on forums? I could use a mindless timesink.

>> No.2979933

Does /jp/ still play it and is the game itself any good? It's not like I don't have time to waste.

>> No.2979936


The userbase is nice, probably because they don't talk to eachother since they're all japanese/filipino/malaysian. The only people you see talking to eachother is friends that joined the game together. Plus, in CBT, it was pretty easy to level by doing quests. I don't know if they'll change that in Open Beta though. Also, you get to look like The Little Girl~

>> No.2979942


Well, I've seen about 2-3 active /jp/ players, but the rest I don't know because they didn't give their IDs, but I do recall /jp/ making a guild, and that guild being full. The game is fun, imo.

>> No.2979946

is this game relatively free of BRs

>> No.2979947

>look like The Little Girl~

Ah, hell. Sold. If /jp/ is still playing OB, I'll give it a try.

>> No.2979953


You'll have to wait though, because right now its closing it's Closed Beta Test.


>> No.2979955

>Currently the commercial version of the game costs 1,500 yen (12.40 USD) for 30 days.

Nevermind then.

>> No.2979961


Thats the Jap version. The one /jp/ is playing is f2p with cash shop.

>> No.2979973

Oh, then I'm interested again.

Do you need a crack or anything fancy or can I just grab a download off of google?

>> No.2979977




Download it from there, but I suggest waiting till Open Beta comes out. You could probably play for a few hours now, but your character will be wiped when Closed Beta finishes.

>> No.2979992 [DELETED] 

Since it's a free to play game with a cash shop, I would assume you don't.

>> No.2980005

So /jp/, is this like every other generic MMO out there with the added ability to be a little girl? Or is it slightly different with some special gimmick?

>> No.2980050

is this really a P2P mmorpg?

strange, because in my country they mabe open it F2P with item mall added.


>> No.2980072

looks good, what class should I pick for PVE or for PVP?

>> No.2980079

Deleted it after lvl 2.

>> No.2980087


why? i need to know before i download the whole installer

>> No.2980216
File: 797 KB, 1024x768, ss20090722_093841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, no wonder you were there the whole time. All I got was this shit.

Either way, this game is shit.
The translation is shit.
Levelling as a FUCKING HEALER is shit.
But goddamn, I can't stop playing it ;_;

I'll be playing OB just so I can bitch about how much I hate playing it and how much better CB was.

>I do recall /jp/ making a guild, and that guild being full.
Hotglue actually had one space open for the last, like, week ob CB. We either just didn't care to invite or nobody from /jp/ made themselves known, I guess.

Also shamans are OP'd

>> No.2980314


Job lv: 1

Also, Shamans are OP'd? What?

>> No.2980330


He probably changed jobs


I think you should be a fencer if that's what you're wondering.

>> No.2980385

when is the open beta out

>> No.2980464

Just changed to Bard.
Turns out they're a terrible class with terrible skills; all vates should go Druid.

OB hasn't been announced yet as far as I know.
But knowing these gooks, enjoy your yearlong wait.

We need some good healers from /jp/ so I can go Wizard without having to bitch at all the other vates about how they're doing it wrong.

>Also, Shamans are OP'd? What?
PvP against one and you'll know what I mean.

>> No.2980505

This game is pure garbage. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you faggots?

>> No.2980517

>Levelling as a FUCKING HEALER is shit.
In any game leveling as a healer is FUCKING SHIT. You're a support class, l2rely on others.

But I still do it anyway ;_;

>> No.2980548
File: 1.99 MB, 1600x900, ECO closed beta - fin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was pretty fun, myself.

Missed the closing event because of classes. Did they say when open beta begins?

>PvP against one and you'll know what I mean.
Haha, yeah.

>> No.2980568

That looks more like one of the ass nee-chans than Remilia. Still, I wouldn't mind playing during the OB at all.

I wonder when they'll release info on it.

>> No.2980595

She's wearing the totally broken event armor.
I hope you'll play in OB. This is a great party game.

>> No.2980622

is there anywhere I can see the pros and cons of different classes?

>> No.2980667
File: 591 KB, 1024x768, ss20090721_002838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you have FUCKING STEPARU to powerlevel you. Goddamnit Mei.

O hi Remi, still going Cabalist in OB?
I really think I'm about to just say fuck healing and go Wizard or Merchant, but it's just not something I think I can let go of.

Shit won't be back in OB, enjoy your HORDES OF GAIAFAGS complaining about how the game sucks because they have to wear normal armor.
Meanwhile, Plum was wearing average armor this whole time. You kids.


Here, have some bad translation.

>> No.2980686
File: 522 KB, 1024x768, Aion0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep falling out of the map....

>> No.2980771

Wow, half of the fucking time I was wondering where all you guys got your pets. Also, Shaman->Elemantalist how?

I was Makotou, btw, thanks to DFC for telling me how to get Catty.

>> No.2980792
File: 79 KB, 366x243, mikutear3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just changed to Bard.
>Turns out they're a terrible class with terrible skills
Give me my time back.

>> No.2980804

CB over. Call me when OB is out.
Also I'm a fucking treasure hunter fuck yeah!

>> No.2980817

This game is fucking stupid, how the hell are you supposed to be a warlock when the quest you have to do makes you walk all the way to an island, while having dogs bite your ass, and then when you're at the island, you immediately get fucked by skeletons.

Other than taht, at least I get to be the little girl.

>> No.2980828


Oh, you. I was trying to pt you about 10 times but you never said anything.

>> No.2980834

Hmm that class chart looks interesting, maybe I'll try being a Warlock and shoot for necromancy.

>> No.2980838

Not a single sage...

>> No.2980847

People having fun on /jp/? MUST SAGE.

>> No.2980855


But hey, you can still have twin tails.

>> No.2980860

I seen tachikoma in youtube video.

what is that? a pet or a summon? item mall?

>> No.2980863
File: 66 KB, 376x245, mikutear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Damn it.

>> No.2980869
File: 704 KB, 1024x768, ss20090721_235708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes you feel better, they all have cool names like Samba, Heavy Metal, etc. They're just not usable at all until you buy a 20,000 G instrument and only do things like slightly buff DEF.
Druids get those useless holy balls that do even less than that but they look damn cool. FUCK YEAR

Enjoy your wipe

Necromancers are fuckawesome, they can summon skeletons and shit; pic related.
Supposedly Cabalists get MANA DRAIN though

>> No.2980871

/jp/, which server do you play on, I'll play too.

>> No.2980872

Awww...I was thinking about being a Bard the next time the game is playable, but from what I've seen in this thread, they don't seem to be good at all.

How disappointing.

>> No.2980883

They get ~70 more HP than Druids, at least.
If you can afford a harp then by all means go for it -- just found out in the last hour of CB that they sell in Morg btw.

>> No.2980884

Dagger. Also best solo job ever.

>> No.2980894

Is there a torrent for this game? All the servers on the main site don't get anything higher than 40kb/s, which is forever for a GB.

>> No.2980899
File: 156 KB, 400x500, 1210338747768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck not another ragnarok online. It ate like 4 years of my life

>> No.2980913


Dont download from the main websites, download from the mirrors.

>> No.2980916
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, screenLoki552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're telling me man. RO ate up all my time back in high school, and continued to waste my time whenever I had a fit of nostalgia.

>> No.2980925

CB's over, but that's where I got mine. Also it's not a torrent but probably somewhat faster.
OB will probably use a different client, but at least you'll have all the BGMs and such that are in there; I'll admit, this grindfest has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard.
Speaking of which, does anyone know where the FUCK bgm_1107 plays? That's the weirdest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.2980932


628 kb/s? Nice. I'll have it downloaded now before the hour's up.

>> No.2980933

ro bgm was GLORIOUS. I think there was a yoko kanno ost for ro2

>> No.2980952

what the fuck is this ragnarok bastardization?

>> No.2980953

>but I do recall /jp/ making a guild
Yes, yes we did. After 300 hard earned fame point we only managed +1 ring capacity.

I'm not even sure if everyone in our ring was aware of our board http://hotglue.co.cc/eco/

>> No.2980955

Marisu here, glad to see we had a lot more /jp/ people that weren't in the ring. Sixteen players is just too small a limit for a group like that, you know? Anyways, CB was great fun, and I may be Vates again in OB depending on what some of the other ring members are doing.
Oh, we've also got a BBS going for the game, if anybody wants a place to talk in. http://hotglue.co.cc/eco/

>> No.2980968
File: 997 KB, 1680x1050, ss20090710_221221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, a thread for ECO. Missed the last couple of days, but I'll be back for OB. The partying in this game was pretty fun. Especially when you stack a bunch of spellcasters on a melee unit and run around.

>> No.2980971

I know I wasn't ;_;

>Anyways, CB was great fun, and I may be a healer who waits until people are below 25% to heal again in OB depending on what some of the other ring members are doing.
Well, so much for going Wizard.

>> No.2980972

How is the lvling in this one ? Still mobbing/aoe ?

>> No.2980987

This. It's like a yearly activity, download, waste a lot of time leveling up, getting bored, deleting, repeat.

>> No.2980992

So wait, I'm confused. Should I play the current one, or should I wait for open beta? If I play the one right now, does it automatically transfer stats over to the open beta?

>> No.2980999


The game is closed right now, we were playing the closed beta. All our chars are going to be reset in the open.

>> No.2981002

In closed beta, all the characters are being deleted at the end of the server tests. In open beta you can keep your characters once the server goes into the real thing.

>> No.2981004

There's nothing to play right now; it just closed a few hours ago.
Whenever you try to log in it gives you some server maintenance message.
So we're all waiting for OB right now.

>> No.2981011

Hi Plum, glad to see you're still around.

>> No.2981013


Is this one of those "up in a couple hours" thing or "up in a couple years" thing?

>> No.2981015

Back in ragnarok they let ob chars carry over to live. So be advised if there is no clarification yet

>> No.2981021

lolololololol evry time u ddos us we need 2 spam u evan moar 2 catch up wit da lost traphix lulz
www. + Anom - m + nTa + lk.com
sbhfiedfhfhfffh grfxcdc cdddhyima fdhr fgia bebfgdtrsdhyi vhbc

>> No.2981026


Oh god if it's years i'm going to be fucking pissed.

>> No.2981031


Rumors are the game will be back up by November.

>> No.2981038
File: 855 KB, 1280x1024, ss20090717_212811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're really not sure what the plan is. All we know for sure is the character wipe.

>> No.2981039
File: 882 KB, 1440x900, ss20090711_002004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I was very disappointed with, playing as a fencer, was my inability to tank people who had possessed me.

I knew that this could be solved by having the healer and magic person posses someone else while I tanked, but I never got around to it. I also noticed people were too stupid about this sort of thing. They could not comprehend in their minds that we could still party together without fucking possessing only one person.

One of the highlights was when I was possessed by other fencers and we raped the shit out of the map since we were all tankers. This reminded me of the Transformers cartoons, so I referred to ourselves as the Fencerbots, who wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Magicons.

I'm still going to play fencer in OB. I can't decide between human or angel thing. Human has the perfect beginner stats for fencer, but an angel fencer reminds me of valkyries and look pretty cool. I just hope I can manage parties, totally not cool soloing.

>> No.2981040

Too bad there isn't any closed beta rewards.

>> No.2981043



>> No.2981047

/jp/ will find a new flavor of the month by that time.

>> No.2981050

The reward is you get to try out the game!

>> No.2981053
File: 647 KB, 1024x768, ss20090718_071332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoho, I've been here all thread~
You're gonna be my favorite person to bitch at when I start playing my Wizard. Here, have another SS.

There hasn't been ANY clarification whatsoever on the site yet, so probably closer to the latter.
This shitty grindfest seemed to be pretty popular though, so I imagine they'll try to rush it.
Give it a month at most.

>> No.2981058
File: 26 KB, 686x309, Cert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, what's this "Valid Certificate ID" thing when I try to register?

Or am I just registering completely wrong?

>> No.2981059

Oh man, such rape. I'm the corpse near the top of the image!
We have to try that thing again, we really do.

>> No.2981068

Something to do with case, lowercase only?

>> No.2981072

I'll give this a shot in the OB, I keep trying to find a game I can play with bros ;_;

>> No.2981076
File: 32 KB, 362x447, Pow! Haha!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look forward to it then, haha.
You're at the wrong register...

>> No.2981077 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's it.

>> No.2981083

I think the tanking problem was only at low levels or if there was a pretty big level disparity between you and the people you were tanking. After about level 25+ maybe, I noticed that when I was possessed by people about the same level, they took less damage and possession deaths happened less. Maybe that's because I run around when I see hp drop though.

Hooray~ Fishman at the bottom taking a nap.

>> No.2981085

Oh god, that was from that giant minidoo wasn't it?
Goddamn that thing ;_;
Eventually I got into a group that killed it though. Shit was so cash.

That's just there to scare you, put in some random numbers and it'll take it. I know I shat a castle when I thought I had to put a real ID in there.

>> No.2981093

Where's the right register then? Whenever I use the register at http://eco.runup.com.sg/en/top/top.php, it just gives me a "Wrong Account Format" error.

>> No.2981095

Yeah, we can't just leave it at that!

>> No.2981096

For that one, your account name has to be lowercase.

>> No.2981109

Well fuck, I'm stupid.

>> No.2981118

It took me about five tries to figure it out, if that's any consolation.

>> No.2982750
File: 684 KB, 1024x768, ss20090721_224805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread doesn't deserve to be dying.

Time for some trollbait.

>> No.2982820

>>random capslock
>>silly memes
>>4chan's favorite insult

As if the MMORPGs themselves weren't bad enough. Some of you guys here sound straight out of /b/ and/or /v/.

>> No.2982888

Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.2982946
File: 531 KB, 1024x768, ss20090721_205333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, you're gonna love this one.

>> No.2982964


No RemiliaS in that one.

>> No.2982971

When is OB~ I can't wait.

>> No.2982973

"lol i troll u" doesn't make it any less idiotic.

>> No.2983084
File: 796 KB, 1600x900, ss20090723_020056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I saw a lot of you guys and didn't realise you were from /jp/. Am I the only one from here that didn't choose to look like the little girl? I-I..feel a little colder inside now ;_;

>> No.2983217

Come to think of it, I don't have many pictures with RemiliaS in it... This must be fixed come OB time!

>> No.2983290
File: 706 KB, 1024x768, ss20090721_231120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's alright, I gotcha covered.

>> No.2984057

It's more like weeaboo World of Warcraft.

Sage for weeaboo World of Warcraft.

>> No.2984130

so what does people think about claw and dagger spec?

>> No.2984148

There was one guy in the ring who had a male character.
I'm not sure why either.

>> No.2984158

Learn some quality control.

>> No.2984167

It's like I'm really in /v/!

>> No.2984192
File: 26 KB, 282x400, AionTTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeaboo World of Warcraft would like a word with you.

>> No.2984198

Wait, are you guys indirectly implying that WoW itself is NOT a weaboo game?

>> No.2984199

why does this look so much like RO?

>> No.2984208

Yes, yes we are. I'm not saying WoW isn't shitty, but it's not a weeaboo game. It's more of an American D&D nerd kind of game.

Sage for MMO shit.

>> No.2984216

neckbeard gaem

>> No.2984218


same makers

>> No.2984221

have you seen night elves? or gnomes? the whole game is heavily weaboo-bent, including the not-at-all-japanese manga still ongoing from the game.

>> No.2984223

I cringed at the chat log.

>> No.2984237

Of course it isn't. Weeaboo games have an excessive focus on realism while American games like Halo and Gears of War focus on stylized, simple graphics and bright colors.

>> No.2984250

That's the point.

Would you believe it, it plays exactly like 3D RO too.
Only enjoy your never seeing any humans because HURRDURR ANGELS AND DEMONS ARE DEEP EVERYONE WANTS TO BE ONE

>> No.2984265

Ive tried these kawaii shits time and time again, but i always end up going back to Vanguard: SoH after a few hours. I wont even mention the whole "Bro! BROOO!" shit that ive witnessed, its fucking embarassing. If i didnt know any better, i would think that the majority of /jp/ are 13 year old junior high-school drop outs.

>> No.2984267


No, people become angels because it's more cute. Devils, only serious players or faggots pick that.

>> No.2984268
File: 917 KB, 1600x888, ss20090712_195011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game censors bad words in lower case, so swearing must be ALLCAPS.
But if posting RemiliaS is enough to grind your gears, have another sexy picture of me. Trolltext included!

>> No.2984271


I'd like to think that those people really don't represent /jp/ as a whole. But they probably do.

>> No.2984291

Good job broseph, you legitimately managed to troll me even though you blatantly stated that you were trolling.

It's probably because I'm sick of seeing faggots making Touhou names/characters on MMOs. They're even worse than the meme-spewing /b/fags with names like "HURPDUUURRRP".

>> No.2984318

I've found another obsession for the time being that is Anno 1404.

>> No.2984327

i had fun with this game but these screenshots made me fucking rage. even if you say they're trolltexts, i'm betting that much of your conversations are full of unoriginal stolen quotes of others, claiming them as your own and thinking yourselves witty and funny. fuck you /jp/.

>> No.2984337
File: 375 KB, 800x600, ss20090721_195450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashiro is a fgt.

>> No.2984353
File: 734 KB, 1024x768, ss20090722_001005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhounames were a FRESH AND UNIQUE way to identify /jp/ back during the Touhou hijack in Mabi, but it's not our fault the Touhou community turned itself to shit and started spamming other grindfests since then.

Besides, the Touhous weren't so bad and they were few and far between; it's Nanoha more than anyone who I wanted to reach through my monitor and punch in the face. Pic related.

>> No.2984363


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- Is that an elementalist or enchanter? Also, I've always wanted lightning blast ;_;.. Ive only made it to 20/20..

>> No.2984364

I wouldn't know about anything from Mabi, as it was a horrible MMO and I grew bored of it within a day.

>> No.2984365
File: 89 KB, 407x405, 1247958279475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the majority of these were just sarcastic responses to things that were cut off because of the tinyass chatbox.

But if this makes you feel better...

>> No.2984370

This whole pvp thing we did here would have been so much more satisfying if you cowards had helped me kill them constantly.

>> No.2984371


Wait, that was you? Oh Jonesy, I am slightly disappoint(ed). You have odd tastes in games indeed. And I didn't think you were one of those guys who run around in online games shouting "friend" in caps.

And nothing anyone does here will ever grind my gears! I'm always smiling when people think I'm "raging" (like when I was looking at these screenshots earlier). Sometimes I laugh too.

>> No.2984374

lol u mad?
All 2-2 jobs suck.

>> No.2984378


Oh, really? How cool is lightning blast though, I was wondering if it came from the sky or from your hands...
Either way is cool though.

>> No.2984382

>I'm always pretty butthurt when people think I'm "raging", but I pretend that I'm not to preserve my reputation on /jp/. If people think I never get angry, they'll troll me less.

Edited for accuracy.

>> No.2984384


It fires in front of you, plus shamans sucks. Wizards are where it's all at.

>> No.2984385

Comes from the sky and does 400%/mob
You need job 40

>> No.2984386

lol bullseye

>> No.2984397

Well, life is hard as a person without creativity or originality.
I'm sorry.
Next time I'll just mash my keyboard or something.

>> No.2984400


Whatever helps you sleep at night, bro! Trust me, if I cared about e-rep then I wouldn't be posting on an imageboard; I would have taken my post count to a real internet forum. I feel it's the same for others here as well.

>> No.2984410

if you don't care about e-rep then what's with the tripcode?

>> No.2984411

Again with the "I'm never angry" facade. Regardless of how many times you try to turn it around, the truth will remain unchanged.

>> No.2984415

The fact that you are replying to every single post like these proves my point. Go away and sleep. By now everybody knows you

>> No.2984437

Well this thread took longer than the others to get infested by trolls.

Time to just let it die the death it deserves.

>> No.2984438


It's just letters in a name field bro.

Do a search for zun!bar on Google and see what comes up. I only exist on /jp/, and I'll disappear when /jp/ disppears.

>> No.2984445

How do you guys do that? I only got to level 19.

Since you all have free time now, fix the wiki for the rest of us.


>> No.2984455

The point is, you'd have left the name field blank if you didn't want the extra attention. There's honestly no other reason to use a tripcode.

>> No.2984456

To be honest, I only managed to grind that high by leeching exp off people that could kill mobs that were worth tons of exp. Even at level 30+ I couldn't kill stuff fast enough to level efficiently.

>> No.2984463
File: 5 KB, 476x485, 1246386072819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2984468

No one cares.
Its his choice if he wants to separate his opinions from people like you.

>> No.2984499

I was wondering when you were going to pull the LOL I TROL U card.

>> No.2984505

Feed the troll moar please

>> No.2984509


We go over this a lot, but it honestly only is it tribute to Japanese ZUN. Plenty of other people here put their favorite character in their name field as well. I know people will think otherwise though (which is perfectly fine) but at least I know my own intentions for using a trip.

I think anyone trying for attention on an imageboard is strange though, because there are simply better places on the internet to get attention. Once again, nothing would beat an IRC channel or forum for e-rep. And that's the main reason why I dislike both.

Polite sage. Also, I can't believe I didn't see Jones' Anon post until now.

>> No.2984513

ZUN started posting anonymously now?

>> No.2984532

He supports his own posts by switching between his tripcode and a blank namefield to make it harder to detect his samefagging.

Of course it's still pretty obvious, especially when they have the same damn IP.

>> No.2984538

>>it honestly only is it tribute to Japanese ZUN.

I couldn't think of a greater disservice to the man than for you to post using his name.

>> No.2984567
File: 958 KB, 1680x1050, ss20090719_154259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with ECO's chatbox is that it's so small only a fraction of the conversation is taken, this is why I always use screenshot mode before taking a picture. Getting rid of the cluttered interface is a nice bonus, though.

>> No.2984585


>> No.2984594

Ahh, damn, whoever said that in the blue text ruined the screenshot. Too bad I didn't realize it sooner, it would've been no problem to take another without text bubbles like that.

>> No.2984607


Now that's just taking the whole name field a bit too seriously.

The poor man has people making money off of his series in every possible way. You even got JAST USA printing out yukkuri t-shirts. Now that's a real disservice.

>> No.2984848

I just found out that there is a thai eco too, anyone interested?

>> No.2985424

I quit this game when I noticed all the characters had tits and I didn't wanted to play as a male character.

>> No.2985434

Are there any other weeaboo MMOs than I can play with /jp/bros?

>> No.2985437

I stopped after 3 hours

>> No.2985450

enjoy broken language bro.

>> No.2985562

Predicting DFO as the next one.

>> No.2985594

DFO needs keys for closed beta and applications are long over.

>> No.2985869

Stopped playing during the tutorial section. I might as well try it again...

>> No.2986006

The thai edition game is in English, only the register page and the website are in thai.Everything in game is in English.

>> No.2986017

>The whole MP not restoring AT ALL unless you're sitting down thing is probably the worst gameplay decision I've seen in a MMORPG.

lol ffxi

>> No.2986309

Looks like it's been out for a while though. Is it in OB or what?
The reason we're playing this gook crap is because it's just starting and everyone gets a chance to grind at the same time. On top of that the Malaysian translation was bad enough, not sure if I even want to TRY reading Thai Engrish.


Sadly enough, I imagine more than half of us are back playing Mabinogi already.
Finding it hard to resist the temptation myself.

Pity, your broken event armor would've looked a lot better than the slutty crap everyone else got.

Hoho, that was me~
Amusingly enough, we wiped a few seconds after that happened.
feels bad man

Might just take a look at that Thai server if it's actually running for some casual grind until the gook servers come back up though, thanks anon.

>> No.2986441

it's already officially lunched, started in late '07

I don't think anyone from /jp/ actually played on there, so wouldn't everyone still start with lvl 1?

>> No.2986446

mabi looks fun, but too bad it bans non-north american ips

>> No.2986488

I don't think I posted anonymously in this thread at all.
Do elaborate.

>> No.2986561

so is /jp/ going to play on the thai one? we might as well play together?

>> No.2986723

What I mean is, it's better to start early to catch up with everyone on the server because it's intimidating to start at level 1 and see level 100s everywhere with flashy armor and ALL RIDING DRAGONS. Shit's no fun. ;_;

Wasn't planning to but I might show up to be /jp/'s healbitch if we get a group going. And it's not P2P, is it? 'Cause I'm pretty sure the Jap one still is.
Plus, I'm expecting the community to be 99% Chinks.

>> No.2986742

What's the URL to the thai version?

>> No.2986753

I don't know about this idea, there was an announcement on the server we played on saying Open Beta would start "very soon." Of course, that could just be bullshit to keep people clinging to them.

>> No.2986775

>Of course, that could just be bullshit to keep people clinging to them.

You bet your ass it is. Did you see what else the announcement said?

>You might feel sad as you will not be able to meet up with friends at the moment… but guess what?
>Every ending is marking a start to an anticipated new pathway, the Open Beta Server is launching very soon.

It'll be at least a month.


>> No.2986836

the chinks got their versions, and don't think they bother learning any other languages


can I have a url to that announcement regarding to open beta please

>> No.2986843

Here you go.

>> No.2986844

Hey European guys let's play dragonica. I'll be your priest.

>> No.2986855

ah! it's in this one

thank you

>> No.2986856

Yeah I'd love for some people to join me.

>> No.2986860

that thai website is too slow, loading for ages nothing pops up

bot fest, do not want

>> No.2986865

I'm thinking about starting to play the gpotato.eu one. Are you there?

>> No.2986871

Yes. My acc is Kordox3 and my character is named Cisa

>> No.2986916

Well then I've added you.

>> No.2986929
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>> No.2987230

Hi you must be new here. /jp/ often has threads where people talk about and find games to play together.

Dragonica here:
It's kind of like Maplestory, but better, and in 3D.
Also the torrent for the game is pretty fast, just so people know.

>> No.2987636

You should just play wow, instead shitty weaboo games.

>> No.2987716
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>> No.2988252

So has anyone tried out the Thai server yet?

>> No.2988263

You must be new here. I think the board you're looking for is /v/.

>> No.2989874

I wanted to have a try but their register page is too slow and can't

>> No.2990119

Steparu and Tablecat are true bros

>> No.2990121

Seriously? Why are you guys playing the MY version?

I am malaysian myself but I never play any MMO that is hosted in MY. The MY/SG communities are almost as bad as the BR. I am sure you guys play before Gunbound right?

>> No.2990826

Maybe because half the server is already from the US?
It's a MY/SG AND International Server.

>> No.2990839

What the

How is this thread still alive?

>> No.2991784
File: 180 KB, 1024x768, Dragonica09072417323205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people are still posting.

Everyone join us in Dragonica!

>> No.2991806


Sure is cool hating your own country there

>> No.2991848

You have no idea.

Only thing that is keeping me from moving away from here is monetary and visa issue.

>> No.2992264

lol go to Saudi Arabia

>> No.2992400

What a beautiful thing to be the post that revives this thread.

>> No.2993612

>200 posts and 29 image replies omitted.

>> No.2993626

At first I was like, "whoa, shouldn't this be autosaged?"
Then I remembered the new post limits.

>> No.2993803

hey jones, so what game you playing now? (mmo or pc)

>> No.2993868

☆ × → ◎△○

>> No.2993882

No MMO right now.
Kinda addicted to Medieval II Total War. Fukken Mongol rape, though.

>> No.2993901

Meanwhile I'm still stuck in Mabinogi...

>> No.2993902

◎→△ ◎ → △

>> No.2993908

and I heard there's a strategy game, hearts of iron 3, coming

>> No.2993911

No wonder that game looks so much like Ragnarok Online, it's made by Gravity.

>> No.2993920

It's actually published by Gravity, and made by someone else.

>> No.2993951

I like my global scale strategy turn-based and my individual battles real-time. Hearts of Iron does an odd mixup of the two.
I'm sure I'll play it anyway.

>> No.2994037

hearts of iron is really not a turn based at all, and many turn based fans don't dig it

>> No.2994043

>most turn-based fans don't dig it


>> No.2995034

what do you people do in these games anyway?

are mmorpgs fun?

>> No.2995056

>are mmorpgs fun?
No. MMORPG games are a good way to kill time, since they're so addictive.

>> No.2995073

>since they're so addictive.
Except most of them are not, but I guess retards won't realize it until it's too late.

>> No.2995082

I'm always slightly tempted to play when I see threads like these, but then I realize I could be playing a real game.

>> No.2995083


They're about as fun as punching yourself in the balls over and over. Stay away from MMORPGs.

>> No.2995100

I'd rather play IIDX.

>> No.2995162

The appeal of MMOs is assured progression and acheivable short-term goals.

You know exactly what to do to progress and be better than other people: kill shit over and over. Every time you kill shit your exp bar moves. This makes you feel good.

There's always something around the corner. 1 more hour and you'll ding, 1 more hour and you'll get your higher tier gear, 1 more hour and you'll get a new skill.

Compared to real life where acheiving most goals takes from weeks to years, and sometimes you're even doubting if you'll acheive them at all, in MMOs you are always visibly getting better, faster, stronger.

MMOs are for pathetic people (like me) who enjoy living vicariously through a character sprite. They're absolutely horrible, and unless you've hit life's rock bottom, just find something else to do. Prefferably something fun, which MMOs are not.

>> No.2995172

I see

I should rather just watch K-ON or something than play mmmorpgs

>> No.2995183

K-ON is absolute shit, though. And this coming from a guy who absolutely loved Lucky Star and Haruhi.

>> No.2995192

I hate haruhi

but lucky star on the other hand...

>> No.2995199

Is this game like Ragnarok Online 2 done right?

>> No.2995997

the most honest MMO commentary of all time

I liked the original seasons and novels, but the new remake is just a gold troll going over the top, I wonder how many people are going to buy the dvd of that unlimited august

>> No.2996213
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Screw trying to stay highest in the server, eh? Maybe it's time for something fresh...

>> No.2996557

...How did you manage to stick to that horrible game for that long?

>> No.2996907

Was there really anything better?

>> No.2997567
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