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File: 60 KB, 641x478, RB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2945334 No.2945334 [Reply] [Original]

As a christian, I feel deeply offended by Battler's upside down cross.

>> No.2945337

>I have no idea what an upside down cross means.

>> No.2945336


>> No.2945341

Yes, the "Cross of St. Peter" should be very offensive to Christfags...

>> No.2945343

Holy shit battler is a satanist

fuck this game

>> No.2945348

The sad thing is, most normal christfags would believe the OP.

>> No.2945352

Yeah, that is pretty sad.
And they call themselves Christians, too.

>> No.2945356

>hurr duurrr
>satanist symbol, very bad


>> No.2945363

It's his zip on the jacket you fool, so naturally it's facing downwards.

>> No.2945369

Who the fuck actually has a religion nowadays? fuck

>> No.2945370
File: 55 KB, 400x300, jesus-japan.1202706149366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>G3 Prayer Mobilization for JAPAN aims to mobilize Christian individuals and churches all over the world to PRAY for JAPAN and for the SALVATION of 127 million JAPANESE PEOPLE. WHY WE NEED TO PRAY FOR JAPAN? 1) Japan has around 127 million population but only less than 1% are Christians. There is only one church for every 38,000 people and one missionary to every 55,000 people. 2) Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions. 3) Japan is a country that acknowledges 8 million false gods but refuses the one and and true God who is heaven. 4) Tokyo is the largest least evangelized megacity in the world. 5) Japan is known as the Land of the Rising Sun and we want it also to be known as the Land of the Risen Son. 6) Japan has a highly developed technology, efficient transportation system and super highways but the people don't know that JESUS is the Ultimate Way to Heaven. 7) Japan is materially rich but spiritually poor. There is loneliness and emptiness in the hearts of the people amidst material prosperity. 8) Everyday nearly 3,300 Japanese die and most of them do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 9) According to statistics, the suicide in Japan has an average of 32,000 a year. Many Japanese regard suicide as a show of sincerity to expiate their shortcomings, and view it as an act that would restore honor to their name, their family, or organization.

>> No.2945374

Nobody is a christian nowadays, the true discipline was long lost years ago.

>> No.2945380

>The origin of this symbol comes from the Catholic tradition that St. Peter was crucified upside down, as told by Origen of Alexandria. It is believed that Peter requested this form of crucifixion as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Christ died (upright). As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ.

Doesn't sound like Battler at all. It's a more accurate description of... furniture.

>> No.2945382

But bashing Christians is too easy.

>> No.2945389 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 12214204034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an atheist, I find OP deeply retarded.

>> No.2945396

Hence fake Battler, go job anon.

>> No.2945399

Peter is Satan

>> No.2945406
File: 47 KB, 636x475, nat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one damn wordy introduction... When does the gameplay starts?

>> No.2945413


Simple, but effective. 9/10.

>> No.2945414


You're close. Keep going, you're almost to the gameplay segment.

>> No.2945415

Jesus ain't in the middle so it ain't the uhh... What do Satanists call that thing the upside down cross in a circle with Jesus crucified.

>> No.2945419


You're going to be disappointed with the game play. The engine is like a modded DooM.

>> No.2945420


Jesus on a Stick

>> No.2945421

Satanists are just as stupid as any other religion.

>> No.2945436

Or was it in a triangle...?

>> No.2945442

LaVeyan Satanism is worse because they're pretty much atheists that call themselves Satanists to try and annoy Christians. It's the religious equivalent of a teenager trying to piss off his parents.

>> No.2945452

>atheists that call themselves Satanists to try and annoy Christians
Sound a just cause to me.

>> No.2945455
File: 157 KB, 305x250, Umineko_preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame gravity.
The point is that Battler wears a (normal) cross.

You also seem to forget the cross on Battler's tie.

>> No.2945456

And wicca is his retarded imouto.

>> No.2945463

The advantage of atheism is that you don't have to bother with congregations and rituals, which they do. And the commands of satanism Lavey wrote read like something written by a goth trying to sound cool.

>> No.2945468

What I find funny about Wicca is that the sole reason it has "skyclad" rituals is because it was created by a British civil servant who was a nudist.

>> No.2945473

What I find funny about Wicca is that I've never come across a Wiccan that didn't fall into one of the following categories:

a) fat woman
b) scrawny loser with a fatty fetish

>> No.2945474

In fact, the advantage of atheism is that is that you can have free mind, freedom from bullshit and lies and you can be happy.

>> No.2945476

Maria is a wiccan.

>> No.2945479

>most normal christfags would believe the OP

>> No.2945505


Sounds like a Python sketch that somebody took seriously.

>> No.2945524

>I feel deeply offended

Yeaaaah, what you gonna do about it then huh? Slam planes to buildings?

>> No.2945546

As a Christian, there's a lot more to be offended by in this game than that cross and I honestly think you aren't looking hard enough.

You owe me a Landover-esque article on how Satan is using this to get into the pants of little kids.

And not the Satan in the game. But if you can get me some Real Satan x Stake Satan in there, I'll give you bonus points.

>> No.2945589


>In fact, the advantage of atheism is that is that you can cling to your idle illusions of ethical and intellectual superiority while secretly knowing that you are an insignificant blob of carbon atoms orbiting a speck of dust hurling its way through vast cosmic space, that you are no different from any other blob of chemicals, that you have no soul and that all that awaits you when you die is an oblivion from which your conscious mind can never be revived, and that some day the sun will die, humanity will be extinct, and the universe will die a heat death.

>> No.2945599

It's like I'm reading a biography.

>> No.2945621

I don't see how that's worse than living under the eternal tyrannical rule of an alien moralfag god

>> No.2945633
File: 46 KB, 595x507, WiccaVsShinto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all the same shit.

>> No.2945676

As a person, I feel deeply offended by how fucking shitty those illustrations are.

>> No.2945693


But the women are wearing corsets, so it's all good.

>> No.2945707
File: 14 KB, 418x329, fireballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the fireballs work under water. As a scientist I'm VERY upset about this.

>> No.2945715

Well played

>> No.2945717



>> No.2945733

Indeed, real Christianity is rare these days, but it still exists. The problem is that ever since the Middle Ages, Christianity has been standardized and more or less controlled (especially during the Middle Ages) by one single organization (The Church).
It's ironic how Jesus criticized the Pharisees' self-made rules and idiotic ways of interpreting the Torah, yet The Church is doing exactly the same thing right now.
I mean, even the Bible was created by picking some scriptures and discarding others, and now the accepted scriptures are considered 100% truth by many Christians. It's just insane.

If you were a moralfag Christian like that, I think you'd be more offended by the magic circles, which use real Psalms from the Bible in the context of black magic. (Which I think was wonderfully done by Ryukishi07, by the way.)

>> No.2945744


>> No.2945746

Mikos have nicer outfits.

>> No.2945747

Ignore the bastardization of Jesus
Ignore the misuse of bible passages for magic signs
Ignore the various demonic name dropping and imagery

You ignore all those and more AND FOCUS ON A FUCKING ZIPPER.

I'm laughing and guffawing like a goddamn idiot as I type this. Well played.

>> No.2945766

Vudou is the one true religion

>> No.2945769

>(The Church).
this is why protestants exist. the Church is a faggot.

>> No.2945783

That is just Christianity mixed with African stuff

>> No.2945809

Kidding, right? Protestants are the same, except they reseted once. Since then, it's been going downhill as usual, taking a lot of previous mistakes with it again.
I mean, men and women must marry. Any other form of love is blasphemy and should be punished. Naturally, you can't have sex before you marry. And of course, we don't have saints, but Luther and Calvin were almost holy people, and you should learn about them and take their ideas as the absolute truth. Also, at least half of the sermons should be based on Paulus' letters, because what he wrote is the absolute truth, no doubt.
No, thank you. They're less horrible than the Catholics since they managed to filter out some of the bullshit, but it still has way too much bullshit for my tastes.

>> No.2945808

In Ryuverse, you can become god JUST LIKE JESUS.

>> No.2945810

Ooh, OP got you good.

>> No.2945827

>men and women must marry. Any other form of love is blasphemy and should be punished. Naturally, you can't have sex before you marry.

Why is this bullshit? The bible actually does say this, after all. Except it doesn't explicitly say no sex before marriage. It's fine if you have a problem with it, but why shouldn't people who believe in it follow rules that aren't even remotely vague?

>> No.2945872

>The bible actually does say this, after all.
[citation needed]

>> No.2945913

Do they have popsicles shaped like Jesus?

>> No.2945924

As far as religion goes, I beleive It's was useful, it was mans guide-book to early living of old times. However we have evolved and the rules need to be changed. This scriptures were not meant to be read down to the letter however they do more damage than there worth.

"The word of God was never meant to be interperted by man"

As far as Battler's zipper is concerned it's meerly hanging upside down from gravity alone, When zips it up it is in the correct way.

>> No.2945925

I am only glad that i stopped believing in god 10 years ago.
The church is nothing more than Scientology but only on a global basis.

>> No.2946279


Nothing wrong with believing in gods, but you should take stuff written by humans with a grain of salt. You don't need a religion to be able to think.

>> No.2946347 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 572x1362, Holy Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Christian, I feel deeply offended by this use of a cross.

>> No.2946403

Oh wow, religious discussion in /jp/?

>> No.2946417

Religion is stupid

>> No.2946445

Religious discussion belongs in /r9k/ where they're still retarded enough to entertain such delusions

>> No.2946566

Don't forget, in Battler's view it isn't upside down.


>> No.2946583

>implying /jp/ isn't retarded

>> No.2946649

Most people cling to religion because they don't want to think.

>> No.2946688

Just like how people who're obsessed with science continuously using everything said by scientist as an absolute truth to form their opinion. They just didn't want to think either. The world is full with lazy people.

Otherwise everyone would have noticed that 9/11 was done by the Jews.

>> No.2946834




>> No.2946873
File: 687 KB, 1600x1600, 1244289058675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a christian, I feel deeply offended by this Stage 1 Boss.

Actually, the entire Embodiment of Scarlet Devil title is offensive and whatnot.
