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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2931335 No.2931335 [Reply] [Original]

Old one has almost reached bump limit, so here's a new one. Download the game and netplay patch here:

To install the netplay patch, put the zip in the same folder as the .exe, "Extract Here", and then copy the contents of the new folder into the same folder as the .exe, overwriting anything that was there.

East Coast host using r30

>> No.2931353
File: 98 KB, 668x490, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is happening? Also r31 is out.

>> No.2931385

No clue. Lemme update and rehost.

>> No.2931418

sorry gotta go

>> No.2931422

No problem. GGs.


>> No.2931423

Its not me trying to connect, its me trying to host.

>> No.2931453

this game crashes out for me, i got it to work twice but found out i couldnt control it wiht my joypad so didnt get past the menu then it wouldnt load again.

>> No.2931455

Ah, sorry for misunderstanding. Your post just happened to be the last one up when I had a connection fail, so I assumed...

Anyways, regarding your problem, it looks like you have a program open that's using port 7500 or you don't have port 7500 forwarding to your IP through your router. To fix the former, you probably have MBCaster or CowCaster open. If that doesn't work, just try closing everything and see if you stop getting that message. To fix the latter:

>> No.2931468

European hosting r31:

>> No.2931469

Oh yeah my mbcaster was open. Thanks

>> No.2931535

God I can't wait until they get all of the kinks hammered out. Dropped inputs and periods of immense lag on crouches/jumps are incredibly annoying.

>> No.2932016

Didn't really know what I was doing and it was laggy. gg

>> No.2932025

GGs. Dunno if it was you or the caster that quit, but either way I was getting terribly tired of those lag spikes. Functionally, I should think the actual netplay code for MB/CowCaster would be perfectly suited to what they're trying to do here allowing for a lot of copy+paste, so I don't see why they're having so many issues, but I'll have patience.

>> No.2932225

West Coast host

>> No.2932255

Still hosting?

>> No.2932264

update to r31?

>> No.2932276

Yeah r31

>> No.2932287

Can't connect to you. Hosted before?

>> No.2932300

Nope. Just tried joining but never managed to connect once yet.

>> No.2932312


Oops, yeah. Looks like you tried to connect. Connect again if you want to play

>> No.2932317

A few tips from personal experience, maybe you're doing it wrong

You gotta change ヴァンガードプリンセス.exe and ヴァンガードプリンセス.kgt to game.exe and game.kgt

If you're using applocale or NTLEA to run vanpri on single player, you must run LunaPort with applocale too.

>> No.2932331
File: 28 KB, 643x449, lunaport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weird. Obviously you're connecting, but it doesn't start the game. Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.2932334

Hosting with r31.

>> No.2932336

Oh great so there's my problem...

>> No.2932363

Well changing it did absolutely nothing. It seems i can connect but it won't start.

Any other ideas?

>> No.2932364


pretty sure you desynched. what characters were you using?

>> No.2932367

Luna all the time and the loli with batons in the end, when it disconnected.

>> No.2932380


Well, I played against Luna one round and the bow girl the rest of the way.

So yea, we desynched.

>> No.2932383
File: 7 KB, 270x236, 1238214626915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is new. Now it's going : Unknown menu item: 80

>> No.2932410

Perhaps r31 is buggy or something. Never encountered problems with older versions...

>> No.2932415

Oh, that explains why it felt weird.

Wanna try again?

>> No.2932431

Hey, you want to try hosting? Maybe that will work.

>> No.2932445


>> No.2932554 [DELETED] 

east coast usa

>> No.2932558

east coast usa

playing for 20 or so minutes

>> No.2932567

I want to try out the game, so I downloaded and extracted from that website, but when I click on the application a window pops up but closes quickly.

What's wrong?

>> No.2932580


Is your OS Japanese? If not, rename the .exe and run in applocale.

>> No.2932587


Oh, that's why. alright thanks

>> No.2932734


Had to go. Just wondering, did you had me using Luna the most and in the round in which I disconnected the baton girl vs your archer girl?

>> No.2932865

it was close. could have swung either way depending on things. gg's though

>> No.2933013 might not work if you're outside Ontario. Actually it might not work altogether.

>> No.2933029

Not working
US West

>> No.2933071

someone host

>> No.2933256

Game/computer froze rehosting

>> No.2933262

GGs again, pretty sure I played you yesterday. Best Eri I've seen yet.
But I still stand by my opinion that Haruka is stupidly overpowered and needs nerfed; sure she can hardly hold her own in the corner and her inputs often botch in netplay (CLICK CLICK CLICK etc), but one wrong move against her and she has no problem taking the whole match. That really shouldn't happen.

Anyway, hostan:
US East, r31

>> No.2933351

Still hosting.

>> No.2933369

ggs, my first day using eri lol

I'm not sure if you are doing that on purpose, if we're desynched from the start, or you are just THAT bad. Either way it was pretty funny, ggs.

>> No.2933371

And by first day, I mean trying to figure out how to use her.

>> No.2933412

I was using Yui. I've playing people where don't they even move.

>> No.2933424

Yui the entire time? That's some amazing desync bro. I actually saw you playing as Lilith.

>> No.2933440

Does Lunaport actually work well for anyone? I haven't tried it yet but you guys make it seem like it constantly desyncs or is laggy.

Kind of curious how often people think they're actually playing someone but aren't.

>> No.2933455

So what the fuck is going on? Who the hell was I playing the whole time? The pc?

Am I the only one that plays people that constantly stop moving? Or am I playing a pc through netplay?

>> No.2933457

Worked well for me so far. Then again I haven't fought anyone wiht less than 100 ping yet hopefully never will

>> No.2933462

For the most part, it works pretty well for me.

>> No.2933463

It desyncs and crashes every once in a while, but I've managed to play someone for two hours straight without that happening so it's not that bad.
The playing as different characters desync issue hasn't happened to me yet though, so I haven't had too many problems.

GGs whoever connected, but I cornertrapped you waaay too often. Try experimenting different ways to get out of that nonsense.

Either way, rehostan:

>> No.2933480

That never happen in my end though. The desync in this is ridiculous I'm just gonna stop playing until they fix it.

>> No.2933519

east coast usa

playing for 20 or so minutes

>> No.2933541

I think you're still playing the other person but due to lag/input delays/etc, everything fucks up and things don't go according to keikaku etc.

>> No.2933668

>other person

You're the first person I played.

>> No.2933705

GGs and GGs.

Not much to say here, but hostan one more time if anyone's still playing.
US east, r31, etc etc

>> No.2933706
File: 89 KB, 644x523, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG's whoever I was playing against.
Was the netplay working correctly, did I not lose a match? I know I lost a few rounds

>> No.2933729

Holy fuck, that must've been some terrible desync since I know I never picked Yui.
Pretty sure I didn't lose more than a round or two either; I think we can safely say r31 is bugged to hell.
Still gonna host anyway.

>> No.2933767

At least I'm not the only person that is getting this.

>> No.2933768


Bleh, so I'm getting 12 fps again, as did I with someone else before. We changed it to delay 8 and then it was over 80... Any idea why that is?

>> No.2933778

Wait, so who the hell are you playing when it desyncs? The cpu or someone else who tried to connect?

>> No.2933790


You're still playing with the other player, it's just that all the commands are coming in at different times and it's like a bizarre parallel universe.

>> No.2933800

Namefagging for convenience

No idea, but I can say that it was just fine for me, no slowdown or anything. Not quite sure if it has to do with me hosting, since I haven't had any trouble when connecting either.

Okay that does it, r31 is broken.
Downgraded to r30, let's see if this works:

>> No.2933813

r31 has worked well for me when im playing aganist a bro. his ping is like 59 though

>> No.2933827

By other person, I meant the opponent you are connected with, which in this case is me. Like what Anon said in >>2933790.

>> No.2933846

Still desyncs. You're not really moving on my side.

>> No.2933853

GGs while it lasted, but just to clarify the matchups were Yui vs Haruka, Yui vs Saki, and Ayane vs Kaede in thar order, correct?
The ping was sort of high, so I'm trying to see if the desync problems are because of that or if there's just something wrong with r31.

>> No.2933859

Weird, I was spectating and saw Haruka vs Yui, both moving pretty well.

>> No.2933863

Just to add, it seemed fine the first round then by the 2nd match things started to act up.

>> No.2933868

Actually, I had same problem with r28 yesterday, just didn't thought it was it. Played someone with Luna for several rounds, I won all. Sometimes he stood still. He posted a SS in the previous thread, which had Luna vs Natalia. I never played against Natalia. Thought it was a random SS from another game.

Now it all makes sense.

>> No.2933882

It was Yui vs Haruka the entire time. Also there were no 3rd rounds. I quit after the second round seeing how it started to desync.

>> No.2933883

Ugh, this just doesn't make any sense.
I'm about to stop trying until r32 comes out, but I might try playing around with delay to see if that fixes anything.
From the sound of it, though, r31 isn't the problem. Thanks anons.

>> No.2934244

The stable version is r11 now.


Anyways, hosting with r11.

>> No.2934270


>> No.2935964

Any hosts?

>> No.2935989
hosting, not to good at fighting games though

>> No.2936004


>> No.2936007


>> No.2936017

r11 pls, to be safe

>> No.2936051

rehosting with r11

>> No.2936115

GGs with whoever played me. I got baited way too much with the fire breath and that other girls overhead sword blow.

>> No.2936118

GG's, disconnecting to confirm if we haven't desync'd

Baton loli vs jackhammer girl in the tank BG, I won 2 of 3 rounds?

>> No.2936123

Yeah you're right

>> No.2936126

Fire breath? You mean the gothloli?

Guess we actually desync'd at some point. Played Luna, sword girl and baton loli

>> No.2936611

Someone mind hosting? Just want to see if r11 actually works.

>> No.2936643


Let me know if it doesn't work, first time trying to config my router.

>> No.2936653

Doesn't work

>> No.2936667

Try again please

>> No.2936670


>> No.2936692

One last time, hopefully this router config works

>> No.2936738

I want to play the game but everytime I try and start the exe the window pops up and just turns itself off.

I run it with applocale and change the name of the exe but it still doesnt work

>> No.2936747

change the .kgt file to the same name as what you named the .exe

>> No.2936793

Hosting with r11

>> No.2936798

Started out fine then it started to desync.

>> No.2936801

Ok, finally got it to work.

Disconnect to confirm. I played with Luna, Eri and Saki. You played with Yui and Haruka. Only defeated you once in Eri vs Yui. And I won every round with Luna. LAst round was Luna vs Haruka, mecha lolis stage.

Did we desync or is everything OK?


>> No.2936811

No. I played as Yui the entire time. When your opponent stops moving it means desync is happening. You won the first round I think.

>> No.2936871

Sorry about that, my pad broke but it should be ok now.


>> No.2936878

This time feels better. We both were using the same character the whole time right?

>> No.2936879

Won 2 o3 , you won 3 or 4, don't remember how many battles in total. All Luna vs Yui, you were gonna choose Haruka for the next one.

I get conrnered pretty badly and don't know how to use my supports correctly.


>> No.2936899

Yeah that sounds right, except for the Haruka part.

>> No.2936918

Yeah, that's why I disconnected then.

G2g, not rehostan.

>> No.2937102

Testing r34: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zmxwdvdal2u EU

>> No.2937711

r35 is out -- mediafire.com/download.php?oyjy5iozyya

Have the latest versions been more stable with netplay?

>> No.2937750

Only one way to find out.

Hosting r35

>> No.2937911


Think I lost you there. Good games!
Haha, my Eri needs a bit of work, and I also seemed to run into wakeup SRKs at every opportunity.

>> No.2937919

Good games.
It doesn't seem like it desynced, but it was a bit laggy .
You played as Eri most of the time right?

>> No.2937922


Sounds about right.
Yeah, 3 rounds as Kaede, the rest as Eri.

>> No.2939174

Someone host also, how is r35?

>> No.2939291

The test game played earlier seemed more like a real game than the others before it (when I was wondering why everyone wouldn't block and just sort of sat/jumped around)

>> No.2939630

r35 is okay, I still think r11 is better. r35 tends to do this ass lagspike thing sometimes regardless of location.

>> No.2939709

I just tried r35 and it still has desync problems.
