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2918079 No.2918079 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a "range" to a Reality Marble?

If Archer gets enough magical energy to sustain it, can UBW envelop the entirety of Fuyuki City?

... What happens if he activates a Reality Marble in a building? Does it take a certain amount of floors? Does the building collapse? (If so, what happens when the Reality Marble ends? Does Archer and co. get crushed under debris? Speaking of, if he activates it IN a falling building, and then the building collapses, then he deactivates it, is he only crushed after that?) Do the people one floor up suddenly fall a story to the hill of swords?

fuck this shit is vague

>> No.2918104


Except maybe Nasu, but he probably doesn't know either.

>> No.2918142

There is definitely a boundary line, depending on the magus.
Like 'Normal' bounded fields, it covers a certain ground, and whatever happens in there is cut off the rest of the world.
Exact radius is not know.
Activating in any position won't cause anything to shit like buildings, since it does not actually have mass or energy in the common sense, but rewrites reality. For example. no heat from the flames of UBW would reach the outside world.
When the RM dissipates, you get back the exact same code.
At least, that's what it alludes too.
As for the falling building, the debris would crush at the Bounded Field most probably (unless he allowed it in).

>> No.2918155

who fucking cares about this powerlevel shit still goddamn

>> No.2918165

Has absolutely nothing to do with powerlevels.
It's about comprehending better one of the mechanics of the specific universe.

>> No.2918177
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>Activating in any position won't cause anything to shit like buildings, since it does not actually have mass or energy in the common sense, but rewrites reality. For example. no heat from the flames of UBW would reach the outside world.

What I meant was something like this.

Since that part of the building is no longer in the world, what the hell is holding that building up?

>> No.2918191

I care

>> No.2918199

The idea is, that the world makes the rest of the matter and energy act as if the RM is not deployed, while trying to crush the RM itself.
Aka, that force that shapes the world itself tells the rest of the building that nothing changed.
Since it's a matter of imposing realities, rather than mass and energies.

>> No.2918213


Ah, so Gaia superimposes that the building is still there, when UBW says its not.
That makes sense.

What if there was a person 1 story up from Archer in >>2918177, what would happen with him when he arrives in UBW? Is he 15 feet up?

>> No.2918231


"As the world changed, the positions of the five who were initially surrounded also changed.

The Assassins, originally surrounding the group have been moved aside to one side. Rider stood in the center. In the other side stood Saber, Archer, and the two Masters. This is to say that Rider stood before the Assassins by himself. "

They get moved around by the Reality Marble to wherever the owner pleases, apparently.

>> No.2918242

If Fate/Zero is any indication, you can actually ARRANGE where people (and possibly other things) will be inside the RM, and choose what to let inside(since you decide on the radius of a Bounded field in general). Makes, sense, since you rewrite Reality to an extent.
If he does get included, he either falls 15 feet, or Archer decides to have him start on the ground somewhere.

However, since the situation comes up once only(RMs are not used often after all in the nasuverse), it may not be a general rule.

>> No.2918274

So what happens if two RMs activate at once? Whoever has more magical energy wins?

>> No.2918286

Well, when two powers class in a straightforward manner, the higher magical energy and/or concept/mystery will prevail.
Whoever does better will impose his world.

>> No.2918293

Archer activated UBW inside the church in F/sn, it didn't break down or anything.

>> No.2918316

Reality Marbles are the inner worlds of the caster that rewrites the current world and replaces it with its own.
When a reality marble is active the world tries to cruch the reality marble and restore itself properly.

The general rule is that the stronger world remains.
If 2 or more reality marbles were to activate at the same time the strongest reality marble would be the one stand.

Heck, if there would exist some really weird ass strong reality marble stronger than the normal world then that reality marble would rewrite the entire normal world and become the new "normal world" and remain their forever.
It is just that it is basically impossible for a human to have a reality marble stronger than the world itself.

>> No.2918325

why not arrange for someone to be buried 1000 km underground (or whatever the maximum depth the used RM has) then?

>> No.2918331
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Which is why ORT is the strongest.

Crystal Valley > earth.

>> No.2918345


Okay, inevitable ORT mentioning complete, now this thread can degrade into Gurren Lagann and Demonbane powerlevels like they always fucking do.

>> No.2918366

That doesn't make for a good story at all.
'Oh, i can create a bad ass second world around you, which happens to have a infinite amount of weapons, but im just going to stick you 10000 km under the ground so i don't need to fight you'

>> No.2918378
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Well Crystal Valley is some weird ass reality marble-ish phenomenon.

But Crystal Valley > Earth is still kind of true even if Crystal Valley isn't a normal Reality Marble.

A funny thing is that the nasuverse's Demons (real demons and not half demons or anything like that) consciousness are reality marbles themselves which is why reality marbles are demonic in nature.

They really do cover those stuff quite well in Nasu's DDD light novels which have real demons as its main theme.

>> No.2918394

Cause the don't extend THAT much usually, and with enemies you have to face with an RM, it quite possibly not does much other than stall the fight.

Crystal valley is different, since it instead of Superimposing a new code, it edits the existing one to it's liking.

>> No.2918399

This is some bullshit explanation kind of pulled right from my ass but, I believe that it is harder to place people under ground than above because the earth's density is higher than the air's density which is really low.
Somehow I think that solid matter can't go through solid matter even if one is using spells that manipulates space.

>> No.2918411

Doesn't really work that way.

>> No.2918416

How can you know?

>> No.2918421


>Somehow I think that solid matter can't go through solid matter even if one is using spells that manipulates space.

You misunderstand what "reality" means. Reality marbles make NEW realities.
That solid matter "is no longer there", so long at the marble is ongoing.

Enjoy your swords

>> No.2918429

>Demonbane powerlevels

Nameless One can almost kill ORT. Discuss.

>> No.2918436

But the new reality still have solid matter and the matter from the old reality is still solid...
Nothing have changed really.
I still somewhat believe
>that solid matter can't go through solid matter even if one is using spells that manipulates space.

>> No.2918441
File: 173 KB, 577x1014, dagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dagon can kill ORT. Discuss

>> No.2918455
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Siestas > ORT

>> No.2918456

He probably could.
ORT is only a really strong creature/monster.

It is basically a creature with ridicoulus high stats and a skill that turns its surroundings into crystals, other than that it really isn't anything special.
That still makes it stronger than most stuff from most universes though.
Powerlevel debates really are stupid though.

>> No.2918460
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Does it work

>> No.2918463
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>> No.2918464

Except when a pair of servants block them, huh?

>> No.2918466

Who the fuck is Nameless One?

I know my lovecraftian knowledge is weak.

>> No.2918472

ORT does not have any particle jamming and it is to big to hide inside.

It will die.

>> No.2918473


I think they wind up in the same place they started when the Reality Marble's over.


Hastur? ohfuckisaidit

>> No.2918483

Yukari can kill Dagon.


>> No.2918484


>> No.2918489


Sorry, you're new to this.


You forgot one thing that makes ORT ridiculous in the Nasuverse.

It can't freaking die. If it can, however the hell it "dies" doesn't make sense to reality. REALITY ITSELF DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HOW IT DIES. Any form of damage or destruction you do in the sense of this reality WILL NOT KILL IT.

>> No.2918499

Yes, I am fairly sure that works.
They did a bunch of weird shit with their reality marbles in F/Z.

>> No.2918512

It may not.
Rm rewrittes reality, and in extension physics.
So how matters works and whatnot is irrelevant.

And Types, the generally almighty forces of the nasuverse(save for manipulating the Root) are about in 'Continent breaking Super Robot' tier, which is not THAT big a deal.
There are some impressive abilities in the nasuverse,(seeing eventual end, Reality formatting etc) but the scale and applications are usually quite limited.

>> No.2918520 [DELETED] 

It may not.
Rm rewrites reality, and in extension physics.
So how matter works and whatnot is irrelevant.

And Types, the generally almighty forces of the nasuverse(save for manipulating the Root) are about in 'Continent breaking Super Robot' tier, which is not THAT big a deal.
There are some impressive abilities in the nasuverse,(seeing eventual end, Reality formatting etc) but the scale and applications are usually quite limited.

>> No.2918518

It would be much easier for Archer to just blow up the wall.

>> No.2918522
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Holy shit Demon Machina based on some Outer God.

>> No.2918525

But the nameless one is freaking weird dude, he can do "stuff" you know.
Reality isn't really that much of a bother.

>> No.2918527


ORT can die. The only way for something not from Mercury to kill ORT would be to destroy Mercury itself. However, that's pretty much impossible by anything on Gaia so it really doesn't matter.

>> No.2918531


>And Types, the generally almighty forces of the nasuverse(save for manipulating the Root) are about in UNKILLABLE 'Continent breaking Super Robot' tier, which is not THAT big a deal.

And the more ridiculous interpretations of the Aristoteles makes them walking "New Laws of Physics" balls, which is an automatic "fuck you" to damn near anything ever.

>> No.2918534

This only applies to different realities than it's own.
In the world of Gaia, it's death concept is foreign.
It's not 'absolute' everywhere.

>> No.2918540


The only place it's not absolute is Mercury, which may or may not be ORT itself.

>> No.2918549

And they can be destroyed by certain element attacks (Black Barrel, antimagic element) or an Ideon sword.
Their concept may not die out completely, but who cares if they turn into loli angels?

>> No.2918562

Types are ultimate creatures of their planet that also act as the will of the planet.
True Ancestors are tweaked down versions of that.
Whatever your understanding is after reading this...

>> No.2918594
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>Their concept may not die out completely, but who cares if they turn into loli angels?

V/V said she wasn't dead and could still move, just that she didn't want to because that would kill humankind (she didn't want to anymore since she just learned [Cognitive Awareness - Earth Style]).

>> No.2918598

Giga Slave kills Aristotles permanently.


>> No.2918608

ORTfags always forget one thing:
You can blow this shit up and it dies.
Some generic planet killer attack should do.

>> No.2918622


Except nothing on Gaia is capable of generating that strong of an attack with severe repercussions to Gaia.

>> No.2918630


Learn the entire Nasuverse over again, faggot.

Planets in the Nasuverse > planets in other canons. They're goddamn alive and CREATE LAWS OF PHYSICS.
"Gravity"? "Gravity" is just Gaia's little DREAM! "Atoms"? SAME GODDAMN THING.

Your "planetcrushing" attack will just tink off the new reality.

>> No.2918631
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Everything she summons can kill ORT or at least hold it back. Discuss.

>> No.2918646


>> No.2918649

Planets aren't alive. The strongest, ultimate offspring of the planets are. The planets reach the end of their lifespans, and everything that was a part of it is incorporated into a perfect lifeform of that planet.

>> No.2918655

Of course.
That was a short discussion.

>> No.2918658


People really take that "Anti-World" title too literally.

>> No.2918665

Types can exist on NON-dead worlds.

>> No.2918666


Read the fucking character material again. Planets are by no means omnipotent.

Be stronger > kill them. Its that easy.

>> No.2918668


I would think blowing up a huge portion of Gaia falls under the "severe repercussions to Gaia" category

>> No.2918671

>Rm rewrites reality, and in extension physics.

Of course I understand that.
Reality Marbles can disregard normal laws and physics one hundred percent.

But the fact that reality Marbles still have laws remains even if they don't have to match with our own.

Things we do know however.
UBW have solid matter.
UBW have ground.
UBW's ground is solid.

Solid matter can't exist inside of solid matter.
Therefore, if Archer were to put someone below ground when he summoned UBW he would have to make sure a chunk of the ground isn't there beforehand in order to make room for a person to fit there, which he can't since he can't control the ground itself inside of UBW (the dirt and such).

A reality Marble can't be controlled freely which is what supposedly makes it "weaker" than a Marble Phantasm.
While a reality marble not necessarily needs to follow natural laws, they still have laws and concepts that cannot be changed compared to a Marble Phantasm who can do anything possible under natural laws.

Archers UBW have
a sky
some kind of light source (supposedly a sun but nothing is sure)
cogwheels spinning in the sky
an infinite number of swords.

Those things are there and cannot be changed as long as Archer himself doesn't go through some major change of character.

The cogwheels spin.
He can somewhat control the swords as they are a part of him (everything else in UBW including UBW itself are too, but the swords are supposedly somewhat more so)
The ground remains, he cannot manipulate the ground (the dirt and such) and the ground remains solid.

Solid matter cannot exist inside of solid matter and since ubw have solid ground something that is solid cannot appear below ground inside of UBW.

>> No.2918673
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>Planets aren't alive.

>The planets reach the end of their lifespans,

Sometimes I wish you wouldn't post.

>> No.2918683
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>> No.2918688


It's hard to be stronger than a magical living planet.


Gil has the power of 5 Servants, Primate Murder takes 7 to be taken down.

Gil aims Ea at the world and he's getting fucking tackled.

>> No.2918701

Counter Force reacts AFTER damage is done. replay Fate/stay night.
World would already be dead.

So easy even Beatrice can do it.

>> No.2918703


Solid matter CAN exist in solid matter. Matter is mostly empty space. Putting your hand on something solid and feeling resistance is an illusion caused by the electromagnetic forces between the atoms in your hand and the object

>> No.2918710
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>> No.2918711

Takes 4 Counter Guradians, who usually run around with far more prana than Servants to do the tasks they do. Either way, Enuma Elish is still a high-level continent-killing attack that would indeed damage the planet, likely before the planet itself activates Alaya to stop him. Hypothetically if he were to aim for the planet. After all, if it were possible to preempt dangers to the planet, Sakura would have been dead 8 days into the Heaven's Feel route.

>> No.2918712

The planets aren't alive. Once they spawn a lifeform which would be considered an Aristotle, they're effectively dead, like our Moon. The ultimate lifeform of the planet is alive, in a strange, sometimes non-biological sense, but the world itself is dead.

>> No.2918720

I do believe that the nameless one could take out both Gaia together with all of the Counter Guardians and the reality that Gaia has built.
So if ORT is from mercury the Nameless one could either fuck up the entire reality outside of mercury (Even if he perhaps wouldn't "Die" he wouldn't be able to exist n nothingness) or just fuck up mercury itself.

>> No.2918724
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>Gil aims Ea at the world and he's getting fucking tackled.

Bitches ain't fast enough.

>> No.2918728
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excuse me

>> No.2918729
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Somehow Nero is awesome.

>> No.2918743

Think of it as closed space. You can't enter it unless you were already there. It can't be seen by anyone outside of it. Anyone who enters that space after it is created will in the normal space. It's just a temporary pocket dimension.

>> No.2918745
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>> No.2918751

But the planets are alive.

Angel Notes clearly covers that fact.
Besides, Earth never had an "ultimate offspring" which is why it made a deal with Type-Moon for protection.

>> No.2918754


Omega strongtan vs. Alpha haxtan GO!

>> No.2918758
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It's time for you to stop living. No, it's way past time.

>> No.2918760

It's not mentioned anywhere that Types only exist when the planets die or that planets 'die' when they give borth to Types.
Type Moon is specifically described as the Type of a now dead world, and Earth was 'weakened' too far to create a type of her own, according to material we have.
Do you have a proper source of the info?

>> No.2918766

Why are there like 30 different versions of what planets in nasuverse are?

>> No.2918768

Nameless ones NEVER uses his powers at a huge scale, and there are at least 5 things in 3 different planes that can unmake him.
His powers, skills and 'durability' are very specific.

>> No.2918779


Because nobody is really quite sure, other than they have different "laws" and as such cannot really be understood.

>> No.2918781

Haxchan is way more broken. Her dog alone could do it.
The dogs demonbane version that is.

>> No.2918782

Tripfag doesn't, and never really does.

>> No.2918809
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Name this things.

I only know about one.

>> No.2918824


Can someone post Omega Strongtan again?

I'm going to draw some yuri.

>> No.2918855
File: 35 KB, 605x801, omega strongtan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2918864



Also, since Alpha Haxchan is a stick figure, her clothes are going to be based off her hat and hair. Red robe-like things with eye decor.

>> No.2918868

I will know how ZUN felt when he saw one quarter of the last Comiket was dedicated to Touhou porn!

>> No.2918870

Learn your physics.

Atoms can be fused depending on the density, but by doing that nothing solid have entered anything solid since the atom pieces have mearly rearranged themselfs rather than "being inside of eachother".

If you are implying that Archer would form an image in his mind of how the atoms of the opponent would be placed and rearrenged itselfs together with the ground's atoms in order to fuse them then I surely don't think he would be able to do such a thing, besides If he would/could he wouldn't have to place them underground since it would be enough to part their atoms from eachother in order to kill all of his enemies inside of UBW.

>> No.2918883

Don't you have the EX version of Omega Strong-tan?
I lost mine.

>> No.2918885
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>> No.2918890

I'm a physics major, but I'm too lazy to read this thread, so I'll let this pass.

>> No.2918897
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>> No.2918915

Noble phantasm "Reversal of resolution".

>> No.2918931


That's an evil name.

You realize that by Nasuverse logic, that NP gives him the ability to reverse causality? Completely reverse, not invert like Gae Bolg. "Reverse the Resolution of the heart being pierced". Lancer is fucked. Fucked!

>> No.2918937

Demonbane still somewhat follows Lovecraftian cannon quite good which makes the nameless ones almost omnipotent, at least stronger than ORT (even though ORT is strong).

Nameless One>ORT>Goku

I don't believe that chart is all that wrong.

>> No.2918947

His second Noble Phantasm fills the enemy with sperm until his/her organs shut off.

Only works on females.

>> No.2918964



>> No.2918973
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And then ORT was an undead zombie so yeah.

>> No.2918976

>stronger than Sonic Gokuverine

Fucking bullshit.

>> No.2918979

But he can still try doing it to males?
As implied with
>until his/her organs shut off.

I feel sorry for the man who has to live through that without dying.

>> No.2918993
File: 92 KB, 798x598, rance xavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xavier can`t be killed by ORT. Discuss.

>> No.2918996

Oh god.

>> No.2918997


>> No.2919015

Xavier can still get trapped inside of a giant crystal the very moment ORT gets near him. Discuss.

>> No.2919031

Waiting for said Yuri.

>> No.2919032

Kurohime can unseal Xavier. Discuss.

>> No.2919044
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I decided drawing Haxchan would be too much of a bother, sorry.

>> No.2919045
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MARIA can create ORT. Discuss.

>> No.2919092

/r/ yaoi pics of ORT with Nameless One

>> No.2919105

I don't think you really want to see that.
At least if your life worth anything to you

>> No.2919113
File: 78 KB, 700x420, atlach nacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORT/Atlach Nacha, more like.

>> No.2919125
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They ARE both spiders.

>> No.2919135

But ORT is a girl.

>> No.2919162
File: 150 KB, 600x750, 1228812982325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Moe moe magical ORT-chan!

>> No.2919331

best post in this entire thread

>> No.2919546

I don't really know why but somehow I feel like Hax-chan X Omegastrong-tan yuri would be fapable porn regardless of quality.
