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290108 No.290108 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here feel like they don't even want anything out of this world and are better off someplace else?

>> No.290118

Welcome back. I see neither of us has yet finished our final missions.

>> No.290120

Kill yourself, emo kid.

>> No.290135
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Well, you're stuck in this world, and there isnt any other place to go.

Sorry Jack.

>> No.290139

We're NOT emo. We just want to make ourselves taller.

>> No.290136

There is no someplace else.

>> No.290157

Life's a bitch, then we die.

Make someone else's life more miserable along the way.

>> No.290178

I feel like that everyday. I am stupid, I am ugly, and I don't have any friends. The world is not like Gurren-Lagann, nobody cares about us losers here.

And mot people born losers,end up dying as losers.

>> No.290200
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Making ourselves taller, are we?

>> No.290215

That's not how you make yourself taller.

>> No.290217

People from 100 years ago are the reason the world is so shitty now.

>> No.290220

Do something fulfilling then, I would argue a capitalistic society can breed depression more easily than others, because of the attitude that the amount of money you have is the measure of your worth.

>> No.290227

But EVERYTHING you want flows from this world.

>> No.290236


>> No.290230

Just fucking die then. But don't bitch about it on my god damn 4chan. christ

>> No.290246
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become an hourai

>> No.290251


More easily than socialism and Communism? I think not.

>> No.290256

I desire companionship and money but in the long run I want something that this world can't give me. It's too mundane, too boring and it's so boring it's stifling.

I don't know, I've never been able to find anything fulfilling, probably because being in public makes me crazy.

>> No.290265



>> No.290269


Considering communism bases your worth on how much you contribute to society as opposed to how much money you have, I'd imagine that most of 4chan would find that even more depressing than capitalism.

>> No.290273

I don't really see what's wrong with socialism

>> No.290278

I don't think Europe has as much of a problem with emo-kids as America does...and they're pretty socialist.

>> No.290281

in soviet russia, 4chan browses YOU !!

>> No.290283

They have a problem with total douchefags though.

>> No.290291
File: 125 KB, 552x703, 1206311892593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make a pact, shall we? If I go outside for two hours, you have to go outside for two hours. Deal?

>> No.290294

your vague use of language has made whatever point you were trying to make fail miserably.

>> No.290296

No deal, you come to my home in the two hours following this one and make me a sandwich.

>> No.290298


I live in a Socialist country, the depressing problems we face as a whole nation is the waiting time for Free healthcare, selling off our national-owned properties and the Americans treat us like radical dreamers.

>> No.290305

who gives a shit what Americans treat you like?

It's not like you get anything but weapons tech and tourists from America anyway.

>> No.290311

Capitalist healthcare sucks balls too. When I fucking have a problem getting a good BP cuff on a god damn cardio floor, there is something wrong.

>> No.290317

Healthcare?! At least you have it! I've been riding on 4 rotten teeth for over a year now, and rarely can get any more care than emergency treatment for anything!

>> No.290318

American tourists in Asia=lol enjoy fat guys sexing your wimmenz for $$$ anyway.
