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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.2881590[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Yume Miru Kusuri 2 announced!!! Omfg cant believe it!

>> No.2881598 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 968x3723, 2532342432565225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another screenshot

>> No.2881601

That picture would be better suited in /a/.

>> No.2881602

>all girls are whores
>in red

This is not a thing to post on /jp/

>> No.2881604 [SPOILER] 
File: 780 KB, 920x3333, 34464646464646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice wallpaper, who is the girl in blue????

>> No.2881606
File: 205 KB, 698x4676, 1209949473298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better guide.
Never helped me though, but I never bothered

>> No.2881608
File: 325 KB, 640x480, YOU ARE INCOMPETENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red was a bad choice of color, bro.

>> No.2881612
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>> No.2881613

but /fit/ hates cardio

>> No.2881616


>> No.2881617
File: 193 KB, 698x3838, 1209949768372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2881619

Op's comic is more relevant and easly understood. I mean "Get a job". Woopeedeee fucking doo.

Op actually teaches you how to look good durr

>> No.2881629

NEETS doesn't exist in capitalist america.

>> No.2881631

Being a failure is so ingrained into me at this point, that to ever not be seems completely alien.

Almost like losing a part of myself.

>> No.2881632

>teaches you how to look good
Op actually tells you you are worthless and should let other people make decisions for your life.
Let the hairdresser choose your haircut ?
Buy whatever the clerk throws at you ?
You call this teaching ?
Way to get worked up on something absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.2881642 [SPOILER] 
File: 692 KB, 920x2414, 4242442424224424242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapta t00

>> No.2881645

I have a real job (I have a fuckhuge income, and when I say fuckhuge, I mean FUCKHUGE), I have so-so looks and I have a lot of followers (whether they just wanna suck my balls or their loyalty is real), but something is still missing tho.

>> No.2881650 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1000x3971, 536434634634346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is good

>> No.2881652

An inferior version of the classic "fix your life" guide with walls of text and "fuk u u suk" in place of useful information.

>> No.2881654

it's only natural. Anyone who thinks that the goal of life is to be prosperous is missing the point.

>> No.2881655

>1.46mb of text in an image
... Maybe not.

>> No.2881658 [SPOILER] 
File: 620 KB, 920x1892, 62363223632632632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2881662

But I don't want a haircut because I'm a girl.

>> No.2881663

What goal do I wish to seek? I could not find it...I guess I have lots of time figuring it out, unless the rumors of that 2012 armageddon is true.

>> No.2881664

>>I are retarded and I only look at the pictures in the mONGAS AND ANIMUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2881669

>ludicrous amount of money on a first gift

You just scared off any normal girl because she'll think you're a rich awkward creep, the only girls who will be at all interested in you are gold diggers who now think you're rich and stupid.

>> No.2881670

but what if I hate humanity and want all of them to die

>> No.2881673

You want to become the richest man on earth, strive to reach that goal and become my rival.
You'll be my Howard Rockerduck.

>> No.2881675
File: 63 KB, 514x793, ultrashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2881684

Get a job faggot. A real job. Some evil mastermind must be taking on an apprentice

>> No.2881696

Me, I do what I want. I think that's the most important thing. For me it's about close friends and relaxation. It doesn't have to be anything big really. As long as your heart's into it, it'll probably make it feel like something's worth living for. In the end it's all about your personal reason for living.

>> No.2881707

Three rules are all you need to live.

One; Bring no harm to others.

Two; Seek whatever makes you happy, so long as you do not break rule one while doing so.

Three; Do not give up.

>> No.2881713

So I've always wondered why is "normal" used as an insult around here. Do you think that jerking off to figurines and playing Japanese games somehow makes you less shallow and ignorant than everyone else?

>> No.2881720

It's just a defence reaction to people who think that it's wrong.

>> No.2881722

Psst, it's years old and we long since determined the person who wrote it is full of shit.

Don't know why people keep posting it.

>> No.2881730

No, we just think normal people are boring. There was some copypasta about it, maybe someone will post it to enlighten you.

The bottom line is, we hate normalfags because look at /r9k/. THAT is what normalfags discuss. Oh so incredibly exciting.

>> No.2881737

Stop making these fucking threads. Nobody cares.

>> No.2881742

Somehow, I find more purpose to life than dedicating myself to primitive instincts like chasing pussy all day. But whatever you normalfags enjoy.

>> No.2881751

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.2881761

Everyone who is bumping this thread is OP.

>> No.2881763

>Somehow, I find more purpose to life than dedicating myself to primitive instincts like chasing pussy all day. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go jerk off to some Touhou rape doujins.


>> No.2881764


>> No.2881771

Wow, you sure proved me wrong.

>> No.2881774

common made mistake

living the real life =\= chasing pussy all day

Though it's understandable your (and many of our) way of percieving reality must've been quite warped with the considerable amount of time you spend on 4chan.

>> No.2881791

>living the real life =\= chasing pussy all day

All you normalfags bitch, talk about, and dedicate your life to.

1) Pussy
2) Respect
3) Money

And by the time you die, your life will have been just as meaningless as any basement dweller here.

>> No.2881807

All you NEETfags bitch, talk about, and dedicate your life to.

1) Fapping
2) Eroge
3) Timesinks

And by the time you die, your life will have been less meaningful than that of the most worthless normal, because said normal will leave a legacy in the form of his family, while you die alone.

>> No.2881819

>How to not fail at life
>Do stuff that will make you depressed and unhappy
funy shit 55555555 would read again

>> No.2881828

>normal will leave a legacy in the form of his family
You are saying it like it's a good thing.

>> No.2881832

but the normalfriend spent his whole life doing tiring shit to be successful and the hikkifriend spent his whole life doing stuff he enjoyed

>> No.2881875
File: 156 KB, 677x503, teslaisapimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Tesla here.
I'm just dropping by to give you normalfriends some advice.
Women are bitches and whores, every single one of them. I'm happier with my bird waifu (she just ate some birdseed from my hand, shit was SO cash) and my SCIENCE.

>> No.2881879

You're making the assumption that most NEETs love what they do, which clearly isn't the case given the vortex of jaundiced negativity that envelops this site/board. At best, it indicates that said NEETs are either rich, emo, self-indulgent douchebags with entitlement complexes needlessly complaining about trivialities and at worst, it means that they're actually miserable, self-loathing and pathetic wastes of life who direct their self-hatred onto anyone to whom they come into contact.

Why is it a bad thing? Don't you have a "waifu" you love tenderly? Isn't having her companionship through the swells and troughs of your life your dream? That's pretty clear proof that you have a longing for such a thing in your heart. I mean, it's not as though it's only about sex, right? Right?

>> No.2881897

>legacy in the form of his family, while you die alone.
Ahahaha, it's so funny how low-brow people still believe having kids will make them live on forever.

Protip: what will remain of your "legacy" one million years from now? Fuck, even after 2 generations 99% of all people will have forgotten about you. After a few millenia, only a very select few are remembered. And after millions of years (a FRACTION of how long the universe has existed up till now) nobody will probably even exist to remember you.

You will disappear from this world completely with time, just like everyone else.

>> No.2881909

Thanks for the help, OP, but I really don't need this guide. Good luck on your journeys all the same.

>> No.2881926

How would a Yume Miru Kusuri 2 work, anyway.

I can't see a continuation with any 3 girls or Kouhei, so I guess a new roster with different problems?

>> No.2881931

>You're making the assumption that most NEETs love what they do, which clearly isn't the case given the vortex of jaundiced negativity that envelops this site/board.
You are seeing the userbase of this board as a single person.
You can see how most people here discuss the things they enjoy and in most cases ignore/"attack" the stuff they don't enjoy

>At best, it indicates that said NEETs are either rich, emo, self-indulgent douchebags with entitlement complexes needlessly complaining about trivialities and at worst, it means that they're actually miserable, self-loathing and pathetic wastes of life who direct their self-hatred onto anyone to whom they come into contact.

You're not making sense.

>> No.2881932

Did you even read the damn thing OP posted? (I could excuse you for not having done so, I would ignore it too, but you're arguing his case here, so you should have) It's nothing but one big to-do-list to reach the magical end result of "getting laid".

>> No.2881959

It seems as long as you don't complain about being lonely you're in the clear.

I'm good.

>> No.2881963

your troll-fu needs practice, friend

If there ever was one it'd probably continue from nekoko route with a mature kohei and a breakup

of course that would be stupid, so they better not do it

>> No.2881971


Pretentious pseudointellectual detected.

>Protip: what will remain of your "legacy" one million years from now?

Neither of us can see a million years into the future so this ends up being pointless speculation. Your conjecture wouldn't be any more valid than mine in this case.

>Fuck, even after 2 generations 99% of all people will have forgotten about you.

This is an assumption, as you are not me. Furthermore, even if we assume that your faulty premises are correct, then 1% still remembers me, as opposed to the 0% that remembers you, because you shunned all human contact.

>After a few millenia, only a very select few are remembered.

And yet, I can safely say that my chances of being one of the few are greater than yours, because my chances aren't zero. Unlike you, I can say that I gave an effort and didn't simply cry in a corner and cut myself while lamenting the cruelty of time.

>And after millions of years (a FRACTION of how long the universe has existed up till now) nobody will probably even exist to remember you.

This is an assumption grounded in negativity, not fact.

>You will disappear from this world completely with time, just like everyone else.

Ok, nihilist.

It's funny how these sorts of arguments appealing to eternity are invoked most loudly by those with no future to begin with.

>> No.2881972

>either rich, emo, self-indulgent douchebags with entitlement complexes needlessly complaining about trivialities and at worst, it means that they're actually miserable, self-loathing and pathetic wastes of life who direct their self-hatred onto anyone to whom they come into contact.

And these things are exclusive to NEETs right?
Look in the mirror before trying to get others to take your shitty "values" seriously.

>> No.2881973

You know, after you've already discussed the big three there's really nowhere else to go but down. I mean, it'll have too much of that "we're going to do the same thing but with much less enthusiasm" feel to it.

>> No.2881974

>Don't you have a "waifu" you love tenderly?
I don't have a waifu, it's retarded. Virtual characters are good for masturbation purposes only.

>> No.2881987

Seems kinda dumb to me to care about what happens after you die. What good are descendants to me? What good is it if I somehow become the most famous person in existence? I'd just be glorified by people I probably hate anyways. Seems like you're wasting precious time by believing that it's important. Course believe what you want, I respect that, but I would appreciate it if you didn't bother people about stuff that they just don't care about.

>> No.2881998

There are far more attacks than actual "discussion."

>only to NEETs
You're admitting that my description applies to you, kid.

So then what's the point of masturbating to 2d porn? Let me guess, the poorly drawn pie eyes and grotesquely disfigured anatomy turns you on, right?

>> No.2882002

Shitty thread with people shoving their values and beliefs down eachothers throats. Nobody is going to change their opinion.


>> No.2882006

Hahaha, I'm not even going to begin responding to that, it's just one big joke. Tell me, wise guy, what will your small "legacy" mean for you, in the end?

That's right, nothing. Just like what you will become.

>> No.2882011

>There are far more attacks than actual "discussion."
Again, it depends on the topic
>So then what's the point of masturbating to 2d porn? Let me guess, the poorly drawn pie eyes and grotesquely disfigured anatomy turns you on, right?


>> No.2882012

I'll just repost what I said in the last "hurrdurr ronery NEET" thread.

>I decided long ago that there is nothing wrong with how I am and I've been taking it easy ever since. I'm a huge failure at everything I try, but I like myself. I've dropped out of college twice now and while I do regret the time wasted there, I don't dwell on it and I certainly don't care what other people think of it. My current goal in life is to raise enough money to buy a bike and a new guitar and go be a travelling hippy type. But I'm content to stay at home and masturbate for a few more years too.

In short, I enjoy my life as it is and I still have my own small goals in life. Family, "pussy" and a high-paying job no longer interest me when I consider how much of myself I would have to give up along with it. Normal people spend their lives living according to social norms, working 9 to 5 in the same shit jobs all their lives and spending all their free time watching TV until they die. I have no desire to join them. I'd rather just observe them from outside their self-imposed cages.

>> No.2882013

I agree wholeheartedly with your point, but I'm forced to ask - you may not care what happens when you die, but do you care what happens when you live? Or is it just directionless parasitic hedonism all the way for you?

>> No.2882020

>It's funny how these sorts of arguments appealing to eternity are invoked most loudly by those with no future to begin with.
If you weren't a low-brow imbecile, you could have figured out we use it to show you how your concepts of having a "future" are meaningless if you do not enjoy your time spent during it. We never talk about it until you morons bring it up, because your life is preoccupied with it. You argue that wasting time doing things that do not make me happy will somehow benefit me "in the long run". I show you that it does not, and that spending your time doing what you like is a much wiser pursuit.

>> No.2882021


I have a hard time respecting anybody defining themselves as good for nothing hippies, honstly. And even then I'M a NEET atm.

>> No.2882024

Holy fucking shit, Im not trying to ride Op/authors dick, but my god his comic is pretty accurate.

>>4chan is not only filled with trolls and people with very stupid cynical views

Okey dats it! I'm gonna leave this shitty site once and for all. pointless fucking discussions amongst faggot non evolving losers... this site has not been
good for me at all

fuck you 4chan, fuck you

>> No.2882027

>directionless parasitic hedonism
>/jp/ - directionless pedophiles
Sounds about right.

>> No.2882030

You are OP, judging from your fifth grade spelling.

Get out.

>> No.2882033

and nothing of value was lost.

You see gentlemen this is how we let the weak root themselves out.

As a collective we are stronger now.

>> No.2882034

Abandon this shitty board already and go check out the real deal! Smart Internet users hang at:

http://www.AnbnTalk.com/ (Anbn = Anon)

Are YOU smart or just another worthless chanturd?

> mbcgmhdohhjfdnsmjbolgyyognfdickyjhgsjydgdiljh

>> No.2882036

>So then what's the point of masturbating to 2d porn? Let me guess, the poorly drawn pie eyes and grotesquely disfigured anatomy turns you on, right?
Yes, and? What's your point?

>> No.2882040

This thread reeks of a shitty Debate 100 class.

>> No.2882044


>gonna leave this shitty site once and for all
And then /jp/ was good again.

>> No.2882046

This thread is fucking horrible, goddamn. This is why I hate philosophy.

>> No.2882047

>I'm not going to bother responding to that
>I'm rhetorically cornered and afraid to injure my internet pride if he refutes me in a way that makes me look dumb

>Tell me, wise guy, what will your small "legacy" mean for you, in the end?

I'll be able to die satisfied, surrounded by that which I've created. You'll die alone. While we both end up dead, I can confidently say the former situation is preferable to the latter.

>That's right, nothing. Just like what you will become.

Spoken like a true nihilist. If you really believed everything was without meaning, then you would have manned up and killed yourself. The fact that you haven't shows that you're just another self-pitying coward who listens to Linkin Park. Get out.

>> No.2882048

That's nice. I like who I am though. How about you?

>> No.2882050

In a way it's directionless. Isn't it all? No matter how fulfilled I may be, in the end it will all have been pointless. But that doesn't matter to me. All I'm concerned about is enjoying myself how I want. I really couldn't care less about how pointless everything I do is. I've got time, I've got the will to live, so I might as well live.

'luck man, hope things go fine

>> No.2882054

Yes, please leave. Go have a "life" on some other board. I hope it will make you happy.

>Im not trying to ride Op/authors dick
>Okey dats it!
No, Anonymous, you are the OP.

>> No.2882055

Hey, you know what. Everyone, this post has a point! Everybody, we can help ourselves and still do the things we love, all we have to do is follow this advice!

>> No.2882056


>> No.2882058

>I can confidently say the former situation is preferable to the latter.

Yeah, but that's, like, your opinion man.

>> No.2882063

Abandon this shitty board already and go check out the real deal! Smart Internet users hang at:

http://www.AnbnTalk.com/ (Anbn = Anon)

Are YOU smart or just another worthless chanturd?

> hjhgjdfdlsbnnindd

>> No.2882068


I'm good. And I wasn't trying to disrespect you, I was merely taught to earn my living. It's in my spine to push myself and others into being productive citizens of the state. (Doing this on the internet seems like a lousy substitute I know)

>> No.2882076

>Spoken like a true nihilist.
Nihilism is the only thing any intellectual being could accept. Any other beliefs about "purpose" and "afterlife" are complete nonsense. I'm not going to bother explaining why that is to a mental midget like you, though.

>If you really believed everything was without meaning, then you would have manned up and killed yourself.
Why? I have this life, and I'm enjoying it right now (unlike you, because I'm doing what I enjoy, instead of striving for some unattainable goal) I do not know what I will get after I die, but I don't see any benefit in finding out sooner than later right now. Since, you know, I'm enjoying myself and all. Something you probably haven't experienced in a long time, since you live your life according to societal norms.

>> No.2882079

I hate parenthood. I never want to be a father. If I have a son (or daughter) he would live his own life. I get nothing out of it. I'm not the type to believe that children have a duty to their parents. I'm not going to spend my life slaving to support children when I get nothing in return for it.

As for satisfaction, I would hate myself if I wasted so many years living for some vague legacy in the distant future that has nothing for me in it.

>> No.2882080
File: 175 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 024a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I am still alive is because I currently have not died yet.

>> No.2882084

I find the social idea of success pleasant and enjoy being rich.
Now, since anyone's opinion is just as worthless as mine, how about you stop arguing like children, one of you is some kind of antisocial emo rebel, while the other is the same thing with one more layer of rebelliousness against his own "background"

>> No.2882090

>I'll be able to die satisfied, surrounded by that which I've created.
Maybe, maybe not. Not everyone dies in a hospital bed. You might just get a heart attack in your sleep and never even realize your "loved ones" were around or not.

>You'll die alone.
So will you. You'll find out eventually.

>While we both end up dead, I can confidently say the former situation is preferable to the latter.
Why? You'll still die. Why is dying alone worse than dying with someone standing around?

>> No.2882095

I guess people who have nothing going for them besides their income would find having lots of money pleasurable. I mean, if you have nothing else to derive joy from.

>> No.2882096

I think most of us would be fine with that if he wasn't trying to make us think like him. I'm personally cool with his way of life, but it's not mine. That's the only problem really.

>> No.2882117

>If you weren't a low-brow imbecile, you could have figured out we use it to show you how your concepts of having a "future" are meaningless if you do not enjoy your time spent during it.

Cool false dichotomy, kid. Planning your life and enjoyment aren't mutually exclusive.

>We never talk about it until you morons bring it up, because your life is preoccupied with it.

Your life is also preoccupied, and unlike mine, definitely won't have a payoff ever. And as I've said, preoccupied =/= unenjoyable, assuming you've made the right choices.

>You argue that wasting time doing things that do not make me happy will somehow benefit me "in the long run".

I would accept this argument if you'd actually done those things to begin with. Most likely, in your first encounter with reality, you approached it with the same sort of half-hearted nonchalance as you did your childhood and as a consequence failed miserably. You wound up hating responsibilities as a result of your own deficiency of effort, and regressed back into the shell of your childhood, where things were easy, clear cut and free of obligation.

>I show you that it does not, and that spending your time doing what you like is a much wiser pursuit.

Even if I accept the premises of your argument, all you've shown is that my approach is equal to yours, not that yours is better. According to your rationale, the payoff ends up being the same - both of us enjoy ourselves while we live and lose everything after we die. So how's your approach wiser, especially since the deficiency of planning on your part could mean homelessness for multiple periods in your life since you have nothing and no one on which you rely?

>> No.2882125

Same here. If he becomes most happy by banging lots of women and having offspring, fine with me. But don't tell me I have to live like that or that you're somehow better than me for it.

>> No.2882131

Stop already! People can live however they want to live!
If I want to masturbate to my 2D waifu for the rest of my life, then I'll do it! If I want to have a girlfriend, get married and have kids, then I'll do it too! Why can't you just accept people's choices?

You guys should have just ignored OP and this stupid discussion would not have happened. If there's one true thing about his stupid comic is you never stop complaining about EVERYTHING. Ugh.

Not Japan/General related. Reported.

>> No.2882167

God, you're a persistent little fuck.

>Planning your life and enjoyment aren't mutually exclusive.
No, they don't have to be. But you are recommending things to people that they should do which they explained to you THEY DO NOT ENJOY. And when they do (explain it), you berate them for it.

They should go clubbing, drinking, interacting with people they don't like, etc. etc. And for what? OOOOH, PUSSY!!!! Right, we don't really care. And don't tell me I have to explain how doing work from 9 to 5 is something most people don't enjoy. I think they enjoy even spending their time on 4chan discussing with annoying little shits like you more than some tedious job.

>all you've shown is that my approach is equal to yours, not that yours is better.
No, because you told people to not only do things they enjoy, but tedious shit too because it would help them in the end and ah fuck it, it's fucking hot here and I'm tired of this. Gonna go downstairs and have a drink.

>> No.2882171

>Nihilism is the only thing any intellectual being could accept. Any other beliefs about "purpose" and "afterlife" are complete nonsense.
>any other beliefs

Keyword: It's a belief. You hold the belief that nothing has value.... including beliefs. Do you enjoy exercising hypocrisy?

>I'm not going to bother explaining why that is to a mental midget like you, though.
>Ad hominem attack used in leiu of any substantive argument as to why CRAWLLLING IN MY SKINNNN is a superior life philosophy

>Why? I have this life, and I'm enjoying it right now (unlike you, because I'm doing what I enjoy, instead of striving for some unattainable goal) I do not know what I will get after I die, but I don't see any benefit in finding out sooner than later right now. Since, you know, I'm enjoying myself and all. Something you probably haven't experienced in a long time, since you live your life according to societal norms.

Planning + work aren't mutually exclusive from enjoyment; anyone who's studying science can tell you that. It may be a shock to you, but jobs can be found outside of places like WalMart and MacDonalds.

Also, you can enjoy yourself by striving for an unattainable goal (which mine isn't). Read UBW.

>> No.2882182

Intellectual beings are the only ones capable of entertaining constructs such as purpose or an afterlife, which is proof that if anything; nihilism is the creed of beasts rather than men.

>> No.2882183


Nihilism isn't a belief; it's an understanding of physics.

Everything is nothing, or at the very least will be nothing in a finite time.

>> No.2882192

Which makes it less valid how?

>> No.2882196

Enjoy incorrectly applying your archaic theories about entropy to the Universe, an entity which we don't fully understand.

>> No.2882200

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.2882212

Our origin is stillness.

All things eventually become one once more.

>> No.2882213

Don't you mean infinite? I mean, considering time is infinite, an infinite amount of ways the universe and everything will end up exists which logically means that EVENTUALLY there WILL be nothingness, although it doesn't have to be permanent.

>> No.2882217


>> No.2882220


Entropy is particle decay, now?

There's a finite amount of particles in this universe. If they all decay into waves, then there is no solid matter left.
That is to say, nothing.

Okay, FINE. Nothing but photons.

>> No.2882222

We're trying to use what we DO understand to gather some idea of what might be going on. Excuse us for not believing in your invisible man in the sky bullshit.

>> No.2882225

>Omfg cant
Thanks for the laugh.
This thread is too huge for my ADD, so I'm skipping it.

>> No.2882245

If you're accusing me of believeing in God, I'll state outright that I don't believe and never had and that I think that people who accept such ignorant superstition in the age of science are a discredit to the title homo sapiens.

But at the same time, I think that twisting incomplete and unfalsifiable scientific models solely for the purpose of justifying ideologies (ie nihilism, creationism et al)is just as reprehensible.

>> No.2882263

>There's a finite amount of particles in this universe.

Assumption, not falsifiable, etc.

>If they all decay into waves, then there is no solid matter left.

That's a big if and also not falsifiable.

>> No.2882291
File: 47 KB, 300x360, 1241198177236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fiiiine, don't leave me to my devil's proofs.

It's all projection anyway. It's also possible via quantum mechanics that the universe is truly infinite with infinite possibilities. Then you can create something and have it last FOREVER. Achievement get.
