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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2869473 No.2869473 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to you guys, Umineko has become to new FSN.

>> No.2869498

And I don't care because lots of people enjoying something good does not negatively affect me.

>> No.2869503

Jealous Beato is moe.

>> No.2869510

Except it doesn't gets trolled as much. And it's not finished, unlike FSN when we had to wait some fagget to finish it from route-to-route.
I like both

>> No.2869532

Umineko is still rather mediocre.

Better than FSN, but not by much.

>> No.2869554

>don't you tell me about love
Beatrice seems very damaged by what Battler did to her.

>> No.2869592

I'm going to report all Umineko threads from now.

>> No.2869607

I'd love to hear what your opinion of a 'good' VN is.

And if you say 'Clannad' I swear to god. There isn't enough rage in this universe to support my overwhelming hate.

>> No.2869615 [DELETED] 

op here lol sup nigga´z check out 4chen's new adresss: www.anonloltalk.com (remove lol)

> ynyhoolmlgmgdsphfhisnhhjlyhgjngfmi

>> No.2869617


>> No.2869633 [DELETED] 

Naricssu, ONE, Cross Channel, Ever17, Sekien no Inganock/Shikkoku no Sharnoth

>> No.2869639

Clannad is a good VN faggot.

>> No.2869636 [DELETED] 

Naricssu, ONE, Cross Channel, Ever17/Remember11, Sekien no Inganock/Shikkoku no Sharnoth

>> No.2869642

Naricssu, ONE, Cross Channel, Ever17/Remember11, Sekien no Inganock/Shikkoku no Sharnoth

>> No.2869646


Half of your list is shit.

As for which half I leave that for you to contemplate on.

>> No.2869652

>I hate popular things, am I one of you guys now?

>> No.2869658
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>> No.2869663

Some are indeed better, some are worse. They are definitely not better by the degree you are implying.

>> No.2869664

The whole purpose of /jp/ was to be that.

Of course, being on one of the most popular sites of the Internet didn't help.

>> No.2869680

I loved ONE.

They are all better than Umineko and Type-Moon.

>> No.2869683


I can accept this answer.

>Everything else

Naricssu had some good storytelling but failed to especially move me. ONE? Had a few good routes. A few meh ones. And then there was Miyu's route, which made me feel genuinely afraid that I was in danger of being arrested due to some new law passed or something. Statutory retard rape? No thanks.

Can't comment on the other two, haven't played them yet.

>> No.2869701

All the 'unique' devices of ONE just made it all come together in the end and turned ONE into something very good.

>> No.2869712


>> No.2869721
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>very good

>> No.2869718


Umineko isn't mediocre, it's good.
Yeah the writing feels very amateurish at times, yeah Ryukishi07 should really works on the composition of the story.
But it does manage to create a real atmosphere and the soundtrack is awesome.

As a doujin, it's pretty good, not my favorite ( that would be Himawari) but definitely in my top 10.
Though I admit that the best thing about it is the aftermath of each game, where you really start to try to make sense of what happened and make assumption about the real culprit(s).

>> No.2869740

Not the guy you are arguing with but ONE pretty much created every things you see in modern galge.
For its time, it was awesome, even now it's still pretty good.

>> No.2869744

ONE was a great VN...

>> No.2869752

Guys, can't we keep our trolling in the same thread?

>> No.2869788

What makes Umineko above average is the entertaining storytelling, and the great atmosphere and music.

What makes it great is the fact that, as the story proceeds, fans are given a LEGITIMATE TOPIC OF DISCUSSION. Everyone has their own crazy ideas about what means what, who's killing who and why, and what's going to happen in the future.

Go read a thread for a Type-Moon game. There are two topics: 1) DBZesque powerlevel faggotry. 2) Why didn't ***** get a route?!?!?!? Let's flood images to assuage our broken hearts.

Most other VNs dont even get 2 thread topics. Someone makes a thread for their favorite character and floods images till they run out/cap. Discussions are brief and mostly initiated by people who haven't played/finished the game.

>> No.2869812

/r/ing those DDL links to Umineko.

>> No.2869813

All the arguments and theories become moot once the final arc is released and it's some far-off answer that no one could possibly see.

It's always possible to create discussion on any VN.

>> No.2869837

>i don't know what /rs/ is

>> No.2869841


No, Umineko is still the best translated VN ever, and it will always be so, and trolling it will not stop it from being so.

But if Remember11 is ever finished being translated, Umineko's reign might end.

>> No.2869848

I figured I would keep it in the same thread instead of creating a new one. I've been putting off playing this, and would like to before I get spoiled by watching the anime. I heard the all of the episodes are included if I just download episode 4? Would save me a lot of time and grief, if I could get a quick answer on that.

>> No.2869855

Yes. EP4 CD contains all previous episodes.

>> No.2869856

Yes, all the episodes are included in Episode 4.

>> No.2869861


It's not on /rs/ that I can see.

>> No.2869869

Look harder.

>> No.2869871

Has anyone found sheet music for dir?

>> No.2869875

The storytelling is mediocre in Umineko, there isn't two ways about it.
Umineko is a mystery story, I agree that the most entertaining thing about it is to discuss about what really happened.
But honestly the whole mystery feels kinda forced, it's like being in a fog and seeing things a little more clearly when time passes, Ryukishi07 withholds too much informations.

For me a real mystery is about having all the pieces at your disposition and remaking the whole "puzzle" one piece at a time from scratch.

>> No.2869898


Link harder.

>> No.2869912


That just means it doesn't properly fall into the mystery genre. It's still good.

>> No.2869915


It's not a true mystery story, it's a mystery vs fantasy story, in other words it's entertainment. The readers can be anti fantasy or anti mystery or neither or both or whatever the fuck they want but it won't change how the story would progress because it doesn't matter. In the end it's just all an interesting show to watch unfold and everyone knows the true answer is going to be something ridiculous like loldiseases.

>> No.2869916
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>> No.2869971

Umineko: trolls trolling trolls

>> No.2869986
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>This thread

>> No.2870001

This thread is full of Umineko and FSN devs. It's beyond salvation.

>> No.2870017

Even the developer trolling the fans, fans trolling fans, trolls trolling fans, fans trolling trolls, trolls trolling trolls, shit hitting the fan.
