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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2850014 No.2850014 [Reply] [Original]

I've decided to get a new computer.
But before I begin to google up prices and shit, there is one essential thing I must do first: name her.

/jp/, will you help me name my new computer?

>> No.2850017

Why don't you try /b/ and make a "post ending in" thread
Or you could name it after me

>> No.2850019
File: 607 KB, 618x592, wot8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying you'll buy a new pre-done computer? Enjoy your piece of garbage, jonesy. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2850021

I named mine "IMOUTO".

A month later she died.


>> No.2850022

I guess I should have mentioned this in my first post.
My laptop's name is Shana.

>> No.2850025

Reisen Udongein Inaba.

I wouldn't name a computer though, only hard disks.

If you replace cpu, is she still the same person (thing)? Motherboard? Most but not all parts?

>> No.2850030
File: 129 KB, 636x475, 1244496474668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy something prebuilt just name it CurryButt, because it'll be shit like me but even more worthless as it'll piss you off more often.

>> No.2850036

I'll buy whatever gets me the best value for my money.
If that means having to put it together myself, that's OK. I'm not afraid of screwdrivers and google.

No, that is dumb.
Naming a computer is like naming a child. Why would you give her a random name or a lousy name?
I'm asking /jp/ because /jp/ might have some good ideas.

>> No.2850043

The new computer computer i bought 2 month's ago is named "Navi".

>> No.2850045 [DELETED] 

Call her Mei Mei

>> No.2850055

just by a board, a cpu, a fan, ram if needed and that's it

>> No.2850058


>> No.2850067

Building computer, explained by Anonymous! Brilliant, only 14 words, it's THAT easy!

>> No.2850073

I named my XP partition Rei, W7 partition Reimu, and hard drives Tenshi, Yukari, Ringo, and Sora.

>> No.2850076

Call her Index. Every time you boot her up she'll greet you with a moé "Touma" sound clip.

>> No.2850079
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The funny part is, it really IS that fucking simple. The only 'complicated' part is finding good parts. Putting it together is literally 'snap this on here where its extremely obvious it should be - it wont fit if its wrong anyway so just jam it all over the place'

It's just like your first time with a woman, bro.

>> No.2850082


>> No.2850086
File: 121 KB, 535x640, reisen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reisen is a nice name.
CurryButt is right out. ^_^;;
I don't really like Gertrude.

Where does the soul of a machine reside?

>> No.2850087

BECAUSE IT IS. Building is not a secret science, only faggots, nerds and egomaniacs care about more.
Choose the cpu regarding to your wallet and from there google-fu should suffice

>> No.2850094

>this thread

>> No.2850095

I named my main harddrives LeMMIH and Yumemi.

>> No.2850098
File: 39 KB, 304x398, satorinrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the HDD. I mean, if all your memories were wiped, it would be like you never existed. Or something like that.

>> No.2850108

>faggots, nerds, and egomaniacs
I'm sure you won't find any of those on /jp/!

This gave me Esther.
Forget it.

Sounds cute.

Ringo is a nice name for an hdd, but I prefer female names.

>> No.2850112

Roughly 90% of population wouldn't be able to. Remaining 10% would not be satisfied by 14 word summary with a horrible typo by anonymous. My point was not that building your machine is difficult, but that >>2850055-kun is not the smartest guy around.

>> No.2850113
File: 75 KB, 384x384, currysippingshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the You clips from Ever17 ;_;

Then again, I never hear her because my computer is only turned off maybe once every 3 months. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2850119

I have six hard drives, ans some of them have many partitions. Does it mean that my machine should have 8 names? Or it has 8 beings I care about inside it?

>> No.2850122

I've always thought that building a computer isn't that easy. Some parts can be incompatible with each other, right?

>> No.2850131

You can easily name your hard drives, including partitions, as well as the machine as a whole. It's not like its one being, as you can technically take pieces of it and put them into another PC and they'd work fine - especially the harddrives.

So giving them all their own names makes the most sense - as a computer is not ONE thing but a bunch of trash put in a box together.

>> No.2850142

Yes. Like a harem. If said HD is partitioned means it has split personalities.

>> No.2850156

Let's get back to using clips. Where are the settings you change to use custom startup and shutdown sounds?

>> No.2850160


>> No.2850166

It's wasn't a typo, but the keyboard's fault, and you shouldn't judge fags on their posts, silly. Regarding to comp building, there isn't much more to say besided just built it.
/jp/ is not an overclocker board nor a hacker board, and 99% of fags on 4chan buy ther computers prebuild anyway.

>> No.2850171

Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Sounds on XP.
I use Tsugumi.

>> No.2850173
File: 594 KB, 1900x1400, AIR_GEAR_16_038-039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are female names ಠ_ಠ

Computers are DEEP.

>> No.2850183

Yeah, but you need to be a total idiot to buy incompatible parts....
motherboards have the processor generation they're intended for all over them, cpu's have the socket type printed on the label, AGP GPU's barely exist anymore (plus, it's a very different connection than PCI-e) and even if someone is stupid enough to buy an IDE HDD, 99% of the motherboards still have IDE connectors.
about the ram, it's as simple as "DDR, DDR2, DDR3". that's all.
I manage a small computer store for a living, assembling, fixing, selling computers n' shit.
Assembling them is like a big kit of legos, about cable management etc.- you don't need to go overboard, just tie things up so it wouldn't completely ruin the airflow, that's all.
-On the other hand, i make so much money from those "OMG ALL WIRES SHOULD GO BEHIND THE MOTHERBOARD TRAY" kids, can't really complain.

>> No.2850186

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.2850193

Ringo, a female name? ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2850199


If someone transplants a Liver into you, does the liver have its own name?

My computers are all sentient beings on their own. I built them and named them, and I consider them my (dis)loyal servants.

One is called Ren.

>> No.2850203

I second that suggestion.

>> No.2850207

My hard drives are named after F/SN routes.

>> No.2850216
File: 503 KB, 1600x1200, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the name of the girl in the picture!

>> No.2850218

Named my laptop biribiri, prepared matching sound schemes, and have her as my background.
I love biribiri ;__;

>> No.2850221

> shouldn't judge fags on their posts
Oh I should, that's one of the few reasons I have left to visit the board.

>> No.2850223

I asked someone else, and they named my computer Yutsutomu.

The new one I'm going to build, I intend to name Arc.

>> No.2850230

Stop naming computers, they have no personalities!

Name hard drives!

>> No.2850248
File: 272 KB, 320x480, IMG_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My iPhone 3G, named, naturally, Shanghai.

>> No.2850254

My computer is called Mei Mei and my hardrives are called Alice and Marisa

>> No.2850255
File: 239 KB, 571x743, reisen3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going with Reisen.

A computer should be a single entity, so if I put in multiple hdds (dunno yet, since I haven't looked at prices for anything) I will probably name them Reisen0, Reisen1, etc.

Externals are a different story, of course, since they stand alone.

>> No.2850266


>> No.2850268

Stop naming kids, they have no personalities!

Name brains!

>> No.2850269

A liver would be more like the other unnamed pieces of a computer that are simply called what they are, like the ram, motherboard, processor, etc, rather than a good example of what a hard drive would be in another situation.

So your 0/10 trolling fails again, but that's no surprise ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2850271


>> No.2850274

Technically all HD's "stand alone" as you can simply take them out of your PC and put them in a case and oops its now an 'external hard drive'.

This is why it isn't one entity - because each hard drive is it's own thing, you can toss it in a different computer and it'll still work with the same information, you can put it in a case and use it as an external/portable HD, etc.

>> No.2850277

If you're going to give your computer a degree of anthropomorphism, I say go all out.
For example, mine could be an overachiving class rep type that doesn't know when she's trying to handle too much. She just goes "I can do it, don't worry, I can do it" and get all slow.
She only has a single gig of ram, but she tries her best and believes she's the best there is. To spare it the embarrassment, I don't install anything that would tax her crappy graphics card.

Even though she has died before and wiped out all of our memories together, her sisters managed to save most of her. She acts as if nothing wrong happened, but we both know. So now she keeps a detailed journal and keeps her everyday stuff separated from the rest.
She likes her new clothes and makes her feel not only prettier but faster. Yuriko would be her name.

Too bad I don't do this. It's just named Navi and I'm going to leave it behind. It served me well for years, but it's starting to show its age.

>> No.2850279

>and put them in a case
That's key, in my mind.

>> No.2850281

Kids and their brains are inseparable. A kid has only one brain. Your analogy is moot.

>> No.2850282

I beat my computer when I get mad at it. I'm a bad master.

>> No.2850286

I named my partitions separately, so I'd probably name other hard drives separately.

Mobius and Mortanius, by the way. Thumb drive is Kain, and mp3 player is Raziel. Cookie to anybody who gets the references.

>> No.2850293


Must not be as you made a point of an external HD being different from the rest - but all it is, is a normal harddrive in a case that gives it a power supply and a connection to the computer. So just doing this yourself would achieve the same result as the hard drives packaged and sold as 'external hard drives'.

So there is no difference.

>> No.2850294


>Kids and their brains are inseparable

Says who? With SCIENCE, all is possible.


No, you'd be an excellent master for a masochistic, subby slave. They love that so much.

>> No.2850300

Last I checked, my computer only had one hard drive

Besides, it's theoretically possible to swap brains between people if their immune systems can be matched well enough and then suppressed.

>> No.2850303

Well then, you sound like you need a new computer, unless you have one of those HDs that backs itself up...on itself, which is kind of extremely redundant but sounds nice.

>> No.2850314

Nonono, you don't get what I meant by "stand alone".
An hdd-power-box unit can survive on its own outside the womb, so to speak, whereas a simple drive on its own cannot.
So it's a form of separation, both physical and spiritual.

>> No.2850321

It's redundant, but it sure comes in handy when the drive fails.

>> No.2850327

But my point is you can do the same simply by purchasing a case you can make your supposedly non-stand-alone HD that's internal into a complete 'hdd-power-box-unit' and achieve exactly what you're saying is the difference between an HD and an external HD, thus 'coming out of the womb' and the other retarded things you said.

>> No.2850332

Yeah, unless the entire thing gets fucked up, I'd rather back it up onto a completely other harddrive...though thats what those do, so i'm not sure of my point. ;_;

>> No.2850355

Your point and my point seem to compliment each other.
If I take my drive out of my computer, put it in a case, and connect it to a power supply and a sata cable or something, it becomes a separate entity. If it remains inside my computer, it remains a part of my computer.

>> No.2850433

NAVI. And name your hard drives after the Magi.

>> No.2850740

Giving this one last bump before I finalize the name "Reisen" and start looking for "how i made cheap computor" websites.

>> No.2850773
File: 13 KB, 269x154, Drives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't have a name for Compy, but the drives themselves are named for famous anime characters

>> No.2850774

I think Reisen is an inappropriate name for computer. Whoever came with this idea is a silly person.

>> No.2850779

Too late!

Reisen is a pleasant name both to look at and to hear, so yeah.

>> No.2850812

At least make it Inaba

>> No.2850839

Call it Uesugi. He can be your bro.If you must use a girl's name then go with Kariya.
Then again, I'm not really good with names.

>> No.2850843


So your computer is now a useless bunny.

>> No.2850863

No, my computer will be a useless bunny. There's a fine distinction.

Also, sex appeal.

>> No.2850876
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>> No.2850881
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>> No.2850888
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>> No.2850898

why do you have BBCode disabled?

>> No.2850899
File: 6 KB, 500x126, client side scripting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno lol

>> No.2850905

Because he's an idiot who belongs in /b/

>> No.2850919
File: 8 KB, 516x135, will be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you're on about, bro.

>> No.2850922

I got my new computer yesterday and named it Gensokyo, like my laptop.

>> No.2850941

It's like I'm really on /g/, except worse.

>> No.2851344

I hope you'll be installing an open-source OS on Reisen.
Do you want her to be forever a slave to capitalism?

>> No.2851366

My computer is my waifu, my laptop is my meido and my pocket pc is my loli. I tend to go a bit more general in these areas.

>> No.2851372
File: 378 KB, 3200x2400, 1242890003695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this:

nVidia GTX285
Corsair TR3X6G1333C9
Intel Core i7 920
Scythe Mugen 2 SCMG-2000
Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Motherboard LGA1366 Intel X58
Intel X25-M SSDSA2MH080G1 80GB
Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EVDS, 1TB
Samsung WriteMaster SH-S223F
Cooler Master CM 690 Zwart

And name her Brittney. That's what I did.

>> No.2851393

> Brittney

>> No.2851395

That's 1600 USD, not counting your Cooler Master which is only priced in EUR (probably massive shipping, too).
Hot damn. I wish I could afford to waste that much on a computer.

>> No.2851404

I'd just end up running Windows for everything anyway, so what's the point?

>> No.2852470
File: 109 KB, 178x100, zetsubo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in despair.
The cost of computer components has me in despair!

>> No.2852488

get a job, bum

>> No.2852500

>I wouldn't name a computer though, only hard disks.
Windows user detected!

A computer's hostname is something really important.

>> No.2852511

How can you afford both this computer and smoking weed, you must be some kind of pimp.

>> No.2852511,1 [INTERNAL] 

So, as a conclusion to this story: I got my Reisen up and running around 4AM last night ♡

>> No.2852511,2 [INTERNAL] 

Go to sleep earlier, my lovable Jonesy.

>> No.2852511,3 [INTERNAL] 

How does it feel to be operating a useless bunny?

>> No.2852511,4 [INTERNAL] 

I would have, but my DVD burner was giving me trouble and I couldn't make an os disk until like 2AM. And then of course I couldn't rest until I had finished.

feels good man

>> No.2852511,5 [INTERNAL] 

Go to Walmart and get yourself a Dell.

>> No.2852511,6 [INTERNAL] 

Too slow~!
Besides, computer assembly is surprisingly fun.

>> No.2852511,7 [INTERNAL] 

I want Jones to cum all over my face.

>> No.2852511,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2852511,9 [INTERNAL] 

So what are the specs. Don't hold out on us, bro.

>> No.2852511,10 [INTERNAL] 

3.21GHz quad, 4GB ram, and bunny ears

>> No.2852511,11 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you have a reason for needing a processor like that.

>> No.2852511,12 [INTERNAL] 

It was for my birthday, so my dad agreed to buy the most expensive part for me and I milked it for all it was worth!
As for why, this way I won't have to upgrade this thing ever ever ever. Ever.
