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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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284511 No.284511 [Reply] [Original]

TOKYO (Reuters) - A man molests a young woman sitting next to him on a Japanese train, drags her to a restroom and rapes her while she sobs. Some 40 fellow passengers fail to intervene.

The case, which came to light with the suspect's arrest last month, shocked the public and prompted soul-searching in the media, which said passengers may have told themselves it was a lovers' fight but should have helped the woman.

Activists and lawyers say sentiment towards rape victims remains chilly in a society where many feel the woman may have led the man on, that she is lying or that she could have fought back.

Campaigns by women's groups and legal changes have helped make it easier for rape victims in Japan to speak up and take legal action against perpetrators, but many still stay silent out of shame and fear of criticism.

"There is still widespread belief in 'rape myths'," said Masayo Niwa, an official at the Centre for Education and Support for Women, Japan, referring to the perception, contrary to law, that only assaults by strangers can be defined as "rape".

"Victims don't report cases because they think society can't be trusted to believe them," she said.


>> No.284519

am I the only one who got a hardon?

>> No.284525

I'm American and I certainly don't care about rape victims. How's that?

>> No.284528

She was asking for it. Sitting there, with her vagina and titties.

>> No.284532

Wow, I always joked about how Japan would probably ignore a girl being raped in the middle of the street. I guess I was pretty close.

>> No.284542

How can you rape someone in a public bathroom? Bitch is lying.

>> No.284538

>that only assaults by strangers can be defined as "rape".
Japan sounds awesome.

>> No.284547

Stop posting about 3D Japan

It's shit

Noone cares

>> No.284556

...how can't you?

I'm guessing it was a 1 person only restroom

>> No.284557

haha that guy rules

>> No.284566


>> No.284573

Was this man highly experienced in public rapes or just really gutsy?

>> No.284579

>dark_goku ‪‪‪‬

wow you're so cool

>> No.284580


>> No.284586
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>> No.284588

This is a madman from /k/, he is angry about how I proved the madness of the King of Murderers, Truman. Truman is now in hell along with Hitler and Stalin, the other Kings of Murderers.

>> No.284590

Japan is misogynistic. Film at eleven.

>> No.284618

> misogynistic
Feminists are dumb cunts. More at MY PENIS

>> No.284628

he should have film it..



>> No.284629

If there was a foreigner among them, he would've shown the japs how a REAL gentleman steps in and does his duty.

>> No.284633

"Legislation since 2004 allows women to seek restraining orders against husbands who are not only physically abusive, but who inflict sexual abuse, including forced sex."
Forced sex wasn't considered a violent act until 2004? I LOVE YOU JAPAN

>> No.284637


Why don't they just say it?

"I didn't do anything because I was too much of a pussy"

Just fucking admit it.

>> No.284640

2 on 1 rape is delicious.

>> No.284642

i want to time travel and live in japan.


>> No.284647

i've been had

>> No.284650



>> No.284653

There is no such thing as rape. Any female who leaves her rightful place in the house and the kitchen is fucking begging for cock in her holes. If she gets the cock she so badly is asking for, it's not fucking rape, it's a damn slut getting what she fucking deserves.

Males still rule this fucking world. In most of the world, a fucking bitch can get killed for looking at a man straight in the eye. In America and Europe, every day dumb sluts get their holes penetrated without their so-called consent, which isn't rape, just them getting the fucking dick they deserve up their asses.

Sexual abuse is on the rise, spousal abuse is on the rise and more bitches die every year. Fucking cunts. I am so glad I was born a man. I am so glad there is a bunch of retarded sluts jumping through hoops just to get my cock.

Haha, females are so fucking sad. We treat you bitches like shit, and you still spend time, money and effort on trying to look good for us. Way to be a good slave, whores. Now keep acting like sluts and sucking our cocks. And if you change your mind after you leave the house, too fucking bad, you're getting your holes fucked and there isn't shit you can do about it because that's your only fucking purpose in life.

>> No.284654

And the United States didn't outlaw slavery until well into the 1860s. Yeah, there's shame in being decades behind other civilized nations in one social aspect or another, but it can take time to break out of shit like that.

>> No.284655

been spending most our lives
Living in a Rapist's Paradise
been spending most our lives
Living in a Rapist's Paradise
keep spending most our lives
Living in a Rapist's Paradise
keep spending most our lives
Living in a Rapist's Paradise

>> No.284658

>in a society where many feel the woman may have led the man on

hahaha oh wow

>> No.284672

and you question yourself why you're ronery..

>> No.284682


>> No.284686


I lol'd

>> No.284695

sup woman.

>> No.284724

The 'women are always wrong' law is overridden by the 'pig disgusting gaijin destroy our country and rape our women' law.
This law makes it so that if a foreigner is in the same area as a crime, he/she did it.

>> No.284727

I'm not. I have a girlfriend who lives with me and I fuck her whenever I want, regardless of what she wants to do.

>> No.284730

Pillows can't talk back.

>> No.284733

No AnoNYmous, it is YOU who failed to intervene.



>> No.284754

I was too busy watching.

>> No.284770
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>> No.284773

people just don't want to get involved with the police. the impression is that the police will even harass mistreat the eyewitnesses. the movies and dramas of them acting like assholes doesn't help that image too.

>> No.284779

Except in the west it is rare. In Japan it is a life style.

>> No.284806

and if a rapist forcibly enters her residence to rape her?

>> No.284811

Too bad; clearly her tits and pussy are at fault.

>> No.284819

Fuck, it looks like the feminist cunts are infiltrating the last country in the world where the women aren't complete bitches.

>> No.284820

lurk more

>> No.284833

Don't you worry. At least in the middle east, women still know what their role in life is.

>> No.284843


Don't worry, if Clinton wins she'll send an entire expedition over to turn them all into bitches.

>> No.284854

> if Clinton wins
Bwa Hahahaha!

>> No.284855

A woman's role in life is to bend over and take it or suck our cocks, then get the fuck back to the kitchen. It's because of faggots like yourself that we have such a shitty society today.

>> No.285050

>>284855 is right.

Women these days don't know their place anymore and that's why I hate them. I really do. Every time I look at them, my blood pressure shoots through the roof. When they're gabbing on the cell phone about Paris Hilton. When they're adjusting their lipstick and taking up my time rifling through their stupid purse. When they whine to me about their period. When they blither on and on about some artist/film director/musician nobody else gives a flipping fuck about. When they cry and expect your personal sympathy.

But most of all, /jp/, I hate them because they're smug, hyperactive little bitches made that way by our shithole society. Look what uncontrolled feminism and the media has done to them: they think they're superior. They can call the shots. No woman will even know what it feels like to be completely alone and unloved unless she is FIERCELY ugly. All their crying about relationships is merely them fucking up; any girl can get any guy she wants if she tries.

When girls are feeling down, they can have any man they like and fuck him. Even if they have no friends in the world, even if they are pathetic, ugly whores, they could strike up a conversation with any guy in class and make him theirs. But a lonely, pathetic man is hated by women. They know they're better than him. They give him nothing. Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him. They get to choose who is happy and who is sad.

I know this is BAAWWWWW over being a virgin. I know that it's not morally right. But I'm posting it because every single one of you sexless assholes thinks the same thing. When you watch your roomate make out with his girl, when you hear it in love songs on MTV, when you see it on the streets: know that those women are laughing at you, hating you, denying you something completely harmless, just because they hate who you are as a person. And that's their never-questioned right in this world.

>> No.285070

sage for abused yotsuba.

>> No.285073


I hope for your sake this is copypasta.

>> No.285086


Go away women. You're not welcome here, take your 3d presence elsewhere, all you do is camwhore on /b/ anyway.

>> No.285088


It's not. Wake up and smell the roses. If you don't go out and grab women for yourself, then you'll never get any.

>> No.285089


no girls on the internet

>> No.285090


No girls on the internet except in threads where someone insults them and they are so lacking in self control they just HAVE to jump in and whine about it.

>> No.285093

lol you must have been fucked over hard to hate them that much. Mother issues or cheating bitch of a girlfriend?

>> No.285097


Anonymous isn't a girl. He just thinks there's a good chance you're a serial killer.

>> No.285100

fucking tripfags

>> No.285102

>Even if they have no friends in the world, even if they are pathetic, ugly whores, they could strike up a conversation with any guy in class and make him theirs.
Well, he does have a point...

>> No.285105

Many anonymous' are whiny little bitches. This much is evident from /b/.

Take your fail elsewhere.

>> No.285106


>> No.285111

what if I am? do you give a shit that I kill people you don't know? hell, i dont see your fat ass doing anything when people kill each other in other countries.

>> No.285114



Man, you're not even trying.

>> No.285124

same fucking person

internet tough guy

>> No.285130

Go fuck your girlfriend if you're so un-ronery.

>> No.285137

I will, and your the same ronery anon from a week ago huh?

>> No.285140

all asians in amerika have a gf

>> No.285141


he doesn't have one

>> No.285142


ha ha oh wow

>> No.285146

Fuck Hilary. I want McCain in office. He won't turn us into bitches.

>> No.285147

No, why?

>> No.285150

I dont want a nigger as president. He'll sell off texas for some mexican crack.

>> No.285152

>internet tough guy

Ha ha ha, oh wow.

>> No.285156

>Little sympathy for rape victims in Japan
Well, she wasn't a victim until after they went into the (presumably) locked toilet, where it was too late for sympathy.

>> No.285157


McCain is white. Obama is black.

>> No.285161


See: Nanking Massacre.

>> No.285162

sorry. i thought it was the other way around.

>> No.285165

ITT, welcome to Japan.

>> No.285168

>He'll sell off texas for some mexican crack.

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.285246

old story is old.

>> No.285251

In all honesty, this is part of the same probem that's been plauging Japan for some time now. With a higher voter apathy then the US, high amounts of corruption in politics and the police force, a police force that's almost universally regarded as inept and worthless, and a general apathy towards their surroundings, Japanese people tend to be *highly* dissociated from their own lives and what goes on around them. People didn't help the woman being raped because it wasn't specifically affecting them.

In the Kitty Genovese, the bystanders weren't actually watching what was happening, nor were they actually seeing or hearing the other people around them. In that case, it was assumed someone else would do something AND that it wasn't truly serious. In this case, it's highly obvious that the people not only knew very well what was happening, but that they physically observed others around them not making any move to help.

Japan is going downhill in a lot of ways, and this is just one example on how the heavy dissociation is affecting daily life in the country.

>> No.285278
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>> No.285315


>> No.285334
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>> No.285366

That'll teach her not to sit in the women-only wagon.

>> No.285466


It's not just Japan, though. The 'look out for #1' mindset is penetrating it's way into all civilizations. So what if someone's dying? So what if someone needs food? So what is someone is being violated right in front of you? Doesn't benefit you, so why should you care?

Anyone who believes in that needs their teeth kicked in and backs lashed by whips and kendo sticks.

>> No.285488

Unfortunately it feels like media in general is encouraging such a mindset.

>> No.285551

See? Japanese people are so fucking polite, all you american motherfuckers should learn from this, thank god im going to Japan in 2 months and can get laid cause all bitches wnat my hot gaijin cock. POLITE MOTHERFCUKER, ISNT THIS IT?

>> No.285571

Welcome to the abomination that is modern day socialism and liberalism.

>> No.285603

Why am I not surprised that /jp/ is filled with woman-hating ronery guys?

>> No.285615

There is no contradiction between looking out for #1 and looking out for your neighbours.

>> No.285620


lol wut? a totally self-absorbed way of living has been around forever faggot

>> No.286210


I'd leave the looking out for others to the people who have muscles. Why should I step up when I'd go down in one punch from a kid?

>> No.286214

>Why am I not surprised that 4chan is filled with woman-hating ronery guys?
>Why am I not surprised that the internet is filled with woman-hating ronery guys?

>> No.286248
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Did i hear rape? Cause im pretty sure i just fapped to the image of sweet sweet raeping

>> No.286253

ahaha gtfo bitch

>> No.286297

Well, no. Just SAYING something would have been enough. Then again, if people didn't bat an eye about sexual abuse in open public i wonder if they'd react any differently about a fight...

>> No.286315

I wish this guy would have tried it on some one like Megumi Fuji or Fuka.

He`d be death, rotting away and buried already by now.

>> No.286320

There's no real reason why we should look out for other people. Even if we helped them out, there's no guarantee that they'll help us.

Why waste your efforts on people that don't appreciate what you do?

>> No.286323

Spoken like a true bitter loner.

>> No.286370

Well, that may be true. But I don't think that you would go out of your way to help those in trouble.

Well, not unless there was a reward.

>> No.286376

How do you know they won't appreciate it?

>> No.286388

I actually do, to some extent. I will often give somebody something if they need it more than I do, and I'll talk with anybody about anything....

>> No.286424

ITT Game Theory

>> No.286489

Unlimited Rage Works @ the people in the train.

As for "Woman don't know their place anymore", what do you regard as their place? Staying in the kitchen and raising the children? That's as stupid as people who never want to have children, and are only going for a career.

The feminist movement is a good thing. But there's a huge difference between right and overdoing it.

>> No.286493
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Tue May 15, 2007

>> No.286509

>never want to have children

Hey, what's wrong with that?

>> No.286522

Standing by and not doing anything to stop a crime should be considered participating in the crime itsef.

>> No.286529

Easter Sunday, 2008 -

All of New York and Los Angeles are arrested.

>> No.286535


>> No.286537

A woman's place should be kitchen, children & bending over. That's it.

>> No.286540

No it shouldn't.

>> No.286577

A woman's place is by my side. That's it.

>> No.286588


>> No.286704

Fuck that, some of the fighters in the Japanese women`s MMA scene kick ass.

Hell Japanese women`s pro-wrestling rules, nothing touches Chigusa Nagayo vs Dump Matsumoto hair vs hair, nuff said.

>> No.286772

You're a faggot

>> No.286787

You do know that if you like a woman for having masculine traits, like being good a fighting, you're probably gay, right?

>> No.286803

This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.286835

Go back to the kitchen, woman.

>> No.286883

A woman's place should be kitchen, children & spreading her legs. That's it.

>> No.286937

NO girls on the internet, idiot.

>> No.286976

That's because it's true

>> No.287002

NO wonder you're all ronery as fuck.

You can shift the blame all you want, but you've got no one to blame but yourselves.

>> No.287063


>> No.287076

Cry more bitch, just because you're insecure about your feminine identity doesn't mean you have to take it out on us men.

>> No.287106


>> No.287133

>us men

Seeing as how you're suggesting it takes more than a penis to be a man, what makes YOU so manly?

>> No.287147

You're a woman, so I'm more manly than you by default.

>> No.287218

I'm manly enough to put women back in their proper place instead of being a pussy whipped bitch like you

>> No.287251

A don't see how you can expect women to act like ladies when none of you are exactly gentleman yourselves.

>> No.287269

this thread sucks

>> No.287267

This is so abysmally sad, even 2d girls would reject you.

No love without sacrifice.

>> No.287281

You can't hold women and men by the same standards as men. Double standards between men and women exist because they need to exist. Men and women are too different to treat the same. Also, women don't want gentlemen anyway, so they have no one to blame but themselves for us not acting like gentlemen.

>> No.287288

ITT Rationalizations for being rorery.

>> No.287293

You can't hold women by the same standards as men. Double standards between men and women exist because they need to exist. Men and women are too different to treat the same. Also, women don't want gentlemen anyway, so they have no one to blame but themselves for us not acting like "gentlemen."

>> No.287302

Gee, it sure is bleed for 5 days and doesn't die around here.

>> No.287314
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And this is why I ban your lolis...

Society prove my truth...

>> No.287317

You recognize yourself as different from other men, yes? You are not the football jock, the drunk chav scum, or the upward mobile professional.

There is a difference between anons and other types of men.

THis difference....don't you think it could exist in the feminine half? There's more women than men on this great spinning rock, after all.

>> No.287320

I love this thread. Its the perfect mix of fat weeaboo shit, rational fat weeaboo shit, and mostly your basic basement dwelling channer who thinks hes superior to anyone simply because he saw it in the internet.

Thanks /jp/, i thought that the spirit of /b/ was dead. Also, i challenge you all to a dare': Try NOT to make me raff, or you rose

>> No.287340

I honestly think this thread is only half trolling. I hate you, /jp/.

>> No.287349

"Japan's top government spokesman in 2003 was quoted as telling reporters in an off-the-record briefing that some women were asking to be raped by dressing provocatively -- a remark that outraged many but failed to dent his political clout."

>> No.287359

We're not trolling. Who would we be trolling? All the feminist cunts and liberal girly men are on other parts of the internet.

>> No.287385

My troll diameter is blinging like mad dawg. Try harder

>> No.287397

huge shitstorm here huh?

>> No.287398

I don't think 'diameter' means what you think it means.

>> No.287401

While I'm no feminist, I disapprove of assuming women are stupid because they're women. They're EMOTIONAL, yes....they are weaker, yes. But stupid? Well, yeah, but not because they're women. They're stupid for the same reasons everybody else is stupid. Society tells them it's OK to be.

Stop pouring your hate out on women for their stupidity when it's horrendously one-sided to only hold women accountable for a problem that affects us all.

>> No.287419

I dont think you think what i thought when i thought what it could mean in the context of the thought while i was thinking of using the word 'diameter'. Or do you? I dont know

>> No.287460


>> No.287466

That's not the main point. Women can be brainy; it doesn't matter as long as they know their rightful place. Women are tits, pussy, kitchen, children. That's all to it. If you guys think I'm trolling, I'm not.

>> No.287483

And it's their rightful place because?

>> No.287493

Why are the womens here bitching? In the west and in the Americas, men gets blamed for every little shit that women started.

>> No.287502


>> No.287504


If you want a maid, get a maid. The rest of us want a lover.

>> No.287513

Because that way works the best. There is a reason why all cultures across the entire world developed with similar gender roles. Men are meant to run society, while women evolved to be homemakers. Trying to make men and women equal will only hurt society in the long run.

>> No.287514

Listen to this man.

>> No.287524

We're not arguing that in the slightest. That doesn't mean you need to take the feminist tact of "Well, shit's fucked, let's flip things around"

It's like tuning a radio; there's a lot of options, but you seem to be only interested in on/off.

Learn to reject the society that spawned this, since it obviously doesn't apply everywhere.

>> No.287530

So you can only love someone if they're equal to you? You can love someone who's inferior to you. It's what men have been doing for the past 2000 years.

>> No.287546

It's neither inferiority nor equality, it's just a fundamental difference, that is all. Like the old saying, apples and oranges. That's the point I'm trying to make.

>> No.287599

That's why women should stay in the kitchen. It's not because they're inferior, it's just they're more suited to be homemakers while men should be the ones who actually run society.

>> No.287617

>>That's not the main point. Women can be brainy; it doesn't matter as long as they know their rightful place. Women are tits, pussy, kitchen, children. That's all to it. If you guys think I'm trolling, I'm not.

>> No.287656

We are no longer animals; we are no longer bound to filling a role "nature intended". We are humans, and we grip this planet like a jealous God. Our kind no longer bothers adapting to the environment, we force the environment to adapt to our liking.

We have ultimate freedom, and you presume to take that away.

Also, nobody's good at running society, male or female. Society wasn't meant to be "run" in this way.

>> No.287657

Right, because there have been no women ever to make a single contribution to society. Oh, wait.

>> No.287662

Well I don't get your point.

See >>287530
>You can love someone who's inferior to you. It's what men have been doing for the past 2000 years

Originally women seek security in men, and men who possessed superior traits that backed that up would commonly treat their women as their possessions. Which is why in the animal kingdom it it not uncommon (especially primates) to see alpha males having a harem, mating with whichever female they desire. So really, if you go back to basics, women are tits & pussy for men while we give them the security and shelter they so deserve. But of course, modern society has evolved all these, which is somewhat the point of this discussion.

>> No.287687

And of course, those instincts still exist in women, they've just tried to suppress them because of our new feminazi culture, when doing so in harmful to them in the long run. It's unhealthy for women to try to compete with men, it goes against what nature intended.

>> No.287712

We as organisms are against what nature intended.

>> No.287719

I think the main point really then is how women, in the contemporary epoch of human civilization, have a superior status to men, if not (highly unlikely) similar.

See >>285050
>When girls are feeling down, they can have any man they like and fuck him. Even if they have no friends in the world, even if they are pathetic, ugly whores, they could strike up a conversation with any guy in class and make him theirs. But a lonely, pathetic man is hated by women. They know they're better than him. They give him nothing. Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him. They get to choose who is happy and who is sad.
>know that those women are laughing at you, hating you, denying you something completely harmless, just because they hate who you are as a person. And that's their never-questioned right in this world.

Now this is really quite true, and it's almost unbecoming considering women were meant to be >tits, pussy, kitchen, children.

>> No.287721

Welcome to the reason why youre going to be a fat, ronery virgin for the rest of your /jp/athetic life.

As much as i would love to make a Welcome to the NHK note here, turned into something 4chan related, im not, simply because that would take all the serious business away from it. I guess

>> No.287723

anyways, RAPE IN JAPAN.

hell yea.

>> No.287734

Just because we go against what nature intended doesn't mean we can put unqualified people (women) in important positions and expect it to work out.

>> No.287746

This wouldn't be the case a few centuries back when women who couldn't get married were considered as inferior as guys who don't have a girl these days. Why the hell do you think we have BAWWWW RONERY threads here everyday? Because of >>287719

>> No.287749

What important postions? There ARE no important positions.

>> No.287759

Holy shit, I have never seen so much truth distilled into so little text. I should almost be bitter, but I'm too busy being amazed...

>> No.287766

I consider 1/3 of the jobs in society pretty important, and not something we can trust women to handle.

>> No.287768

I love all the fags bitching about how it "Didn't USED to be like this" and take that to mean that since NOW sucks, THEN was great; instead of seeing it as "hey, both are rather abitrary and meaningless in the longrun"

>> No.287783

Why? Why is any job important at all?

Too afraid to go back to the old ways, when women were as you say? Can't survive on your own?

>> No.287797

And you being a misogynistic shallow bastard doesnt affect the fact that girls tend to loath shitfaces like you? Theres nothing better than saying stupid, cliche bullshit like this: LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE OUT OF IT in a situation where it fits like a nail on a coffin.

Of course you can blame the feminazishitcuntassholeniggerfuckingbetterbedeadfuckfaceassmuchfucking women for your own idiocy and problems. On a second note, i suggest you do that. Oh wait...... nevermind

>> No.287807

I want to go back the way things used to be. Also, of course on job isn't important, but society is made of people doing jobs, and if 1/3 of those people (the womens) aren't capable, society will e damaged.

>> No.287846

"Damage Society" he says....

You're not very good at this.

You "want" to go back to the old days. Well, what's keeping you?

>> No.287850



>> No.287854



>> No.287879

Women just plain hate fat guys. That's about the size of it for us.

>> No.287899


What are you talking about? It's because of faggots and weak-minded assholes we see ITT who give women what they want that women are where they are today. And it's when they start acting superior that you start having misogyny amongst men.

>> No.287900

Not true. A girl I knew in high school is married to a large guy, because she likes the "teddy bear" aspect of him.

Of course, if you looked like you're Mr. Atlus Geek, you really might be hopeless.

>> No.287910


Fine, if we ever get a female president, and WW III starts because the bitch was on her period, I won't say "I told you so."

>> No.287906

This is a girl, gais.

>> No.287921

No anon, you are the weak minded asshole.

and it seems you'll never grasp the true depth of that.

I'm not arguing that weak minded fucks have ruined this world, but if you think you're the tiniest bit different, I've got some bad news.

>> No.287931

This is 4chan after all, but i never thought people as ignorant and self righteous as you would exist in the internets. Really

>> No.287946

There's even exceptions to exceptions.

>> No.287947

What the FUCK are we talking about here anons? 3D women? For shame. We're here becuse 2D women are vastly superior. Real women have no interest in us, and it's frankly for the best when you consider how much of your life you have to devote to them even if it wasn't the case. Let the normals get into shitty relationships and waste their lives dealing with all the garbge that comes attached. It's so much better here I can hardly begin to describe it.

>> No.287969

Im sorry to inform you differently. Im a fat bastard whos going to be a virgin for the rest of his /jp/athetic life because i think women are human beings too. A shame really

>> No.287974

I drool at the thought of a sudden massive population drop. are you so attached to this culture that you seem to hate so much? Aren't you PREPARED to live the old way once all other options are gone?

>> No.287979

This man is truly enlightened.

>> No.287981

So? Just start acting like an alpha, and you'll become one. You have no one but yourself to blame for being such a pussy.

>> No.287983

I'd say if anything, that'd be more likely to get you laid than the other side of this arguement...

>> No.287996

ITT Anon pretends to care about others. And then gets in an argument with himself over who it should be.

>> No.287997

ITT people who are going to die alone.

>> No.288007

this thread reminds me of the gloden days of /b/, thanks guys

>> No.288011

this thread reminds me of the golden days of /b/, thanks guys

>> No.288021

Which is why I'm fucking into 2D and only 2D. 2D girls don't say no, and even if they do, I have my way with them anyways. Something that isn't going to happen in 3D.

>> No.288024

I could die if WW III started, of course I care about it

>> No.288025

Serious business? On MY /jp/?

Fuck Hillary, and fuck the cheating bastard that was the former US president. We don't need another Clinton or two in the House.

>> No.288041

Protip: You could die at any moment. Readjust your fucking priorities.

>> No.288059

Cars kill more people than wars.

>> No.288083


>> No.288086

SMOKING kills more people than cars, so yeah.

>> No.288093

PEOPLE kill more people than smoking, bitch.

>> No.288097

>And you being a misogynistic shallow bastard doesnt affect the fact that girls tend to loath shitfaces like you?
AHAHAHAHAHA. Look around and see how many shallow, misogynistic, bastards get shit tons of pussy. Here, I'll let you know the secret key to what makes your panties drop for them compared to the douchebag you quoted: they have so much money they shit bricks of solid gold.

Women throughout the ages have been whores, attaching themselves to a man in order to get security, shelter, or lifestyle. Nothing has changed with the advent of feminism. Nothing.

>> No.288098

>LOL...I've got nothing.


>> No.288102

Yes, let's forget about all the things he did to build up the economy so his successor could fuck it all up and concentrate on how much he likes pussy.

>> No.288137

You say that as if men don't do the same thing. Granted, women do it a LOT more, but still, it's a pan-gender issue.

>> No.288140

Yeah, like pretending WW III is a good thing doesn't make you an internet tough guy.

>> No.288141

>Women throughout the ages have been whores, attaching themselves to a man in order to get security, shelter, or lifestyle. Nothing has changed with the advent of feminism. Nothing.

>> No.288168

What he said. Also, to add, women are not actually attracted to men. There is a vague idea of what a man is physically, and some are better than others aesthetically speaking, but the purely physical appearance of a man is almost inconsequential unless he is horribly ugly or outrageously attractive.

Women are attracted to status, money, how much a man smiles and laughs, how many friends and resources a man has, how full a man's life is--how many "cool," "exciting" and prestigious things he is doing or connected to.

They are interested in how other people view him--how many people want to be around him, how other people interact with him and whether their interactions convey that he is special and amazing. They want him to be extremely outgoing and aggressive, they want him to demonstrate his status over other people by dominating them in various non-violent ways.

A woman's attraction to a man is a function of her jealousy at the thought of another woman having that man. She doesn't care who he actually is or EXACTLY what he looks like physically, she only cares about the VALUE of the life he has constructed around himself.

A woman basically is a greedy materialistic prostitute. Although that sounds vulgar, it's true. She trades her physical self to buy into the success a man has created for himself.

And why can a woman do this yet a man can't? Because >>287719

>> No.288161

Tough? no.
Mean-spirited? maybe.

What's your point? There is still value in what I say.

>> No.288180

Now youre beginning to unfold the truth dear anonymous. Only if you had experince to go with it, it would be almost too perfect to post on /jp/. That being said, every female is the same, no? Actually, every human being is the same, no?

>> No.288183

How is WWIII NOT a good thing? THis corrupt modern way of living would be smashed, and we can return to a time when life was simpler and more fulfilling, and recreate society to our own ends.

>> No.288186

Sorry but there really isn't a male equivalent for whore, slut, prostitute etc.

>> No.288202

Wow, you really DON'T get out much, do you?

Go out to the nightclubs. You'll see quite a few.

>> No.288218

Bookin mah ticket

>> No.288209

You're being retarded if you think anything beyond a safe generalization. Look at how many women spend time and effort to put on make-up and clothes just to look good, if it isn't all for the objective of selling themselves on a physical level.

>> No.288221

I'll enjoy the corruption of modern society by staying in my basement and not having my ass get shot.

>> No.288227

I'm speaking in terms of how these words were originally meant for women. Sure there are guys who whore themselves these days (gays, toyboys etc) but hey the number is substantially smaller than their female counterparts.

>> No.288230

Why do you guys worry about other people so much? Do you feel so powerless, that you HAVE to worry, since you leave all the decisions to them?

>> No.288232

Same, except I'll be staying on the second floor.

>> No.288235


>> No.288255

Cowards. You risk your lives unconsciously every day for your own slight comfort, never thinking that there's a better life.

>> No.288274

And thats relevant how? I can see where youre headed, but i dont approve of the route. Saying that, im supposed to believe that youre a smelly rat who doesnt mind how he looks etc.? While i can see this being true, since im like that most of the times, i still fail to notice how this is a gender issue? Were talking about human nature here, its not like women are the sole meaning of whateverthefuck it is youre calling them. Its fair and safe, i guess, to make generalizations, but that doesnt make them the absolute truth does it?

>> No.288277


>> No.288282

>That being said, every female is the same, no? Actually, every human being is the same, no?
Questions like this are as dumb as asking, "Every human being is born with two eyes and ten fingers, right?"

The exceptions prove the rule.

>> No.288288

Activists and lawyers say sentiment towards rape victims remains chilly in a society where many feel the woman may have led the man on, that she is lying or that she could have fought back.

I love japan for so many reasons and this is one of them.

>> No.288292

When a Japanese woman says "ダメ!,"
it's Spanish for "Give it to me!"

>> No.288308

To have a rule discredits the exceptions.

For one who avoids social situations, you sure are hell-bent on setting down "rules" on how people behave. None of this affects you. What's wrong with going into each meeting with open eyes and ears?
What's wrong with giving everyone the benefit of the doubt (at least as mall piece), that they MIGHT BE THAT EXCEPTION?

>> No.288333

In Japan you can never tell if it's consensual or not cause when a couple fucks the woman usually screams and cries to make her husband cum faster.

Also it would be rude to intervene if you found out it was just an act.

>> No.288344


>> No.288355

It's like eroge teaches us:
"No" means "yes"
"Yes" means "Rape me"

>> No.288359

Why are men stronger, smarter and faster than women?

>> No.288364

Specifics > generalizations

>> No.288374

Why are 99% of men smarter stronger and faster than 99% of women?

>> No.288377

>What's wrong with giving everyone the benefit of the doubt (at least a small piece), that they MIGHT BE THAT EXCEPTION?
I'd be a fool to assume each person I meet may be that .00001% of women that break the rule. I'd be an even greater fool to waste the time, money, and effort to act upon said assumption each time.
Expect the worst, hope for the best.

>> No.288380


>> No.288389

Looking clean and smelling good is the basics of societal courtesy but then when women have to put on perfume, do their hair, makeup, jewelery, handbags, shoes, dresses, that goes beyond the fundamental necessities. A woman will, on average, spend more time than a man dolling herself up before going out, and for what purpose? To look good for the opposite sex, just like how a male peacock has colored tail feathers. Almost EVERY girl will do this even from young, so yes, selling themselves on a physical level.

>> No.288398

>Expect the worst, hope for the best

That'd be a great personal philosophy if that's all there was to it. Hoping for the best instead of actually trying to FIND the best is a mistake. You'll never find that .0001% without actually looking, and if you treat that .0001% liek you treat the rest, they aren't going to like you any more than anybody else did.

>> No.288414

This anon is right and any further arguments against said logic only goes to show how there is simply no way that arguing with someone that has irrationally convinced themselves is going to get any rational responses. If you're an exception then prove yourself, but until then, women are generally whores (take that as you will on whichever level).

>> No.288413

YOu talk like this isn't a social issue. They do this because they are told to by both men and women. Sure, they're too dumb to BREAK that cycle and look at things, but that's no different from any two-bit moron that walks the world, male or female

>> No.288424

Why should they break it? Society evolved that way for a reason, and that reason is women are meant to serve men. It would be unhealthy for both men and women if that cycle was to be broken

>> No.288430

>If you're an exception then prove yourself

How can you ask ANYONE to prove themselves when you won't prove YOURSELF to them? SOMEONE has to be the one to take the fiorst step, and ideally, both parties should be willing. hesitance is weakness.

>> No.288436

And this is bad how? I like my eyecandy, mind you. Besides, were getting closer and closer to the norms of society, and the expectations of women in general here. I know this is going to sound stupid as fuck, but if everyone expects you to be something, what are the percentual chances of you disagreeing? As sad as it is, most people tend to stick with what their told.

Now, women have their fashion etc. so what does that leave us men with? Cars, computers, sports what ever might be the thing for you. Can you honestly say you dont spend a large quanity of time doing something you like? And mind you, im assuming women like to dress up

>> No.288437

Guys, the idea that women do have sexual attraction to men on a physical level is clearly false. Female sexul arrousal mechanisms are different than a aman's, but it's definately there.

Also. Women do not actively tease or belittle men, at least not conciously. They just have no interest in men they don't find attrative (that means us, anons). Likewise men have no interest in girls they find unnatractive BUT the main difference here is that a man is generally less shallow than a women and so is more likely to maintain social contact with unattractive women.

For their plus side, women are generally more civilized in a group setting.

Female anons are here for the same reason we are; real men aren't attracted them, so they can enjoy 2D men which are vastly superior to 3D men, who generally aren't bishis engaging in agressively homosexual activities. And they don't have to bribe, prod, or seduce them when they're not being gay; 2D men are lavishly wealthy, celebrities, sports stars, or legendary gangsters (often all at once) and get so hard for female anons they can't help but throw theselves down in prostration to her beuty and personality.

Therefore, anime, manga and eroge are the ultimate equalizer of the sexes. Fuck 3D.

>> No.288443

Society is always evolving, and has evolved past that. Suddenly NOW it's unnatural? Society grew out of arbitrary rules built on arbitrary rules.

>> No.288451

>most people tend to stick with what their told.

This is the ultimate problem.

>> No.288458
File: 125 KB, 500x862, 1206299581800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ow can you ask ANYONE to prove themselves when you won't prove YOURSELF to them? SOMEONE has to be the one to take the fiorst step, and ideally, both parties should be willing.
protip: in the vast, vast, vast, vast, VAST, THEGAME majority of encounters the man is the one making the first step. Being part of that miniscule sect of women that break the normal gender stereotypes means outright that the male shouldn't have to be the first one to act like EVERY OTHER GODDAMN TIME.
>you won't prove YOURSELF to them
Reread what you wrote and ponder this for a moment.

>> No.288461

It's not arbitrary when is based on something undeniably true. Women can't function as well as men in society, so they work in the home. Anything else will damage society.

>> No.288470

>And mind you, im assuming women like to dress up
HAHAHAHA OH GOD. You've seriously never heard how much women bitch about that sort of shit?

>> No.288476

Everyone in this thread needs a good raping.

>> No.288491

Well i bitch about my work alot too, but that doesnt mean i actually like it.

>> No.288504

Settle down cap't King, and break out of gender roles for awhile. Our bodies and unconscious minds may have a sex, but pure conscious thought is genderless. If one entity encounters another, all things being equal, can you really expect one to be the "leader" with no interaction between the two?
Real people don't accept the lives that God, Man OR nature defined for them, and blaze their own path. The fact that you're concerned with "natural" gender roles at all shows you're just another schmo, following what someone told you.

>> No.288522

Best /jp/ thread in days. (Not kidding)

>> No.288529

Ahahahaha. I love this thread.

>> No.288531

That would work if we were dependent on society for survival. Which many are, but that doesn't mean we're required to be.

Outside society, alone....
Then what?

>> No.288556

In any relationship, sexual/friendship/work/whatever, there will always be a hierarchy of dominance for the people involved. Every single living creature on this rock we live on sets themself into this format when meeting something/someone else.
The idea of true equality is laughable to the extreme. Someone will always be looked up at, someone will always be looked down upon, someone will always make the first move.

>> No.288582

So, when you're with your friends, are you the sub or the dom?

>> No.288611

Of course. Social interaction is like that. My point being, there are so many different traits imposed on us by life; our looks, our personality, our skills, our gender.....

In the end, we really are all different, and one trait is really no more important than any other. You want to make generalizations? Fine. Go nuts. I personally refuse to let the beauty of life slip by so easily; I'm here, I might as well find the best of everything.

In the end, these generalizations don't amount to anything other than your own laziness.

>> No.288612
File: 71 KB, 600x750, manliness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some men understand that standards are the cancer killing their sex life, and even an ugly girl feels the same when the lights are turned off and you're totally banging it.

Let us take that lesson to heart and the next time you see a woman with her ugly friend realize that the pretty one gets hit on all the time but the ugly one only ever gets whatever leftover crumbs fall her way. You increase your chances of not being ronery for at least tonight a hundredfold if you hit on her FIRST and let the attention and her pretty friend's confused quasi-jealousy work in your favor.

>> No.288632


While it's not JUST existing in Japan, it's far more prevelant there due to cultural norms.

I'm not going to get into the "WOMEN ARE INFERIOR/THEY'RE THE THE SAME" argument, but typical western cultural norms HAVE been based on the idea of protecting women. Even hte idea of "women being property" is better to them then Japan gives. You would never hear about people just WATCHING a woman get raped on a train in America, because someone would've probably KILLED the rapist in the act.

Japan, on the other hand, has very traditionally considered women to be *less* then property. Unlike the western world, where things like chivalry had a strict code on how noblewomen were to be treated, Japan's social code was almost entirely structered to make *everyone*, especially women, as servile as possible.

>> No.288637
File: 161 KB, 846x352, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an ugly girl feels the same when the lights are turned off and you're totally banging it.

>> No.288651

Agreed, but still not a bad thing.

Your penis still feels about the same.

>> No.288678
File: 38 KB, 846x352, gnorw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To a point. Depends on how ugly the girl is, and in what way.

>> No.288677

LOL. random question. Better ignore anyway. Just how old are you guys? The reasonings for all the hate in this thread specially against women is fucking enough for comedy talk shows. Good luck trolling. It's the reasonings that are funny. The reactions you're getting aren't.

>> No.288689


Freedom and equality fo LYFE

>> No.288757


>> No.288838

Dead as doornails. anon is so fickle.

>> No.288980

God DAMN it, Earth.

>> No.289159

I would rape her in the open, if you know what i mean

>> No.289271

Im in your train, raping your bitches. Im just that cool, cause im the big bad gaijin motherfucker

>> No.289955

AHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's funny because she was raped!
