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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2833837 No.2833837 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We realize we'll never be japanese.

>> No.2833851

What properties would that confer?

>> No.2833853
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>> No.2833856
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>> No.2833858

doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's what's inside that counts

>> No.2833861


>> No.2833871

The property of being Japanese, you stupid nigger.

I think you mean "advantage"
Don't try to use words longer than 5 letters to sound smart when you so clearly are not.

>> No.2833872

So sad, really.

>> No.2833873
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>> No.2833878

I never wanted to be Japanese anyway.

>> No.2833886

I've obviously impressed you. :3

Wanna make out?

>> No.2833889

>ITT: We realize we'll never be pressured to the point of utterly breaking down or shamed into suicide.

>> No.2833898
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>> No.2833900
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>>we'll never be pressured to the point of utterly breaking down or shamed into suicide

>> No.2833910

I can pass for Japanese, so I'm good.

Except for actually getting the paperwork, but it'll be a lot easier for me to recreate my identity saying I was born in Japan then you guys.

>> No.2833933


I could probably pass for a Turk.

Shit, like that does me any good.

>> No.2833941

I can pass for a Klingon.

>> No.2833957

I can pass for irish, german, english, swedish, norwegian, american, or austrailian.

>> No.2833958

>>then you guys.

Well, you're right. You already have the terrible English down pat.

>> No.2833963


>> No.2833964

Stop using melon smirk, you confused me for Sion for a second.

>> No.2833989

I would rather be white than Japanese. ;_;

>> No.2834004

Little does /jp/ know about Japanese-Americans.

Unless you mean we realize we'll never have a true Japanese childhood and experience Japanese high school life, yes... ;_;

>> No.2834019

Japanese highschool life sucks.

Most of /jp/ would probably just want to be Japanese so they wouldn't need to wait for VN translations and could just lock himself away in his mother's basement.

>> No.2834020

Japanese-Americans are considered race-traitors by the real Japanese. They don't count at all.

>> No.2834023

I am Latin but I can pass off as a
n arab. In fact, everyone who tri
es to guess where I’m from always
 says ”Palestine”. WTF? I’m Venezu

>> No.2834030


I'm halfway Palestine but people think I'm Polish, go figure

>> No.2834038



also all you people look the same to me herp derp

>> No.2834039

Why be anything else when you can be... CANADIAN?

Indisputable fact: everyone wants to be a Canadian.

>> No.2834060

maybe because your arab side was descended from greeks and not from real arabs.

>> No.2834067

Oh you. Nobody cares about Canada.

>> No.2834088

Guess who you just pissed off?

The wrong Canuck, that's who.

>> No.2834094


I think it's because my other side is pasty white German/Irish mix, but you have a point there too.

>> No.2834095


What are you going to do, syrup me to death?

>> No.2834104

Oh man! Not another random /jp/ related deathmatch! D:

>> No.2834363

Thank God.

>> No.2834368
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>> No.2834374

Be yourself!

>> No.2834380


Last time I did that I got slapped

>> No.2834414

whatever i look like on the outside
my Yamato spirit shines through like the sun

>> No.2834573
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You are wrong OP

I am so Japanese (on the inside) it hurts.
Just smelling my country's air hurts my xenophobic gland. Standing among such dirty GAIJIN, I rather commit SEPUKKU

>> No.2834909

I don't want to be Japanese, and I actually believe that the vast majority of Otaku wish they lived in a country that didn't think of them as shit for being weird.

Of course, otaku wouldn't be as weird as they are now if they hadn't been pushed to the very edge of society, but that's not really relevant unless you yourself wish to be ostracized so much more than you already are.

>> No.2834910

why the fuck would i want to be asian anyway? ew

>> No.2834923

Because you want to be a short, dickless, hyper conservative, soullessly religious, cross toothed, wide screen world viewing monkey who's afraid of the world outside of your inbred bubble of reality.

>> No.2834929
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oh darn..

>> No.2834963

>soullessly religious

>> No.2834990

Essentially everyone in Japan belongs to a religion and even practices the associated rituals. However, your religion is inherited and the rituals are done solely for the sake of habit. Soulless religion, followed by an entire nation.

>> No.2834999


>soullessly religious

That describes Christians as well. For some reason Christians imagine themselves to have some special connection to Christ, because of the name.

I call them, "Christ-pretenders".

>> No.2835059

While I'm fascinated by your views on religion, I don't think you quite understand. The vast majority of 'Christians' believe in what they're doing, but the Japanese do not. All of their various ceremonies are as meaningful to them as saying 'bless you' when someone sneezes. They're like atheists who never realized they should stop going to church.

>> No.2835093

Better than Christians who never realized that there isn't actually an invisible man in the sky.

>> No.2835094

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2835104

Not being racist, but Japan is quite homogeneous, or at least more homogeneous than say America, Japan is more conformist because of this, while America more individual.

>> No.2835111

>Better than Gaia fags who never realized that the earth isn't actually an invisible woman.

>> No.2835132

Oh God, living with Christian parents, and being exposed to 'Christian' people my own age in school, I can definitely say they are freaking weird.

Whether it's this weirdo crap about the 'holy spirit' or whatever, and in high school the 'Christian group' were totally a bunch of obnoxious bitches who treated everyone else like inferior human beings.

Christians just 'become' completely weird once they get into that group. I am not talking about Catholics or Anglicans (the traditional churches), I am talking about the evangelical crap in America.

Turned me into a complete atheist.

>> No.2835183

Well, it turned you into an atheifag, at least.

Mind, that's less about homosexuality and more about being a person with a stick up your ass over something. Atheism is supposed to be an absence of belief, not a soap box.

>> No.2835206

I've never once been on a soapbox over my atheism. Although I will admit I do get a kick out of refusing to say 'Amen' at dinner just to see my parents faces.

>> No.2835209

Can we bitch about fundie retards someplace else?

It's more appropriate to bitch about Sokka Gakkai here.

>> No.2835220

You become Japanese by heart not by your body

not that it will make your life any different anyways

>> No.2835227

>absence of belief
Jesus Christ

I will tell you the truth son. Humans can't live without any form of belief. Modern belief system habe been replaced quit skillfully if you ask me, through the media which is controlled by the corporate fascist state. People don't think for themselves anymore, they will take everything for granted what they will be told on televison, radio and the corporate web.

Exmaples? multi-culti, global warming, overpopulation, globalism and the list goes on and on

>> No.2835236

And by the way, I would either want to be imprisoned with an christ than with some faggot from 4chan. Just see how retarded the youth has become, who the fuck is gonna stand for liberty out of this bunch of illiterate retards?

>> No.2835237

Nice job relating your post to Japan.

No. Really. All of you get the fuck off /jp/ and go argue this shit on /b/ where it belongs.

>> No.2835283

I'm sick of hearing all this shit. Atheism is an absence of belief in a god, it doesn't mean we can't have our own personal beliefs. I've had a lifetime of people preaching to me about Christianity and how I am going to hell but the moment I ever try to talk about my beliefs I am told I am soap boxing.

>> No.2835300


you forgot to add something about touhou.

>> No.2835312

I don't post kigurumis in your toilet, don't piss in my /jp/. Leave and take your retarded buddy with you.

>> No.2835322
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>> No.2835328
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>> No.2835338
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>> No.2835343
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>> No.2835348
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Was that wit?

>> No.2835351
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>> No.2835352

Only thing I would want to be Japanese for is the lack of body hair and possibly the ability to dress like a pretty girl and get away with it. Though I could do this being Chinese or Korean or any other asian race really.

I can barely pass as Australian and I fucking am Australian. Not my fault this god damn country is full of uncultured retards.

>> No.2835353

I'm okay with that.

>> No.2835360
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>> No.2835368
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>> No.2835372
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>> No.2835375
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>> No.2835379

You don't understand. Your goverment is telling you the same thing.


For example global warming. They tell you that if you don't comply with their authoritarian system you will be killed in a gruesome way by mother earth.
But you will be able to buy indulgence papers by paying carbon related taxes to your beloved goverment.

>> No.2835383
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>> No.2835393
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>> No.2835395

... so right, yeah. The point was that Japan is silly for following such a complex set of traditions that have no meaning, even to them.

>> No.2835398
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>> No.2835404

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2835406
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>> No.2835409
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>> No.2835417

Fuck both of you. I'm sorry for daring to even slightly glance the subject of religion on a board so obviously filled with pseudo-intellectual fourteen year olds. Will you please just go to /r9k/ and debate this?

>> No.2835419
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>> No.2835423
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>> No.2835433
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>> No.2835434
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>> No.2835435

Because I'm 14 amirite and didn't agree on your personal withhunt. Butthurt. r9k is a shithole infested with lobotomized media victims

>> No.2835437
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>> No.2835440 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2835446 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2835452

It's a tradition, okay? People need a fucking tradition. It doesn't matter if they even believe in it or not, it gives them a sense of permanence. Or something.

>> No.2835455 [DELETED] 

Not the faggot you were arguing with.

As you aren't going to leave, will you at least tell me what you think about the prevalence of rather unique cults in Japan despite it being highly secular?

>> No.2835458

Anybody ever heard of the Fugu Plot? If you're a Jew, you could have been Japanese (sorta)!

>> No.2835483

I'm Asian either way.
Close enough.

>> No.2835505
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>> No.2835507
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>ITT: We realize we'll never be japanese.

>90 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2835544

Australian accents are nonexistent unless you live in some rural shithole in South Australia or you are just putting it on.

Canadians on the other hand have horrible accents.

>> No.2835571

Say that in red!

>> No.2835590

You are kidding yourself. The Australian accent is pretty strong. I should know; I have lived in Brisbane, Sydney and Perth. It's pretty much the same all around MOITE.

>> No.2835931

About what you said, calling earth an "Invisible woman", well, you're right. The habitable area, the atmosphere, is a fucking paper-thin wisp of fumes that we exist in. Remove that, and the earth will still be here.

>> No.2835943

What? I thought atmospheric perspective was visible last I went outdoors.

>> No.2835946
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I just realized I will never be japanese. Feels great man.

>> No.2835958

I'm Indo-Asain, African-European.

I'm a little of everyone on Earth.

>> No.2835963

What do you look like? Indian?

>> No.2835973


Sure, compared to the atmosphere, we're tiny, and we live at the bottom of it. However, compared to the size of the Earth, the habitable atmosphere is tiny and thin.

>> No.2836000


I look like an average white. Straight brown hair. I honestly don't look like my parents, and they only sort-of look like their parents.

>> No.2836001

I think I misunderstood your post. I thought you were saying the atmosphere is invisible, and it isn't. Distant objects (we're talking miles away, like islands and mountains) appear lighter and eventually turn blue the further they are from the observer.

>> No.2836018

/jp/ - We hate Japan/period
