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2821794 No.2821794 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave that here http://www.nnl1.com/

>> No.2821825
File: 40 KB, 560x432, haha_oh_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" Some foreigners seem to be having an antipathy against EROGE.
Therefore, We prohibited the access from foreign countries, to defend our culture. "

>> No.2821842

once again, christian america not satisfied with fucking up their own lives, must fuck everything up for everyone else as well.

>> No.2821854

I hope tlwiki will start to release patched games like this.

>> No.2821874

Oh this is priceless.

>> No.2821880

>Filthy gaijins, we're tired of you dirtying our site with your dirty white amerikkkan people.
>Get out of here, we don't want your fat american dollars.

Are they fucking serious?

>> No.2821891

I didn't even know ef was an eroge.

>> No.2821894

hahaha oh wow.jpg x2

>> No.2821899

Is minori doing this in reaction to the whole feminist rape game ban thing?
Also, I find it hilarious that minori is using a Filipino domain name and is restricting access to Japan.

>> No.2821914

Lets start banning japanese IPs from english sites: Google, yotube, microsoft etc. Why the fuck they can access our sites but we can't access their?

>> No.2821934
File: 80 KB, 400x316, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2821945

ban the enemy - ban filthy gaijin!

>> No.2821947

Pussy bitches. Why are all these Japanese companies dumping in there pants because of some foreign feminists? It's not like they have any real power anyway.

>> No.2821958

Who gives a shit? Also:
>Sorry for you of the fan that lives in a foreign country.
Engrish aside, it would appear to be an apology.

>christian america
feminists != christians

>> No.2821969

You think blocking foreign IP's will help them somehow?

>> No.2821980

btw mangagamers site is now offline, msg says because of redesign but wiht all thing as they are I doubt they wil come back but I said this before

>> No.2821986

Is it blocking American IPs or something? I'm seeing it just fine.

>> No.2821994

at least we got suika out of them

>> No.2821999

it blocks non-japanese IPs - proxyfy http://www.minori.ph/

>> No.2822002

Now stop this stupid conservatives and christfags bullshit. Seriously inform yourself. The modern regulatorfags are the socialist and liberals. Protip: Goverments just love to regulate your life no matter the political spectrum

>> No.2822010

True dat.

>> No.2822016

Are you talking about the American government? Do you know what socialism is?

>> No.2822017

But still they look at us as at shit.

>> No.2822018

It's more of a statement than anything.

>> No.2822020

Minori is just trying to stop you fucktards from selling their game over Amazon.

>> No.2822023

>political shitfight

>> No.2822025

What about asking this before/instead of banning everyone and everything?

>> No.2822034

hint : "This game is for sale and use only in Japan"
every games has this noticement.

>> No.2822037

Sounds perfectly legitimate to me. if I was having censorship issues stemming form another country, I'd block them too.
I have no idea why these guys have a problem with that; how many people actually go to game maker sites anyway?

>> No.2822042

They're not doing it because "filthy gaijins don't deserve our eroge wwwww", it's just their attempt to defend themself against the feminists who want to ban their eroges.

>> No.2822048

I love how more than half of the DDR machines I've seen have a similar notice ON THE GODDAMN SCREEN and nobody gives a shit.

>> No.2822058

No one banned their eroges.

>> No.2822061

hahaha owow I'm curious if you fucking weeaboo will say the same after all webshops decided to stop shipping any digital media to teh gajins

>> No.2822071

Like I said: how the FUCK will it help to defend them from "feminists"?

>> No.2822076

They are angry at you fuckers, isn't that obvious.

>> No.2822081

Failing to see a problem with that.

None of us buy anyway, since when should we care?

>> No.2822099

Democratz = crippled socialist with anti-fascist fascist called liberals

>> No.2822107

have we ever buyed anything?

>> No.2822117

So at the end it came to this: GTFO GAIJINS.

>> No.2822118

English isn't your first language, I see....

>> No.2822145

That's because there's very few cabinets that have been released in the US. DDR USA (which I've never seen, pretty much all the cabinets I've seen have been extreme (import) or SuperNova) and then a six year break until we got SuperNova.

>> No.2822146

By removing it from the foreign public eye to some degree.

>> No.2822170

I doubt that this will stop someone from accessing their page. Especially if someone really wants to access it.

>> No.2822172

I saw a DDR USA once in Seattle, I was like "wat"

>> No.2822194
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, 1228739183289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minori official website.
This website cannot be browsed excluding Japan.

Some foreigners seem to be having an antipathy against EROGE.
Therefore, We prohibited the access from foreign countries, to defend our culture.
Sorry for you of the fan that lives in a foreign country.

minori Inc.

>> No.2822208


>> No.2822209

No offense, but are you all blind or retarded? The symbolism and intention is what counts and it's saying that the japanese eroge industry was hit pretty bad and nothing will be like it was before.

>> No.2822221

So what should we do? Pledge before GREAT JAPANESE NATION?

>> No.2822223

One more excuse to just steal my eroge.

>> No.2822230


>> No.2822239

They're not scared of the foreigners themselves, it basically went like this.

Foreign feminists get their panties in a twist > domestic feminists who are too lazy to do anything by themselves finally step up after foreign feminists have been yelling for a while

>> No.2822244

Has this something to do with "LOL RAPE IS BANNED!"

>> No.2822247

It's one single company.
Don't twist your panties.

>> No.2822252

Which was nothing more than a pre-text for the goverment to once again choke the eroge industry which is much longer on the watch list because of the pressure organizations like UN, UNICEF and other controlled "liberal" or "egalitarian" groups.

>> No.2822254

Stupid 3d woman should die

>> No.2822255

Wait, people have a problem with this?

>> No.2822263

Yes it cause a burst of rage.

>> No.2822276


>> No.2822282

Yes. Now it takes my 3 extra mouse clicks.

>> No.2822289

So, people are saying that they'd rather minori self-censor than say "fuck off"?

>> No.2822291

Fuck you. Obama doesn't want to impose limitations on you. The failures responsible for all this crap is conservative, CHRISTIAN america.
Hell, Obama would probably sign off on gay marriage and decriminalization of weed tommarow, except that he can't just do that, because he'd lose support of 70% of the voter population, who happen to be, you guessed it, conservative asswipes that think everything should stay frozen as it was in the 1950s. It's not the "feminists". They don't have any power, outside of blogs. The ones who are tripping shit over this immoral material are the same moralfag retards who locked Mike Diana away.
It's always their fault. I'm not saying being a Christian always makes you an intolerant retard bent on imposing your will on everyone else through force. I'm sure there are good Christians out there. It's just that the majority of them are idiots and they still run this country, just look at what happened to the gay marriage thing in california.

>> No.2822295


>> No.2822300

When I want to know about new eroge I browse getchu or post here.
Nothing changed at all.

Just one more reason to pirate their shit.

>> No.2822303

For once, Japanese xenophobia is more than justified.

>> No.2822317

obama is a christian. hell he just outlawed flavored cigs within the last week. if he really believes in what you say (hint: nope) but doesn't because "voter support" then fuck him.

>> No.2822322

>HURR DURR 1995-2006 never happened

>> No.2822328

I don't understand why people support them.

>> No.2822333

Probability of other eroge companies doing the same thing, in solidarity and shit? I dare say they don't care about foreign 'customers'.

>> No.2822342

>flavored cigs
...Have been on their way out since 2005. Not really Obama's fault.

>> No.2822344

unless this ends up being like the esrb...

>> No.2822346

Them who? minori?

>> No.2822347

Obama is if anything then muslim and his major ethnicity is Arabic.
He just pretends to be christfag, and liberals are atheist in general

>> No.2822349

This is what caused my rage. Minori just started this idiotism, but I'm sure there are people who will support them.

>> No.2822355

We are not profitable at all and like to bitch.
Why not ban us?

>> No.2822356


>> No.2822358

Surely this is better than self-censoring, kneejerk as it is....

>> No.2822364


>> No.2822365

1. Nobody in Japan gives a fuck about foreigners, except when pretending to for formalities sake.
2. Japan knows nobody here buys their shit (with the major exception of figs). There's only a few export-resellers of eroge and I'm sure the eroge companies get reports of all their relevant sales.

>> No.2822366


>> No.2822369

bullshit, he has the power to veto legislation. if he really gave a fuck, he could've stopped it easy. republicans are far from having enough votes to do anything and it's fucking stupid when people excuse obama for being a typical politician by blaming them for it.

>> No.2822371

fuck off TOEHOE tripfuck

>> No.2822372

[ ] Access site using proxy. Still delicious rape content in m eroge.
[ ] Access site without proxy. Toned down rape.

>> No.2822373

>the gay marriage thing in california
Wasn't that the Mormons?
Kind of funny, actually. Polygamy = A-OK, but homosexual monogamy = bad.

>> No.2822376

no, it was california voters

>> No.2822380

Do you often find yourself going to software company websites? How does this affect you at all?

>> No.2822383


>> No.2822390

[x] Access site using proxy. Still delicious rape content in m eroge.

>> No.2822394

I never go to minori's site, but if other companies will follow this example it would really trouble me.

>> No.2822395

>republicans are far from having enough votes to do anything

This would be true if Harry Reid wasn't a spineless faggot. But he is so your statement is bullshit.

>> No.2822397

American feminists can`t access site > they find something else to bitch > eroge industry is saved for now

>> No.2822402

Why? Proxy-illiterate?

>> No.2822407

maybe if you vote for them next time they'll actually do what they say

>> No.2822414

>republicans are far from having enough votes to do anything
let me guess, you must live in seattle or california or some other ultra-liberal place if you actually believe this. you know all those non-coastal states in the center of the country, that smart people don't really give a fuck about? yea, those are ALL republican-dominated, you ass.

>> No.2822417

If they would want to access certain page, they will - it's not like they don't have any programmers working in their offices.

>> No.2822423

Like I said, I'm pissed off by this attitude rather than problemed by it.

>> No.2822425

Jesus christ Americans, stop ruining the rest of the world you fat whining bitches.

>> No.2822431

Please get out.

>> No.2822432

no u

>> No.2822436

They aren't blocking just amerikkan IPs - they block everything non-wapanese.

>> No.2822439

Pretty sure this issue originated in France.

>> No.2822448

Trolls stop this two party dogfight bullshit, that's not the matter and stop deluding yourself any further

>> No.2822453

Conservative or liberal, Americans are always raging and causing shit over something. We can never seem to keep our opinions to ourselves and just live / let live. Basically they're just giving us a big fuck-you for letting our loudmouths shine the political eye on them and fucking up the Japanese way of life. Which is good, because Western influence in Japan, especially political and moral influence, is something neither I nor the Japanese want to see.

>> No.2822457


>> No.2822461


>> No.2822463 [DELETED] 

Most are raging about how far this has come, well and the faggots who don't care because they believe as long nobody bells at their door and points a gun at their head, everything is alright. Retards

>> No.2822466

Most are raging about how far this has come, well and the faggots who don't care because they believe as long nobody rings at their door-bell and points a gun at their head, everything is alright. Retards

>> No.2822475

>as long nobody bells at their door and points a gun at their head, everything is alright
even though that's a huge exaggeration, isn't it kind of true?

>> No.2822483

What else could you expect from this place?

>> No.2822536

I wonder how would those anti-piracy faggots react

>> No.2822665

Well, feminists are definitely too stupid to know how to use proxies, so everyone wins!

>> No.2822705

wait, what has ef to do with the feminist bawwing thing? it's a fairly light taste eroge if anything.

>> No.2822724

how about you READ THE THREAD?

>> No.2822725

"An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us."

>> No.2822790

If you guys want to blame someone, do something about your bloody feminists that have nothing else to other bugging other countries with their crap.

What's even worse, every other country in the world must pay for AMERIKKKA's faggotry. Seriously, you shitheads are the cancer killing this planet.

>> No.2822864

Feminist and activist groups fucked up the legal system back in the 80's and they're the main reason why the crime rate is so high these days.

More proof they're nothing retards fucking up the society with their bullshit claims. And guess who's going to pay the price again?

>> No.2822894
File: 272 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA_OH_WOWmisha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2822959

I don't care as long as I can play Romeo's eroges.

>> No.2822979

Soon to be banned.

They treat women as weak and incomplete individuals.

>> No.2823006

Oh wow. This will have a bad influence on Anime and Hentai anime.
Once they ban non human heroines, Anime will never be the same again.

>> No.2823015
File: 311 KB, 800x600, f280891d2b9a7e2ebb06fc389c690d67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems Rance won't be getting a new sequel anymore.

Owned by feminists.

>> No.2823072

How is that even valid anymore when America has Obama for a president?

>Seriously, you shitheads are the cancer killing this planet.
So, American weebos are killing the planet? Thought they were too scared to leave their rooms.

>> No.2823077
File: 15 KB, 186x220, cg00928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2823114

Hint faggots: Obama is very much anti-personal freedoms.

>> No.2823266

Republican detected.

>> No.2823280

quit bumping the thread

>> No.2823329

What makes you think I am either. They both want to take away your freedoms, the democrats just want to take away a whole lot more of them, and for a lot worse reasons. Sure protecting big business et al isn't a great reason, but but what the Democrats (well the liberals actually) are taking them away for is far worse.

>> No.2823401

Every president for at least the last 25 years is anti personal freedom.

>> No.2823440

You're probably a libertarian whack job, which is arguably worse.

>> No.2824955

Smells awfully like Sarcasm, but it is still serious
