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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2804809 No.2804809 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2804820

Contain your threads and stop spamming /jp/. If you want /b/ and /a/-type posting, go to /b/ and /a/.

>> No.2804833

>implying that /jp/ is better then /a/ and that /a/ = /b/

>> No.2804840

>implying that /jp/ isn't better than /a/ and that /a/ isn't /b/.

>> No.2804836

I used to think moot was better than this. Now I realize he is a retard who is easily manipulated by Lanced Jack/Taiga. How sad.

>> No.2804838

>implying otherwise with a secure tripcode

>> No.2804850

Nice way to break a quote, fucking moron.

>> No.2804852

stop making threads about the same fucking thing ffs.

>> No.2804858

you're just feeding his ego with this shit

>> No.2804894

Requesting shoop of moot with Reimu's hair

>> No.2804905

It's because you are a faggot.

>> No.2804905,1 [INTERNAL] 

I used to think /jp/ was better than this

>> No.2804950,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.2804950


>> No.2804966,1 [INTERNAL] 

What's to explain? Going apeshit over a tiny thing and spamming is for shit boards like /a/, /b/, and /v/. I thought /jp/ was better than that.

>> No.2804966


>> No.2804966,2 [INTERNAL] 


you just realize that now?

>> No.2804966,3 [INTERNAL] 


What? /jp/ is usually slow as shit during this time of night.

The fags from /a/ are the ones going apeshit and spamming it up.

>> No.2804966,4 [INTERNAL] 

From what I understand, /a/ suggested the name change to moot. I can only assume they are now having an EPIC INVASION and are the cause of the spam and shitposting.

>> No.2804966,5 [INTERNAL] 

At least now we know the KS haters were underaged /b/tards.

>> No.2804966,6 [INTERNAL] 

We're getting megas popular! I wonder how long this traffic will last: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/6656/verylively.png

>> No.2804966,7 [INTERNAL] 

>KS haters were underaged /b/tards.
I think you missed something.

>> No.2804966,8 [INTERNAL] 

>KS spammers were underaged /b/tards.

Fixed for you.

>> No.2804966,9 [INTERNAL] 

Don't tell me you're one of the under aged kids that are going around sagebombing every thread you disagree with. Honestly, is there any logical motive for hating KS other than jealousy?

>> No.2804966,10 [INTERNAL] 

It's shit and popular. Same reason /a/ hates Naruto (when they're not watching it).

>> No.2804966,11 [INTERNAL] 

The only sagebombing I see on /jp/ is that one bot.

>> No.2804966,12 [INTERNAL] 

In comparison to the stuff we've seen from the west, KS is in a league of its own.

KS is a western project that originated from 4chan.What in God's name possessed you into believing it was supposed to be on par with the VNs from Japan (i.e. the Nation that has had years of practice for this art-form). I'm a strong advocate of original content; consequently, I take offense to the blatant stupidity that has been demonstrated by the KS haters. If you don't like the threads then filter them. You're NOT moot - your opinions about what belongs on /jp/ are moot.

If you think KS is bad then put up or shut up. Until I see the KS haters releasing something better, KS is the best 4chan has to offer. And as a consumer, -1 is better than 0.

>> No.2804966,13 [INTERNAL] 

Moot's opinion of what belongs on /jp/ is moot, it's barely moderated. That said, it doesn't belong by /jp/ in any way or form (given it's not japanese.) And I'm not going to even get started on your poor logic. Go back to /a/.

>> No.2804966,14 [INTERNAL] 

As much as I dislike KS and KS threads, you're very mistaken if you think /jp/ has anything to do with Japan. It's /jp/ - VNs/Touhou, which KS fits into. Doesn't matter where the VNs come from.

>> No.2804966,15 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, a better way to push for KS is to post on their forums. That way, you can easily intermingle with the devs and you can feed off of each other. Also, condense your threads.

>> No.2804966,16 [INTERNAL] 

I cant take it easy with this guy. I'm apologizing in advance to my fellow ghostbros.

I guess I have no choice but to educate you.


Maybe back in the past KS might have belonged on /a/, but after the birth of /jp/, moot wanted /a/ to become Anime & Manga again. The term 'visual novel' is a very broad term and doesn't necessarily have to be about visual novels that were developed on Japanese soil. Let me elaborate, the recent trend of weeaboo visual novels have become a part of Japanese culture. At this point, the 'term visual novel' is kinda like sushi. (It doesn't matter if it's produced in Japan or not, it's still Japanese). The same thing goes for Touhou. Just like the Eastern Touhou fanbase, we westerners are allowed to add our opinions/creativity to the Touhou fanverse. Hence the reason why western Touhou music remix threads and Touhou drawfag threads go undisturbed by the janitors. As stated in moot's sticky, /jp/ is also a board for the weeaboo stuff that lacks its own board. Also, you cant get more Japanese than KS. It's based on a Japanese artist's work. Or did you fail to notice that in the various Japanese magazines it had been stated in.

>> No.2804966,17 [INTERNAL] 


One last thing, the mods, janitors, and moot agree with me. Go ahead and report a KS thread and watch in amazement of how it doesn't get deleted. Hmm, I wonder why? Go on the KS IRC channel and ask them if they have any complaints. Because from what I can interpret from this situation, you're the only person that's complaining.

There's only two motives for moot's recent renaming of /jp/ to 'Katawa Shoujo.' He's either doing it to make fun of the fact that /jp/ers wont shut up about KS, or he's doing it to mess with the KS haters. Either way, moot doesn't give a shit. The day moot no longer wants to see KS on /jp/, he'll make a sticky about it (and/or give someone a public ban for making a KS thread). Let's continue this conversation once I wake up.

>> No.2804966,18 [INTERNAL] 

Get out KS dev.

>> No.2804966,19 [INTERNAL] 

Misclick? Or is it some sort of continuation? Your quote doesn't make much sense given the normal context.

>> No.2804966,20 [INTERNAL] 

Wasn't a continuation anyway, that was my post he quoted. Either a misclick or he didn't understand my post.

>> No.2804966,21 [INTERNAL] 

Well, obviously I meant to quote:

I stayed up two hours past my bedtime downloading IV torrents. If only Eksopl, could start doing his job, and edit my post.

>> No.2804966,22 [INTERNAL] 

I don't like or dislike KS (I haven't played it) but the whole "you're not allowed to dislike KS, if you do you only hate it because it's popular" attitude is annoying. KS fans are worse than the haters.

>> No.2804966,23 [INTERNAL] 

Take things at your own pace. What can't be done today can be done tomorrow. Just make sure you get decent rest.

>> No.2804966,24 [INTERNAL] 

Why are we even having this conversation at this time of the day. A true /jp/er wouldn't be caught dead lurking the Internet at this hour. Are you guys Europeans? Because that would be the only excuse for being awake at this time. I'm going to sleep now. And yes, I fail at timezones.

>> No.2804966,25 [INTERNAL] 

07:08 and I haven't gone to bed yet... T'was too busy playing Dwarf Fortress to notice that the sun disappeared and reappeared. Yeah, sleep.

>> No.2804966,26 [INTERNAL] 

UK, 12pm, been up all night.

>> No.2804966,27 [INTERNAL] 

To be fair, this is hilarious. The amount of bitching KS generates, even though it's not spammed at all anymore is insane.

"Get out KS dev" is possibly the worst trolling meme ever created.

Totally had it coming.

>> No.2804966,28 [INTERNAL] 

That's it, I'm out of /jp/ for the whole month, this is just outrageous.

>> No.2804966,29 [INTERNAL] 

Slowpoke here, what happened?

>> No.2804966,30 [INTERNAL] 

Good morning. And what's this, moot is messing with us again.

So, what happened, besides the teasing /jp/ - Katawa Shoujo? Actually, believe it or not, this could be a step in the right direction. Not the trolling and KS dev paranoia, no, but finally acknowledging the real description of the board instead of the vague Japan/General that confuses so many.

Also, someone is using my tripcode. That's unusual...

>> No.2804966,31 [INTERNAL] 

>someone is using my tripcode.
Was it Meru?

>> No.2804966,32 [INTERNAL] 

Doubt it.

>> No.2804966,33 [INTERNAL] 

But our page info description still says '/jp/ is 4chan's board for everything Japan!'

>> No.2804966,34 [INTERNAL] 

>>2804966,28 That's it, I'm out of /jp/ for the whole month, this is just outrageous.
What do you mean? Explain.

>> No.2804966,35 [INTERNAL] 

No insult to Anon of Colombia, but I don't recall you guys complaining about the VN he was working on. I guess since Anons felt no competition from it, they never got jealous from it. But a high quality western VN called Katawa Shoujo comes out and you guys start whining.

This is really about jealousy, isn't it?

>> No.2804966,36 [INTERNAL] 

It's about flooding the board with shit. For some reason, every KS poster felt the need to have his own thread about some arbitrary shit. How many times did we have the "LOL LELOUCH" threads? It's much better now, but people are still stupid about it. Just add the persecution aspect, the ability to fall for every troll that rolls by, and let that stew. There you go, KS.

>> No.2804966,37 [INTERNAL] 

First threads were ok, then we got spammed too much and people started bitching about it (and the influx of people from /a/ and /v/ making threads about KS in /jp/, though that's debatable).

Then it calmed down, but KS threads still get trolled by some guys who feel like forcing the "GET OUT KS DEVS" meme.

It sadly worked.

>> No.2804966,38 [INTERNAL] 

None taken, but I think you're confusing why KS is not well received in /jp/, even if it's just a small outspoken faction of the board.
It's a combination of overexposure, with some good old xenophobia and a dash of "popular, so it sucks". Oh, and let's not forget that some got an ill taste for it after the successive threads in the last year promoting their site and IRC. That kind of thing is just not taken well, nevermind that the one behind that is gone.
Add to that posters who usually go with the flow to fit in, and you have a deluge of KS devs everywhere because it's the thing to do. The same type of person that uses reaction images, parrots memes and thinks sage is a personal insult.

Ok, I got myself mad again. Point is that KS rejection comes not from an objective quality of the game itself, but from the subjective perception from some of the board. There's nothing to discuss anyway, most of this will die off by the time the rest of the game is released, a year on or so.

One last thing though, it's interesting to see how the whole KS dev thing has a very noticeable single source, Zun!bar, but now he says nothing about it.

>> No.2804966,39 [INTERNAL] 

I just don't understand the purpose of whining. What does complaining about KS solve? If the idolfags were to start spamming their Idol threads, who are we to stop them. What I'm trying to say here is, only moot can decide if KS belongs on /jp/ or not. And from what I've seen, he hasn't told his janitors to start deleting them yet. Also, I find it amazing how nobody ever dares to complain about the constant Touhou threads on /jp/ e.g. "LOOK AT THAT BAKA XD"

I don't care if the KS devs kicked your dog and raped your sister, until moot tells them to fuck off, all opinions are invalid. It could have been worse, at least the KS devs aren't going around posting under tripcodes and bragging about their positions. The only thing they are guilty of is creating a popular product on 4chan. (The likes of which, have never been seen before on a western imageboard). What would you do if you were in their position? Once your project becomes too popular, there's nothing you can do to tell your fanbase to calm down.

>> No.2804966,40 [INTERNAL] 

Just woke up, I was expecting a worst front-page with that title.

>> No.2804966,41 [INTERNAL] 

Worse*, honestly, that title seems less prone to 'trolling' than Japan/General.

>> No.2804966,42 [INTERNAL] 

>it's interesting to see how the whole KS dev thing has a very noticeable single source, Zun!bar
If ZUN was the man behind the hate it would be the definition of hypocrisy. ZUN!bar worked on many eastern based original content. You and ZUN!bar of all people should know the frustration that comes with releasing your product to a xenophobic audience. Even as we speak, he's currently working on that VN with mugen.

>> No.2804966,43 [INTERNAL] 

>Just add the persecution aspect, the ability to fall for every troll that rolls by, and let that stew.
Most of their problems would go away if they would stop whining about the whining. Idol threads are successful in that even if they feed the troll, they still continue on with what they're doing (don't forget the fact that they're condensed). KS threads, not so much. Maybe instead of feeding the trolls with meta-bitching, people should actually talk about KS.

>> No.2804966,44 [INTERNAL] 

It passed over last night. We had a huge surge in posting at that time.

>> No.2804966,45 [INTERNAL] 

Haha, holy shit.
Out of curiosity I searched any instance of "dev" posted by zun. The whole KS dev paranoia goes back to July 31 2008. That, I didn't expect.

Nah, his dislike for KS stems from a very definite thing, dev team thinking that KS is a masterpiece brought down upon us unwashed masses.

And I disagree with that, content is content, and criticism is a helpful tool. Otherwise we get dA, where everyone is sooo talented and critics are just haters. It doesn't foster growth or improvement. Neither does irrational hate.

Exactly. A single KS thread should be tolerated. Problem is, there's not much to discuss now. Perhaps something with a clear subject and actively ignoring the KS dev posts could go well. That drawfag thread earlier wasn't so bad after all.
