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2778078 No.2778078 [Reply] [Original]

New Rance thread,since I couldn't find one in the first 6 pages.

So how am I supposed to get that Personal Nurse item?(need a sure way,not infinite dungeon crawling and so on)

>> No.2778099

You can buy it in the Purpet shop.

>> No.2778112

are you serious?maybe I should check the wiki more...

>> No.2778114

Also, most of your questions can be answered by searching here: http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Sengoku_Rance

>> No.2778123

Well fuck, you've got quite the dream team there OP.

Also, I think I randomly picked up the Personal Nurse on my second dungeon run.

>> No.2778146

Well fuck, I'm getting torn apart by Demon Army's 1 turn blitz. I can't even defend against the second wave, Shimazu brother with the cigarette one-hits everyone. What should I do?

Or, would it still be fine if I let them win some of the battles? Could I take those territories back, or will the next round be the same multi-front defending?

>> No.2778153

Just let them win some, try not to make any of them win a castle fight. Pick your battles. Hope they're good picks.

>> No.2778165

this,or just let them win them all,and hope they attack different provinces.it's ok if they take one or two parts of the province,it won't be theirs so you can leave them there

>> No.2778242

so what happened to the hype two days ago?

everyone that plays rance is sleeping?

>> No.2778248


Even Rance has to rest after constantly using his hyper weapon for days.

>> No.2778252

Ok then, here's a question. What's the best team to use against Orochi?

>> No.2778254

I tried playing it yesterday and was disappointed with how much was untranslated. This one miko recruit who lost her memories or something had all her scenes still in Japanese. A ton of people's names were left in kanji. Attack battle cries were left untranslated as well. I think I will just wait for the full patch to play it seriously.

>> No.2778269


>> No.2778272

Diviner's Shinigamis can help you.
Also, abuse foot soldiers, they're overpowered.

>> No.2778275


Play it anyways. What's really necessary to read is translated, so you shouldn't have many problems, gameplay-wise. Anything more is aesthetic or extra, like the names, or a scattering of untranslated scenes. And of course, you can always play the main and Kenshin routes while you wait for the other routes to be translated.

>> No.2778278

Same here. Now, I hope the full patch will be out before the end of the year.

>> No.2778290

Rance, Kenshin, Kentarou, that blonde chick immune to magic, probably some diviner with all shinigami and a random high level commander.

>> No.2778309
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Japanese eyeball pimping it up.

>> No.2778318

How is the English patch coming along?

>> No.2778325

Love the Eyeball dude. Too bad its untranslated

>> No.2778330

The next patch is expected to be released next year.

>> No.2778333

Anyone have good pics of the maid with feather duster of death?

>> No.2778339

I'm getting frustrated, I restarted twice and even now things aren't going so well.

>> No.2778351

Why? This game is pretty easy.

>> No.2778385

I already finished true and Kenshin routes, now I'm waiting for Ran... So my Rance fever is gone until it comes out.

I'm still not sure whether I like Rance or not; Kenshin seems more like the 'love tenderly' type, and he missed out. Also, Sill :(

>> No.2778402

Now I had to start shit with the Akaishi as well so they won't get taken over by Mouri, and they're crushing me thanks to the fact that I can't attack OR defend as I always lose due to Nuhe.

>> No.2778428

don't restart games,just play them out till you reach a definite dead end or finish them.

that way you'll get more experience for future games

>> No.2778432

If you know the battles will be auto-lost... send single (weak) units 3 different times, until the Nuhe are gone.

>> No.2778439

You're supposed to lose to them, just go a few battles and then you can attack them normaly.

>> No.2778448

Still can't get over Orime's scene. Waiting for the translation to understand what the hell just happened.

>> No.2778453

Also protip: try sending Senhime (with affection in trust) for an easy character clear for her.

>> No.2778454 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 803x651, OHGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean this?

>> No.2778470


"Team"? You should have a full roster of 30 ready for Orochi. Preferable units that work in the front and the back. I doubt any group of 6 can even get him to half life before running out of actions. You'll be switching and getting killed a lot.

>> No.2778490

does anyone have some tips for beating Xavier-Nobunaga? It seems Rance is the only one who can damage him, and that big ears guy decimates most of my party.

>> No.2778493

Can you get Soun in the first game? Because I've already captured Ran, saw the event where he's trapped in the cave, and conquered Houjou territory, but the dungeon in the oil fields doesn't appear.

>> No.2778495

You can damage him with another character only after Rance attacks him.

>> No.2778503 [DELETED] 


Do you have Mori or One Eye? They can make short work of his companions. One you get down to just him, keep attacking. There is no real strategy, but when he can 1-hit most units, the best defense is a good offense.

>> No.2778507


Do you have Mori or One Eye? They can make short work of his companions. One you get down to just him, have Rance attack, then just keep attacking with your strongest. There is no real strategy, but when he can 1-hit most units, the best defense is a good offense.

>> No.2778519 [DELETED] 

<a href=https://www.capemaycountyherald.com/user/kim+kardashian>Kim Kardashian nude</a> https://www.capemaycountyherald.com/user/kim+kardashian - Kim Kardashian nude <a href=http://riereta.net/moodle/user/view.php?id=4594&course=1>vanessa hudgens nude</a> http://riereta.net/moodle/user/view.php?id=4594&course=1 - vanessa hudgens nude <a href=http://forum.gametribe.com/member.php?u=16659>jennifer aniston nude</a> http://forum.gametribe.com/member.php?u=16659 - jennifer aniston nude <a href=http://www.realraptalk.com/members/daniel-radcliffe-nude-917875>daniel radcliffe nude</a> http://www.realraptalk.com/members/daniel-radcliffe-nude-917875 - daniel radcliffe nude

>> No.2778521


My party is pretty shitty right now, I still haven't got either Kenshin, One-eye, or Mori yet.
Should I hold off fighting Xavier and instead focus on getting the others first?

>> No.2778526

Screw Sengoku for now. I'm off to play Rance 6 instead.

>> No.2778580

don't be afraid to continue one or two times till Xavier becomes easier

the next time you play you'll know what to get and you'll probably be ok

>> No.2778635 [SPOILER] 
File: 217 KB, 650x846, 2cf26deb6f0c3ab00f992d5d6646f884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the translation patch have translations for the scene where this character gets raped?

>> No.2778641


>> No.2778663

are there anyways to avoid the Kou's rape scene?

>> No.2778667

I think the Ran route doesn't have it, and the kill the monkey route.

>> No.2778708
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Where do I get this game? Tokyotosho and RS has nothing.

>> No.2778713

In your fucking ass.

>> No.2778714

If that helps, I'm fairly sure she's a futakuchi onna, some demon made from an anorexic girl where her body decides it isn't taking this malnutrition shit anymore and hijacks control. A secondary mouth grows from the back of the head and uses the girl's hair as appendages to grab food. If I recall, the girl doesn't get fat no matter how much the phantom head eats, so it's a pretty agreeable condition if you can handle the grease and crumbs left in the hair-hands.

>> No.2778733

Well, seeing as how its part of the main plot of the normal route... Of course its fucking translated.

>> No.2778776

Damn you, Kaguya-hime. Space suit sex is my now my newest fetish.

>> No.2778793

Yeah, I really want that scene translated.

>> No.2778801
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My new /jp/ avatar.

>> No.2778825

Hey guys, just started playing a bit ago, is there any kind of turn limit before the game ends or could I play indefinitly until I'm ready to end the game?

>> No.2778830

Without giving away anything:
Conquering certain houses will advance the plot.

After about turn 90 endgame may start even if you don't conquer enough. Unconfirmed, though.

>> No.2778833

No turn limit until certain events are triggered (Xavier entering temple in Kenshin route or sinking Japan in canon route, the former can't be delayed, the latter can)

>> No.2778843

Ah I see, so what triggers the sinking Japan thing so I know to try avoiding it?

>> No.2778846

Who's easier? Mori or Takeda?

Also, what happens if all 8 gourds break? Is it game over?

>> No.2778847

>day 27
I feel like I am doing bad now.

finally downloaded the game a few days ago I am at like day 80 and only have 7 territories and haven't broken the 5th seal yet, though I've been avoiding breaking it until I get my Kenshin.

I noticed there may be a timer until the event that happens when the 5th seal is broken, how long could I go without triggering the Honnou event?

also is it bad if I have 0 score?

>> No.2778850
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where do you get that?

Also, picture of my husbando

>> No.2778855

> so what happened to the hype two days ago?
Finished Kenshin route yesterday, I'll wait until something new is translated.

>> No.2778866

You could do some FFA Mode runs while you wait.

>> No.2778870

Started again with 2 difficulty. It's too hard ;_;

>> No.2778875

Yuzuhara events.

>> No.2778884

He lacks Natori though.

>> No.2778892

Have Yuzuhara when ninja raccoons invade.

>> No.2778895

what are the most important things to know gameplay-wise?
like, when do i have time to conquer or how many turns do i have, who is a must-have etc.?

>> No.2778932

Get Natori. Try to conquer as much as you can until Hounnoji / Demon Army.The more battles you have, the faster your troop count grows. When Demon Army shows up, attack towards the Southwest Corner. The best defense is an unstoppable offense. Don't retake, attack.

>> No.2778952

I, for one, got bored.
Playing Evil Genius right now.
Why settle for JAPAN when I can have the whole world?

>> No.2778973

Oh man, I loved that game.
Too bad the studio went belly up before we could see a sequel. Pretty depressing, really. It was like loosing Dungeon Keeper all over again.

>> No.2778977

I can understand your point of view, but does Evil Genius allow you to tie up a glasses girl, spread yam on her vagina, and force her to tell you erotic stories, while she is so itchy she can barely stand, in exchange for wiping it off?

>> No.2779018

So where exactly do I get the permit thing to fight the youkai kingdom?

>> No.2779023

First you must do the event in the Youkai kingdom that tells you about the permit, then you find an event where you fight a golden bear (I think), it's in a province close to the Youkai.

>> No.2779028

It's an old man, Seiitai Shogun or something. And the province is Saitama.

>> No.2779228
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So I've been looking through the CG set and I'm wondering what the fuck is up with all the anachronisms like space suits and seifukus.

>> No.2779244

What anachronism? It's not the real world. It's not Japan, it's JAPAN.

If you can accept that Uesugi Kenshin is a cute girl why can't you accept that they can also have that clothing?

>> No.2779271

So I started playing as the Akashi family in FFA



>> No.2779328

Does this game require grinding or not?

>> No.2779347

Also, I have no idea how it plays like, so if it's impossible to grind or whatever, just tell me so. Grinding just really makes me dislike a game, so it's the first thing I want to know.

>> No.2779361

i this game would be non-ero i could publicy admit to playing it

>> No.2779366

no you cant grind
except on the asses of your victims

>> No.2779375

The only good thing about those games is the music.

>> No.2779407

You can't grind. And I don't mean "don't have to", I mean can't. Game is pretty much on a timer.

>> No.2779420


It's a strategy game. Like a giant, super-complicated game of Risk.

>> No.2779443


I'm getting pretty well-off on my Hanny FFA run. I can't see myself touching anything near One-Eye any time soon, though. They're annoying.

Kou scene here I come.

>> No.2779452

What the heck, so I conquer the Hara House and according to the wiki I should get some option to put Akihime either in my harem or in the front lines. But the option never comes through, Rance just bursts in, gets his weapon sheathed in Akihime and then Hara's in jail. Am I missing something here?

>> No.2779459


You only get the option in second game.

Yeah, you pretty much get to do nothing the first game except conquer shit and kick Xavier's ass.

>> No.2779460

2nd games only.
There's a couple characters you can't get on the first run.

>> No.2779463

At least you get an extra scene for your efforts

All I get is the knowledge that Kazemaru is the manliest man in JAPAN

>> No.2779470

I see, thanks.

>> No.2779514

Yuzuhara is awesome.
Her event with Inukai and his dogs is hilarious.

>> No.2779545


The one-eyed girl made me lose my boner.

>> No.2779718

I came so hard my boner exploded due to small bombs

>> No.2780036

"Kazemaru remembers his brothers and cries"


>> No.2780091

I pretend this is the same person and laugh a little.

>> No.2780129


Noir is the best of the 4. Classic monstergirl, fitting personality.

Orime is fucking awesome, but yeah >>2778454

>> No.2780137

I like the kyuubi.

>> No.2780172


she's a cheat character

GREAT... oh wait.. you're all dead

>> No.2780177
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Easy mode.
Hara house blitzed. I lost a province. I'm horribly disappointed in myself.

>> No.2780180


Haven't played the game yet, I just like her design.

>> No.2780183

So from what I'm getting at, Xavier isn't the only demon right?

And the only reason why nobody helps him is because he's a major prick even among demons

But what about the other demons? How did Rance manage to kill so much of them? It seems to me if they ganged up on him they could win

>> No.2780188

Rance lied.

>> No.2780194

They're generally okay guys, and Rance isn't really hell-bent on destroying them (Chaos is, though. ) so he only ends up killing the assholish ones.

>> No.2780247


1) They end to come at him one at time

2) Not all demons are created equal. Just look at Kentarou. He's a Demon and he can't even win against Suzaku if you send him out to fight Suzaku. Granted... him being a Demon means Suzaku can't hurt him either.

3) Rance tends to use underhanded and dirty tricks

Xavier himself is pretty strong as Demon his potential is just bellow the big four, so that makes him middle upper at the very least. But Rance has defeated Carmilla who is stronger than him.

>> No.2780259

I see what you did there.

Oh god, you took out One-Eye, but got schooled by Hara? What the hell man.
Also, spend your damn money! You have plenty of National Power left to support a bigger army!

>> No.2780279
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I wish Takuga's stuff is translated soon. Also Mori, they're both pretty awesome.

>> No.2780285

I played this game only to unceremoniously game over because I couldn't find the stupid lemon in time.

>> No.2780311

I've always wondered, what does it mean when one of the houses is green(Like Iga is on your map), and how do you get that to happen?

>> No.2780318

Vassal territory. Have them surrender to you.

>> No.2780331

Anyone have a link to the trainer, the one of /rs/ is dead.

>> No.2780334

Order them to surrender while you are fighting them.

>> No.2780336

green means it's a vassal state

you can do this by forcing them to surrender instead of defeating them in battle

you can govern that state but they add their nation power to you

but you lose the chance to recruit some characters and do some victory raping (+5 to satisfaction)

but the worse thing is... Xavier will instantly take over vassal states during the last part of the game

>> No.2780337

I see, and are there any benefits to making a House become your vassal?

>> No.2780365

If I make a state a vassal would their gourd break?

>> No.2780383

It lets you skip the last handful of battles, I guess. Those can sometimes be pretty troublesome, especially if they have a castle or something. So in that sense, if you needed to end a war in a hurry, it could be a useful option.

>> No.2780387

You get national power and they occasionally provide you with a disposable-rag captain when you start a battle.

>> No.2780457

They should translate Kichiku Ou Rance next

It's similar to this game but on a global.. well.. supercontinental scale

>> No.2780466

Does it have eroge?

>> No.2780467

There's a grace period after Xavier is defeated the first time before the demon army blitz you

I think it's 10~15 turns

>> No.2780475


It's "Rance"

what do you think his goal in life is?

>> No.2780479



>> No.2780481

>Does it have eroge

You mean H-elements. It's a Rance game.

>> No.2780483

Well I was just wondering if it was a parody of this game like Gensyoko Rance is.

>> No.2780487

I hope not, I'm horrible at this game.

>> No.2780496
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I'm a bit new to this but no I don't see any real benefit aside from you don't have to fight them, you won't get any characters you would of got if you defeat them and you won't get the satisfaction bonus. only use for it I'd guess is if you can't manage to take the castle or if you are too busy with attacking or defending from others.

well this is how far I am, not as bad as I thought as I thought it was day 80 some on my last post but it was really about 60-70. I am really taking my time and trying to get the most out of everything in my first playthrough if I can and I finally started working on getting my kenshin as I knew of the 10 days till demon army appears after you defeat Xavier thing.

should I just go all out on conquering before the demon army appears? it will be rather..annoying if he starts killing off some of the houses I may of wanted a commander from. notably Takeda and Mori.

>> No.2780508 [DELETED] 

If you are being attacked by two armies at the same time, you can order one to surrender and then come back for it later.

>> No.2780504

what happened to your rape axe?

>> No.2780518

An impostor.

>> No.2780521

rape axe?

>> No.2780534


I see. I thought he was too polite.

>> No.2780550

Amazing, I was at the same point as you 40 turns earlier..

Since you are already at this point, I'd suggest you take out those countries you are at war with right now, and see how it goes. Xavier will probably bring out the demon army not long after, so if no other events pop up, try blitzing the west to secure it before the demon army appears.

>> No.2780563

I'm still waiting Alicesoft to make World War Rance, where Rance arrives in the newly-discovered continent of AMERICA and goes around fucking female versions of Erwin Rommel, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Simo Hayha, Roosevelt (Wheelchair moe~) and so on.

>> No.2780589

>Amazing, I was at the same point as you 40 turns earlier..
Well, not everybody likes to blitz through everything as fast as they can.
Some people like to take their time.

>> No.2780595

There's only one continent and one island in Rance

You might be interested in DaiAkuji, though.

It's about a Yakuza who finds out his country has been taken over by America, who in turn has been hijacked by radical feminist.

Holy shit.. Alice Soft predicted the future years before it happened

>> No.2780610


>> No.2780627


I watched the OVA's a while back, they were pretty cash with lots of fapping material.

It was another thing that attracted me to SR with the similarites such as conquering territories, and the most random assortment of factions.

>> No.2780636

Hitler-tan would be so tsundere and moe. She would be like "baka Jews" but then there's a path where you have a threesome with Hitler and a Jewish loli who you cream inside of then Hitler licks it out.

>> No.2780645


Does he get to rape the feminist?

>> No.2780657

from your posts I would assume there is another Nanaya tripfag? I've had this trip for a long time but I rarely post as I am doing other things most of the day. it's fine that there is another but please don't mistake me for him.
yeah I have been going through rather slowly, this is the 2nd day after the Honnou event. I'm not too interested in Takuga but I am going to defiantly take Uesugi as I have been wanting to take my Kenshin since before I even started playing it.

a bit worried about Takeda though, from what I learned I can't get the other generals unless I defend against the blitz when the other generals join in then assassinate Takeda. that's 3 turns gone and I heard that the generals are pretty strong.

>> No.2780689


He can turn them into prostitutes. Heck.. you know what.. the OAV is released domestically in the USA under Dai Akuji: Xena Buster

>> No.2780700


The other Nanaya was a complete retard.

Although anyone who likes Type-Moon is a retard anyway /zun!bar

>> No.2780715


Takeda's generals are the strongest in the game since every one of them comes with Furinkazan buff that increases ALL stats at all times

Enjoy getting attacked twice in succession

>> No.2780733


Akuji is another Rance.

Also, dickgirls what.

>> No.2780819
File: 369 KB, 1280x1024, 071227_orion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my first game Senhime left my army and reduced my satisfaction point by 10. In my second game by recruiting Tokugawa Ieyasu she never appear, though this fat ass raccoon warrior is really worth it (can kill 2-3k undefended unit per turn, with charge, rage attack, 5 flags, damn good prepped dungeon row attack).

Senhime can't be better than that. :P

>> No.2780840

Who's easier? Mori or Takeda?

Also, what happens if all 8 gourds break? Is it game over?

>> No.2780885

I would say that Mori is easier than Takeda

you just have watch out for Chinu's poison attack

if you see her charging use a ninja to cancel it

>> No.2780900


To keep her, keep using her in battle every few turns, until you can character clear her.

But yes, the only real reason you would take her over Ieyasu is for the H.

>> No.2780911

I pretend Senhime is Kos Mos

>> No.2780918


Or wait til she explodes ;_;

>> No.2780947



>> No.2780955
File: 70 KB, 406x442, a5d3faa95d8990902107ec27b5e3db5d..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the main reason I like Senhime.

>> No.2780967

I'm just screwing around right now, plundering dungeons and mopping up some side events. But my real goal is to farm up Gigai's attacks to get Kentarou up to level 99. Not that I need him that high, but I'm curious to see what sort of absurd damage he can deal to Xavier when the time comes.

>> No.2780968


>> No.2780983

Sure, Ieyasu is probably stronger than Senhime, but Senhime has flowing lavender hair, thigh highs, and antennas. Plus you get to deflower her in a dungeon. I think the real winner here is obvious.

>> No.2781062
File: 190 KB, 1280x1024, 211239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hardly use Suzume's assasinate since save/load is such a hassle. I'd rather use Isoroku (56)'s whirlwind shot since she can use it twice (two flags each) to any targets. She acts as a backrow sniper since bow army's regular attack in general useless, other than Hara's Volley to raise some bar.

So either that, Yuzumi's snipe or Ninja unit's assasinate skill. Is there any other reliable one hit kill /jp/ ?

>> No.2781315

For those that are wondering,I'm casually playing a "Kill the Monkey" route,and only some events are forced,like Ryouma taking over a Houjou area and such

I don't think(and hope) there's a timer in this route

>> No.2781403

there isn't

>> No.2781409
File: 114 KB, 646x530, daibanchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish daibanchou gets translated. Playing it now and enjoying it. Main character isn't an asshole like Rance is. NTR stuff pissed me off though.

>> No.2781420

daibanchou has NTR? for who? the loli fiancee or the other main heroine?

>> No.2781702

Daiakuji is more interesting.

>> No.2781716

And more archaic too. Bancho > Akuji

>> No.2781744

Fuck yeah Dai Banchou. Currently listening to Dash! To Truth, btw

Rouga is an awesome main character and Kunagi is mai waifu

>> No.2781902
File: 88 KB, 650x482, ranceb17b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robot moe.

>> No.2781973
File: 203 KB, 289x380, 4R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanami = mediocre, but I can give her a Ninja permit
Sill = great dungeon support character (while she lasts...)
Maria = AWESOME in troop battles! Rapid Tulip pretty much one hit kills every thing
Shizuka = 2 actions bars? lul whut?

>> No.2781981


you don't get anything bonus points for clearing this route, though

>> No.2781990

Yeah, but it's perfect for unlocking house bonuses

>> No.2782007

What is NTR stuff?

>> No.2782026

mai waifu

>> No.2782032


maybe he's talking about what happens to the elf girl if you take to long to recruit her


>> No.2782034

Does anyone have the CGs from Rance games BEFORE VI?

I'm very curious.

>> No.2782036

...But what does NTR mean?

>> No.2782045
File: 239 KB, 950x1332, 2ca3400a448dbe962d5fb3fa9d914366a193554f-244396-950-1332-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best character is Urza. Good for any occasion and high level cap.

Is it staff favoritism?

>> No.2782055


Well.. if you look on nico nico douga you can find walkthroughs

but really.. Rance 1 ~ 3 are have DOS level graphics. You can't fap to those. Remember Cobra Mission? That's way worse than that

>> No.2782060

game sucks

>> No.2782066

Basically, it's seeing your waifu with other men.
Not really my cup of tea, but I can hardly complain about others' fetishes. I've got some pretty weird ones myself.

>> No.2782068


Urza is arguably the main heroine of Rance 6, likewise Rizna is the main heroine of Rance 5

Also, Kanami was the last boss of Rance 2 (ends in rape GA HA HA!) Maria was a boss in Rance 3 and Shizuka is the final boss of Rance 3 (also ends in rape GA HA HA)

>> No.2782074

That's exactly why I want to see them.

>> No.2782102


I don't recall any. Is the one with Senna and Iori? or the one with the blonde and her butler? Those are threesome, not NTR

>> No.2782138

Sorry, I'm a different guy. I've yet to play Daibanchou, so I couldn't really say.
I suppose it's possible I mixed up the definition of NTR with something else. I'm pretty sure that's what it is, but I'm hardly an expert on these things.

>> No.2782178

How do you capture enemies in Daibanchou?

>> No.2782200

if they end the battle with their HP bellow 5 points (win or lose) there is a very huge chance they will get captured

but in Daibanchou if you lose all HP you die forever

so there's a risk to that

>> No.2782201

The enemy should be at low healthy at the end of the batttle.

>> No.2782214

Generally you have to weaken them (HP close to zero)

>> No.2782217

The story of this game is pretty crappy compared to FSN and Umineko.

>> No.2782234

oh really

>> No.2782253

Yes, really.

>> No.2782264

Those titles suck shit anyway, especially Umineko. Mediocre doujin VN is mediocre.

>> No.2782277

You don't play Rance for the story.
And your standards are shit.

>> No.2782278

oh lawd if Umineko is shit then Rance is below utter crap level.

Shitty SRPG crap made me vomit feces.

>> No.2782309

I love people saying "My VN is better than your VN BECAUSE"

Face it people.All that matters are tastes.No VN's superiority will ever be accepted by every single jp user.

>> No.2782327

Umineko, not so good.

>> No.2782340

game is shite

>> No.2782365

GAY!bar, not so good.

>> No.2782380

Fuck yeah! I love the episode with the pedo priests.

>> No.2782390

Sengoku Rance?

More like Sengayshit Rance.

>> No.2782451

so what
i suppose you like feces, since you still there, posting

>> No.2782469

Arrgh, how do I prevent my troops from killing them? All you can do is attack.

>> No.2782489


1) pick a unit that is out of action bars
the enemy will hit that unit without being counter attacked (though your unit will take full damage)

2) there are some units that have special abilities which skip turns

3) Just retreat if you have injured the enemy enough. you can capture enemies even while losing battles

4) use the class rep's special ability (she's the girl with glasses. That ability will always leave the enemy hit points at 1 HP)

5) There are some some character that will enhance your capturing ability. The nurse you can recruit in the school part is one of them. This will give you more leeway. With her ability you can capture enemies bellow 10 HP IIRC (bellow 15 if the nurse is fully maxed)

6) Do the math. There is no defense stat or critical hits in this game. If you have an attack power of 10 you will always hit the enemy for 10 damage using your regular attack

>> No.2782506

Thanks, I guess I'll have to redo the game then. I didn't get the nurse, I got the hentai teacher.

>> No.2782520
File: 464 KB, 800x600, infinitesage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove Rance and I may try this shit.

But for now, it annoyed me every time I see his stupid face in /jp/ I have to sage.

>> No.2782566

what's the matter?too manly for you?

>> No.2782574


Just remember that the nurse's ability is passive
you just need her on your sortie team

you can damage the enemy with any character

>> No.2782645


more like too faggy for me.

>> No.2782717


>a main character that fucks the majority of story-based females in the game


>> No.2782830


Why hello thar KS Devs

>> No.2783027
File: 89 KB, 646x530, daibanchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daibanchou district chapter is hard, the 2 factions you're sandwich against are attacking every turn. My hands are full barely defending the attacks giving me no troops to counterattack with.

>> No.2783237

why do you call them KS devs?

>> No.2783876

they could have at least drawn the lines along the streets
