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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2762412 No.2762412 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2762417

Ze Japanese militarie... she is a joke!

>> No.2762414

Japan is all "uguu am I cute uguu?"

>> No.2762421

I wish I was a woman so I could join the military.
Because if I would do it now, that would be boring. Oh look, another soldier, whoop-tee-dee.
But a woman in an army is something rare and interesting.

>> No.2762424

You'd be the designated base/barracks whore. You'd be used for stress relief and sexual tension release.

>> No.2762425

When burglars are robibng your house, which one of theese women would you like by your side?

>> No.2762427
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And I would be your tsundere drill sergeant.

>> No.2762429

No, you see, because I would be the strongest. I would train a lot and everybody would be afraid of me. I would be a female Khorne's Berzerker.

>> No.2762435


>> No.2762448

Your superior officer attempts to make a move on you. You shout FOR KAYOSS and kill him?

>> No.2762452

Yeah, I'd love to be a woman in the military. The idea of getting raped by people I'm supposed to trust turns me on.

>> No.2762461

Well yeah, but I don't shout "FOR KAYOSS" but "NO FUCK YOU", and I don't kill him, I punch him in the dick until he blacks out.

>> No.2762483

Eroge where?

>> No.2762492

Fund it.

>> No.2762495
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I am Gunnery Sergeant Hakurei, your senior Drill Instructor.
From now on, you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filty sewers will be 'ma'am'.
Do you maggots understand that?

If you ladies leave my shrine, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon, you will be a shrine maiden of death praying for danmaku.
But until that day, you are pukes, you are the lowest form of life in Gensokyo, you are not even human fucking beings. You are unorganized, grabassing pieces of amphibian shit.
Because I am hard you will not like me, but the more you hate me, the more you will learn.
I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here.
I do not look down on fairies, magicians, youkai or lunarians.
Here you are all equally worthless, and my orders are to weed out any non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved corps.
Do you maggots understand that?

>> No.2762497

God, there was this AFROTC girl in one of my classes last semester. Whenever she wore her uniform with the skirt and high heels I just wanted to bend her over and fuck her so bad.

>> No.2762500

And then you'll have another fun experience in a women's prison.

>> No.2762526

Japan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women

>> No.2762563


Korea: Professional officer corps

Japan: uguu~ am I subservient to men yet?
