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File: 185 KB, 1080x1350, Spookydoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27598381 No.27598381 [Reply] [Original]

Spooky Season Edition

BJD thread, primarily for dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>27236789
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/8471596

FAQs and Links

If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/

>> No.27598824

>300k for the head
I wish there was a way for overseas people to sell on yahoo. I'd love nothing more than to be able to survive on painting and selling cute girls.

>> No.27599217

It'll go up from there, I've been spectating this auction just to see how high it goes. Most of them don't go for this much, even from this person, but a lot of people want this doll it seems like. (Me too, but I can't afford that much.)

There is a way to post as an overseas seller, from what I've seen (as my proxy buyer won't bid on overseas auctions,) but I don't know how willing people would be to deal with the perceived hassle of buying internationally. You could always try your hand selling on etsy/instagram/ebay and see how steady your sales are. Doing commissions is also fairly stable if people like your work, even in the West. It's not guaranteed that you'll do well, but I don't think you have much to lose in trying.

>> No.27615063

wow last thread died quickly i blame hololives

>> No.27615723

They've been doing it a lot lately, This is the fourth time I've had to remake the thread before bump limit.

>> No.27623042

How many dolls do you own, anons? Do you have just one or a ton of them? I feel like I have more than average for this thread, but it's hard to be sure.

>> No.27623692
File: 2.40 MB, 980x2016, 20201013_152658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Hat 2B

So i tried the witch outfit i ordered for halloween and the hat is just comically big, even the bust is a bit too big i overestimated how big of a girl she is.
Except for her kneesocks she's too plump for them

>> No.27631013
File: 104 KB, 538x810, 1470619182969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger the witch hat, the more powerful that witch is!

>> No.27640655

I own just one. Enough for me personally. Plus, I'm broke.

>> No.27640737

Dolls naturally spooke me. Spooky dolls are too much for my heart.

>> No.27643243

I have two complete dolls, but I'm looking at a third head. I don't think I'll be getting anymore bodies, but I like the idea of switching out the heads so it's like I have more dolls.

>> No.27646534

the scale reminds me of upcoming MDD Marisa's hat, but...even huger

>> No.27647828
File: 899 KB, 750x1000, group1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at 4 with Jeanne, 2B, SMD Ivory, and a custom DD of my OC in the works. My minor ocd compels me to keep an even number of dolls so because I want a Sakura Miku next, I'll end up with 6 eventually. maybe 8 eventually because a set of MDD twins would be cute, but rip the wallet to do that I don't know how that works space wise since 4 is already a lot, but that's future me's problems.

>> No.27647900
File: 122 KB, 325x406, 1602010035636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My SMD has been wearing her original wig and her new eyes as well recently.

>> No.27649905
File: 1.39 MB, 1153x1080, 3Chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 3: A SD16, a DDDy, and a MDD. But then, I've only started since the beginning of 2020.

>> No.27650353

What a beautiful family!

I remember you posting her last thread, those eyes are something else.

>> No.27669476

>cant find a g-string for ddy
it must be my google-fu but i cant find antyhing else than lingerie

>> No.27682912

My best suggestion is to find out whatever it's called in moonrunes and paste that into Y!JA. I'm sure someone has to make them. You could try commissioning someone on Etsy as well.

>> No.27687620
File: 1.19 MB, 3024x2016, ZomboDroid 14102020163243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for posting about the eyes in the last thread. You inspired me to follow your footsteps and I think it turned out well. You were right about amplifying the effect with smaller irises too
What other secrets do you hold?

>> No.27692737

Does some floss or thread not work for this?

She's so cute with those eyes!!! Unfortunately I don't have any other secrets for you at the moment.

>> No.27693473
File: 802 KB, 2048x2005, EkK81qsVcAIpc_O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for a cute Halloween. https://twitter.com/gomamike/status/1315821674718142465

>> No.27696069

I love your girls
What are their names?

>> No.27698355

Anon these are great, I'm actually grinning at that second photo.

>> No.27698898

i tried but i probably didnt get the right word

>> No.27716702
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>> No.27717248
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Should be Gストリング no?
Though looking for it myself it seems to be a really specific term so you might just have a better time commissioning someone.

>> No.27717299

yeah i tryed that but no luck.
Do you know a good etsy shop to commission that kind of thing ?

>> No.27721380

I have two right now, with a Iris Collect Petite on preorder. Didn't have any plans to expand past one doll but covid freed up a lot of travel money. If it persist into next year I may get a DDS or a DDdy.

>> No.27721580

I've found having variety is always nice. Clothing measurements will vary within a scale, and this way you'll always have someone who can wear whatever you pick up. (A hobby friend of mine and I have a thing going on where anytime we wind up with something meant for a different scale we just tuck them away and trade them once a year. They mostly have smaller MDD and YoSD-scale dolls and I mostly have tiny animal resins and big dollfie dreams, so it works out.)

>> No.27723620

>Clothing measurements will vary within a scale

Iris collect are high as a mdd but as thick as a DD clothing them is hell

>covid freed up a lot of travel money
fuck that shit had to take paid leave just to stay home , at least i started going to the gym.
It's important if you want to flex in front of your dolls

>> No.27727192

Dang, that kimono looks cute af. Sauce?

>> No.27727369

I like your hipster daughter.

>> No.27731975
File: 75 KB, 720x960, AD5962DC-F2D7-4E63-A4E0-F35E160DA17C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween, Anon.

>> No.27737014

That's a cute witch!!!

>> No.27738838
File: 299 KB, 667x1000, IMG_4933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat haz doggo

>> No.27741250

but it's in two weeks

>> No.27751918

I've never changed their names because I got so used to them and now they fit so perfectly. So the SD16 remains Kira, DDDy 2B I like spelling as Toobie, and MDD Arle is still Arle.

>> No.27752675

I own two MDDs, two Azone 1/3 character dolls (Chino and Syaro), and three Azone 1/6 Pure Neemo/Alvastaria dolls.

>> No.27759463

I love dolls with toys. I was thinking of getting a smaller scale doll to be the doll of one of my girls. I just don't know what scale. 1/12?

>> No.27763198
File: 3.31 MB, 1125x1500, IMG_0264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an old photo of my SMD with one of my figmas. They're around 1/12 if I remember right.

>> No.27764470
File: 886 KB, 4032x3024, 49631876418_ff432343e1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 2B with a Play Arts Bring figure of herself. I think the Play Arts Bring figures are about 1/12 scale, about the size of a Figma.

>> No.27765473

Oh, that is a good scale, thank you!

>> No.27765528

meant for both of you

>> No.27768046

>i'm gonna tear your arms off

>> No.27771389
File: 238 KB, 1045x1568, 5134508b1b389bc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27777478

What would be the best scale gun for a 1/3 BJD?
I looked at a few 1/3 scale rifles on amazon, but I'm worried they may not be the correct size for my doll.

>> No.27777532 [DELETED] 

>>27141741 (Cross-thread)
If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/
Ok based. Dicksock fags BTFO.

>> No.27777591

>>27141741 (Cross-thread)
>If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/
Ok based. Dicksock fags BTFO.

>> No.27778975

Is that body 1/3? I didn't know there was version that was that flat chested.

What your probably running into is a mix of two things. Manufacturers should just scale x weapon down 66.6% but that's not always the case and also if you scaled your doll up to full size some of the proportions would probably be off. If you want to make sure that it will look as to scale as possible you're going to need to do math to figure out if it's within what you think is acceptable in relation to your doll.

>> No.27786090
File: 529 KB, 388x558, 1581204674886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this bootleg Licca outfit from a Daiso when I was in Japan. Not the greatest quality but damn it makes her look cute anyway

>> No.27788346
File: 500 KB, 353x572, 1577235006114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the queen of hearts has lost her tarts. and by "lost" i mean kyouko ate them

>> No.27788787
File: 149 KB, 570x570, 4518992422138_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one, but in the future I'd like to have three or maybe four at the absolute most. I never thought much of the DD standard models but Karin is cute enough that I definitely want her, and then two more originals. Though now that I think about it, Karin has green eyes, and my first girl already has green eyes, and I also wanted ones with blue, brown, and red eyes. I'd better stop thinking about this.

>> No.27803171
File: 333 KB, 1611x1208, 20201017_094630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many dolls do you crazy people have? At what point should I be concerned?

>> No.27804646

I've seen a few with 20+
At that point you've turned into a crazy cat lady

>> No.27804705

I have 4 (used to have 5) but they're all pureneemo (well, 3 pureneemo and 1 licca).

>> No.27806063

2 but i only care about one right now

>> No.27818247
File: 339 KB, 1536x2048, EjXk7ZtU4AAqZfK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27836277

What's your dream doll, anons? Vinyl, resin, or otherwise. I really want to get Rise Kujikawa and Lady Oscar one day if I can.

>> No.27840737

Saber Alter rerun in a new frame that doesn't have the f3's insane leg joints.

>> No.27843890

try t back

>> No.27844511

thanks that's actually close to what i'm looking for

>> No.27873627

Y'all just gonna let the thread die again, huh

I should have some new stuff coming in the next few days, what about you lads?

>> No.27873739

I would rather have had the thread die than read you saying "y'all".

>> No.27874196
File: 260 KB, 600x480, yall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27878214

I'm waiting on some shoes and socks so my girl can stop being barefoot.

>> No.27879331
File: 865 KB, 1920x1284, 1507532934605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27880546

What's the worst offender of kirin neck between ddh-01 and ddh-10 ?

>> No.27894624
File: 2.51 MB, 1000x1423, lita3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are angel philia girls welcome here? I recently tried doing a faceup on my girl and it's taking a lot of restraint not to just send her off to a professional.

>> No.27894861

that's a tame one that isnt elie,
is it an early model ?
but yeah you should redo that lipstick

>> No.27895768

Early model, Meru/Neru. Haha, her lipstick is the one part that turned out how I wanted it to. I really like these girls, I wish DD bodies were a bit more shapely like AP.

>> No.27896452

I've always wanted an Ellie or a Meru, I like her anon! Is it hard to find clothes for these girls? I know some of them would definitely be hard to shop for with their... endowments, but how about more regularly-proportioned bodies like this one?

Thank you for bumping the thread, I don't always see it or I'm not home when it gets near bump limit.

>> No.27897636

>Haha, her lipstick is the one part that turned out how I wanted it to
well if that's what you like, i would've gone with a darker color but those are my taste

>I really like these girls, I wish DD bodies were a bit more shapely like AP.

Same i missed first batch of ellie and didnt liked the new one, she was blushing too much for me

>> No.27900276

Aww, thank you! they're not too hard, they fit Azone50 stuff well and some roomy MSD stuff on top. Will fit some SD bottoms but others are out of scale. The larger bust girls can fit some DD stuff but it may be too long on the torso.

Now that you mention it, I think a red could look nice too, I'm just a sucker for light lips on tan skin. I hope you can find an original Ellie one day!

>> No.27907675

i've been wanting to get into bjd for years but haven't because of the cost, but now i've been learning how to sew and want to get something to make clothes for. what's the cheapest way to get a doll? are the dolls on aliexpress okay?

>> No.27907859
File: 203 KB, 667x1000, IMG_4919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you care if it's resin or vinyl? Because there are some cheap resin dolls. I picked up this girl for $130 before wig and clothes. Only 12 inches tall but still nice.

>> No.27908039

i'd prefer vinyl but resin would be fine if it's cheap enough. i don't want to pay a lot for something that's going to yellow over time. 12 inches is also fine.

>> No.27908756

>what's the cheapest way to get a doll?
i would say 2nd hand but instead of cheap tell us your budget instead

>> No.27908817

more around $100 if that's even realistic

>> No.27908846

Yellowing seems pretty avoidable if you spray them with Mr Super Clear UV Cut and keep them out of the sun.

>> No.27908932

def don't intend on taking them out into the sun but figured yellowing was unavoidable

>> No.27916996

The ones on aliexpress are all bootlegs and their measurements will be off from the officially listed ones because the process of copying them results in a doll that's just a bit smaller than the last one. That said, you can make your own vinyl girl from Parabox for a very low price! For resins, there are a ton of options as well for under 200. You can find secondhand legitimate dolls for even less if you look around. Good luck anon!

>> No.27919232

thanks for the info! i think i'm going to try to make one from parabox. thanks!

>> No.27920466

I will pay ridiculous monies for the Elsa super dollfie. She'll be mine one way or another.

>> No.27935996
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 121691508_3071941773032569_4361089272699083041_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27937221

Good luck anon, I look forward to seeing her!

>> No.27962458

I just heard about the new limited Lina Inverse DDS, but as an americafag don't think I have any possible way to get it. Looks like she's planned to be sold only at hobby round or dollpa. I can't travel there. Is there any hope for me to get her or should I just kill myself now? I don't know what to do guys I've never wanted a BJD so badly.

>> No.27962954

She's bound to end up on YJA pretty much immediately after release. You'll likely have to pay a premium but it shouldn't be very hard to get her if you really want to.

>> No.27967407

You could ask a proxy service to go get one for you. White Rabbit Express or Japan Doll Direct would probably do it. I kind of want her too, have we seen how she looks yet?

>> No.27970824
File: 454 KB, 2048x1360, 2541864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have we seen how she looks yet
It's a pass for me but I'm probably at my limit regardless.

>> No.27971058

I'm not digging that face at all.

I like her movie outfit better, too.

>> No.27972763
File: 133 KB, 300x400, 710317-lina_inverse_default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are her cape and pauldrons?

>> No.27973691
File: 517 KB, 1200x1280, DDSLina_Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're included.

>> No.27973837

The face actually looks pretty cute from the right angles but I’d feel the need to be swapping it for a custom one if I got her. Gonna pass.

>> No.27974008

I think like a few others I would love to have a full set of the Rozen Maiden dolls. The price and space required would be too much for me personally. Suiseiseki is bae, but the full set to play with would be the dream.

>> No.27983806

her face reminds me of a duck

>> No.27984294
File: 324 KB, 1333x1000, IMG_7675a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk like 10 or something
gave away the mirodoll since the photo was taken tho

i like her more than mdd marisa

>> No.27994539
File: 108 KB, 1080x1150, 1585440514820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your ppg stickers anon

>> No.28008074
File: 98 KB, 805x1200, kudo_communication-img805x1200-1593524847nt00836564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A head by the custom face artists kudo_communication/AUC but the same chinese asshole keeps up-bidding their autions to a ridiculous extend. He already won 18 fucking times, I don't know why he won't let someone else win a head for once.

>> No.28008349
File: 1.85 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20201021_114206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have plans for Halloween?

>> No.28008356

mainlander scalpers are the actual scum of the earth

>> No.28009770

You mean like going out and partying ?

>> No.28010111

Why does it do this?

>> No.28012906

I got one a year or so ago. But I had to pay for it.

Because cameras like to store the orientation of images as an exif tag instead of flipping all the pixels. But this board strips exif tags on upload. The best solution I've found is to strip the exif tags yourself and then rotate with photoshop or a similar program.

>> No.28023863

Wheres the purple busty milf DDDy?

>> No.28024662
File: 2.59 MB, 1524x1080, Slayers - The Motion Picture (1995).mkv_snapshot_00.02.20_[2020.09.16_23.31.21].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Movie Lina so Naga doesn't exist either

A shame because I like her movie outfit way better

>> No.28036027

I don't even think it's a scalper, just someone spending~70k-on-one-face-up-artist-so-no-one-else-gets-a-head-for-less-than-3k-absolutely-filty-rich-tier.

Post her pls

>> No.28059001

I've seen their work around, but I didn't realize it was one single motherfucker buying up all of their heads. That's crazy!

>> No.28066955
File: 690 KB, 1280x1920, DSCF9373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28069443

She's stunning anon, congratulations.

>> No.28084033

I have two fresh skinned DDS girls, but I recently fell in love with a semi-white head on YJA. If I just get a semi-white full body suit, would you be able to tell she's on a flesh skinned body? I don't want a third body.

>> No.28090152
File: 402 KB, 1920x1280, 145030d3-0fbc-45bb-a8f2-b5d6e3d06fcd_rw_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28096139
File: 17 KB, 378x683, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28111065

Silicone? Where are those from, anon?

>> No.28113079
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x1000, HS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, she's gorgeous.

I swapped Jeanne's(flesh) and 2B's(semi-white) heads to give you an idea. The change is noticeable, but only if you're looking for it imo. With my rooms more yellow light I could barely tell across the room, but under whiter light it makes a difference.

>> No.28117355

Yes it's silicone from Wersaze

>> No.28124145

Thanks for the picture, it is a pretty negligible difference. I pulled the trigger on it, I'll post pictures!

>> No.28126744
File: 961 KB, 750x1000, IMG_4938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I initially photographed this dress on a backdrop that was almost the same color, so naturally I changed to one that matched her hair instead.

I am a smart

>> No.28129972
File: 67 KB, 635x960, 122586224_926722187855791_7743292461453205037_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up, Meowmarts is doing a preorder for resin elf ears that fit DD. They come in different skin tones and sizes, I grabbed these ones!

>> No.28153008

>I initially photographed this dress on a backdrop that was almost the same color
What you dont like photographying solid snake ?

>> No.28177301
File: 976 KB, 1960x4032, 20201024_185906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now she wonder how they got so big

>> No.28200165

you pervert

>> No.28210825

i plead guilty

>> No.28222751

Thanks anon, I got some ears!

>> No.28223551

I'd like to own a bjd but I'm worried a doll is just gonna be left there gathering dust. What do you do with your dolls to justify the purchase?

>> No.28231821

nothing special, she's just here looking cute next to my bed.
I probably need a gf

>> No.28232628

Isn't your doll your girlfriend?

>> No.28233164

I'm not at that point yet, maybe if i get older and my mind deteriorate.

At least a doll wear the clothes you want and doesnt talk back

>> No.28233242

Can she be my girlfiend then?

>> No.28233605

Do you want a non sentient plastic object of a random poster on the internet to be your girlfriend ?

>> No.28233909


>> No.28243507

I take photos of mine.

>> No.28246041

What you do with your dolls is up to you and your interests. Take photos often, frequently change outfits, build a room/home for them, take them out on trips, keep them with you as companions while doing day to day stuff, leave them on a shelf in a single outfit and occasionally change their pose, change their wig/eyes/faceup if you want to. In the end of the day dolls are a semi-blank canvas that reflect their owner's tastes. They don't define you so much as you define them. Whatever you want to do with them is the right answer. Just be aware that it's going to be an expensive hobby and the cost is going to be mostly for your own enjoyment/happiness. Only you can answer how much that is worth to you.

>> No.28247821

Hey... I've reached blackjack with mine. A nice even 21.

>> No.28249839

That face-up is beautiful. Did you do it yourself anon? I want to know how you got the lines so thin

>> No.28252416

I did not. The faceup artist is kudo_communication / AUC and I got the head on YJA.

>> No.28286796


>> No.28286797

What this anon said. There's a lot of ways to have fun with them, whether it's just looking at them, or something more involved. It's an expensive hobby, but it can be a lot of fun if you think you'd enjoy it. I think of it as a sort of "make your own fun" kind of hobby, myself.

>> No.28288476

>It's an expensive hobby
>Wow she would look so cute in this
>Repeat one hundred times

>> No.28290880

It's either that or "I don't have anything to match this, better buy something" ad infinitum.

>> No.28292236

I usually buy full outfits, the kind around 100$ each.
I still have plan to buy a Kon'd one

>> No.28304535

That makes sense. A ton of my outfits were piecemealed together out of bits and bobs, so things can be a little more eclectic over here.

>> No.28319789

What the other anon said, plus you could get into sewing for them, crafting miniatures for them, making photostories(as autistic as it sounds, the result is fun sometimes) with them or stop motion films etc.

>> No.28334457
File: 234 KB, 750x1334, 68CC4C6D-51CD-4936-9D2F-29CD48CFC47A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally they’re carrying things to fit MY needs

>> No.28336025

Lmao, what the hell is "slutty dress up spray"?

>> No.28336974

Secong on this >>28336025

>> No.28343454
File: 154 KB, 750x1334, 354A0C44-D1F8-4EEA-86C3-2F3A2D873BF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either powder or oil spray to make getting vinyl clothing on easier.

>> No.28354489

Would any of the stuff used here work for a 138cm fabric sex doll. I've always liked the dolls in these threads and I dont think I'm gonna go for it unless I can make it really cute.

>> No.28354946

Unfortunately not, it's all too small. Most of the dolls talked about here are 40-60cm, unfortunately. Obitsu does make a 150cm 1:1 scale vinyl doll, but the measurements might work between your doll and that one. At that scale you might have to take her measurements and get stuff made custom. I think there's a forum for that kind of doll where you could get more pertinent information, though. Good luck, anon!

I take it /ona/'s dead?

>> No.28354963

sex dolls usually arent cute so it's not surprising that ona generally doesnt have good information about making dolls up like you guys do

>> No.28356805

That's a fair point, I remember at one point dolls seemed pretty popular there, but I only check sporadically. You could try commissioning someone on etsy, but I've heard hit or miss results there. If you have measurements for your doll in specific, you can probably mix and match clothes for real people to try and make outfits.

>> No.28356881

I don't actually own the thing yet as I'm analyzing whether or not its feasible to turn the thing into various lolis like illya. Girl's small should fit fine according to another owner, so as long as I can find cosplay outfits on taobao or whatever that will probably work. The real problem is the face. I don't really know how to make the face look like a cute anime girl or if it is even designed to accommodate that.

>> No.28357263

There are occasional sex doll threads on /b/, you might check there.

>> No.28358484

I like how the URL implies it can be given as a holiday gift.

>> No.28359228

Oh wow her face isn't hideous for once, good pick anon.

>> No.28385204

It is October 28th. Today in the mail I got a doll hat I ordered right before the start of the pandemic. Dreams do come true, anons.

>> No.28385296

>Today in the mail I got a doll hat I ordered right before the start of the pandemic
that was quick then,post pic

>> No.28385554

>9 month wait time
Is that really normal?

>> No.28385906

Depends where you are I guess? I sent a bunch of clothes and doujinshi via sea mail home when I had to leave Japan during the pandemic, and it came in 2 or 3 months. Sea mail is super slow so the fact it came that fast during the pandemic was honestly a miracle

>> No.28386055

Nah, things are fucked right now. I forgot I even ordered it.

I will when I get the chance to take photos.

>> No.28386219

depend if it's a pre order or not i twice that for 2B

>> No.28387324

Like >>28386219 said, if it's for a whole doll you can wait more than a year. 2B's preorder was particularly bad due to some real-world issues in Japan, but I know some people in the resin side of the hobby have waited literal years, plural, for their dolls. Outfits can be a few months too, depending.

>> No.28389058
File: 81 KB, 640x959, 102563049_2946170028943078_5476490708482336381_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still wish i could've bought her

>> No.28391771

I need more GAL dolls in my life...

>> No.28395426

Try https://www.parabox.jp/eng_new/

>> No.28395751

I recall seeing something about a 1:1 scale obitsu, does anyone know anything about it?

>> No.28400132
File: 1.50 MB, 3000x4000, 49413886343-zaki-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only get it off of the obitsu website itself (not Parabox.) It's out there, and it's not that expensive for what it is. I think I have a photo of it, let me see. Yes, pic related.

>> No.28400493
File: 1.88 MB, 3000x4000, 49413885358-oh-yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box for good measure. They can wear clothes meant for real people, but obviously sizing will be difficult, and the faces leave a lot to be desired. If you have someone willing to be commissioned (or the artistic chops) you could do a lot with one, I think.

More information

Order page. They're about 200,000 yen, but they're huge. Cheaper than one of Danny Choo's Smart Doll Plus girls, which are 1:2 scale.

>> No.28402647

Thanks for the info. Price is a bit steep for me right now, but there's always the future.

>> No.28407965
File: 558 KB, 1000x1441, DSC03082-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a couch with softer cushions.

>> No.28415655

I love Karin without her default wig. So dang cute!

>> No.28418136

yeah but that face isnt good

>> No.28430720
File: 351 KB, 750x1124, O1CN01as9Qs220i0KflCAjj_!!2200606766882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here ever ordered a doll from TinyFox? They're super cute and I'm considering biting the bullet since the fullsets are so affordable but it's hard to find any reviews or owner pictures in English.

>> No.28431286

>Hello, hello! I couldn't find a thread anywhere for TinyFox, so I figured I would start one. TinyFox is a >branch-off sister company of DollZone and Doll Chateau, and this new company specializes in 30cm >(1/6 scale) vinyl dolls. It looks like these dolls are similar to DDs/SmD/Obitsu with an internal >skeleton, removeable wigs/eyes, and they even make boys! The heads all have painted-on mouths, >but there are several different eye/chin/ear sculpts. They are only available through Taobao, it >seems. Here's their webstore:


There's a thread on them on the DollDreaming forums.

They seem cute, anon. You should get one.

>> No.28464387
File: 131 KB, 801x1200, 1581056131743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28465022

sadly a lot of people do too

>> No.28468579

Is anyone planning to do a halloween themed photoshoot with their dolls?

>> No.28470561

Is it the face or the gal clothes you like the most?

>> No.28472813

the face,even thugh i really like leopard prints

>> No.28476090

>Eh this head is cute and still cheap and i'll watch it
>6h laters 20000yens more expensive

>> No.28483612
File: 1.25 MB, 2048x1365, 1588836997633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have a clue what this is?

>> No.28483909

a doll

>> No.28493292
File: 232 KB, 1000x1500, ElldqCgXUAEUp-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope everyone has a happy .. Dolloween.


>> No.28495158

I think she's the most beautiful doll I've seen in these threads.

>> No.28496903

Im so fucking lonely bros

>> No.28498746

...because you don't have a doll?

>> No.28499718

That's definitely one of the big reasons, so yes.

>> No.28501945

Have you considered getting a doll.

>> No.28503038

I have, but I'm a poorfag. It would be incredibly irresponsible for me to get one, not that I can actually afford one.

>> No.28504206

I mean, you could try to pick up face painting or commision someone. Her faceup doesn't seem too hard for someone with experience.

Every freaking time. So many cute ones popped up this weekend too. I don't understand why nips always make them 3-day auctions that all end around the same time.

>> No.28515753

>Every freaking time. So many cute ones popped up this weekend too. I don't understand why nips always make them 3-day auctions that all end around the same time.
for a niche hobby they sure do sell for a lot and often

>> No.28517268

That's because the entire market is based around keeping prices high through artificial scarcity.

>> No.28518465

>I mean, you could try to pick up face painting or commision someone. Her faceup doesn't seem too hard for someone with experience.
yeah but but finding a good faceup artist isnt that simple there's a bunch on etsy, i guess i could try shinesworkshop but if someone know a very good one...

>> No.28522404
File: 487 KB, 742x1127, O1CN01s5K4YQ20i0LKsUJwE_!!2200606766882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late but thanks for the link, it was helpful. I decided to just go for it and bought this girl and her fullset. Hope the wait time isn't too bad... and happy Halloween everyone.

>> No.28534354

ShiNes Workshop, Peach Puff Dolls, x3ash/lovelydollie, koalakrash, Doll Moon Designs -- depends on the style you want and who's got commission slots open.

>> No.28534391

I'd love to see her when she arrives!

>> No.28543786
File: 802 KB, 2160x1440, DSCF9378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a photoshoot but I did take a couple. Pic related is one of them.

>> No.28543819


>> No.28544603

VERY CUTE ANON! I'm waiting for the moon to rise some more and then I am going to attempt to take some photos. Will report back.

>> No.28548781
File: 1.45 MB, 1901x2422, Oct Final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted it in the last thread, but here are my girls in their Halloween set up. I'm changing them tomorrow for November.

>> No.28551586

Hey, any ausfags here? Did your parliament really ban import of anime and manga? I saw someone on another site say they were scared their (non-sex) doll was going to get seized and destroyed.

This seems overly broad given that the guy things SAO is child pornography.

>> No.28553290

An aussue onahole blogger talked about this, it's just J-List because they aren't discreet about the shit they ship. Other vendors aren't having problems, at least not yet, it seems.

>> No.28553887
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x1908, 20201031_2019130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to take a new picture before I start tear down.

>> No.28554248

Looks great anon!

InfernalMonkey, yeah? I was honestly worried if this would affect him, his reviews are always a fun read.

>> No.28561652
File: 1.03 MB, 2268x3024, 20201031_210354_copy_2268x3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! The costume is from Orione but the mask we made ourselves
We couldnt pass up.our favorite holiday without putting a costume together

>> No.28558782
File: 868 KB, 2268x3024, 20201031_210044_copy_2268x3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldst thou come with me and be saved this All Hallow's Eve?
Happy Halloween doll thread! Hope your dolls got lots of treats!
I have a couple more pics of this costume in better light that I might post later on

>> No.28558968

Oooh, spooky and well done!

>> No.28564851


That's a nice looking mask.

>> No.28567308

Thanks! I'm glad it turned out as well as it did, it took me a full day just to sew it and another day to make the lenses and straps

>> No.28567553

Fuck me. Shouldn't have kept putting off getting an onahole. Now it's going to be impossible to have sex with my doll.

>> No.28570224
File: 978 KB, 989x1483, IMG_5799 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you take her hand, anons?

It's not perfect, but this idiot left their tripod in the trunk of the car... which is currently at the car shop for repairs. Ah well. Happy Halloween!

>> No.28571913

If I didnt have my own dollfu reaching out to me then yes I absolutely would
She's very pretty anon that's a wonderful photo especially without a tripod

>> No.28583803

I wish they'd make a dark lady dollfie

>> No.28584051

her holding the mask in her hand would make a cute picture

>> No.28591068

How do you mean anon? I can try to do it later on today and post it

>> No.28592447

Where do I get jointed hands for my DDS? All I see on Alice are male hands and I'm not sure where else to look

>> No.28593159


>> No.28593204

Thank you anon I love you ~<3

>> No.28595224

If you're going to get GensouDoll's hands make sure your proxy service confirms the condition of them before sending them on. Mine had a large blue stain in the palm which turned out to be the magnet holding the joint being improperly made and showing through the "skin", and both the shop and proxy refused to cover any of the shipping fees involved in having it replaced.
Also, the finger joints are expectedly good, but the wrist joint is total shit. For some reason the ball is two half-circles that stick together with a magnet and it's incredibly fiddly trying to rotate it around how you want.

>> No.28600989

you guys are really cool

>> No.28602688

damn the dark elf girl is something I really wish existed in 1/4 scale... but the fabric skin and the bubblegum pink nips are putting me off.

>> No.28602898
File: 85 KB, 683x1024, 4e7bd4a242cff7f8713342d366bff639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, you too.

>> No.28603329

honestly as long as the fabric isn't coarse its probably better seeing as how you can cuddle it better than if it were a 1/4 plastic doll

>> No.28603723 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, 1604285935522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. How are those Silicone/TPE bodies working out for you, anons?

>> No.28604789

You're welcome.
I had no such issues. I got 50 cm hands for obitsu doll a year ago.

>> No.28607004

honestly I’m less about cuddling and more about having something cute to dress up... and I don’t even want to think how hard it will be to find a pretty bra in that size.

>> No.28607045

her hand too big for her gotdam arm

>> No.28607653

Hello dollfriends looking to pick up a Eiri Uemura Alice Maid in the Land of Mirrors and am wondering how to purchase her. I found her on Fabric Friends Doll but what was unsure of how trustworthy the site is and so I came here for guidance.

>> No.28608079

Fabric Friends is a very reputable seller and the mark up is minimal. If you're in the US and it's available there, it's the most hassle free way to get an Azone. Their site looks low budget, but they're good.

>> No.28608272

Thank you!

>> No.28612376

Yeah, they may seem odd at times but it’s due to being old school doll shop slowly converting to the modern bjd/Dollfie scene. The owners are older but very nice and are usually pretty willing to work with customers.

>> No.28615654

I mean its just international 7T or 8T clothing, cant be that hard

>> No.28623037

>ordered cloth from a russian shop onetsy
>no update since it reached saint petersburg two weeks ago

>> No.28626473

7T like... baby clothes? I’m talking about this doll, the 150cm dark elf woman. Going by the site measurements she’d need a 24P bra which is not a thing that exists, anything below 32 usually only comes in flat preteen girl training size and it’s very difficult to find anything above G on most retailers as is.

>> No.28626504
File: 995 KB, 750x1334, 741A9D28-2354-45A7-AEFF-2012B55426CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.28626555

i dont know if it's the lack of lips or nose that bother me the most

>> No.28626908

I'm personally bothered that they didn't even take the time to put her eyes in facing the same way. This is a monstrosity either way, but that's something they can fix at least.

>> No.28629450
File: 465 KB, 750x749, 282D68F6-4009-4231-AA1E-AAFC7CD6BA3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marginally related, someone managed to dye an Otohime. Guess I’ll be ordering a second one.

>> No.28629462

How do I check if my Volks GL membership has gone through?
I got it over the weekend and by my understanding it should have become active by now but I can't tell

>> No.28629729

Holy shit that must have taken forever. She looks fantastic! I wonder if they take dye commissions?

How is your Otohime, anon? Is it hard finding clothes for them? How do they pose?

>> No.28630434

I love her, my partner and I both ordered one at the same time so there’s currently two in the house. Clothing is a mix honestly. They’re proportioned like a young child but much smaller so some things like short sleeved dresses and shoes are easy to find in newborn or baby size that work great, and other things like tights, pants, and long sleeves are much harder to track down and usually means buying way too big and tailoring down. Posing isn’t super great, I’d rather she have an Obitsu skeleton inside, but it’s way better than most western dolls in the same scale that are basically mannequins. Plus we bought a silicone sheet from the hobby shop and basically made custom Kips out of it so they both stand like rocks. I’m about to make mine some cozy winter gear so maybe I’ll have pics to post later.

>> No.28630475

Thanks! I'd love to see photos if you do!

>> No.28634646

I thought you were talking about the loli elf

Also 7T is for Asian teens in the 140cm range, not toddlers

>> No.28639486

Ah, I googled “international 7T clothes” and it was only children’s sizes, only Asian countries I could find that use T were Korea and China but they’re both for kids around 110-120cm. What country uses it for teens?

>> No.28640921

desu idk I was looking up clothes at random on aliexpress for that doll and found 7T and 8T at the high end of the children range for subjects of 130-140cm with flat busts

>> No.28668512 [DELETED] 


>> No.28676296
File: 107 KB, 763x1199, 05de794bef5fbcef0872319df4d60746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

>> No.28678192

SD Lieselotte

>> No.28692604
File: 1.19 MB, 2248x4000, 1561176706183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28698100

She's pretty, who is she?

>> No.28698589

Not mine, I'm just an admirer from afar.

>> No.28728299
File: 365 KB, 1089x1669, IMG_0635e 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss going out places with my dolls.

>> No.28741879

finally received it,still waiting for the rest of the clothes i ordered tho

>> No.28742197
File: 165 KB, 900x1200, this doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we feel about her, anons?

>> No.28743503

fake and gay

>> No.28753470

Oof that make-up looks mega bad

>> No.28754816

It looked good until I noticed how far away from the actual eye edge the makeup went. What were they thinking?

>> No.28760209

Nice photo.

>> No.28765820

It could be a lot better but I've also seen worse.

>> No.28770692

When the hell is the C.C. smart doll coming out

>> No.28780143

I bought this head. What's wrong with me?

>> No.28782194
File: 1.43 MB, 800x1079, dollfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drew you to her anon?

I styled up my (original ver) DD Mirai just so she wasn't naked and bald. I'm going to do her faceup soon, I have some sealant but I've heard that sealants other than MSC can crack on the face, is that true? I'm used to BJDs and I've never had an issue but vinyl might be different

>> No.28788754

I don't think anything is wrong with the face itself but if she has blue eyebrows the least you could do is get a blue wig. Speaking of which, I love the eyebrows!

>> No.28793041

It's not too bad, she's cute. She just needs a fitting dark blue/purple, (probably short) wig. Or even dark blue with a few stripes of purple highlights in her bangs. And a fitting rock-y/quirky style that matches with her stars.

Congrats anon. Please give her a loving home, she was sitting quite long on yahoo.

>> No.28793660
File: 256 KB, 1024x684, media_ElALOrHU8AALo4l.jpg?name=orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28796299
File: 1.24 MB, 1080x1519, EmIBEpMUYAANpnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Uzuki dollife got announced!!! First one got released 5 years ago. I pray I can get her, never would though she will get another chance, it's like a dream come true!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.28796415
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x2400, DSC08849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I haven't lurked here in a while. (like 2 years)
I spend this summer with my girl! (Got digital camera now too!!!!)

>> No.28801427

Oh she's really cute anon, good job!

Welcome back anon! I love that dress, she looks wonderful in it.

Are these tiny resins or tiny vinyl?

>> No.28818219

I saw someone selling tattoos you can stick on a Smart Doll, but they seemt o me like regular temporary tattoos you can get anywhere else for far less money. Is there something I'm missing?

(gigistatshop on etsy is the one I ran into. if they're just regular temporary tattoos then couldn't you use any temporary tattoos on a doll? I know some people send off their dolls for custom painting, but it's understandably expensive.)

>> No.28832532

I enjoyed her expression, even if it is a lot, I like that she looks like she would argue and fuss. I think I could have a lot of fun photographing her.

>> No.28851164
File: 1.85 MB, 1000x1500, 10_consejos_doll_photography_angulo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is quiet here lately. How is everyone, anons?

>> No.28857482

I don't have anything to post so I've just been lurking. I'm all good, how are you, friend?

>> No.28863915

Regular temporary tattoos can be used. It may be that they are cosplay tattoos or scaled down though, as a lot of temp tats sold for children will be too big. They sell similar ones for 1/6 scale figures. If you decide to use one, just spray sealant, let dry fully, apply the tat, and let it dry fully as well before sealing again.

>> No.28864058

I’m waiting on a Dollpamm Hina, and the anticipation is killing me. Especially since there’s so so few owner photos out there for any of their Moe line. Anyone here have one?

>> No.28869446

That makes sense. Thank you, anon!

Wow anon, I've never seen these dolls before. They're incredibly cute, what scale are they? Where do you buy them? I'd love to see yours when she comes in!

I'm alright. Waiting for an Obitsu 60 body to come in off Mandarake -- I did a split with a friend who wants the head, because I needed the body. Hoping it will come in sometime in the coming week.

>> No.28894979
File: 1.68 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20201108_174437010.PORTRAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend's new doll is so cute.

>> No.28917062

finally got my new clothes from that russin etsy shop

>> No.28951467

Still waiting for my doll to get some shoes

>> No.28952106

Considering whether it's too early to put the two girls I have in halloween outfits into christmas outfits or not. I think it is but I'm not sure I want to dress them in some non-holiday clothes either.

>> No.28952268

Maybe put them in something warm and toasty for November and then something festive afterwards?

>> No.28966581
File: 1.02 MB, 980x2016, 20201110_104838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new sweater

>> No.28967173

I’m thinking of creating a (resin) doll related youtube channel. I sew a lot of clothes for my dolls, as well as make props, shoes and face ups for them. Would you be interested in watching videos centered around doll-related crafts? What other type of doll-related content would you like to watch?

>> No.28967214

>Would you be interested in watching videos centered around doll-related crafts?

Personally no but i think it could be very interesting and usefull for some other people

>> No.28967293

Might be late to the party but I just realized that Anna and Elsa from Frozen are going to be released as SD13 and SDGr respectively. This is going to be expensive, isn't it.

>> No.28972278

RIP anon's wallet.

I'd be interesting in watching doll craft stuff. Even if I can't make any of it, I feel like it would be fun to learn, especially if you have tops or tricks for people learning to work in a scale smaller than human. And anyway, you should do it if you think it would be fun, anon.

Looking good!

>> No.28972971

Interesting faceup.

>> No.28978285
File: 833 KB, 618x1500, 2B hoodie rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always nice to see other anons treating their 2Bs well. I also got my 2B some more casual clothes than the maid outfit she's been in for a few months now.

>> No.28981068

Yup, and the kid versions are going to be DearSD. There are going to be four dolls for Frozen. Nobody gets out of there with savings.

>> No.28981118
File: 334 KB, 1200x900, NovFinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did a Fall Festival kinda thing for this month.

>> No.28981324

nice i dig her outfit

>> No.28981355

you always have fun setup it's nice to see

>> No.28988669

So has anyone successfully used the coupons from volks usa? i keep trying to add the codes that i find but they never work.

>> No.28989329

Thank you! The setups have become one of the cornerstones of the hobby for me, I'm glad people like them.
VolksUSA has coupons?

>> No.28996979

Seconding this anon. Volks has coupons? For what?

>> No.28999111
File: 1.57 MB, 2731x4096, i just can&#039;t anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29003488

Gosh darn she is a qt

>> No.29006344

Thanks anon, I genuinely needed this smile for today.

>> No.29018506
File: 2.64 MB, 2732x4096, Emiel7LVoAEi0P_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want her to shoot me. https://twitter.com/nna_aho_na_doll/status/1326487969708957696

>> No.29019582

yeah you can find them on google
they supposedly give you 25% off but it never works

>> No.29021985

Where the hell is everyone getting those tiny pokeballs?

>> No.29023282

there're tons of pokeball toys like this one

>> No.29025363

None of those bitch-ass coupon sites ever work for anything

>> No.29045519

This is true and it sucks.

>> No.29064494
File: 24 KB, 419x420, 1504557173074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29064815
File: 103 KB, 680x907, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once the fact that that's probly a bootleg isn't even my chief concern. Thanks I hate it.

>> No.29068163

I heard that someone was able to score free shipping before over $99 in the past

so i figured that the 25% off coupons would work

maybe it's only for the gundam kits they sell thogh =.=;

>> No.29068624

That makes more sense.

>> No.29068809

Seriously considering printing a BJD with my resin printer. But I'm worried about having to do face-up and don't want to pay for a commission. Is it possible to face-up with acrylic miniature paints and brushes or is airbrushing pretty much required? I paint a lot of d&d minis but they don't have the soft pastel kind of look that I see on most dolls.

>> No.29069990

Most people use soft pastels and watercolor pencils fixed in layers of sealant from what I understand.

>> No.29075605

Watch a few tutorials on YouTube, I've never seen anybody use an airbrush. Like >>29069990
said, it's mostly pastel powder (take a pastel stick and scrape some powder off) some pencils for guide lines, acrylic paints and a layer of Mr. SuperClear between each layer.

>> No.29076466

What these guys said. There's nothing stopping you from using an airbrush, it's just not the standard.

>> No.29078057

apparently you can download scans of the DD or smart dolls so it's easy to make them yourself

>> No.29079920

Airbrushing is done, but usually on resin dolls with fantasy parts (or fantasy dolls in general -- think dragons, unicorns, and mermaids) because it's easier to airbrush those than try to do fine detail work over so much surface. Faceups, meanwhile, even fancy ones, are done in a relatively small area and require a lot of fine detail, so people use more detailed tools. Watercolor pencils, soft pastels, shimmer and gloss all sealed in layers of (usually) Mr. Super Clear Matte UV Cut. (Other sealants can be used, but that seems to be the one people turn to in our side of the hobby.) It's certainly worth trying on your own, I think -- even if you have artistic skills your first ones are going to suck anyway, that's how it is with any new medium. So don't sweat it for now, and whether it's on a 3D-printed head or a traditional resin/vinyl doll, give it a try!

(P.S. seal the doll's head before you start working on it to prevent staining.)

>> No.29116623
File: 197 KB, 1600x1066, dd_dollfiedream_yaya_vocaloid_doll_afsnikkor2470mmf28ged-1065733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.29116663

Oh hey, bump limit. We finally made one last.

>> No.29123164

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