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2751604 No.2751604 [Reply] [Original]

Janeway-chan is so kawaii~~~!

>> No.2751612

I agree.

>> No.2751625

What the

>> No.2751627

I wonder if Janeway will even be born now that the timeline has been fucked beyond recognition

>> No.2751634

enterprise is the only series right now that ever happened

>> No.2751640


Admiral Archers Beagle got teleported to Mars.

>> No.2751643

Not after that fucking movie.

>> No.2751649


Was there a barber on the Voyager that cut everyones hair, or did Janeway keep her own hair trimmed during the entire course of the trek?

I just wonder why you didn't see people having there hair slowly grow out as the show went on.

>> No.2751655

You also never see people using the toilet on any Star Trek, yet they do.

>> No.2751664

They're using special futuristic technology to halt hair growth.

>> No.2751666


Aircraft carriers have their own barber, so I assume an interplanetary warship would have one too.

>> No.2751670

"Set phasers to A light trim!"

>> No.2751675

The movie is an alternate universe/timeline!

More like intergalactic.

>> No.2751676
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> warship

>> No.2751681


Ships can't leave the galaxy, Picard ran into that glowing wall thing when he tried.

>> No.2751687

> interplanetary
> intergalactic
Neither. They rarely leave the galaxy and most of the time it's by accident. Interstellar I guess.

>> No.2751694


I'm pretty sure that happened with Kirk in the original series, not Picard. But either way, yeah, there's some sort of magical plothax barrier that prevents anyone in the series from leaving our galaxy through normal means.

>> No.2751697


>> No.2751695

Nah, that was Kirk.
PICARD found out that he couldn't go above Warp 6 or so without tearing a hole in the space/time continuum or some other metaphor for automobile pollution.

>> No.2751703


>> No.2751714

Any subspace travel does this damage. Starfleet decided to limit normal space travel to warp 5 and below to limit/slow the damage since stronger warp fields required for faster do a lot more damage a lot faster.

And Picard didn't find it out himself, some alien bitch did and killed herself in a M/AM explosion to prove her point.

>> No.2751720

Wormholes are normal means, right? Because in DS9 they made regular trips to and from the Gamma Quadrant via that wormhole.

>> No.2751721

First Contact happened, yet at the same time couldn't have happened.

Thanks time travel.

>> No.2751730

Probably only with stable wormholes. And the one in DS9 is the only known stable one so far.

>> No.2751734


I thought the gamma quadrant was still in the milky way galaxy, just way over the other end from where everyone else hangs out.

>> No.2751737

I remember that episode, I hated it.

The reason no intergalactic space travel is that our nearest galactic neighbor is The Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy and it's 70,000 light years away. At warp 9 that would take a little over 70 years to reach. The next closest one is the Larg Magellanic Cloud at 160,000 light years.

Don't think anyone's going anytime soon.

>> No.2751742

I can't be the only guy here who was always annoyed by the idea of splitting space into quadrants instead of octants.

>> No.2751744

It is. The milky way galaxy is divided into four quadrants.

>> No.2751751

They did once. With some help of The Traveler. Though I don't remember which Galaxy that was...

>> No.2751763

That one involved real weird shit and they ended up leaving our galaxy, passing through another, and ending up in a third where their imaginations came true.

Also there was a plot hole in that episode where a couple was fleeing from a lion that wasn't there. If that space created anything you imagined Picard would have seen the lion himself.

>> No.2751765

/jp/ - super nerds

>> No.2751779

I didn't even notice that. Nice.

Also those episodes with "phased" people that can walk through matter and even get shoved through the bulkheads and into space, yet they walk on the fucking floor just fine. The one with Geordi and Ro comes to mind.

>> No.2751803

Even if the trekkie 3xperts disagree, I like Star Trek: Voyager the most of all series combined. Their vast trek through a quadrant unknown to the Federation, and mostly anyone but the borg in the alpha quadrant, while being hunted down and hated on, still trying to make love and piece.


>> No.2751825

Voyager wasn't all bad but I really hate what the series has done to the Borg. In TNG they were the ultimate badasses. One single cube destroyed ~40(?) starships with ease. In VOY they went from mildly menacing to almost pathetic. But maybe that's just me.

>> No.2751841

Yes, this is true, the borg weren't that much of a threat anymore, but there were also stronger enemies, such as species 8405(goddamn I always forget that number).

>> No.2751842

Voyager had a few rough spots too, but I enjoyed it. It had a real feeling of just trying to survive while dealing with the borg and other monstrosities. I was glad that they didn't make Janeway into a total bitch or a slut or anything.

>> No.2751849


Oh right and the traveler had some kind of crush on Wesley?

>> No.2751850

First contact damaged their image.

>> No.2751859

>I was glad that they didn't make Janeway into a total bitch or a slut or anything.
Like Seven of Nine, amirite. And B'lanna Torres.

>> No.2751863

One episode I remember had Janeway from the future coming back to help their ship get back home faster.

She arms them with new torpedoes and such, and I could never get over the fact that out in deep space, with no extra resources or tech around they managed to completely fucking retrofit incredibly powerful new weapons and defenses onto their ship.

Not only that, but Why were the bombs more powerful anyway?

Because they're from the future?!

>> No.2751865


8472? They were cool, I was hoping that they would just let them loose to kill off the borg.

>> No.2751880

I'd have to agree but that was a slightly different matter. Starfleet had better weapons (one major reason the Souvereign class ships were created was the Borg threat), better tactics by that time and they had much more time to prepare. And they had THE PICARD. Remember, they still lost a fuckton of starships in that battle, including the admiral's ship and they might well have lost the battle, had he not intervened. And that still was only one cube.

Voyager on the other hand single handedly destroyed like half the collective and generally made asses out of the Borg on multiple occasions.

>> No.2751891

Voyager and TNG are the best.
Voyager should've wrapped up quicker. Things got bananas after too long.

>> No.2751892

> Why were the bombs more powerful anyway?
I don't remember the details but essentially they were based on technology even the Borg had not encountered yet, making it difficult for their defensive systems to adapt (I just realized how over used that word is).

>> No.2751894

Ah yes, Sovereign class ships.

Dragging Star Fleet out of their pansy little space science and peace ships whether they liked it or not.

>> No.2751906

So. Sovereign-class vs Super Star Destroyer? Who wins?

>> No.2751910

Personally I liked it a lot that they wrote it that way. Kind of like Sisko and his people turn into war hardened veterans later in DS9. So why do they have to bash that incredibly cool ship so badly in every movie it's featured in? Damn.

>> No.2751915 [DELETED] 

Seems like they really just don't even know what to do with it half the time.

>> No.2751918

Seemed like they really didn't even know what to do with it half the time.

It's like you take away a kids Nerf gun and hand them a Twelve Gauge.

>> No.2751929

The transphasic torpedo was a Starfleet weapon developed sometime in the 2380s in a future alternate timeline. It was designed specifically to handle the Borg threat, with input by Captain Kathryn Janeway and the crew of the USS Voyager.

In 2378, the point to which Admiral Janeway from the alternate timeline had traveled back in time, the admiral introduced Captain Janeway to this technology for use in reaching a Borg transwarp hub accessing the Borg transwarp network to return to Earth. When entering the nebula where the transwarp hub was located, one transphasic torpedo was enough to destroy a Borg cube. Despite the use of transphasic torpedoes to destroy two cubes, the Collective had not yet adapted to the torpedoes when Voyager fired at the interspatial manifolds in the transwarp network. (VOY: "Endgame")

According to the Pocket Books novel Greater than the Sum, transphasic torpedoes were in fact kept by Starfleet as the weapon of last resort to be deployed to starships only when all else had failed against the Borg. They were the one and only thing Starfleet knew the Borg had not yet adapted to and for that reason wanted to keep this ace in the hole for as long as possible.

The warhead technology of the torpedoes was also revealed in the novel. It is based on generating a destructive subspace compression pulse. Upon detonation the torpedo delivers the pulse in an asymmetric superposition of multiple phase states. Shields can only block one subcomponent of the pulse. The other subcomponents deliver the majority of the pulse to the target. Every torpedo has a different transphasic configuration, generated randomly by a dissonant feedback effect to prevent the Borg from predicting the configuration of the phase states.

>> No.2751930

Somehow it does. They were much more competent on their Galaxy class. Maybe it's another sign that they're getting old, heh.

>> No.2751936

> According to the Pocket Books novel Greater than the Sum
Lol, non-canon sources? Is that from Memory Beta?

>> No.2751939
File: 18 KB, 292x356, 292px-Data2379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golly, I had no idea there were so many trekkies in /jp/. Oddly enough, I've been rewatching all of the star treks recently because there's no more anime to watch.

>> No.2751945

Wars is totally overpowered compared to Trek. The Slave-1 (Boba Fett's ship) has more power output than the Enterprise D.

>> No.2751947


Many tears were shed with his scene in Nemesis.

>> No.2751955

True, that.

>> No.2751963 [DELETED] 

There's no such thing as manly tears.

>> No.2751977

However there are androidic(?) tears. The android replica of Dr. Soong's wife could cry. Also V'Ger's replica of Ilia had lacrimal glands.

>> No.2751979

Many ≠ Manly

>> No.2751988


^humorous voyager-bashing for anyone who might be entertained by it

>> No.2751989

I would ask that you forgive my mistake.

>> No.2751991

the Ilia probe wasn't an android though, it was a perfect recreation

>> No.2751997

I'll try it out, thanks.

>> No.2752000

You're probably right. It just came to mind when I wrote the first part of the post.

>> No.2752033

> Your medical backup team is a pilot with two semesters of biochemistry and an elf!
Hahaha, oh wow. Has potential.

>> No.2752050
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That's because Data-kun is moe~~

>> No.2752071
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Why is TNR so fucking awesome?

I just watched episode "Darmok" the other day and cried manly tears.

>> No.2752079

Darmok is awesome. As is The Inner Light. The list goes on, there are many incredibly fine TNG episodes. Especially in Season 5 and 6 I think.

>> No.2752097


>> No.2752103

I can fap to this.

>> No.2752167

The question should never be if you can fap to something or not, but will you fap to it. If you don't think you can fap to something, you aren't trying hard enough.

>> No.2752219

My favorite ST episode is probably Year of Hell from Voyager. Shit is awesome.

>> No.2752231

I always wanted to see a fight between the Q and the Douwd

>> No.2752241

then you really need to watch better star trek

>> No.2752253

next generation>original series movies>original series>DS9>Voyager>/=TNG movies>enterprise=the shitty new movie that thinks its star wars instead of star trek

>> No.2752316

My personal favorite is really V'ger's appearance in the Shatner generation movies.

It sort of highlights the rise of the Borg, proving to most, if not all that the Borg was before humanity (or at least the primitive version of it.)

and that yes, Humanity in fact, gave rise to the single most powerful entity (other than the Q) in all of Star Trek history.

You do realize the existence of Nanotechnology, despite the lack of medical products, it can be generated by the doctor through replication from either the

'antimatter/matter replicator' (it creates food too)
'medical supply replicator' (may exist, I dunno, could be a different machine so that doctors could use them)

you know what? The ship by Endgame's time, has been outfitted with most advanced self adapted Borg Technology, if we think of it that way, Janeway's technology could have been born from Borg upgrades.

There is also the issue with supplies you asked. In an older episode of Star Trek TNG, Captain picard was stuck with the crew on a certain nebula space, they proceeded to enter the nebula and collect resources in the form of particles (science stuff blah blah)

Proof that in fact: "supplies can be generated by replicating it through some means of a giant replicator for ship parts"

is possible.

>> No.2752842


Tuvok... ;_;

>> No.2753163

>>If that space created anything you imagined Picard would have seen the lion himself.

They were hallucinations. They weren't real.

Which is why when Picard rounded the corner he was like, "WTF are you doing? There's nothing there."

Which is kinda weird since warp fields were only affecting that region of space due to... whatever. It had lots of space traffic and that was the reason it had so much damage. There was really no need for concern outside of that region of space.

>> No.2753168

Farscape is superior to every Star Trek series ever. Get fucked mainstream sci-fi fans.

>> No.2753282


>> No.2753285

Did they ever get home? because I stopped careing

>> No.2753292

Haha, me too. I'm watching all of TNG again. I want to get around to Voyager eventually, but not while it's still fresh in my mind.

>> No.2753295

Yes, and in an awesome way.

>> No.2753303

They all blew up?

>> No.2753307
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No, Janeway from the future goes back in time and gives Janeway from the past some future Borg technology which turns Voyager into a borg-resistant warship. They then blast their way through the Borg transwarp portal to shortcut their way back to Earth.

>> No.2753316

Sounds like cheating/gameshark to me.

>> No.2753320

And future Janeway sacrifices herself so that the Borg get infected by a virus tailor-made to shut them down long enough for Voyager to break through.

>> No.2753325

Yeah, it sounds like a cop-out, doesn't it. But it was fun to watch. It's not as simple as it sounds either. She had to go through a lot of shit to get it done.

>> No.2753378

This is the most interesting thread I have read in /jp/.

>> No.2753536
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Let's talking about the warp drive theory!

>> No.2753538
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>> No.2753541
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>> No.2753547
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>> No.2753551
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>> No.2753558


>> No.2753559
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And i never thought i would find another thread where this pic would fit ever again.

I love you /jp/.

>> No.2753595

Too many trekfags

>> No.2753620
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