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2723686 No.2723686 [Reply] [Original]

The TV drones in an indefinite litany of noise, set in a channel nobody is watching. Instead, I'm looking straight at the roof and its fascinating paint. Drowsiness takes over my body, as the combined efforts of the unwatched television and the inviting warm lap on which my head is resting convince me that a nap is not such a bad idea.
Her hand stroking my hair is not helping either. Blinking turns into a labor, struggling to keep open eyelids of lead.
"You're falling asleep," she says coming into view. This close, low angle is not flattering for her face, as she stares into my sleepy eyes.
"Noooo-" my answer trails off.
She leans back out of my view letting out a sigh. Is she bored? I guess tending to a guy falling asleep on your lap is boring, I can't really tell.
"Are you bored?"
She sighs again, but this time I know the tone. That slight exasperation towards me, a feeling I have grown so familiar with ever since we started dating. I like to think it's a good thing, at least I've learned one of her sighs and she's still ever so patient.
"No. That was a relaxed sigh. I would push you into the floor if I was bored".
She would. I make a note of it in my head.
"Sure you don't want to do something instead?"
"What, a normalfag thing? I'm not in the mood right now, I just want to, you know, sit back and pet you. Like a cat." She smiles at me with that last thing.
"So I'm just a pet for you." I say watching the amused look on her face.
"Yup. A stray I'm nursing back to health."
I laugh with her and realize that I really don't have a problem staying here all day, half asleep on a girl's lap.
"It's cool being a cat then." I mumble closing my eyes for good.

>> No.2723690

better be futa

>> No.2723705

What, like suddenly poking your head, growing and making you think of all sort of things you'd rather be doing than feel that ever growing menace against your head?

Tried to do happy slice of life and see how it goes, I'm tired of depressive "struggle as you want against this universe, you're not going to feel any better" scenes.
Although that could easily end badly, so much you can say to ruin the moment.

>> No.2723716


>> No.2723752

What the hell man? Dont leave me hanging here, kawaii neko-san aint got all day to sleep, yadadamean?

>> No.2723784

Then she kills him with a screwdriver. za endo

>> No.2723806

>kawaii neko-san
That's not helping. Help me out man, how do I turn this into hnnng.
Also, they tend to give this little pet names to each other, but even that could be interesting to see.
"You're my kawaii neko-san from now on."
[ ] Walk away
[ ] "I don't think so"
[ ] Indulge her

>> No.2723812

[X] Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.2723833

God this made me ;_;

>> No.2723841

[X] Genuflect

Seriously, just surprise us. Theres one thing you dont want to do with these things, and thats collaborating with 4chan. The type of fanfiction were on about doesnt exactly fit your category.

>> No.2723885

Why is Rin petting me like a cat and why am I so aroused by this?

>> No.2723913

>[X] Turn 360 degrees and walk away
My eyes suddenly open, realizing the horror that I've gotten into.
"Is this how it's going to be?" I do my best to restrain the anger that surges through my body now so it doesn't show up in my strained voice. Keep calm and serene.
"What, I thought you'd like it. You're my kawaii neko."
I stand up in a swift move, all the senses in my body screaming to get away from that beast. She stares at me confused, not really knowing what's going on or why am I stepping back slowly.
"I- I got some cat ears that would look really good on you..." She extends her hand inviting.
Throwing up my arms in the air, I turn away from her.
"Well, that was good while it lasted."
Walking with brisk steps towards the door, I review what just happened in my head. Why didn't I see her for what she was before? Was I too blind to her fangirl behavior, how come I never noticed before this very moment?
As my hand hovers over the salvaging doorknob, I hear giggling behind me. Laughing at me.
Turning back she's trying yo hold it in, but she lets it all out, grinning maniacal at how naive I was.
"-cat ears..." she lets out in between breaths, only to laugh even harder then.
"It's not funny, that's so not funny." I don't really know what to say. I'm pissed, that's all. At myself for falling more than her, but still mad. I open the door and quickly leave my embarrassment behind.

>> No.2723933

Believe it or not, one thing anonymous of /jp/ knows is heart warming.

>> No.2723950

[X] Go get a soda

>> No.2723960

[x] Wake up. Alone.
[x] Masturbate while sobbing.

>> No.2723959

Indulge her. This better have a dead end

>> No.2723968



Kawaii neko-san sure is a gigantic faggot. Oh well

[x] Fap to Touhou's.

>> No.2723983


in b4 TWEEST ENDING with a Touhou coming out of the computer screen, with hilarious hijinks ensuing.

>> No.2724006

Do "indulge her" end

>> No.2724017

[x] Fire up the JACKHAMMER

>> No.2724051

Have I ever told you that I'm really bad with on-the-fly writing? Seriously bad.

I got nothing. Plus this is quickly turning into roleplaying thread and we know how those threads ended up.

Also, >>2723983 pissed me off.

>> No.2724061

Hmm.. would it be like Sadako?

>> No.2724071


You'd be very likely to die a painful death! So yes, somewhat like Sadako. But if you make the Touhou happy you get to go to Gensokyo and then all sorts of other wacky things ensue. I don't write fanfiction VN's so I'm not going to dissemble further on that. Ask >>2724051 to cook some of that up for you.

>> No.2724100

[ ] Argue with Arc.
[X] Watch Arrested Development.

>> No.2724111


>Insert Nasu-like writing about Shiki choosing to go watch Arrested Development instead. He runs into a chair and dies for no apparent reason.

>> No.2724424


>> No.2724459

for some reason I read that first sentence as "You are likely to be eaten by a grue."

....and now I feel old...

>> No.2724474

Yeah, quit while you're ahead. For what it's worth, I thought it was touching.

>> No.2724486

Thanks. That, that means a lot.

>> No.2726298

ok, one last bump.
Just need what you think of it, and what can I do to really bring out the hnnng
