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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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26745769 No.26745769 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussion of the works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (in Japanese)

>Kara no Kyoukai – the Garden of Sinners
Kara no Kyoukai novel (in Japanese)
English translations by cokesakto
Kara no Kyoukai Anime Movies
Kara no Kyoukai Manga

Tsukihime PLUS-DISC
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime Manga

>Melty Blood
MELTY BLOOD PC Collection (updated 2018-05-30)
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga

Fate stay night [Realta Nua]
Fate hollow ataraxia
Fate Zero
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files Manga

>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night
VN: https://mega.nz/#F!YVkkhAjQ!Ggu2BS3MDfaofporByJsFw
English Patch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nUY3G5Z8tgBnfvELhbLiYhmLolDI2TwC/
French Patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french

Other works
>Angel Voice (A doujin anthology that contains the short novel "Notes." written by Nasu, and the Manga "clowick canaan-vail" drawn by Takeuchi.)
>Fate Apocrypha
>Fate Extra
>Fate Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver
>Fate strange Fake
>Fate type Redline
>Fire Girl
>Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade manga
>Tsuki no Sango
>Tsuki no Sango Manga

Other links
>Beast's Lair
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate complete material II Character material
>Fate Art Books
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Type-Moon Comic Ace
>Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc)
>Tsukihime Archives
>Tsukihime doujins from 2008
>TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary Phantasm translation

Previous >>26253223

>> No.26746643

nasu pls

>> No.26746893

your hopes will forever be denied

>> No.26747447


>> No.26747728

Does anyone have a pre-installed copy of melty blood reACT they can upload on a site like gofile.io for me? I'm on Linux and it's a pain to install because of how it detects the disc. Or if anyone knows a site where I can download a pre-installed copy that'd be good too

>> No.26752779
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>> No.26755476

It would be quicker to use a VM at this point and copy over the files if you still want to use wine.

>> No.26755619

How would you compare ufotable’s art to Fate’s original art? I think Shirou looks better but i think the girls generally look worse

>> No.26755650

The art is better but the designs are worse.

>> No.26755714

That is Fate's progression over time in a nutshell.

>> No.26755758

Holy shit, that Takeuchi art looks good. More polished than his early rough stuff, but without the current boring stiffness and sameface. What the fuck happened?

>> No.26755785

Is everyone still assblasted about Artoria being important in regards to proper human history?

>> No.26755912

Why would they be assblasted when that was the point since the original game? That's the reason her wish couldn't be granted. Artoria becoming king and Camelot in general is necessary for the PHH.

>> No.26756315

I haven't seen anybody get mad at that.
There are far more egregious things than that to complain about.

>> No.26756343

I'd say, ripe.
And delicate, ultimately very pleasing.

>> No.26756668
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Are Fate and UBW poetry?

>> No.26756861

Saberwank should have its limits, haven't dataminers already concluded that Grand Saber is gonna be voiced by Ayako Kawasumi?

>> No.26757296

No? Just that Saber might get Avalon as an NP.

>> No.26757945
File: 72 KB, 591x739, 2425c739e8a34d10b49fbaff63da115f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who had the best and worst relationship compatibility?

>Shiki and Arc or Ciel
>Shirou and Saber
>Rin and Archer
>Kuzuki and Caster
>Kiritsugu and Iri
>Kirei and Gilgamesh
>Sieg and Jeanne d'Arc
>Shirou Kotomine and Semiramis
>Hakuno and Nero or Tamamo
>Fujimaru and Mashu

>> No.26759128

No, during the launch of fgo there were literally files saying Grand saber is voiced by Kawasumi. Although they could have changed their mind

>> No.26760609


>> No.26766026

better than 99% of the shit he spews out nowadays

>> No.26766500
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>> No.26766597


>> No.26771938

What to read after Tsuki, Kagetsu and Fate?

>> No.26772023
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Here's your Proto Merlin.

>> No.26772075

KnK and Mahoyo of course.

>> No.26772134

Prototype sucks. No amount of Kawasumi Ayako can change that.

>> No.26776402


>> No.26785668
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Have we got any new news about the Cooking with emiya game yet?
All i can find online are articles from may about its delayed release, and articles from july about its confirmed english localization

>> No.26786016
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Entire family when?

>> No.26791942
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>> No.26792043

I don't wish such a fate on anyone, not even Toukofags.

>> No.26793482
File: 675 KB, 1280x720, akihainddlc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tsukihime remake we always wanted

>> No.26793591

That classroom is way too bright and happy looking.

>> No.26794932
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name a bigger downgrade

>> No.26795811
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>> No.26796357

How are you supposed to read this image?

>> No.26796393

Decent idea but yeah >>26796357 has a point.

>> No.26796675

why would you compare two different people when you could just compare prototype cu to cu cu

>> No.26798294

/a/ Zero secondary memes

>> No.26799680
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am I having a stroke

>> No.26799688
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I love Taiga.

>> No.26800727
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You'd have to be crazy not to

>> No.26805720

mfw there are still people who think they're the same person

>> No.26809257
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Am I retarded? How do I reconfigure the keyboard controls?

>> No.26811526
File: 73 KB, 973x102, 2020-09-22 22_10_33-Tsukihime - Translated by mirror moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time Tsukihime reader here, I don't really get how come is Arcueid so weak in her own route but so strong in Ciel's

>> No.26812880

Ufotable Rin

>> No.26812950

The angle at which her body is and the fact that you can see the top of her hips make it look like those are someone else's legs, it's an impossible position.
You're welcome.

>> No.26813366

So, are you guys going to read Mahoyo when the new english translation comes out?

>> No.26813476

Y-you too.

>> No.26813509

If it comes out.

>> No.26813563

But what if there is a third person?

>> No.26814413

Well fuck you too because I can't unsee it now.

>> No.26814541

>Reading a 1 in 3 part story that will likely never be finished
Not really

>> No.26815067

>Reading any TM work that isn't Fate or FGO

>> No.26815375

That's what I'm saying. It looks like her legs jsut continue down, and the legs you see is another person doing some weird gymnastics from below.

>> No.26815599

I'm going reread it this winter in Japanese.

>> No.26822468
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What? Your nose doesn't look like this?

>> No.26829262
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my merlin

>> No.26839371

I dont remember but did she have more days to recover in ciel's?

>> No.26842241
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Is Saber a proper heroic spirit now or a guardian like Archer? If she's still a guardian, then shouldnt she be in Avalon and not be summonable in FGO?

>> No.26843420

She is probably in the same state as Merlin.

>> No.26843685

FGO meanwhile
Their money spending people

>> No.26843915

I'll be really happy if they translate the 2 or 3 extras the french didn't. Otherwhise I might take a look at it but not play it entirely

>> No.26843946

The French one didn't translate some of the extra scenes you get to see later in the archive? Damn, you're missing out.

>> No.26844219
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I know :(

>> No.26844818

Why'd they leave those out? It seems like a strange place to suddenly quit. Nobody felt like translating the fun scenario with Kumari at the end?

>> No.26846022
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what I've heard was actually from /tmg/, they couldn't get the version with those chapters in it to work with their french version. According to them, that was due to shitty japanese coding or something along those lines. I don't know about how all this programming/translating thing work so don't take my word for it.

>> No.26846856

Aoko is just discount Rin.

>> No.26847055

Rin is literally the worst girl of Aoko's archetype.
Worst fans too.
Only slightly less annoying than Toukofags dismissing anything.

>> No.26847197

made for BWC

>> No.26847668

>he's mad that Touko is the better sister

>> No.26847928

If you want the Touko apologist echochamber, that would be /vg/.
If you don't want her ruined by going into FGO, you can stay here, unlike those morons.

>> No.26848423

>every other Nasu creation GOOD
I don't do FGO myself but seriously Rent Free.

>> No.26848504
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>tfw you've only been drawing for 3 months
thanks for the ref anon

>> No.26849136

They're just in denial. Everyone knows that Nasu is more than capable of sucking massive worm cock. The entire extraverse is proof enough with SERAPH being the biggest exception to the highest degree.

>> No.26849447

Not true, most of Fate is bad at this point.

>> No.26851083

Why are some of those chapters even bonus chapters is Nasu fucking autistic?
one of them is literally X.5 chapter taking place between two chapters and characters reference what happened in it later.

>> No.26851371

great drawing anon!

>> No.26851373

It's a way to make people curious and want to know more about the sequels

>> No.26851415

You did very well anon

>> No.26851735
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Guess I'll be relying in the english version then. I hope it doesn't suffer the same problem as the french did. On that note, is there anywhere I can follow regularly the progress? I don't remember who is translating this time as well.

>> No.26852090
File: 104 KB, 372x321, alice04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, the French 100% finished their translation back in February...

>> No.26853485

It's still a complete story regardless of Nasu saying there are two more parts

>> No.26853856

The main series are, of course, kino.
Fate/Apocrypha isn't really that bad, the anime just butchered it so much. Yes, it does have flaws, but it's not necessarily bad.

>> No.26854152

Episode 22 of fate apocrypha had some of the best TV animation I've ever seen and some really cool angles
other than that I cant remember anything from the series or books

>> No.26854660
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Let me remind that it has a top tier husbando, because he's a combination of Shirou and Kotomine. He got the Kotomine's personilty and Shirou's goals... and also Archer's color palette. He's honestly pretty underrated.

>> No.26855145

Yeah, th eonly things thay hadn't translated was the chapter with choices that takes place a bit after the main story but that was released with the last patch.

>> No.26856739
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Alright what this guy exactly is?

>> No.26856773


>> No.26856872

You're right, fgo is good

>> No.26857906

>every other Nasu creation GOOD
Extraverse is fucking shit, this is /tmg/, not the Nasu worship general

>> No.26858280

With HF3 done, Fate is now dead to me unless things drastically change.

>> No.26858807

What's up with all the fgo fags lately?

>> No.26860185

JP players are in cope mode because Nasu killed the game with two sentences. Game has only received one story chapter this year.

>> No.26860456

What does this have to do with my post?

>is Nasu fucking autistic
You know the answer to that.

I don't speak frog. I was just going off what that other anon said.

>> No.26860534

What did he say now?

>> No.26860579
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EoD finally ripped properly. Up to date version too.

>> No.26860630
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best girl

>> No.26860959

I don't have the exact words on me, but Nasu said something that suggested the game will end after the second story arc. He said something of the same light the previous year and it generated a lot of drama then. It lead to a slowdown in story chapter releases, it took almost a year for Lostbelt chapter 4 to come out.
Most people were in denial, but now it is on the anger stage because the game hasn't received any significant updates since Lostbelt 5 in April and the anniversary event was delayed by three months.
There's also some anger over the fact that Artoria may fulfill the messianic prophecies about her return in Lostbelt chapter 6. I remember someone getting shouted down last year for suggesting Lostbelt 6 would be a story of Artoria being born because Singularity 6 was a story about her not dying. Saber haters are a unique breed of clown

>> No.26861796

Not really extra games were great, extella however.
Game won't end retard, nasu said he is going to stop writing fate for a while after part 2 is done part 3 is literally confirmed in the past with a different Mc

>> No.26863994

Proto Kuzuki.

>> No.26868492
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nasu and takeuchi after inventing fgo

>> No.26869367
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>> No.26881027
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what a fucking alpha

>> No.26881131

They have a Discord, but it's actually translated from the French version, not Japanese.

>> No.26881236

Nasu is just a fucking liar and sellout like always, your info is like 1 year too old.
They announced around the anniversary that "lol JK lostbelt arc will actually have way more chapters than 7, the story is only halfway done. Also corona delayed our schedule by months :^)))"

they teased a 4.5 chapter when LB5 has already been out for like a half a year, complete joke company.

>> No.26881305

Rin is the older sister. Isn't Touko more like Rin?

>> No.26881407

I'd say Aoko and Rin are a lot more similar than Touko and Rin. Aoko and Rin both have the "nice person LARPing as a heartless mage" thing going on are both tsunderes. But you shouldn't try to equate them too much. They play very different roles in their respective stories and act differently.

>> No.26881469

It's hard not to when Nasu has reused the same combative sisters dynamic four times.

>> No.26881713

Sisters are bitchy. It's just a fact of humanity.

>> No.26882028

Will nasu ever write something even half as kino as the orignal VN or is he just burnt out

>> No.26882240

The original VN is a high bar but maybe he could still surprise us and reach CCC levels of Kino one last time.

>> No.26882300

>the orignal VN
Not sure which one you mean by this, but the answer is still no.

>> No.26884152
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Rewatched Lost Butterfly and forgot how good and consistent the quality of animation was
god if ufotable actually adapted the fucking routes well and stopped using shitty 3d assets this trilogy could have been great

>> No.26885965

>the anniversary event was delayed by three months

>> No.26886458

This reminds me it was very obvious Tohno Shiki was adopted, no way you could romance Akiha unless they were not related.

>> No.26886745

Brother/sister romance has been common in games forever.

>> No.26887310

Pre-2010, incest was a common thing in jap stuff however Yosuga No Sora and Oreilmo changed that and now japanese soccer moms and conservative politicians in Japan won't allow incestkino to ever rise again because of those two shows

>> No.26888350

There's plenty of sister fucking games and LNs every year. There's been some shows although probably nothing will top Yosuga no Sora as far as TV airings go.

>> No.26888692

The way Rin acts to Sakura is similar to Touko to Aoko.
But that is it, really, otherwise Rin is in the same archetype as Aoko, Touko is kinda by herself.

>> No.26891967

>Original VN

>> No.26893331
File: 299 KB, 732x464, 1601090222992.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your Heroine?

>> No.26893707

>apanese soccer moms and conservative politicians in Japan won't allow incestkino to ever rise again because of those two shows


>> No.26894931

t. has no siblings.

>> No.26895823

Nasu's FGO is over after Cosmos in the Lostbelt, I'm convinced of it. I haven't seen seen a single hint about a potential story for Part 3, but there was a lot of ominous stuff about Olga-Marie and the Animusphere scattered around in different media. FGO might continue, but it will be without Nasu.

>> No.26899226

Big Waver Cock?

>> No.26901134

They see me rollin

>> No.26902802
File: 442 KB, 1434x1038, 2020-09-26 01_23_02-Tsukihime - Translated by mirror moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Ciel route, barely could handle the kino, how does one stop thinking about pic related?

>> No.26907835

What version of the Fate/Stay Night VN should I read if I'm new to the series? Should I go with Realta Nua with the fanmade patches or just play the classic version?

>> No.26908365

Play Realta Nua, the voice acting is awesome, I recommend not using the patch(was it a patch? I don't remember) that adds the Vita openings, since those spoil stuff.

Recently they released an "Ultimate version" that merged all three routes in one executable, or something like that, but I heard it's buggy right now.

>> No.26909758

do you prefer the literal translation to the UBW chant or the regular one
I prefer the literal

>> No.26910560

Pick the Ultimate version and just don't use the buggy patches like the Vita openings.

>> No.26911461

I'm not at my desktop now but they released a patch that completely fixed the vita ops and added a few more quality of life changes
I'll link it in like 2 hours

>> No.26911663

Oh really? Nice. You should still avoid the Vita openings on a first time playthrough though since spoilers (like the other guy said).

>> No.26911984

Are you retarded? Can't you just remember to read the routes in Fate -> UBW -> HF order? Then go for the Ultimate Edition that puts them back into a single file.

>> No.26913119
File: 50 KB, 595x446, 0138_595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about pic related instead.

>> No.26913186

Ciel's Tsukihime H is the worst H in the history of Type-Moon. Unless you really, really like anal I can't imagine being into it.

>> No.26916702

literal aswell

>> No.26919708

>tfw forced myself to read it twice

>> No.26921752
File: 843 KB, 1366x768, tfw aoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time TM has ever talked back to their own real community? TM fest in 2012? Not these famitsu fgo ones that shit doesn't count.

>> No.26921779

What should an EOP read after Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, and Tsukihime?

>> No.26922610

Kagetsu Tooya and Melty Blood obviously.

>> No.26923245

read /djt/

>> No.26923297

No don't do this. Reading /djt/ is a great way to ensure you'll never learn japanese. Just save the OP links/resources in your bookmarks and get the hell out of there.

>> No.26923302

early 2019 fgo interview when he said he keeps seeing old people say modern TM is swallow and he will prove them wrong with fgo part 2 ending
then 1 year later he doubles the amount of chapters the arc has and fills it with pointless X.5 chapters because sony told him to not end the game yet

>> No.26923735

I'm interested anon please don't forget

>> No.26923758
File: 333 KB, 1395x361, 2020-09-26 01_47_54-Tsukihime - Translated by mirror moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happen to be a no sex chad and skipped all H scenes

>> No.26923777

Why are you mean, he's just asking which version is the best he didn't sound retarded at all

>> No.26923944


>> No.26924014

sorry I didn't link the right post the download link is right above it

>> No.26924070

Doumo doumo~

>> No.26924202

I like the dream Ciel H scene that Len gives Shiki but yeah I agree about the butt one

>> No.26924252
File: 425 KB, 1436x1044, 1576979036198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Akiha and Kohaku one is pure kino though

>> No.26924282

>can use mpv to play back the openings
>even works in wine
okay now that's impressive

>> No.26924346

Oh yeah I should have clarified there. That one is fine. The actual Ciel one in her route is horrible though. It's weird because Tsukihime does have some pretty good quality H (for a cheap doujin game with no budget anyway) like >>26924252 said.

>> No.26924381

Why doesn't he just pass the torch to another writer? Do GOfags even care about Nasu?

>> No.26924393

Are you not thinking about pounding Ciel-senpai in the ass at all hours of the day?

>> No.26924475

give it to me. I've always wanted to write chuuni

>> No.26924736

Prisma Illya version

>> No.26925057

Based, also best theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_m_2YXHC94

>> No.26925583

What is Tsukihime PLUS+DISC actually?

>> No.26925621

A side story and some commentary on the original VN. It's about a hour long.

>> No.26925630

Super short fan disc with a couple of side stories. Most notably, Seo plays a prominent role in one part. Well worth reading assuming you liked Tsukihime.

>> No.26925629

I see thanks

>> No.26925643

Big facts, Akiha is based

>> No.26925988
File: 45 KB, 452x650, ciel_ev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's of note that PLUS+DISC (which came with tsukibako) is actually different to the original PLUS-DISC, and adds geccha 2 which talks about Sacchin's scrapped scenario, Kinoko's Masterpiece Experimental Theater which is a silly nonsense scenario, and a bunch of wallpapers. The whole thing is also ported to the engine that they would next use in making Stay Night.
The first 4 KnK stories are also included in plus disc because Nasu wanted too blueball readers back when it was near impossible to acquire the following stories.
Also included is a bunch of old promotional stuff that doesn't resemble the finished game much (pic related), including old trials and images.
A nice touch is the html document included where the maids guide you through each bit of content included.

>> No.26926708

Thank you for all the info

>> No.26927157

Why did the shitty orignal PV have so much soul

>> No.26927244

>that shitty early 00s cgi at the end
I can't handle this amount of SOUL

>> No.26927429

>that contrast between Rin and Sakura near the end
pure kino

>> No.26928206
File: 106 KB, 1367x871, material&artbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything obvious missing here?

>> No.26928352

Maybe im retarded and missed it but the actual Fate Zero anime appears to be missing

>> No.26928405

I have no clue if you're just saving artbooks and interviews and not the actual shows and movies

>> No.26928430

That's just the material/artbook folder.

>> No.26928597

I'm legit quitting after Nasu leaves.

>> No.26928992
File: 1.95 MB, 3374x3477, IMG_0653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you have the FSN15th book?

>> No.26929290
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Some stuff from the Sakura Pamphlet that are being given out to HF3 watchers at cinema. The first two ones might be spoiler so i put it like this, it's not anything important though just little detail
- Apparently Sakura is intentionally trying to imitate Rin's way of speaking to sound cool but failing at it while talking to Kotomine.
- The little shadow that stays with Sakura represents the youthful side of her heart according to Sudou.

- At first, Nasu didn't believe HF could make for a good movie, and that seeing it animated would just expose his lies and inconsistencies, but seeing Sudou's adaptation amazed him and made him think "So my writing can be be turned into art like this?".
- According to Nasu, if the HF movies had come out first, he would never have made CCC.

>> No.26929920
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I legitimately wonder sometimes if Nasu has some form of high functioning autism
he has to

>> No.26930990

Nope. The only thing Nasu did good in FGO was Camelot, Babylonia, Salmon, and SERAPH. All were devoid of his fucking autism.

>> No.26931457

Goetia sucks so scratch Solomon off that list

>> No.26931467

He hasn't written a story chapter since Solomon. Maybe LB6, LB7, Fuyuki and Chaldeas will eb good.

>> No.26931926
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Will he be a good villain after the 5 years of build-up?

>> No.26932031

Yeah that's right. Meanwhile for recent events he wrote Saber Wars 2 and New Year 2019 i think? (he was in charge of some parts in every summer event too, but i'm counting event with main story written by Nasu only here)

>> No.26932860

He writes parts of a bunch of stuff, but he hasn't written a full event since NY2019.

>> No.26933111

I thought SWII was written by him?

>> No.26933139

The real question is can Nasu write something that's not trash still?

>> No.26933168

You're right. I just got my NY event dates mixed up. This year had no NY event.

>> No.26933352
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We will find out when the next main chapter is released.

>> No.26933365

The things he wrote involving arthurian legends is on point. That might change with lostbelt 6 because faeries and Irish trash.

>> No.26933433

I'm more surprised that Glahad isn't one of the alien gods lackeys. Is TV Beryl's servant?

>> No.26933492

Galahad is just a little bitch, but he hates Marisbury. Why would he work for the sake of his plan?

>> No.26933537

>According to Nasu, if the HF movies had come out first, he would never have made CCC
Well thank fuck that didn't happen.
At the end of the day I don't give a shit about adaptations. Write something new you piece of shit Nasu.

>> No.26933693
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>> No.26933702

>Is TV Beryl's servant?
Nope, but they're working with each other now until Koyanskaya gets her hands on the Albion dragon.

>> No.26933986

Beryl is probably going to betray her and backstab her, just like he backstabbed everyone else (the fairies, Kirsch, the Alien God).

>> No.26934283
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>tfw I own the game but downloaded the crack for convenience

>> No.26934309
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>At first, Nasu didn't believe HF could make for a good movie, and that seeing it animated would just expose his lies and inconsistencies
... what?

>> No.26934448

He knows that HF is the worst route.

>> No.26934634

I'm pretty damn sure he did say the same thing with KnK movies before

>> No.26935251

The pamphlet also mentioned that Zolgen was seriously loving Justeaze, and Nasu describes him as someone who "was burning with justice".
Sudou brought up how they didn't show Claudia's face in the movie since the visual novel had Kirei's "can't remember her voice or her face" monologue.

>> No.26937589

Can anyone release a pre-patch of FSN (not Realta Nua) and Mahoyo?

>> No.26940354
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>> No.26940419

We've known this for years. In the HF1 booklet or whatever he said when the HF movies got greenlit he wanted to rewrite the entire route to make it fit for current year.

>> No.26940829

God dont let him touch it he'll ruin it

>> No.26941811

Is he dumb? HF is the route that redeemed FSN because fate was dogshit and UBW was good but not good enough

>> No.26941843
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>I was of the opinion that if HF were to be adapted, it would need major surgery.
>Like transplanting the same brain into a different body, I would need to rebuild HF from the ground up in order to have it have Dramaturgy befitting the year 2017.
>Those "Notes" (by Sudou about what he wants to do) was a thick stack of paper all written by hand, it had me all surprised going "Is this a grimoire!?". So this must be the work of the Sakura-researcher!
>He did say he was a fan since Tsukihime, but to think it would be to this level! I underestimated him.
>I think that even without the TM core users, somebody spending this much energy to think about it deeply is a rare occurence, and it matched my understanding of the work, which made me happy. [You literally just said you wanted to rewrite the route because it isn't "2017" enough you faggot]
>That made me think that maybe it's better I don't voice my own opinion here. It really made me want to see the completed movie.

japanese comments:
>Cares more about the work than current Kinoko, yep that's a TM fan.
>This guy made mirai fukuin too, he's too good.
>Knk 6 director Takahiro Miura:" She used earplugs just like Kinoko told me!"
UBW director Takahiro Miura: " We made it to build off Zero just like Kinoko told me!"
>^Incompetent. Directors should be believers of the work.

>> No.26941894

>Those "Notes" (by Sudou about what he wants to do) was a thick stack of paper all written by hand
>all written by hand
holy shit this madman

>> No.26942206

I knew he was a wormfag but FUCK

>> No.26942713

>Nasu says that going by the plot he wrote, it is to end with part 2, and that he intends to do everything he can and wants to before it ends. What he is afraid of is players saying that they want to see what happens next. Nasu says that would result in FGO depicting what happens “after the end” which is difficult but not impossible. He does say however that this would be like seeing the best ending in Undertale, and then heading towards the worst ending of your own volition. Nasu says that he has already communicated everything regarding part 2’s final chapter’s gimmick, plot and ending to the development team and writers, and has obtained their agreement on it, and Aniplex is also on board, with Aniplex CEO Iwakami Atsuhiro having agreed on Type-Moon taking the lead when the project first started.
What happened to this confident, cocky Nasu? Aniplex got spooked?

>> No.26943215

Nasu is a massive fucking beta so when aniplex got mad at him for doomposting he just went "Ok I will tell my team to write 3 more years of filler"
lostbelt arc is an absolute fucking joke, it's already been running for 2 and a half years and Nasu said it's only halfway recently. He also said corona has delayed development. Which means this arc is expected to have a runtime of over 5 fucking years. The entirety of epic of remant was released in a single year, they are stalling so fucking hard they should get a world records entry.

>> No.26943272
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I know she obviously can't be as popular as the main heroines, and even compared to Rider she has less fans
But I wish Caster got more love in this day and age.

>> No.26943520

I'm gonna fucking kill him. Like did he just completely change post extra?
Where is the kino like this?
Where did it fucking go? Most writers dont peak with their first 3 stories.

>> No.26945229

He started writing as an edgy teenager trying to understand life
Now he's a rich old guy writing either nothing or stuff that implies his world view is all kinds of fucked up (Quantum timelocks, Extella, thinking Guda is an actual character)

>> No.26945943

based wormfag sudou

>> No.26947635

>He does say however that this would be like seeing the best ending in Undertale, and then heading towards the worst ending of your own volition.
Isn't that the whole point of putting HF after UBW, and UBW after Stay Night? And the point of good/true ends? Sure you see the happy path, but the happy path doesn't make for the best stories

>> No.26948973

> He does say however that this would be like seeing the best ending in Undertale, and then heading towards the worst ending of your own volition.
Did Nasu not only acknowledged the existence of Undertale, but he also played it?

>> No.26949251

half of his blogposts are just him listing shit he played this month instead of working on tsukihime and mahoyo

literally hundreds of titles

>> No.26950632

>He did say he was a fan since Tsukihime, but to think it would be to this level! I underestimated him.

What is so surprising about this again?

>> No.26951161

Part 1: Fate
Part 1 of Part 2: UBW
Part 2 of Part 2: HF

>> No.26951556

Miura is a better director though.

>> No.26952190

>Miura is a better director though.

Why did the UBW anime get so much hate then?

>> No.26954242

Nasu has brain damage
Haven't watchend HF but Miura can suck my dick, trash director for both fate and KnK.

>> No.26954558

Which is really surprising considering how good Garden of Avalon, Babylonia, Camelot, and Solomon are.
I'm wondering about the director for the sixth singularity movie now. I wonder if he's good.

>> No.26954637

sick pic

>> No.26954675

Nasu can still write good stuff.
The problem is when he gets the typical writer autism of NOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY OLD WORKS ARE ALL SHIT SUCH SHAME SUCH EMBARRASMENT I NEED TO REWRITE IT ALL I MUST RETCON IT ALL everything goes to hell and back.

>> No.26955089

It's not just autism, it's a form of humility that is overly exaggerated in Japan, you can't seem proud of anything you did or you would sound like a haughty prick

>> No.26955723

Dunno, seems like a creative thing, not really a nip thing. That shit is like what George Lucas loves doing.

>> No.26955899

I just realized
Shirou literally never shit or pissed for the entire time we played him
We played him for like 15 days consistently from 5am to 1am and he just never had to defecate
Is that the power of sword autism? Do mages just not shit?

>> No.26955972

What did they mean by this?

>What is 『Fate』 to TYPE-MOON?

Nasu: 5 years ago we said that "this will not go beyond one product," but even saying TYPE-MOON now is just another word for 『Gundam』. It just keeps changing forms and moving forward. That’s not to say we’re just artificially extending it, of course. 『Fate/EXTRA』 was a good test for us. It was fun to write, and fun to make. If the players also enjoys it then it’s a Win-Win, is it not?

Takeuchi: As a product I do feel like it has grown much more than I expected. Whenever we said that 『Fate』 was over and done with, it would refuse to die. I suppose it’s only natural to love and revere something that you have spent so much time cultivating and being so fulfilled by, and to become so attached to it. I don’t mean to be obsessive, but I do want to treat this with utmost care, as we have done up until this point.

Nasu: This is for us what 『Final Fantasy』 is for Square Enix. On a way smaller scale, of course!

Takeuchi: I know you may sometimes think "Not another 『Fate』!" but even "another" 『Fate』 game wouldn’t be 『Fate』 at all.

>> No.26956098

why do the japanese talk like robots?
>[TAKUECHI] fuck my virgin Stinky Ass/Butt!

>> No.26956191

More like why is the translation so robotic.

>> No.26956388

Takeuchi and Nasu have consistently sounded like robots in every single interview and blogpost I've read for the last decade
who does the fucking translations?

>> No.26956965

People who aren't actually trained as translators and mainly just hobbyist who may not even be native english speakers. Look at most manga fan translations. Look at FSN VN.

>> No.26957366

based ESL SEAsians keeping the fanbase alive

>> No.26958250

>pre-patch of FSN (not Realta Nua) and Mahoyo?
Like the original FSN VN? it's in the OP. Did Mahoyo ever get patched at all?

>> No.26958294
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The real fate stay night experience right here lads.

>> No.26958363

I wish I could be useless and play video games all day.

>> No.26958589

Asking the real questions here. Why don't SOL sections have more defecation.

>> No.26960270

It was well received. The sales were fine.

>> No.26960806

>Do mages just not shit?

>When they get off the train, Fluger asks everyone if they're okay with not sleeping or going to the bathroom for about 23hrs.
>Luvia says that for magi it's one of the basic applications of reinforcement. Gray notes in her narration that during her training she was taught to regulate her body and that executors probably have techniques for it as well because it's a basic ability for humans steeped in mystery.
detail from CF vol 10

>> No.26961067

Poor El-Melloi had trouble with it though.

>> No.26961435

I love Fate/Stay Night Illya. Nothing has ever come close to her in everything else

>> No.26961569

Tohno too, imagine the body horror potential when he shits blood in Hisui's route

>> No.26962706

Well he's not wrong. HF and UBW are kind of shit whereas the problem with Fate is that it has too much world building exposition.

>> No.26962777

>HF and UBW are kind of shit

>> No.26962781

I knew someone that wrote some things, it was exactly this. They were like 3 versions of something he wrote, the first with 15 chapter, the other with 8, the last with 3, and he was working on the last

>> No.26964931

Is it bad after becoming a /lit/ scholar and reading like 400 books i still find fate to be the best thing ive ever read

>> No.26965040


>> No.26965100
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You know what would improve every TM work? Removing all male characters

>> No.26965186

Shirou is honestly one of my favorite character from Fate

>> No.26965211

That's wrong.

>> No.26965268

I'd say it's better written than some classics.

>> No.26965943

I really need to learn moonrunes and read the original instead of the ESL translation

>> No.26966503

Start right now.

>> No.26966681

Yeah, regardless of what you think about Nasu's writing, he has a very strong, characteristic voice. Those things can't really be translated.

>> No.26967069


I can't believe there's actually a answer lel

>> No.26967270
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>> No.26967531

To the Far Side, Anon.

>> No.26968621
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if nasu is a woman I am raping her

>> No.26968694
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>Touko is the most normal character with Magic Circuit Quality EX

>> No.26969124

that's because Touko is dead lore

>> No.26970288
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Cooler Saber

>> No.26970361

>Saber: teenage slut edition

>> No.26970665

She's pretty hot and I like her design. When im bored and don't know what to draw I draw her

>> No.26971243

Post some drawings

>> No.26971385

Gimmie a few hours im wageslaving right now

>> No.26975348 [DELETED] 
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Watch the real Saber will receive more (You)s

>> No.26976275
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Not him, but here's a Mordred to keep you occupied.

>> No.26977145

Which KotRT has the largest dick?

>> No.26978834

VN purists

>> No.26979619
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>Miura is a good director
There are 2 episodes called "Unlimited Blade Works", I'm just pointing that out for now.

>> No.26980077

JK Rowling, please get off 4chan.

>> No.26980099


>> No.26980368

>Unlimited Blade Works.
>Unlimited Blade Works

>> No.26980369

Rate Fate/Grand Order out of ten as just a story, ignoring the gacha shit part of it

>> No.26980842

And there are books where chapters don't even have titles and are just represented by numerals. What do episode titles matter when it comes to a series called "Fate Stay/Night" written by a guy who came up with Nrvnqsr Chaos?

>> No.26982058

I give it a solid 8, way higher than the VN's and the extraverse

>> No.26982093

There's two episodes called absolute demonic front mesopotamia

>> No.26982438
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>way higher than the VN's

>> No.26982825
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how come the opening for MBAACC - Community Edition doesn't play?

>> No.26985464
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kohaku arms and shoulders dont work that way

>> No.26992643
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> Giving VNs lower score than 8
> Giving FGO score of 8
That's fine and understandable, but
> Giving FGO a score that's higher than VNs
Now you're just want others to bash on you.

>> No.26993994
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real question: should i read HF or wait until BD comes out?

i'm really spoiled by ufotable kino, have seen sakura vs gilgamesh from the VN on youtube and wasn't impressed much with the visual representation, so idk if i should spoiler events before watching it

also, i suppose the BD comes about 6 months after the theatrical release or something, right?

>> No.26993999

It's the one guy who only posts sarcasm.

>> No.26994653 [SPOILER] 
File: 159 KB, 640x480, 1601280943770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the VN you nigger its 10x better than the movies and peak nasu

>> No.26995135 [SPOILER] 
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>peak nasu

what are the chances peak nasu can surpass peak urobuchi?

>> No.26995800

Idk I haven't watched thunderbolt fantasy

>> No.26996400

i didn't either

>> No.26997847


I don't understand this fucking logic. It's like with FF7, should I play the remake or the original?

There's no reason not to? if anything it helps you have a sense of appreciation and open minded.

I can't believe Nasu was right that HF wouldn't worked as a movie. As much I enjoyed the movies, they are a rush movie.

>> No.26998020

is there a installation guide for Mahou?

>> No.26999080

>It's like with FF7, should I play the remake or the original?

that's not even remotely correct analogy. HF has 2 different mediums, VN and anime. FF7 are both video games in the same genre. difference is only it takes 10 times more resources to produce 10 times less content with modern expectations from technology, like RE2 and the remake

>> No.26999105

Urobuchi didn't have a single original interesting character except for waver maybe but even that nigger was forgettable, people that love Fate Zero are retard that just got baited by the dark atmosphere and the adult cast. While FSN may be shit most of the times when FSN reach the climax and its high its fucking phenomenal.

>> No.26999563

>Urobuchi didn't have a single original interesting character


anyway, it's pretty stupid to expect original characters in a fucking direct prequel with general japanese tradition to recycle characters and tropes in any series, otherwise nobody will recognize it as a part of the series

>> No.27000291

I mean I kinda agree but Butcher really didn't do much with him. Zero was just tortureporn with Kariya, downward spiral to insanity was good but the only pay off to it was just suffering, same as almost everyone else in the story.
It's the side effect of being boxed in when writing a prequel but I liked Zero for what it was

>> No.27001058

You do know where you are right? Everyone here knows how stupid Nasu really is and everyone knows that the visual novels aren't as good as most people say they are.

>> No.27001171

Depends. We'll have to see what Lostbelt 6 is like because 1-Atlantis was terrible. I think butcher wrote SIN and that was by far worse than HF and UBW.

>> No.27002481

Waver was created by Nasu though

>> No.27002612

VNs are peak otaku media.

>> No.27003252

>the only pay off to it was just suffering, same as almost everyone else in the story

yeah, the main sentiment throughout FZ. it also greatly portrayed with kayneth's change of motivation, after getting rekt by kiritsugu, his wish becomes to turn things back how they were before joining the grail war. same with kariya, he just wanted to turn back one thing which was caused because of the magi shitshows he outright rejected

also, talking about original characters. kiritsugu is one of them, it's not like just merely mentioning the name in the VN can make a developed character

>> No.27003675
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Nasu can't beat the Puppet Masterpiece.

>> No.27003746
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Fellas I might unironically like fgo

>> No.27004071

>no audio


>> No.27004131
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>> No.27004697


>> No.27004876

let's be real guys, you would be all over this shit if ufotable created this with less ugly cgi

>> No.27005145
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>Do mages just not shit?

>> No.27005285

Holy fuck picked up

>> No.27005431

Take your time, there's 2 seasons and 2 movies to catch up and season 3 got pushed back due to the 'rona.

>> No.27008200
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>Here you go, sir: Your hopelessly bleak, utterly gory, heart-rendingly depressing seinen-oriented anime with a trenchcoat-wearing, cigarette-smoking, stoic anti-hero with a tragic backstory and no happy ending
This is their best adaptation, the absolute state of TM anime

>> No.27009616 [SPOILER] 
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kiritsugu didn't count on being happy

>> No.27010194

For a moment I thought you were talking about Apocrypha

>> No.27010381
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Nah heavens feel was great
I would unironically praise it as the pinnacle of the medium

>> No.27013611

that character isn't even in FGO.

>> No.27016319

Prototype is a mistake.

>> No.27018001
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Illya can use the same magic as her mother, so why doesn't she use it again?

>> No.27020777

It's animeonly

>> No.27021460
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>> No.27021675
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When i install Mahou its stuck at this point, can someone help?

>> No.27022296
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>> No.27022599

Actually that's not true.

Ep 20 is archers UBW final line while ep 24 is Shirou's UBW final line.

>> No.27024585

someone who gets it

someone who didn't

>> No.27027818

What happened to his face

>> No.27028698
File: 10 KB, 222x227, 1599763164274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone identify top left and bottom right?

>> No.27033394

Bottom right is Angra Mainyu

>> No.27033664

>just found out there's a doujin where future shirou and rin go back to teach young shirou and rin how to have sex
This is genius

>> No.27033675

Wait a second... Takeuchi is a...?!!

>> No.27041263

You can't say this and not drop the link.

>> No.27041639

Count your blessings /tmg/.

Genshin Impact is killing FGO and we're going back to the golden age of Type-Moon

>> No.27046802 [SPOILER] 
File: 581 KB, 571x806, 1601378393422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point ufos posters are adapting the scenes lel

>> No.27048127

Fellas how aoko is that strong ?

>> No.27049580

Sure, my bad.

>> No.27054970

>body full of swords
>can't hug naked gf

>> No.27062369

Koyama faces are destined to be powerwanked

>> No.27064254
File: 302 KB, 1920x1080, soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup they don't make 'em like they used to

>> No.27065816

God I want something with the first grail war so bad

>> No.27066640


tfw they made gil actually used his other weapons

>> No.27068135

What are some good light novels? I've only read Nisio's Strangulation Romanticist, which was pretty good btw.

>> No.27068221

Well since this is /tmg/ go read KnK and then Case Files. Fate/Strange Fake is also supposedly good but I haven't personally read that yet.

>> No.27068830

Gilgamesh strong????

>> No.27070562

Just read the wiki.
Aoko was this strong 10 years before Koyama first worked for Nasu.

>> No.27070725

Read the rest of Zaregoto dude.

>> No.27070794
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x769, doitformyangel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tweet tweet its my angel birthday tweet tweet

>> No.27070953
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>> No.27074830

thank you anon

>> No.27079417
File: 1001 KB, 1360x768, Captura de Tela (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished reading mahoyo minutes ago. Couldn't have had a better news today.

>> No.27080716

Guess I'll need to reinstall it because I downloaded a previous version of the patch

>> No.27082410
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Looking back, kerry is still a pretty good character. Problem is that he's an absolute bore to watch, and I can't really see him carrying a show as the protagonist.

He's got it all:
the smoking(coupled with his crippled enemies crawling on the ground beneath him)
the trenchcoat
mages uses magic? I use GUN
cheating on my wife with my assistant to steel myself for sacrificing her
le tired dead eyes
"nothing personal kid"/shadow the hedgehog tier mannerisms
a hamfisted and overly edgy origin story that was shoved in the last portion of the story

The only thing resembling actual care or genuine attachment I ever felt for him was at the end with him fucking up and watching as the world crumbles around him + his last moments with shirou. Iskandar, gilgamesh, fucking gilles, and kirei(even though he's missing 90% of his charisma from the vn) were way more more interesting and fun. And as much as people rail on shirou, he's unironically better as a mc in my eyes. He's mentally screwed, with his weirdass monologues and autistic quirks, has a better interaction with the cast, and actually feels like a genuine person instead of a compiled listed of edgelord tropes given form.

>> No.27083314

Zero was made with the focus on the side and secondary characters.
Kerry kinda just acts as the plot mover.
And that's fine, if you write a story that hinges on a strong protagonist, you are placing a lot on a single thing.
Both ways work fine when executed well.

>> No.27083337

In an ideal world, Zero was written by Nasu and Kotomine was the protagonist.

>> No.27083823

I'm pretty sure even in Butcher's zero, Kotomine has more screentime than kerry

>> No.27085700
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So in the end, did Shiki have murder impulse while seeing Arc for the first time because of Nanaya blood or ROA (or both)?

>> No.27087195


>> No.27087656

Just read the first 40 pages of KnK and the writing seems much more uninteresting than in Fate or Tsuki. ??
