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26375439 No.26375439 [Reply] [Original]

Changing leaves edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>25398436
Resin Dolls Thread: dead
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/8431904

FAQs and Links
pastebin.com/raw/1gc4UnU9 (embed)

If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/

>> No.26388880

i wish it was autumn but no it's still hot and dry

>> No.26389003
File: 396 KB, 1600x1066, autumn_coloredleaves_dollfiedream_dd_sony_dscrx1r_rx1r-843676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are starting to turn where I am, but I know things are fucked in a lot of places right now. Hope things cool off for you soon, anon.

>> No.26390910

Could be worse, here it was hot in the afternoon yesterday and freezing at night.

>> No.26396543

Is azone the only company that really makes anime styled shota dolls?

>> No.26396848

No, there are resin dolls like Aimerai's 40cm line and some 2D dolls in various sizes.

>> No.26406103

Any good places to get custom clothes done? I want a black cat ear open hoodie for my girl but cant find any I like on Etsy

>> No.26406640

Find someone who makes something similar and ask if they take commissions, maybe? I can't think of anyone offhand who does but I'll try to remember.

>> No.26407063

That was my plan but I just figured if you guys have any experiences or anything it would be worth asking

>> No.26407108
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The only one I know about is beyond-wonderland-bjd.com and I don't even know if they're still active. But they used to do good work from the pics I saw. Check on Instagram too, a lot of commission work people are active on there.
This one is pretty cute to me, if it's the buttoms bugging you, just message the seller and ask if they'll make one without them.

>> No.26408037

That beyond wonderland looks great, thanks for pointing them out
I saw that listing and a few others on Etsy, and out of all of them that's certainly the best, but something about it just rubs me the wrong way. I think it's the ears, something about them is off

>> No.26442214
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>> No.26459332

To the anon last thread looking for ears and tails, FluffyCloud Ears on etsy does the former.

>> No.26481052
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Anyone got anything coming in the mail, anons? I'm waiting on some eyes.

>> No.26495275

waiting for an outfit and a silicon bust

>> No.26495941

All of my stuff is stuck in Japan until probably October. Feels pretty mediocre.

>> No.26496410
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Waiting on some hands for a doll that hasn't arrived yet.

>> No.26498215
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What doll is that, anon?

I hope it gets there safe and sound!

Yeah, I have some wigs delayed until at least October, shit sucks. Hang in there, yeah?

>> No.26499318
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Resinsoul Wei

>> No.26499572

Thanks! Which doll do you have coming in? Will this one be resin, or vinyl?

>> No.26501429

I have a blank ringdoll coming(also resin).

I'm considering getting one of the 11 cm Obitsu dolls because of the price point and cuteness, but I know I'm gonna spend more on clothes and stuff than the doll itself so I've been putting it off.

>> No.26529120
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This is why I always kind of internally cringe when people mention the cost of dolls. I've definitely spent more on doll accessories at this point.

>> No.26552973
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>> No.26557174

She's lovely.

>> No.26574504

Where did you get her from?

>> No.26574627

Sorry anons, she's not mine. I just post photos whenever the thread nears bump limit. Here's the owner's twitter, though.

>> No.26595436
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>> No.26598368
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I got new clothes for my Mirai, does she need a gun? Sword? Or something else?

>> No.26599224

>does she need a gun? Sword?
both, a rapier and a flintlock pistol

>> No.26630098
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>> No.26631581

shes a top qt and definitely needs a gun

>> No.26634251
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>> No.26634557

It's been too long since we had new MDDs, this is good.

>> No.26636861

Want them, need to save some money now

>> No.26641444

good i wanted a mdd shame it's reimu and marisa again.

>> No.26644250

>tfw no scarlet sisters

>> No.26644559

They are the faces of Touhou, for better or worse
Really any of the SDM residents would've been nice

>> No.26647330

i want a fatchouli

>> No.26660019

I'm so upset it's not Flandre or Patchouli, but they are pretty damn cute

>> No.26660293

Sanae when?

>> No.26718817
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>> No.26719723

another mdd ? damn

>> No.26724469

Please let it not be another boring standard smiling face
Let her have her fang at least, Volks I beg of you

>> No.26763293

I actually just bought my first DD. DDH-03 head from Mandarake. I'm used to the BJD hobby where buying things in bits and pieces is really common. I hope I can paint her soon and share her here.

>> No.26770207

Ooh, casn't wait to see that sculpt.

Congratulations, anon!

>> No.26776799
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I'm in the mail hell that is waiting for my mochi ashi.

>> No.26777362

Hang in there anon, I hope your girl gets home soon.

>> No.26786457
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Just got a couple of matching outfits for DDS-M and DDP. I really like them.

>> No.26787883

Was planning on getting one of these new mochi ashi mdds but after looking at the ones people have gotten, it seems only the legs and hands are new, the proportions aren’t that great without long sleeves on. I think I’ll just wait to see if they release those pieces separately now.

>> No.26787940

Oh they look cute anon, where'd you shop for them?

I'd say that I'm sure they will eventually, but so much of Volk's shit is locked to Doll Point that I just can't be sure. Tan dolls and boy bodies never.

>> No.26789083

>where'd you shop for them?
Thanks. I purchased these at Cheerydoll.

>> No.26789207

Thanks, anon!

>> No.26794121

Well yeah, volks made it obvious it was only different legs and hands so....

>> No.26824180

Any of you have that one doll where no combination of wigs/eyes looks right on them? I've changed my tan DD's look more times than I can count, but I'm still searching for the right one.

>> No.26824571

I've heard of that happening, but I've never had it happen. In the more touchy-feely arenas of the hobby, it's called "not bonding" with your doll. Nothing seems right, nothing seems to work, and you don't feel attached. I think, more often than not, it's probably a face-up issue, or the sculpt doesn't appeal. But it's not that uncommon of a feeling, it's why you can find used dolls gently used so often.

>> No.26824706

Yeah, it makes sense. I need to get her a new faceup, I think that would help a lot over the volks default.

>> No.26824932

Yeah, I'd give that a shot, find a good artist to work with that way if you still aren't happy it'll still have a high resale value. What sculpt is she?

>> No.26825177

I'm not sure, I got her secondhand off mandarake. I think she's a DDH07 though, going by photos.

>> No.26826557

Oh, that's a super versatile sculpt, you should totally be able to come up with a face-up you'll love. My first girl was an 07, it's a good sculpt for more mature looking girls. Good luck, and post pics when you're ready!

>> No.26826673

Thank you anon! I'll definitely do that!

>> No.26827282
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Related to this discussion, I want to try and do my first faceup, but I'm so intimidated (and finding a respirator during the pandemic has also been a nightmare, but that's another matter.) I've read a lot of the guides out there, but I'm not particularly artistic, so it's still intimidating. Has anyone here ever done their own faceup before?

>> No.26827583

no but like everything it comes with practice.I found lots of video on youtube, just try following one and dont be afraid of ruining a head just to get the hand of it

>> No.26831220

Thanks for your encouragement, anon. I have a practice head I can work on... just intimidating to start with, I think. Maybe I'll try this weekend. Whenever I do, I'll post photos so you guys can get a laugh out of it, because I know the first attempts will be stupid as hell. That's just part of the process.

>> No.26831896

I haven't, but I adjusted one a bit. I've got a fine arts background, so let me get this out of the way; you're gonna make mistakes, it's just going to happen, and is a natural part of learning, so embrace it. You can minimize this by practicing(Alice's Collections has some cheap heads made just for practice, $20 a pop) and using removable mediums(pastels, watercolors, watercolor pencils, gouache) rather than permanent media(arcylics). These only stay when you seal the layer, so if you make a mistake you can remove them, and if you like the work, you can seal the later.

>> No.26838084

Call me blind, retarded, or both, but, even having read the links in the OP, I struggle to understand where you can procure the doll itself, or at least just the body. What resources are there other than AC and BJDivas (where almost everything is out of stock)?

>> No.26839107

What kind of doll are you looking for, anon? Vinyl? Resin? What scale are you interested in? Are you looking for dolls in general, or a specific doll? We need more information to help you out.-

>> No.26846272

Ive had it happen. Bought a few heads on auction that looked super cute, but half of the look is the eyes and wig.

>> No.26848965

Most places don't keep dolls in stock, they order them from the company as they receive orders, and then send them out.

Denver Doll keeps some dolls in stock, as does Dolk, which will ship right away.

>> No.26861690

That makes sense. Appreciate it, anon.
I am looking for dolls in general. I had my eyes on resin but, ultimately, I don't even think it matters yet. I was hoping I'd be able to leisurely explore a doll website and familiarize myself with some of the less expensive ones, and only then start deciding what I like/dislike, but I haven't had much fortune with finding doll websites other than the two I mentioned above.

>> No.26868977

For resin, Den of Angels has a thread for dolls under $300. They also have a wiki documenting doll companies.

>> No.26878115

If you're looking for anime-style dolls, there definitely a few options.

-2D Doll

-Volks Dollfie Dream
-Smart Doll
-Obitsu (Parabox)
-Some Angel Philia dolls are also anime-style.

Their sizes can vary wildly from really, really small to pretty big, and buying accessories and other things will correspond to whatever size your doll is. Good luck finding one you like, anon!

>> No.26879440
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If any of you guys missed out, DDS Kizuna Ai is still available on Volks USA.


>> No.26879880

I'd like to get her for her head sculpt, but it's not in the cards right now. Congrats to anyone who did though!

>> No.26880338

>kirin neck again

>> No.26880599

They're all like that though.

>> No.26880642

yeah but they try to hide it in the promotional pictures sometimes.
And i dont know i doesnt look that bad on my 2B

>> No.26881309

I'm glad they let me order two... I can't resist twins

>> No.26888473

What are your plans for them, anon?

>> No.26927545

I just ordered a set of eyes for my dd, what does everyone use to hold their eyes in place? This may not be the last time I swap her eyes so I'm not looking for permanent.

>> No.26927876

Blu-tac or white-tac for me personally. I got a secondhand doll once that used a single strip of tape and I'm kind of mad how well it worked.

>> No.26931201

I use those silicone earplugs they sell at the drugstore

>> No.26958169

Can someone explain to me why so much in the doll hobby is limited/exclusive? Like how you can only get tan/boy bodies if you physically go to Japan to get them (or have a proxy do it,) or how damn near every release from every company is a limited time only thing. Would they not make more money just... selling the shit that people want to buy? I don't get it.

>> No.26958204

Sorry anon, didn't mean to quote you.

>> No.26964102

You have to understand a few things about the hobby. First, it's for Japanese people, by Japanese people and the export side of things is a sideline at best. Exclusivity is a HUGE thing to Japanese collectors and it keeps the prices up on the second hand market to keep the brand from being viewed as cheap. Second, it's a niche hobby even in the markets it's big in, so it's a lot of handmade/custom made items that cost more because mass production is out of the question for the number of units needed. Lastly, for licensed characters it's usually ironed out in the details how many units they're allowed to produce and what time frame they're allowed to sell them as the rights holders want to keep them shopping around for additional licensing fees.

>> No.26969634

I bought one off Parabox. http://www.parabox.jp/eng_new/

You prob. want to look at custom basic sets first. https://paraboxshop.jp/index_en_jpy_123.html

>> No.26996720
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I'm almost finished painting the bed from DreamStudioDollHouse
It's exactly what I wanted and while it took a while to assemble and paint it was worth it. Karin looks so happy and comfy
I need to get her some books to read in bed now

>> No.27010884

Looking good, anon!

>> No.27011871

It's really not scary when you get going, and also, it's likely you'll improve really fast with your first few as you make mistakes and figure out better ways to go about things. I've only just started working on vinyl but I found it useful to paint with pastels+water as opposed to acrylics when you're doing your first few layers, you can erase or blend them when they're dry too. Good luck anon and please post results here!

>> No.27012481

You raised a hipster, anon.

>> No.27020536

Do you ever just sit there, glance at your doll and just become overcome with her beauty and cuteness?
I see her every day but today, maybe its the lighitng from my window but I can't stop thinking about her.

>> No.27036146
File: 124 KB, 1080x1350, 120203069_1059112394553780_4697992847933845355_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone I follow owns this doll and she's so cute that I don't even know how to handle it.

>> No.27049113
File: 241 KB, 2048x1547, smug doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should follow more dollposters on Twitter and Instagram. https://twitter.com/hachikoromura/status/1310786486153826304

>> No.27053069

Maybe like once a week.

>> No.27059579

>Do you ever just sit there, glance at your doll and just become overcome with her beauty and cuteness?

>> No.27062147

I would but I don't know the good ones and sorting through the tags is hell. Especially on instagram, their search function is trash.

>> No.27070158

I follow a fair few on instagram. No twitter unfortunately.

>> No.27083275
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I made her a pillow and blanket to complete the bed, I've been on a making streak lately with this bed project
I think it looks really comfy, better than I imagined
What books should I make for her?
All the time anon, lots of nights when I come home from work especially

>> No.27101995

Looking good anon! Maybe some nice fantasy titles? Or is she more of a mystery or a horror girl?

>> No.27110570
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I just saw this in the Hololive thread, is this true or is it a troll?

I know it's the doggo's birthday in Japan so I can't tell if this is a hoax or not

>> No.27110613

Are these dolls haunted?

>> No.27111350

reverse image search didn't bring anything up, but I can't be sure.

>> No.27112615

A bit of both actually! I was thinking of turning a Witcher book and an HP Lovecraft collection into 1/3 scale

I know I'm not the only person that projects hobbies onto dolls so what are other people's dolls into?

>> No.27124818

Only by our murdered bank accounts.

>> No.27143055

Holy shit

>> No.27146411

fuck off back ti your containment

>> No.27146929

Not that anon and I don't come to /jp/ much outside of this thread and some others- what is Hololive?

>> No.27147293

camgirls with a faceriged cgi avatar who stream videogames

>> No.27154603


more vtuber DDs?
is this why they dipped their toes in with kizuna ai

a lot of the hololive girls are really cute. i look forward to the collab.

>> No.27163440
File: 1.45 MB, 1901x2422, Oct Final1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October is here, is anybody planning any fun spooky outfits for your dolls?

>> No.27164084

Hi, sorry I am lost but this seems to be one of the few places where people can have a fruitful, decent discussion about BJD so ... I wanted a doll for a few years and when I could finally afford one (love Araki dolls!!) Unoalchemy went missing. I said "I'll wait" then a whole pandemic + local finantial crisis happened and now I can barely afford a wig. Tired of waiting, I decided to go for the local secondhand market where indebted people end up selling their dolls just to see if anything catches my fancy. And well, I realized most dolls come with box, pamphlets and CoA etc. Even those that are LE and likely recast. Just how common are these "complete" recasts exactly? Have chinese companies been selling them like this for a long time? Is there a list of recast dolls? (I remember seeing something like this in some prorecast forums but it was not updated) Thanks!

>> No.27186080

I can't say I follow vtubers, but art of the shark girl ends up on my twitter feed a lot. If they make her a doll I don't know if I could resist. Especially if it was MDD.

>> No.27186817

shark teethed girl are great

>> No.27194462
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Not a vinyl doll but I got pic related delivered yesterday. Will post another photo after I get her unpacked.

>> No.27201699

Nice Metroid.

>> No.27202843

Oh nice, looking forwards to pics.
