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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 600x828, 41657ee7527e222b790eb43cfaad8d1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2618123 No.2618123 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I'm quitting you. I'm going to spend the next 6 months doing something more productive.

Let's have a thread in December where we talk about all that we've accomplished when we stopped pouring our time into arguing on a dying board with little content ("original" or not.)

I, personally, am going to work on some illustrations, a VN, and some translations. Might all turn out shit, but it can't possibly be worse than reading /jp/.

What are you going to work on, /jp/? I look forward to your progress in December.

>> No.2618125

You'll be back, they always come back...

>> No.2618144
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See you tomorrow Anon.

>> No.2618182

I might understand if this was /b/ or /a/, but /jp/ moves so slow it's easy to keep up with while doing other stuff. It's not much of a time waster.

>> No.2618186

A picture to commemorate September 9, 2009.

>> No.2618193

You'll be back later today. You're probably reading this right now.

>> No.2618196

Got a dissertation to write. Then got law school to prepare for.

>> No.2618202

I'll find work to buy a new computer.
and I'll still working on modeling good looking nasuverse chars.

>> No.2618203

Well, since I start college in the fall and I graduate HS on thursday, I really have all summer to fuck around. I do have a job, but that doesn't get in the way of anything. So basically, nothing productive except work and reading.

>> No.2618209

I've got a backlog of like 8 MG models to build, but that'll only keep me busy for a week.

>> No.2618218

I am the shit god. I don't need to concern myself with such trivialities (mostly concerned with shit, etc).

>> No.2618222

Trying to make a touhou fangame. Wish I knew how to use DirectX or the Windows API.

>> No.2618225

>What are you going to work on, /jp/? I look forward to your progress in December.

We're rolling out a new wireless system backed by Cisco equipment. I am one of two system engineers on my team. Our target area is 2 entire buidlings (10 floors total), 3 floors of another building and another 2 respectively ;_;

>> No.2618230

I've gotta drop off the face of the earth, lest the feds catch me.

>> No.2618237

awww good luck

I think I'll have to watch the switch leds blinking all day long. (again)

>> No.2618253

I'm NEET right now. But for the sake of not having to live on the street, I'm trying to enter a scrub college to partake in a scrub course, so I will not get kicked out of my room by my parents. My tactic of saying that I'm thinking of killing myself if I'd ever have to live on the streets are not working that well anymore. And this is only for 4 years maximum. So, from now until December I will be trying to think of a way to stay inside for the rest of my life. And from December on I will still be trying to think of the same thing.

>> No.2618262

Can I ask you guys something?

What are you truly afraid of, growing up, dying or what? I'm afraid of dying personally.

>> No.2618275

I'm afraid of never knowing what it is to love someone and be loved back.

>> No.2618276


Common nowadays.

The most useful thing religion was good for was that it took the fear of death off the minds of the people.

>> No.2618279


Losing my eyesight. It would be worse than death.

>> No.2618282

I am utterly terrified of the planet jupiter and those other gaseous planets that i can hardly look at a large picture of it, it's basically a enormous tornado/ocean in the black void of space, with no ground to stand on and no sight when you're there, just falling and falling and falling until you're crushed by the incredible pressure of its atmosphere.

If you're caught by it's gravity when in a space suit for example there is absolutely no hope of survival, just the impending doom of a object that's larger than anything in the solarsystem (in b4 the sun) and still not a object, like you wouldn't call the ocean a object.

Plus it has a fucking eye

>> No.2618288

I'm afraid of dying without leaving a mark that I did something positively constructive. So basically, being forgotten.

>> No.2618289

I'm quite okay with dying or being old, to be honest. My fears are mostly physical, harm done to jugulars, the tip of the penis or other sensitive areas, especially with needles, creeps the fuck out of me.

>> No.2618291

Gee, athens. Now women won't work on us anymore, you're just going to spout random bullshit? It's like, I'm really back on /v/.

>> No.2618292

I have arachnophobia, spiders are the bane of all life.

>> No.2618296

Not having a place to live. I've been fortunate that my parents haven't kicked me out, but if they ever do I honestly don't know how I would survive.
That too. If I went blind I would consider suicide.

>> No.2618307


I've loved someone who ignored me, and I've had someone love me who I didn't care for at all. Neither of those feelings are much fun.

I'm most afraid of falling into total obscurity, a shitty job with a bad family situation. I'm at home right now, looking for work and considering some graduate programs. Things may look up soon. I wish all of you luck.

>> No.2618317

>I've loved someone who ignored me, and I've had someone love me who I didn't care for at all.

Tell us about both. I am receptive.

>> No.2618320


>> No.2618326

what about a black hole?

>> No.2618329

See you then. Good luck.

>> No.2618335

please don't go ;_;

>> No.2618343

I have a bipolar disorder, I fear to do something bad while I'm in a crisis, also I have HORRIBLE nightmares sometimes.

well who cares, at least I can stay home.

>> No.2618345
File: 330 KB, 1000x738, 3680494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing science can't fix it.

...for over a million dollars...

>> No.2618346

/jp/ stands for Jupiter.

>> No.2618355

wait 'till 2030

>> No.2618373

Very hard to visualize properly. But I'm generally scared of space. There are stars out there 6000 times the diameter of ours. There are gas giants hundreds of times the size of Jupiter. Can you imagine seeing Jupiter up close, I mean, can you actually imagine it? It must be a horrifying sight. Most space is just the space between galaxies, galaxies occupy very little space themselves, just endless voids. Having said that I'm looking forward to Mass Effect 2.

>> No.2618389

Funny you should say stuff like that, it's the exact reason why I love space.

>> No.2618391



With the former, I built this girl up in my head a lot - she was attractive, smart, well-mannered - basically a fine girl. I had a class with her, so that didn't help matters. Of course, it turned out she had a boyfriend and things never got beyond the casual acquaintance phase and then she ended up moving. Overall it made me feel nervous and pissed off. I wouldn't recommend it.

The latter was quite different. This girl was also intelligent, had a sharp wit. We could actually have a meaningful conversation. She ended up telling me how she felt and I dated her for a few months before breaking it off. She was domineering, manipulative and had some habits that really got under my skin. When we were together she'd try to jerk me around and generally get on my nerves, and when I threatened to walk out she'd turn on the waterworks. I kind of felt bad for her, having been in her situation, but that was a weak way of thinking. So I walked out.

Well, I'm sure I have a lot of bad mannerisms too. It's just a question of finding someone compatible. Maybe I should go ask my aunts in the old country to match me up with a nice traditional girl.

>> No.2618398

It's fascinating and everything, just scary at the same time.

>> No.2618403


I have this fear of planets. And photorealistic maps. I can't look at Google Earth. Strange stuff.

>> No.2618404

same for me


just looking at this makes me feel so small, insignificant

>> No.2618415
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>> No.2618426

2001 is the best movie ever, but I think they should have removed all that HAL and Dave Bowman stuff. Not so interesting compared to psychedelic colors.

>> No.2618427

that's not what I uploaded.

>> No.2618430

the movie would be shorter too.

>> No.2618431
File: 212 KB, 1200x918, CG_Arcueid_by_iDNAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to go showing your WEAKNESS on the internet, bro. I'll make sure to post some of that for ya on occasion.

>> No.2618433

But it has ZA POWA.

>> No.2618434

Fuck yeah, apod! I don't know if it's the feeling of insignificance I like, but something about space just appeals to me. Maybe it's the idea of exploring unknown territory. I was born in the wrong century ;_;

>> No.2618440

2001? Bah, pure shit.

Everyone knows the greatest space movie ever made is Event Horizon.

In all seriousness I thought Sunsine was a pretty cool movie though.

>> No.2618445
File: 44 KB, 236x350, 1239842688090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /r9k/ or something.

>> No.2618446

Fuck off. You aren't part of this thread.

>> No.2618450

This will probably never be possible

rofl Event Horizon
But I have to agree that Sunshine was awesome.

>> No.2618454


That doesn't bother me, bro. Try again.

Or don't

>> No.2618456
File: 165 KB, 525x525, 0175e23167bd3d08ff669dd6f35d46df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

athens my boy!

Nobody likes you.

>> No.2618457

just take some lsd or shrooms in the dark outside while watching the stars.
shit's worth it.

>> No.2618466

Random music, Anonymous nice days, other projects. Good luck with your endeavours, I hope things work out well for you.

>> No.2618467

What's the from? It looks like cave story...

>> No.2618469

You need to be in areas with little to no light pollution to enjoy stars.


I thought the end with that superman burnt guy was a bit shit, but other than that, awesome.

Download the soundtrack if you can.

>> No.2618470


>> No.2618477


Use OpenGL and a high level language such as C# or Python. Do not mess with the windows API or C++. Both are a HUGE and meaningless waste of time. Also, using OGL gives you slightly better performance than DX9 (10 closed the gap, but you have to be on vista to run it) and is portable to other operating systems.

>> No.2618486

>Everyone knows the greatest space movie ever made is Event Horizon.
Sorry, that'd go to Solaris (1972)

>> No.2618520

Heh, never seen it. Isn't that Russian? Cool Russian film if you want to see it: 'Russian Ark'.

>> No.2618536

I'm not afraid of dying. It just doesn't register on me anymore for some reason.

What I'm really afraid of is living a pointless long and unfulfilling life, like my dad did.

>> No.2618544

On second thought, this is what I'm going to change my answer to.

If I have to go to prison, for even 5 years or so, I'm going to kill myself. Unless I can be in solitary for that time.

>> No.2618559

Prison isn't that bad, at least you won't have to worry about taxes. Also if we're chatting about movies, what are some Korean films apart from Oldboy that are good?

>> No.2618566
File: 125 KB, 500x421, 3531410425_f94db338c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if I'll have any decent free time a couple months from now. Sure hope so.

>> No.2618568

If you like very violent stuff then Sympathy for Mr/Lady Vengeance I guess are 2 decent movies. If you like something a tad more subtle (but still with a lot of action) go for 'A Bittersweet Life'.

>> No.2618569

Five years is way too much. I'd do a year tops, and even then I'd probably be contemplating suicide by the end.

>> No.2618573


>> No.2618575

Jesus. That is terrifying.

>> No.2618578

I would imagine if you asked to be in solitary they would allow it, as costs are probably reduced, and it clears up more space in the other cells. Otherwise I would assume you just have to attack an old person or something equally unpleasant in order for them to put you in solitary. Not that I know much about prison ofc...

>> No.2618603

Ah, that was on the front of 'The Times' English paper a few days ago. Great picture.

>> No.2618604
File: 84 KB, 800x500, 800px-sun_and_vy_canis_majoris_svg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but I had to do it. Can't get enough of this stuff.

>> No.2618606

I'm already going to college and planning on grad school. /jp/ and weeaboo shit is what I do with my free time (which I actually have a lot of).

>> No.2618616

I'm scared of staying in this shithole alone ....I want out... 1 more year till uni, fucking failed 1st yr of Sixth form due to drinking, drugs etc

>> No.2618617

I don't think they can let you stay in solitary permanently, due to the psychological effects it has.

>> No.2618621


fff. That's got to be near the size of the solar system. Or out to Saturn or something at least.

>> No.2618626

I like the way nomenclature for a lot of stars is still Latin names/Classical Figures or Authors. Like there's an asteroid out there called 'Tacitus somethingorother'.


>> No.2618630

That's a fair point, but surely if one were to give written consent, and perhaps occasional screenings to prove sanity etc. I would probably imagine things would work out fine. Ofc, there would always be the possibility of the inmate retracting his desire to be in solitary, and then I guess things would indeed change.

>> No.2618641

hmm. I'll look into that. Honestly I'd rather use C or C++ simply because I'm better with those languages, just as long as I don't have to deal with Microsoft's shit. I haven't made much progress anyways.

>> No.2618643

athens since you're scared of the vastness of space, what is your stance on things like relativity and time travel? I remember you saying you plan on watching Gunbuster soon, and that plays a major theme.

>> No.2618656

Do your best Anonymous!

>> No.2618659

What do you mean by relativity? I'm curious about if we'll ever develop engines that can reach relativistic speeds in the sense it will have a significant effect upon astronaut's understanding of time compared to the observer. I mean, because it would be possible with an antimatter engine to reach those kinds of speeds.

As for Gunbuster, my examination period ends June 9th so I'm going to resume watching stuff then.

As for time travel, I find predesination paradoxes interesting (and funny considering how often they're used in fiction). I have no idea about the practicality of it.

>> No.2618678

Use C with SDL and OpenGL or you will fail!

>> No.2618686

Something fairly interesting... there was a probe launched a fair while back which was solar-powered. It apparently did 0-60 in 4 days, but ofc never stopped accelerating. Iirc, it got up to 3/4 million mph until it was too far away for contact. That left the solar system quite a while ago ofc.

>> No.2618706


think about it anonymous, it's out there, somewhere, right now it's out there. Accelerating.

>> No.2618711

Hmm, I remember reading about that aaaages, but I thought it was only a hypothetical design, and they never actually made it?

>> No.2618721

This thread reminds of the real hypocrisy that exists on /jp/.

Everyone here seems pretty successful, or on the road to success. But whenever there is a NEET thread/self pity thread, everyone just poses as a NEET so they can have something to contribute. People on /jp/ are just posers who like to pretend they have problems on the Internet when in reality, they have a pretty normal life with either success or the potential for success. NEET, ronery, anti-social aspects of /jp/; they are all fronts maintained by memes and accepted board values.

Enjoy your schools, colleges, jobs, friends, and significant others, you lot of normalfags.

>> No.2618726

Maybe you're right; It was a while ago when I came across it. If that is the case the record would be with the Helios 2 back in the seventies that did something like 150,000mph. Still pretty impressive, heh.

>> No.2618727

Or maybe there are more people on /jp/ than you may think.

>> No.2618729

>and significant others

First three, yeah. This is pretty bullshit though.

>> No.2618730

Thank you! Same to you.

>> No.2618731

I wish it was a front. I've been in institutions before I got so bad.

>> No.2618733
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>> No.2618734

Hey, just noticed this.

Going blind isn't worth dying. Fuck sake. Homer was blind.

>> No.2618735

I don't know where you got that impression. Most of this thread is about space.

>> No.2618736

As soon as I find something helpful for drawing 2d sprites.

>> No.2618743

>significant others

>> No.2618761

I'm not Homer. If I was blind, all my hobbies would be impossible. Unless I learned Braille.

>> No.2618767

Sims 3 torrent = Really bad speeds. Hate fags that don't seed.

>> No.2618780

"see you in 6 months" sounds like finnish army to me and you the month before it begins you try to get yourself in shape which doesnt work, so yeah, see you tomorrow

>> No.2618806

I figure that most people on /jp/ have at least something bad going on in their life or they wouldn't be here. They don't necessarily need to be full on NEETs.

Either that, or they just like touhous, VNs, idols or whatever.

>> No.2618807

newfag here what does VN stand for?

>> No.2618818

Visual Novel.

>> No.2618820

>Everyone here seems pretty successful, or on the road to success.

You must be new here.

>> No.2618840
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thanks, in return

>> No.2618865

whats wrong with her?

>> No.2618873

what isnt wrong with her?

>> No.2618875

Looks like her pelvic girdle decided to become a second ribcage.

>> No.2618877
File: 132 KB, 175x150, reg11661290608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I, personally, am going to work on some illustrations, a VN, and some translations.

But you can do this stuff while browsing /jp/.

Lately I have to turn off my computer in order to get stuff done though. So maybe you can try that. Or maybe try unplugging your internet for a few hours each day. If you actually care about missing threads then there is always that archive thing.

>> No.2618880

Oh, I must have missed the systems engineer, the law school hopeful, the college-bound high school senior.

And that's just in this thread alone. In a number of past meta-threads, there has been evidence of people like this among the people who talk about how much their life sucks.

This points to the fact that there is some portion of closet normalfags on /jp/. The only reason they aren't as vocal is because they know that if they post about their normalfag exploits, they will be branded a troll or start some kind of shitstorm (unless that is their intention; we do have those on occasion).

>> No.2618884


The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.2618886

By your logic, Moralfags are those that whine about their own lives? or those tht whine about their own lives will become moralfags?

>> No.2618896

What I meant was that there are normalfags hiding in the midst of the majority of those who complain about their daily lives. Sorry if I was unclear.

And I didn't mention moralfags anywhere, I don't know where you got that from.

>> No.2618897

and you would know? =P

>> No.2618902

It actually makes me feel pretty damned significant. Because I know that with only a little bit more technology, we could conquer it all. Use the energy of stars, spread reproducing machines to all of them, loyal only to us.

>> No.2618906

Oh, right yeah, just fucking tired, need some sleep, sorry

>> No.2618916

I get what you mean, but isnt this likely of antisocial late teens?

>> No.2618925

When I refer to those who complain, I refer to those in the standard /jp/ meta-thread that pops up from time to time about how people are so ronery, about how they can't talk to people, how they don't want to go outside. I don't mean mundane every day complaints that can be made by anyone.

>> No.2618928


I'm a normalfag, studying law at university. I like anime and vns, but am not a social outcast. However, I don't talk about that there because it triggers a HUGE inferiority complex if you mention it, which inevitably shits up threads and makes people believe you're some kind of jock stereotype or something.

>> No.2618934


Uh, I mean talk about it here. It's like 00:40 over here, that's my excuse.

>> No.2618939

Far from it, our prevelance just proves how wildly different being successful at academics/career and being successful with women actually are. They are two utterly distinct skillsets.

>> No.2618943

This is exactly what I mean.

The social structure of /jp/ is such that those with normal lives are stigmatized. Therefore, no one ever talks about it for fear of shitting up a thread or being branded a troll. If you are a normalfag here, you shut up and blend in.

The result of this is a sizable population of closet normalfags who masquerade as a standard /jp/ antisocial miscreant.

>> No.2618975

You want to go for the LPC or the BVC?

>> No.2619001

I was under the impression /jp/ has more misanthropes than social retards. While we have a sizable population of both, recent threads tend to be about how /jp/sies hate having to deal with other people, rather than them being incapable of it.

>> No.2619011

We hate people because we can't deal with them. Misanthropy usually stems from previous social ineptitude.

>> No.2619074

>>If you are a normalfag here, you shut up and blend in. The result of this is a sizable population of closet normalfags who masquerade as a standard /jp/ antisocial miscreant.

This used to be the heart and soul of 4chan. But places like /b/, /a/, and /v/ eventually lost their way. No one cared about keeping quiet anymore.

I really don't care what others say; /jp/ is still the best board on this website.

>> No.2619120

I'm a misanthropic social retard.

The worst of the worst.

>> No.2619233

There are people on /jp/ who don't think we are the best. /jp/ is the only reason to ever come to 4chan.

>> No.2619353

I only come to /jp/ for the ronery metathread circlejerks.

Everything else is weeaboo garbage.

>> No.2619360

I waste so much time just browsing /jp/ I can't imagine a boring day at home without it.

>> No.2619402


Well yeah, sure I got a job, friends and something of a normal social life.
Sadly no significant others and I don't think I can talk about my hobbies with them. Don't know if you can consider that as a normalfag. Also I don't think I can ever find a significant other. VN standard of a girl is too high and the slut thread dont help either.

>> No.2619471

System engineer anon here. I was also the guy that started the stained Akiha-fig thread last week.

Having a job means shit. You go in like Patrick Bateman, put your people mask on and do your job. Keep it in check for 8 hours then go home and turne back into the monster.
