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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 720x540, 123280136242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2607157 No.2607157 [Reply] [Original]

So ronery

>> No.2607186

inb4 copypasta story on pic

>> No.2607190

This is why you should never go dressed as KISS to an Anime convention.

>> No.2607198

>No waifu pillow.

Nothing to feel ronery about!

>> No.2607202


I think he's cosplaying as the Krauser-san groupie dude.

>> No.2607219


>> No.2607258

So you want to know how I met your mother?

This one day, I decided to go to the mall to stare at all the preppy mall kids and make them question their own existence and perhaps even turn to Satan. But despite how totally kvlt I was being, everyone was ignoring me. So I went to that retched food court and sat down to contemplate the Burzum song stuck in my head.

And that's when your mother came up to me. Well, maybe not right away. I kind of stared at the back of her head for a very long time. She was dressed in this ridiculous pink dress and I assumed she was a happy person.

Then at some point, some dork with spiky yellow hair came over and talked to her for a while. She seemed to be enjoying herself, so I just stared harder. But then a few of his friends came over, and they all started laughing at her, and she started crying. I kept staring at her.

Later on, she turned around and noticed me staring. She wiped the tears from her eyes, and came over. She asked me who I was dressed as.

I laughed at her and told her that just because someone is dressed to reflect their inner cold dark soul, they are not "dressed as someone". But then I told her my corpsepaint was loosely modeled after Abbath.

She asked what show he was from.

I didn't understand the question.

She apologized and told me she'd assumed I was at the convention. I told her I had no idea what she was talking about. She explained to me that she was dressed as some chick from some video game. Her friends had asked her to dress as this chick for some group, but then they'd found themselves someone who fit the character better. Then she started crying.

Then suddenly she hugged me. I didn't know what to do so I started singing "The Call of the Wintermoon". She told me I had a beautiful voice.

>> No.2607264


Pretty sure he's doing Jack, not that groupie.

>> No.2607275
File: 14 KB, 250x249, Immortal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black metal thread?

>> No.2607284

At this point, she offered to take me back to her hotel room. I had never received such an offer before, but I had watched enough CSI to know to be suspicious. I asked her what she intended to do there, and she told me she'd purchased some Aeris Cloud Slash in the dealer's room and she wanted to show it to someone. I had no idea what any of those words meant, but I assumed it either had to do with some pagan ritual or some sort of drug.

The hotel was across the street, and it was raining. I was worried my corpse paint would run, but she had an umbrella with her. She called it her prop, and it was clear that she had made it herself, poorly. But it did the job well enough.

>> No.2607291
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>> No.2607302
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You forgot someone important here.

>> No.2607305
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>> No.2607308


This is amusing to me since I had a run in with a poor excuse of a goth so..


>> No.2607314
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>> No.2607316
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>> No.2607323


>> No.2607326
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>> No.2607338

Varg is ℳℴℯ

>> No.2607342

We got to her hotel room; it was the 66th room on the 6th floor of the hotel, but they had numbered it 1666 because when the hotel was designed, it was supposed to have two towers. It had only one tower, and thus failed both the number of the beast reference and the Tolkien reference.

The room had in it two king-sized beds and something like ten suitcases strewn about the room. One of the suitcases had Hello Kitty all over it. I kicked it. She started to bend down to pick it up, but then changed her mind.

"That suitcase is Amy's. She's Tifa. I should have been Tifa. She doesn't have the boobs for it," she said. "Who's ever heard of a Tifa with no boobs?"

That was the most I have ever heard a girl say "boobs".

She plopped down on the bed and pushed a few things onto the floor. "They made me sleep on the floor last night. When I agreed to this room, they said there would be cots for everyone who didn't have a bed. I guess I should have seen it coming for $10 for the weekend. It probably breaks some fire code or something."

"Would you like to set the building on fire? I have a lighter..." I started.

"There's something else I'd like to set on fire, actually."

>> No.2607352
File: 18 KB, 307x400, darken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2607357
File: 72 KB, 458x550, bm9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2607373


>> No.2607405

That leather armor doesn't look like it has much physical integrity...
He really needs to invest in reinforced leather with some actual straps and maybe use a pole arm instead of a sword as his primary weapon, but I recommend a chainmail shirt and a chainmail skirt with padded leather under that and maybe some iron greaves and gauntlets.

Sorry but that armor really annoys me.

>> No.2607419

Spoken like a true fa/tg/uy.

>> No.2607549

Fuck yeah.

>> No.2607811



>> No.2607817

Aries DIES!!!!!

>> No.2607817,1 [INTERNAL] 

Black Metal fans are even worse than weaboos.

>> No.2607817,2 [INTERNAL] 

What about weeaboos who like black metal? Are they twice as bad?

>> No.2607817,3 [INTERNAL] 

>weeaboos who like black metal
I am one of these vile creatures, though I listen to other (non-metal) genres too.
I'm well aware of my lifelong virginity.

>> No.2607817,4 [INTERNAL] 

Ronery threads used to be about how much society is shit and how we hate it.
You've changed /jp/, now that you want to be part of that society, you're lost everything, even your honor, the resign with which you plainly stated that you would follow that path wherever it will lead you.
When have you all transformed into pathetic slobs?


>> No.2607817,5 [INTERNAL] 

Ronery threads of today are /a/b/v/ friends complaining about how they haven't had sex in a year.

>> No.2607817,6 [INTERNAL] 

I bet you're not even a virgin, normalfag.

>> No.2607817,7 [INTERNAL] 

The closest I've had to having sex was a slut offering to give me a blowjob, which I declined because I was too shy. There were also two other sluts that confessed their urges for a daily dicking to me online, but I ignored them as well. I don't regret it.

But yes, I'm a 21 year old virgin. Feels good, man.
