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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 105 KB, 600x600, 4178593_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2561586 No.2561586 [Reply] [Original]

God damn it, I type this up and the thread gets deleted.

>All of the arguments against K-On! involve two premises: the show uses simplistic archetypes and these archetypes are used to pander to otaku tastes. These are both true, but that's a problem inherent in almost all anime and isn't going to convince otaku of jackshit, especially when these qualities are intentionally sought out. If you're not going to argue from that perspective, why are you here? Anime for the most part is a trashy medium, and taste only means something within the community itself. It's like walking into Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles and loudly complaining that the two should never go together and that the establishment is run by niggers.

>> No.2561592
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 4172509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing, I still don't care.

>> No.2561594
File: 65 KB, 848x480, mazinger3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry /jp/ is too busy having fun watching Mazinger.

K-ON is only good for fapping its doujinshi and Sion's image threads.

>> No.2561607

Being shit in a genre full of shit doesn't make it any less shitty. Enjoy your shit.

>> No.2561616

I like K-on. LS and Haruhi were better but I still like it.

>> No.2561624


None of that changes the fact that K-ON bores me to tears. I don't care if it's trashy, but if it's not entertaining it can go to hell. K-ON is in the "only good for the porn" category.

>> No.2561630

It's a horrible argument, because whether it panders to otaku doesn't matter. The K-On characters are good. You can ultimately break down any character in any piece of fiction into one archetype.

K-On is good because it's humorous, and has nice character interaction. It's just a great experience. This is what I want out of moe slice of life.

>> No.2561632

Most people only hate K-ON because it's the cool thing to do. Don't bother trying to argue with them. Not to mention that arguing over something as subjective as anime preferences is already pretty pointless.

Mazinger is pretty boring, but I guess I don't have any nostalgia for it and that's its main appeal. I'm still following it though.

>> No.2561641


Is this a new Gurren Laggen?

>> No.2561642


Sorry that K-On isn't like your Naruto or Bleach, bro.

>> No.2561644

>The K-On characters are good.

be srs

>> No.2561656


hur hur hur

>> No.2561658

>only good for the porn

Just like Touhou.

>> No.2561663

All music anime is shit (e.g. Beck). K-ON would have been shit were it music or moe-comedy faggotry.

>> No.2561665

>>Mazinger is pretty boring, but I guess I don't have any nostalgia for it and that's its main appeal. I'm still following it though.

No argument there.

And I feel that K-ON is one of the weaker recent 4koma anime adaptations. Who knows, maybe the rookie director is to blame.

>> No.2561670
File: 40 KB, 500x407, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2561675

>Not to mention that arguing over something as subjective as anime preferences is already pretty pointless.

This. Still, it is amusing enough to watch you all argue; kinda like watching a bunch of 7 year olds beat up each other about which Ninja Turtle is the best Clearly Michelangelo.

>> No.2561682


Raphael, faggot. What's wrong, too badass for you?

>> No.2561685

I have not seen K-ON. I do, however, think that it is terrible and I talk shit about it. I also masturbate to the characters and am planning on watching the series in a week or two. I will probably like it.

>> No.2561687


Hidamari Sketch is probably the worst in recent memory that I've seen.

Not at Azumanga tier yet, but at this point, K-On has surpassed Lucky Star for me personally.

>> No.2561689

Nodame Cantabile would like to have a word with you.

>And I feel that K-ON is one of the weaker recent 4koma anime adaptations.
Agreed. It's entertaining enough to devote 20 minutes of my week to but it's not a particularly outstanding show.

>> No.2561696


>Nodame Cantabile would like to have a word with you.

Tell it I'm busy.

>> No.2561702


Not like anon has anything better to do with 20 minutes.

>> No.2561703
File: 35 KB, 343x500, blackheaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>All music anime is shit

A lot of it is dull, but there are some fun ones every now and then. Pic related.


>> No.2561704

I never understood why people feel the need to hate and make it known that they hate. Why do they what other people watch to the point of going online and spamming "k-On is shit" and stuff.

Just leave em be and engage in the discussion of the things you like.

>> No.2561706

I agree, but even within a medium full of shit there are still different levels of shittiness. Mind Game and Cat Soup are inherently less shitty than K-On.

>> No.2561708

At least it isn't Shangri-la

>> No.2561718

Because I hate my life and arguing online makes me feel slightly better.

>> No.2561719
File: 20 KB, 291x205, this_wont_be_in_the_anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only hate K-On for one reason, really. Filename related.

>> No.2561724


>and I feel that K-ON is one of the weaker recent 4koma anime adaptations.

I don't see how you can say that, when you consider that K-On is at the very least original in it's concept. Most 4koma adaptations have been bad Azumanga Daioh clones. K-On actually has an interesting plot.

>> No.2561732


There's the fact that K-ON kind of isn't /jp/ material at all, not even borderline.

>> No.2561739

>very least original

But the source material isn't original at all. Girls in a band hurr durr, I WONDER WHAT HIJINX THEY'LL GET INTO

>> No.2561743

i like k-on cause it's moeh

>> No.2561746

I don't mind K-On, or any other anime, for that matter, but... why is an /a/-level troll on /jp/? And why did it get actual replies, other than "yeah, whatever" and "<-- /a/"?

>> No.2561770

>And why did it get actual replies, other than "yeah, whatever" and "<-- /a/"?

I think the new people from /a/ that came here for KS threads haven't left yet.

>> No.2561775


How is that unoriginal?

Unoriginal =/= "I don't like it".

>> No.2561778


Confirmed for anime.

>> No.2561784
File: 45 KB, 640x480, snapshot20090509014746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching K-on because it's kind of what I'd imagine Lucky Star would be like if Konota was an offensive stereotype of retards in general rather than an offensive stereotype of retarded anime fans.

It kind of was, but they zoomed out to a striped ricebowl instead. Hopefully it'll be on the DVD.

That said, Saki is superior fanservice anyway.

>> No.2561797

"Kind of was" doesn't cut it. Fucking KyoAni cocktease faggot fucks.

>> No.2561802

tsumugi is moe

>> No.2561810

>Saki is superior fanservice anyway.

Sorry, but I prefer fanservice of the lower body variety.

>> No.2561818

I still don't get why is it so popular. Not your average popular, more like a OHMYGODTHISISTHEBESTANIMEEVER kind of popular.
It's funny and moe so far, but is that enough to make it loved by so many people?

>> No.2561824

>Hopefully it'll be on the DVD.

I doubt it; if they did, they'd lose the "nice bowl" joke. And I think lol funny takes precedence over striped pantsu in this series.

>> No.2561825


What ep is this? Not going to bother watching all the episodes.

>> No.2561828

Now if Gonzo did k-on, we wouldn't be complaining のワの

>> No.2561836

Its because it was done by KyoAni. Both Haruhi and Lucky Star were pretty novel in their own ways imo, people were expecting some kind of novelty from K-ON too, but it never really arrived, now they're just all waiting around like 'errr, when does ti actually get good?'

>> No.2561844

A secondary anime fan such as yourself wouldn't understand.

>> No.2561849

It's like I'm really on /a/.

>> No.2561855
File: 17 KB, 330x310, nomugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hating on K-ON are just jumping in the hate bandwagon from /a/, just like they did with Lucky Star.

>> No.2561857

Well some shows are trash solely based on genre preference. Pandering is what makes a show popular. Creating something that only 2% of the fanbase can like and not find boring doesn't make it good, nor does pandering to the lowest common denominator make it great. But damn, pandering sure does help most of the time.

>> No.2561864

Because they're both so great, right? How could someone possibly have an opinion different than yours? It bewilders me.

>> No.2561865

Haruhi was only good because of Kyon.
Lucky Star was never good.

K-on is better than both.

>> No.2561867

Then would you please explain why is it so great to us, who clearly belong to a infinitely lower level than you?

>> No.2561879


Don't think, feel.

>> No.2561882

I demand a pic of this rice bowl that's masquerading as pantsu.

>> No.2561887

I think only people on /a/ take it that far, and by this point you shouldn't be surprised by idiocy like that from /a/.

>> No.2561893

Other way around. K-ON is the worst of all of them.

>> No.2561897

∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴/ ̄∵∴∵∴∵∴∴∴∵ヽ
∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴| ● |∴∵∴∵∴∵∵∵∴ヽ
∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ _/ ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ヽ
∵∴∵/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ,-‐-、 ∴ / ̄∴∵∵∴∵)
∵∴/  \     /   ヽ∴| ● |∴∵∵∴ノ
∵/   \ \    l    |   _/∴∵∴ ノ   
/   \ \     ゝ___,.ノ  |∴∵∴∵∴∵丿
      \     /      |∴∵∴∵∴∵ノ
           /       |∴∵∴∵∴丿
     \   /     \   |∴∵∴∵∴ノ
      \/     \ \ |∴∵∴∵ノ
     \ \    \ \  |∴∵∴ノ
     \\ \    \  /∴∵ノ

>> No.2561902

   ( ´Д`)  
  /    \ 
  | l    l |     ..,. ., .,
  | |    | _|。.:_::゜。-.;.:゜。:.:;。
  ヽ \_ .。'゚/   `。:、`;゜:;.::.。:.:。 
   /\_ン∩ソ\    ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.::.。.。:.  
.  /  /`ー'ー'\ \  ゜: ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,。:.:.
 〈  く     / / ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,.:.:.:。:.:,
.  \ L   ./ / _::..゜:: ゚。K-ON.:.:,.:.:.:,

>> No.2561905

It's a kawaii~ anime for kawaii~ anime aficionados such as himself?

Seriously though, I enjoy 'slice-of-life' shit sometimes, but with K-On it seems like they took some stereotypical moe archetypes and then decided that developing the characters' personalities was too much work and opted to just make Yui bounce up and down like a puppy and shit.

>> No.2561914

You tell 'em.

I can leave you secondary anime fans a hint though. It is something you will never get from sub par bullet hell games.

>> No.2561915

There's a difference between disliking a show and spamming "sage for lucky shit xD" in every thread about it. There's no reason to go so far to show your hatred of something unless you're trying to fit in.

Of course I don't know if this is what happens with K-ON on /a/ because I don't go to that shithole anymore.

>> No.2561924

                \ │ /
                 / ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ─( ⌒-⌒ )< K-ON IS SHIT!
                 \_/   \_________
                / │ \
                    ∩ ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\∩ ∧ ∧ \( ⌒-⌒)< K-ON IS TRASH
K-ON IS GARBAGE >( ⌒-⌒ )/|    / \__________
________/ |    〈 |   |
              / /\_」 / /\」
               ̄     / /

>> No.2561927


You talk about watching this series like it's a religious experience. Let me play my shitty game and I'll let you watch your shitty show.

>> No.2561930
File: 25 KB, 493x480, snapshot20090501143739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>opted to just make Yui bounce up and down

I don't have a problem with this.

>> No.2561933

|  // /
|// /┃
 / ̄''' ┃  K-ON...
 |   (-_-)
 |    U U
 |    UU
 |       (○)
 |       ヽ|〃
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

>> No.2561935

I think Touhou games are mostly pretty shitty. They're fun as a distraction for a while but if it were a toss up between playing some Fallout 3 and a Touhou game I'd pick Fallout 3 every time.

>> No.2561941

. . .... ..: : :: :: ::: :::::: :::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::
        Λ_Λ . . . .: : : :::::: :: ::::::
       /:彡ミ゛ヽ;)ー、 ...Why did I watch K-ON?
      / :::/:: ヽ、ヽ、 ::i . .:: :.:::::::.:::::::
      / :::/;;:   ヽ ヽ ::l . :. :. .:::::::: :
 ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ ̄

>> No.2561945

Is it possible to enjoy Fallout 3 without worrying about stat points and shit?

>> No.2561946

Reported and gb2/a/.

Also take KS back with ya.

>> No.2561949

         |...and that's why K-ON is shit |
     ∧_∧ ∩ 
      ( ゚Д゚)ノ______
     (入   ⌒\つ  /|
      ヾヽ  /\⌒)/  |
      || ⌒| ̄ ̄ ̄|
       ´  |      |

>> No.2561950


Nice stuff.

>> No.2561959
File: 246 KB, 960x720, 4177940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like K-ON? What's the matter.. too DEEP for you?

>> No.2561964 [DELETED] 

        ________       ________  ___
  Name:|            | Link: |sage         | | Reply | More options...
         ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄
                      ∧ ∧  。  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                      ( ゚Д゚) / < In this field you would put sage
                       ⊂ つ    | when you see a K-ON thread。
                    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   \_____________
                    |          |
                    |          |
                | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|

>> No.2561965
File: 33 KB, 640x480, snapshot20090509022229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have at you.

>> No.2561973

        ________       ________  ___
  Name: |            | Link: |sage         | | Reply | More options...
         ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄
                      ∧ ∧  。  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                      ( ゚Д゚) / < In this field you would put sage
                       ⊂ つ    | when you see a K-ON thread。
                    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   \_____________
                    |          |
                    |          |
                | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|

>> No.2561978
File: 62 KB, 311x415, yui06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So beautiful...

>> No.2561987

Worrying? Stat points and levelling up are part of the fun of progression if handled correctly. Thats how RPGs work...

>> No.2561991


Guess not then.

>> No.2561992

   ∧ ∧     ∬   What a shitty anime nida
_と''__   ノ_, ∀   
    .(___/~), .| .┷┳━
 ̄ ̄ ̄ .し'J ̄ ̄|  ┃
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/....┻

>> No.2561994

It's this the most moe show this season, that's enough. It's how /a/ works, they like moe and they like watching the animu of the current season. It's nothing revolutionary, people won't really talk that much about it in a year, but people find it enjoyable right now, and some (trolls) take that part a little too far.

>> No.2561995

Outsider here.

I personally enjoyed both Lucky Star and MSH, but this show.....I can't quite put my finger on it, but it hasn't won me over. Kind of surprised to see the large fanbase that it does exists.

>> No.2561998

 | Sensei, why do people like
 | shitty anime like K-ON?
 \__ ____________
    (  ゚ ヮ゚)ノ
  _(つ   ノ_
  \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  \
   ||\        \
   ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
   ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     ||      |

>> No.2561999


>> No.2562000

The OP and ED sound like ear rape.


>> No.2562007

Your taste in music is horrible.

>> No.2562010
File: 399 KB, 840x953, 4155923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sucker for Shimako-esque ojou-samas.

>> No.2562011

             / ) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
            ./ / | Do you like K-ON????
           / /  \          / ̄ ̄ ̄
           / /     ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  No, that show is shit!
         ./ /_Λ     , -つ     \
         / / ´Д`)  ./__ノ        ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        /    \ / /   ⊂_ヽ、
        .|    へ/ /      .\\ Λ_Λ
        |    レ'  /、二つ       \ ( ´Д`)
        |     /.          . >  ⌒ヽ
       /   /             /    へ \
       /  /               /    /   \\
      /  /               レ  ノ     ヽ_つ
     / ノ               /  /
   _/ /                /  /|
  ノ /                 ( ( 、
⊂ -'                    |  |、 \
                     .  | / \ ⌒l
                       | |   ) /
                      ノ  )   し'

>> No.2562012

You're claiming that by virtue of being an RPG and thus having stat points it makes it more frustrating than a game like Touhou?

Touhou = Expending time and effort for the reward of being good at a shitty game no one else cares about except in Japan.

Fallout 3/RPGs both western and japanese = Explore worlds, meet characters, enjoy a story.

If you actually think attempting the same damn stage 6 level 100000 times on hard constitutes 'fun' then you are out of your mind.

Honestly, touhoufags are delusional if they think Touhou is better than Fallout 3. Absolutely beyond redemption.

>> No.2562014


>> No.2562017

J-rock, not so good.

>> No.2562019

I think they're great.

>> No.2562020


>> No.2562023

She's by far the worst thing in the show. It's like she's more of a plot device than an actual character.

>> No.2562027
File: 29 KB, 156x194, Yuyu-What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2562029

not woth the money

>> No.2562031

       , .   These w's just never stop growing.
     ( ´ω`)    .  .
     ○={=}〇, ; .'´ `. ゙ ; `
wwwwwし w`(.@)wwwwwwwww

       , .   I mowed the bastards, but they just kept coming back.
     ( ´ω`)    .  .
     ○={=}〇, ; .'´ `. ゙ ; `

>> No.2562035


>> No.2562036
File: 309 KB, 605x700, 4167538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you even been on /a/? Sure, there are a lot of K-On threads, but every single one of the them gets derailed with criticism. The consensus on /a/ about K-On is pretty hateful.

>> No.2562040


Who said anything about 東方? Christ, you're retarded.

>> No.2562045

I believe it's mostly the self-satisfaction, or whatever is the term used for it. Something like "HOLY SHIT I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST DID THIS!". Of course, that does not apply to the ones who are actually good at dodging little bullets.
In short, the fun of Touhou is on its challenge - at least for me, an Anon who's able to suck at every kind of game.
Exploring places is awesome too.

>> No.2562047

I watch K-ON, I like it, and that's all that matters for me.

>> No.2562048

Wow, way to put words into other people's mouth.

>> No.2562049
File: 18 KB, 341x472, 1241848209876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.2562052

    r.、  ,r.、
    ,! ヽ,:'  ゙;.
.    !  ゙;;  }
     ゙;  ii ,/
    ,r'      `ヽ、  
   ,i"   _,   _ ゙;  Nida's doll was gotten from a Corean.
   !.  ・     ・,!
   ゝ_    x ∧∧
    /`'''''''''''' < `∀>
    !   二つo ,ノ゙

      ,.、 ,r、
    ,/  ゙i,:' ;.
.    !  ゙;; l
     ゙;  i ,!
    ,r'     `ヽ、
   ,i"    _,   ゙;   However, it liked K-ON..
   !.    ・   ,!
   ゝ_      x::'     ∧∧
    /`''''''''''''''"´':,   (ヽ< `∀>
   (,;!     r'⌒;: ⊂、、cノ
    ゙'-::rー-:;;‐'`゙゙` 、,.
      ゙ー-'゙ ノノ  "`

>> No.2562054

>plot device
But K-ON! has no plot[/spoiler

>> No.2562058
File: 19 KB, 389x480, snapshot20090418141231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure it does.

>> No.2562059

You could have just put "xD" into the text field and we'll still rage at your post. No need for wall of text, athens.

>> No.2562061

         ,-、            ,.-、
        ./:::::\          /::::::ヽ
       /::::::::::::;ゝ--──-- 、._/::::::::::::::|
       /,.-‐''"´          \:::::::::::|
     / /           \ ヽ、::::|
    /    ●         ●     ヽ|
     l   , , ,                     l  Why is this show so terrible?
    .|        (_人__丿  """     |
     l        ヽノ            l
    ` 、  /⌒⌒i   /⌒ヽ        /
      `/    |   |    \    /

>> No.2562069
File: 454 KB, 800x1000, 62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suwako is the best.

>> No.2562070

The consensus is that /a/ is full of troll, people stupid enough to feed them and low levels who don't have a taste for moe and gets angry when others are discussing it on their board.

>> No.2562071

/jp/ - KyoAni haters/General

>> No.2562073
File: 271 KB, 492x600, browjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blonde is the only good thing in this trainwreck of a show.

>> No.2562075

Popular on /a/, consensus is good: mediocre show
Popular on /a/, consensus is bad: good show
Not popular on /a/, consensus is good: good show
Not popular on /a/, consensus is bad: bad show

Not really. Character planning has its place in the genre, but games that require min/maxing to make a character viable are horrible.

>> No.2562088

All I remember is liking Fallout 1 and 2, but not liking Fallout 3.

Would I'd rather play Touhou or Fallout 3? Depends on my mood. I'd choose other STGs above both though.

>> No.2562092

Haruhi - pretty good.
Lucky Star - utter trash.
K-On - trash, but I find some redeeming value. Still completely forgetable though.

>> No.2562093

And you think Touhou has what can be described as a good learning curve in any OBJECTIVE aspect?

>> No.2562095

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) Looks like he got tired of posting sjis art.
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /    _,,..,,,,,_     | |
__(__ニつ ,' 3  `ヽーっ .| .|____
     l   ⊃ ⌒_つ(u ⊃

>> No.2562101


>I liked Haruhi
>I disliked Lucky Star
>I don't like K-ON!

Try not to be so obnoxious when stating your opinions.

>> No.2562102

Nodame Cantabile is here, proving you wrong.

>> No.2562105

Recently, I watched this anime called K-on. One of the main characters of the show is called Mio, and ever since I finished it, I've spent hours on end saving pictures of Mio. Sometimes I stopped to question myself about just why I was saving pictures of a 2D person, yet I continued doing so.
I've realized now, though, just why I was doing this. I've finally realized, I'm in love. In love with a 2D character. In love with Mio.

>> No.2562106

The ED is decent other than the stupid lyrics. The OP is indeed shit though.

>> No.2562107


I guess the janitors are asleep on the job tonight

>> No.2562110
File: 20 KB, 291x205, nice_bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Mr. Bowl Of Rice.

I fucking hate you. Die in a fire.

Signed, Anon

>> No.2562116

Let's listen to good music and stop fighting


>> No.2562123


>> No.2562124


>> No.2562127

>good music


>> No.2562130

You liked Fallout 2 above Fallout 3?

Why exactly? Breaking of the fourth wall and silly monty python jokes ruined it for me. Fallout 1 I'd say was pretty much a classic, certainly one of the greatest Western RPGs ever made. But 2 I'm just... meh... never really did anything for me.

That being said BG2 trumps them all still.

>> No.2562140

Nodame Cantabile had too much drama and too little music. If I wanted to read self-insert stories about a girl with no charm or ambition suddenly getting the most popular guy at school chasing after her, I'd read fanfiction.

>> No.2562147

Why is Corean music /v/-related?

Normally I'd agree with you, but I like that song a lot.

>> No.2562156

Hey athens, we know that it has been hard without Meru, but stop being so obvious when you shitpost.

>> No.2562162

>If I wanted to read self-insert stories about a girl with no charm or ambition suddenly getting the most popular guy at school chasing after her

So, you didn't actually watch the show? Because for the majority of it, he was absolutely repulsed by her. She was the one pining for him. All he wanted from her was for her to suck it up and start living up to her potential, because he had a hard on for her music. As a woman, she did not exist in his eyes.

As a relationship, he treated her like the plague till the end of the 1st season. After that, it was touch and go on anything about them until she physically mangled him, thus forcing him to say that he did care for her.

>> No.2562167

>Why is Corean music /v/-related?

It's not, but GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY gets spammed there several times every fucking day.

>> No.2562172

Oh, well I didn't know. I never go to /v/.

>> No.2562174

There is nothing to fear except fear itself in Japan.

>> No.2562183

>too much drama
Seriously? One of the things I didn't like about Nodame Cantabile was that it focused too much on slapstick comedy. For romance I expect some drama so there can be development in the relationship, but there wasn't enough of it in Nodame Cantabile.

>> No.2562184

Oh sorry. What I meant to say is that you're a giant fucking faggot who can go eat a bag of dicks. But that's just my opinion, shitlord.

>> No.2562195

Sure, but save your strength for /a/'s Eden of the East thread, it's starting to get good.

>> No.2562196


I dunno about him, but I preferred Fallout 2 as well. It played like a real tabletop session. The breaking of the fourth wall and crappy references 1/4th of the time added to that feeling, in my eyes.

It reminded me of a time when I had friends and someone would roll a 20+20, and the GM would go into graphic detail. Of times when our GM would just make up crappy parodies when he wasn't prepared for a session. And of course, the "a bit too much of holy grail" also struck close to home.

It was oddly charming.

>> No.2562203

You just proved his point.

>> No.2562227


How could you dislike this? You'd have to be some kind of faggot to.

>> No.2562241

that was retarded

>> No.2562242

No, I proved the opposite, if you had decided to read my post.

>> No.2562243

It's stupid to act like anime is a trashy medium that is destined for trash and nothing else, though. Amazing things can be done with the genre and otakus who are actually satisfied with this sugar-spun crap piss me off.

>> No.2562245


>that was so moe I died


>> No.2562248

I felt the same way about season one. Season two struck a better balance between music development a romance development though. Eagerly awaiting third.

>> No.2562251

It makes me wish I had friends.
It also makes me wish I were a little girl.

>> No.2562252

Wait, you get pissed off because people have different tastes than you? You should take it easy bro.

>> No.2562255




>> No.2562256

Needs more people from the Japanese orchestra. I miss them.

>> No.2562262

Oh yes, because explaining that he hated her for most of the show and then decided he loves her for no comprehensible reason is the exact opposite of what he said.

>> No.2562287

It's not that their tastes are different, it's that they're willingly swallowing a turd sandwhich when they could be swallowing delicious, delicious cake. They want to wallow in stupid pedo-appeasing fanservice escapism instead of, you know, encouraging good shows that would finally make anime a respectable fucking medium. If you get the /co/ parallel, it's like if comic nerds ignored Watchmen to go read Rob Liefield comcis. It's enraging because it's wasted potential that sullies a potentially good medium and drags everyone else down.

>> No.2562318

I like both "pedo-appeasing fanservice" shows and more serious anime. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of otaku who are the same way, otherwise there wouldn't be anything but fanservice shows. There are just more merchandising opportunities for fanservice shows.

Talking about "respectable mediums" is also kind of ridiculous. Do you need other people to think it's ok for you to watch anime or something?

>> No.2562320

It's not about different tastes if you're objectively right, right? Even if this wasn't subjective matter that's useless to get butthurt over, it's as if you really believe that artistic works would be more popular if people were properly shamed into liking them, when really all you're doing is pissing people off.

>> No.2562333

I was glad the oboe player from season one was there, I've always liked him. But yeah, I'd like to see Mine and Masumi again.

>> No.2562335

There's no growth to be found in moe moe bullshit. It's crafted purely to masturbate the male mind and do nothing else. It's disgusting, and you'd find it disgusting too if you weren't in the target audience. Just like you find Twilight disgusting. It's a bad story with no growth to be found, nothing new to learn, overloaded with bad stereotypes, and crafted purely to serve the female mind. On it's own, Twilight wouldn't be a problem, just like moe moe shows on their own aren't a problem. But, think about it. If you were a teenage girl and you saw through Twilight, and all of your teenage girl friends loved Twilight, and almost every book you saw was another Twilight, wouldn't you be pissed?

You can't give trash undue prominince. You can't lower your standards just because people are catering to you.

>> No.2562337 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 1500x1060, Konachan.com - 49435 akiyama_mio k-on! panties underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>148 posts and 19 image

>> No.2562355

>If you were a teenage girl


>> No.2562358

But otaku are extremely self-conscious of their tastes and recognize its nature. They recognize it so much they have categorized every facet of their tastes with specific terminology (moe, tsundere, meganekko, etc.) and established an etiquette for how to deal with them in public (suppress your power levels). 4chan, especially the otaku oriented boards, have nothing to do with this public image you're concerned with. Otaku are insular folk who just want to be left alone to talk about their favorite ways to prepare chicken and waffles, and you come barreling in insulting their taste and calling them niggers.

>> No.2562368

I'm glad there is moe in anime. Otherwise anime would turn into pretentious shit like every other medium that takes itself too seriously.

>> No.2562374

Goddamn, dude, you're right. I'm being self-centered. I assumed that otakus formed common perceptions of how anime worked, when they aren't involved AT ALL. I only know about this seedy crap because I've been lurking here fascinated by it for years, but other people haven't.

You ask any person on the street about anime fans, and they are NOT going to say "Oppai balls", or "Pedo panty shots", or "They wish to be the little girl".

The faggots who are dragging us down are the ones who drag the waffles and fried chicken out into the open air and expect everyone to treat it like gourmet delicacy. They're awful, and even you guys don't like those faggots.

Sorry for going on a rant no one deserves, I'm going to shut up and stop being a faggot.

>> No.2562376

I'm glad there is some moe in anime. Otherwise anime would turn into pretentious shit like every other medium that takes itself too seriously.

>> No.2562380

>But otaku are extremely self-conscious of their tastes and recognize its nature.

You speak as though "Otaku" could be accurately classified as a collective. It can't.

>They recognize it so much they have categorized every facet of their tastes with specific terminology (moe, tsundere, meganekko, etc.)

So why is it that "moe," "tsundere" or "meganekko" are somehow acceptable to this board when the "kawaii" isn't (and rightfully so)? Is that not hypocrisy? It's not as though there aren't English equivalents for all of these terms.

>> No.2562388
File: 80 KB, 648x688, yuno_kg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread need more ℳℴℯ❤

>> No.2562396

>Otherwise anime would turn into pretentious shit like every other medium that takes itself too seriously.

If you watched anything other than merchandise-driven slice of life shows, you'd realize that the SERIOUS BUSINESS you're lamenting has already thoroughly permeated your interest.

>> No.2562397

>It's not as though there aren't English equivalents for all of these terms.
There aren't. Well maybe for meganekko but that word isn't used on /jp/ very often.

>> No.2562400

Those insular folk are seizing control of the genre, though. They're making the medium itself more and more insular and savage to anyone who doesn't want to fuck little girls.

>> No.2562402

I bet you're one of those who thinks "nakama" doesn't have an English equivalent.

>> No.2562408

151 posts and 19 image replies omitted.

>> No.2562410
File: 151 KB, 700x1000, 4021168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any English equivalent for tsundere or moe would require a long definition, and even then, it would lack the connotation they have as words that define us as a community. Meganekko has an easy English equivalent, but is still acceptable because it has connotations only fellow fetishists would understand. Kawaii on the other hand, is simply an unnecessary loan word that carries nothing besides meaning "cute", unless you're an entry level Japanophile.

>> No.2562415

I've watched a lot of serious anime but I can't think of many that I would consider pretentious. Even more serious anime are a lot more grounded than shit like indie films. But if it ever got to the point where all anime was expected to be serious then I can easily see the market being flooded with pretentious bullshit instead of the moe you're complaining about.

>> No.2562425


>So why is it that "moe," "tsundere" or "meganekko" are somehow acceptable to this board when the "kawaii" isn't (and rightfully so)? Is that not hypocrisy? It's not as though there aren't English equivalents for all of these terms.

What are the english equivalnets for tsundere and moe?

>> No.2562428


>> No.2562432

> lack the connotation they have as words that define us as a community
>fellow fetishists

The problem in your argument is found above. This same brand of justification is used by the kinds of retards who watch and translate awful shows like One Piece as to why "nakama" should be kept in Japanese. Yes, some words have long definitions, but only as a consequence of being applicable to many situations. Just as you could translate "nakama" as friend or ally depending on circumstances, you could translate "moe" as adorable or arousing in the context of a sentence and not lose anything.

>> No.2562436

/jp/- Animu & Mango
/jp/'s turned to shit just like /a/

>> No.2562439

Ever watched Evangelion?

>> No.2562444
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>implying /jp/ wasn't already shit

>> No.2562445

Moe, tsundere, and meganekko are all terms used exclusively by otaku. Nakama isn't.

>> No.2562449
File: 4 KB, 100x107, &quot;i like both&quot;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't lower your standards just because people are catering to you.

I like both ballet and WWE wrestling. Now what?

>> No.2562453


That show wasn't very good. Tora-something or other. I can't be bothered to remember.

>> No.2562454
File: 121 KB, 821x570, 1239034347146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2562455


>> No.2562457

No need to bump such a bad thread with /a/ stuff. /jp/ isn't too bad unless they talk about anime or birds.

>> No.2562463

>Moe, tsundere, and meganekko are all terms used exclusively by otaku.

This doesn't make it any more acceptable to use Japanese words when English equivalents are available - if anything, why would you desire to appropriate terminology coined by 2ch scum? 4channers are human detritus to an equal degree, but at least they're white.

>> No.2562466
File: 38 KB, 250x340, themostelectrifyingmaninsportsentertainment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Know your role and shut your mouth, candyass.

>> No.2562467

>when English equivalents are available
But they aren't.

>> No.2562473
File: 70 KB, 425x450, 1239220663898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the last time wwf was good was probably when you were still on it rock

>> No.2562478

This is anime and not miscellaneous Japanese entertainment.


>> No.2562487

Alright, does an equivalent exist for "Nakama" in English?

>> No.2562499

The anime that is /jp/ related this season is PPD.
The rest of the show go can fuck off for all I care.

Also reported. Oh shit, i already reported this thread 1hour ago, where are you DHAF? Delete this shit already.

PPD was here. K-ON is a loser.

>> No.2562503



>> No.2562506

There's a new pany pony dash season?

>> No.2562509
File: 46 KB, 259x455, 3800819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best SHAFT show this season is Natsu no Arashi, fag.

>> No.2562513

Even though i know its a troll........

>> No.2562516

I never see the word used around here so I don't see why you're bringing it up. I don't even know what it means so I can't really answer that question.

>> No.2562524

Cool story, bros.
