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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2561470 No.2561470 [Reply] [Original]

SWR Thread
Hostan North America

>> No.2561504

Sure, I'll give it a shot. I suck, though.

>> No.2561528

Or not, someone's already in a game with you.

>> No.2561538

west coast

>> No.2561562

I'd play, but it's been a very long while and I don't think I have SWR set up on this computer. I sucked back then anyway.

>> No.2561640


GGs, E-Man

Sorry for the delay on the few fights..

>> No.2561649


Started to RAGE there at the last few, so had to quit.

>> No.2561674

You up for playing someone else? I'm >>2561504.

>> No.2561742


Okay rehosting.

>> No.2561811

That was fun. Thanks!

>> No.2561823


Okay.. you seemed to be a SWR novice.. Well, you gotta work on your dash, blocking, fly, and combos. You'll be good in no time.. Also, visit SWR wiki and IRC for tips. :3

>> No.2561861

ggs Rabbit.
I still need to learn how to deal with your Youmu.

>> No.2561862

GGs Duckator, my inexperience with some of the characters sure showed through. I had fun against that Sakuya.


>> No.2561873

Will do! Thanks for putting up with my inexperience.

>> No.2562229

GGs Rabbit

>> No.2562238

GGs E-MAN, that was some misfire at the end of that suika remi match. That pillar would have won it.

>> No.2562269

That was some weird shit! Something told me Suika could MPP her out of it, but I still RAGE'D when it happened without Suika losing a pixel of health.

>> No.2563908
US Midwest

>> No.2564608 [DELETED] 
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US Central
Losing Streak tier

>> No.2564628
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US Central
Losing Streak tier

>> No.2564928
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Rehostan for a bit

Canada West, all players welcome

>> No.2564983

Is everyone off playing meltan or something?
Usually I get better luck hosting on the weekends.

Hosting for maybe another half hour

>> No.2565009

I'm from South America and hosting for a while.

>> No.2565023
US West Coast

Low-mid tier, I'd say.

>> No.2565146

Playing Sakijan right now. Maybe in a few minutes.

>> No.2565151


I do pretty well against my friends, but whenever I challenge new people I always get whupped. I think it was pretty clear I got totally outclassed there, GGs whoever that was.

>> No.2565156


GGs, Saka.

Holy crap. What a destructive offensive force.
Do want strong opponents like you.

^ Hosting from west

>> No.2565175


Do you use keyboard or pad? I notice everyone who really works me manages to move really quickly and really smoothly, and I wonder if it has even the slightest to do with input method, or if it's just plain skill (I use keyboard).

GGs again. I think you totally read me, there. Even if I landed a big spellcard, I could never seal the deal.

>> No.2565179
France (wow.)

>> No.2565206


Well, I use a Keyboard though.. And, I dunno..

Must be tough luck and wait patiently for a chance so yeah..

>> No.2565211

Good games Duckator, I had to grab the phone in the end of the last match there. I've been toying with Alice a bit and I love the walking dolls.

>> No.2565224

ggs again.
That last Yukari/Remi match was great.
I can't believe I won with that tombstone.

>> No.2565230

I find I do exponentially better with a pad over the keyboard. In fact, this game wore the d-pad clean off my first controller and i've since replaced it with two PS2 controllers.

>> No.2565250

Yeah, that match was good and quite close, and the tombstone a humiliating finish. Near the end I was finding that you were immune to all the remi tactics I know.

>> No.2565264
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>> No.2565399


>> No.2565408

I think Im pretty decent for not really knowing any combos or pressure

>> No.2565446

Someone, host!

>> No.2565642
shit tier

>> No.2565690

lol good games eman
duno where that lag came from

and damn that weather

>> No.2565692

GGS, Piano.

Don't know where that lag came from, but those were some fun matches. Hate I didn't get to use Sakuya though.


>> No.2565707

Those alice and reimu combos are painful

I need to block more but its so fun to not

>> No.2565770

Anyone still hosting?

>> No.2565785

>> No.2565795


Upper shit tier.

>> No.2565802 eu

>> No.2565811

ggs, but the lag was really bad.
did you connect from overseas?

>> No.2565815

Yes, sorry about that.
Good games :)

>> No.2565827

ggs, sorry but i'll limit it to EU only. the game just now was in slow-motion

rehosted EU

>> No.2565899


>> No.2565900

GGS Abba.

Clearly, I need further practice...

>> No.2565909
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>> No.2565982

Abba is irc tier, so I would blame him for joining a novice game

>> No.2565984

GGs Remi

There's shit I can do against Remi no matter the character.

>> No.2566001
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GGs to you too.
If it makes you feel better, I can't do shit to about any character you play.

>> No.2566025

It doesn't, but I get where you're coming from.
