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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 287 KB, 1600x1066, sony_dollfiedream_rx1r_dscrx1r_dd-843315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25398436 No.25398436 [Reply] [Original]

Late Summer Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>24733064
Resin Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/8332617 (it's back!)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/8355123

FAQs and Links

If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/

>> No.25399599
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>> No.25400730
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Mm it’s going to be a pain in the ass if you don’t have the right equipment or patience for it. And the up front investment to get started is very high. You would basically be diving into an entirely new hobby that takes a lot of time and man hours if you care about getting perfect or at least b grade casts. If you don’t care about a good casting then it’s not to hard honestly.(This is in reference to making a full doll)

If your doing it super casually you’d have to buy silicone, resin , gloves , gas mask, various mixing utensils and cups, sulfur free clay and some basic research on one to two part molds. The hardest part is the actual art of mold making to prevent bubbles from forming inside and to lesson seam lines as much as possible. Not to mention you can’t resin cast inside your home without stellar ventilation.use a garage or something because this shit is toxic. After a month of resin casting I formed an allergic reaction even tho I was wearing gloves goggles and a respirator. My downfall was wearing short sleeeves because of the summer heat. So you really have to cover your body head to toe to prevent any of that stuff from making contact with your skin. It’s also sensitive to cold weather it won’t cure below 70 degrees

If you even care about quality monetary and time invest get kinda high because now you are going to need to a vaccum chamber and a pressure pot . And the time investment goes up by a lot especially if you want to make a full doll.

Resin casting my first full doll at the 20cm height took me 2 weeks to a month of straight work and I do this full time now ;; the learning curve is high.

>> No.25410229

That does sound like a pain in the ass. I don't have the space or ventilation to deal with anything that toxic, so I guess when it comes time for casting I'll send it out for casting or something.

Thanks for the info.

>> No.25410720

I've heard good things about harucasting, but people who know more than me can tell me if they're good or not.

>> No.25415275

wait if it's super hard and toxic then how would one go about getting horns and wings added to a doll?

>> No.25415863

Hey anon this was in reference to making a full doll. the hardness level/ time all depends on how perfect you want your casting to be and how complicated the object is. But yes resin is toxic you need items to protect you skin eyes and lungs and should use it in a well ventilated area. If you only wanna make some doll horns and are not to serious about like actually making a doll you can simply go to your local art store and pick up a mold making kit and then pick up a resin kit and just work in a well aired out area (with all the protective equipment). but honestly I would recommend just getting a small 3d printer instead of resin casting.

>> No.25416710

Do they make vinyl filiment for doll making? I would assume they won't have the perfect skin color tone. Is it possible to dye a roll of filiment?

>> No.25423219
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There is flexible filament but I haven’t heard of vinyl filament and I don’t know anything about customizing filament. Making custom vinyl parts is troublesome. But you could work with silicone maybe?

>> No.25436510

I wonder if I have too many dolls. Especially counting the ones on lay-away...

>> No.25440075

If you can feed them and take care of them there's not such a thing as too many dolls.

>> No.25440920
File: 333 KB, 1500x1000, 44689551621_a30726fa9d_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. They're all clothed and sitting nicely on the doll shelves. It's just the whole "spending money on frivolous things during a pandemic" thing.

>> No.25441634

If you're OK otherwise it's fine.

>> No.25442998
File: 532 KB, 1125x1500, good-night-anons!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to love your girls and change their clothes every once in a while (and post their new looks to the thread)

I changed my bastard girl out of her usual straight-jacket and into a comfy sweater. Might change all my other dolls later as well.

>> No.25445120

Tip for you, anons: don't price out the cost of your doll collection. You will invariably feel worse for doing it.

>> No.25445176

I've been keeping track of all my doll related expenses since the beginning, so I know exactly how much I've spent. it's just shy of $1300 for two dolls, one of which has yet to arrive.

Wait times are a bitch.

>> No.25445514

She's really cool. What kind of doll is she, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.25446735
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I like her style.

I've also changed the style of a couple of my girls and since you've mentioned posting their new look, refer to pic related.

>> No.25448275
File: 367 KB, 1824x1216, 20200814_101715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy Dollfies

>> No.25448365

I change them regularly, and I used to post them each time. But the creeps in the threads lately really put me off wanting to post them anymore. I only come back anymore to answer questions for people new to the hobby, because we always need more people into dolls.

>> No.25452815

>But the creeps in the threads lately
i must be oen of them because i dont know who you're talking about

>> No.25452832

I also haven't heard about this, who's being a creep?

>> No.25454508
File: 115 KB, 800x1199, 6e40b56aeeddfdaf496adbe3a3356af6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the thread creeps, anon? You meen the occasional posters who get lost on the way to /ona/?

>> No.25461649
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Since when did this happen?

>> No.25468732

Maybe I'm over reacting. There was a good while there when the ona thread collapsed for a time and there were a few too many posts about cumming on dolls and this kinda shit here >>25367157. I'm not a prude, and I know some people do that, but it just really put me off. Maybe I'll start posting them again later.

>> No.25468745

Obitsu has been slowly phasing out the 60cm stuff for years. I don't think they sell nearly as well as the 50cm and doesn't seem like they're planning to do updated bodies.

>> No.25468786

That sucks to hear, damn. I can see why, since all the other company dolls are 50cm bodies -- but then, I don't know why that is, either. I never really saw Obitsu do anything to promote their 60cm bodies, so of course they wouldn't do as well as the others. Still sad to hear, though. I wish there were more options for 1/3 dolls than Volks and Smart Doll.

>> No.25469988

What are some resin bodies that pose well in the 1/3 scale? I'm thinking of doing some DD hybrids. Male or female, either one.

>> No.25472582

Your girls have really cute faceups, do you have someone you commission for them or do you make them yourself? Or do you just buy custom ones from auctions? I have a few limited dolls that I'd like custom faceups for but I'm having hard time deciding which artist to commision. Plus most of my fav artists are on Japan or China and I'm kind of scared to send expensive heads around.

>> No.25477224

x3ash/lovelydollie on instagram is always trustworthy in my experience. ShiNes Workshop is another person with a good reputation in the hobby. koalakrash_dolls does good work if you like their style (and are responsible for most of those dolls with multiple eyes.) Those are some good ones I've personally dealt with off the top of my head.

>> No.25477524

Thanks. The girl on the right was commissioned from White Dolly Story, though I don't know if they still accept commissions, last time I talked to them they said something about reducing their workload. The girl on the left was bought from yja, faceup by Ronronshuka. I can also highly recommend commissioning Trixie Trixie. And yes, most good artists (including all of the above) are indeed in China and Japan.

x3ash is also on my list of people I'd commission from again in the future.

>> No.25484454 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 270x360, EetRGOoUcAEqVcD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth trying to get MP access at the DD forums? I'm almost at the minimum post requirement, but holy shit do I hate talking in there. DoA's kinda slow on vinyl sales and I do need to get rid of a couple of DD bodies.


>> No.25484511 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 270x360, EetRGOoUcAEqVcD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is MP access worth getting at the DD forums? I'm almost at the minimum post requirement for it, but holy shit do I hate talking in there. DoA's kinda slow on vinyl sales and I do need to get rid of a few DD bodies.


>> No.25484581
File: 244 KB, 1538x2048, EetRGOoUcAEqVcD (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is MP access worth getting at the DD forums? I'm almost at the minimum post requirement for it, but holy shit do I hate talking in there. DoA's kinda slow on vinyl sales and I do need to get rid of a few DD bodies.


>> No.25484850

There isn't a whole lot going on at the DD marketplace these days. I also find the format way worse after they moved to the new forum system, you used to be able to go through all the sold posts but not anymore. That said, there are people using it so the more eyes on your merchandise the better?

>> No.25489538


>> No.25499143

Complex, multi-part high-quality niche toy

>> No.25500723

I've got a few things from there that weren't bad, but the instagram #bjdsales tag is probably going to be faster.

>> No.25504449


>> No.25504460

If you're looking to ditch some bodies, it's a good place. Bodies tend to go fast if you have a realistic price for them (by realistic I mean less than new retail, some people think they can get full retail back). There's always people over there with floating heads around.

>> No.25505156

buy used

>> No.25506127

The secondhand market, payment plans/lay-aways, saving up, and lowering your standards helps.

>> No.25507046
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>> No.25507060
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>> No.25508478

How in the fuck did they get color transfer from that? I set my dolls on all kinds of things, wear all kinds of clothes, and I've had the occasional stain happen -- but I would never expect it from a literally pastel hunk of plastic. That's spooky.

>> No.25508639

Thanks for the recs anons! I already knew some of the people you mentioned but got some new names as well. Probably gonna commission someone sopn, it's about a goddamn time since I've had my dolls for six years and the whole time I've meant to get their faceups redone.

Not related but what do anons think of instagram accounts related to dolls? Do you like them or do you have one? Lately I've been thinking of opening one since I like photographing my girls anyway, but I always feel more at home on image boards rather than on social media.

>> No.25509085

I made one for participating in doll sales. I'm more comfortable on imageboards, but I don't think there's anything wrong with having a pet project, and we can always use more doll photos. That's my take, at any rate.

>> No.25513561

>instagram account
I have one but I never post there. I used to post a bit on Flickr before it died so maybe I should start doing something on IG instead.

>> No.25525377

It seems like that's where most people moved after flickr died. I don't particularly care for it, but I can't think of any alternatives, either. The doll community on tumblr thinned way out too after the NSFW ban, and doll twitter is mostly JP accounts following each other. I've heard there are communities on facebook, but I'd rather not deal with that, personally. Deviantart is basically a dead site walking, and while forums still exist, they aren't what they used to be. It is what it is.

Does anyone know anything about amino? I keep seeing it, but I don't know much at all, admittedly.

>> No.25562299
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>> No.25563459
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I'm thinking of making a list of faceup artists that are known to be worth the money, along with good doll shops for clothes and other things. Anyone interested? (And please offer your own contributions, for that matter.)

>> No.25563833

Thanks anon! She is custom DDH-01 head on a MDD body

I'd be into it. I shop pretty exclusively on Taobao so I could add links to some good Taobao stores (I linked some of them a few threads ago as well, but I doubt anyone saved them)

>> No.25564606

They're actually linked in the OP, anon.

>> No.25568296
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Oh shit, I didn't even realize that they were actually added to the pastebin. Nice. Anyway, I do recommend those particular stores to the other anon's list too.

>> No.25571628

I'm sure that would come in handy. My recommendations for clothes shops are Purple Dream, Cheerydoll and Doll Hearts.

>> No.25572655

How do you pose a girl to make her look cute. My doll reflects my awkward autist stance.

>> No.25573405
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x1908, 20200730_193220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me about a year to get posing down. It helps a lot to look at what others are doing and then trying to copy it. Don't just look at dolls either, look at real models and see how they're posed. It helps them look more natural.
It also helps to take pictures along the way, and see what you do and don't like about how they come out. I'll demonstrate. Here's two photos I took at the beginning of the month as a quick jab that a sewing project for my other doll was taking too long for this one's liking. Here's the first pose I tired.
Its awkward, and I don't like how she's sitting tilted too much.

>> No.25573455
File: 948 KB, 1431x3024, 20200730_193509 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I moved her closer to her arm, made the one holding the soda a little more supine and tightened up the shot a bit more (and added a filter) Still not Japanese Twitter quality (who is), but a big improvement and makes her a bit more natural looking.

>> No.25588455
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>> No.25597305

Looks good. Would change the positioning on her head a bit.

>> No.25599762
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Camera angles and lighting also help enhance their look.

>> No.25611687
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>> No.25617990
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Anywhere I can buy a simple head stand to put heads on? I figured I'd be able to find something but any searches just give me full body stands or other random things. Pic related was all I found and it's too thick.

>> No.25618157

If it's a volks head, they just released a bust stand for the dollfie world cup. I don't know how it would work with other brand heads though, I don't know if you can switch out the peg.

>> No.25620619

Anyone know what kind of doll this is? That size + face is adorable, most of the time I see that size i'm not a fan of the heads.


>> No.25621437

What's the best putty to use for eyes or otherwise?

>> No.25623950

I use white tac, I've heard blu tac can stain. Anything like that will work, at least in my experience.

>> No.25628869
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The anon working on a list of faceup artists and clothes/accessories stores. If you could reply with some of your favorites (or some that are known to be shit) I would appreciate it. I'm trying to be thorough, but I only run into so much. Thanks!

>> No.25630436
File: 1.82 MB, 4096x2730, dol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I've been obsessed with hina891's doll lately and I'm trying to figure out which body he's using. It looks like a 27cm based off the size in all his pictures but I can't be for sure. Any ideas? Still new so can't just eyeball and figure it out.

>> No.25643439

Walmart has smaller dowels you can use, then hot glue them on some kind of base.

>> No.25645201

You can also usually buy dowels of various widths at a hardware store.

Probably still going to need to round the end off with sandpaper or a file anyways.

>> No.25648820

That's MDD body. Also checked their twitter to be sure and scrolled for a while, all the dolls that I saw were MDDs.

>> No.25652295
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How did you get into this hobby, anons? It was these threads that originally dragged me in. I saw a doll thread once while I was looking for another thread, and I never really left. It's been a few years since then, and I've fallen head-first into this hobby. I wouldn't change a thing, though. I'd like to hear your stories, too.

>> No.25652428
File: 149 KB, 403x1000, IMG_4871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Rozen Maiden for me. I ordered a Ringdoll to put together my own Suigintou a few months ago(the volks one is too expensive to pick up), and then Dolk announced their line of RM dolls. Ffs, my wallet.

In the mean time I've got this girl to occupy myself.

>> No.25652516

Oh, it's you resin-anon. I saw that the /toy/ thread is finally back from the dead, but I don't mind if resin collectors post here personally. What scale is that little one?

>> No.25652577
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I stand corrected, looks like it died again.

>> No.25652707

Yeah, it keeps dying.

She's 1/6th scale. perfect size to stand on my desk.

No idea where I'm going to put the 1/3 doll I got to turn into Suigintou...

>> No.25653360

Now would be a good time to put up a shelf or two. (I also recommend those clear storage cube towers for keeping doll clothes and accessories in.)

>> No.25653569
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I have shelves, I just...don't have space on them.

>> No.25653787

If you relocate the books near the Beholder poster you could set her there.

>> No.25654132
File: 99 KB, 1100x1000, i-img1100x1000-1597741339lqdtzu2279361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everything works well, this absolutely adorable qt will arrive at my home soon. I can't wait!

>> No.25654174

It looks like an Obitsu 11.

>> No.25659964

For me, it was the occasional "dolls are cute" post in the /a/ buyfag threads. And then I ended up buying the 1/3 scale Chino doll from Azone, and later Syaro too. Now I have two MDD heads coming home soon as well, which I still need bodies for.

>> No.25660592
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I had played with barbies as a kid(m) thanks to only having sisters which was probably where the interest was seeded. Fast forward a bunch and I saw the original demo for a functional smart doll and thought it was neat, but there was nothing to act on at the moment. Then like >>25652428 I had seen Rozen Maiden and I really had an interest in something 1/3 scale. I was broke at the time and ended up dropping the thoughts again. It wasn't until I had money and danny announced the first generation of smd that I took the plunge. Ordered an Ivory and was in love, flat face and all. My next dolls were Jeanne and 2B. There's a bunch of dolls I'd like to get in the future, but budget and space dictate otherwise. (pic related is my most current group shot, I really need to take them all out for a photoshoot).

>> No.25665203

Same, I watched it when it first aired, but I found myself not loving any of the resin dolls I could get. Flash forward some years and I find out about DD and that was the push into the rabbit hole I needed.

>> No.25670996

Dolls are like porn. The longer I'm in the hobby, the weirder my tastes become.

>> No.25683525

Saw dollposts on Twitter. Instantly fell in love.

>> No.25683616

Looks great. Love the expression.

>> No.25690060
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Every attempt at sewing my own clothes has been a failure, props to those grannies with their own shaky hands still sewing. Shits hard.
Same with Rozen Maiden, only I never watched it but was instantly enamored with them when I looked more into its lore. Wikisurfing was a mistake. Took me years to be able to budget for one after that.

>> No.25696008
File: 271 KB, 1620x1080, 1546749269135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine is complaining about having to spend 100 dollars on a hobby-related thing. This hobby has fucked up my perspective so bad...

>> No.25696671
File: 128 KB, 1080x1346, 117982382_2725696134345104_1278264088711304148_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doll is incredibly fucking beautiful
Im a no doll noob so I dont recognize any parts but my heart has been stolen
I'd seriously cut off my dick and balls for this doll, not kidding
Id build a fucking shrine for her

>> No.25696753

Where'd you find the photo, anon? I can't find this image online through the usual methods. If you can tell me that, I can try to ID the doll.

>> No.25696874


>> No.25698005

Tentative guess that's a Little Monica Eden head on a different body, but I'm not a resin person so I'm not 100% sure on the ID.
The faceup (face paint, basically) is different, of course. What do you think, anon? I also asked the owner for an ID for you, too. I'll report back if they do.

>> No.25701407

I'm not sure of the head sculpt, but that's a Volks SD16 body for sure.

>> No.25703722

I wonder the why first version of DD Rin is credited to sculptor Rimuka but the 2nd version is Misaki Serika. On the site it says it's the same head.

>> No.25711556

As someone that triple dips into gachas, dolls, and cars. 100 bucks is like the bare minumum I expect to spend on any individual purchase. God my wallet weeps tho, I should really stop playing gachas.

>> No.25716463

>I should really stop playing gachas.
You really should anon, as soon as the servers close you'll lose everything, and that's not a matter of if but when.

Buy dolls instead.

>> No.25716590
File: 164 KB, 1600x1081, blue_sky_japan_culture_choo_danny_maid-888622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this anon said. If not dolls, something you like. Even food is a better investment, at least that's tangible.

>> No.25717929

as someone who's into gacha and dolls too if you dont whale too much in gachas i dont see the problem.

>> No.25718061
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They can be ok as a fun diversion but I personally feel that dropping three figures into one is a bit much -- but I don't play mobile games much, so I'm not in the position to judge.

>> No.25718102

>three figures
Not american so you mean 300 or 3000 ?
If the later yeah that's for too much for a single game even over the years.
300 well i spent around 1000 in 5 years of granblue fantasy, now it feels insane but when it's 30 bucks at a time and you have a salary you dont really see it

>> No.25718268

Fuckin' oof lad, I've never spent any money on the gachas I played and I was always able to the get the characters I wanted, it just took longer

>> No.25718291
File: 2.50 MB, 1080x1440, group updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really should anon, as soon as the servers close you'll lose everything, and that's not a matter of if but when.
>What this anon said. If not dolls, something you like. Even food is a better investment, at least that's tangible.

My hobbies aren't investments though. I spend money doing what I enjoy, playing gachas is part of that. I'm well aware it's all just data on servers and .png waifus that can disappear at the blink of an eye. Cars get totaled, dolls break or get stained. Time/money I enjoyed wasting is not wasted to me.

Also got around to getting an updated group shot that no one asked for.

>> No.25718470

i'm having a good time on those games so i didnt see why i wouldnt spend some money on them.
I dont really have any moneysink like going out or a girlfriend.

Anyway i find like dolls can reach higher amounts far faster because "Oh i bet she would look super cute in that 100$ dress".

Speaking of wich Halloween is in two months and i need a cute costum for my doll

>> No.25718823
File: 1.38 MB, 700x1054, mug118_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, you guys want to try and do a Halloween collage this year? Just post photos of your dolls in some kind of costume or with a spooky aesthetic. It'd be a fun goal to shoot for, and I figure a few months is enough time to get it together.

>> No.25719155

i'm definitely posting mine,just need a good costume pic related is great but all those dark colors frighten me

>> No.25719509

anti-stain leggings/suits can help, but I get it. You can also pick up a dedicated body just for clothes you know will stain.

>> No.25721852

Sure. I have a couple of on-topic outfits for Halloween so I'm in.

>> No.25723145

I have a doll instagram. It's been really nice for making friends. Most of the people I meet I just interact with casually, but I met a few people I play Animal Crossing and exchange sewing patterns with. It's comfy as long as you're not worried about the usual social media stuff like likes/followers and use it as a photo library and people meeter.

>> No.25723392

You should share your username, anon. I have one too, and I've met some nice friends through it. It's casual and I see lots of nice doll photos. I've no complaints!

>> No.25745771

I really wanted want of those koakuma hoodies for my fanged girl but it was sold out and has since been removed from the store altogether.

>> No.25769556 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.25770002
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Bros I adore everything about this outfit except for the blue ribbon accents. Does anybody know a way I can recolor just them or remove the ribbons?

>> No.25771272

They don't look structural so you can probably just remove them.

>> No.25774282

>miku's birthday
>no rerelease of the ribbon girl set

god dammit

>> No.25789062
File: 125 KB, 1023x683, 48106723272_91a6f8c636_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25789794

You can just bleach it

>> No.25789915

I hope so
I'll report back if/when I attempt it
I'm both excited and nervous
I may be pretty inexperienced but I know enough to know this is a bad idea

>> No.25791866

It really depends on how they're attached to the rest of the garment. It looks like (from this picture) they're probably glued down to the rest of the skirt, but they could be sewn too, it's hard to tell. If sewn, just get a seam ripper and you can get them right off, however depending on the fabric of the dress and the size of the needle used it may leave unsightly holes. If they're glued down, you could have an easier time, but it depends on what they used to do it. I'd try steam first to loosen it up and gently pull at it. If that doesn't work, you may have to use chemicals which can ruin the fabric, so make sure to test in small unseen areas first, but things like goo gone, acetone nail polish remover, or even baking soda and coconut oil if you work it through enough.
There's also the easiest way, which is finding another wider ribbon in a color you like, or matching black of the skirt, and putting it over the blue and removing just the bows at the end.
Also, if the skirt is a separate piece from the rest of it, you could just turn it around backwards and hide it under her hair. Just a thought.

>> No.25794796

Are there any wigmakers that make DD-sized wigs out of natural materials like angora or mohair? I recently got my first wig of that type and I'm honestly just having fun styling it. I want more.

>> No.25795010

There are a TON on etsy. As for good sellers, I can personally recommend Natrume, they do good work with mohair. https://www.etsy.com/shop/natrume?

>> No.25795030
File: 85 KB, 683x1024, 4e7bd4a242cff7f8713342d366bff639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon! I appreciate it!

>> No.25803341

>Crane Priestess outfit already sold out
Is this one of those things where it was never really in stock to begin with or did I fuck up by not ordering at midnight?

>> No.25809856

Idk I did it myself because I wanted white bows and didn't have an issue.

>> No.25810215

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.25824302

>40k yens the ddy sw peach pie on yaj.
rip, at this point i'll start considering a wersaze insteadwe

>> No.25825358
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1500, 24900599122-pillow-fight-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won the lottery for the Kitsune tails and ears. Finally! I'm going to bed with a smile. Hope you anons have something good happen to you today, too!

>> No.25829296

I got one, was raped by customs, then sold it off. Maybe Blythes could be nicer for my wallet.

>> No.25829397

Sell half of what's shown. By acting very picky I managed to improve my book collection. Now it's high quality, useful books and empty space.

>> No.25831587

I'm planning to sell some of it, but I don't generally buy books without intending to keep them.

>> No.25833067

Selling book is a shame but god damn they take so much space so i just give them.
And i bought an Amazon Kindle

>> No.25834772

Boobs or legs? If it's legs that's a normal to good price, they always go for high.

>> No.25834862

I saw the creepy Miku doll that floats around and thought it would be neat to have a creepy cute doll like that
Found out the brand of the doll and that it was a custom head, but fell for the other dolls on the site. I never knew there were anime style dolls before then

>> No.25835158

I've found a couple already but aside from ebay, Alice, and Etsy, do you guys know where to get a cute miko outfit? I missed the two on Volks but my dollfu does not deserve to suffer and miss out because I was late

>> No.25835938

If you don't mind using a proxy, from-sen.com has a MASSIVE collection of stuff from multiple makers including a lot of anime "cosplay" stuff, there might be something in there. Also there's always Mandarake.

>> No.25836479

Congrats anon. That photo is cute, too.

>> No.25836611

Wow that from-sen has so much, I found just the outfit i was looking for as well as some others for the backlog! Thanks so much, that's another site for the bookmarks!
I've never used a proxy before, how does it work? It appears I can buy directly through the site from their "Online shopping purchase procedure" page, they include english and how to buy from abroad

>> No.25843162

From-sen seems to largely be a Taobao reseller, most of the things on the website could be bought cheaper directly from Taobao. Even the prodct pictures are ripped directly from there. However, if you don't want to learn Taobao it seems like a good (but seemingly expensive) alternative.
I wonder how they prive their stuff, some of the prices are around the same as in Taobao and some are massively inflated.

>> No.25845079

boobs i usually see legs between 80 and 100K

>> No.25845547

Taobao seems a bit out of my depth honestly
I noticed that from-sen also has some stuff I saw on Alice's website although I dont know if all their outfits are originals or not. Strangely, two identical outfits from Alice where the only difference is color was priced nearly $80 difference
I wonder if I could actually use from-sen to find something and use reverse image search to find it on Taobao? I might try that tomorrow

>> No.25848292
File: 51 KB, 1000x1000, 23264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons in need of a semi-white MDD body? I have one that's gonna go unused since I just bought mochi ashi. Would be nice to sell to another anon. I'm thinking 200€ but open to offers, I'm in Europe.

Sorry for sales post, just thought I would try. Any other anons got mochi ashi? They released today.

>> No.25853452

>Any other anons got mochi ashi? They released today.
i didnt even know they released, what's their price?

>> No.25854005

Whole MDD Mochi Ashi base body is about 32k. Not sure of they sell the legs only, if they're not available now they might come later in the year.

>> No.25854761

only the legs are differents ?
Because if that's the case maybe i'll be better just buying them and an used body

>> No.25855994

The thighs, shins and feet are different, and they also have bigger hands. But they're minor differences so just buying spare parts makes sense if you're into that. I checked the VOLKS webstore thought and there are no parts as of now, they'll probably come later.

>> No.25861864

me! im in europe aswell.
whats your means of communication?

>> No.25878060

The heads and other stuff I bought are finally in the US, but they're being held up by customs. One thing I ordered was a doll-sized pocket watch that apparently is a working watch, which I didn't notice when I ordered it. There is apparently a watch worksheet that is required to be filled out which asks for a ton of information about it that I don't think I'll be able to get. I think it's meant for actual expensive watches, not cheap toys / doll accessories. I hope I can explain that to FedEx and get them to clear it.

>> No.25898213

I've heard that customs is on lookouts for counterfeits so they might want paperwork showing that it's not that. They might confiscate the watch otherwise though I don't know what happens to other items in the same package.

I'd call them up and ask what they need.

>> No.25911820

I really like dolls.

>> No.25913493 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 682x1024, 071E3F53-A7DB-4638-B925-24CA8620F523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hope I win her in the USA lottery. I'm surprised there wasn't much hype around during her reveal, not a lot of people on the forums seemed interested.

>> No.25913574
File: 99 KB, 682x1024, BF5A6D60-6761-4188-AD1D-9821C724911A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hope I win her in the USA lottery.

I'm surprised there wasn't much hype during her reveal. Not a lot of people on the forums seemed interested, and some of the comments I've read called her sculpting bland/generic looking.

>> No.25914485

>Not a lot of people on the forums seemed interested
Not even close to the best vtuber, I wouldn't want her either

>> No.25915292

I honestly couldn't care less about the character but I'll at least admit it's a cute head.

Who would've you wanted instead? I know close to nothing about chubas other than Kaguya Luna.

>> No.25915948
File: 955 KB, 1500x1326, inugami korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Korone, her design is super cute

>> No.25915973
File: 682 KB, 2822x2153, 20200831_190959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

September Outfits for my girls, back to school themed this month. Anybody else have new almost Fall outfits to share?

>> No.25916449

Well I called FedEx a few times over the past few days. I was given the email of the customs agent, so I emailed him explaining the situation. I even said I'd forfeit the watch if necessary to get the rest of what's in the package. He replied to me simply, "Please complete the watch worksheet." I'm just going to fill it out as best as I can and send it back to him.

>> No.25917125

no, why is it so hard to choose new clothes for dolls when it's so easy for yourself ?

>> No.25917978

I think it's because we get used to seeing them in a certain way, and for a lot of the licensed ones it can be odd to see them not in their default. One of the reasons I gave myself the monthly outfit "goal" is to a) keep myself from buying all of the doll clothes all of the time, and b) to make me think of outfits to fit themes and holidays, not just what I think they'd look good in.

>> No.25918338

I'm really surprised they went with kizuna ai and not one of the hololive girls. She was the original but she's pretty old news by now.

>> No.25918654

Is there a good comparison of them vs standard mdd? I need to get an mdd body and not sure if I'd like the new one or not.

>> No.25930151
File: 387 KB, 1271x1920, EddVAGOVAAADoSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there's a place to get finger-jointed DD or MDD hands besides gensoudoll/gensoushop?

>> No.25930605

I didn't want her but someone compared her sculpt to an older Arle and now I kind of do.

That's cute anon! I haven't changed mine to fall clothes yet because it's still hot and late-summer-y here, but once it cools down it'll be back to warmer clothes.

>> No.25931568

finally found a good outfit for halloween
now i just have to pray it'll fit a ddy
i know it wont but i had to take the risk

>> No.25940027

Sorry for the wait anon, I haven't been home and I hate phoneposting. I made a throwaway email to contact me by, it's in the name field.

This blogpost has pretty good comparison pictures between mochi ashi and regular mdd http://mixlinedoll.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-24.html

>> No.25940301

actually that look very strange naked since they didnt faten the hips

>> No.25943327

I don't know of any alternatives, but I'll recommend against Gensoushop, since the hands I got from them came with a huge blue stain on the palm of one and they refused to cover any shipping costs to have it fixed.

>> No.25947757

Thanks a lot for that, the promo images I saw all had skirts covering up legs. I'm gonna go for the standard.

>> No.25949326

Oh they look weird with the regular hips, a bit... I'd love to see a DDdy variant like this, though.

>> No.25950112

I've seen people on twitter change the hip-part into a DDP hip and it looks better. It looks really good proportion-wise. I might do that once my vallet recovers from all my stupid doll-purchases I've made recently

>> No.25950809

That definitely seems like a better fit, but I'd love to see examples.

>stupid doll purchases
You and me both, anon. But sometimes the doll you've been looking for comes up on the market, and when that happens everything else goes out the window. What'd you get?

>> No.25951357

now we just have to wait for parts to be availables for sales

>> No.25959220

Damn, thank you for the heads up.

>> No.25959306

Why don't they make smaller eyed heads while keeping the anime aesthetic? Most smaller eyed heads I've seen are not anime aesthetic. Not every character I want to make is a loli or early/mid teenager.

>> No.25962498

>What'd you get?
Mochi Ashi and a Taobao-loot of doll clothes. Technically Moch Ashi was a planned purchase since I knew I wanted to get it ever since it was announced, but the release came so suddenly that my wallet wasn't quite ready. Which doll did you get anon?

Also what have other anons bought recently?

>> No.25962729

A silicon bust because i love tits

>> No.25962796

You're one of those "every big eyed character is a loli even if they're 5'8 and have megatits and 2 kids" people aren't you?

>> No.25963027

Post pics

>> No.25964443

it's only ordered for now, i'm not waiting it before monthes

>> No.25965360

Not that anon but I like variety in head sculpts. I have a bunch with big sparkly eyes and some with half-closed eyes that look more mature and one with nine eyes. Variety is the spice of life.

I've found two dolls I was looking for in the same month and my wallet hurts. (A well-priced KOS-MOS and a resin unicorn I'm picking up.) I had plans to get new eyes and a wig for one of my dolls, but that can wait!

>> No.25965390

Best girl of the thread thusfar. I wish I had her.

>> No.25965888

I do want to get a 2nd doll but these f3 legs make me so angry, though I finally managed to figure out the trick to them. Just shove in the pegs over and over until they stick. And then do it again five minutes later because they still readily pop out anyway.

>> No.25966295

Look for a DD3 body on the aftermarket. The f3 legs came from hell, even if they pose wonderfully.

>> No.25967394
File: 407 KB, 720x1280, blouse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stretchy MDD size clothes fit my girl's 50baku well enough, but I've been seriously considering cutting down her neck. She looks like a giraffe from some angles, but I'm too nervous for that sort of thing.

>> No.25969340

I wish the next DD body standard would make the neck smaller, but they might be opposed to it since they make clothes for the existing giraffe necks.

>> No.25969393

Oh are the normal dollfies giraffes too? I thought it was just this custom torso being weird since it fits a variety of dolls.

>> No.25969631

I didn't think that through, but yes, the Dollfie bodies all have giraffe necks. Probably worse than that one too.

>> No.25980663

do u sex ur dolls

>> No.25984325

dolls sex me

>> No.25995028
File: 100 KB, 1200x801, Dff-l9KUYAAXuV1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26000440

one day i'd like to make my own doll... i know it's expensive and time consuming but i'm a cheap bastard and i dont plan on casting them anyways

>> No.26004342
File: 559 KB, 1600x2400, tiara2_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I did just that. I just made shit up/guessed at all the fields on the worksheet. Then he asked me about the materials of a keychain for some reason, and after that he cleared the package and it was delivered the next day.
So here is my new girl! Her name is Tiara, inspired by the album by Seventh Wonder. I'm going for a sort of outer-space/sci-fi theme with her. The steampunk outfit is just a little bit out of place, but it was the closest thing I could actually find (that was available) to what I wanted.

>> No.26007672

Are you able to move the eyes around in the head?

>> No.26010185

I'm glad you got her home, anon!

Yes, with most of these dolls, though for some (Azone Pure/Picco Neemos, for example) they're painted on instead.

>> No.26025527
File: 1.23 MB, 4096x2550, IMG_20200904_235854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first purchase from volks, how long do you think we'll be waiting for those mochi legged girls to get here? I have a lonely head waiting for a body

>> No.26025870

Where are you located? I got my kitsune tails stupid fast from the US store.

>> No.26025952

what did you order ? the outfit ?

>> No.26027609

Maybe my post wasn't clear enough. I got the mochi ashi from the Japanese site.

>> No.26027705

depend where you're located, should be around 2 weeks

>> No.26043679

Be sure to post photos, anon.

>> No.26077761

I barely come over to /jp/ and don't partake in this hobby but I just wanted to say your dolls are pretty and I like looking at them

>> No.26078645
File: 438 KB, 1366x2048, 1571174360541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, you're sweet.

>> No.26081928

Are you a shill? the US store is slow as fuck they take up to 3 weeks to ship out simple shit

>> No.26087088
File: 304 KB, 1653x2048, 80296282_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any stores that sell heads that look like this? Specifically, how it's still anime style, but the eyes are smaller and sharper.

>> No.26088929
File: 27 KB, 360x526, mod3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can modify existing head sculpts, or maybe a DDH-07 would be what you're looking for.

>> No.26089290

Nope, I'm just as surprised as you are that they came in so fast, anon.

>> No.26112136
File: 119 KB, 909x1200, 1545517379500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26112938

I stopped buying from the US site because they have shit customer service, slow shipping speed and horribly marked up prices. I'm suspecting that this case was just a fluke.

>> No.26113954

I bought a MDD body from the US store a few weeks ago. They shipped it the day after I placed the order, and it arrived two days later. It was my first time buying from them.
By the way, has anyone imported a body to the US since they suspended EMS? I'm just wondering how much they charge for DHL to ship a body over here. I'd like to get a normal body for my other head eventually, which has been out of stock at the US store.

>> No.26116080

The US site is best used for a second chance on missed items, and if you need a faster replacement part than you can get from international and you're not combining with other items (I can get a hand piece + joint for instance within 5 days from US, over a week international) . That said, I've never had a problem with them, I'm curious as to what other people have had issues with.

>> No.26121393

You're lucky you never had a problem with them. To be frank, I think it's pretty much pointless. With the international webstore I don't see the reasoning of having another store that sells stupidly marked up items later than it's international counterpart. it's stupid.

>> No.26126709

Fuckin lucky asshole. My order from the Japanese site I placed a week ago now is still "preparing for shipment, the order is under arrangement"

>> No.26128799

What's the best place to look for ears and tails or is this custom? Sometimes on doll sites I'll get the sculpted ears or just fox looking tails, or they show an outfit with the attached appendages.

>> No.26129443

Most likely they're custom, I've never seen a pair like that on any site that stocks them normally. Check Etsy.

>> No.26133026

I ordered from Japan back in July. Its still in "ready to ship" status over EMS. Its now September, and no change. I'm still waiting.

>> No.26133561

... I wish I knew this earlier. Fuck.

>> No.26134638

Where should I look if I want glasses for my doll? Can't find them ;(

>> No.26135495

Dollmore has a bunch, but the ones on etsy and ebay aren't bad either. The fancy rimless ones are by EPOCH and I think they're gacha prizes. You can find them in the usual places, though- ebay, yahoo japan auctions, mandarake. Good luck, anon!

>> No.26138516
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, 15997458904102131893699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, 18 months ago: after years of wanting one, I'll get a doll. But only one.

Me, now: Pic related, and a third is preordered.

>> No.26141765
File: 506 KB, 1920x1280, 1549706380655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to hell, anon!

>> No.26143310
File: 1.70 MB, 2448x3264, 15997614926891958236572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really Hell if I'm enjoying my stay?

>> No.26143383
File: 98 KB, 800x1200, 1571152216564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the secret, all the fun things to do are in hell.

>> No.26143485

i'm at two dolls but i'm looking to sell my azone iris collect

>> No.26152074

Which one do you have, anon? Just not liking her as much as expected?

>> No.26152569

Whats the best place to find cheap figures to cum on?

>> No.26152820

Ask /toy/

But obvious answer is aliexpress

>> No.26152889
File: 5 KB, 569x75, chrome_2020-09-10_22-35-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does soft or hard mean?

>> No.26152913

In what context?

>> No.26152936


>> No.26153051

Moonlight BJD has them in stock from time to time.

>> No.26153077

Oh, no idea anon, one of the figure collecting threads can probably help though.

>> No.26155620

Kano Fuyu no Ashioto,it's hard to find clothes for her because of her size.
And because of her scale it triggers my autism when she's next to my DD

>> No.26156405

>it's hard to find clothes for her because of her [chest] size.
I know your pain. I've considered looking for a G bust off Yahoo or a smaller Obitsu because half the stuff I buy has fitting issues.

>> No.26158833

You could have just read the questions on the product. Like said, 'soft' means they use a softer silicone-like material in some parts so it's squishy.

>> No.26161462

Get that bootleg shit out of here.

>> No.26173980

Could someone here who has a 1/6 scale doll head post a picture of them holding it?I'm looking at buying a head for a stopmotion puppet and i just want a rough indication of the size since it has to fit in with the other puppets.

>> No.26174954

1/6 is a pretty diverse scale, it's the scale Momoko, Blythe, and endless resin dolls from dozens of makers all use and they have very different head shapes and sizes. If you're looking for something to fit in with other puppets, find out the head circumferences of the other puppets, and that'll give you a starting point for finding a doll brand with a head that size.

>> No.26180526

Have any of you brought a Myou doll before?

>> No.26190658

Hey resin friends, would a doll with a 6cm neck fit on a body with a 7cm neck? I'm putting together my first resin hybrid and it's a lot to consider. I'm willing to take a dremel to the neck hole if need be. Thanks!

>> No.26210616

If I remember, there was an anon or two waiting for a mdd restock in the volks USA site. Just a heads up, they're going to be restocked Sept 25th.

>> No.26213751
File: 235 KB, 250x333, 1575412196261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the body on this is clearly a generic obitsu one, but what about the head? There's not many photos of this doll (probably some con only thing) so there's also not much documentation.

I just wonder if the head sculpt is unique or if it's also a obitsu head circa 2007-8

>> No.26214464

Thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.26217256

Based off the picture, I'd say it's a smaller scale, and an older obitsu head. The eyes are either decals or painted on, and the hair looks like a wig, not rooted. It looks like one of their default 1/12 heads, but I can't be certain.

>> No.26225711

So apparently people are buying the base body III on ebay for $1500.
I'm in the wrong business.


>> No.26227136

Probably because the SS bust is limited to a few dolls, I guess? Still way overpriced, though, you can absolutely find them on Mandarake.

>> No.26227262

body blush

>> No.26227307

You can buy the SS bust separately for like $40.
But when I saw that 3 people paid $1500 already for this body, I just got pissed off.

>> No.26230714
File: 77 KB, 400x533, 1596448106700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it's a 1/6 body of some sort

>> No.26233583
File: 135 KB, 960x1393, IMG_9832e 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks good but it will wear off from so much as changing clothes and posing over time. Pic related, Sophie's freckles are coming off bit by bit. It's inevitable, but I'm glad I got it done just to see.

>> No.26234264

There are boy bodies finally, finally available on the Volks store, but only for people who have entered the DWC and then enter a lottery to buy them, I think. Why the fuck won't they just sell them? Why do they have to be so exclusive? Why is everything volks does so exclusive? I just do not understand why it's like this, they would surely make more money if people could buy things outright, right? It's not as bad as the $500 Smart Doll blind boxes but they both suck for different reasons.

>> No.26254067
File: 11 KB, 500x500, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The body is, yes, but the head is shaped like the current 1/12. Their newer 1/6 scale heads are more realistic. I don't know if there is an adapter at play here, or if they just don't make that head anymore. Here's a head of a blank I ripped off an ebay listing saying it's for 1/6 scale.

>> No.26254171

A thing I learned about ebay, is there are scalpers on there who will sell to countries that don't otherwise have a channel for something like these, so people there pay a premium. I'm going to assume that's what this is, I can't believe people are that dumb for a doll that gets released at regular intervals.

>> No.26254203

Oh, i see. That sculpt looks close enough to work I suppose. Maybe I should figure out how to replicate the eyes as decals.

>> No.26254623

She's so pretty, I'm jealous that I didn't think to get freckles on one of my girls. Next time I guess.

>> No.26286397
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20200911_194638r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went outside with my doll like in the last minutes of sunlight, tried to snag a sunset picture, this was the best I got and it's a little fuzzy because there was actually way less light in the picture than it seems.
The mosquitoes descended upon us but funny enough the first couple of minutes they went exclusively after her instead of me, I guess they saw more exposed "skin" and went for her? I don't really know how their senses work but it's kinda funny.

>> No.26286528
File: 2.25 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20200828_184221r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I noticed her foot was really loose so I wondered what was wrong and turns out I can just fix it by tightening something on her sole.
Sat her down nicely on the table, took off the sock and then made the adjustment before putting the sock back on. Honestly felt like one of those images with an old master making adjustments on his doll or robot maid or something that people draw occasionally. Feel like a million bucks you guys.

>> No.26295431

Super cute pics. I love the skirt, where did you get it?

>> No.26309690

https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10195573 - FAR099-GRC is the code that it said on the package, it seems to be part of the Azone 50cm clothing collection thing.

I bought it at their Azone store in Akiba last January, during my visit. I actually bought her at the same time and with a LOT of other clothes and now I feel kinda guilty because lots are still in the packages and never been tried on yet.
