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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 680x208, lost_v02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2490885 No.2490885 [Reply] [Original]

"Virginity-Loss Support" is a Japanese website run by a man known only as "Calm." He offers a very simple service. This middle-age salesman (with a wife and child) will provide you with your first sexual experience, totally free of charge. And yes, the waiting list is long.

In early 2004, Calm opened the website. I could go on describing what I think of the website, of the owner, and of the various case-stories I will present here, but it is better that the site speak for itself. What follows is a very careful translation/study of the "Virginity-Loss Support" website.

Upon first reaching the site's main page, we are greeted with this introduction:

What is the most profound memory in the life of a woman? It's when she loses her virginity.

A wedding day is the day every woman reaches her happiness. But in losing your virginity, there is no guarantee that every woman will reach that same kind of happiness. Some women are simply afraid of losing their virginity. My nickname is "Calm"and I have enough experience to help you happily lose your virginity without any regrets.

Yes, you. Those of you who have complexes regarding the loss of your virginity. Those of you who want to graduate from being a virgin. Those of you who wish to feel no pain when you finally lose your virginity. Those of you who feel ashamed because you feel too old to be a virgin. Those of you who don't have the opportunity to meet a guy. Please read Calm's Virginity-Loss Support website if you need help.

Wanting to lose your virginity is a natural feeling and a topic of great interest to me. On this website, I try to assuage any worries you might have about the subject. I promise to face and take the loss of your virginity seriously. I will make a great effort to see you through the loss of your virginity in an objective and scientific manner.

Rest of the MUST-READ article is at: http://www.kiss-sui.com/2009/04/virginity-loss-support-i-pop-your.html

>> No.2490894

Well seeing as they have support groups for drunks, I don't see why not?

But do explain how this skirts Japan's "entertainment" laws...

>> No.2490939

Miki: Thank you so much for leading me to wonderful experience of virginity-loss, releasing me from my complexes without even having a previous first kiss. I felt I could be myself with calm, from when he touched my breasts, to when he touched my privates, to when I welcomed his penis. Thank you for helping my wish of losing my virginity come true. I didn't expect my first time to go so well. My virgin-complex disappeared completely at that special moment.

>> No.2490943

what the fuck.

>> No.2490989

I fucking lol'd.

>> No.2490996
File: 192 KB, 595x841, mikkiapron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What, she's a slut. She's no virgin.

>> No.2490999


>> No.2491004

thats it i need to go back to japan and start my own website.
im a younger guy and i can go way longer than some middle aged fuck with half my size.

>> No.2491008

They have these in the west too, they call them sex surrogates. However, it's a lot more formalized than that one guy and tends to involve regular psych therapy as well.

>> No.2491012

But can you offer the support? The website isn't just about sex, you know!

>> No.2491015

Obviously not anymore.

>> No.2491021

>I am under 18. Could you please provide me with Virginity-Loss Support?
>I am sorry, but I can't do that. In the past, I used to provide my services for virgins 18 and under, It's not technically illegal for me to provide the support to women under 18, but if someone suspects this is going on, it will require more time for me to sort out the situation [Translators note: this also translates to "fix the problem"].

>> No.2491025


Whoa, yakuza shit?

>> No.2491033

ofcourse i can.
unlike japanese guys, westen guys tend to care more about girls. many of my japanese friends and even my boss and co-workers were really surprised at how nice and kind i was, and the fact that i was single when they met me.
i've given lots of good advice to my friends about all sorts of things, from guys to food and to what looks good or the best way to cook some food.

but if i did go back and do something like this, i'd be back on this board defending myself against 'you're just a "me-too" copycat'.

>> No.2491041

I wonder if he accepts traps. ;_;

>> No.2491044

You aren't up to par with an actual gigolo, even a middle aged one, just admit it.

>> No.2491051

>>2490894 explain how this skirts Japan's "entertainment" laws...
I assume it's not considered prostitution since he doesn't charge anything.

>> No.2491052

This site is loads of win. BOOKMARKED. END OF STORY.

>> No.2491056

dunno bout the virgin-support site, but that kissi site is da bomb yo

>> No.2491084
File: 77 KB, 584x640, 「JAN」のイラスト - 「傷ついた夢をとりもどすよ」 - もっこり シティーハンター ジャンプ _3977643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My life experiences are all tied to anime."
"For me, anime music has been a main emotional support."
"City Hunter saved my life."

>> No.2491117

This is rather interesting. I know anon probably posted this here to make me rage, but I actually found myself somewhat respecting the guy. Sure, ultimately he's just a gigolo, but he's seems to be very transparent and not too exploitive about it.

Though, I have to wonder how he manages to conducts his family life at the same time...

>> No.2491122

Wow it's really sad that an 18 year old girl feels so much pressure about being a virgin that she is willing to have sex with a middle aged stranger just to lose her virginity.

>> No.2491127

There are no comments on this blog. I feel the sudden urge to post one.

>> No.2491128


Can't be much harder than the average Japanese salaryman who is rarely at home anyway.

>> No.2491160

Damn, the world is not fair, a married middle aged man fucking virgins and here I am 21 year old virgin that can't even talk to a girl properly.

>> No.2491165

Sounds like you need to give this man a call and ask him to take your virginity.

>> No.2491195

The STD is strong in this one.

>> No.2491199

This women are disgusting whores.

>> No.2491214

ummm... no

he fucks virgins

>> No.2491220

You can be a virgin and still have an STI.

>> No.2491248

also doesnt mean that he's clean

>> No.2491260

>What is the most profound memory in the life of a woman? It's when she loses her virginity.
Really? People actually BELIEVE that?

>> No.2491264

I don't get why 18 year olds would contact this guy. Is it really that bad to be a virgin at 18? Why would an 18 year old want to lose her virginity to a middle aged man? I just don't get it.

>> No.2491290

Well I suppose if you're willing to go through with all this with a stranger advertising on the internet then it would be a pretty memorable experience. Shit, I bet he offers them more than just some frantic fumbling in the back seat of a car or wedding night jitters.

Probably lays on candles, incense, Barry White or the Japanese equivalent in the background and silk sheets. He doesn't just take their virginity, he makes them a woman. With unrealistic expectations of men from that point on.

He's not in it for the sex. He's in it to troll every other man in Japan.

>> No.2491305

This is why japan has such a low birth rate, isn't it?

>> No.2491324

>He's not in it for the sex. He's in it to troll every other man in Japan.
I have incredible respect for him now.

>> No.2491335

>Barry White or the Japanese equivalent
Is there a Japanese equivalent to Barry White? I'd really want to hear it.

>> No.2491352

>He's not in it for the sex. He's in it to troll every other man in Japan.

Fucking EPIC line.

>> No.2491401

yeah no.
japanese men dont really do anything special for women.
apart from buying them expensive gifts and shit just to get them to bed.
my girlfriend said all boyfriends she's had; all japanese havent even treated her as well as i have.
also, my other friends that had jap boyfriends have always told me how for them, they were the ones calling guys out on dates because the guys couldnt be fucked and always the 'dates' ended in sex. also, some of them who did share told me that the guys just make them suck their dick, use a vibrator on them raw and just literally jam them in while the girls are barely wet and finish before she even gets half way to climax.

so in short, he's not in it for making the girls feel good, hes just doing it for the virgins and to troll everyone

>> No.2491462


Most of this sounds universal and not inherently japanese.

>> No.2491509

Do Japanese guys just carry vibrators around with them? What?

>> No.2491510

sure there are guys that treat girls like that in other parts of the world, but at least in the rest of the world theres such thing as romantic.
lighting candles, playing a special song, a rose in your teeth, surprising your gf / wife with a special dinner / dinner at a special place, going away on holiday together just the two of you, etc. are things that most japanese guys DONT do.
considering how much they work and how they ignore their families and even their own health for work, you can understand how women's needs and status are ignore in favor of what the man wants.

even 'Calm' ignores his own family and wife just to pop cherries. thats gotta tell you something.
i've known lots of japanese guys that had lots of different girlfriends and similiarly friends that were in love with married men and not once did they feel bad about what they were doing.

>> No.2491519

i dont know, probably. according to hentai, normal guys just carry dildoes, vibrating eggs, and stuff around.

seriously, all my friends said was they'd always go back to their BF's house because the guys dont want to be seen at hotels. one of my friends said that one of her BF friend worked at the only love hotel in town.

>> No.2491531

What's wrong with that? The only real reason to go to a love hotel is if you have no other place to get some privacy.

>> No.2491543

yeah that may be the case, but japs are really private. like, you know, they wont kiss in public to save face and not embarrass themselves.
not to mention even around their closest friends they wont kiss you because they're too shy and embarrassed. now do you think they'd go into a love hotel for the sole purpose of fucking just to have someone that knows them snickering and knowing that they are fucking?
think of it as if you were a japanese person.

>> No.2491550

This site is pretty awesome. I like it.

>> No.2491562



>> No.2491572

Damn, I kinda respect the guy, he just has a way of presenting this that feels nice.

>> No.2492611



>> No.2492783


>You can be a virgin and still have an STI.

Yeah, and most of them do.

>> No.2492788


Why would he want to pop my dot html?

>> No.2492842

My, how cultures differ. A week ago in England, I saw some guy taking a piss on a tree in a public park, and his girlfriend held his hand afterward.

That right there's a keeper.

>> No.2492862

Shit, this blog is pretty good. No nonsense, no "lol japan is SO weird", but reporting and translating of interesting stuff.
I'm subscribing. Thanks OP

>> No.2492863
File: 320 KB, 480x640, 「しばわん」のイラスト - 「シティーハンター」 - CITYHUNTER _3021272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"City Hunter saved my life."

>> No.2492866


>> No.2492869

I can only imagine.

"Welcome home, dear. How was work?"
"Oh, it was fine. I had three customers today."
"That's nice, dear. I'm sure you made them feel special."
"Daddy, daddy, I want to pop cherries too!"
"Haha, when you're older, son."

>> No.2492875

"Welcome home, dear. How was work?"
"Oh, it was fine. I had three customers today."
"That's nice, dear. I'm sure you made them feel special."
"Daddy, daddy, I want to pop cherries too!"
"Haha, when you're older, Marisa."

>> No.2492920
File: 30 KB, 517x313, jamesbondhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2492933


so moe~

>> No.2492938

I'd put on a skirt and let James Bond fuck me.

>> No.2492950

Before you fags say anything, I claim Ayumi as my 'waifu'.

>> No.2492952
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, 1240161481700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2492953


This chick confuses me, and I wonder why she doesn't have more subscribers and views.

>> No.2492967

Her unpopularity is part of her appeal.

>> No.2492976

>The adventures of a Japanese girl's Love and Loneliness in Chicago.


>> No.2492977

I'd prefer Jack Sparrow.

>> No.2492980

Because she isn't Danny Choo.
We must correct this.

>> No.2492984

There's a woman in all of us, eh /jp/?

I'd let that salty fucker get up in me all night.

>> No.2493001

Transform her into Danny Choo?

>> No.2493002

So basically he's offering to devirgin virgins for free. Oh god this guy is a genius.

>> No.2493013

We could start an exotic foreigner branch...

>> No.2493017

you just KNOW that the girl who owns that blog lost her virginity that way.

>> No.2493020

No, she wouldn't like that.
To bring her into the limelight and give her some support.

>> No.2493021

Fuck you. Ayumi is pure.

>> No.2493027

Ok, does the same service exist for guys too ?

>> No.2493048

I don't know how to feel about Ayumi.
She's not attractive, her teeth are very prominent and has a bit of a chubby face. But I want to give her a hug.

I caught myself smiling back when she struggles with what to say. Why is she so cute, huh?

Fuck it, from now on call me an Ayumifag.

>> No.2493057

It's the power of 萌え. You can't resist.

>> No.2493062

Because she's the female version of you. The female version of sad, ronery Anon.

>> No.2493084

That's the thing, I'm not a sad, ronery anon.
I've never had a waifu, never liked idols, and I fit pretty well in society. But Ayumi feels real, you know. It's not a face she puts on to be moe, she doesn't uses photoshop to make herself attractive, but most important of all, she has things to say that are genuinely interesting.

I just noticed. She's from Kansai, and is named Ayumi. Osaka's real name is Ayumu. Coincidence?

>> No.2493105

>Somebody asked me directions which make me happy.
>I have to learn from my mistakes to make it better.
>I am learning a lot about the internet!
>I understand a little more about taking my responsibility.
>I don't know why, but always acting class makes me excited.
>If I have not been able to find an adult whom I can't trust, then will I also become an adult who is not trusted?
>I am wondering if Andy Warhol had a friend.
>Smelling brown tea makes me so happy.

>> No.2493123

So moe~

>> No.2493125

But she's so sweet and upbeat.

>> No.2493126

You're sweet and upbeat.

>> No.2493129 [DELETED] 

Will you go out with me?

>> No.2493157

Fuck you, you should pay attention to me, not her.

>> No.2493161

I seem to find the blog more enjoyable than this Calm fellow.

>> No.2493182

>I am a 4 years old kid as speaking english.


>> No.2493199

England is fucking filthy. I'm American and flew over to London New Years eve, and spent the night walking around Picadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square and surrounding environs to watch the fireworks and party a little bit, and saw more than a dozen girls squatting and pissing in the middle of the street. A dozen GIRLS. Not to mention the guys loaded with cheapass Fosters. I thought you guys were supposed to have better beer than us? Fuck England.

>> No.2493249
File: 4 KB, 210x168, 123265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think i have cool face.
>cool face

me too, ayumi. me too.

>> No.2493273

England is just a shittier version of America. They're both shit though, its just one manages to take it a step further.

>> No.2493290

>"Do you have any recommendation?" "No" what's kind of comic store are they

why you gotta be so cool ayumi?

my new waifu, end of story.

>> No.2493302

>However, I somehow feel that in this society we give power and control to bullies. They are repeatedly portrayed as being cool, while victims are weak and lame. Or is it just me who feels this way?

She is right. Media always portrays the bullied as someone to protect because they're too weak to stand on their own. It's a pitiful response.

>> No.2493312

Shut up. See >>2492950.

>> No.2493313

Fuck you, she's my waifu!

>> No.2493322

i'll duel you BOTH for her.

at the same time.

i'm badass like that, its just how i roll.

>> No.2493333

Oh? Fight for something that's already mine? You're so silly, Anonymous.

>> No.2493357

>someone told me that I don't make fool of myself. That's why I don't have friends. I was thinking about it. and I think it is kind of right.
>I don't have friends.




Why she so moé? This unbelievable.

>> No.2493424

I've actually had that idea myself. Was a while ago though so I can't remember if some details were different.

>> No.2493713

i love you ayumi, i am your husbando.

>> No.2493729

I think Camera-kun is Ayumi's husbando.

>> No.2493752

I dont think women are the ones in need of a 'support system' for this if I'm being honest here.

>> No.2493793

I could say the same about men. Or are the fat, ugly bitches wanting to get rid of their virgin status not good enough for you? Well, I wouldn't accept a fatty myself.

>> No.2493830

no! it's not true! i refuse to believe it!

have you read her twitter? that isnt the life of somebody who has a husbando! it cant be!

it just cant be! ;_;

>> No.2493849

Well, she has a facebook. You could try being friends with her.

>> No.2493880

oh god, im such an emotional failure.

the moment you say "you COULD be friends with her" i get panicked...

good thing i dont even have a facebook, otherwise i'd really have a panic attack.

>> No.2493900

I'm just contact her through her blog. Facebook is too bothersome.

>> No.2493923

I'd date this girl, she may not be perfect looking but meh, she seems amazing in other ways.

So ronery ;_;

>> No.2493925

Tell you what then, I'll let you live vicariously through me.
I'm going to try to open some dialog with her, mostly because I find her blog interesting.

It's only the internet anonymous, you don't have much to risk. And think of all you could earn, talking with her about menial things.

>> No.2493955

>I could say the same about men.

And you'd be wrong. See: >>2493923

>> No.2493964

if you're going to try to talk with her, i'd be happy to watch.

but i ain't doing it. would rather watch from the hill.

life is a spectator sport for me.

>> No.2494049

Just sent her an email, from my uni account no less. I will keep /jp/ updated.

>> No.2494057

I never knew about this girl before, but goddamn I'm in love. Watching all her videos now.

>> No.2494058

thank you, sir, i will enjoy reading of your escapades.

>> No.2494083
File: 34 KB, 482x275, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to watch Shugo Chara with her and sing along to the OP.

>> No.2494087
File: 80 KB, 808x660, risaismoejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2494105

>And my list of fave anime is what makes me tick


>> No.2494151

The person taping her is a man, and a potential boyfriend

>> No.2494161



>> No.2494364

I was thinking of trying to get Sankaku or danny choo to link to her, it should give her a visitor boost.
What do you think? Maybe it's better to keep her obscure, but it's always a depressing sight, to see a blog with no comments.

>> No.2494378


noh. she's ours.

>> No.2494383

>Sankaku or danny choo to link to her
Why not just hire a bunch of thugs to beat and rape her? It'll probably be kinder.

>> No.2494385

That's why we have to start commenting. Hell we should show her this thread, it would be nice to show her she has many fans.

>> No.2494396

Don't you think she might be a bit freaked out by people fighting over her being their wife? Although she might be really embarrassed by it and become even more flustered/start blushing. Moe~

>> No.2494406


See, it's a positive feedback cycle.

>> No.2494416

You know how hard it is to get anonymous to assume an identity that can be tracked back to him?
She won't take anonymous comments.

I don't think most people would be glad of being featured in a 4chan thread. And the talks of being our waifu freaks people up.

>> No.2494425

So you can't comment anonymous on her blog?

>> No.2494430


Another slut to break the heart of Anon. IT NEVER ENDS.

>> No.2494462

Everyone just subscribe to her YouTube account.

She'll like that we like her videos, and she'll notice more hits on her blog even if we can't comment anonymous.

>> No.2494479

Right, and expose my youtube to other anons?
There lies the problem.

>> No.2494489

Oh gee. I guess you're right.

Start a new one?

>> No.2494497

>I knew she loves downtown nightlife, so for our first night, I chose the total opposite: a Japanese-style hotel with a hot-springs. We took a bath in the spring together and prepared the mood for sex. Once we moved to the futon, she seemed calm. We did it smoothly. the next morning, we took a bath together again. As she wore a Summer Japanese kimono, I held her tight until noon. Once we had sex again, I couldn't believe she ever rejected kisses from her ex-boyfriends.

The guy is good, I'll give him that. Well, it's a social service he's providing, and I really can't imagine something like this in the west.

>> No.2494507 [DELETED] 

I can't believe this thread is still alive. You're a bunch of fucking faggots.

>> No.2494509

I prefer my approach. Sent her a mail telling her I enjoyed her articles and was looking forward for new updates. Subscribed to her RSS feed and wished her lots of luck in the future.

It's more personal, and it's a thing I like to do when I find an obscure cool site. Some write back, telling how a single mail is a lot more meaningful than seeing their visitor numbers tick up.

>> No.2494520

>Do guys feel loney if they don't have girlfriends on Valentines? 4:36 PM Feb 14th from txt

She's an impure slut!

>> No.2494524

might just do that myself, then.

>> No.2494529

No, no. She was feeling lonely having no boyfriend herself and was wondering if the opposite sex feels the same way!

>> No.2494536

>I am wondering how many guys feel they HAVE to do something for their girlfriends in valentines day. 5:00 PM Feb 7th from txt


>> No.2494544

># I guess i met a person who has a part of me.6:18 AM Nov 11th, 2008 from txt

>> No.2494553

why? that proves nothing!

>> No.2494561

she not so good at english speak!

that person borrowed some money off her, is all!

>> No.2494600

I really like her

>> No.2494611
File: 111 KB, 290x199, 4chanmention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2494615



What happen...

>> No.2494632


>> No.2494633


>> No.2494640
File: 368 KB, 640x480, 0610turp_09z+2006_subaru_wrx_sti_spec_c+left_front_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an STI and im a virgin

>> No.2494643

Oh shit!

>> No.2494646

Did someone really link her the thread?
Ayumi-chan, please marry me~

>> No.2494649

I don't get it, was this already there? What did "we" do to this ayumi person?

>> No.2494650

made a thread

>> No.2494652




gee, i hope nobody has cracked it and is fucking around.

thatd suck.

>> No.2494660

I think she has the idea of the /b/tard anonymous, as most people do.

But we drove up views, yay

>> No.2494665

>Is reading 20th century boys while waiting.
>4:44 AM Mar 11th from txt


>> No.2494679

>if I believe I can do, I can do it! 1:55 AM May 15th, 2008 from web

Go Ayumi, go!

>> No.2494709

She's just getting more and more awesome. Also /jp/ - Ayumi updates/general.

>> No.2494714

It is. For women who lose their virginity the right way.

>> No.2494724

The right way, meaning with Calm, right?

>> No.2494735

I welcome my 4chan overlords.

Even you guys are mean sometimes, you only want feel home I think. I respect 4chan-kun (but I allergic to /b/, gomen).-AyumiDesu

>> No.2494741

I'm not Ayumi by the way, just posting what she put there.
Seems it's changing by the minute.

>> No.2494745
File: 81 KB, 217x140, kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fucking *gets* us. What do we do??????

>> No.2494753

We make a shrine.
Optional: Headbands and big ass flags to cheer Ayumi. Ouendan!

>> No.2494754

We run. It must be a trap.

Nobody gets us, maaaan.

>> No.2494756


>> No.2494764

kill 4chan

>> No.2494774

>you only want to feel home

Fuck, My chest hurts

>> No.2494786

>Also, what is "trap"?
A trap is a male that looks like a female. Hence, it's a trap for someone that easily gets confused.
Of course, some people prefer it that way.

>> No.2494791

Goddamn, Link please

>> No.2494795

Hi Ayumi, if you are reading this thread.

Tell me who is your favourite tripfag on /jp/.

>> No.2494808 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2494812 [DELETED] 

Hi Ayumi.

I love you.

That is all.

>> No.2494813 [DELETED] 

>e~~~~~? If I am trap, then I am high quality trap! -AyumiDesu
Guys, I'm confused now...

>> No.2494819 [DELETED] 

We're all bad people, nothing good can come of this.

>> No.2494821 [DELETED] 

>e~~~~~? If I am trap, then I am high quality trap!

I assume you also know the dictionary and not just slang meaning, yes?

'Cause you shouldn't go around calling transvestites "traps" outside of the internet land.

>> No.2494822 [DELETED] 

>>e~~~~~? If I am trap, then I am high quality trap! -AyumiDesu

May God help us all

>> No.2494824 [DELETED] 

You're right. We ruin everything we come into contact with.

We'd better just pretend this never happened.

>> No.2494834 [DELETED] 

Ayumi, what are your thoughts on 東のエデン?

>> No.2494837 [DELETED] 

No no, I think I get it now.
It's in response to >>2494754 meaning that _IF_ she was a trap, then that would make her a god-tier trap.
Meaning she is female. With a sense of humor. And a bit broken english.

Jesuschrist, I'm gonna die of moe overdose any second now.

>> No.2494850 [DELETED] 

She knows we think she's cute. It's only a matter of time until she toys with our hearts.

>> No.2494851 [DELETED] 


What's that?

>> No.2494853 [DELETED] 

I agree with her article on Isshoni Training. A male version would be awesome. I was gonna draw a parody of that, actually.

>> No.2494860 [DELETED] 

Eden of the East...


>> No.2494862 [DELETED] 

>She knows we think she's cute. It's only a matter of time until she toys with our hearts.

Please don't hurt me

>> No.2494864 [DELETED] 

Don't girls have Billy's Boot Camp?
Ah, it's 3D, right.
I would like to see that, make sure to post it when you're done.

>> No.2494866 [DELETED] 

Eden of the East

>> No.2494872 [DELETED] 

Install rikaichan man, you really need it.

>> No.2494874 [DELETED] 

Damn, I can't even recognize the moonrune of my favorite anime

>> No.2494885 [DELETED] 

Crap, I can't take the image of Ayumi reading some of the posts here and blushing, embarrassed that someone would think of her that way.
Maybe I've been playing too many VNs...

>> No.2494897 [DELETED] 

You're not the only one, lol

>> No.2494899 [DELETED] 

How come no one else is posting comments? I feel so alone.

>> No.2494900 [DELETED] 

Ayumi is pretty ugly just FYI.

I want to see her wear a maid dress though.

>> No.2494902 [DELETED] 

>Yechu, I am blushing. I feel nervous so much now!!!!!


>> No.2494909 [DELETED] 

>Yessu, I am blushing. I feel nervous so much now!!!!! -AyumiDesu

Ayumi has given me hope for the whole female gender. It's not about appearances, it's about the real girl underneath. If we could get to know them better we would see that.

>> No.2494910 [DELETED] 

I wanted to go sleep but this thread is too awesome.

>> No.2494915 [DELETED] 


>is pretty ugly

You could've said "homely"

>> No.2494917 [DELETED] 


>> No.2494922 [DELETED] 

This thread fills my heart with joy and several other conflicting emotions.

>> No.2494925 [DELETED] 

>4chan no minna e. Kiss-sui ni kitekurete arigato~ (= ^ 0 ^ = ) mata asobini kitene! 8 minutes ago from txt

>> No.2494928 [DELETED] 

Homely isn't any less insulting and doesn't even have "pretty" in it as a saving grace.

>> No.2494929 [DELETED] 

I am reading 20th Century Boys right now. I dont blame Ayumi for enjoying it, its honestly an awesome manga.

>> No.2494931 [DELETED] 

Once thread is over, it'd be best not to speak of this. Mistakes have been made too many times.

>> No.2494934 [DELETED] 

>Yechu, I am blushing. I feel nervous so much now!!!!! -AyumiDesu

Help me God, Help me

>> No.2494935 [DELETED] 

Make it about Armstrong from FMA

>> No.2494936 [DELETED] 

I don't understand romanji, someone translate this or at least use kanji so I can rikaichan it.

>> No.2494939 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 450x253, minamike02th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-she likes us!

She r-really likes us!

>> No.2494946 [DELETED] 


Yes but it SOUNDS nicer.

>> No.2494947 [DELETED] 


>> No.2494948 [DELETED] 

100% agreed.

We must protect Ayumi...from ourselves.

>> No.2494950 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 444x366, lovethread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait...2chan is worse than 4chan? Is that even possible?
Also pic related.

>> No.2494952 [DELETED] 

Better not make a new thread, lest some infidels join in

>> No.2494953 [DELETED] 

Its so bizarre to actually be in contact with a real female Japanese anime fan. They seem so much nicer, more reserved and interesting than the female anime fans over here.

>> No.2494962 [DELETED] 

Yes. We must not protect her.

I shall gladly observe the burden of silence, for Ayumi.

>> No.2494964 [DELETED] 

Very well, if it's for the best.
I will still follow her updates and cheer her on from afar.

>> No.2494966 [DELETED] 

That's probably the same way we treat western whores. We hate applemilk but fall over for this gal.

>> No.2494967 [DELETED] 

Are we past 200 already?

Anyway, just goes to show girls can be bros to. Moe bros.

>> No.2494973 [DELETED] 

I now firmly believe this thread was started by the woman in question. Why does /jp/ support attention whores?

>> No.2494974 [DELETED] 


The sad thing about it is that these are the type of girls the Japanese men mess up

...Stupid fags.

>> No.2494976 [DELETED] 

Yes. We must protect her.

I shall gladly observe the burden of silence, for Ayumi.

>Ayumi Tanaka

They don't even compare, bro. Don't talk crazy.

>> No.2494978 [DELETED] 

I've come in contact with some reserved american fans, it's rare though, because they're well, reserved.

>> No.2494984 [DELETED] 

Way to be paranoid bro. Otherwise we would have seen her reaction to this thread far earlier.

>> No.2494985 [DELETED] 

Stop being paranoid, dont sour the mood.

>> No.2494988 [DELETED] 

Have you seen her first video? It's basically all about how Japan breaks people like her.
Isn't it sad?

Fight on, Ayumi!

Also, I think I'm going to start complimenting random strangers.

>> No.2494989 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 400x300, its-a-conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2494996 [DELETED] 

Reserved American guys? Yeh. Not so much girls.

>> No.2494997 [DELETED] 

>Also, I think I'm going to start complimenting random strangers.

You never know who's day you'll make.

>> No.2495007 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 246x2200, goodday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<from a female's blog

>> No.2495008 [DELETED] 

So this is what it feels like to be an internet idol follower, huh.

>> No.2495010 [DELETED] 

Now it really sounds like how we treat weeaboo youtube whores.

>> No.2495012 [DELETED] 

I did that once. Made both of our days.
Feels awesome, try it. Send out some cheer!

>> No.2495013 [DELETED] 

there's being a whore, and then theres expressing yourself. Keep on expressing, Ayumi!

>> No.2495016 [DELETED] 

Is this what we've become? She likes us back though, feels great man.

>> No.2495020 [DELETED] 

Is she some sort of exposer of evils of Japanese culture?

>> No.2495023 [DELETED] 

Homely? I think not. Check the update, yo

>> No.2495025 [DELETED] 

I usually dont like praising people, and I find it hard to believe that girls can be as lonely as us.

But she seems to be a really nice girl. I hope she continues with her blog. I have bookmarked it.

I wonder what she thinks of Futaba Channel and 2channel. Heh.

>> No.2495027 [DELETED] 



>> No.2495029 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 600x489, anon_poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2495043 [DELETED] 

I know, that jacket really goes well with her.
She's cute, in a plain sort of way.

>> No.2495055 [DELETED] 


I don't want to believe...

>> No.2495063 [DELETED] 

Plain moe triumphs again. I know I'll be following her site now. It's pretty interesting reading about this from a (Japanese) female perspective.

>> No.2495070 [DELETED] 

Ayumi, we will follow you to the end of the earth. And trusts us when we say this, we must protect you from ourselves.
Is camera-kun your husbando?

>> No.2495071 [DELETED] 

She looks pretty sort-of-want from a distance, at least. Not so much up close.

>> No.2495079 [DELETED] 

I cant believe some of you guys shallowness. You're just as bad as the girls who idolize hollywood 'hotties'. I would take a girl with the personality over a stunner with no brains any day of the week.

>> No.2495080 [DELETED] 

You know what would really complement her well? A nice sweater. She has the face and body type to look great with a good sweater. And the glasses are always a moe boost.

But what I find the best is that the articles are interesting, and you don't usually get this type of info in the west.

>> No.2495086 [DELETED] 

/jp/'s latest love affair would be more meaningful if you weren't communicating with the footer of a web page.

>> No.2495087 [DELETED] 

Seconded, though I think it's an attempt at a backhanded compliment rather than a direct criticism in some cases.

>> No.2495088 [DELETED] 

>I am wondering, would any of you even care if I transrate 2chan world to see what that world of poo is like?

Yes! Definately! We are always curious about Japanese anime fans, also, we like learning about Japanese NEETs and hikikomori too.

>> No.2495090 [DELETED] 

>I am wondering, would any of you even care if I transrate 2chan world to see what that world of poo is like?

2chan - It's a world of poo.

She's offering to translate it for us, is she?

>> No.2495094 [DELETED] 

Have you guys seen some of her videos? Up close she's pretty fucking MOE. Keep trashing her and she'll eventually lose whatever courage she's mustered to let us know she's one of us!

>> No.2495096 [DELETED] 

We're /jp/.

We'll take what we can get.

>> No.2495099 [DELETED] 

Might be due to >>2494950
So showing us how bad it is compared to 4chan.

>> No.2495101 [DELETED] 

ayumi: I would like to know about 2chan. It seems pretty scary, usually I only browse a "precure" image board.

>> No.2495107 [DELETED] 

I think some of us still have qualms with the whole pog disgusting 3D thing. It's hard to break years of conditioning when you find real life moe.
She's not stunning, that's for sure, but she's cute and has a great personality and sense of humor. That's why we love her.

And yes, we would like to learn more of 2ch and futaba.

>> No.2495108 [DELETED] 

You can tell when people have no friends when they assume what someone says is the entirety of what they think on the subject.
Or, tl;dr you're a fucking nimrod.

>> No.2495109 [DELETED] 

2chan is like Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi.

Full of sadism, scum and villainy.

>> No.2495111 [DELETED] 

So... who exactly is Camera-kun?

>> No.2495121 [DELETED] 



Pogs are back?

>> No.2495130 [DELETED] 

>Wakari, Anon. But without using Kiss-Sui's footer, no one berieve it's me, ne ne?? And no, I don't have boyfriend. Too much to fap too kekeke

Haha, she really is a 4channer. I knew sometimes Japanese come here, but I never thought we had any regular guests, especially girls.

>> No.2495134 [DELETED] 

>Wakari, Anon. But without using Kiss-Sui's footer, no one berieve it's me, ne ne?? And no, I don't have boyfriend. Too much to fap to kekeke
She is awesome.

>> No.2495135 [DELETED] 

Anyone else worried?

>> No.2495136 [DELETED] 

>Too much to fap to kekeke

Women cannot fap. Although that tempts me to make Ayumi doujinshi. Good thing I can't draw.

>> No.2495138 [DELETED] 

I don't understand anything anymore...

>> No.2495139 [DELETED] 

in alf form

>> No.2495143 [DELETED] 

I think that unique brand of english would be hard to imitate.
Ayumi could use a tripcode, and confirm it's her on the page footer. But thread is dying anyway.

She's a real bro. A moe bro.

>> No.2495146 [DELETED] 

men = fap
women = schlick

>> No.2495150 [DELETED] 


I love you

>> No.2495151 [DELETED] 

She probably doesn't know that the girl form of fap is "Schlick".

>> No.2495159 [DELETED] 

>I don't have boyfriend. Too much to fap to kekeke


>> No.2495163 [DELETED] 

Let's not ruin this with your libido. Moe is meant to be protected, not ravaged.

>> No.2495166 [DELETED] 

I live near Chicago, but I'd be too shy to say hi ;_; that and I'm always in my room, can't drive, etc.

>> No.2495168 [DELETED] 

Clearly you've never browsed /d/.

The line between man/woman is thinner than you'd think.

>> No.2495172 [DELETED] 

>Too much to schlick-desu to
She's learning.
My god, we're already corrupting her...

>> No.2495177 [DELETED] 

>Too much to schlick-desu to kekeke

dont worry, folks. she fixed it.

all's clear.

>> No.2495182 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495193 [DELETED] 

Going back to what I said here, I really want to sit down and watch some anime with her. Shame we're separated by ~1000 miles.

>> No.2495201 [DELETED] 

Hey, Ayumi. Check your email.

Also, any favourite video games?

>> No.2495205 [DELETED] 

Yeah, bro. She's cool.

She's cool.

>> No.2495208 [DELETED] 

I love going down with sinking threads, it's like I'm a hero in a naval battle.

>> No.2495212 [DELETED] 

Do not become too attached to her Anon. She will break your heart. You must remember that moe cannot exist in 3D.

>> No.2495214 [DELETED] 

>Women look for their boyfriend. But do they also look for their girlfriend, too?

Yes, yes they do. You're not alone! ~*A*)9"

>> No.2495216 [DELETED] 

She needs a fan club, all in favor say "aye"

>> No.2495218 [DELETED] 

Is anyone else REALLY hungry? I haven't eaten anything in the entire day.

Sometimes I wish I had friends again...

>> No.2495224 [DELETED] 

We're in /jp/ bro, This thread will last long enough.

>> No.2495229 [DELETED] 

Haha im hungry as well, but I don't have anything to eat. :(

>> No.2495234 [DELETED] 

I just had late lunch, but I'll take a snack break with you.

>> No.2495241 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 740x529, Lowering_the_flag_on_Zuikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your sacrifice is not in vain.

>> No.2495255 [DELETED] 

I just cooked breakfast, Though I'm drinking Choco in front of the PC so that i could check for updates

and crap, my breakfast is getting cold ;_;

>> No.2495266 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 500x356, 261754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here pretty much the whole thread.

I've done this before for cute girls on 4chan.

Pic related.

>> No.2495273 [DELETED] 

>For anon, my next article will be 2chan related. I would like to make more videos of kiss-sui show, but hard to find good topic. And I loving Dynasty Warriors/God of War series.

I'm sorry I'm not Anon and just as what some Anons here pointed out, Try making a topic about Eden of the East

>> No.2495274 [DELETED] 

This is why the more moe a character is, the more porn it gets, right?

Well I'm not a /b/ tits or gtfo person anyway.

>> No.2495281 [DELETED] 

>I would like to make more videos of kiss-sui show, but hard to find good topic.
Well, what we really like is to see what's your take on some of the things we enjoy. So maybe how is it to play visual novels and eroge, or harem animu. I've always wanted to see a female point of view on that.

>> No.2495284 [DELETED] 


I think this is the time for you to stop and think about what you're doing with your life.

>> No.2495287 [DELETED] 

No, 2chan related topic would be better.

Cool that she loves the God of War series. I played number 1 over the holidays, but havent gotten around to 2 yet, too much from the old PS2 generation I missed out on and still have to play.

>> No.2495290 [DELETED] 


We're not normalfiends bro, There's a reason why she's allergic to /b/

>> No.2495304 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 300x300, 1238534997846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Eden of the East

Yeah, but that's a chick show. I'm more interested in what lowly salarymen watch when they get home.

>> No.2495305 [DELETED] 

Maybe talk about the anime and games you like? I'm curious to know! I love hearing people's opinions on the things they love.

>> No.2495307 [DELETED] 

Don't I know it, dude.

I've even been asked out by girls before but...

...too scared. ;_;

>> No.2495308 [DELETED] 

>I rape you in Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack.

Most of us aren't good at that anyway

Heck, I can't even win in Touhou

>> No.2495311 [DELETED] 

Have you noticed how wrong it feels to see Cirno in a sexual situation?

Man, I haven't played Tetris in ages. Last puzzle games I did were 3D Picross and Professor Hatsworth.

>> No.2495313 [DELETED] 

Boku no pico

>> No.2495317 [DELETED] 

>For anon, my next article will be 2chan related. I would like to make more videos of kiss-sui show, but hard to find good topic. And I loving Dynasty Warriors/God of War series. Oh~! Also, I rape you in Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack.
I'd love to hear your take on 2chan, would be interesting.
>I would like to make more videos of kiss-sui show, but hard to find good topic.
As >>2495281 said, your take on the things we enjoy would be interesting. What do you think of visual novels, or touhou.
>I rape you
Please do.

>> No.2495323 [DELETED] 

We have a great tripfag on 4chan called 'tonberryking'.

>> No.2495325 [DELETED] 

>Dynasty Warriors


>> No.2495336 [DELETED] 

I wonder what boards she visits. /jp/ only or are they a /v/ and /cm/ regular?

>> No.2495342 [DELETED] 

>I welcome my 4chan niichan
Oh god...

>> No.2495343 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090425224807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really a chick show, Try watching it, It's awesome

Not that, Please

>> No.2495345 [DELETED] 

I'd say just keep translating interesting news articles and such.

>> No.2495353 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 960x720, 1230613782727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I welcome my 4chan niichan

>> No.2495358 [DELETED] 

How old is Ayumi anyway?
I can't feel like a proper niichan unless I'm older than her.

>> No.2495363 [DELETED] 


Would Ayumi cook for me? I'm really hungry, you guys...

>> No.2495366 [DELETED] 

Ok, I'm going to bed. Laters /jp/ and Ayumi.

>> No.2495372 [DELETED] 

25 maybe? Which would make her my onee-san.

>> No.2495374 [DELETED] 

Night anon.

>> No.2495383 [DELETED] 

Night bro

Go to Chicago lol

>> No.2495387 [DELETED] 

Ayumi, just post with a trip in this thread and post it on the footer so we know who you are and get it over with, I'm sick of refreshing the site looking at the footer.

>> No.2495389 [DELETED] 

>Anon, I am still awake desu!
It's still early in most of anonymous time zones. We can go on far longer.

Damn, I'm 22.
But that makes her our cool neechan. Awesome.

>> No.2495391 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 448x490, 1239749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You finally made a friend, /jp/.

I've never been more proud of you.

>> No.2495394 [DELETED] 



>> No.2495398 [DELETED] 

someone needs to hack her shit site

>> No.2495402 [DELETED] 

It's 8:30 PM near me. I don't have work tomorrow so I will be on until 3 AM refreshing her site.

>> No.2495408 [DELETED] 

Second this.
Unless she doesn't know how to tripcode...
Ayumi, read this

>> No.2495415 [DELETED] 

in b4 20 posts in response to this post.

>> No.2495417 [DELETED] 

but how would she get ad revenue then?

>> No.2495423 [DELETED] 

I'm against her making a trip. If she were to use it outside of the safety of her followers, /jp/ would troll her to death.

>> No.2495424 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 328x448, brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2495430 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495435 [DELETED] 


Someone needs to hack your ass

>> No.2495436 [DELETED] 

She needs actual clicks for that.

And see, I was right. She doesn't know how to trip.

>> No.2495439 [DELETED] 

The posting of [...] calls to invasion is prohibited

>> No.2495440 [DELETED] 

I can't agree more

>> No.2495451 [DELETED] 

No offense bro, But i can't stop laughing

>> No.2495455 [DELETED] 

Oh, Anon. Why must you dirty everything you touch?

>> No.2495461 [DELETED] 

A tripcode is when you have a password next to your name.

For example, in the name field you type 'Tonberryking #faggot'

#faggot is the password, it results in this:

>Clockwork Loyalty !!4b3DtY5ordZ

>> No.2495466 [DELETED] 

Thread is dying soon. has it been archived?

>> No.2495468 [DELETED] 

That's a proper sage. It's not a thread voting tool.
In this case, it's to make a point.
Cease your laughter.

>> No.2495470 [DELETED] 

>Anon, what the heck is trip-desu?!?! @_@
In the name field you put your name and then #whatever. Whatever being your tripcode. For example what I have in the name field right now is MY LIFE FOR AYUMI-CHAN!#iwanttokillmyself
The #iwanttokillmyself gives it a TRIPCODE(like you see in my name it will just be random numbers and letters" so it can distinguish you from people just using your name.

>> No.2495476 [DELETED] 

Um this thread has been on autosage for a while. It can't be bumped at all. sage is pointless.

326 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2495479 [DELETED] 

You must not sully this anonymous.

>> No.2495481 [DELETED] 

Is it just me, is anyone else seeing the irony with the treatment towards our emoticon-happy 3d friend here?

>> No.2495484 [DELETED] 

Ayumi, I will never get tired of you.

>> No.2495486 [DELETED] 

You use a trip to confirm its you, its better if you don't use it all the time,
only when you want it known that it is you.

>> No.2495487 [DELETED] 

No name faggotry is bad and trip faggotry even worse.

However it is allowable for the purposes of identifying yourself within a particular thread. outside of that thread, anon is the way.

I don't disapprove of Ayumi tripping because she would be one of the good ones like DJ Bokusatsu. (I miss him ;_;)

>> No.2495489 [DELETED] 

I personally never believed in '3d pig disgusting', its only emotionally stunted idiots who are that bitter.

For the record, I'm a virgin.

>> No.2495494 [DELETED] 

In some cases I think emoticons get too much flack.

>Anon, so "trip" is like having a 4chan identity card? Is this good idea? People will get tired of me then. . .

Well, you only have to use it if you need to, or just this once. Some people use a name in request threads, and only those.

>> No.2495498 [DELETED] 

>Anon, so "trip" is like having a 4chan identity card? Is this good idea? People will get tired of me then. . .

She really gets it...
Only if you abuse it Ayumi. Lose the emoticon heavy posting style, don't be an attention whore, and be a good contributor and you will only get minimal hate.
Few instances of using a tripcode are justified. This is one of them.

>> No.2495499 [DELETED] 

>Anon, so "trip" is like having a 4chan identity card? Is this good idea? People will get tired of me then. . .

why you so smart

>> No.2495504 [DELETED] 

2d is for VN lovers and touhou enthusiasts. The rest of /jp/ posts idols and voice actors all the fucking time.

>> No.2495507 [DELETED] 

Japanese people are different when it comes to emoticons, also she is not any normal 3D.

>> No.2495508 [DELETED] 

Anybody trying to find her address?

>> No.2495510 [DELETED] 

>the rest of
I wouldn't go that far.

>> No.2495513 [DELETED] 

Ayumi, Read my words

Don't go for a trip, People will hate you for it

>> No.2495514 [DELETED] 

Not /b/.

>> No.2495519 [DELETED] 

Not all of us hate 3D.
Emoticons are only frowned upon in 4chan. Someone that's just getting exposure to it is not expected to know that emoticons are discouraged.

>> No.2495520 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495521 [DELETED] 

Not even something thread-only?

>> No.2495522 [DELETED] 

I have limited VN experience, and I do not like Touhou, and I do not like 3D women.

>> No.2495529 [DELETED] 


33% VN/Touhou/MMO
33% idols/underaged girls
33% dolls
1% asia/gerneral

Dolls are 3d. Idols are 3d. Hell, mmos are sometimes 3d.

>> No.2495533 [DELETED] 


I dunno

>> No.2495535 [DELETED] 

Ayumi, is it as common in Japan for otaku to be virgins as it is here?

>> No.2495540 [DELETED] 

what kind of dumb question is that

>> No.2495552 [DELETED] 

>I do not like 3D women.

At least quantify this with something more reasonable.

For example "I do not like MOST 3d women."

Personally, most people are only too keen to behave in an obnoxious, self-serving manner. For women this revolves around dating, and for men, money.

It takes a brave person to stand above it all.

>> No.2495563 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495569 [DELETED] 

Wow, this is a side of /jp/ I don't think I've ever seen before. There might be hope for you mangy lot after all.


>> No.2495571 [DELETED] 

360 replies.

>> No.2495574 [DELETED] 

she hid herself pretty well, tried googling her website and email, she has no myspace

but she does have a facebook, currently digging through chicago profiles to find her.

>> No.2495582 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495586 [DELETED] 

Don't be a stalker anonymous. For her sake and for all your fellow followers.

>> No.2495590 [DELETED] 

She stopped


>> No.2495592 [DELETED] 

Dont do that, why would you want to do something like that?

>> No.2495593 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495605 [DELETED] 

She probably got creeped out by the our overenthusiastic.


>> No.2495607 [DELETED] 

>Anon, so "trip" is like having a 4chan identity card? Is this good idea? People will get tired of me then. . .
I'm starting to think an anon hacked her site. This is just too strange.

>> No.2495608 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 704x400, snapshot20090426200952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2495617 [DELETED] 



>> No.2495628 [DELETED] 

This thread is full of fail.

>> No.2495629 [DELETED] 

>Anon, "tripcode" no good idea I feel. Anyways, Kiss-Sui.com is my baby-desu~~~!! You can come here to see me ne?

Guys, Her site has a comment box, Why don't we post there instead?

>> No.2495631 [DELETED] 

It's a google-made site with some fancy CSS, I doubt anyone managed to hack that.

>> No.2495632 [DELETED] 

>Anon, "tripcode" no good idea I feel.
She learns fast.
Ok Ayumi, but you must should give us a way to contact you easily. You didn't answer to my mail this morning.

>> No.2495634 [DELETED] 

>Anyways, Kiss-Sui.com is my baby-desu~~~!! You can come

Make an image board or forum or BBS or something. Talking in a footer is weird.

>> No.2495642 [DELETED] 

Ayumi, we're not comfortable with names and profiles. Please allow for anonymous comments and we will post.

>> No.2495643 [DELETED] 

Better yet, We could set a conference on MSN or AIM

>> No.2495644 [DELETED] 


is this her facebook?

>> No.2495645 [DELETED] 

I don't want to make a profile at some site just to comment. I don't want people having access to that profile either. I want to be anon and comment as anon.

>> No.2495650 [DELETED] 

How old is she?

>> No.2495652 [DELETED] 

>You can come here to see me ne?

>> No.2495654 [DELETED] 

She has yet to mention her age, bro

Seriously, Even I'm opting that she should just post here with her name ;_;

>> No.2495655 [DELETED] 

Are these her parents?

Ayumil Tanaka
Hideo Tanaka

>> No.2495656 [DELETED] 

You don't need to make a profile. There are a lot of options you can use to post. Don't be a fag

>> No.2495658 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 100x92, s1143987543_3577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. She's smart and has it set on private.
I would like to friend her and get to know her, but I'm too nervous for that...

>> No.2495659 [DELETED] 

Her names Ayumi Tanaka, it says it on her page

>> No.2495662 [DELETED] 

So when is this girl going to offer her own "Virginity-Loss Support"?

>> No.2495664 [DELETED] 

I only understand Uniform and Nervous.

>> No.2495665 [DELETED] 

CHICAGO, IL 60614 (773) 755-6694


>> No.2495671 [DELETED] 

Why you do this anonymous?

>> No.2495675 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 298x482, 1112884199353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayumi, do you cosplay?

>> No.2495676 [DELETED] 

Thanks! Scoping these locations out tonight

>> No.2495681 [DELETED] 

jeez, might as well ruin it for everyone.

>> No.2495682 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495688 [DELETED] 


This is no different from what /b/ did when they tracked down who moot was...

>> No.2495689 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495690 [DELETED] 

Don't be that guy anon, translate for us.

>> No.2495697 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495699 [DELETED] 

I dont understand this mentality.

This is probably one of the '3d pig disgusting' people. Only has a mind to destroy.

>> No.2495703 [DELETED] 

Roughly, asking her how she felt wearing a highschool uniform.
It made her felt nervous.
Envious. Only uniform I've worn is military.

>> No.2495704 [DELETED] 

>Be nice, Anon. People live in my old address! ^_^

We're not /b/

>> No.2495713 [DELETED] 

>Be nice, Anon. People live in my old address! ^_^
Doho, always one step ahead, eh?

>> No.2495717 [DELETED] 


why are you even posting this?

do you think anyone on /jp/ is as scummy enough as a /b/tard to stalk and harass someone?

>> No.2495735 [DELETED] 

what? is that even a real name?

>> No.2495740 [DELETED] 


Just not scummy enough to leave their house and do it themselves.

>> No.2495743 [DELETED] 

Looking at this thread objectively, we are obsessing over her. "Ayumi is my wife!" and the like. Although we're not going to stalk her, she might be a bit creeped out.

>> No.2495745 [DELETED] 

This is why we can never have nice things.

>> No.2495750 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, I don't think anyone here is willing to go out and do anything. It's /jp/ after all, not /b/

>> No.2495752 [DELETED] 

On that note, Ayumi-chan, marry me.

>> No.2495764 [DELETED] 


>> No.2495780 [DELETED] 

She want's site views and to imagine men love her. Noting is going to creep her out. Not even if we found and posted pics of her in highschool swimsuits.

>> No.2495788 [DELETED] 

Apparently i can't last long enough today, I've been awake for almost 20 hours now and i need to rest my head, Night guys, Night Ayumi

It was a fun time with you all

>> No.2495794 [DELETED] 

>Off-topic, but I am trying to get into US comics too. Which is good title for me to learn better English?

There's not a lot that I personally enjoy, but you may want to try "Watchmen".

>> No.2495804 [DELETED] 

read Weird War Tales


>> No.2495805 [DELETED] 

V for Vendetta was pretty classy, but V's speech might be....a little difficult.
Also,The Sandman

>> No.2495806 [DELETED] 

I donno, man. Watchmen is not exactly the easiest comic to start off with, given its format and WORDSWORDSWORDS. Though I do like it as well.

As for me, I'd recommend Art Spielgman's MAUS.

>> No.2495820 [DELETED] 

Lazarus Churchyard
