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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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24470851 No.24470851 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread by and for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Archive of older threads: >>/jp/?task=search2&search_subject=DJT

Previous Thread: >>24438182

>> No.24471036

Matt and Mary having a showdown in the discord voice chat rn

>> No.24471061


>> No.24471109
File: 120 KB, 1080x1788, 喘.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a doujin
>see new word
>stop fapping
>look it up
>add to deck
>continue fapping

>> No.24471210

saw that like +300 times in this vn i played

>> No.24471243

imagine if he couldnt pass the quiz

>> No.24471250

How much time should I sink into katakana?

>> No.24471262


>> No.24471313

Haven't seen it once in my middle-schooler LNs

>> No.24471388

One day for basic familiarity, learn it as you read

>> No.24471433

Upload it somewhere after it ends. I don't have a discord account.

>> No.24471514
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u guys exited when matto explains us how to sentence card?

>> No.24471520 [DELETED] 

hey guys this video helped me learn japanese check it out!


>> No.24471548

Hope some kind soul is archiving this for posterity.

>> No.24471646

勝元 already explained it a decade ago. No need to break immersion and give matto views.

>> No.24471709

wtf when did wareya pass the n1 quiz

>> No.24471748

Matto has the n-word pass?

>> No.24471878

ma nigga

>> No.24472059
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interesting that the only forvo sauce is from turkey

>> No.24472134 [DELETED] 


hey guys check out this sneak peek of my latest video!

>> No.24472150

Can the mods just ban this fucking retard already? Why are they only deleting his posts?

>> No.24472296

a ban can be evaded, anon

>> No.24472322

Trips can be banned yet he keeps using the same one which suggests they haven't banned him either.

>> No.24472360
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>> No.24472564

I want to try to read Higurashi but I can't get Textractor to work without the game struggling to display text. How do I go about making it work?

>> No.24472620

you type...

>> No.24472671


>> No.24473051


>> No.24473275

Go advertise your shitty game and beg for donations elsewhere.

>> No.24473488
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's jenki

>> No.24473531

Someone needs to stop this doll. Too many innocent DJTers have been crippled at her(male) hands.

>> No.24473572

today i've met a guy who donates matto on patreon. made me cringe.

>> No.24473590

matt BTFO

>> No.24473617

reminds me of my first year doing mia on sad panda

>> No.24473758

don't worry, you can't fuck this up if you actually know some Japanese

>> No.24473797

why does djt think natives never make mistakes lol

>> No.24473800

The majority always fails, who cares

>> No.24473806

what if jamal is matt

>> No.24473818

Is the QM対Matt debate of the century over? Did anyone record it?

>> No.24473831

I joined the discord a few minutes ago and matt wasn't on the server.

>> No.24473870

but jamals better than matto

>> No.24473880


is there any proof that jamal knows japanese at all?

>> No.24473893

ask ciaran

>> No.24473897

he couldn't finish the n5 quiz, so ...

>> No.24473954 [DELETED] 

so...literally the same shit khatzumoto explained in one of his blogposts a decade and a half ago?

>> No.24473977

no one reads blog posts anymore

>> No.24473988 [DELETED] 

How Do We Know That DeeJayT Isn't Just One Guy Playing Several Characters?

>> No.24474003

discord drama general

>> No.24474022 [DELETED] 

do people go to discord to post their music cd collections?

>> No.24474037 [DELETED] 

Just read the English translation if you can't read it in Nip.

>> No.24474042

Sure they do but they are publicly humiliated for doing so each time.


>> No.24474045
File: 52 KB, 750x500, 682396966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never been on discord

>> No.24474077

Explain your problem, post pics
What do you mean it struggles to display text? You saying the game stops working as soon as you attach it to Textractor?

>> No.24474085
File: 1.27 MB, 480x270, 1419053427789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read manga and doujins just fine
>Try reading real book
>Instant headache
Sasuga brain

>> No.24474136


>> No.24474141 [DELETED] 

by "just fine" do you mean that you can understand every single sentence perfectly and have no doubts about any words or speech bubbles or that you just kinda get the basic idea behind most of what you see written down but still struggle with a few odd sentences?

>> No.24474190

Mined. Thanks.

>> No.24474212

you're welcome, hoe

>> No.24474222 [DELETED] 

ive got a card for 喘ぐ but not 喘ぎ声

>> No.24474227

Then you have an easy card to make.

>> No.24474240

i bet you're a jisho miner arent you. pleb.

>> No.24474242 [DELETED] 

nah it doesnt feel like itd be worth doing a card for something like that

>> No.24474272

Doo it. You can't over acquire.

>> No.24474302


>> No.24474303 [DELETED] 

acquisition comes from learning to recognize and understand stuff in context not from isolated flashcards

>> No.24474313

I guess more leaning on the second? I mean I get that I don't just understand it intrinsically like a native reader would, but I don't doubt the meaning of the things I'm reading and very rarely have to double-check a phrase.

Hell it's not even like I can't read the book, it's just that the overload of information just short-circuits my brain compared to taking it in small bite-sized chunks like a manga.

>> No.24474314

Nice theory.

>> No.24474445

souce pls~!

>> No.24474466

just came up with the most efficient vocab card grinding method ever
i have a script that goes through all my learned cards and counts how many times each reading of each kanji occurs. it then goes through all the new cards (i have a large wordbank) and finds all words composed of only kanji with readings i’ve seen multiple times and tags them as strong cards, indicating they are really easy for me to learn. the more i’ve seen the readings the stronger it’s rated, from 1-5.
like if you already know 離婚 and 党 then 離党 should be easy af to learn. and there are a ton of words like this, many thousands. you can take advantage of this to learn word way faster than learning them naturally.
but of course eventually you learn all the words for kanji readings you know and need to learn new kanji readings. if you’re going to learn a new kanji reading it’s most efficient to learn the one that is used in the most words you don’t know yet. cuz learning it will cause more words to become “strong” in the future, so it’s the “best” kanji reading to learn next. so the script finds what kanji reading you don’t know is in the most words you don’t know, then tags any word with that kanji reading where the other kanji readings in the word are “strong”. if you learn a bunch of these best readings it creates a snowball effect that causes more cards to become strong.
basically i’m going to get my passive vocab to >20k words very quickly at max efficiency and it’s going to be epic be jealous dekinais

>> No.24474505

Can you make an abridged version of this?

>> No.24474510

good idea desu

>> No.24474544

only learn easy words to learn more words faster

>> No.24474551

and you still wont be able to read anything cause you learned words like 離党

>> No.24474587

Ah, yea thats pretty crucial desu.

>> No.24474610

ur just jealous u didn’t learn it first

>> No.24474641


*heavy breathing

>> No.24474658

not even worth "learning" cause you can just tell what it means the first time you see it

>> No.24474661

it’s not about any individual word though sure some are more useful than others the point is if a word is kinda hard cuz u keep forgetting the reading for on of the kanji it would be easier for u if u knew like 10 other words with that kanji reading
all the words are like a web of nihongo knowledge in ur brain

>> No.24474684

How the fuck are there people here who don't know 喘ぎ声?

Also, lol at the JMDict definition.

>> No.24474700

true tho that word isn’t even in my deck it’s just an example i thought of 離婚 and 党 are in there tho

>> No.24474735
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>> No.24475017

whats wrong? too hot for you to handle?

>> No.24475097

nuke badmouthing animecards

>> No.24475149

im looking forward to it desu

>> No.24475192


>> No.24475250

I have no respect for a morphman. If you need to be spoon fed to that extent then your opinions can be discarded.

>> No.24475355

he doesn't say shit about animecards dumbass. he just said he learned lots of words just by reading then used morphman on what he read a few months back to pick up the words that didn't stick.

>> No.24475386

ok qm

>> No.24475530

only input i care about is weed videos

>> No.24475615


>> No.24475622

can't be qm. he's on suicide watch after that verbal beat down by matt on qm's discord.

>> No.24475642

oh shit what i miss? is there a pic?

>> No.24475692

someone post the full recording already

or at least give us an あらすじ

>> No.24475725
File: 62 KB, 500x520, BxTTvMMMUy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 hour till blast off

>> No.24475733

QM is figuratively dead. The era of QM has come to a close. Celebrate!

>> No.24475767

link me something god damn it

>> No.24475811

Still waiting for Matt to make a video going over the pros and cons of different card formats.

He still insists on sentence cards and says vocab cards are bad but has never really explained his reasoning in any detail.

>> No.24475924

Ok well make it creative at least.

>> No.24476195


>> No.24476400 [DELETED] 

Matt’s so fucking retarded just like Jamal.
Of course he’s gonna keep on pretending he’s the neutral observer, the all-knowing ancient sage, but the truth is he’s really just yet another dogmatic autistic mofo.

>> No.24476431

I mean, he pretty much conceded that animecards are good. How is that dogmatic?

>> No.24476859

think about it. have you ever heard jamal post a japanese vocaroo that wasn't over 90 percent fake time filling あのs

>> No.24476925

His eyes are huge in general.

Polish Jew, according to his surname.

>> No.24477044


It's fucking premiering!!!!!

>> No.24477054
File: 2.01 MB, 1498x1997, 20200628_181130_compress56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24477104

need a break so gonna chill here

>> No.24477105

oh boy i've been waiting the whole day for this

>> No.24477228

wait I got confused with in this corner of the world baka

>> No.24477231

it's a show but by virtue of the kinds of characters that star in it, it can't be a 10/10. it can't compare to something like hxh. they don't belong in the same bracket. if he rated it 9/10 and left a note saying "i know this is pretty bad but when i was a kid i wanted to go to antarctica and this is the only anime i've seen that really captures that spirit" then i could forgive it but to imply it is actual competition makes no sense.


>> No.24477246

Daily reminder to not start learning nihongo until you have a stable job and your shit together

>> No.24477312

you haven't read or watched post yorknew or was it greed island

so you're not allowed to judge

>> No.24477345

Be jamal No job No gf
More than 10 years “learning” japanese and still sucks
Wasting all your time in a imageboard Nobody likes you

>> No.24477347

>where people declare their favorite anime as bad
only if it's actually bad.
>bow down to hxh
hxh is definitely the kind of series that everyone should respect even if they don't enjoy it.

>> No.24477356

hxh is overrated

>> No.24477366

tobira guy, you already made this post

>> No.24477436
File: 118 KB, 307x175, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24477555

>being deaf is inheritable

>> No.24477567

>私にとっても 初めての卒業生を送り出す 大事な式なのよ
i can't fucking figure out if it's supposed to be にとって or とっても. i think it's supposed to とっても as the word, but i don't understand what the に particle is doing

>> No.24477572

>tfw you spent 21 years on earth just to lose job so elderly people won't die like 2 years early

>> No.24477608


>> No.24477611

five of the movies in the top 10 are just the same movie

>> No.24477671

Okay boys If you ever stop and analyze a particle like this you’re never gonna make it

>> No.24477672

all japanese media is bad

>> No.24477747


>> No.24477764


>> No.24477806 [DELETED] 

ciaran uses the fact that nobody else here has watched/read most of the shitty films hes watched/books hes read to his advantage to seem like a very artistic and intellectual person even though hes actually a dumb manlet

>> No.24477830

*dumb gay manlet

>> No.24477831

never bro. im busy with french now

>> No.24477833 [DELETED] 

>muh nips with guns and cigarettes r cool


>> No.24477835

i feel like he's really trying hard

>> No.24477861

shutter island was alright but i think CA is a lot better.

>> No.24477890

why does high iq cause you to be a bad driver (talking about 日本人s)

>> No.24477960

i barely leave you guys make over 100 posts.. yall need to chill and think instead of posting dumb stuff all day

>> No.24477980
File: 414 KB, 1280x720, 1579343634087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24477988 [DELETED] 

theres also a world outside of japan but you never tell us about watching non-nip films

>> No.24478043

no it isnt

>> No.24478047

doesnt really feel much of anything anyone could die at any moment for a number of reasons. you could be killed by a car or something. you're not any more durable than me.

>> No.24478049

probably I tried n4 the other day after studying a couple of months and a bit just out of curiosity and it was easy, can barely follow actual native material unless it's already slow and simple

>> No.24478051 [DELETED] 

your first milestone should be finishing a novel, not doing genkishit exercises or core6k reps

>> No.24478056

>anime is actually the second best (right after vns) stuff japan has made
wrong, manga exists
forgot about lns though, definitely worse than anime
>idolshit and jap dramas are the worst shit japan has ever made

>> No.24478100

anyone have a working h code for di amantes amentes hd

>> No.24478112

try here:

>> No.24478113 [DELETED] 

>going to the gym

>> No.24478119

already did

>> No.24478120

that's what i thought

>> No.24478126

you thought he could?

>> No.24478128 [DELETED] 

imagine going to a soulless gym instead of going in a walk out in the woods

>> No.24478134

oh i already knew he could cope

>> No.24478186

np bro :)

>> No.24478217

just call them unko

>> No.24478252

unk lol

>> No.24478285


>> No.24478297

邪魔L is 28 and larps as a 40+ guy, but why?

>> No.24478322

link ?

>> No.24478363


>> No.24478387


>> No.24478413


>> No.24478579

post your oldest 4channel image

>> No.24478581

One Cut of the Dead is the best zombie movie since shaun of the dead.

>> No.24478585

doesn't matter you're an infinitely small minority

>> No.24478586

well most film critics highly rate japanese cinema at leas the percentage that i also enjoy. it's the same as everything, there's a small % of stuff that's good in any media or from any country. even india or iran has good films like stuff by satyajit ray or abbas kiarostami

>> No.24478593

once again someone with no knowledge or experience on a topic goes on to authoritatively state "facts" as regards it
glad i only listen to myself

>> No.24478696

>don't plan on ever watching joker but i know it's better than almost all japanese live action
>i'm glad i'm not braindead

>> No.24478822
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>> No.24478823
File: 108 KB, 582x799, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 海原やすよ even a ぶす or not i really cant tell

>> No.24478836

probably why you can't give an opinion on it

>> No.24478970

got 限りなく透明に近いブルー on my kindle and plan on reading him soon.

>> No.24478974

imagine a kid asking you if how difficult say moby dick is and your only response is "well it helps if you know english"
you're a joke, jamal

>> No.24478976

no thanks, i'm not an attentionseeker with a fragile ego

>> No.24478984

nice control issues, you have no power over these threads and they will never cease you weird thread stalking freak

>> No.24479006

didnt like it thaat much
my favourite from him so far is テニスボーイの憂鬱 but its a bit too long

>> No.24479010

thank you for yet another response utterly devoid of meaning
oh wait that's all your posts

>> No.24479047


>> No.24479055

how do I write 々 liek a pro?
writing ノマ doesn't show 々 as suggestion so I always write 人々 and delete the 人 but that's really weird to do

>> No.24479126

seems like you could see this used
i never have though

>> No.24479150

imagine matto deciding to strike up a convo with jamal and proceeding to thoroughly whip his arse in every way possible

>> No.24479164

battle of the egos

>> No.24479222

because your brain has melted to the point that you would take anything as a win?

>> No.24479237


>> No.24479238

pics or youre the 14 y.o. they say you are, welcome to anonymity

>> No.24479268

you've proved my point twice in under 5 minutes

>> No.24479271
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Wew lad. I always think there's no way I could do more damage, and yet, he gets psychologically worst and worst. Pretending you enjoy being the butt of jokes is like that kid that was bullied all middle school and pretends everyone is laughing with him. I'll be back in a few months, we'll see just how far Jamal has deteriorated by then

>> No.24479272

thats the best, if tugging on your dick is your source of pleasure youre really missing out on life

>> No.24479276

i fap every morning for an immersion point multiplier

>> No.24479278

anyone here play あまえんぼ from kagura games
is it any good

>> No.24479307

jamal relax i dont like seeing you on the defense like this

>> No.24479308
File: 622 KB, 1000x1107, 1587363103181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip: you win by giving up DJT. You lose by lurking and contributing

>> No.24479323

directly after he wins this thread will be irrelevant and we will leave him in the dust, us knowing japanese

>> No.24479337
File: 142 KB, 495x500, stop that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that

>> No.24479357

69 out of 420

>> No.24479411

loling at the typical boomer reactions of jamal

>> No.24479417

thanks 4 ur service tobira guy whens the new anki btw?

>> No.24479422


>> No.24479450


>> No.24479468


>> No.24479471

gonna erogame あゆみちゃん物語 it looks good

>> No.24479473
File: 15 KB, 500x400, 1586525107258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tired of cringing at things I didn't know I could still cringe at. Oh look, actual japanese. Kthxbai

>> No.24479556

nuke, here's a guaranteed opportunity for some views

don't let jamal weasel out of this like he weasels out of everything else

>> No.24479561
File: 650 KB, 1920x1080, Clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much Japanese you think I'd need to know to get some sort of blue collar job in Japan?

>> No.24479566

you can't say nihongo lmoa, shut the fuck up

>> No.24479572

dunno tobira guy

>> No.24479578

all of it

>> No.24479579

at least he doesn't read 素直 as snow

>> No.24479588

what you resist persist jamal how are you this old and this unwise

>> No.24479589

finna filter out this retarded tobira boogeyman bullshit

>> No.24479650
File: 10 KB, 300x168, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fack, double post. I blame latency

>> No.24479663

rejoice cunts for i have graced u with the subs for gleipnir 12 and the last episode of bookworm, theyre on kitsunekko

>> No.24479798
File: 129 KB, 640x400, 25764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found out about あゆみちゃん物語実写版
pretty cool

>> No.24479863

read 50 pages of my book today

>> No.24479876

did them this morning like a good drone :)

>> No.24479902

love jamal, love everybody here, but if i met you in person id punch you in the face what does that say about you?

>> No.24479905

wait what? i always do them in the morning like djt told me to

>> No.24479940

i would be really nice to you

>> No.24479947

don't you have some english subbed anime to watch ;)

>> No.24479960

kounbanwa meena san
ou ghenky desk a?

>> No.24479970

you dont punch fellow pretty boys in the face

>> No.24480042

you mean in terms of content? it wasnt really cause the book im reading is like 1000 pages long lmao

>> No.24480068

holy fuck the haruhi movie is 2h40 minutes long what the hell lol

>> No.24480083

acquired 轟く

>> No.24480113 [DELETED] 

thats called inflection not pitch you dumb weeb

>> No.24480114

i hate anki

>> No.24480121

what order you watch the show in fag

>> No.24480136
File: 1.74 MB, 1351x1145, 1565622827498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chronological and im very glad i did i would have hated watching it in the broadcast order if i had done that

i also skipped 5 of the endless eight episodes lol

>> No.24480141

Is there any honorific or title used when referring to a chef, like how we call people chef in the west? Or do you call them by name?

>> No.24480148

>very glad i did i would have hated watching it in the broadcast order if i had done that
how the fuck would you even know you would have hated it that way? good job watching the show the wrong way dumb cunt

>> No.24480149

so this is the power of underage b&

>> No.24480164

well i looked at the broadcast order afterward and since i watched all the episodes in a few days i remembered them well enough to be able to infer that i would have hated it since itd just be a jumbled confusing mess
>good job watching the show the wrong way dumb cunt
thanks im happy with my choice
im 24

>> No.24480165

haruhi is a 2/10 at best so who cares

>> No.24480170

semantics, take an intro to phonetics class and you'll know intonation communicates non-lexical information like theme and interrogation. Pitch accent (like jap has) is used to distinguish lexemes

>> No.24480173


>> No.24480175

>itd just be a jumbled confusing mess
low IQ

>> No.24480191

i wasnt a dumb teenager when i watched haruhi so i didnt like it

>> No.24480192

dno, watch one piece again

>> No.24480195

not too bothered about ur assessment of my iq consider u are seething about me watching in a show in a different order than u lol

>> No.24480202

>im 24
that's underage to me
>since itd just be a jumbled confusing mess
single digit iq

>> No.24480215

nothing wrong seething at people who are bad at watching anime especially if they are redditors

>> No.24480217

ambiguity is a part of natural language, again take any language class past high school

>> No.24480218 [DELETED] 

Finna kill it bruhs

Hey, but what if it really died? Then I'd probably just go back to posting on some other shitty pseudo-weeb community here on 4chan.

>> No.24480219

morbido guy does have a low iq so nonlinear = bad

>> No.24480241 [DELETED] 

Linguistics is actually pretty fun to learn about.
Too bad there's not a lot a job opportunities related to it outside of Computational Linguistics

>> No.24480242

you make these attention seeking posts every day just to make people "seethe" just kys

>> No.24480251

man dont use filtered decks omg theyre so shit

>> No.24480312


>> No.24480316 [DELETED] 

imagine goin out hiking with jamal and seein him breathing fresh air after 20 years of staying glued to his computer monitor

>> No.24480319

everybody makes a mistake or two u should learn to be a bit more forgiving bro let go of the hatred in ur heart lol. i really havent done any attention whoring since then after some reflection (i dont consider posting about anime attention whoring and its not my fault you guys follow my anilist so you can get upset)

>> No.24480329 [DELETED] 


>> No.24480330

what would you ask that wasn't already asked here? https://www.koipun.com/blog/how-i-learned-japanese-cure-dolly-from-kawajapa

>> No.24480336

>33922 most used vn word
>all the default yomichan frequency list markers light up
how is it even possible for a language to have this extreme level vocabulary density differences

>> No.24480338

you make the same shit posts every day with the same retard posting style

>> No.24480351

i would have said the same thing to anyone watching haruhi in chronological order, its not hatred i want better for you dude

>> No.24480368

ye so does everyone itt whats ur point lmao
i wasnt talking about ur comment feel free to think im retarded thats fine

>> No.24480380

im watching bad anime :))
seethe ;)))

>> No.24480387

morbido guy you ever consider learning another language on the side

>> No.24480390

words like 国債 are probably a common word in news papers but low frequency in vns. how is that hard to understand?

>> No.24480393

haha i cant believe ur looking at my anilist page that i post every day

>> No.24480412

i know its childish but i cant help that it amuses me that people actually get upset at me over something so meaningless
im native at 2 and can do ok in a 3rd which ive thought about getting to fluency but im too lazy plus there isnt much compelling content in it. i have been thinking about doing an hour of spanish input per day for a few months to see how decent id get considering my intermediate language is italian though.
i really cant bro like just dont click the link lmao

>> No.24480445 [DELETED] 

khatzumoto claimed he passed through a job interview and was near native level in nip after 18 months
matt had the reading muramasa video and stuff
ciaran claims he had a jap girlfriend and has made transcriptions of dialogue from taiga drama stuff and anime
quizmaster is at least pretty good at the readings quiz
but what the fuck does dolly have?
literally just a vid explaining ha vs ga through trains

>> No.24480446

yes youre a big 24 year old manchild who thinks its hilarious to be annoying as fuck then go seethe lol

>> No.24480451

nice, you could probably watch your MMA stuff in spanish yeah?

>> No.24480481 [DELETED] 

por favor no me dañe señor dollo

>> No.24480485
File: 146 KB, 343x474, 1593283564984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmaooo seethe loook at me irony xddd! seethe haha!
It's all so tiring.

>> No.24480490

tobira guy saves the day

>> No.24480504 [DELETED] 

i dont understand the appeal of ryukishi07's shitty art and writing when his two most important works have anime adaptations that are much better than the originals

>> No.24480522

you only think that because you got repeatedly blown the fuck out in them

>> No.24480540

dnt remember seeing that

>> No.24480542

>his two most important works have anime adaptations that are much better than the originals
I wonder how one person can fit so much wrong into a single post.

>> No.24480557

going to watch matt's new video which is of no use to me because i don't use anki.

>> No.24480560

dolly's grammar videos are wrong and his pronunciation is atrocious despite being spanish and not having to learn any new sounds

>> No.24480591

i like how jamal dissapears when we point out he's being retarded

>> No.24480644

how do u translate 殺る

>> No.24480668

"to do"

>> No.24480730


>> No.24480739

what if you have a dynamic ip

>> No.24480748

are you retarded?

>> No.24480750

you make the same anti-jamal posts all day long tho

>> No.24480769


>> No.24480780

well he literally bans everyone whos a foreign user eventually just go check his twitter and youll see all the people asking to be unbanned

>> No.24480822

>people actually get upset at me over something so meaningless
didnt you seethe at anime reviews on your homepage and also at that one guy who dropped shinsekai yori

>> No.24480823

can you hlep me out by putting it in english i cant understand what you said bro

>> No.24480853

gonna yeet you so far you land on tae kims door mat

>> No.24480870

i really like how users can comment on tags on egs though

it allows you to get a much clearer picture how how exactly a particular tag pertains to a vn

>> No.24480916

it feels like way more effort on paper cause there isnt chill music (i skip voices)
even if its an easy novel and a harder vn

>> No.24480992

starting to feel like fapping isnt bad if its with tame unvoiced eroge from the 90s
once or twice a week

>> No.24481016

wonder what moes up to hes not been watching much anime. could he have taken the vn pill?

>> No.24481078
File: 270 KB, 1003x527, 1577043265781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of using Anki, wouldn't it be better to pick an anime (one with JP subs available so you could look up any words you didn't know/couldn't remember) and just watch it over and over again until you remembered it so well that you could recite every line from memory?

You would inevitably learn every word in the show by doing this, and if the show had a high vocabulary level you could potentially reach a 10k+ vocabulary from one show alone, complete with at least one memorized usage example, of which you would have a very clear and vivid memory, for every single word.

Pretty sure Dogen did this with a ドラマ called オレンジデイズ, and Matt is known to have listened to anime episodes over and over again while he was learning.

You could just pick a show and watch one episode from it every day (a mere 20 minutes of your time - equivalent to what you would spend doing vocab card reps each day in Anki) in between whatever else you were reading/watching and just cycle through it over and over. Assuming a 12 episode show, you would watch each episode 30 times in the space of a year this way and would surely by that point remember each of them pretty well.

>> No.24481085

watched 5 hours of subtitled (english) anime today

>> No.24481114

yea you could also shoot yourself in the head too

>> No.24481147

just started this with girls last tour and playing vns

>> No.24481157
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>> No.24481196

ye wtf

>> No.24481206
File: 32 KB, 500x306, Xv8NQMvWqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this son of a bitch

>> No.24481212

enough to max out a post

>> No.24481218

what happens when society forces you to get a job

>> No.24481226

society must be stopped

>> No.24481231

its mountains or hills

>> No.24481232

watching with english subs is even worse than being a whitenoiser

good job wasting 5 hours of your day

>> No.24481233 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 500x437, HEdJjdYXUy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im wet rn

>> No.24481249

Dame just started watching master keaton wow what an anime

>> No.24481255

define society

>> No.24481259

is nante = what a
like in >>24481249 ?

>> No.24481269

no time enjoyed is wasted

>> No.24481272

i've come with the realization that anime cards are trash if you want to mine from vns

>> No.24481273

no, time enjoyed is wasted

>> No.24481294

i would rather shoot myself

>> No.24481296

you must kill trump

>> No.24481297

my brain automatically creates "anki" cards in an index in my brain linking the audio to the english translation, it might cause some instances where the translation is wrong but that can be fixed in time

>> No.24481305

now that i think about it you're completely right. most new words i encounter during unvoiced narration!

>> No.24481309

hes already destroying himself fine enough

>> No.24481315

anime cards only work if you are intermediate

>> No.24481316

try using voices from forvo, matts dictonary addon makes them easy to add

>> No.24481320

yup game changer desu

>> No.24481323

i'm fed up with learning school related words in this language

>> No.24481327

does it delete empty space in the audio, i just use sharex

>> No.24481345

i'm fed up with being bullied in the linguistics class in university

>> No.24481346


>> No.24481354

stop learning them then

>> No.24481368


>> No.24481372

how are you being bullied

>> No.24481381

yeah i also get pissed off about dumb shit though the shinsekai yori thing was a joke (i realize people might also be joking when they reply to me angrily).

>> No.24481384

they always tell me there's no wa

>> No.24481389

have you guys ever listened to jamal rapping? here it is:

>> No.24481392
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>> No.24481395

matt raped mary so anime cards have lost all power

>> No.24481400

i'm literally too low iq to figure out how to use the dictionary addon

>> No.24481430

got anymore stats?

>> No.24481450

yea the rewatching shit forever idea sounds cool cuz you get to do srs without anki!! till you realize it's fucking boring and want to watch new things

>> No.24481457

i got this from reddit a year and a half ago or something when i was so retarded that i wanted to watch shows based on these dumb metrics lol

>> No.24481458


>> No.24481486

not gonna クリック that shit, nigga

>> No.24481489

holy fucking based

>> No.24481492

well i already watched lucky star with english subs and liked it a decent amount so hearing that makes me want to rewatch it more, would like to see if anything else i watched has high episode to word ratio

>> No.24481499

i rewatch scenes

>> No.24481513

so what is the verdict on rewatching vs pausing

>> No.24481515
File: 12 KB, 827x39, fia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor anime godfather

>> No.24481519
File: 85 KB, 1177x630, 1591833281197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better in what way?
idk ive always found these lists to be pretty useless since my subjective experience of the difficulty of shows on there almost never lines up

>> No.24481518

completely fake

>> No.24481525

i rewatch H scenes

there's a million 80 IQ natives in japan that speak nihongo better than you ever will

>> No.24481526

you can search for it on discord. i kept names out of it because anime godfather doesn't need to be shit on more than he already is.

>> No.24481528

shhh it cant hurt him if he doesnt know

>> No.24481531

nah it's fake

>> No.24481540

yea you're right. i was just trying to be an ass to godfather. my bad

>> No.24481544


>> No.24481687

is that that autism program? whats the advantage over mal/anilist

>> No.24481712


>> No.24481725

what are some genuinely hard anime? that one about the time travelling warship seems hard as fuck

>> No.24481734

spice and wolf

>> No.24481743

this is going to be jamal pretty soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD316AKFNk4

>> No.24481763

neither are crazy hard but relative to the type of show they are baki and kengan ashura are weirdly difficult.

>> No.24481870
File: 932 KB, 1106x581, 1581254871624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so glad im acquiring this language

>> No.24481872

is that queefmaster? got ragrolled by matto like that? wtf

>> No.24481877

Why would a white call himself a jiisan

>> No.24481894

why don't you shut the fuck up

>> No.24481960

oof that's a big cope

>> No.24481967

That one guy that posted that 4 year old post about you was pretty good

>> No.24481970

Wait so matt did a video recording of us? Is there a full link to this?

>> No.24482029

Bro why do you think I'm not in the streamable?

The reply >>24482025 is not me tho.

>> No.24482044

well i assumed you had a certain level of intelligence and competence to search for the link in the discord if you were a participant but i guess i expected too much
which one are you

>> No.24482048

Is there a recommended resource doing grammar drills? Like "what participle do you use here" or "conjugate this verb" etc.

>> No.24482059

do what i do and post in japanese and see if anyone makes fun of you

>> No.24482060

Take that shit back to the discord

>> No.24482072

it's recommended to consume this
*unzips pants*

>> No.24482075

something about this language feels off

>> No.24482089

this show is peak anime

>> No.24482090

speaking of butt beating *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.24482091

>how many times

>> No.24482120
File: 6 KB, 212x150, 1564233860254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24482126

what the FUCK

>> No.24482133


>> No.24482142

just heard a
>??? の教科書

in my immersion. am i going to make it?

>> No.24482156


>> No.24482160


>> No.24482173

This doesn't seem to match up with Wareya's stats, unless I'm misinterpreting what the freqlist columns mean.


There's a lexeme column but unfortunately no *unique* lexeme column. Still, the freqlist target columns seem to suggest that 5k unique words is a paltry amount reserved for only the very easiest of shows.

>> No.24482175

that's how we feel about u

>> No.24482193

i'm pretty sure >>24482175 isn't me and i agree with 2175

>> No.24482196

jamal is violence posting huh

>> No.24482214

the amount of homophones in this fucking language is seriously fucking absurd. reading is obviously fine because of kanji but how on earth am i ever supposed to understand speech?

>> No.24482255

i'm a grappler
good luck

>> No.24482272

subs for uzamaid?

>> No.24482281

read 0kb today

>> No.24482286


>> No.24482289

that makes you dumb

>> No.24482365

i only fear god

>> No.24482389


now this, this is why i learned japanese

>> No.24482410

Is this why if I watch japanese doing 実況 on youtube their version of recent games almost always has japanese subtitles even when they are playing the japanese dub?

>> No.24482434

even in core3k there's words like tobacco store. man core really sucks ass

>> No.24482435

Is it possible to use only kanji and hiragana and be understood by the average Japanese person, or have katakana loan words become too ingrained

>> No.24482495


>> No.24482503

japanese subs are messed up for one individual episode in the series guess im not pausing for this one!

>> No.24482545

when words get brought into Japanese like ラジオ do they always have alternatives that can be expressed in all kanji, or are there some objects and concepts that you need katakana for.
Basically this >>24482457 >>24482495, but if there wasn't 倶楽部.
Or alternatively, words where the katakana usage is so popular that no one would know one would recgonize the kanji usage

>> No.24482631

this just feels wrong

>> No.24482643

I remember a news story from years ago where an old Japanese man sued a state-run news outlet or something because they used too many trendy loanwords and he often couldn't understand what they were trying to say.
I was just curious if there was a converse example of "proper" Japanese words were driven into irrelevancy due to trendy loan words/phrases.

>> No.24482659

>Artist - Title
is superior to
>Title - Artist

>> No.24482675


>> No.24482686

listened to hotel california for the first time in probably 10 years and still know the lyrics, the brain is a great thing

>> No.24482728

just remembered the smosh video titled sex ed sucks or whatever it was called

>> No.24482836 [DELETED] 

i can more or less recall the lyrics to a bunch of songs i heard back when i was 12-13 years old like echoes by pink floyd, aqualung by jethro tull, a day in the life by the beatles, kalinka, etc.

>> No.24482903

jamal i know you find Tsubasa Chronicle meh but i need more anime with veryminimalistic stories like this

>> No.24482904 [DELETED] 

i remember i started watching gundam seed because it seemed somewhat similar to code geass but i abandoned it in favor of gundam 0079

>> No.24482916 [DELETED] 

May I suggest light novel adaptations?

>> No.24482945

love code geass cried a bit at the end

>> No.24482951


>> No.24483008

fucking same bro i miss sitting all day just listening to music videos

>> No.24483053

if you didnt glue urself to the tv every time doraemon aired you have no childhood

>> No.24483056


>> No.24483063 [DELETED] 

no it means im not from indonesia

>> No.24483064

wait wtf theres an alternate ending movie for code geass that came out last year

>> No.24483070

more like rolfs wain haha

>> No.24483075
File: 102 KB, 455x618, 1510297877602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time...to party.

>> No.24483077

yeah thats rogersmith2004's favorite anime and he was born in 2004

now wheres my yen

>> No.24483133

what's your favorite show from 2011

>> No.24483150

>As far as my scoring goes, I just follow MAL's rankings. There's a math to how I score things, but I won't get into it here. I used to score based on how much I liked a show; however, it grew to be a pain ranking my tops based on scores. So, some shows may have high scores, but I might not like them as much as shows I have given lower scores to. Keep that in mind.

>> No.24483163

how the fuck does this even make sense

>> No.24483172

madoka :3

>> No.24483180

idk but if you join the quiz discord hes in there im pretty sure and you can ask him. maybe thats not really when he was born tho im not sure

>> No.24483192

seeing .sup files on kitsunekko makes me so fucking angry that i want to just smash everything in sight in a blind rage

>> No.24483225

i'd knock you stupid fucks on your asses if you ever put me in a self defense situation

>> No.24483246

dumb meatheads!

>> No.24483269

hey threatening ciaran while mocking his puny jawline is my shtick bitch back the fuck off

>> No.24483397

wotd: 三角木馬

>> No.24483405

wotd: 友達

>> No.24483409

doesnt matter dude, stop pressuring wotd folks to pick useless words

>> No.24483430

Anime & Jdrama Freq:11234
VN Freq:7610
Anime & Jdrama Freq:97028
Anime & Jdrama Freq:390
VN Freq:381

>> No.24483434


>> No.24483445
File: 21 KB, 597x91, maaaatto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel the fact mine is the least frequent means i win.

>> No.24483518

>Anonymous (79)

>> No.24483530


>> No.24483556

u pretty much just fell for the oldest trick in the book for anonymity. if someone's handle is jdawg69 you will feel like the name and age is a mystery to be solved. but suddenly you see jack.harlow.1992 and you think you've got him all figured out and there's nothing to dox lmfao

>> No.24483560

and how old is quiz

>> No.24483561

probably just some fucked up fantasy of his

>> No.24483630

wait good reads has lns/manga/some vns why not more good reads posts

here is all i have read in japanese -4 vns

add me bros

>> No.24483682
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>> No.24483723


>> No.24483744

fuck i want to know more kanji and be able to read already why does this have to take so long

>> No.24483782

>yuru yuri
>favorite book is lolita

>> No.24483927

is it just me or does anyone else get triggered when kazuo ishiguro is counted as a japanese author

>> No.24483968


>> No.24483982

some british fag who people claim to be japanese

>> No.24484108
File: 103 KB, 750x500, thelads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missed the meetup?


>> No.24484161
File: 120 KB, 852x159, wtff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the first part of this sentence mean?

>> No.24484171


current mood for my bros

>> No.24484177 [DELETED] 

same age as me, barely old enough to drink in america

>> No.24484184

oh shit im 21 as well, i feel disgusting sharing the same age with him.

>> No.24484210 [DELETED] 

"its one thing to wait for you, but i find it impermissible to have to lay a hawk down for you"
t guy who doesnt know nip

>> No.24484214

nah me and quiz are both 22, you will never be as cool as us

>> No.24484224

well i turn 22 in 2 months

>> No.24484236 [DELETED] 

bruh you betta gimme some o' dem pills you got dere

>> No.24484254

"waitin ain't no thang like a chicken wang"

>> No.24484257 [DELETED] 

vruhs i dont think jap maketh sense

>> No.24484270

its ok vro

>> No.24484271 [DELETED] 

guys im gonna go to a town up the mountains 2 hours away from here by car in 2 weeks
kitai sitemasu

>> No.24484276
File: 52 KB, 488x299, 392407381247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any japanese musicians as good as world famous rockstar rivers cuomo?

>> No.24484285

im telling you, i would LOVE to mine all 100+ episodes of the monogatari series

>> No.24484287

my parents are going on a 2 week hike soon and i have the house all to myself, besides some old bitch in the basement

>> No.24484301 [DELETED] 

if you live in a country thats got nice places i cant imagine why youd ever wanna go visit anywhere else
like, i cant understand why some german people like to visit southern european and asian shitholes when they got beautiful small towns practically next door

>> No.24484310 [DELETED] 

then fuckin do it and realize you couldve spent all that time mining those words off epic eroge instead of shitty dick-teasing anime

>> No.24484317

small towns are cringe, my country only has one city, new york. i need to escape this suburban shithole

>> No.24484320

im already 39 episodes in keep up

>> No.24484327

just like my eroge
you know what to do protag-kun

>> No.24484334 [DELETED] 

small towns in america (outside of new england) are pretty boring but small towns in europe are actually quite nice
just think of stuff like gochiusa

>> No.24484348 [DELETED] 

fuck imouto?

>> No.24484352

anime makes for better cards, they are called anime cards anyways

>> No.24484354

i was born in a town with less than 1000 residents. very cultish and poor. i have lived in la which is not a city and i need to live in a real city, i am thinking sapporo

>> No.24484372 [DELETED] 

dont think about dumb flashcards youll never see the back side of 98% of the time

think of actually enjoying the prose, visuals, music, etc.

>> No.24484380 [DELETED] 

big cities are full of niggers and poor immigrants, and completely lack a sense of community feeling
better stick to towns where you can at least go to the local market on main square, the +600 year old church, and other wonderful spots

>> No.24484388

i listen to the back of my cards like 50% of the time

>> No.24484389

japanese cities have no browns

>> No.24484393 [DELETED] 

is your retention rate under 50%?

>> No.24484399

well small towns are just me ignoring all the subhuman white trash and staying home. i am not christian so church is pointless. big cities have jobs, unique people, and good food. big cities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>. small towns

>> No.24484415


>> No.24484416 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 765x401, 1593404391395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do have niggers

>> No.24484417

city people deserve to stay poor and get shot

>> No.24484428

>quizmaster cards are bad because you can skip the back side!
oh yes this argument

>> No.24484433

they dont call em quickmaster cards for nothin

>> No.24484435

they're so few it doesn't matter and they are probably middle class at least anyway hence being allowed into japan it's a different world from amerishit cities

>> No.24484438 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 739x415, 1593404543796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tokyo in preparation for the 2020 olympics

>> No.24484446

all those adjectives describe the state of american cities perfectly.

>> No.24484466 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1593404709788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally as bad as bangladesh

>> No.24484478

you are probably a suburbanite who fantasizes this ideal of small towns while having never been to one. i have and i can 100% confirm they are shitty.

>american cities
there is only one city in the us, why the plural. new york is absolutely not soulless or methy. and there is lots of wealth, there are some poor, but not like the ubiquitous poverty you find in small towns.

>> No.24484488

whatever you can stay poor and gay i'm going to watch anime

>> No.24484523

they seem to be on par with some small towns in west virgina, except with much better food. also the small towns in those countries are worse. you can't compare a first world country to third world ones

>> No.24484524

its crazy the power anime has but 99.9% of westerners will never manifest it

>> No.24484535
File: 762 KB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_2020-06-28-23-35-41-956_com.google.chromeremotedesktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24484625

there's nothing to skip. once you see the backside you are seeing all the information on the card, everything is given away, you don't have to recall anything... why even have the back and the front be different at that point?

>> No.24484702

the writing dude wtf fucking esl

>> No.24484707

ok but why the special word and im not an esl

>> No.24484728

prose isn't special at all u fuckin esl

>> No.24484885

i was using baby words for you, esl.
also i'm not gonna give you free english tutoring just because you can't understand wikipedia's simple english

>> No.24485143

gay post dude!

>> No.24485521

sending a friend request to moe

>> No.24485675

the grammar videos arent wrong and it seems like dolly nearly exclusively reads japanese and learned the language that way, it makes sense their pronunciation is so terrible. that does not take away from the value of the grammar, which admittedly is mostly just jay rubin put into youtube format, but jay rubin was right too.

>> No.24485737


nuke noticed jamal's offer for an interview and replies with "who?"

>> No.24485771

Work on your English, mate.

>> No.24485773

Cure dolly videos are almost as hard to watch as maggie sensei's site is to read. What the fuck is wrong with women ( & mexican trannies ).

>> No.24485804

Just what i'd expect from reddit. It's like they don't bother looking any deeper than the surface level shit and just watch what everyone else is talking about or what they see advertised, or they go by some stupid "top 10 anime list of all time!" bullshit they saw on Kotaku or something.
Even people who "don't usually like anime" like your 38 year old female co-worker has seen half of those movies.

>> No.24485817


>> No.24485895

Japanese music is fucking incredible. So much amazing jazz, pop, rock and electronic music from the 70s onwards. I bet you just wrote off the entire country's music based on one quick listen to some garbage.

>> No.24485907

>jap dramas are the worst shit japan has ever made
Ozu and Koreeda told me to tell you you're full of shit.

>> No.24486101

I'm doing core 3k deck at the moment. Some people say you should only do 1,000 or 2,000 words or whatever.

So I was wondering when do words count as done? When the cards are mature?

>> No.24486132

probably best would be when you get the cards to 6 months interval because those words are so common youll definitely see them in the next few months if you actually read and listen regularly

>> No.24486195

Definitely, all the time I get some new word and then suddenly start hearing it in everything or seeing it everywhere in my reading.

>> No.24486216

yea honestly 6 months is probably overkill if you're actually reading/listening every day. if you got them to mature level it'd be enough to just 'rep' them as you see them in media but realistically once you get to mature it's not much additional burden to rep those cards anyway cause it's like a few seconds per month

>> No.24486349





>> No.24486411

sometimes i put some slices in my sandwich

>> No.24486531

i never know if i'm reading 息を吐くcorrectly

>> No.24486587

will she make it big

>> No.24486601


>> No.24486618

with that 制服姿 yes

>> No.24486628




>> No.24486659
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this is a real poster

>> No.24486693

should this surprise anyone

>> No.24486761






>> No.24486809


>> No.24486810

i fucking hate imoutopoating
may a fat bald guy find you soon and cut off your internet access

>> No.24486877

give me your best epub reader on windows
something that don't make vertical text horizontal

>> No.24486890







>> No.24486965
File: 1.38 MB, 498x278, 1592753704796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to learn more KANJIS

>> No.24486974

have this

its on the house

>> No.24486981

Epubs are a lost cause for Japanese.
Swallow Bezos' cock, convert them to azw3 and use the official Kindle software for windows.

>> No.24487000


>> No.24487066

based as fuck

>> No.24487246
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>> No.24487441


>> No.24487452
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>> No.24487522




>> No.24487575

do you even have an oven

>> No.24487598


>> No.24487661

I just image searched this and its from a jav

>> No.24487723


>> No.24487761


>> No.24487781

zucchini in a stew would be fucking nasty. its already gross when you overcook it but it'd turn all slimy in a stew. yuck.

just pan fry it at high heat and dont overcook it, it should have some texture. its also good on a grill.

>> No.24487804

i usually only go for the nutritional value when cooking so i understand that my way of preparing it seems disgusting to others.

>> No.24487863
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>> No.24488364

its ok but its badly formatted. same with dolly, good info underneath the awful aesthetics.

>> No.24488368
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>> No.24488391
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>> No.24488396


>> No.24488418

just filter him lol

>> No.24488578

I still haven’t at acquired どんどん and だんだん even though they are both very frequent and i learned them both early on wtf??

>> No.24488627

i like スーツ旅行 but he talks kinda fast but maybe i’m just slow

>> No.24488631

That’s what makes it annoying i already noticed that a while ago but i still have to think about it

>> No.24488697

there aren't any

>> No.24488725

Whenever i see either of them i always pause and then think if it has dan or not it sounds retarded when i type it out lmao

>> No.24488880

Thanks banchou you are too kind

>> No.24488908

not a youtuber but there is loads of this sort of stuff

>> No.24488987


>> No.24489022

her face looks really unhealthy

>> No.24489100

>let's read
this will never fail to piss me off

>> No.24489135

heckin based bro

>> No.24489145
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>> No.24489146

do people drunk sing this at the end of a night in japan?

>> No.24489160

he's having fun.

>> No.24489166

she should gain weight

>> No.24489207

search on youtube for ブス and sort by upload time
feels good seeing them grow its like an 育成ゲーム

>> No.24489219


>> No.24489221

i mean yeah but considering someone from here who takes this seriously could probably outpace him in a year or two...

>> No.24489230

this guy cant think for himself
literal npc

>> No.24489247

>mousing over jashin
i feel sad

>> No.24489345

>he's not looking at the video, just the text on the side.
what? i dont understand

>> No.24489353
File: 20 KB, 436x403, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay for wanikani

>> No.24489357

he has no more room in the brain or something

>> No.24489426
File: 186 KB, 332x512, 1580908821866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which admittedly is mostly just jay rubin put into youtube format, but jay rubin was right too.
he wasn't though which is why even though he wrote his book 20 years ago now none of his ideas have been accepted still by anyone but the doll weirdo and j*mal

>> No.24489434


>> No.24489463

its pretty funny in my opinion if you get into it the plot is kinda "real"

>> No.24489525

ah cool couldn't tell if you were roasting me

>> No.24489529

you mean that "eihongo" book which was actually written by japanese people not evil westerners like the doll freak says?

anyway, i'm long past that stage so no thanks

read eroge errrday

>> No.24489558

japanese people have never learned japanese why would i want to learn japanese from them

>> No.24489560

protip: fuck cards about numbers or dates

>> No.24489581

his core2k retard sort shared on the djt library has killed many a person's hope of getting good at japanese.

>> No.24489643

things high quality vocab card ("anime card") users will never understand

>> No.24489724

how good are you compared to matt, yoga and khatz

>> No.24489729


>> No.24489935

extremely based

>> No.24489982

yung wendy中将

>> No.24490006

time to up my kms timer to 40yo then

>> No.24490031

you should watch it she says she just learned from watching w/ eng subs and didnt even try to learn just one day realised she could understand it while watching get backers

>> No.24490101


>> No.24490218

extremely based

>> No.24490266

the jamal method has been confirmed
djt in shambles

>> No.24490279
File: 607 KB, 250x249, 1569393673369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so in the end did nobody record the mary/matt debate?

>> No.24490284

yeah she speaks better japanese just from enjoying anime but how many anki cards per minute can she rep? i think quizmaster is still better than her.

>> No.24490294

she never mentioned anything about english subs

>> No.24490333

watch the vid

>> No.24490373

george is a translator too and he can't even read kids games

>> No.24490404
File: 252 KB, 600x338, 1562914046625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still want it

>> No.24490407

wow what a whore

>> No.24490419

fuck the parents of kids who do junior idol shit from 小学校 and start doing av as soon as they turn 18
wish i could actually beat some of these parents up

>> No.24490450

haha nothing wrong with japan bro

>> No.24490482

it really does seem like the common thread among ppl who get good at japanese is obsessive repetition of a small set of media but for some reason everyone here is still spending a ton of time on flash cards and watching/reading as much different stuff as they can.

>> No.24490484

shut the fuck up

>> No.24490486

at the djt meet up bring weapons
we about to do a coup d'état

>> No.24490534

its good because he sucks
the interactions with the staff are the best part

>> No.24490535

if understanding/remembering a word is binary why does anyone do SRS

>> No.24490603

language acquisition comes from repeatedly hearing the same shit not constantly exposing yourself to new things. most people just watch different stuff because the likelihood is you'll hear the bulk of the same stuff necessary to acquire the language somewhere else anyway so it's more interesting

>> No.24490605

This is so based

>> No.24490609

i srs the hard shit only
doesnt take long for there to be very little hard shit for you in a normal anime

>> No.24490623

jamal method confirmed
mary raped by matto

>> No.24490624

it's an inductive argument
repeated exposure works
sentence cards are repeated exposure
therefore sentence cards work

>> No.24490646

i haven't died since i was born
i didn't die today
therefore i won't die

>> No.24490681

that makes no sense lol

>> No.24490735

wish mary would come back to make a copepost

>> No.24490768

i'm of the sentence card派
i also believe that english subs work if you pay attention to the japanese audio

>> No.24490800
File: 79 KB, 533x422, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24490807

i do both cards because i'm not retarded, see the advantages of both and realize that in the long run input is the only thing that matters

>> No.24490823

i just try to masturbate to better stuff everyday

>> No.24490824

wouldnt make a sentence for that word

>> No.24490835

i also don't listen to j*mal's retarded "advice"

>> No.24490846

cards are just good for keeping words and phrases in your mind for when you see them in immersion next
They're useful as a supplement

>> No.24490878

i'm almost done but i've been reading it every day for 2 weeks so i might play something else today

>> No.24490908

starting to hate women thx to jamals posts

>> No.24490927

i usually wouldn't either but i think that's a good sentence because of the 薹が立った女 providing a contrast to the word in question which helps solidifying the meaning

>> No.24490981

i was trying to remember why i started reading this but now i remember it was from seeing you post cards of this vn in here

>> No.24491010

Newfag here, I forgot the good Google translate alternatives that's usually used by /jp/. I wanna cross reference some things I've been getting wrong for a while

>> No.24491021

there are none
ask your questions here

>> No.24491097

>wake up
>go straight into to anki chamber

>> No.24491104

That's the one. Many thanks

>> No.24491151

wake up
already mad

>> No.24491153

i had a bad anki day dont remember of that piece of shit

>> No.24491154


didn't matt's star pupil chris even say in that interview with fat beard guy that he has watched some anime so many times that he knows them like the back of his hand?

>> No.24491191

good practice

>> No.24491203

so did queefster manage to get his shit together or was he bumbling like a dumbfuck the entire time mutt was there

>> No.24491221

thanks i'm now permanently crippled

>> No.24491241

don't know because some guy recorded the chat but won't post it aahhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.24491314

because half the general consists of people who joined in that time frame

>> No.24491349

wonder what meisou's doing rn

>> No.24491404

stfu tourist this has been eceleb general for years at this point for better or worse

>> No.24491444


t. knower

>> No.24491876

how long did it take for you to stop mentally translating

>> No.24491898

3 weeks of reading more

>> No.24491964

A feed stops direction in the restroom, and, oh, then I don't have that, it would be wasted and wouldn't be tasted.

>> No.24491967

i have no idea, i cant remember much of my subjective experience of getting input when i was starting out. but it happens eventually so just keep keeping on

>> No.24491970

take this red noise instead and どっかゆけ

>> No.24492006

crazy how jamal got demoted to security boy
