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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2436825 No.2436825 [Reply] [Original]

anyone here jealous of danny choo?

i bet /jp/ is jealous of danny choo

>> No.2436837


>> No.2436844

only weeaboos get jealous of anyone in actually living in jp

>> No.2436851


>> No.2436855


>> No.2436856

Not really.
He seems to enjoy what he does, and gets a fair amount of exposure in the way. I bet he's quite happy and content.
I feel good for him, and try to set my own path towards happiness. It doesn't involve going head first into what is nothing but a distraction, but rather academic instruction.

>> No.2436869

He seems like a busy man so I can't really relate being NEET and all.

>> No.2436872

what's to be jealous with him anyway?

>> No.2436879


>> No.2436890

All I know is that he has a fairly popular website.

Can you explain why I would be jealous of him more than any other popular website owner?

>> No.2436907

Sure I'd love to blog and have a popular website about something I enjoy and live off of it.

I might be a little jealous.

>> No.2437143

Has a popular website, loves what he does, which isn't much. And is son to a rich Chinese shoe designer in Britain. Meh. Sounds like a normal asian life.

>> No.2437145

I'm jealous

>> No.2437158

and you're the son of a poor-do nothing out of the mill human being.

>> No.2437174

Who? seriously

>> No.2437272

Stop posting these threads on /jp/ Danny.

>> No.2437303

Sounds like jealousy!

>> No.2437828

Danny Choo is a race traitor. Don't mention him again.

>> No.2437828,1 [INTERNAL] 

Some could say this. And rightfully so. Even though, I take he is more like of korean ethnicity than a jap as people seem to think him.

Also, no offense but he is such really terrible comic artist. This guy should stick with drawing /jp/ pandering touhou fanart. That's what he knows best.

>> No.2438727
File: 184 KB, 800x536, 3301657325_3a77cb3666_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you weren't jealous before, now you're jealous.

>> No.2438748

What do you mean by that?

>> No.2438727,1 [INTERNAL] 

Danny Choo != Dan Kim

>> No.2438754

Danny Choo is the most successful gaijin otaku in The Glorious Land of Japan, imo.

>> No.2438770

weeaboos jealous of other weeaboos? what's new?

>> No.2438774

Quite frankly I'm just happy that he has the good sense to dick around in Akihabara all day in a stormtrooper suit, unlike that horrendous faggot (forgot his name) who runs a blog dedicated to bitching about "Japanese only" signs.

>> No.2438876

damn rich kiddo won't be able to change the fact of being a fucking nerd. and no danny, you will never succeed in "buying" yourself one of those japanese idols, so stop trying so hard kukukuku

>> No.2438932
File: 150 KB, 1024x768, 1239233133816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choo basically leeched off his parents and used his father's success to jump start his career. This is not to say he didn't do a lot of work, I'm just saying that he had it easy. He basically had the money to get into any college he wanted, and with his dad's influence he could get into any job he wanted. And as far as training/studying goes, he had it pretty easy. I'm sure I could train better if my parents had enough money to take me to fancy restaurants every day. I'm sure it would be much easier practicing to be a linux system administrator if my parents could afford to purchase multiple servers/bandwidth. As a teen studying Japanese would have been much easier if my parents took me on trips to Asia once a week. This Choo guy had it easy.

I'd like to see how far Choo would have gotten had he been born a poor Chinese person just like the majority of Chinese people.

At first glance you might think he's hard working, but in truth all he did was ride his father's wave. Plus the guy is a race traitor to boot. I rest my case.

>> No.2439146

We all know the answer to that now dont we?
Imagine if some prince actual would turn otaku and imagine how blessed his life would be.

If we want a regular otaku success story in Japan we can look at this guy.

>> No.2439173 [DELETED] 

I struggle to understand the concept of race traitor. Are humans really that stupid that they hold they each have some handicaps according to the random event of where the fuck you were born. Are their lives really so meaningless that they need to associate with bigger groups that give them meaning. Why bother with individual efforts when you have hundreds of years of history and culture to take the place of your personality.
Really, to upheld loosely connected achievements as your own is just pathetic. The concept of nation states and races as something pure, static and immobile is enough to make me turn away in disgust.

The man was lucky. He does what he likes, and did so without much difficulty. Maybe if you were willing to look further than your own nose you could do enjoy life, handicaps be damned.

Bloody humans, make me sick.

>> No.2439192


>> No.2439254

Who is that guy?

>> No.2439284

a guy who has achieved pretty much the highest power level possible for a gaijin

>> No.2439317

Sounds like a loser to me.

>> No.2439323

Is that... Billy?

>> No.2439367

Ya'll don't know about Lafcadio Hearn.


The original weeaboo. A hero to us all. He did it all, got Jap citizenship, a lovely waifu, lived in Meiji Japan.

>> No.2439368

No wonder he has so many Macs/figures/HDDs/2 optic fiber net lines/other stuff rich people have. He eats at restaurants everyday even in Japan.

But didn't he say that he had a shitty upbringing back in the UK?

>> No.2439434

But he wasn't even close to getting into the motherfucking Diet

>> No.2439578

Yes ;_;

>> No.2439664

>Ya'll don't know about Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo).

I liked it when it was called Maribel Hearn
and Yukari Yakumo

>> No.2439693

He was born Martti Turunen in the village of Jaakonvaara in Lieksa, Finland. Near the end of World War II, Turunen (then four years old) and his family were among the few survivors of a Soviet guerrilla attack on the village.[2]

In 1967, at the age of 27, he traveled to Japan as a lay missionary of the Lutheran Church, accompanied by his first wife, who was also a Finn (they later divorced). [1]

In 1974, when he was 34, he met his second wife, Sachiko, and he became enamored with the country. Having decided to become Japanese.

Now that must have been a shitty childhood

>> No.2439705
File: 205 KB, 600x449, DannyChoo_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to do this step but that's not enough to make me feel jealous

>> No.2439792

he admits that he is a nerd and he has a wife who doesn't mind is figures and other otaku stuff should I'd be happy in that situation

>> No.2439803



>> No.2439804

His site has been on the net for quite long but he never posted a pic of his waifu...

>> No.2440080

how the hell is he otaku?

>> No.2440149

If I had a waifu, I sure as hell wouldn't post a picture of her anywhere either

>> No.2440160

his obsession about becoming japanese (because of which he left his former family among other things)

ok, not otaku in the /jp/ sense but close enough

>> No.2440163

Hey, guys, remember last time we had this thread?
Remember how it sucked? Yeah, me too.
So why are we having it again?

>> No.2440169

I would, nobody can be jealous of chinks

>> No.2440378

By obsessing about Japan like a fucking maniac and eventually ending as the most high ranking white guy there. That's pretty good seeing how his backround sucks

>> No.2440383

Actually this thread is better than all the shitty Morning Musume & H!P threads & related faggotry.

>> No.2440416

Sup Danny?

>> No.2440532

what do you mean he is a race traitor, is that some kind of cute title you get if you're more weeaboo than most?

>> No.2441180

Why should i care. I have better life than him. Living averagely in a humble home and live an average day is much better than living in the fab lines

>> No.2441250

Honestly guys, although a lot of /jp/ers probably won't believe me, I'm gonna come out and say something that sounds kind of like I'm boasting about my power level:

I live in Japan, speak Japanese, play lots of eroge, go to lots of doujin events and sell my own stuff on occasion, all my IRL friends are a bunch of otaku who I met on 2ch, I buy lots of 2D porn, figures, team up with people to spend lots of money at comike, blahblahblah the whole nine yards. And I look whiter than this guy too.

But I never use my whiteness as a selling point. I don't consider myself special, I consider myself an average otaku, and most people I meet are kind of amazed at first to meet a white guy in this fandom, but after a little conversation they don't really treat me different than any other average nerd. Most people who know the stuff I've released in the doujin scene (not that I'm all that popular or anything mind you) do not even know that I'm not Japanese. I don't whore myself out as kind of some rarity. I'd like to think there are other people like me, but I'm starting to doubt it because I've been in the fandom over here for years now and I've never met another foreigner, only heard about dudes like this Danny Choo dude or that one dude who used to do shitty "learn English" videos on Nicodou. The only time I use English is on 4chan, and I always post as Anon.

What's so special about this Danny Choo dude? What does he do that I don't that makes him notable? I've never really heard anything about the guy other than what /jp/ says here, so maybe he's not really such a bad dude, but somehow I can't believe that he's not just a completely average otaku who happens to have money and happens to be foreign. Why does that make him at all special?

>> No.2441253



>> No.2441256

kakkoii monogatari aniki

>> No.2441275

Interesting story. What have you done for comiket?

>> No.2441287

lol @ monogatari

>> No.2441299
File: 859 KB, 1280x978, Konno170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2441301

He's special because he makes loads of money from being a weaboo whereas you probably don't.

>> No.2441313

He also has a shitty ad farm blog aimed at low level weeaboos. That's what makes him special.

>> No.2441314

lol'd. Monogatari, nice nippon faggot

>> No.2441325


>> No.2441355

Vocaloid music.

>> No.2441361

How does he make money? I've never understood exactly what it is he does, although I've only looked at his website like 2 times. Isn't it basically just his blog?

>> No.2441366

His website gets a lot of attention and has ads.

>> No.2441373

He makes money just from the ads on his site? That many people look at it?

Does that mean I could make money if I made a blog about getting wasted at off-kais and making doujin music while constantly reminding my readers that OH YEAH I'M A WHITE DUDE IN JAPAN PRETTY COOL HUH?

>> No.2441393

Are you super rich/famous, or do you have a super rich/famous dad who you can milk for attention? If not, then no.

>> No.2441445

No, I'm not super rich or super famous. I'd like to be super rich, but not famous.

>> No.2441469

If you have millions of viewers, and your profits from people clicking your ads far exceeds the monthly bandwith costs, then yes you CAN make some serious money from blogging.

There are several very well-made blogs you can take a look for yourself. For example, stevepavlina.com.

>> No.2441477

Depends on your e-whoring skills. If you manage to draw a LOT of people into reading your daily faggotry then yes.

>> No.2441537

But I'm above whoring myself out on the Internet, against namefaggotry, and dislike white people in Japan who try to use their status as white people to some sort of advantage.
Although actually the reason I don't do something like that is probably more related to the fact that I'm terribly introverted and hate interacting with people in a non-Anonymous environment, even on the internet.

I guess I'll stay poor.

>> No.2442416

From the few times I've read his blog, it seems like he gets a ton of free figures and makes a living by just writing about them. So yes, I am jealous of Danny.

>> No.2442452

but you have to live with a bunch of people hating the shit out of you. Don't you think that would wear down on your psyche after a while, especially considering that you have to keep being social in order to keep making money so you can't just retreat into a hikikomori lifestyle...

>> No.2442546

Seems to me like the guy has been living there for a while and is still enjoying it. I'm sure I could make it all work if I was able to keep getting all of the free stuff and have a mildly enjoyable job.

>> No.2442607

I've been living here for a quite while too and I enjoy it, but I don't think a bunch of people would be interested enough in my life to pay my rent with ad money from some blog I write about my everyday life.

I mean, I just looked at the dudes website, and it looks like any old faggot's mixi page: "hey guys look at this figure I got, isn't it so moe?" "hey guys I went to Akihabara today, look at these cosplay pics" "Hey guys, look at this funny video I found on Nicodou" What's so interesting?

Maybe I could make money if I started a site that hosted translations of random peoples' Mixis? Then at least I wouldn't have to be the one in the spotlight of faggotry.

>> No.2444008

>Herp derp my small brain can't grasp the concept that people have different interests.

>> No.2444022

I'm only jealous of Randou House.

Watch the nico ZUN bar video if you don't know what I mean.

>> No.2446673

Wow, this thread is still alive

What? How did you interpret my post to mean something like that?

>> No.2447075


Well according to this wiki:
In 2007, Choo incorporated his own company named Mirai Inc., which "focuses on delivering CGM SEO solutions and platforms to Japanese enterprises"
A load of shit to me. Note the inverted commas that came with the wiki quote. Yes its a star wars wiki but it still does seem pretty reiable.

And to think shitty CNN even did an article on his startrooper dancing. LIke seriously, its not like that shit is rare or even worth a mention about.

Fucking this. So yes I am jealous. Jealous that he had an easy life with a super rich upbringing environment.

You tell me.

>> No.2447100

I want to like his page, but I find it so slow I hate it. I hate all sites that load slow.

>> No.2448655

