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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2427276 No.2427276 [Reply] [Original]

Has there been any talk, mention, or rumor of a second episode in the works?

>> No.2427287

Other than the one they promised at the end?

I think there is no Touhou anime.

>> No.2427286


>> No.2427313

Maybe next comiket.

>> No.2427343

Wasn't the next episode called "Yukari is really 17 years old. Really, Oi, Oi!" or something?

>> No.2427350


>> No.2427508

What did you expect? It's a fucking amatuer work.

>> No.2427578

So was Toho Kinema and look at that.
Granted, it's shorter, but the character design was superior.

>> No.2427586

More like not loyal to ZUN's designs

>> No.2427597

I mukyu'd!

>> No.2427605

that'd be really sad.

>> No.2427609

It really needs to make up for the lack of story and all. Until then, there's always Touhou M-1 and other good stuff.

>> No.2427611

Get out

>> No.2427621

God you people expect a lot for a free doujin work

>> No.2427627

shitty shit

>> No.2427633

I hope so. I liked the first episode of Maikaze's fanime quite a bit. Very ZUN.

>> No.2427634

That was likely a joke.

I suggest the OP just ocassionally check the official site for progress like everyone else.

>> No.2427641
File: 24 KB, 502x391, 1239627213796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very ZUN.

>> No.2427665

The graphical design and voices were fine, with a few exceptions. Plot was virtually none though. I don't think the idea is dead, but they'd better fix things if they ever do episode 2.

>> No.2427711


Why the laugh? It rather was.

Light on plot, rather calm and slow, with plump huggable character design, and generally evoking that feeling of easygoingness (if that's even a word) but not boredom that ZUN seems to like for Gensokyo. It's probably one of the more ZUNny fanworks out there.

Also, low on memes, which is a plus.

Of course, it was *far* from perfect. But I have to agree with previous posters that it was pretty nice.

>> No.2427716

Indeed, I still think the part when they actually used spellcards was awesome.

>> No.2427764
File: 37 KB, 750x424, alice_margatroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toho Kinema
>character design was superior

Please be trolling.

>> No.2427781

pfft, you know it fit better than those weird hand things.

>> No.2427786

Loyal to ZUN's designs

>> No.2427796

Is this actually out or something?

>> No.2427801

Poolshemer faggots denying the Touhou anime is just as good as any of your favowite toohoo dough-jinns comic books.

>> No.2427812

Ages ago

>> No.2427819

Since Reitaisai. We had a few shitstorms over which one is better already.


Don't expect much. OP is great, though.

>> No.2427934


I assume it was released sometime last year then, since it completely ignores SA characters.

>> No.2428702

It sold well enough. Here is hoping that another one will be made. Hopefully with better animation.

>> No.2428705 [DELETED] 

> 47 year old son lay dead
> The father, 74 years old, admitted that he strangled his son with his "bare hands."


>> No.2428707 [DELETED] 

This fridge is an eyesore.

This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge. This fridge.
......Son? Son, why are you...SON?!?

>> No.2428715 [DELETED] 

Lol, this is fucked.

>> No.2428716 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 496x480, 1239737080141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2428717

And hopefully, with less moe.

>> No.2428725 [DELETED] 


>> No.2428798

For some reason I am unable access this site. Can anybody else confirm this?


>> No.2428860

