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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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240594 No.240594 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Japan, while you merely fap to that idea. My everyday train rides and watching anime raw on TV are your wildest fap material as you rot in your cheap apartments or parent's basements alone.

>> No.240597

i live in korea


your life is a failure

>> No.240599

Enjoy your kimchi smell.


>> No.240601


>> No.240603


Although I enjoy Jap culture and anime, I enjoy the Chinese culture and movies/drama series more.

Also less weirder than Japanese and their fetishes. Enjoy your 65+ work hours.

>> No.240605

I live in Soviet Russia. Ten years ago.

>> No.240606

I live in the USA, the greatest country in the world.

Enjoy your shit.

>> No.240607

7hrs a day, 5 days a week for 35k a year.


>> No.240610
File: 22 KB, 430x225, 1205840867606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncensored pussy is my fap material. Enjoy your anti-loli laws.

I enjoy the Chinese ... movies
No taste.

>> No.240611

enjoy your worthless money and being hated and fat.

>> No.240612

But I hate japan

>> No.240613

Uncensored pussy is my fap material. Enjoy your anti-loli laws.

>I enjoy the Chinese ... movies
No taste.

>> No.240616

mmm, pollution and political repression.

>> No.240623


Should probably mention I am from a Chinese background but residing in Aus.

>> No.240624

so it's not your fault you like China?

>> No.240629


>> No.240630

Wow OP. I wish I could be as happy with my life as you obviously are.

>> No.240635

Don't you have 10,000 cell phones to make China 2?

Eat right and study hard and you can!

>> No.240647

our handphones are moar advanced then american\japan supercomputers

>> No.240648

OMG OP! I live in Nihon (thats japan) too! ^_______^. But i have a ookii (thats big) problem that i hoped you could help me with..... Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in nihon (japan). and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

But anyways, we should MEET! It dosnt matter where u are, ive got okane (money) www (that japanese for lol) ^________^ so i can travel!!!

>> No.240649

Get out of my country, chink

>> No.240663

my cheap apartment is likely 10 times as large as your own, OP.

>> No.240665


How big is it?

>> No.240671


>> No.240682

See, I have a 2 12'x12' rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom for $390 a month. I guess if you look at apartments outside of central Tokyo/Osaka (for you 'too hardkore for Tokyo' rebels) you'll see the 'impossibly expensive apartments everywhere' thing is a rumor.

Aren't you late for school newfag?

>> No.240697

I live in Japan too, but I don't watch raw animes because I'm not a fat nerd.

I also teach hundreds of 13 and 14 year old Japanese schoolgirls who are over me, but I don't obsess over them like most of the people on this board. I've already got a few girlfriends who are old enough to know what to do in bed...

>> No.240708

Op here. Me too, but throw in a bunch of elementary schoolers too.

>> No.240710

so thats about 15 years old in japan?

>> No.240715


I've taught all age levels, from little kids, elementary, jr high, high school, college girls, adults, seniors... I like jr high school kids the best personally.

Also, Japanese girls in their mid-to-late 20's are the best IMO.

>> No.240717

>I've already got a few girlfriends who are old
Enjoy your hags, gffag.

>> No.240719

there are no cheap apartments in japan anywhere worth living.

>> No.240721

ITT: Lies

>> No.240725

My life in japan, let me show you them !

>> No.240726

japan is for failure american weeaboos

korea is superior. BUT KEEP OUT PIGDOG!

>> No.240727

Getting a real job someday?

>> No.240732


Oh, I do, I do.

/jp/, the only board where 25 is considered a hag. I know you guys like em young. I bet you wish you had all the lolis petting you like I do!

>> No.240734


Lol, unless you are an Aboriginal, you should get out of the country too.

>> No.240738


LOL I'm not a JET. But I'm done with work at 3:30 every day, have weekends and holidays off, plenty of time do have fun and see the world. Have fun at your terminal there big shot. Try to have a look at the sun someday.

>> No.240750

I have to wonder why you are on /jp/.. unless of course you are a failure american weaboo yourself.

>> No.240754

ITT: Schizophrenia

>> No.240758

Because he's in Korea, where there's nothing to do but eat kimchi and play Starcraft and bitch about Japan and wait for anime dubbed in Korean to come on TV.

>> No.240762

So, you're a private ALT? Enjoy your half pay.

>> No.240767

Enjoy you'r weaboo lvl. 5 !

>> No.240769


I don't even know what Touhou is, so...

>> No.240771

japan steals all of koreas anime and relabels\translates it, then sells it to foolish american teenagers and say its japanese

>> No.240774

I don't get it, if OP is indeed a happy person living in Japan, why the hell is he posting in 4chan?

Couldn't he have posted in 2ch or other Japanese forum board? Perhaps he isn't as happy as he thought he is?

>> No.240779


2 chan is even angrier, espcially when you have less than perfect Japanese.

I'm just bored, gf had to work late. Making supper now because she should be home in a bit. Then we share a meal and later a bed.

>> No.240781

Oh wow.

In Japan yet still on the 4chan to brag about it?

Get out.

>> No.240783

PROTIP: GF is fucking a nip.

>> No.240786

wow, i wish i could go to 2chan
/b/ is too friendly nowadays

>> No.240787

Weaboo lvl. 4,9

>> No.240798


gf is home, so OK.

Nah, her track record suggest it'd at least be a foreign guy.

>> No.240800


Well at least he is starting to learn to be a racist to everyone else that is not Japanese.

I say he is truly becoming a Japanese.

>> No.240825
File: 30 KB, 500x380, 1205846174768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you CLAIM to live in Moonland, I'm actually living ON THE SURFACE OF THE FUCKING MOON. And if you fuckers don't stop watching me FAP on your HiVision satellite, no Helium-3 for you!

>> No.241295

this post is made of so much fail...

>> No.241322

you say so yourself

>> No.241343

Your GF is cheating on you. THAT SLUT!

>> No.241360

Goddamnit, why won't you fucking chinks stop coming to my country!

>> No.241379

Well...I live in Wyoming.

>> No.241402

If you're white and living in Japan, you are working for JET. No questions asked, the Japs are too racist to allow for whitey to work other jobs

>> No.241414

I know everything about Japan! I've lived in Japan for so long!

>> No.241415


Vancouver, Canada. Million more than Aus.

>> No.241418

Sage for blatant troll

>> No.241435

Chinese for culture.

Japan for all the shit I own.

S.Korea for a slightly less Japan than Japan.

N.Korea isn't a real country.

Mongolia because they have the best meat.

East Asians aren't people but they have awesome stuff.

>> No.241631

Oh, wow. So you're shitty AET/JET/AEON scum. Because that's something to be proud of.

