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2363182 No.2363182 [Reply] [Original]

Is Reimu even a hero? Seems like she goes out because shit is just pissing her off. She never has been ennobled to do anything. Just "lol winter sucks LETS DANMAKU!".

>> No.2363196

Are we really talking morals and shit in Gensokyo? What a troll, motherfucker.

>> No.2363194

She deals with youkai. And she doesn't like people messing with her shrine. That's about it.

>> No.2363197


>> No.2363201
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So moe..

>> No.2363205

She's more of an everyday woman we are supposed to relate to. She is basically like us, mostly minding our own business, trying to get our life together and basically just stay alive. When suddenly youkais start fucking shit up. Then she just gets mad and gets things straightened back to status quo.

>> No.2363207

She's an anti-hero

>> No.2363213
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Japanese waifu making dinner.

>> No.2363215

I'll assume that:

Youkai = Trolls.

>> No.2363221

I thought Marisa fit that role better.

>> No.2363226


I think Marisa is more of an anti-hero. It seems like she genuinely wants to use violence to solve things. Reimu just wants donations for her shrine.

>> No.2363235

Nah, Reimu really likes beating people up an then questioning them.

>> No.2363248

>she deals with Youkai.

She solves problems.
Youkai problems.
Hakurei Reimu.
She's a shrine maiden.

>> No.2363255

I miss those ads.

>> No.2363251

Doesn't losing a danmaku duel mean you have to do whatever the winner tells you to do?

>> No.2363260

Reimu is Jack Bauer?

>> No.2363261


But her intent is to set things back to status quo. Marisa just does it because she likes fighting or she wants shit.

>> No.2363269

Yes. "Oh no, this is too overwhelming, I'm just going to beat the shit out of and then take the time to think about this."

>> No.2363271

Is Marisa top diva bitch or is Reimu?

>> No.2363276

Nah, Marisa is more the everyday woman that you're supposed to be able to relate to.

After all, "Ordinary Black Magic Girl." And who doesn't love blowing shit up and taking whatever you want? You know if you had the power to blow shit up, you'd do it constantly.

>> No.2363292

Isn't Marisa the Gensokyo equivalent of an American?

>> No.2363294


More or less. Reimu isn't perfect but when you consider the crowd she has to keep in line as part of the way Gensokyo works. Youkai aren't much better and while Reimu may be lazy and easily provoked to anger she does the right thing and keeps Gensokyo safe. Her motives aren't perfect but then frankly it's refreshing to have a hero who isn't meant to represent the paragon of human kindness/friendship/ect.

Reimu is a girl who has to keep a bunch of aggressive monsters in check. She sees them and treats them as monsters and isn't afraid to bare her teeth at anyone who is suspected of causing the latest incident, be they human, youkai or gods. She's perfect for the environment. A bitch to keep a land of bitches in line.

>> No.2363299
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>a hero

>> No.2363318

USAnian pronunciation.

>> No.2363330

You can't really call any of the enemies evil, since they have a decent reason for doing so. Either that or they are childishly stupid.

>> No.2363337


To be fair, usually her questioning works along the lines of going to the most likely youkai to cause the problem and then either Reimu will provoke her or they will provoke Reimu.

That said, Reimu is like the prime youkai hunter in Gensokyo, she's expected to beat on youkai and youkai are expected to beat on humans. Neither really needs much of a excuse which is why Reimu doesn't have the slightest problem with out and out beating them up and robbing them.

Most the time Reimu isn't even questioning the earlier bosses. They just attack her on sight... or Reimu encounters them and insults them. It's that kind of setting. Accept where there are misunderstandings. Nitori is nice enough but didn't realise the humans she was trying to scare away were more then capable of handling themselves.

>> No.2363343

That meme is shit even by /b/ standards, fuck off.

>> No.2363345

>decent reason for doing so

>> No.2363346


B-but if OP said "an hero" there would be jokes abound about suicide...

>> No.2363367

Plenty of instances of Reimu beating up characters that she probably could have avoided beating up and weren't attacking her.

>> No.2363372

Without Reimu Gensokyo would most likely perish. Even though fanon dumbs down all of her motivations to bare minimum(LOL REIMU IS A BITCH WHO BEATS PEOPLE UP, CIRNO IS BAKA XD), she's doing her job of keeping the peace and balance pretty well.

>> No.2363376

She needs to win two battles per level or she can't enter hyperspace.

>> No.2363392

Reimu beating people up is canon. see >>2363367

>> No.2363409

Reimu performs a necessary evil. Seeing as she can beat the shit out of mostly every youkai out there, she takes on the unofficial role of the peacekeeper. She doesn't want the title. It is thrusted upon her. She just tries to make life easier. Having eternal winter or a fake moon screws up the daily rhythm of Gensokyo. And so our heroine sojourns into the darkness...

>> No.2363427


I'm not going to argue all of Reimu's opponents are evil, some of them are attacking Reimu out of a misunderstanding or simply mean well.

The main issue is that youkai are monsters. By their very definition they attack humans once in a while, even if these days it's only to cause a bit of trouble. Some are more dangerous then others and some may not even really pose a danger, but history tells humans not the trust them while most youkai themselves act on their instincts and attack humans.

Older youkai or advanced youkai races have kind of moved on from this need or simply don't need to do it as much, but they still cause trouble. Remilia is the perfect example. End of the day it's not like Reimu is entirely wrong in her view that youkai are dangerous monsters that need to be kept in their place. She's just a bit too keen to do so sometimes.

>> No.2363442

>youkai are monsters

>> No.2363458


And then there's the other times were others put her up to it, SA being the example. But this post pretty much hits the nail on the head.

In other news, 'pits.

>> No.2363483


Could have, but like I said both youkai and Reimu are rather set in their ways. The usual scenario for a youkai encounter with Reimu is either Reimu or the youkai provoking one another, often both.

Reimu clearly sees youkai as monsters with no rights. Youkai see Reimu as a human who is either weak and ripe for attacking or trespassing. Even if it's neither some other event may provoke a fight (people talking to Reimu in TH11) or a misunderstanding takes place.

With bosses it's usually down to the boss wanting to keep doing what they are doing or leave it until tomorrow, or Reimu thinking they deserve punishment (or visa-versa). Long and short of it is that Touhou girls all have short fuses and don't use diplomacy. Power is everything, win the fight and the other party has to give in.

>> No.2363487
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You rang?

>> No.2363503

The point is, while Reimu is doing it as a duty, she enjoys it to an extent.

>> No.2363510
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"I am doing nothing more than playing my role. We are all actors. I am the master of evil. And you are the hero of good. Roles given to us. Roads laid out for us by destiny. For the happy conclusion that we'll someday reach..."

>> No.2363520


So is Touhou a moe commentary about might makes right?

>> No.2363544


and? Reimu enjoys it to a extent but mostly it's a bother to have to do anything. It kind of explains why Reimu seems to beat on weak youkai when they have things but doesn't constantly beat on the stronger youkai who come to hang out at her shrine. It's too much bother to fight them when something isn't going on or there isn't anything to gain.

Not saying Reimu is perfect, far from it she can be a bit of a bitch without being provoked. For the most part Reimu does good essential work.

>> No.2363571

Seems more like the Youkais have the attitude that humans are trespassing on their turf. They have probably been fucking around with reality and the universe for as long as they have been alive and never suffering because they are youkai. But when humans settled down, they can't take youkais fucking shit up because you know...they are mortal. So Reimu has to set things right. But to the youkais, Reimu is screwing up what they have been doing for thousands of years.

>> No.2363609


That sounds familiar. What is that from?

>> No.2363651


Pretty much. That is what Touhou often comes down to. Talking it out never solves anything in Gensokyo, first you establish who is in charge though a danmaku duel, then you iron out the details through talk.

>> No.2363692


Touhou is a commentary about Japan's foreign policy against North Korea. Like the anti-ballistic treaty that NK and Japan signed, just words on paper. ZUN wants the Japanese to forcibly disarm NK to secure her safety and the safety of her people. Just how Reimu forcibly got the Lunarians to stop screwing with the moon, Japan should forcibly eliminate NK's nuclear capabilities.

>> No.2363791

sage for viral marketing
