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File: 83 KB, 640x480, umi4preview1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2355269 No.2355269 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find the translation script for Umineko episode 3 and 4 ? I've read the first two episode's script in bakatsuki, but now they seemed to take it off in order to kiss Ryukishi's ass.

And no, I'm not gonna install and play it myself. I'm too lazy and really don't want to see shitty artworks despite awesome voice and music..

>> No.2355276

play the fucking game dumbass

>> No.2355279

Kill yourself

>> No.2355284
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>> No.2355296
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>> No.2355306


>> No.2355318

This thread is pretty plain. Do something about it.

>> No.2355324
File: 113 KB, 484x600, Battlerpunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despite awesome voice

>> No.2355325


Haha wow, hardcore weeaboos feel so offended that someone who didn't EVEN have to spend all their time can know the whole story ?

>> No.2355340

Still not there yet.

>> No.2355363 [DELETED] 

You know, in the past 15 minutes you've been going on about it, you could've easily have downloaded the game, installed the translation and started the 3rd episode.

If you're too lazy to do even that, then we're too lazy to help you. Take it easy!

>> No.2355379

Oh god someone fell for your shit 2355325-kun. Rejoice!

>> No.2355388


There was a script ?
Can you upload it somewhere ? I've heard that episode2 is basically a gorefest and really don't want to play through it

>> No.2355388,1 [INTERNAL] 

And I am so bored right now, sorry. But why is he such a funny troll?
He might just have made that deleted post himself.

>> No.2355424
File: 33 KB, 598x448, 1235067462479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem to forgot your sage , my dear tripfag.

>> No.2355443

I bumped to celebrate his success but you are right, this thread won't bring forth anything of interest anymore.

>> No.2355473


I'm still interested in knowing where I can find the scripts though.

>> No.2355528


Wait a few more months for the anime. Then you wouldn't have to go through all those disgusting things weeaboos ridiculously called 'Ryukishi's art'

>> No.2355565

I see nothing wrong with Ryubroshi's art.He's no artist, though.

>> No.2355669

Even the guys making the fanart for Umineko could draw the sprites 10 times better.

>> No.2355688

and yet they havent

>> No.2355693

Did the guy making the VN ask them?

I doubt it.

Because he's too fucking full of himself.

>> No.2355716

>too fucking full of himself
You best be trolling faggot.

>> No.2355723

Are you mad?

>> No.2355732

Yes. In fact, I'm furious.

>> No.2355737
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>> No.2355740

over the sprites?

>> No.2355744
File: 101 KB, 496x480, KINZO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryuukishi's art is not as horrible as it seems at first glance. Once you get used to it you see it's pretty characteristic, and emotions are shown well. Also the art and absence of illustrations don't distract from the text and give way to IMAGINATION.
If FSN had art of this level, it would suck horribly. But in Umineko it is easily compensated with good writing and great music.

>> No.2355751

You wouldn't say that if the art were actually good from the very beginning.

>> No.2355753
File: 97 KB, 496x480, HAAAI TAAACCHIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yes goldsmith

>> No.2355762


When I first knew Ryukishi has released his second work, I rushed to find its info, hoping to see something awesome because of Higurashi anime.

Instead I'm shocked by this so called art. You know, it's fine playing horror VN(or as they called,sound novel LOL) but at least make the character a little decent looking goddamit

>> No.2355773

...I just noticed he has breasts.

>> No.2355774



God fucking damnit.

>> No.2355777

Maybe. Of course it would be even better with good art. But it's current art is not nearly bad enough to scare the reader off. OP, if not trolling, is missing a lot by ignoring the game.

>> No.2355787
File: 318 KB, 2288x1712, god2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that's right

>> No.2355803


I wouldn't blame him. Otherwise I'd be playing 1990's game instead of xbox360 today.

>> No.2355815

holy christ he looks like me with shorter hair oh god

>> No.2355837
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>> No.2355838

Not being able to experience Umineko's music really takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it.

>> No.2355846

For a game, gameplay is what makesit good not the graphics

For a visual novel, story is what makes it novel good not the graphics.

Graphic whore.

>> No.2355849

That's not a correct analogy. Old games have way more differences with modern ones than just graphics. It's like saying you play some well-drawn dating sim instead of Umineko because it has better art.

>> No.2355855

You won't find a translation script for it anywhere. Your only choice is to play the game and you'll be thankful you did.

>> No.2355878
File: 3 KB, 106x94, bearunamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual novel
>story is what makes it novel good not the graphics

Now you're not making any sense.

>> No.2355882

extract the script, clean it up and read it

>> No.2355887
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1236101340749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So basically, you would just stare at your screen regardless of how bad the pictures are as long as there're wall of texts ?

>> No.2355897

Nice Gag Manga Biyori parody.

>> No.2355949

Nice work missing the point of half the replies in this thread.

>> No.2355973


Nice work missing the point right from the start of this thread.

>> No.2355976

A true novel has no pictures.

>> No.2355981

An idiot such as yourself does not deserve Umineko.

>> No.2355986

the cover picture doesn't count?

>> No.2355990

But they are not true novels.

>> No.2356003

Missing the point entirely. The story makes up 90% of the enjoyment. The pictures aren't needed, they're just a bonus. In Umineko's case, it would be 90% story, 9% audio and 1% artwork. For an eroge then the artwork has more meaning.

>> No.2356007


>BAWWWWWWWWW fucking gaijins ripped out my favourite game scripts now they know everything as I do how can this happen this is supposed to be elitist's VN BAWWWWWWWWWW

>> No.2356009

BAWW installing a VN is too complicated for me! Post the scripts so a simpleton like myself can enjoy it too! BAWWWWWW

>> No.2356018

>The pictures aren't needed, they're just a bonus

Tell you what, I don't think I NEED this virus...I mean,bonus.

>> No.2356022

Not really, they rely much on pictures to convey the emotions and standing of characters.
This argument stands for ANY plot heavy VN, and the art has less Puppet quality character artwork.
It's distinctive at least.

>> No.2356044

>installing a VN is too complicated for me

Hurr Durr completely missed the point.

>Post the scripts
No need for me bro, There's actually an easy way to get the scripts, unless you're too much of a retard to do it.

>> No.2356052
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1232567226658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh.. I need a picture of the girl or guy being angry to know that they're angry. And a picture of them being happy to know that they're happy.

Each character only has a few stills. It doesn't determine anything but what's already obvious.

>> No.2356071

A picture can convey more than a single emotion, not to mention the scale of it.
And regardless if it is NEEDED or not, from the moment they decided to USE the pics either way, they should be done a bit better.

>> No.2356123

They're already done fine. They may not seem that great at first, but they are really well coloured, they convey a massive range of emotions. Fuck, he goes one step further than most VNs, and actually has the characters change the position of their heads slightly in accordance with each expression, giving a subtle change that helps convey what the character's mood is.

There is nothing wrong with the sprites, other than maybe you don't like the style. Except for the hands, he does kind of suck at them.

>> No.2356149

The hands and eyes are my issues. And when they cry.
They sprites are very distinctive and expressive, but I get creeped out at times, or simply laugh.

>> No.2356203

>when they cry.
I see what you did there.

>> No.2356259

I felt bit put off by sprites at the start of episode 1, but by the time day second day started, they had already grown onto me.
If you're still bothered by the art when you reach episode 2, then there's a problem.

>> No.2356260

>I get creeped out at times, or simply laugh.

That's intended.

>> No.2356270

The ones that cause the reaction are not the intended ones, for me at least.

>> No.2358081

The first picture I saw is Beatrice laughing 'kuhihihi'

and I think to myself, 'what a retarded looking witch'

>> No.2358135
File: 39 KB, 323x162, 1238431218151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, Ryukishi has it all planned , hasn't he ?

>> No.2358316

They're not THAT bad. They could be a lot worse. And believe it or not, you eventually grow to like it. You still wish they looked better but you're no longer turned off by it.

>> No.2358433
File: 24 KB, 387x259, 1217706328452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despite awesome voice

>> No.2358448


You mean, like how you grew to like a badly written novel after being forced to read it night after night just to pass your test ?

To me this just looks like Ryukishi is too full of himself to let others do the art for him. That, or it is a marketting plan to help promote when the anime come out since I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate his story, if not for this terrible kiddy drawing.

>> No.2358461
File: 56 KB, 432x288, internetfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play the fucking game

>> No.2358463

This is a bad thread, but regardless Umineko does have bad art. As a fan I admit that. That said, you get used to the art pretty soon and it grows on you.

Along with that, the music is awesome and the story is awesome too. If you cant handle the game because of the art you'd probably get bored of it after 5 minutes anyway, so it's no big deal.

>> No.2358477

He's cheap, if you really want a prettier VN just wait until after it's remade on the PS2/360/whatever when the anime brings in more popularity.

>> No.2358482

>If you cant handle the game because of the art you'd probably get bored of it after 5 minutes anyway

I beg to differ, I once tried to play through chapter one and finally broke down in the middle of 'adult conversation'. So I decided to go read the script and guess what, it's a lot more fucking awesome without having to see those shit-tier pictures.

You can just mail the translators and requesting for their translated scripts, providing that you show them that you really own a legitimate copy of Umineko, which I doubt you do.

>> No.2358492

>it's a lot more fucking awesome without having to see those shit-tier pictures.

Different strokes I suppose, but I cant see how you'd hate the art so much that you'd be willing to miss out on the music for the sake of not looking at the pictures. The music is really awesome in Umineko.

>> No.2358507


That's where my mp3 Umineko play list come in.

>> No.2358565

I absolutely love the marionette songs, I blast the hell out of em when I play em. Makes me wonder what my normalfag neighbors think when they hear it

>> No.2358576

How would you know which track plays where?

>> No.2358682


The music cuing at the right time is what adds to the mood, playing the music (unless you somehow knew what songs to play when) randomly would remove much of the impact significant events have.

>> No.2358801
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>> No.2358814

I really think it'd be easier if you just focus on the text and let the music play...but to each his own I guess.

As long as you're not missing worldenddominator, because that would suck for you.

>> No.2358822

Helping you would be easy, but you're an absolute idiot, so GTFO.

>> No.2358834
File: 39 KB, 337x469, nothingtomeowabout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoa, you're not even trying anymore.

>> No.2358856


I don't think so Tim.

>> No.2359701

yeah, would'nt be too hard to either extract the script or replace the sprites with blanks, not that i understand why, the graphic is great as it is

>> No.2359711



>> No.2359722

Umineko isn't a visual novel. It's a sound novel.

>> No.2359736


>> No.2359738

Fuck off back to gaia.

>> No.2359739

Visual Sound

>> No.2359747


This. If you are missing worldenddominator, you may as well stop with Umineko right now.

>> No.2360027

Thr art is unacceptable for a comic or eroge but it works for this kind of VN because the body expressions are tightly integrated with the prose thereby increasing immersion which the main benifit of VNs to begin with.

For instance, battler's "...beato," expression conveys an immediate mood and temperature for the dialogue that would require some setup in the prose to try to put the same feeling. Because its good at that we can get past the quality of the art.

>> No.2360063



>> No.2360126

Actually Umineko's text depends on the graphical expressions, so in lots of scenes you won't even be able to tell who said that line.
And some texts are images, so you can't find them on the script.

>> No.2360141

umineko isn't a Visual Novel.

No, 07th expansion are extra pretentious, and only produce SOUND NOVELS.

>> No.2360142

Why do we even care that some idiot is missing out on something because of his own faggotry.

>> No.2360170

Shitty thread
Shitty/Troll op

Its not even worth reading.

>> No.2360204

> Visual Novel
> Sound Novel
There is no difference.
Correctly, "sound novels" are Chun Soft's novel games. And "visual novels" are Leaf's novel games.
That's all.

>> No.2360802
File: 79 KB, 899x661, UminekoReac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>07th Expansion
Oh wow.

>> No.2360823

Pretentious should wordfilter to "disregard that, I suck cocks". I really doubt that most people that use it even know what it means.

>> No.2360839


Yet you still care enough to sage.

Tsunderes, aren't we ?

>> No.2360967

/jp/ uses sage differentely, here it means "new post isn't important enough to bump thread to first page"

just like this post~
