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23540505 No.23540505 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous thread: >>23490262

>> No.23540617
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When starting any new game do you reroll for your waifu or for the strongest character available?

>> No.23540691
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I check whether I can get the waifu I want in game through other means other than gacha and use my dick to pick the ones that are gacha only.

>> No.23540702

waifu will never be powercrept

>> No.23540721

I'd always rather reroll for favorites.
But if it's new and I'm just starting, there's a good chance I don't have a favorite picked out yet.
In which case, I usually just aim for cutest high-tier.

>> No.23540753

It's basically impossible for a game that I'm just starting to have a waifu for me unless it's an established franchise and those are few and far between. So the answer is no. I just roll for the cutest top tier character or quantity of rare characters if it's a new game and if I'm starting a game that's already been running there's probably a limited or a new character that piqued my interest in which case I'll go for that.

>> No.23540762

>114 again.

>Guaranteed random Episode 2 characters
>Already have all of them except Welch and Mastema
I guess it's still a skip for me.

Deirdre 5* upgrade is automatic and doesn't need mats.

>> No.23540795

If its a brand mew game whats the strongest is going to change like daily since no one has a clue whats going on.

Generally I just reroll until I get an absurdly lucky start like a double SSR or something.

>> No.23540815

thanks again, i'll spend my chant scripts for the others then

>> No.23540856

If it's a game with character from a franchise I'm familiar with I'm going to reroll for the ones I like the most.
If it's a brand new title, then I'm not going to reroll(unless there's a built-in reroll button). I'm going to play with what I get and see if a game paywalls me from proceeding further by using less than ideal characters. If a game requires you to use certain highest rarity characters to proceed and doesn't give them out for free in any kind of farming way, then it's a bad game. And I don't mean challenging content, it was always meant for both whales and min-maxers.

>> No.23540912

If you need to reroll in your game, your game is shit.

>> No.23540928
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>mfw people are actually listening to western whales whining about sinoalice and spreading fake info
I've seen some peak retardation in that playerbase. The biggest gem was some guy whining that if you don't want to play healer anymore you should reroll your account (which would make you lose all job stats, limited event arcana/character trees, and leveling above 200 takes months)

>> No.23540961

I don't understand why would you want to invest into anything in Sinoalice aside from reading the story.

>> No.23540973

Gameplayfags are a special breed of stupid if they want to gameplayfag in an autoplay game where money decides whether you win. The game's finances are completely carried by whales investing in new powercreep.

>> No.23541000
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>Not just rerolling by default, whether you need to or not
>Not taking games that have built-in rerolls, and rerolling outside that anyway to get something good from the in-game one and your early normal rolls
>Not rerolling games just to immediately drop them, because you were only ever really in it to roll anyway

>> No.23541395

This, I rerolled in Love Live All Stars for a Nico using 6 instances of nox with macros only to dump it in a week.

>> No.23541401

Was bushiroad ever involved in a good quality game?

>> No.23541569


Define good quality. Maybe Bang Dream and Revue Starlight?

>> No.23541618

Assuming you don't mean only games based on existing franchise, how is it even possible to have a waifu in a brand new game you never played before?

>> No.23541621

I guess what you find good quality is subjective but Bandori is meh/average outside the actual gameplay which is really smooth.

>> No.23541641

>how is it even possible to have a waifu in a brand new game you never played before?
I like reading character introductions and listening to voice samples if it's a games focused on interacting with girls a lot, like im@s.

>> No.23541686

Anyone tried Blade Xlord?

>> No.23541752

I typically reroll for maximum highest rarity cards.

>> No.23541767

Tbh the gameplay alone justifies Bandori.

>> No.23541906

>a week
should be an hour desu

>> No.23542261

>Kusoge maintenance extended because the new app update for iOS still not out
I don't get how this is still happening.

>> No.23542312

>Lunatic status boosts damage 400%
>guaranteed crit doubles damage output
>free 800% damage for 3 turns
Nice powercreep, Jewflyer.

>> No.23542745

Bandori is pretty good, Vanguard Zero is surprisingly fun.

>> No.23542765

They should had released this when the game came out though.

>> No.23542855

Everything past the part where they cut to the little girl is the same as in the launch trailer. Only the beginning with the bad DeviantArt tier sprites is new.

>> No.23543019

looks like some low budget 2000s anime. Nice music though

>> No.23543070

man I have no clue what to play nowadays

>> No.23543085

>japanese version
>2D app icon
>app page highlights different character art and their seiyuus

>english version
>3D app icon
>yeah nobody cares about that, but look at this 3D!
I will never understand this.

>> No.23543175

vtuber who sings the song for that PV.
There are a few new bits here and there at the end but overall the beginning with those badly animated sprites took most of the scene time.

>> No.23543245
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I tried it and played for 3 hours straight. I'm having fun, so I'll keep playing.

So I'm that anon who wanted to try Tenka, Megido72 and PTD. Done with PTD and Tenka rerolls, but now I'd like to know if there's any tier list or some guide for Megido72 rerolls.

>> No.23543337

can last cloudia calm down with limiteds, sheesh. i also didn't know there's another unit aside from pt robin with a good steal move, though i'm not sure if it works as well as robin's does

>> No.23543695

apparently he does too much damage so he's not as effective as pt robin at stealing stuff
anyway i'm just going to stop rolling until dr stone collab. hopefully they will be the top powercreep and we get them before global caught up with jp

>> No.23543962

P-Please play ららマジ

>> No.23543979

Is it still alive?

>> No.23543980

Not for much longer.

>> No.23544133

any poor friendly games?

>> No.23544178
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Pick your poison

>> No.23544202

Wow, all of those aside PTD are shit

>> No.23544306

I know they are shit, but events are easy and I have everything I want and I've spent 0€ overall. I'm satisfied

>> No.23544519

Anyone else giving Soccer Spirits another chance for the upcoming revamp?

>> No.23544571
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I still want to believe, bros.
They even said it's in development on stream.

>> No.23544592

Didn't know it was getting a revamp.

But I don't think I'm ever touching that one again, either way.

>> No.23544651

The funny thing is, even if it's complete shit, it'll still stay afloat because >Cygames.

>> No.23544706

I will be playing it even if it's just a Shiny Colors clone with 3D races.

>> No.23544708

I don't know why people gets so attached to a company aside of the high production values most of their things feels hit or miss, Priconne success feels forced as fuck imo and same will happen to Uma or even worse.

>> No.23544750

You may feel that way but there's no doubt that part of the success Priconne enjoys is thanks to the fact that the series is enjoyable to a lot of people. Cygames made an investment into reviving it and that investment has been paying off in dividends.
I don't blame you, the game feels beyond redemption. It would take a miracle for their make or break update to revive the game. I'm just willing to watch its final moments since I still have fond memories of playing the game with you guys back at the very beginning of the general threads.

>> No.23544758

>aside of the high production values
How many mobage companies do the same though?
I can only name a few high production value mobages which failed, and it's either becuase they were paywalled too hard or because the gameplay got boring faster than it usually does.

>> No.23544784

Cygames originals always fuck the story up and it's some generic adventurer blah blah. Even in GBF most events are snoozefests and there's no real sense of struggle. I would play Bahamut if it weren't for the Japanese phone number confirmation blocking you out of features though.

Uma Musume looks lower quality than their other top games though, the 3D looked really bad and the character art is inconsistent.

The rest of the industry should look up to them for optimization, player bait campaigns and UI design (in dragalia, not GBF), but otherwise their stuff ends up seeming artificial because so many different departments put the story and designs together.

>> No.23544797

>Priconne success feels forced as fuck imo and same will happen to Uma or even worse.
I'm one of those people who played original Priconne and while the game was shit gameplay-wise, I have fond memories of everything else. I don't like Re:dive's gameplay too, and the fact that they've switched from a genuine VRMMO setting. But I'm glad I can see the stories of girls continue. I'm sure many of the older fans feel the same and for some that's enough to throw money at Cygames.

>> No.23544847

You can take a look at World Flipper or Seven's story, not forgetting how the fuck Dragalia is still alive aside of big Nintendo investment they don't want to lose.

Is enjoyable because they know no better, Priconne success comes from being an interactive anime rather than the game itself, also KMR's expertise of milking their kusoges, aside of that I think the original concept of Priconne was more interesting than Re:dive but people loves isekai shit for the 38485th time.

>> No.23544908

The gameplay itself is fine. They've only managed to fuck up balancing for one character, which is a pretty good track record for a mobile game that has been running for two years. It's probably not your cup of tea maybe, but there are definitely people who are enjoying the gameplay along with the story.
That said I don't understand why you're saying that the plot is a bad thing. Yes it is one of the main draws that Priconne has for it, so obviously the people that like the game are enjoying it. You don't see games like FGO bending over backwards to offer the kind of experience Priconne gives to players who follow the plot.

>> No.23544912

I don't think you need a state of the art motion cap studio or even 3D models to make a hit game. Consistent and polished design + good art go a long way. But most mobage look so crappy, either they have art from random chink artists or janky menus.

Sinoalice might have crap gameplay but it's very consistent in the look and feel of the game and designs, so it looks higher effort than it actually is. Shiny Colors updates with new cards twice a month and the most intense resource waster are the card animations and the voice over for cutscenes with new cards, still earns a ton compared to what they invest in it while the rhythm games need motion cap for MVs and all the 3D stuff.

In priconne the animated story cutscenes are just over the top, because no one plays the game for the story. The animated EDs are good bait though.

>> No.23544939

>no one plays the game for the story
Do you even play the game anon?
Yeah maybe not for the main story but I think a lot of people anticipate events and personal girl stories the most.

>> No.23544968

wait how do you even force a success on a mobage?

>> No.23544978

>Princess Connect feels fored
What is this even trying to mean?
Preconn has animated cutscenes for every event and story chapter, as well as a custom ED and frequently OST for each event.
The story in events are pretty lengthy and honestly is way more hits than misses.
Saying no one plays the game for the main story is pretty asinine since its quite generally the opposite, the games a long ass high production VN with a gacha.

Like even if you dislike the game you have to be pretty far up your own ass to not understand why its successful.

>> No.23544979

You divert the development staffs' paychecks to the gacha currency sales.

>> No.23544982

I think more people are attracted to the moe appeal and idol seiyuu in a cute girl collector as I don't see people discussing the story much aside dunking on the tranny and talking about NPCs/villains they like

>> No.23545003

Anon, it's a cute girls doing cute things series, every VN blows it out of the water and most mobage have a more interesting story. They could get away with having no story at all because it's visual candy and a character collector.

>> No.23545009

Yeah because priconne is an idol isekai game, the main story is just secondary, same will happen to UMA, is just imo you can find many of the shit that happens in Priconne in series like im@s but I don't mind that since it applies for most girls only mobages.

In general I think Priconne is pretty safe terrain with nothing new to offer aside of the high production values, but this doesn't happen in priconne, most successful cygames titles are like that, and thus most nip developers just try to copy the model and fail miserably.

>> No.23545019

>priconne is an idol isekai game

>> No.23545043
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>imo you can find many of the shit that happens in Priconne in series like im@s
Priconne's story is shit tier and boring but you sound like you didn't even play it.

>> No.23545048

Anon just doesn't like the game and refuses to accept that other people like it.
That still doesn't mean that people can't play it for the story or gameplay. You're projecting your own biased views on something you don't like.

>> No.23545098

>That still doesn't mean that people can't play it for the story or gameplay.
What kind of goalpost move is that?

The whole argument I was bringing up is that the animated story cutscenes feel like wasting budget because they can and that most people don't fawn over them after every event, they post fanservice art. Which reminds me that most players aren't up to date with the story because you need to play for several months at least to beat the latest worlds or luna tower.

>> No.23545106

>support a girl
>Can get transformed into her isekai form (backwards for redive)
>Just play events and win for your favorite
>Main story doesn't display her that much? Who cares

Is literally SS but instead of music, is an autobattler.

>Muh jungle gym boy
>Wah I'm fat, fuck you producer -after waffection lv4-> can't stop thinking about producer P, full dere
>The moon is so beautiful tonigh producer-wah the fuck i'm saying, please producer don't look at me I'm so embarrassed!

The same shit you can find in priconne, your point?

>> No.23545122

Buddy you just went full retard, you don't speak Japanese do you?

>> No.23545128

>animated story cutscenes feel like wasting budget because they can
How is that a waste of budget? Is Cygames not allowed to use their budget as they wish with their products?
The point I'm making is that you're projecting your views on the series in what you believe makes it successful and what you claim is a so called "waste".

>> No.23545156

>animated story cutscenes feel like wasting budget
Maybe a fully voiced story is also a wasted budget to you?
There are many things which I can think of, but animated cutscenes are almost never a bad thing for any game.

>> No.23545161

>Having character stories means its an idol game
No ones being transformed into their real world counterparts, its literally a memory/what if shown by your fairy.

Is this the dude who got upset over people making fun of FGO so he started crying about reddit and cygames?
Theres not some grand rivalry between the games.

You might as well cry about MonStrike out performing and being more beloved than both in Japan.

>> No.23545171

Because FGO is making ten times the money while being a shit game. Anyone can say their opinion on a slavic crocheting forum, and it's simply conjecture from seeing what the fans are excited about and what costs more to make.

>> No.23545213

So just because FGO is milking otakus at a more cost effective rate than Cygames means that Priconne's success is "forced" is the point you're trying to make.
That is straight up the dumbest argument I have ever read.
Just because Cygames shows more attention to detail with their game than DelightWorks in this case doesn't mean that their success is a fluke because of it.

>> No.23545219

>Because FGO is making ten times the money while being a shit game
If one company is being greedy it doesn't mean every other company has to follow their example.
On the contrary, I think it's a good thing when a company does better and pumps more budget into the game if it gets more popular.

>> No.23545231

this is the biggest shit bait i've ever seen in /mbgg/

>> No.23545232

I am this guy >>23544912
Follow the post chain, I didn't claim at one point that priconne's success is forced, but you seem too upset to read carefully.

>> No.23545260
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Completely different things, you just don't see it because you don't play both, most girls in priconne has some gimmick attached to them like in im@s

>Glutton girl
>Vampire loli/woman
>A teacher
>A trap

And the list goes on, they develop on those traits so people gets hooked up on a girl, they make character sets, and most of the stories develop on a certain group (like an idol unit), probably is because of the fact there's many writters of CG events in priconne but you can't tell me the resemblance of both, is like in the beginning cygames was planning to make Priconne their own idol franchise but came up with their own VR thing.

Tell me how that gimmicky part of priconne is not similar to CG?

>> No.23545275

Re:Dive had the animation from the start, it didn't get more budget after it got popular. They have actually animated less content in the past year. OG priconne already had animated PVs and popular seiyuu and it got axed to make way for redive which was already in production.

>> No.23545343

If you were a smarter shitposter you could point out the same seiyuu as in im@s and priconne or them trying to immitate annin's style

>> No.23545349

You're still avoiding my point, in that you somehow think its a waste for Cygames to be pumping more into their game's production.
You're argument still stands that you believe DelightWorks is better off because they're printing money off FGO which stands true, but doesn't change that people play Priconne for the story.
You're just looking at things completely from a monetary standpoint. FGO has its success thanks to Fate being a pre-existing franchise and growing off of it.
Cygames is building an entire empire and a dedicated fan base with each new investment they make into their IPs.

>> No.23545389

isn't that just every single mobage with story and character collector aspect?
even characters in game like another eden revolve around some sort of gimmick/trope

>> No.23545397

They literally hired her

Could talk about UI and shit but since you're so cling about "these girls are interesting" I'm just pointing out how most are just archetypes with barely nothing going with them that makes them engaging, well probably only by VN secondaries.

>> No.23545428

FGO started out blind. They didn't know the game would explode and be alive for so many years. So they didn't pump their budget into it that much during the development. But they could've done so after seeing its success. The only thing which got better is the quality of animations, kinda.

Cygames on the other hand used their previous experiences and money to make Priconne nice and shiny. But I was mostly talking about GBF when I said it's a good thing when a company does better and pumps more budget into the game. Granblue had waaaay less voice acting during battles, much worse animations, no CGs during events and story, way more simplistic ability effects, not to mention all the QOL it has now. Meanwhile FGO finally has a cancel card selection button after all the years.

>> No.23545443

It is, but AE balances pretty well its focus of main story and characters, whatever cygames does with priconne feels more bland than things from their own company like GBF

>> No.23545456

From a producer's standpoint it's a waste though. And again, most of the playerbase isn't even up to date with the story (that raid event as confirmation) and they have dropped the number of animated cutscenes and their quality over time.

Meanwhile they made no innovation for granblue's sixth anniversary, didn't go through with the "my room" feature or others they promised and their choices for the anime are incredibly boring considering the fans would eat a wmtsb anime up or some of the popular events. Cygames is a mixed bag.

>> No.23545522

>ITT the duality of armchair mobage producers

>> No.23545602

Its funny that people are saying other stories are generic when A/E has one of the most generic and lame stories I have ever read.
The only interesting aspect is the MC has an evil cursed sword which has gotten used all of once.

That being said I enjoy the story in the same way I enjoy Granblue and Priconns story, I dont personally mind generic affairs.

>> No.23545688

Nice try, plebbit user of last thread
Go back.

>> No.23545700

>Not knowing how the missing mother somehow become Himiko on the Eastern continent or Another Eden Project

>> No.23545756

FGO is astoundingly interesting behind the scenes all around.
DW themselves are incredibly incompetant programmers which Nasu said was by intention since Fate was sizable but not nearly as big as it is today so they wanted some crappy literally who dev they could bully into doing whatever they wanted. Then FGO comes out and its so bad Nasu in that infamous interview said they were close to walking away for months due to how bad it was. Takeuchi still says he hates how grindy and unfun the game is.

On the other hand Im sure DW wants to add new content at a non snails pace but you have the insane person Nasu constantly getting in the way with his "Servants take 6 months of work to be added with 3-4 months of research". He even gets in the way of game balance when he demanded they make Merlin break the game because "Merlin is supposed to break the game".
Like all of the summer events for example barring 3 have been pretty poorly received for their stories and locations, then it turns out Nasu just says they have to be modeled after his vacations which is why they are the things they are.

Then you have Takeuchi as the art director which is the most baffling thing of all. Everything from Luvias art being a complete embarrassment and the artist saying it got completely fucked after his submission to fit the cards. To Akira Ishida being a really competent and skilled artist yet every FGO servant is some of his worst work in quality. Bunny Artoria has some bizarre and god awful proportions then you see him post some alternate FA art the day she comes out on his twitter and it has none of those issues. Hes far from the only one.
Is Takeuchi sabotaging other people or do people intentionally put no effort into their FGO submissions?

>> No.23545766

>From a producer's standpoint it's a waste though.
As >>23545349 said, you're looking at things from a monetary standpoint.
I think KMR or whoever is in charge knows they can't make as much as FGO at this point. But is it the reason for them to just drop the ball and make absolutely zero meaningful updates? Not every mobage is solely about making money. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people who want to turn their ideas into reality, bring something new to the gaming world or respond to fans in a creative way within the bounds of making a profitable game. Even from the monetary standpoint, they're not wasting money, they're investing in their fans' loyalty and possible attraction of new players.

Developers who only think about making money are those who release cheap cashgrab mobages which get shut down after a year of service and then to proceed to make another one with minimum efforts.

>> No.23545930

>Megido72 finally going to add sparking
>Can only get 1 or 2 10-rolls worth of gems and about 6 single tickets each month as F2P

>> No.23545942
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>> No.23545989

>"Servants take 6 months of work to be added with 3-4 months of research"
Wait that's really just Nasu's taking his time? I thought this was a collective developer team message. I couldn't believe it takes them so long while other games create characters way faster, larger 2D models or not.

All that Takeuchi information is new to me. Does he really have any control over other artists art direction? I mean I agree that some artists are suspiciously bad when it comes to their FGO art(Takahashi Keitarou for one), but then there are also cases where artists dish out extra efforts. Are they paid or treated differently or something? I mean Raita and Wada look like their having fun even drawing FGO fanbooks and all that.

>> No.23546000

Is it 200 rolls for a spark? How wide is the choice? Current rate ups only?

>> No.23546066

>Altogether, the process from conception to completion of visuals takes 3-4 months, though it may take as short as 2 months in cases where everything goes smoothly. The completed profile and design are next sent to the developers at Delight Works, who take roughly three months to make the battle graphics, and 1-2 months to animate them. Voice recordings are conducted in the meantime. Altogether it takes 6-9 months to complete a single servant.
The only thing we know is Takeuchi is that he is the art director and approves or requests changes to submissions.

>> No.23546087

Isn't this extremely normal?
Most people play a game for a few days then proceed to shit on it. I've seen so many people shit on GBF then proceed to spout the most retarded shit that shows they either have 2016-7 info or got to rank <100 then quit.

>I've played many mobile games but they all sucked and (Insert game I love here) is by far the best because (insert absolute bullshit here)
Always this and people either get mad if you call them out or proceed to the insults/buzzwords.

>> No.23546105

>200 rolls at about 15-25 per month
So from 8 months to just over a year to spark, it sounds like.

Not the best, but it seems doable if you want someone bad enough. Though I didn't stick around to have any idea how viable not rolling for that long would be.

>> No.23546135

Presumably rate-up only going by that pic.

>> No.23546183
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Speaking of stories.
Is there any mobage which doesn't have a plot involving saving the world in some epic way?
I want something more down to earth and/or unique. Aside from Sinoalice.

>> No.23546185
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I never saw a mobage literally telling us to leave our phone in auto loop and check it back in an hour.

>> No.23546512

You don't need to reach rank 100 to criticize gbf, why invest so much energy into something you don't like? The difference is in criticizing things you've seen and spouting bs impressions.

>> No.23546593

No one probably cares about it here since it has a male cast, but Uyuriih's Prescription. Arrogant guy gets sucked into the world of an otome game and has to survive. The heroine playing the otome game is a saya no uta style amalgamation of bishounen flesh she consumed and she interacts with you in sparkly otome style windows, you have 3 hit points before she gets you. It's a mystery game by SEEC. Also the old dark and brooding bishounen of the original game lost both his legs and broke, turning into an okama.


>> No.23546669


>> No.23546710 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.23546719

Going to get a second hand iPhone 6S Plus lads. My phone's touchscreen is shitting the bed hard. Good thing my main mobage is available in international app stores

>> No.23546738

And you felt the need to blog about this because?

>> No.23546778

>6S plus

I'm sorry anon, but most mobages are not supporting that iPhone anymore.

>> No.23546849

saving the world (and its variation) is just the natural plot progression when your mobage involves fighting shit and there are a lot fighting in mobages
so yeah, play idol games

>> No.23546895

I have a question: I assume you can only use super attacks which cost the bar only on characters you're not controlling directly?
The character you control gets the time-stop thing instead, right?

>> No.23546973

A9 will continue to be supported for at least one more year, anon.

>> No.23547163

I never reroll.

>> No.23547325

Yes, you can only control your main character and the only thing you can do with the other 3 characters are their Limit Break. I use Ryde as the main character even if he's shit because the Limit Break of your main will always consume more bars than if its a support, so you want to maximize damage this way. Sinista for example needs me to charge 4 or 5 bars instead of 3 to get her LB.

>> No.23547343

oh shit, this is the plot of the new SEEC thing? hopefully it gets translated too, i enjoyed tasokare hotel and have been trying to work through their other games

>> No.23547399

If a game requires me to reroll, I'm gone.
I'm not that autistic and self-loathing to even bother rerolling nor will I ever see the case of why I should even reroll to begin with.

>> No.23547415

I find the animation transition of a limit break strange. It fades into a dynamic camera and then suddenly fades back when the main thing(damage/buff/debuff) is being done. They should've gone full cinematic on it.

>> No.23547455

>Netmarble games
>worst of scamco: SAO
Only tenka is acceptable
Imagine playing fucking games made by gooks

>> No.23547495

just whale up. depends whether the units i want is farmable or limited

>> No.23547517

I enjoy rerolling so long as I can macro the tutorial.
Its just getting to roll the gacha over and over again

>> No.23547612

Any wiki for Blue Oath/Wars? I want to be able to read at least the name of the girls.

>> No.23547632


>> No.23548526

But 8bS is about idols saving the world of music from the evil Terminator idols

>> No.23549587
File: 684 KB, 2618x3307, EVuEWtHUMAE7bpB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Oath livestream in 12 hours.

>> No.23549980

Event itself is in a little less than an hour.

>> No.23550366
File: 1.32 MB, 2208x1242, Scharnhorst get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's the easiest 6 Star SSR I'll ever get.

>> No.23550377
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200424-080735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it

>> No.23550392

>got the ugly sister
Not like this.

>> No.23550402

Don't forget to pick up your 7 Scharnhorst dupes from the shop for 1 coin each.

>> No.23550461
File: 398 KB, 1580x1073, 20200424_102300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 coin kek

>> No.23550563
File: 446 KB, 640x1080, 1478461200715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent all my tickets
>then all my gems
>no Scharnhorst
Well it's been fun. See you at the service closure announcement in 6 months.

>> No.23550571

don't give up anon, it's 100 rolls guarantee!

>> No.23550760

Anyone playing World Flipper still. I decided to pick it up as a side game, and despite not liking it at launch I've been having fun so far. The reroll was also really fast so that was a plus for me. Definitely good to break from the usuals but not really good enough to be a main game.

>> No.23550931

>Is Takeuchi sabotaging other people

>but you have the insane person Nasu constantly getting in the way
Nasu's a mix of having an excessively-feminine upbringing (multiple older sisters + shoujo manga) with being really, really fucking Japanese.

>Nasu just says they have to be modeled after his vacations
And going to Hawaii isn't even really going to America! Hawaii is basically Japan except it's a US state. Japan took over sometime in the 70s and nobody noticed or cared.

>> No.23551310

dropped the game during NY, has the grind for character upgrade mats eased since then? i did enjoy it but couldn't justify the amount of time it took to progress anywhere, bell system sucks too

>> No.23551412
File: 745 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2020-04-23-12-24-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the changes have been from launch but the character mat stages seem to be open every day. It does kind of remind me of old school gbf when you had to main a team and stick with it rather than spreading out across multiple teams to have consistent progression. As for the bell system, it only screws you over if your timezone doesn't align well with the prime nip playtime, but otherwise I don't have any major complaints about it. Once I started following more people the raid notifications became more frequent.
Where the game fails is on the stamina system, but that is why I consider it an ok side game. Stamina becomes more limited the more your rank increases, and it having a cap of 70 doesn't help too much when trying to play efficiently. Seeing as Cygames is involved with it I can only hope it gets better over time, namely by giving us a way to buy stamina potions with boss coins or some other way to have free stamina refills.
On another note, the gacha seems pretty fair so far. As far as I undestand every roll has a 5% chance to increase in rarity so that's cool. I rolled the girl from the pic earlier from a 3* orb that ended up becoming a 5*. The character designs are also really nice which is all I look for in a gacha.

>> No.23551501
File: 2.03 MB, 1372x772, Screenshot_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd you guys do?
Now I get to pick AS Yuna with no regrets.

>> No.23551504

Will that 1 coin promo last until the end of the event? I got the shit during my rolls.

>> No.23551538

Is Criticrista still not playable

>> No.23551593

Not yet. Lastest usable band added was Acreafact but they'd added at least 1 song from some of the non usable bands like Rapezziauto, Dropout Sensei, Shizuka Secret Mind and Dolly Dolci. They also added a new non usable band Yabai Sentakuyasan with 3 songs.

>> No.23551596
File: 2.65 MB, 1600x2000, 76876893_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna play Megido72 purely for Belial. Her design is perfection.

>> No.23551603

Yup that's what I last heard
Fuck you Sanrio, give me my Holmy back

>> No.23551625

They're obviously going to be the next one added.

>> No.23551645

dammit even idol aren't save from any form of evil entity
though i guess it's not really that rare if there are mechas in the story

>> No.23551676

sounds like things are still the same
maybe i should give it another go since it's not like i have anything to do anyway, last i heard they were adjusting drops
nice roll anon
i'm saving for myunfa for now then hopefully get magna rex treatises so i can have zones for each element

>> No.23551721

Uh, 8bS doesn't have mechas

>> No.23551735

Are the Nips really not resetting for better monsters in SB69Fes? Just regular stamina and 2 level ups and I'm already at rank 545. I'm wondering if I should be resetting too much.

>> No.23551743

anyone playing the konosuba shitty game can share some knowledge? i think hard daily arena bosses are ridiculous because they just wip half your hp bar with a single atk even having full lvld units and sub units, also how are you supposed to know if they attack with physical or magical attacks? The pendant system sucks dick, what do you farm to get silver and bronze upgrade things? i cant seem to get enough of those and i play all the day and get all the stamina fill rewards, this is just dispair inducing, it seems you can't keep on playing if you don't get all the fucking SSRs that the gacha adds

>> No.23551754

Can I trade my gremlin for the black zuikaku.

>> No.23551855

I've kind of naturally amassed a ton just playing normally. Most probably come from taking advantage of hard double drops, though right now that would mean missing out on the event.

For the arena I often just copy these and get a decent score. It can be rather RNG heavy.

>> No.23551888

but terminator is a cyborg
yeah i know, terminology and stuff

>> No.23551903

Well 8bS doesn't have cyborgs either
And Terminators aren't cyborgs either, save for ones past Salvation

>> No.23551920

I was using appmedia but i guess gamewith is more well known and I can make the exact same team shown there except for erika, i'll try again tomorrow, thanks anon
I'm also missing a lot of strong characters because I'm saving gacha rolls for the 0/250 ticket thing
have you exchanged any of the tier 4 weapons from the red coin shop? I'm considering getting the sword for mitsurugi since i already got the tier 3 daggers for melissa and kurisu

>> No.23551969

I went with the sword since I already maxed one of the gold daggers.

>> No.23551973

the original post i was replying to used evil terminator idols so that's why
and wait terminators aren't cyborg?

>> No.23552028

I am that original poster and yes they aren't cyborgs
Cyborgs are human-machine hybrids and Terminators are 100% machines until Salvation

>> No.23552196

those living tissue thingy doesn't count or those are too artificial to count?
anyway just replace the cyborg in 'but terminator is a cyborg' with android/robot/any specific terminology for that type of mechanical body, you get the point.
and i'll just stop out of topic post and go check out the game, assuming it's still alive

>> No.23552230

Supposed to last until the 10th.

>> No.23552335

Look, Terminators ARE androids
And 8bS DOES have androids
Not cyborgs

>> No.23552423

>Kusoneko collabing with a series shittier than Rezero and Nanatsu

>> No.23552459

>Anything being worse than the shitshow that is Nanatsu
Kimetsu is an ok manga in my book

>> No.23552473

Dunno, I liked Nanatsu until King and Dianne's timetravel training arc.

>> No.23552498

No opinion here, since I haven't watched either.

But Nezuko is cute.

>> No.23552546

I figured it was going to be this after they collabed with monstrike earlier this year. Nice chance to save, if they give some free rolls then even better.

>> No.23552820

Where can I read about it?

I never liked irl soccer, but SS felt like a nice and unique tactical rpg until you hit pvp. I wish they made something at least as complex instead of Epic 7.

>> No.23552958
File: 1.14 MB, 292x258, PTD yamada.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game's gacha pulling animation is your favorite?

>> No.23553002

By now just about every one of them has given me PTSD

>> No.23553107

>timed shironeko quests

>> No.23553342

Anyone still plays the Attack on Titan Tactics mobage?
Apparently it's the one year anniversary already, I didn't think it would last this long.

>> No.23553394

The problem is they are putting enemies with different resistance on each wave so the time is mostly wasted by changing characters.

>> No.23553467

Asahi door KICK

>> No.23553502

Yeah, the 3 person elemental stage was manageable to SS but the 4 person stage with the extra swapping seemed harder so I started doing the others instead.

>> No.23553584

Does upgrading the goods shop in Fes a Live let it hold more money? It's hard to sell all these event items with the limit.

>> No.23553596
File: 290 KB, 680x2048, EWW6R1XU4AECQtQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crestoria finally has a release date.

>> No.23553725

is it safe to assume the game was in development hell? It was announced like 2 years ago right?

>> No.23553737

>2 years
>development hell

>> No.23553784

World flipper pachinko

>> No.23553818

Development hell is something like what happened with Lost Order and Horsegirls although I wouldn't be surprised if the former is actually canceled at this point but they didn't bother to announce it,

>> No.23553898
File: 371 KB, 1200x1001, 20200424_130202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly the only likeable producer, stream time now

>> No.23554039
File: 440 KB, 1199x685, Screenshot_20200424-131918_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LoliAlice and mom cinderella time

>> No.23554092

You mean in terms of looks, right?
Pokelabo is worse than DW.

>> No.23554186

Disagree, I have 150+ job SSRs and specialized grids for every weapon and all I do in sinoalice is auto events and get stuff from my jp guild.

>> No.23554321

You can also play FGO without spending money feel all right everywhere except for optional challenge quests. What I mean is that both companies are shamelessly milking their game without adding anything new or making something better. But not only Sinoalice uses a dated gameplay structure which was never good and got old really fast(Logress, Kurokishi, Unison League), as a waifu collector it's only worth because of the story and character art. I mean the only gameplay difference between characters is that they use different weapons and have slightly different stats. No skills, no super attacks, no fancy animations, nothing. And it has pvp.

That's fine if you like the game. I'm also a fan of Taro's settings. But Sinoalice would've been better as a visual novel. The gameplay in it just feels like something they had to attach at the last minute because it wouldn't make money otherwise.

>> No.23554531

I still prefer it to FGO by a large margin because it has good performance, has frequent updates and weird events and it offers you easy collection. Of course you can play FGO without rolling the gacha, but it's tiresome, while in sinoalice you can collect every character you want through guaranteed SS gachas, triple rate banners and medal exchange.

It's a shameless cashgrab game and yoko taro had been barely investes in it, it works only because it milks PvP whales. But at least in the last year they've made a manga, LN adaptation and took over for global instead of nexon.

All I want from the game is an omake comic and more art/story, if they wanted to change they gameplay they should rather release a new game.

>But Sinoalice would've been better as a visual novel.
The sellout who is now pandering to riajuu and ripped off a pasta sauce commercial for the ending of his first game couldn't write a VN to save his life, Taro peaked with drakengard 3 and everything has been downhill since.

>> No.23554532

>worldwide release
that's really cool, i wonder if it's gonna share the same server
always wanted to play a tales mobage but i'm EOP and the english ones keep shutting down

>> No.23554738

Has there been anything notable on the Blue Oath stream?

>> No.23554758

>the english ones keep shutting down
That's why you never play mobages on english servers.
Aside from possible rad memes in translation, censorship, lack of premium currency gain for various reasons, lack of collabs and lack of players for multiplayer content, it's never a good idea to invest time and money into english/global servers.
You don't need to learn moon to play mobages. Learn moon for the story. Or if the game is popular enough it'll get story translations eventually popping up anyway.

>> No.23554766

Is there a faster way to farm the event in Blue Oath? The battles take quite a long time for only a few of the event currency. It almost seems like I have to play the whole day just to farm.

>> No.23554785

3-starring a map makes it possible to skip the non-bosses.

>> No.23554791

Aren’t you able to skip battles like on the normal maps once you three star them?
Should just need to bring the right type of SR/SSR depending on what the map requirements say.

>> No.23554798

Event has no class requirements for skipping. Main campaign has it

>> No.23554817

i really want to play back PTD but i keep getting the feeling that closure is around the corner.

im intrigued. how much free rolls can i get

>> No.23554838

Wait I'm a dumbass who just started less than a week ago. How do you skip battles with 3* maps? All that happens for me is one battle where I have to fight almost everything followed by a battle in the same map that goes straight to the boss and it loops like that.

>> No.23554847

>PTD but i keep getting the feeling that closure is around the corner.
At the very least their road map is planned up until after their 3rd anniversary. It seems for some reason one of the bosses in SE has a hard on for PTD.

>> No.23554872

Wait now I feel really dumb. The map I'm doing is just at 2*. I'll just kill myself now.

>> No.23554882
File: 239 KB, 800x690, EWXCAOaUwAA8BJQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are rare exceptions like Brave Frontier global which is somehow still alive when JP version is theoretically dead.

>> No.23554902

Anyone here bought Scharnhorst school outfit?. I'm wondering if it has own set of unique emotes or not.

>> No.23554931

I think it's probably because it got shilled hard in the west when there were no good mobage alternatives.
They even made that awful 3D CM for western audience.

>> No.23554938

>im intrigued. how much free rolls can i get
20 from stream
Plus new players get like 100 gems worth of rolls
and then there's the tutorial and achievement gems

>> No.23554965
File: 561 KB, 508x693, kotodaman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played Kotodaman?

>> No.23555015
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, EWXVodCUYAAmX7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free shit

>> No.23555160

Shinimonogurui when?

>> No.23555179

What's your opinion on Blade x Lord?

>> No.23555196
File: 239 KB, 2048x1152, 89198940_227200701746338_416990403309338624_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP image is shipping art

Why though? I mean I got nothing against shipping characters, especially in AE. But why those two??? Seems kinda random don't ya think?

Speaking of shipping though, the game and writers of the story do like teasing and making fun with the audiences/players on who Aldo has a romantic relationship with, right? I mean to be fair, Aldo is a very nice, well mannered, sometimes charming and a gentle young man after all.

>> No.23555238
File: 1.05 MB, 900x937, 67328895_p12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Another Eden character(s) do you think has the best characterization, personality and maybe personal stories?

>> No.23555364
File: 752 KB, 522x710, bladex5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice production value, but battles are extremely boring.
If I had to compare it, it plays kinda like Xenoblade Chronicles: characters autoattack with certain speed, you move them and use skills. Enemies have side and back weakpoints which usually receive more damage and many skills work with them in some way, there's also a proper aggro system, characters are clearly divided into dps, tanks and healers.
Character models are nice, but animations are clunky. The story is fully voiced. Every character is an SSR and gacha is filled with weapons of lower rarities, so you get the picture. Maybe it's just my opinion, but it's extremely boring and lacks the impact.
It also has a PC(DMM player) version and it doesn't require a vpn to run, which is rare for DMM player games.

By the way DMM Player is also getting Last Cloudia on PC soon. Blade x Lord and Last Cloudia are kinda similar(same director iirc), but I think LC carries way more impact with its animations. I want to give the game a try when it comes out on PC, but I'm already dissapointed characters have so few skills and actions during battles. Maybe I got spoiled by Rays where characters have shittons of different skills bound to weapons and mirrors.

>> No.23555718

The problem with collab characters in most mobages is the characters faded into irrelevancy really fast. There aren't many players which are still using SAO or ReZero Xmas characters in coop now. Just save gems unless you like the series or a collector.

>> No.23556501

>i really want to play back PTD but i keep getting the feeling that closure is around the corner.
Welcome to the game since the first anniv. The game is as undead as the girls themselves but it

Taiwan server shut down a few months back but that decision in itself makes me wonder why they bother with it.

Maybe it's just like Star Ocean and its really a way to pay certain people

>> No.23556619

Are the current Kraut sister in Blue Oath limited? I wanna give playing it another shot but don't actually feel like playing right now, as stupid as that may sound.

>> No.23556653

Yes, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau are limited.
If you roll Scharnhorst you can get her to 6 Star LB for 7 coins as a form of apology.

>> No.23556758
File: 900 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_2020-04-24-18-44-32-847_net.wrightflyer.shoumetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell Jewflyer? Where are the daily log in rewards?

>> No.23557060

why you still playing that dead game

>> No.23557153
File: 239 KB, 1203x660, average scratch gacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing is a little too much of a word. I'm just doing the dailies. I can't bring myself to uninstall it.

>> No.23557165

It's still more alive than Afterlost version.

>> No.23557210

What were they even thinking with that?

>> No.23557369

Remember that Shoumetsu Toshi was going to come out in english. Lmao.

>> No.23557415 [DELETED] 
File: 812 KB, 900x694, IMG_20200424_130036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get infected in the sweaty van

>> No.23557471

You're a complete and total fucking prick.

>> No.23557481

SAO ARS is a good game

>> No.23557668

I don't remember that at all.

>> No.23558360

good joke

>> No.23558420

can brave frontier even be called "alive" at this point
>brave frontier 2 was a complete joke
>the last summoner was also a joke
>collabs only keep brave frontier 1 alive
>almost all trials are now just a laundry list of tasks you need to perform perfectly or you just eat a wipe

>> No.23558883

Would a skull magna be a good choice for Kuroka? Or just forget it and keep rolling forever?

>> No.23558904

Vaguely related, but can SAOfags tell me whether Hollow Realization is a good game? It's on a big discount, and Aincrad as a setting is something I find interesting, the series in general being a guilty pleasure.

>> No.23559078

dunno about that
but i can tell you to stay away from:
- memory defrag
- aliciwhatever rising steel
- integral factor
those three are absolute pay to win garbage that should never see the light of day

>> No.23559207

I'm not an SAOfag, but Hollow Realization is a genuinely fun game.

>> No.23559355

I only played fatal bullet and it was great

>> No.23559390

imo Fatal Bullet is great and even if people hate SAO, they should play it.

>> No.23559540

Rolling forever isn't that good on the new timed quests imo.

>> No.23559613

truth has been spoken

>> No.23559640

if a game does not
1. give me a selector or reroll banner at the start
2. doesnt let me skip tutorial
3. makes me reroll for a meta that i have to get on or i get behind
4. has no safety net nor pity rate system
5. doesn't have a good mileage system
im gone
sorry, but your game is shit
and you should feel bad for playing shit

>> No.23559653

I cant remember the last game that actually required you to reroll to progress.
PAD maybe?

The thing is people reroll not because its mandatory but because you might as well start with one or more SSRs rather than leave it to pure gacha luck.
Unless the games a legitimate nightmare to reroll in like TB2 but games like that also tend to be bad in general.

>> No.23559710

let me list a bunch of shit games for you then to jog your memory
- anything involving jewmi (BE, WotV, BF)
- anything involving jokemarble (7DS, KOFAS, 7k, knights chronicles)
- anything involving smilejew
- anything involving square enix (toji no miko, final fantasy record keeper, tokyo doll project, star ocean anamnesis)
- every nexon game (imagine playing a nexon game)
- anything involving scamco (shit art online, dragonball, one piece)
- any rpg puzzle game (PAD, crash fever, etc.)
cygames or bust

>> No.23559724

>Noped out of every SqEnix final fantasy mobage
I feel like I dodged a bullet but considering the amount of shit they get from everyone I always kinda wish I checked out out to see for myself.

>> No.23559743
File: 919 KB, 1740x978, imZfzAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking shit about SOA

>> No.23559763

anything involving square enix is garbage
- star ocean anamnesis - power creep bullshit involving a stupid "order" system that involves pay to win characters like personafaggots
- final fantasy record keeper - imagine power creeping in your power creep beyond its limits, whens 8-star weapons that does 999999 damage, DENA shitheads
- final fantasy mobius - loldead
- project tokyo dolls - imagine being so desperate you do womb tattoos
- brave exvius - loljewmi
- world of the visions - omegaLUL jewmi
- romancing shit - most boring shit game that just panders to "muh nostalgia" fags everywhere, cant believe some of you niggers are "hyped" for that shit game
- dragon quest mobile games - OMEGALUL, a literal dead wasteland, dont bother. cant believe brainless nips keep just feeding that garbage
- sinoalice - dead on arrival, dont bother
- khux - dead, dont bother
- bravely defaulting - dead, dont bother, also garbage game that should be dead a long time ago
imagine playing anything by shit enix

>> No.23559769

imagine playing a game where the community is so dead they wonder if its even worth playing anymore after another dead collab rerun of an event without even buffs to collab characters
imagine playing a gacha that relies on collabs to even survive
only thing i can say is:
"good luck, faggots. miracles dont work twice."

>> No.23559783

Show by Rock Fes A Live has been pretty good so far. Current event if very grindy though compared to the previous ones.

>> No.23559791

PAD gacha only drop 5* minimum now
shill your cygames trash elsewhere

>> No.23559793

imagine that your best game is an anime gacha game involving catgirls
not the worst way to go, i guess

>> No.23559798

imagine being this hoe mad about priconnechads
why are you so mad that im speaking the truth?

>> No.23559805

Tell me more about cygames and Dragalia anon.

>> No.23559816

why do i have to talk about Dragalia?
even then, they made more money then your shit not-even-top-200-grossing games like star ocean in one monster hunter collab
and they're a "mistake". imagine trying to just jab at the wounds like the salty bitch you are

>> No.23559832
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>> No.23559833
File: 198 KB, 485x488, E4Pc8v8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's this mad he didn't roll Narukami or Kasumi

>> No.23559834

No anon I just want someone to talk about dragalia. And /drag/ is too full of shitposters and doom posters/

>> No.23559858
File: 578 KB, 630x700, 1570254860310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23559871

oh, sorry, mate.
thought you were doing a sarcastic comment on me because sarcasm's a bitch to find.
dragalia is eh.
the game is easy enough as long as you aren't a goddamn introvert and the combat system is pretty interesting.
its just cygames dragalia lost team just throws the same shit at your constantly. big dragon bosses. it gets boring.
not as basic bitch as the this shitter's game though >>23559833

>> No.23560400

>Already got all the point rewards on 2nd day unlike previous events
>No motivation to properly grind more bosses so I just playing songs normally instead
I don't know if you could call the current event grindy.

>> No.23560404


>> No.23560429

>look up this Blue Oath thing
>gameplay is plagiarising KC Arcade
>UI and character designs are plagiarising AL
>no really, Kaga is literally just AL Takao, Gneisenau is Prinz Eugen and Zuikaku is Zuikaku after the hip surgery
the true China experience

>> No.23560454

who quote

>> No.23560478

my personal observations

>> No.23560499

Can't wait to see this shut down in several months

>> No.23560843

Is Sengoku Asuka Zero still worth playing? Looks like it's really old, but I've been looking for a new waifu collector in English to play.

>> No.23561030

this pose is so fucking weird

>> No.23561257

>pay to win
You don't play it, do you?

>> No.23561259

The main story has so much Aldo-centric bullshit. It's not any different than Index or Mahouka.
If you want to promote good story in AE, bring up gaidens. IDA, Time Mine, Ocean Palace, those are some good ones.

>> No.23561563

>paid currency only banners
>awful UI and ugly graphics as on par with SAO
>Scamco is in charge, so powercreep to hell is inevitable just like memory defrag
>PvP system on turn based RPG that's braindead
you've proven to me that you are a shilling puppet for scamco.
begone, simp.

>> No.23562024

Is tenka still alive?

>> No.23562093

Tenka has not really changed much.

We are approaching 3rd Anniversary soon if I remember correctly, so you should hop in if you have more interest then indifference.

>> No.23562255
File: 73 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20200425_051533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punishing Gray Raven got a JP logo

>> No.23562452

3 years despite almost getting the axe before the first anniversary

>> No.23562522

No Criticrista
No good

>> No.23562607

Neat, though I'm not sure I want to part with my CN account, especially if it takes a while to come over. Hopefully it spawns more art though.

>> No.23562889

I really don't like the 'Hey I'm a gacha character and here's my quirk XD, now bye' that happens a lot in gaidens and some of the main stories though it's still preferable compared to characters that don't do anything in the story, like Aldo's companion most of the time (and Chiyo.)
Time Mine is nice because it's essentially an event-length fetch quest and the writer(s) really put too much effort in their fetch/kill quest story for some reason.
Like dude, sometimes the characters even have a name in the fetch/kill quest.

>> No.23563106

why do you pople play every shitty boat clone

>> No.23563134

Honestly the only character quests that really stuck out to me were Tsubakis.
Well and Nagi AS' dumb joke that she herself is the prophesized great devourer after she eats the actual one.

Most of them are paint by the numbers and I forget about them 10 minutes later.

>> No.23563172

Do you really need to reroll in PAD nowadays? They have these banners where you get 7* minimum by spending double gacha currency I got a couple 8* and 9* with no difficult some time ago.

>> No.23563346

Probably not, but like nearly 10 years ago when I played you would have a miserable time without a 3-4x leader.

>> No.23563467

The game has the usual 'roll new characters for HUGE advantage in this particular event' but also gives you a decent amount of free rolls and currency, so I dunno.
playable nekkid administrator when tho

>> No.23563629
File: 230 KB, 320x400, EWXaDGPUYAY5Pt-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hokuto is cute. https://twitter.com/ensemble_stars/status/1253926715522453507
In regards in EnStM attributes, Ibara's brilliant, Hokuto's glitter. 3* Hinata and Adonis. Gate of the Abyss has been added in the game as well.
Looks like fujos are beginning to show their anger towards HappyEle more. The replies under Trickstar's new unit CD announcement has a multitude of replies complaining about how lazy the cover is.

>> No.23564096

>- anything involving scamco
What about the im@s games?

>> No.23564109

what happened to aozora under girls

>> No.23564152

They should show their anger and it's great that Twisted Wonderland is taking fans away from it. BTW Enstars should be posted here >>23558354

>> No.23564163

EnStars isn't an otome game though, nor is it BL despite the amount of homoerotic content in it.

>> No.23564166

I guess you can still post here but the players usually post there as it's a husbando type of mobage.

>> No.23564191

Huh, I suppose. I'm not really into those kinds of games and I hate associating myself with those kinds of people. EnStars and LoS are the only husbando kusoge I keep up with, though I dropped LoS because Scamco fucking sucks.

>> No.23564205
File: 685 KB, 1118x462, dfgccb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to marry your boats.

>> No.23564207

Not a SAOfag(or at least quit being one a long time ago), but Hollow Realization is an average game.
Depending on where you look at it from it's either solid or a bit underwhelming.
It has a lot of features but doesn't focus on anything that much. I can't stop myself from comparing it to .hack//GU which is a superior game in almost every aspect. Give HR a try. Even if you get burned out eventually, you'll most likely be able to get some fun out of it.

>> No.23564315

Is zerker's just guard a better version of lancer's? It provides a nontrivial amount of sp regen while also not having the shield break(i think?)

>> No.23564620
File: 216 KB, 347x537, a).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saving my rings for Asahi and her dupes

>> No.23564654
File: 176 KB, 554x795, rgZIuJo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you truly love Asahi you'd have bought rings and every package in game regardless.

>> No.23564836

How am I suppose to beat the horse dragon rider boss who keeps running away?

>> No.23564858
File: 34 KB, 1269x268, at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea how I comletely overlooked the naming for these till now, but damn, it's like they took them from some girl idol game. Tfw Engirls!!! Music never.

I kinda get that anon, the rhythm part is like an improved LLSIF for me and it's fun. But I wouldn't go out of my way to talk about it in a thread mostly filled with real fujotome stuff, with how the art style for those games usually is.

>> No.23564937

>Tfw Engirls!!! Music never.
It's sad Engirls never received a normal game.
Well I'm glad 日日日 is still writing Priconne at least.

>> No.23564975
File: 131 KB, 708x1024, EWS_c_-UcAAdPti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really hoping that there'll be more EnGirls references in !!, especially with the fact that they now take place in the same year. One of the EnGirls writers joined the team and wrote the Date Plan event. It's actually refreshing to read. I somehow trust that dude more than Akira.

Sadly, Akira doesn't write for most of the events in PriConne. I think he's just the main writer for the main story.

>> No.23565037

>Sadly, Akira doesn't write for most of the events in PriConne. I think he's just the main writer for the main story.
Huh, this is weird. I mean I think he's better at writing comedy so why the "dramatic" main story focus?
Though sometimes events feel like they've been written by Akira because you know, he likes to write these "character talks about something for so long you forget they were talking to somebody else" scenes.

>> No.23565068

How do I start rerolling on brown dust? Takes 7 days to unregister and it's fucking annoying

>> No.23565103

Don't reroll

>> No.23565127

basically, you dont play that PvP game

>> No.23565140

Only if you're trying to rank high. You need to use 5 stamina per run and have to reset monsters everytime to get a better one that gives better rewards.

>> No.23565142

Guess I'm staying away then

>> No.23565144

The berserker version is better because of the counterattack but you can't spam it like you can with a lancer to keep yourself safe. You can mistime it and die if you don't have your immortality going but if you have a berserker that starts with 100% burst gauge then you don't even have to worry about that.

He has some openings where he stops and you can get damage in, bursting then is the safest option unless you have a character that has an ability with tracking like summer Charlotte. If it's the tower one I think I used onsen Aisha and normal attacked after he stopped.

>> No.23565145

>brown dust
Why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.23565149

The c**mer art got to me and I wanted to see if I can reroll, turns out you need 7 days to unregister which is fucking braindead

>> No.23565158

Anon, you know we talk about Enstars and Engirls here right...

>> No.23565294
File: 346 KB, 1500x1611, DFaZvT2WAAA9-gl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akira still has Engirls in profile
>the day Priconne started was the day Engirls closed service
>he mentioned how he hopes at least Priconne and Enstars will live long
Must be tough losing your favourite game you're writing for.

I'm still mad how HappyEle fucked up the rerelease. First eternal delays, then so many things and serious bugs actively preventing you from running events they kept ignoring. No wonder people got tired of it.

I wish there wasn't that vocal minority seething at any possible connection between the two games, maybe there would've been some Engirls cameos in Enstars anime if HappyEle didn't play it safe. But for now I'm happy for the fanart my best Engirl Ruka gets through the onii-chan boost, I guess.

Not sure if he retweets every single event he has written, but I think there hasn't been a Priconne one in a long time. And HappyEle also dragged him into Enstars anime, so maybe he didn't have a lot of time for other stuff to begin with. Seemed like he was super busy last year.

>> No.23565341
File: 201 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20200425_121818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His 3D model is kinda meh, and I just rerolled for him and Eichi.

They are the best, except LoS which is ten years behind.

>> No.23565355

>twisted wonderland
>a shitty looking flash game
>getting any fans at all
Hypmic is bigger, but it has an equally worthless game as TW.

>> No.23565381

don't know how accurate this is but >>23445351

>> No.23565440

Well I'm baffled that that waste of Toboso's designs is getting money, the disney fangirls from japan I know aren't playing it. With disney's resources they could have at least made a playable game but it seems targeted at middle schoolers.

>> No.23565781


>> No.23565828

Here's hoping it would be with the division. The early GFL concept art really had that vibe

>> No.23565922

Girls Frontline x Just Dance
lets go boys

>> No.23565955

Should i buy Gneisenau from the shop for 9k?
That ring is tempting also

>> No.23565989
File: 46 KB, 269x313, 191246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get both anon.

>> No.23566113

>The division with cute anime girls
I'd pay money for that

>> No.23566133
File: 508 KB, 1440x2048, EWWYhFxU4AAcGvz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The latest gacha announcement has 60k likes
I guess we will never understand its fans taste since since the game itself feels really barebones aside the story and the characters.

>> No.23566179

Isn't that basically GFL?

>> No.23566240

I think he means gameplay-wise, not only in terms of the setting.

>> No.23566273

It died,has an offline version where you get all the released cards right off the bat though.I downloaded it the other day but dropped it the next day since there wasn't really any gameplay and looking at your waifu's 3D model is only engaging for so long.

>> No.23566276

Time Mine is what Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley would be from bystander's point of view. From rebuilding the village to celebrating marriage. Ocean Palace has timewrap hijink which is way better than in main story. IDA is just Academic City ripoff, but the story is a lot more intriguing.
As for character story, I like Miyu's arc, including her 5* quest line plus Bertrand's and Felmina's arcs.

>> No.23566359
File: 959 KB, 1280x720, H6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, the last stage kicks my ass.

>> No.23566417

Whats the issue?.

>> No.23566525

Sell me on male idol games,why do people like them?I've played idol games before and they were fun I guess,but none of them aside from T7S grabbed me for longer than two months.

>> No.23566553
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can beat it but can't seem to get 3 star with this team

>> No.23566559

The 2nd star needs you to beat all other enemies before you fight Zuikaku Alter anon.

>> No.23566570

I thought it said i needed to get SS mark

>> No.23566584

You need to do both.

>> No.23566598
File: 940 KB, 1280x720, boats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't kill the boss fast enough.
Also not having CVs in the fleet makes the boss hit quite hard.

I think I will try to get my carriers in shape, upgrade equipment and uncap boats some more and farm H5 in the meantime.
Don't want to miss out on the medal.

I think it's another stage, anon.

>> No.23566601

Ah all right,thank you.
I think i'll need to level them up to actually do it though. I should also decide what equipment get from the gold box we got from the start

Yeah just noticed you are at H6,i'm still at E6

>> No.23566608

Also FYI, the pursuit/boss only battle doesn't count.

>> No.23566641

I ran a similar though stronger team for it, the 2 BB's probably slow you down too much. Cause I could scrape by and dodge Zuikakus funky AOE barrage.

>> No.23566692

Also switch the Torpedoes on Oigen Norfolk and Dorsetshire to secondary guns anon. The 3 of them get 50% bonus damage to secondary guns at 5* and deal 200% more shelling damage once when firing their secondary guns at 6*.

>> No.23566889
File: 577 KB, 640x853, 5e93e79534a0c_c75eea13dfa8ebe5c857097b43791843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end, Zerokiss really got a part in the Valentine's event only because they were already recording for Kimetsu, didn't he.

>new splash screen already
Feels really fast. Not going to miss Apis ruining the cute, though.

>> No.23566944

Who did you use?

>> No.23567021
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>> No.23567045
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>> No.23567090

What's there to sell? You play a game if you like the characters/music/art

>> No.23567309
File: 506 KB, 1119x580, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*1BB. I usually run with 3 CA's and 3DD's instead but I wanted to raise their affection. The 3 CC's have the same speed as CA's while Warspite slows the whole team down. Using the + formation I barely dodge most attacks at max speed.

>> No.23567310

I guess what I wanted to ask if Idol mobages don't really stick with me,would the male ones be any different.Any ones with good gameplay you'd recommend?That's typically the "hook" for me in mobages.

>> No.23567344

>would the male ones be any different
Are you a girl, or a boy? I mean it's all about attraction. If you like the characters, you can start playing any game. If you're a straight guy and didn't like any game with female idols before I doubt you'll want to try male ones.

>> No.23567436

Are you still playing T7S? Who's your favourite?

>> No.23567522

If you don't enjoy rhythm games to begin with and even cute girls aren't enough to keep you playing, then it's likely the male-only ones won't be fun either.

>> No.23567592

I play enstars music because the music for me is top tier and I like the characters. Also fuck Dance in the Apocalypse, I still can't FC it and not even near AP.

Then Prince of Tennis has nostalgic husbandos for me because it was one of my first animes.

>> No.23568469
File: 1.31 MB, 1000x1272, 78611607_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much potential in !!. I have a few in mind.
>Mika and Suzu being heavily implied that they're twins
>Anzu's relations (Suzu, her brother, etc.)
>How Chizuru was the implied narrator for one of the light novels
>Fun, little stories about the Tsukinaga siblings
There's also a possibility of more connections being revealed. Wataru and the Futaba siblings look similar and they're all orphans, maybe there's a connection? I don't know. I would like to see the Kimisaki Theater Club interact with Dramatica as well.

Basically this. I actually have a bitter relationship with EnStars, but I sadly got attached to a certain trio. !! pulled me back then after seeing how said trio has a chance of getting more notice. Even though they had more focus than other non-units from what I've seen, outside of the Five Oddballs.

>> No.23569233

which trio?

>> No.23569306 [SPOILER] 
File: 541 KB, 792x900, 1587837928668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These idiots.

>> No.23569404

Any news about the starlike2019 release date?
I saw the trailer, you can preregister but I dont see date anywhere

>> No.23569420
File: 109 KB, 1334x750, EWbuCD8UcAIrtAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, one of the dumbest characters in Enstars but one of my fav three. Him, Leo and Rei are the reason I'm still in this hell.

The new Ibara is cute, but I only play music side and I can't get that many dias so I'll just save for my faves.

>> No.23569711
File: 700 KB, 1000x681, 58663447_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wataru's such an interesting character. Coupled with Tomoya, they make a nice, contrasting pair. Hokuto balances out the dynamic between the two. Combined, they just end up being a fun, yet chaotic mess.
I gave up on EnStB, no way in hell am I going to play another tap-tap game. I just keep it around so I can read the stories. Try PFCing easy songs and work your way up. I have 2000+ dia because of that. Once I'm able to get a team that can get a S+ score, I would be able to get more. The stories give you one dia each, so there's 100+ dia to collect from there.
I fucking wish that the gacha rates weren't so shitty. 1/3 for the 5*? What the fuck happened? And I hope they fix the event system, it's so bad.

>> No.23569915
File: 3.64 MB, 1260x2070, Pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will SOA last at least 1 more year?

>> No.23570019
File: 878 KB, 993x1469, chara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the rate of 1 chapter per month like Twin Eclipse it should.
>my favorite characters Henri, Mastema and Caleen are getting sidelined
RIP. Nice poster. Wish mot was the main artist instead of Akiman.

>> No.23570050
File: 44 KB, 446x500, Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it has been 9 month since episode 2 ended.

>> No.23570064

1 year.

>> No.23570703
File: 350 KB, 1080x1920, CrqfBR0UIAAdIBm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Da-kuro wasn't owned by FgG.
I'd like to see his art in other games by other companies.

>> No.23571055

That looks really bad

>> No.23571286
File: 913 KB, 1400x3927, Df5WXGbU0AAFnGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all there is ever going to be are whichever tiny hints that Akira manages to squeeze in. At least Engirls gets a very good treatment as far as dead games go, but then again, they killed it themselves.

>> No.23571440

shit enix fails as usual
if you think this new "story arc" can even save the game, you are delusional

>> No.23571490

EnGirls was quite different from other kusoge in terms of themes and the art style turned a lot of people off. The story is it's selling factor, though. Looks like people are starting to translate the main story now. https://ensemble-girls.fandom.com/wiki/Story

>> No.23571913

Hopefully they do what they did for the Gintama collab and parameter boost the VAs other characters so that all the old Zerokiss' are usable again.

>> No.23572732

>jewmi game
>edgy as deviantart
>looks bad
>pay to win
its part of the cringe
reminder to never play anything involving the filthy grubbing hands of jewmi

>> No.23574706
File: 945 KB, 1200x1265, EUXP6eKUYAA6tVy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art style turned a lot of people off
Really? I never thought it was anything special, but also didn't think there's anything wrong with it. Just your usual generic cutesy moe style.

>> No.23574926
File: 17 KB, 423x317, 1371144412444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All other rhythm games are officially shit


>> No.23574955

>le chunithm clone
Bandori and T7S already did this long ago.

>> No.23575097

This game might have a chance to compete with starlight stage, depending how they do the gacha and OC donut steal characters

>> No.23575314
File: 214 KB, 1200x675, EWWQgklVcAAV6Ir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with Chinese games and collab announcement at the end of April?

>> No.23575596

Yeah, it looked fine to me as well. Others said that the characters all looked like elementary schoolers so that's why they couldn't get into it. EnStars' art style is basically an improved EnGirls.

>> No.23575717

Doubtful. Not even Bandori could do that.

>> No.23575942

I have no idea how big of a deal the Vocaloid stuff is compared to IM@S but looking at the graphical quality in that trailer there's zero chance. As far as I'm concerned Starlight Stage only holds the place because the things that set it apart are it looking incredible and maybe to a certain degree their busy event schedule though I don't know how it compares to other non-IM@S games in that regard. Most of the rhythm games that are out play fine and SS is nothing special in that regard and if it didn't have the level of presentation and steady stream of new content it wouldn't be anything special. I suppose the large cast also helps to keep things fresh but it does come with downsides so I wouldn't say it's a definite pro and more of a matter of taste.

That being said the Miku game does look like a fine game. Looks like there will be a nice variety to the music and the high end charts look good though I hate upward flicks. Even though it doesn't look as good as SS it still looks ok. It has that robotic quality to the animations but I wonder how much of that is on purpose out of "tradition" or whatever because that's how vocaloid stuff has looked for years.

>> No.23576029
File: 487 KB, 640x800, 1495772052029_x7bia8d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elementary schoolers

Sounds like bullshit though, even if some people think it makes the characters look younger, I find it hard to believe that Japan who loves their token loli characters would find the art style off-putting.

>> No.23576101

I think the main problem was that we already had more popular Cinderella Girls, Million Theater and other games focused on cute girls even back then. Aside from a huge cast and a decently written scenario Engirls didn't offer anything new and wasn't exactly f2p friendly when it came to events. I don't think artstyle has anything to do with it.

>> No.23576116


>> No.23576121

Bandori doesn't have 3D models (aside a few crappy MVs) and has low quality covers and music, project sekai seems way better.

>> No.23576274

3D models only exist to be turned off after you see them once.

>> No.23576284

Too bad then that bandori's 2D sprites are shit too and you can't set the card art to your home screen.

>> No.23576304

You don't seem interested in an actual discussion here

>> No.23576344

And you think you are? >>23576274
Enstars Music, Project Sekai and the im@s games beat Bandori in quality by a large mile, no need to be butthurt as a fanboy.

>> No.23576422

New Tenka girls look amazing.

>> No.23576423
File: 360 KB, 1025x1000, 54493126_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge cast
I think I do remember some complaints about this during the remake. Can't really say for the original, wasn't in touch with anybody else playing back then.

Though I guess CG had it beat on that front, too. Unless most of the cast took longer to add than I realize.

>wasn't exactly f2p friendly when it came to events
And outside of events, as I recall. I think I remember it having a whole page of different deals and gachas for the money-spenders, and just a basic gacha ticket for f2p.

But I was fine with that, partly since I hadn't played much to compare it to yet.

>> No.23576493

>Though I guess CG had it beat on that front, too.
I find it strange that CG has so many unvoiced idols yet they decided to introduce even more in Deresute recently, but all of the new ones are actually voiced. At this point unvoiced idols just feel like gacha bloaters.

>> No.23576565

Is there a gimmick for king crab? He has a lot of hp for even sub level 10k. I remember something about him falling over

>> No.23576583

The bubble he shoots follows you, if you make it hit him then he'll fall over and take more damage.

>> No.23576635

I like the new UI and pretty happy we get a railgun collab

>> No.23576636
File: 548 KB, 2211x1242, 672B99FC-DF8C-42BB-B097-D0BD81750B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenka 3rd aniv livestream was about to be a bust, but at least there’s this

>> No.23576654

>but all of the new ones are actually voiced.
They're not. Two out of the seven new ones are not voiced. Also they're hardly recent considering they've been in the game for over a year. They're also steadily voicing unvoiced idols and even if they weren't calling them "gacha bloaters" is retarded.

>> No.23576666

>Tenka 3rd aniv livestream was about to be a bust
We're getting free 10 rolls for 30 days with a guaranteed sord every 10 rolls it doesn't sound like a bust to me

>> No.23576674

Where can I see the stream? I've been thinking on getting back in a new account

>> No.23576691

Look, it's a game about girls singing songs. If the girl doesn't have a voice she doesn't participate in events and doesn't have songs. That's like more than half of the game's content. I like some of unvoiced idols and I want them to finally have a seiyuu, but compared to the usual cast they're clearly inferior(content-wise), unless you have a huge crush on one.

>> No.23576702

On their YouTube channel but it's over now

>> No.23576723

Already watched, the new UI seems nice but the old one served its purpose quite well.

>> No.23576728

Free rolls are nice, but once again they didn’t utilize the anniversary for anything exciting. New swords, new monthly limited, returning event; its just like every month.

>> No.23576750

It works for them and their niche fan base if it ain't broke don't fix it. Just curious but what did you want?

>> No.23576789

Not him but well you know most mobages try to implement something new for their anniversary or at least just roll out a few more fun characters at once.

>> No.23576803
File: 483 KB, 680x1000, F4FB0AE7-9C93-4C9D-8C7A-978452BBF62D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would have been enough to just have an exciting sword for Swordfest, maybe one of those unused girls from the beginning of the game. Oodenta alt just doesn’t cut it. They’ve tried twice to put new modes into the game and failed, so it sucks that the game isn’t evolving.

Ninja girl cute, but won’t roll tho

>> No.23576851

Well like I said they do fine with their niche fan base and were able to survive 3 years. I know some nips are excited for goken alts I'm just waiting for Doujigiris and Onimaru alts since they're my favorite.

>> No.23576875

Can I have a link for the youtube channel? Thanks.

>> No.23577088
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give me your best recipe, mbgg

>> No.23577090


>> No.23577094

last time I did that I got 9 SR and 1 R

>> No.23577125

Medarot S is real fun but I want a game with cute girls to collect again.

>> No.23577196
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Strong established games on market was one part, but it's like they had no staff and money for the renewal to begin with.
>nothing done about the shitty gameplay where you only tap through quests
>it actually got worse, since you had to remember all the right choices in conversations so you could get a request that yields you more points
>no live 2D for all those nice outfits from high rarity gacha cards
>but there wasn't an option to use card art for home screen either
>game freezing on request screen, so you couldn't challenge it and get points, this continued until the very end
>body parts for live 2D were lower resolution than head and blurred, only fixed when it was too late
All this just off the top of my head. One would think they already gave up before the release and went through with it with just the bare minimum.

I think the super-jew one was the original, it outright had cards you had to pay for (those chibis and chance at MR? I think). And you couldn't expect much from free tickets, also I'm not sure if the pool was the same as the paid pickup gacha at the time that had point bonus cards.

But I remember I got to roll enough in the renewal, the main quests had a ton of gems. Only problem is it was tedious to clear all sub-missions. Then they had those films that could guarantee you even MR. Of course you needed a lot of them for that, but it was something to save up long-term for.

>> No.23577215

>Medarot S
This is the one from medabot right? Can you elaborate how it works?

>> No.23577258
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Sure. If you're familiar with the games, it plays like a mix of the newer games in the franchise and the old GBC games. You have 3x3 battles and you pick one of three parts of your bot to use. Lots of fun ways to build different bots.

As far as the gacha itself goes there are the usual story/events and there's also PvP which has several tiers and the final tier turns into a ladder. Rewards don't get too good so far when climbing the ladder so I never bother, I just get to the best tier.
So far the game is pretty fair with it's premium currency and you could probably roll a few banners just with the story rubies.

Don't know what else to tell you, but I can answer questions I guess.

>> No.23577291

Nice, it's ok I am gonna try it soon, but I really need to stop playing so many gacha games, this quarantine is making me play too much shit. Thanks for the info.

>> No.23577555
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EnStars 5th anniversary stream is up. https://www.pscp.tv/w/1yoJMazLRvpJQ
Currently it's just the VAs answering a question.

>> No.23577595

If they are gonna announce something for the games, I hope it is nerf to Music events to get the 5* at 1.1M like Basic and not at 3.5M and free pulls. Even if they are solos, but HappyEle wont do this.

>> No.23577623
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>> No.23577674
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>> No.23577684

Current highlights
>キラキラの アイドルに
>Tomoya VA asks Hajime VA what EnStars seiyuu he would date. He answers back with Chiaki VA.
>Kanata VA recorded his answer in the fucking shower.
>Saito Soma has to introduce himself twice, but did some mixing beforehand.
>Shinobu VA would tell his past self, "Believe in your dreams and do your best! But give up on growing taller!"
>All of Knights VA are singing

There wasn't an announcement for the games at 3 PM JST, so looks like they were saving it for this. I expect nothing from it, but I will be let down as usual.

>> No.23577791

Haru is such a chad now.

>> No.23577850

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te4VqdiSYpM T7S can't do anything to beat this shit.

>> No.23578069

Anniversary song is titled "Walk with your smlie". Yes, that typo was on there. The MV functions similarly to BNS and we'll be getting lim cards judging by the costumes. https://twitter.com/ShallWeLOVE/status/1254401910070640641
Nothing else is mentioned to my knowledge.

>> No.23578170

What's even going on in Last Period's story? As far as I remember, it had that setting with various countries or something and classic fantasy with beating monsters. Then they suddenly changed MCs, and now the old one is back with edge+ version? Also, thighs.

I'm not even sure if I'm not mixing something up with Merc Storia, got tired of gameplay in both games quickly.

>> No.23578184
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>I think the super-jew one was the original,
Yeah, my whole post was about the original. Sounded to me like that was what we were mainly discussing, with >>23576101 comparing it to the original CG mobage and mentioning "even back then."

Remake struck me as a more polished version of the original, when the mobage market had already moved on and people weren't looking for that sort of game as much. I stuck around for the whole run out of nostalgia, but I doubt I would have lasted too long as a new player.

>I'm not sure if the pool was the same
That too, yeah. I'm pretty sure it wasn't.

Though I don't remember what was actually on that paid page too well, I think I mostly ignored it since I wasn't going to get a chance to roll for it anyway.

>but there wasn't an option to use card art for home screen either
That one especially bugged me in the remake, couldn't keep my bunny Suzu up front like in the original.

>> No.23578193
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What mobages have event/free units which are viable and can carry you for a long time?
Not counting boat/rifle/personified military equipment games, Priconne and FGO.

>> No.23578220

I think you got Last Period's setting right. Merc Storia is about a healer/summoner MC who travels around the world to make corrupted monsters into good monsters.
Both games have this neat concept of unit belonging to certain countries/lands, but Merc Storia isn't focusing on in that much.

>> No.23578237

>limited cards
aaaand it starts.

>> No.23578548
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I see, guess I lost track of which version was talked about.

No doubt they saw that a game without some income of free currency and with such a huge gap between f2p and whales isn't going to cut it anymore, so it's not like it wasn't a step in the right direction. But yeah, core system didn't change much and they skimped on a lot of cosmetic stuff. I could see the game lasting some more if they made the cards more desirable.

>> No.23579150

Fire Emblem Heroes

>> No.23579214

Will it be fully voiced by the way?
I kinda want to play Rays but the amount of unvoiced content is stopping me. I'm not a complete EOP, but I'm still not good enough to understand every lengthy conversation without looking up words.

>> No.23579641

The main story will be fully voiced. No word on side stories. You could play the English version though there's always a risk of it shutting down. The fact that they're pushing for a simultaneous release and actually putting effort on the English version makes me think they'll keep both afloat until they both shut down like how they handle their SAO games but who knows, Tales is pretty niche.

>> No.23579684
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To be fair, that was my take on the conversation jumping into it at the end, since I slept through most of it.

>a step in the right direction
Yeah, it definitely was, at least in that regard.

But I kinda feel like they took a step in the right direction at a point where they needed a whole jog in the right direction instead.

>> No.23580243


>> No.23580260


>> No.23580339

HappyEle is so stingy. Meanwhile, SS and TD give away anniversary outfits for free. I do hope that's not the case, but data for 200+ cards were found in the code.
Also, who's going to make the new thread?

>> No.23580348


>> No.23580479


Aren't they the same in sale rankings

>> No.23580564

Thanks everyone, but
The production quality is too low and the game is too pvp focused for me.
The production quality is too low.
Unironically would've tried them out if I didn't play them in the past.
I guess I'll return to my existing kusoges.

>> No.23580585

>The production quality is too low.

>> No.23580587
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what is the last star requirement?

>> No.23580623

If you want "excitement" like PvP, you can go play King of Fighters Allstar instead and witness how much of a clusterfuck PvP and beat-em-up mechanics can be.

I'm almost too relieved that Tenka exists just to calm my salt there.

>> No.23580631
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>> No.23580632

Langrisser when I played it the initial launch SSRs were undisputed strongest PVE characters and literally every single character to come out afterwards was PVP.

I dunno if thats still true now or not since I quit.

>> No.23580642

new kusoge

>> No.23580793

>Little to no voice acting
>barebones animations on chibi sprites(I don't disregard chibi sprites as long as they have decent animations, mind you)
>FEH is somehow even more watered down than original FE games which at least have good animations, custom character shipping and eugenics to cover for that
And if I wanted to play a tower defense gacha game I'd play Aigis. It does the same but at least it has H scenes.
Both FEH and Arknights have some good art but that's it.
Isn't this more than enough to call a game low on production quality?

>> No.23580939

Obviously, T7S can't into solos after all.

>> No.23580994

>canon in D

>> No.23581076

"low on production quality" is just saying the game is shit
fire emblem heroes is shit that lived too long
arknights is overhyped shit
dragalia is basically a hiccup from cygames
shironeko should have died long ago, but its the most alright out of the bunch
and theres too many retarded shills playing three of the games

>> No.23581103

>onegai cinderella turned onegai shindekure
kek is this shitposting in song form

>> No.23581167

is the wishing wall prohibition for Gneisenau still 6 months or they actually lower it?

>> No.23581175

hello gamers!

>> No.23581244

What are some non-meme sources for seeing kusoge revenues?

>> No.23581275

I use http://game-i.daa.jp/ when I'm interested in seeing how my games are doing. It gives you the average store ranking and approximate revenue of each month.

>> No.23581497

I thought /@/ said that ML was dead. Poor SM though.

>> No.23581533

>Poor SM though.

>> No.23581950

/@/ is hardly a valid source for information like that given how some of the terminally autistic shitposters are over there.

>> No.23581955

Isn't that clear the map with more than 25% of the time remaining?

>> No.23582450

Aparently a クソガチャ is trending on Twitter right now for something in PaD. In that the gacha is literally called クソガチャ in-game.

>> No.23582639

is PaD still worth getting into? always been curious about it

>> No.23582653

No idea, I never played it. I imagine there's years of bullshit powercreep though so it could be either very easy or near impossible to get into.

>> No.23583217
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I liked it, until I got tired of it and didn't like it that much.
But it sounds like it's changed a lot since then, so I'm not sure how relevant my experience would be anyway.

So instead, my usual "should I try this?" advice: If you're interested enough to ask, you're interested enough that it's worth giving it a shot.
Best case is you found something new you like, worst case is you've burned some free time and found out for sure that you don't want to play.

>> No.23583881

>Can't enter to joyme for some reason

Are the blue oath japanese wiki good? any you would recommend?

>> No.23583972

