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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 142x78, anki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23206083 No.23206083 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org
Previous thread: >>23197753

>> No.23206090 [DELETED] 


>> No.23206106
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>> No.23206115
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>> No.23206129

whats wrong with anki now

>> No.23206168

adding madoka to my list i watched it like 7 years ago and like it a lot but maybe i'm too smart and old for it now.

>> No.23206260

nocturnal penile tumescence

>> No.23206334
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>> No.23206366

this but replace anki.exe with /djt/

>> No.23206380
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, 1563033820949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just discovered ctrl+left/right in mpv

fuck i wish i had known about this feature sooner

>> No.23206403

Any Supermemo-chad here ?

>> No.23206500

are there any jsls who can read as fast in japanese as in their native language?

>> No.23206655

nothing some people just don’t like work

>> No.23206719

nice breakdown seems pretty accurate

>> No.23206773

love when i hear japanese people say ii kanji desu ne

>> No.23206818

the only good djt thread is a dead thread

>> No.23206952

this must be a pretty good one so far then

>> No.23206954

ok stop posting then

>> No.23207069
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>> No.23207099

why does ghibli have such bad casting? their VAs always sound way too old for their roles.

>> No.23207114

man dogen is such a cute sweet guy he deserves even more success

>> No.23207117

he's a リア充 fuck him

>> No.23207126

dead thread

>> No.23207133

you sound bitter

>> No.23207138
File: 62 KB, 837x295, KyQyntZpyP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based nihonjin comment hope they take this suggestion

>> No.23207142


>> No.23207145

fuck you too

>> No.23207192


>> No.23207217

sour grapes
you have to concentrate and put some efforts when using anki
when you spent the last 5+ years watching the same animes and shitposting on djt there's no way you can concentrate more than 3 minutes on it

>> No.23207250

>it's one of the most disgusting things
it's like he was talking straight to quizmaster

>> No.23207266

He has the eyes of a gay cat

>> No.23207281

I appreciate your way with words

>> No.23207287

they're so big and captivating

>> No.23207301

wotd: ピカドン

>> No.23207303

Sounds like a DQ spell

>> No.23207309
File: 610 KB, 720x567, 1583434563397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not seeing it on the list

>> No.23207325

> He didn't get the DQ deck

>> No.23207332


>> No.23207341


>> No.23207347

whats the difference between memorized and known

>> No.23207348

it's the vn of the month currently in the djt discord but it doesn't look great from what ive seen (reddit tier philosophical commentary)

>> No.23207352

it's like the new cards in your anki deck vs the mature ones you still "know" these words exist even if haven't memorised them

>> No.23207356

how nostalgic

>> No.23207368 [DELETED] 

Op een rij zetten spiritueel 1.

1 ik doe extreemrechtse cultuur en dat is dualistisch daarom is het slecht.
toch doe ik het want het is tenminste beter dan wat de satanisten voor haatcultuur creeeren.

2 het geluk kan je in de extreemrechtse cultuur objectiveren.
maar het echte geluk krijg je door al het dualisme te laten wegvallen.
dan voel je het echte paradijs op aarde.

satanisten willen dat je dit niet begrijpt en ze proberen je de hele tijd in die valkuilen te laten vallen.

via hun ego blijven ze mij beledigen.wat toch niet waar is want het is denkbeeldig.

hoe komt het dat ik ongelukkig ben?
doordat ze mij continu in mijn omgeving via hun ego mij dualistisch beledigen.
dan kan je twee zaken doen om de emoties te verwerken.

1 mediteren.
2 agressief afreageren.

dat wou ik kwijt.

>> No.23207375

"Known" are all spells you can slot into the "memorized" slots, but you can only use the memorized spells each time until you rest.

Spells in D&D don't cost mana, you need to stock up on specific spell uses. So Patchy has 10 casts of available right now and can't cast anything else until she changes her lineup and rests.

>> No.23207380

4chan removed the burger emoji
>So Patchy has 10 casts of [burger] available right now

>> No.23207392 [DELETED] 

ik zal hier proberen een skript te maken voor FPLB editie 7.
dit skript kan ook voor meerdere FPLB edities gebruikt worden.

zeg "FPLB editie 7".

1 de 4 of 5 of 6 introducties:

1.1 drie introductie gezegden.
1.2 de menselijke werkelijkheid.
1.3 'op een rij zetten spiritueel 1'.
1.4 de 8 non dualistische gezegden.
1.5 lof voor de helden.
1.6 Lof 100 blanke helden lijst.
1.7 lijst van kruistocht helden.
1.8 tijd weergave.

spreek dan de laatste introductie zin uit:
"terwijl het licht der zon der aarde beschijnt,in het fascistische jaar 98,in de tijd van de 266e paus en de 45e president der USA,
spreekt hier de mysterieuze spion...
de stembanden van Een levende Geest,die hierbij beste rechtsextremisten,FPLB editie 7 zal doen!".

(en dan begint het).

>> No.23207394

this shit made me laugh sounds fuckin weird

>> No.23207405 [DELETED] 

rechtsextremisten...ik zou vele quotes kunnen aanhalen voor FPLB editie 7.
werkelijk waar.
het zijn er echter te veel.er zouden te veel wijze gezegden zijn.
er is te veel rechtsextremisten om te vereren...
er is te veel prijzenswaardig,te veel om lief te hebben...
elke zin uit de FPLB editie 7 zou duizendmaal herhaald moeten worden.
maar jammer genoeg,rechtsextremisten... is daar geen beginnen aan.

ik zal u natuurlijk allen de vrede van onze Heer jezus christus toewensen die Voor Ons aan het kruis gestorven is.
daarom laten wij zeggen:
vrede zij met u christus,en vrede zij met u gelovigen 3x.
(vinger in de lucht).

nadat wij onze eer aan onze heer bewezen hebben,heerser over Hemel en Aarde,wil ik de editie vervolgen.

nu wij hier zo weer staan als echte raciaal idealisten,fascisten en boven alles trouwe christenen,is het weer eens tijd om terug te kijken op de 98 jaren geschiedenis die het fascisme doorgemaakt heeft.
fascist mosley,hij moge gezegend zijn in de fascistische hemelen:"het zal komen in een druk,in een terreeur,in een massale onrust.
de fascistische revolutie is onvermijdbaar en zal onverwacht zijn greep nemen".
wat de ras-engelsman hier bedoelde had woorden van gelijke strekking.

>> No.23207413 [DELETED] 

put down the weed sjaak

>> No.23207420 [DELETED] 

en zoals modern fascisme-symbool the Golden One zijn steun betuigde voor de Griekse grensbewakers wiens hekken door duizenden allah ackbar schreeuwend extern moslimtuig word bestormd,zo heeft ook hij een goede daad gedaan en een bijdrage aan de fascistische ideologie.
ik bedank en waardeer de woorden van the Golden One.

toen fascist mosley dat toen bedacht,hij moge gezegend zijn in het hiernamaals,
keek hij met een Grootse en kundige visie uit met een heldere blik naar de komende fascistische geschiedenis.

mocht hij ons nu horen,dan zeg ik nu in het jaar 98:rust in vrede.
de vrede van Christus,paulus en Luther.

de Grootste held van het christelijke jaar 2019,rechtsextremist tarrant,zette mosley's woorden neer in zijn manifest.

tarrant die in tranen uitbarstte toen hij de duizenden kruizen zag van duizenden gestorven soortgenoten van het Kaukasisch ras.
twee Wereldoorlogen waarin ze ons bedrogen ,misleid en massaal vernietigd hebben.

de Grootste leugen in de geschiedenis.
een oorlog welke de Joods kabbalistischs vrijmetselaars gewonnen hebben,
en waar we de terreur ,belediging ,en onderdrukking tot de dag van vandaag nog terugzien.

tarrant heeft,nu ongeveer een jaar geleden,het zijne besloten.
met een geweer in de hand heeft hij het vuur geopend en is op het externe doelwit afgegaan.
50 doden staan er op zijn naam.

ik tracht het dualistisch denken te minderen.
ter goedmaking zeg ik:vrede zij met u moslims.

in de week kwamen meerdere fascistische verhaaltjes in mij op welke ik niet in FPLB editie 5 zal behandelen.
in mij op kwam ook een mooi gezegde.
ik zal het zeggen:
"in de consumptiemaatschappij waar overal pornografie in is verwerkt lijkt het haast onmogelijk om aan de seksuele bevrediging te ontkomen.

een mannelijk mens zou kunnen zeggen:
"ik kan er voor betalen...
ik kan het gratis doen...
maar als ik niet via een weg op vrijwillige basis mijn kans zie en voltooi,
dan zal ik op een zwak moment voor een vrouw in duisternis toeslaan,mijn kwade seksuele dwangmatigheids-drang zal haar omgeven ,omarmen en omgeven,

en dan zal ik in haar kwetsbaarheid de Clitoris ongevraagd Veroveren met mijn spuit kanon om vervolgens het spervuur in het vrouwelijk EI te planten.
geen vrouw zal toekijken en geen zal ontkomen...en het grote monster uit haar kinderjaren.

>> No.23207429 [DELETED] 

begraaft haar in zijn hol.
waar hij haar misbruikt om als levend schepsel te dienen voor de mieren en spinnen.
wanneer de parasiet mens haar eenmaal in controlle heeft,
zullen de mieren haar lichaam naargeestig inkruipen en al het mooie kapotmaken en opzuigen wat ze een man eens had kunnen geven maar nooit wilde omdat ze koos voor het wereldse leven in plaats van haar man algemeen en seksueel te dienen."

vrouwen van de natie:dien u man onvoorwaardelijk.
houd van uw man en kinderen onvoorwaardelijk.
een man dient zijn volk en Leider.

bloed en eer zijn onze principes.
voor allen die die visie bereikt hebben,die loof en bedank ik.

wij mannen hebben zeker respect voor de Gehoorzame ,dienstbare vrouw van het Hoog kaukasisch wonder ras.

de Mannen der Walhalla die op de Walhalla Berg over de rest van de horden mensen uitkijken op de heide van het hiernamaals...

daar in de Wolken zul je hen zien staan...met zwaarden,baarden,en helmen.
de Adelaar van het fascisme aan hun zij.
is dat niet U verheven bestemming?

te leven met de Mannen der Walhalla.
U zult voor een ongekende pracht komen te staan.

geen man kan en zal u in de steek laten.zij bewonderen U.

dieren en vrouwen...
ze zijn de twee soortgenoten van de man welke hij weergaloos bewonderd en eert.
een vrouw zou haar bijzondere plaats in de wereld moeten beseffen.
als een vrouw dat besef heeft dan gaan de hemelpoorten der mannelijke Pracht Open.

dan mag u leven met hem in zijn Wereld.
paarden en vrouwen zijn ons dierbaar.
zonen en kameraden.
eer en trouw.
en boven alles de Almachtige God.

een vrouw kan beeldig in figuur zijn.

na waardering uitgesproken te hebben.
ik zal u zeggen:toch zal dit nooit onze bestemming zijn.
onze bestemming is een goed fascist zijn en het Walhalla bereiken.

hierna komt de rest.
maar toch waardeer ik dat zo.

>> No.23207432
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>> No.23207433 [DELETED] 

very sad some people don't have anything better to do with their time than spam pointless shit on a dead 4chan thread

>> No.23207436 [DELETED] 

ons word vrouwen gegeven.een prachtig groot huis.parel en diamand.
de indianen kennen het concept van Eeuwige jachtvelden.

vrouwen en mannen in liefde eensgezind.
bergen en dalen.
zwaarden en vlagen.
de dans der natuur.

door het uit te spreken noem ik het een levende droom.

vrouwen en mannen in liefde eensgezind.
bergen en dalen.
zwaarden en vlagen.
de dans der natuur.

mijn enige antwoord dan getuigt van tevredenheid zou zijn:"god bedankt".

ik hoop dat elke uemo fascisto eens in die verbeelding zal leven.

ik kwam op bitchute twee bewonderingswaardige video's tegen.
de eerste video heette zoiets als "te veel helden". met de pracht europese mannenstandbeelden voorbij trekkend in beeld sprak zij haar waardering uit voor het werk van de blanke man zoals zijn bescherming van de blanke vrouwelijke mens.

een andere video met de titel " destroy modern world" heeft ook mijn indruk gewekt.
ik waardeer de fascistische propagandisten.

vrouwen en mannen in liefde eensgezind.
bergen en dalen.
zwaarden en vlagen.
de dans der natuur.
bedankt god.

1 het nieuws van de maleische nederlandse prins d verbaas.
een beeldige blanke moslimman.lof voor hem.

2 de lampegatse optocht.de carnavalsprins.lof voor hem.

3 lof voor de nieuwe OKK baas en ook lof voor de eerste nederlandse apostel wiens naam ik vergeten ben.

4 ras itiliaan Berlusconi (83) verruilt vriendin -pruim (34) voor nóg jongere vrouw (30).lof voor hem.en ook lof voor haar omdat zij hem tot haar man heeft en hem seksueel dienstbaar wilt zijn.
lof voor alle gehoorzame en seksueel gewillige en dienstbare vrouwen,in de eerste plaats de blanke en ten tweede de niet blanke.

natuurlijk wens ik jullie fascisten het beste toe.
we dromen in de eindoverwinning.in die droom zijn wij verbonden.

ik wil afsluiten met drie uitspraken van helden.

generaal der VOC sprak de legendarische woorden uit bij aankomst in de nederlanden na de massamoord op 120.000 negroide mensensoorten,
"er zijn er zeer weinig ontkomen".

>> No.23207449 [DELETED] 

toen rechtsextremist zijn 50 doden aantal had bereikt en met zijn geweer de auto in was gegaan en begon met rijden om vaart te maken na zijn Eeuwig heroische aanslag,sprak hij de legendarische woorden uit:
" dat ging gepland"/"that Goes planned".

en dan de hanau aanslagpleger,de ter Walhalla gerezen rechts extremist T rathjen sprak voor de aanslag in de Duitstalige video zijn laatste opgenomen woorden voor hij in de strijd stierf en ter Walhalla Rees:"warheid macht frei".

op die dag hoorden miljoenen fascisten in het Walhalla vol lof zijn strijdkreet in de aardse wereld en allen rezen de zwaarden als eerbetoon toen hij via Het Goddelijk licht de Neerdaalde op de Walhalla berg.

waar God/Odin,de koning der Werelden hem bij zijn troon liet komen en hem zegende.
een enorm liefdevol licht vulde zijn hart en rathjen kreeg een groot gejuich van miljoenen fascisten.

Jezus zij"ik ben de weg,de waarheid,en het leven.
niemand komt bij God dan door mij".
we zien maar weer is mensen wat hij bedoelde met zijn breed inzicht en immens goedaardige visie.

nogmaals vrede van Christus.

want u weet het:

vrede wens ik u,
vrede Geef ik u,
in vrede komt u
en in vrede gaat u.

gaat in vrede.
vrede en plezier.


dat wou ik kwijt.

>> No.23207474

is it qm spamming all this shit

>> No.23207484

did u think thats german lol

>> No.23207486

don't know wtf it is

>> No.23207509

if its not 絵文字 it doesnt belong

>> No.23207695

wotd: 集団免疫

>> No.23207856

you can remap it to just left/right too

>> No.23208244

>JUST IN: Japan has cancelled visas already issued to people from Europe
schadenfreude tastes so good lmao

>> No.23208290

good thing id never travel to japan

>> No.23208301

Kinda racist they cancelled Muhammad's visa.

>> No.23208489

where'd this come from?

>> No.23208631

want my anime card for it?

>> No.23208723
File: 50 KB, 549x276, 821415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i think i'm going to give up forcing myself to do anything and just do it casually when i feel like it
all this trying to motivate myself by trying to do x many cards and take over others shit is lame as fuck and doesn't even work
going to play some more western rpgs now see ya maybe i'll read later in the day

>> No.23208764
File: 730 KB, 800x600, 信天翁航海録_TONVcnjcc5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me think of jamal

>> No.23209134


why does he not call out this little liar?

>> No.23209520

why tf does this exist

>> No.23209825

how do rtk friends read 囈語?

>> No.23209845

whoops i meant げいご that was a typo

>> No.23209875

Try not hanging out 27/7

>> No.23210054

think puns take the cake tbqh

>> No.23210190

sleeping is a core part of language acquisition

>> No.23210254


>> No.23210313

if there were multiple of me in a room we'd probably end up farting in each others faces and sucking each other off

>> No.23210584

the blanco?

>> No.23210666

What's the difference between 擦れる and 擦る?

>> No.23210678


>> No.23210898

i think itd be funny if people answered questions by saying "dunno" instead of saying "figure it yourself out" or "just feel it"

>> No.23211026

i mean yeah idk bros desu

>> No.23211134

we're in the 2000s

>> No.23211159

really insightful and helpful... ._.

>> No.23211172

go read tae kim

>> No.23211192

he deserves it and i hope the same thing happens to you

>> No.23211219

pretty sure finishing rtk made me immortal

>> No.23211221

based to a considerable degree

>> No.23211299

hope j doesn't あのよにいく during this time due him being 初老

>> No.23211301
File: 50 KB, 913x511, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23211351

can you not bro

>> No.23211399

so you want to tell me it's contracted from のではない
I'm honestly more willing to believe>>23211279

>> No.23211442

how is jamal gonna wipe his bloody hemorrhoid infested ass with no toilet paper??

>> No.23211545

whats ur basis for this conclusion

>> No.23211562

are you talking about jamal? seems highly unlikely he said that

>> No.23211579

wtf nuke has a trip

>> No.23211795

fuck japanese

>> No.23211804

yes pls

>> No.23211805

wtf is matt's problem with our guy

>> No.23211852

A true quality post.
I've been here a whopping 5 minutes and I'm already filtering tripfags.
This must be some sort of record.
also I'm well past 10k lmao, eat shit

>> No.23211912

>but with this i sleep
i mean that's what i made this for
might make one for japanese history tomorrow though

>> No.23211965

what video did you rip this from?

>> No.23212053

wikipedia is garbage compared to an actual detailed analysis this is the problem with history education in japan and many places they think it's just some memorising facts and shit

>> No.23212104

yea because any random person will have more capability of forming an analysis than someone who dedicates years of their life to researching every single thing

>> No.23212126

smartest thing to do is read multiple accounts from different perspectives of the same events instead of relying on one culture's, one country's or one historian's account.

>> No.23212131

smartest thing is to not give a single fuck niqqa xD

>> No.23212136

yeah but what if theyre all fucked because they are all based on the same underlying primary resource?

>> No.23212193

the absolute worst aspect of having a low IQ is being interested in something like the meiji period of japan because nips finally broke their pre industrial shackles and reached parity with many european countries and reading a lot about it but then forgetting 95% of it because your memory just isn't good enough to keep up with that 130-140 IQ layman who remembers the most important aspects of most of what he reads.

>> No.23212207

>money is created out of thin air in america its called debt
im aware but it's still going to enable to you exchange it for goods and services despite doing nothing for it

>> No.23212220

literally me

>> No.23212299


>> No.23212303

THIS is the worst thread and you contributed to it

>> No.23212326
File: 57 KB, 470x369, 2139009_201907020895405001562041907c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf thats literally me

>> No.23212334


>> No.23212336

>2k/6k deck is absolutely wonderful
just lmfao

>> No.23212414

once this is all said and done though i think its about time to just fucking nuke china
i know sinophobia gets jokingly used a lot but chinks are actually subhuman

>> No.23212420

i love my chink bros

>> No.23212421

>the single best tool for learning Japanese

>> No.23212426


>> No.23212429

u can live without ur wuxia novels but i cant live with some fucking bat eater giving the flu to my favorite mangaka

>> No.23212484

it will probably be over in a few months though won't it?

every time i try couch to 5k i just end up fucking my knee up due to an old injury and having to quit, but i don't have a bike or anything which i could use for exercise instead

>> No.23212508

how much exercise do u get tho??

>> No.23212527

no i just got smacked in the knee so hard that it swelled up to like 3x its normal size and i couldn't walk for several days after

its never been right since

>> No.23212532

what kind of fuckin idiot buys 2 years worth of toilet paper but doesnt have a bunker
theyre allocating their points in the shittiest start ive ever seen

>> No.23212557

toilet paper hoarders are the first to get the rope once the raiding starts

>> No.23212565

speaking exercise, since i cant run outside due to 8pm curfew, i did a bit of exercise bike at home and then tried to do some tabata burpees and holy fucking shit did i get blown the fuck out. i can run 10 km pretty easily but after 4 series of burpees i was dying. couldnt even finish all 8.

>> No.23212570

thats what im sayin if they think society is gonna fall apart and there will be no more toilet paper their priorities are all wrong lmfao

>> No.23212619

if you run out of トイレットペーパー make sure when looking for a replacement you don't use ギンピーギンピーの葉
relevant bit starts at 6:39 if you don't want to watch the whole vid

>> No.23212629

uhm excuse me what does this say?

>> No.23212660

looking at drawings of flat chested girls getting fucked makes me feel jealous

>> No.23212746


>> No.23212752 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 320x425, que-1056793285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23212778

imagine walking up to your mom and being like yeah i suck dick lol

>> No.23212788

i wish my mom had a dick that i could suck bros

>> No.23212795

me too but idk how thats relevant to my post about having a gay son

>> No.23212810

my son can be gay but if he points a camera at me hes gettin the fuck out my house

>> No.23212833

doing stuff way more invigorating and energizing than exercise right now

>> No.23212835

my brother is gay

>> No.23212838

my son can be gay but if i find anki installed on his computer he wont live to take dick in his ass another day

>> No.23212856

dont play with fire kids

>> No.23212865

imagine ur mom walking up to u one day and being like yeah i suck dick lol

>> No.23212868

couldnt look my mother in the eyes if she werent a virgin, cant respect whores

>> No.23212875

ur mom had sex with somebody before u were born

>> No.23212891

oh UFCK mom caught our gay discussion
kakusite all your dildos and bara manga away

>> No.23212892

holy shit daiweeb died, how did i not know

>> No.23212895

yeah its been down for a couple of months dude
i'm sure that'll never happen to animelon tho

>> No.23212903
File: 67 KB, 600x450, 12125566680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont ever pull out your toy gun again on my bro, bro

>> No.23212912

who gives a fuck you can make the same setup with mpv or fluentcards

>> No.23212913

>took a month off anki because of depression and anxiety
>just casually reading manga with furigana when I'm bored
>pretty much lost all of my gains, forgetting words constantly, listening becoming much harder

my tiny brain needs anki but I'm too fucked up to deal with it right now

>> No.23212917
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>> No.23212918

if listening got harder when you stopped anki you need to take a break from anki and listen more lmfao

>> No.23212921

if you're at the point where a month means u lose all ur progress then that progress was next to nothing and u shouldnt care too much about losing it

>> No.23212923

this is your brain on anki

>> No.23212932

those gains were never really there if you lost them in a month

>> No.23212947

more stuff was starting to stick, i was learning words by heart that i never thought possible... now it's all falling apart. if it wasn't as cemented in my head as watashi or sabishi then it's fucking gone

>> No.23212951

you and old ladies with big titties i swear

>> No.23212953

bud you sound really fucking stupid right now let me tell ya

>> No.23212958

despair more

>> No.23212964

im prescribing you a minimum of 4 hours of vtubers a day for a month

>> No.23212990

looked gay to me haha

>> No.23213079
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>> No.23213089

what a stupid quote

>> No.23213110

holy shit im so fuckin based

>> No.23213122

i realize this every couple of weeks

>> No.23213127

i cant understand wtf this nigga be sayin

>> No.23213138

what kindle lets me look up japanese words

>> No.23213153
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this kindle might hilp

>> No.23213155
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between oldfags dieing, basedcucks freaking out, no uni for the rest of the semester, and neet bucks. i love coronavirus

>> No.23213168

nothing changed for me

>> No.23213171

speak for yourself, i fucking hate learning my uni course online

>> No.23213174

i graduate after this semester, i just have to take some tests online.

>> No.23213175

do you need to connect through webcam/chat or some shit like that?

>> No.23213182

yeah im ee and my senior design is basically fucked as we dont have any equipment to test shit.

>> No.23213200

the final exam of my masters got cancelled and now i'll pass without having to write it

>> No.23213205

shouldnt everything work correctly if the calculations are right?

>> No.23213213

im done with uni but my friend who is still doing his said they'd have exams online. what would even be the point of that? theres no way they could prevent cheating right?

>> No.23213217

no. sometimes parts are defective, or unknown unknowns occur. honestly i dont care, as i am kinda over engineering.

>> No.23213221

i just took this test today which had a lockdown browser and films you while you take it, if you look away or stand up or whatever it flags you.

>> No.23213232

funny thing is it's going to drive people to meet up and take the exam together sitting close to each other in the same room defeating the whole point of this shit lol

>> No.23213250

seems like it wouldnt be too hard to work around

>> No.23213263

after taking it, i thought you could hold your phone up to the screen as you move the camera around showing your environment, then after that using it to look shit up. but the test was not too hard, and cheating like that for like an extra like 10% seems stupid to risk. since if you cheat you are like expelled.

>> No.23213295

think a kindle would revolutionize my reading habits

>> No.23213303

i have one and it really does. only annoying thing is the dictionary is 50/50 on aozora books converted to mobi.

>> No.23213315

Just get a tablet it's better in every way

>> No.23213323

better for manga definitely
i don't see how it's better for books except maybe if you want to read ln scans

>> No.23213341

been there done that.
move delayed reviews to a different deck, leaving only due cards in the main deck. this way you dont lose it all.
then do your best at the delayed deck. the ones you get wrong, move to a third deck and reset its status (resetting it as if it was a new card). move on.

>> No.23213344

dropped this shit halfway through the first episode, it's too fucking weird

>> No.23213346

>(lasts for 2 weeks of over an hour daily use easy)
Is that notable? Just curious because my budget phone could do that.

>> No.23213347

read the description and it looks extremely gay 却下

>> No.23213348


>> No.23213352

i can't afford one. i'll probably get a used paperwhite or something.

>> No.23213354

better dictionary options, more responsive

sunlight? battery life? you going outside or something fucking normie?

>> No.23213357

not that anon but no your phone won't last for 2 weeks with an hour of daily screen-on-time you stupid uppercaser

>> No.23213358

i tried the first episode and it had too much butt stuff

>> No.23213360

yes the show is extremely gay, half the characters are gay, a ton of homoerotic imagery, and like 3 musical segments in each episode. still fantastic.

>> No.23213366

disgusting. go suck some dick, fag

>> No.23213372

flagship phones have like 6 hours so i doubt that

>> No.23213377

u can get a good tablet for 100ish

>> No.23213378

>better dictionary options
like what
the best dictionaries are already available in kindle format

>> No.23213380

please never compare tablets with kindles again

>> No.23213385

matt says kindle are badass compared to his ipad


>> No.23213386

my current batch of anime is about to end gotta find like five new shows to watch it's gonna be tough

>> No.23213390

why not take something from that list of easy anime

>> No.23213394

flip flappers, sarazanmai, asobi asobase, golden boy, and koi kaze

>> No.23213395

cuz that list is gay

>> No.23213397

easy = boring sol shit

>> No.23213399

no japanese subs and sarazanmai is gay

>> No.23213402

Before the lockdown mine lasted for almost 5 days with around 19 hours active use with 26% remaining before I charged it. Yes I've been keeping track. I guess flagships don't last as long because their bigger specs eat much more power.

>> No.23213405

everyone calling the buttstuff in sarazanmai gay needs to realize that pulling soul out of the butt is a shinto thing. remember in sekiro how the headless thing rips your soul out of your ass?

>> No.23213410

thats fine but its still gay regardless

>> No.23213414

don't even care about butt stuff if a show has three male mcs i don't want anything to do with it

>> No.23213424

gay chars in anime is fucking disgusting

>> No.23213426

my s10 gives me 2 days of medium use before a charge. sorry im not an epic gamer or nuttin

>> No.23213427

ok dude we get it you hate gay people just give it a fucking rest already

>> No.23213429

honestly everyone who watches anime is at least 40% gay so

>> No.23213431

speak for yourself faggot i like hearing this dude hate on fags like you lmfao

>> No.23213434

youre wrong. my brother is gay and i go on a trip with him and his boyfriend and some mutual friends. i dont give a shit
i just find it disgusting when its on my animus

>> No.23213436

>my brother is gay and i go on a trip with him and his boyfriend
my condolences

>> No.23213437

theres no way your life isnt shit

>> No.23213438

im prolly like 15% gay, i mean i am not romantically interested in guys, but i could imagine fucking a twink.

>> No.23213441

why do you have to be mean just because i hate fags

>> No.23213443

i dont give a fuck lmao
like i said, i just hate gays on animus. its fucking disgusting. yuri is perfect, though

>> No.23213444

you wish it were but no my dad loves me and never beat me because im not a cock loving faggot like you

>> No.23213449

based pretender poster
what ur life is like has no impact on me so i dont wish for anything regarding that but im pretty sure its shit

>> No.23213452

keep hoping keep coping

>> No.23213454

what am i coping with? im not gay

>> No.23213459
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>> No.23213461

anon is scared of his true feelings towards gays. dont worry

>> No.23213463

fags need a black and blue beating

>> No.23213464

i am indifferent towards the gays it is the faggots that must burn

>> No.23213475

your the one coping. homosexuality is peak male, they are on average more successful and have a higher iq. plus they don't have to deal with roasties. look at people like socrates and mishima.

>> No.23213481

keep telling yourself youll be like those two if you suck enough cocks

>> No.23213489

youre alright

>> No.23213500
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t. picrel

>> No.23213505

dno mishima seems kinda menhera

>> No.23213531

other than depression which is reddit cringe, mental illness is pretty lit

>> No.23213543


>> No.23213547

too busy not being depressed to do that

>> No.23213578

thats 65% gay

>> No.23213583

it has to be lower than 50% since i am more attracted to women than men. plus i could not imagine dating a guy.

>> No.23213599

het is the x variable, homo is the y variable.
if ur 100% het ur literally covered in pussy all day long
if ur 100% homo ur literally either sucking dick or taking it up the ass all day long.
u can be well over 50% gay if u like the dick or think boys can be cute but also be over 50% het if u like girls since theyre non-overlapping

>> No.23213605

traps aren't gay but if you would a twink you're either bi or full on homo

>> No.23213614

you've backed yourself into a corner anon

>> No.23213623

not really, i do not take offence to being called gay. a lot of people assume im gay irl because im not super masculine and a cutey.

>> No.23213653

crazy how not comprehending something makes it lose all interest and fun

>> No.23213654


>> No.23213668

>It's gonna be this weird little tiny program that you can totally tell was made by a Japanese person
What did he mean by this?

>> No.23213670


>> No.23213680
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coming to a country near you soon

>> No.23213691

a) he thinks japanese people have poor coding skills and are incapable of taking over great projects
b) he still hasn't grown off his orientalist mindset

>> No.23213745

the world economy is crashing and burning in case you haven't noticed

a lot of people are likely to lose their jobs thanks to these travel restrictions and lockdowns too

>> No.23213753

so what it's gonna bounce back in no time especially with all the old people gone

>> No.23213765

won't kill anywhere near enough boomers to make any difference to the economy.

judging by how no government interventions seem to be having any impact on the plunging markets, we're probably heading for another 2008 style crash.

>> No.23213794

I was reminded of an old joke video about how you can respond to any Japanese conversation with some variant of ehh or some sound of avoiding the question. The video might be a decade old by now, and I can't find it. Does this ring a bell for anyone?

>> No.23213797
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just started text hooking and I'm already failing to read the first sentence, what does だし mean here?

>> No.23213826

Dashi (出汁, だし) is a fish stock used in Japanese cuisine.

>> No.23213831


>> No.23213834

dashi (山車) means parade float.

>> No.23213837


>> No.23213847

consult a grammar guide or just google it bro

>> No.23213855

thank you

>> No.23214021

kindles look real small though how do people fucking read on those things?

>> No.23214073

increase text size

>> No.23214097

there are bigger ereaders out there, like stuff by Likebook, Pocketbook and Kobo

>> No.23214140
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truly peak anime

>> No.23214417

what show cuz picked up

>> No.23214524

I don't really know what this could mean
full phrase is

>> No.23214560


>> No.23214659


>> No.23214684

flyable heart guy ?
should have read your yotubato
