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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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23071587 No.23071587 [Reply] [Original]

Helloo /jp/! What fun Touhou stuff should be talk about today

>> No.23072296 [DELETED] 

So it's pretty clear that "otaku culture" is being professionally shilled on here at this point and that almost all of the higher IQ posters are gone. Where did all the real anons go? is there anywhere left?

>> No.23072550

lets talk about how shit neojp is and how normalfag generals and soulless 2hu dumps should be purged from the fucking earth

>> No.23072634

like how this board is long dead an just a place for redditfags, twitterfags, and newfags who found out about touhou last thursday use this place to dump their garbage? all old posters have either an heroed or moved on to somewhere else?

>> No.23076593

So it's pretty clear that "Otaku Culture" is being professionally shilled on here at this point and that almost all of the higher IQ posters are gone.

>> No.23076621

so what should we do instead?

>> No.23076707


>> No.23076714

3DPD Seiyuu/Idolshit shouldn't be on JP

>> No.23076809

Yes, /jp/ should be nothing but anime screencaps with OPs adapted from a meme template and NEET threads.

>> No.23080396

soo... /a/?
