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23048615 No.23048615 [Reply] [Original]

I had a tea party with Reimu, Alice, Sumireko, and Marisa, then went and fought some asthma fetishists with Souls gameplay.

>> No.23048811

Never remember any of my dreams. STOP EATING MY DREAM BAKA BAKU!!

>> No.23049233
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I was walking down the street and saw Rumia coming towards me walking the other way. I waved and said "Hi, Rumia!" as we passed, and she smiled back.
Also once when I was sick, I had nightmares about playing Shoot the Bullet from Aya's first-person perspective and repeatedly getting pichun'd.

>> No.23049288
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I was walking around in my town's park with a friend when suddenly both passed out.
When we woke up, both of us had turned into Okuu. I was pretty angry about it but my friend thought it was cool and he admired hsi new body.

>> No.23049357

I dreamt I saw a hanny and Keiki was nearby and I said "wont you praise your lord?" but the hanny did nothing so Keiki stood next to it and stalk dung pie'd it. Then she was quite mean to me about something after that, I forgot what.

>> No.23050123

I was in a tunnel and saw Koishi, then I found out I was Mamizou, then I woke up.

>> No.23050171
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I had a dream where Mokou had an underground casino in the college I'm studying at. She gave me a wad of cash. She also taught me how to farm and properly split roof tiles.
