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2295792 No.2295792 [Reply] [Original]

How the shit am I supposed to pay off this debt in only 27 days?

>> No.2295798

Sell kidneys.

>> No.2295800

Sell you're loli body on a shady street corner.

>> No.2295802

Whoring the shit out of the innocents you're supposed to be taking care of.

>> No.2295803

Screw the debt, run away with the loli

>> No.2295805

Invest money in the US housing market.

>> No.2295807

You're obviously not abusing your lolis hard enough.

>> No.2295809

You whore your precious loli to old men.

>> No.2295811

I don't even have time to boost their stats, to make the deadlines I have to make them work as hostesses all the time. :(

>> No.2295812

Driving little girls to suicide makes a lot of money.

>> No.2295821


You make it sound like you'd have to whore them out a ton. 157,660 yen is only $ 1,644. You could easily make that whoring out a virgin loli once.

It's a sad day if you can't make that in one go, unless you're a fairly pathetic salesmen.

>> No.2295822

Fuck the debt.

Screw the loli.

>> No.2295823

That's how much he has. His debt is 9 million yen.

>> No.2295825

Fuck the loli.

Screw the debt.

>> No.2295830

That's his money.

Debt: 9587417 Yen = 99910,4726 US-Dollar

>> No.2295832

Damn that sucks. Guess running away with the loli is the only solution.

>> No.2295833

Spend a night on the ship of hope, Espoir.

>> No.2295836

Translation where?

>> No.2295840

Get on a boat and don't come back.

>> No.2295850
File: 96 KB, 525x295, 1229521457620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2295853


Now there's an idea. Not only that, but rope in all his orphans as one group, solve all your rock paper scissors matches as draws in 5 minutes, done.

>> No.2295859

You aren't supposed to pay off the debt

>> No.2295863

Why are the numbers separated every 4 digits?

>> No.2295868

If you can get her Willpower to 200 by leveling up her Mind, you'll be in the clear. You can just have her serve drinks to make the money.

>> No.2295871

Pamper the lolis, let the Yakuza kill you.


Win lose...

Well atleast the children don't get involved.

>> No.2295884

That's how Yen works.

>> No.2295885

Then why do I keep getting GAME OVER, when I fail to pay off the debt in time?

>> No.2295890

Is this the first month, or have you just been sucking at training your loli? I can't remember when the game starts anymore... Don't worry about the debt for the first couple of weeks, just get her mind and body trained up high, then in your training sessions just teach her on oral exclusively until you have her ready to perform, it racks in cash much faster than hostess.

>> No.2295893

Having them work as hostesses brings in some nice money, but the problem is getting them to a level in which they can earn enough and have the stamina to work before getting killed

>> No.2295895


>> No.2295915

this seem interesting, how far I can play this without any knowledge in Japanese language?

>> No.2295916

If you don't mind whoring them out, you'll be rolling in cash once you get their mind stat up.

>> No.2295930

Well, there's not really much in the way of important decisions besides your training schedule for the orphans. You'll miss out on some of the plot and happenings, and won't be able to understand even a fraction of Zakuro's true awesomeness. Also, when you level them up you'll get a chance to give a further bonus to one of their stats, but if you're just picking randomly, you'll probably end up trolling them.
Though I only made it till about a few months in when I got bored, after having got Mikan in school swimsuit bondage and anal play there really wasn't much left of interest, besides the blonde twins who rarely get moments.

>> No.2295931

What's wrong with whoring them out without a decent mind stat?

Broken goods are fine too

>> No.2295933


aw man! your post made me want the translation for this already.

>> No.2295945

They get tired and have to be put into bed until they recover, in which time they're not earning you any money.

>> No.2295953


They'll end up needing to rest more than someone with a high mind stat since it translates to willpower. The amount they recover when they rest also scales with their max willpower, so if they have a lot of willpower, they'll recover more per rest. The highest paying jobs in the game are the ones where you whore them out. Most of those costs a ton of willpower and barely any stamina until you unlock the later sex services. Once you get a decent amount amount of willpower, you can get their charms up a bit since it'll increase how much they get paid every time they work.

>> No.2295955

You're telling me this game doesn't allow forced slave labor? That's impossible! I wanted to work them until they no longer needed rest to continue.

After all humans are adaptable creatures, I'm sure they'd manage.

>> No.2295956

So are there multiple endings in this thing?

>> No.2295958


If you keep working them until their stamina or willpower hits 0, they'll get sick and will automatically rest until they recover 100%. When that happens you won't be able to do anything with them.

>> No.2295962

Milk has natural healing properties, a helpful dosage down their throats straight from the phallic engine will bring them up to working form in an instant!

>> No.2295987

Yes, including a triple marriage ending with the three main orphans.
/b/ is <----- thataway. If you still use frames, that is.

>> No.2296016

I think you'll also have to have sex with each of them at least once or you'll hit a bad end somewhere in the middle of the game.

>> No.2296039
File: 301 KB, 1900x1200, Musumaker_touhyou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone figured out how to get the sex services out of Ichigo? I finished the game once but wasn't able to get any extra services out of her, despite buying all kinds of related items(like the bondage gear).

It's funny how fast the training becomes routine that you kind of lose the desire to fap to the sex stuff. It's just an another management game after all.

Also, hooray, Karin won the second popularity contest.
There is still justice in the world(amusingly enough, the trap was still at the 2nd place, though)

>> No.2296044

Meh, I'm not keen on Karin. Though having sex with her hair was incredibly arousing. I've never actually been able to maintain an erection whilst laughing that hard before.

Apparently there were updates adding in a couple of new toys in the shop, but I haven't tried downloading them. I think the reason Ichigo can't be trained like that anyway is just that she's a bit dim, but I'm not certain.

>> No.2296053

Just using the whip/candle on Ichigo until she faints a few times should get her hardcore service.

>> No.2296091

Someone needs to make a strategy guide so I know what to do

>> No.2296096

This thread makes me sad. I'll stick with Musume to Gohan thanks.

>> No.2296114


>> No.2296118

Get back to /a/.

>> No.2296149

Anima Mundi.

>> No.2296163

Amphibian Maker.

It's a game about raising lolis to become elite soldiers specializing in amphibious warfare.

>> No.2296167

Is this a translation? I've had musumaker for a while but got a game over knowing only kana and a few words.

>> No.2296170

is there a decent tl project for this running, or is it some kind of random shit that we can never count on to get done?

>> No.2296179

Aren't ALL TL projects shit we can't count on getting done?

>> No.2296180


Only the menu and such like you see in OP's image. Supposedly there is a translation going on, but don't expect it anytime soon.

>> No.2296185

It was someone showing that you can easily change the words for translations

>> No.2296195

Broken goods are always good

>Failed Upbringing Ending: Did not meet any ending requirements.

* Mental Illness: Mikan.
* Shut-In/Recluse: Ichigo.
* Juvenile Delinquent: Karin.

>> No.2296216

Whoring out your lolis ? I don't think I could do that

>> No.2296250


>> No.2296263

Wait, there's no chance of playing a normal, rapeless game? I'll stick to romanesque.

>> No.2296272
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>> No.2296282

To be honest, I take what I can get in these sorts of genres. As long as the story isn't total shit, I usually enjoy myself, regardless of sex or lack thereof.

>> No.2296315

Someone explain the endings to me. You abuse them, teach them profane things, then whore them out, and in the end they grow up to be successful bakers with doctor husbands or what?

>> No.2296334
File: 11 KB, 310x441, obama1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama loevs the lolis!


>> No.2296335


in the first month train mikan until she has her second job and atleast lvl 2-3 in the will and energy stats.
and remember abstain form having sex with her for now

every 5 days you take the job it will multiply the amount of money gained

keep doing the part time job for a while, its slow at first but very profitable, you might miss your first payment that's allright.

at some point every time you send her to work once will get you about 1,000,000 yen or more.

enjoy your easy game

>> No.2296351

There's a translation for this?

>> No.2296404


Yes, but only for menus. Check hongfire.

>> No.2296409

It was being translated awhile ago but I'm not sure if it still is, and I don't think anything has been released yet.

>> No.2296851

needs a dedicated effort

>> No.2296887

Excellent guide, but due to
>and remember abstain form having sex with her for now
I don't think anyone here can correctly follow it.

>> No.2296902

Frustration of getting killed by the mafia/maid/the girls constantly can force a player to take drastic measures.

>> No.2296906

Join the 'Nice Men' with Hayate.

>> No.2297004

it works!

>> No.2297018

You can get killed by lolis in this game?

>> No.2297033

Yes. They also can kill themselves as stated earlier which also could lead to your death.

>> No.2297036

I like where this is going. SHOW ME THE MONEY!

>> No.2297629

I read in another thread that someone is working on a translation? Infos?

>> No.2297881

Read the thread. Besides, they've barely even scratched translating the routes so far, and they haven't even started working on an installer yet. Expect it maybe some time in 2012.

>> No.2297905

Begin the game by making them work/learn calligraphy to upgrade Stamina and Willpower. Also make them Study so they upgrade Intelligence. Around Int 3 (if I remember correctly) they learn Dance. Dance ups both Stamina and Willpower.
Meanwhile make them have sex at night with you. Be careful not to make them faint. Start with one blowjob a day. Around 4 or 5 blowjobs you get a new "dirty" job which earns you much more money. Work with sex like this too.
You should be able to make the debt with only one loli like this. Use Mikan, you get up her stats earlier (and she sucks anyway). Use Ichigo as your daughter and Ojou-sama as your cumdump (best S&M) scenes.
Don't forget to use the shop!

>> No.2297920

Oh no.

>> No.2298067

What's wrong with whoring them all out? More money to buy toys for them to play with that way.

>> No.2298274


>they haven't even started working on an installer yet

I fucking hate hearing this. Fuck you Message.

>> No.2298359

It looks challenging, let's hope I'm still interested in 10 years when the translation finishes.

>> No.2298543

It's not really challenging, once you get the hang of it, paying the debt off is easy. It's only if you have hang-ups about whoring out little orphans that you can run into problems.

>> No.2298566

at fist, when I saw the picture I wanted to download this eroge, but whoring your loli, the game? do not want.

>> No.2298571

How about anal fisting your loli, the game?

>> No.2298586


That's what The Asou Twins is for, you numbnuts!

>> No.2298600

Can someone provide torrent for this, or is that against 4chan rules?

>> No.2298605

there is no loli content in that game.

>> No.2298623

what? that's horrible! why would someone download it then

>> No.2298822

Huh? Someone can confirm this? No hentai stuff at all?
Also bump for this >>2298600

>> No.2298833

He's complaining that the girl's aren't lolis since they have breasts beginning to form.
Source is www.google.com

>> No.2298855

Ok thanks for clearing that up.
Also tried google, didnt find any working torrents.

>> No.2298863


Bullshit. The game is full of lolis.

>> No.2298864

I wish I had a loli I could whore off, it would make life much easier.

>> No.2298873

I believe you can beat the game without whoring out your lolis. However, it is pretty hard to pull off.

>> No.2299209


That sounds interesting. I've still not managed to play through 3 sister story without screwing up somewhere along the way. Kind of fun with such games.

>> No.2299253

Disgaea taught me this.

>> No.2299276

since when do girls who hit puberty are lolis?
lolicon=pedophile, not hebephile you retard.

>> No.2299579

Since the word came from a story about a 12-14 year old girl? Early puberty is still loli.

>> No.2299669


No. It implies pre-pubescent. Nothing more.

>> No.2299678
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>> No.2299682

Lolita was 12 at the start.

>> No.2299698

The patch out yet? Too lazy to check the TL page

>> No.2299733

Of course not.

>> No.2299819

lol no you fag. early puberty is not loli.
the protagonist in the book was first interested in Lolita because she was prepudescent but in the end he kept loving her even when she became an adult after years of looking for her. now gtfo you ugly hebephile.

>> No.2299857


you never read that book have you? Humbert clearly defines the nymphet at around 11-14, that definatly at the onset of puberty. Lolita was 12 when Humbert met her.

His first love when he was young was at that age as well.

Get the fuck out of her you dumb illiterate fuck

>> No.2299871
File: 119 KB, 770x1100, shikidoeslolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he first met her when she was 12 and he states outright that he is interested in girls who are just entering puberty.

>> No.2299874

It's actually 9-14.

>> No.2299880

Do they grow up at all to grow their busts?

>> No.2299919

I swear, there seems to be just one faggot who insists on trolling every thread about eroge with borderline lolis, bawwwing about them not being loli enough. Like every damn Wanko thread had someone whining that Mikan wasn't loli.

>> No.2299937

Mikan in Wanko isn't a loli. She's just a bitch

>> No.2299943

I'm pretty sure it's always the same person.

>> No.2299955

Daily dose.

>> No.2299963


>> No.2299993

So, do you have to whore/fuck the lolis or can you turn it into a daughter simulator?

>> No.2300002

English patch where?

>> No.2300007

You could just use Musume to Gohan, allowing you to pretend you're eating meals with your daughter, and has special modes such as Valentine's day with chocolate, or Christmas day. Last year I spent Christmas Day with Mikan.

>> No.2300031


>> No.2300058

Would you guys want a Musume to Gohan translation?

>> No.2300077


>> No.2300081


>> No.2300092


Yes, in fact, I would like one. It wouldn't be much of a bother in my opinion and the job would be thousand times faster than translating Musumaker.

>> No.2300098
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>> No.2300104 [DELETED] 

Answer unclear, ask again later.

>> No.2300115

Dawwwww. I'd make him take responsibility for my debts, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2300135

I have some bad news...

>> No.2300173
File: 404 KB, 816x656, musu_gohan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to talk to that one guy first so I can't promise anything. I'll let you know if we're doing it as soon I see him on MSN.

>> No.2300175

One more reason to hasten my japanese studies

>> No.2300184
File: 54 KB, 600x750, yoursire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have my uppermost respect, whether the project goes on or not, anon-kun. No more ronery valentines days for me.

>> No.2300191

Get the fuck out with your motivation posters.

>> No.2300203



>> No.2300207
File: 91 KB, 340x426, baw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2300270

Tears are already forming in my eyes.

>> No.2300276

Doesn't look like I'll be seeing him today. I'll post here tomorrow.

>> No.2300519

Nevermind that. Just talked to him. Everything looks good so expect to hear from me again.

>> No.2300765


God, I would give you a blowjob, but I don't think you're living in Finland.

>> No.2301058

where exactly can one find this?
Google gives me DBZ shit?

>> No.2301068

learn2google faggot

>> No.2301090

Did someone post the torrent of the game with translation yet?

>> No.2301124

Learn to use quotes.

>> No.2301138


Only the interface has been translated and I'd suggest to use Google or directly go to Hongfire where you can find the translated interface patch and the torrent for the game (which also includes the forementioned MusumetoGohan-software)

>> No.2302545

The torrent is pretty well seeded, thanks you, guyz

>> No.2302547

>>2302545 -s
