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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 656x516, umineko_lol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2279200 No.2279200 [Reply] [Original]

I have only one thing to say...Nasu is a genius.

>> No.2279203 [DELETED] 

Janitor, I know you're out there.

>> No.2279211


>> No.2279212


Look on topic to me besides the used of lulz.

>> No.2279220


>> No.2279410

Is it just me or is the premise of the fight between Beatrice and Battler absolutely absurd? He fights by denying supernatural forces, while he is talking to a woman made out of golden butterflies? Okay, I guess Beatrice needs to havve her witchdom admitted to, either because there is some metaphysical reason (ie, like a White Wold sort of system where people's beliefs effect magical power) or because she's over-the-top fucked up in the head.

>> No.2279416


Someone needs to read episode 3

>> No.2279443

I don't know what's supposed to happen in 3, but it remains a fact that this "fight" is silly. Even if Beatrice has some sort of metaphysical reason for it (as suggested by the parents' admission of her witch-hood before all being killed), the way the game tries to present Battler as Pheonix Wright by pointing out every far-fetced possibility in a certain scenario, ie, proving something isn't impossibe...I wonder how long the real Pheonix Wright would take to go through his cases if he could do the same. Indeed, the comparison between these two I've seen around here are frankly hilarious.

>> No.2279447


>> No.2279621

Read episode 3, it explains some of what you're asking.

Also what's with the surge of people who ask questions about Umineko before finishing it?

>> No.2279630


>> No.2279632

they want to know what happens without going through the trouble of playing it.

>> No.2279637

From the way anons have talked, you'd think there was romantic interest and possible Beatrice x Battler pairing. Is this not true /jp/?

>> No.2279638

1) Nasu
2) lulz
3) Vista
4) umineko_lol2.jpg

<-- /a/

>> No.2279724

It's a clever troll, you moron.

<-- /v/

<-- /a/

>> No.2279839

There are some types of Umineko retards. For example:
1) Ask questions before finishing the game.
2) Admit witch's existence but call themselves anti-fantasy. In other words, they have forgotten that explaining all murders with "human logic" is the way to deny the witch.
3) Call Bernkastel "Frederica".

>> No.2279915

>3) Call Bernkastel "Frederica".

Fuck you.

>> No.2280160

Character names are very important info.
Those who think little of info might never reach the truth.
One of famous theories in Japan is highly related to it.

>> No.2280195
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>Those who think little of info might never reach the truth.
>reach the truth

The fuck is this? Is that you izanami? I thought you were already dead


If memory serves me right FUKUI-SAN!, the magic that Battler sees is just Beatrice stating her point that magic exists. It doesn't mean that it's the truth, it's just a statement. So, Battler can also make the statement that magic doesn't exist and they both have to try to convince the other to accept their respective statement to make that the single truth

>> No.2280201
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They should call her Fancy Rika instead.

>> No.2280225


no. they should just call her fred

>> No.2280239
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or '34's favorite sex toy'

>> No.2280272

What we have to note about magics is that not all of them are visible.
In EP3, Eva-Beatrice claimed that she changed Kyrie's mind and it was her magic too.
And, Ryuukishi07 has said that "lots of parts of the real had been overwritten and some of them are so dirty because they don't even look non-real."

Important is defining what you believe.

>> No.2280289

Why do I never see pictures of her. Always the other girls.

>> No.2280367

I would be looking at Umineko differently if I never seen higurashi, because that story colors your expectations of what to expect. In Higurashi, there was this mystery that you knew was supposed to be solvable, you had hints and fore-shadowings, and the resolution didn't nescisarily contradict the hints and evidence -- at least not very badly -- but the truth was so far-fetched, so bizarre, that you couldn't help but be dumbfounded. NO ONE could realistically guess what was behind the Higurashi events. Because of that, people will look at Umineko in the same light -- you know there is going to be some sort of twist for the bizarre. But the fact of magic is beyond debate at this point -- multiple characters have witnessed magic, and done so from a dirst-person narrative position. There's no way the story is getting out of that. Beatrice might get a turn-on from debating this with Battler, but then the premise of the fight becomes very petty, silly, and hardly worth all the drama being run through.

>> No.2280404

Actually, Japanese fanbase's theories and non-Japanese fanbase's theories are rather different, and Ryuukishi is confronting the former.

>> No.2280409


Oh? What crazy theories do the Elevens have that are different from our own?

>> No.2280458


That this is THE GAME

>> No.2280468

Most of us are one episode behind them. They probably played episode 4 already, while we'll probably play 33% of it in more than 1 day from now.

>> No.2280469


>> No.2280475
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>> No.2280485 [DELETED] 

Probably that Battler fell off the front of the boat and everything after the trip to the island has been a coma he's been in. [spoier]we all know he fell off the back.[/spoiler]

>> No.2280490

Probably that Battler fell off the front of the boat and everything after the trip to the island has been a coma he's been in. we all know he fell off the back.

>> No.2280494


I think he fell off the wagon instead.

>> No.2280501

That'd be a lame reason.

I don't want to think Ryuukishi would use such lame explanations, I expect much fancier plot twists.

>> No.2280504


Ryubroshi outsourced the writing of this chapter to Nasu.

>> No.2280506

It's all a dream by Battler on the way to the island. Every chapter is a different dream that's part of his REM cycles.

>> No.2280508

Could actually be true. Battler may have gotten into Kinzo's absinthe cabinet in one of the chapters.

>> No.2280580


Only stupid people didn't figure out Higurashi before Minagoroshi-hen.

And no, it's not beyond debate. Read episode 3, please.

>> No.2280594

Rosa is the rapist

>> No.2280601

Wait, I thought Battler was the rapist.
Unless Battler IS Rosa!

>> No.2280609


Battler is Ronove.

>> No.2280653

(Sorry my English isn't good.)

It's hard to explain, but following two things are important:
1) They don't admit the witch REALLY, and are trying to explain meta-world and magics with something inside the real world of Umineko.
2) They pay attention to the viewpoint of the story. Most of them have supposed that "red text" and "Battler's personal view" are truth, and are speculating about what the scenes which aren't Battler's view are.

So, they have been continuing to say "Kinzo might have been dead" ever since EP1.

After EP2 was released, "magical half are someone's creation" theory got popular. For example, "non-Battler's view is Maria's imagination written in the message bottle."
(I think that's why Maria was killed at the second twilight in EP3. Ryuukishi perhaps wanted to show that magics could appear even after Maria died.)
At the same time, they proved all secret rooms in EP2 can be made by only 2 persons.

After EP3 was released, "Kinzo has been dead" theory became one of the strongest theory. And "Beatrice III" theory appeared.

...I think I shouldn't write about EP4 here.

These are just summaries of a part of theories. There are tons of theories in Umineko Wiki.
But what I want to say is the difference of stances, not details.
They think the forms of magics, including meta-world, are hints to the truth, not just obstructions which aren't concerned with the will of murders.

>> No.2280694
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Daily 90% thread?

>> No.2280743
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>> No.2281016

Here is what is probably going to happen -- something so ridiculous NO ONE would imagine it inspite of the hints and no glaring contradictions.

And if anyone claims they knew how Hirgurashi would turn out...they lie. Plain and simple. There's no way you went into the final arc expecting a ghost loli with horns hanging out with Rika, a government conspiracy ontop of a secret society plot, alien diseases, queen carriers...at best you went in knowing Rika was important, there were multiple reality resets, there was some sort of mysterious orginization at the center...but that's it.

So, everyone just concluded that the Oyashiro murders were based off of something supernatural, due to the nature of the deaths and conditions under which they occur..and the fact that obviously something very supernatural was definately going on (reality resets). But there was no way we could know there was a bizarre virus that makes people paranoid and kill thesmelves and that Rika was the key for a very iffy explination. You just couldn't imagine it because ourr minds just aren't prepared to go from 1+1x2 to applejuice-powered timetravel reactors.

So now we have...Beato (lol) appearing and disapearing in clouds of golden butterflies, killing people with homing stakes that transform into cute girls and then talking to the victims' ghosts. And Battler is arguing against this...WHILE inside some sort of re-incarnated world setting! The only why they can get out of THIS is if Beatrice pulls a President Eden on us.

>> No.2281019

yeah, japs disappoint when it comes to endings

>> No.2281024


If you didn't figure out who the culprit was or that there was some sort of conspiracy by Minagoroshi-hen, you are a fucking retard.

And alien diseases and queen carrier shit doesn't even exist so that just shows how much attention you paid.

>> No.2281034

Someone needed to pay attention to what the fuck was happening. Rika was the queen carrier which is why everyone was so nice to her, and why people killed themselves when they tried to leave -- it triggered the the damn virus. Because it liked to be close to the queen or some stupid bs.

>> No.2281045


Durhur maybe you missed the whole thing where Takano was completely ass wrong about the queen carrier theory.

It has nothing to do with Rika, because people were fine in both Watanagashi-hen and Meakashi-hen after she died and the 'Great Hinamizawa Disaster' didn't happen.

Hinamizawa Syndrome is triggered by location and paranoia ONLY.

>> No.2281101


Anime doesn't count because it made everything too fucking obvious, especially with showing that the Yamainu were behind it in the arc they made especially for the anime.

>> No.2281121


I'm not talking about the anime. Plus, a lot of that arc (including Rena's hat etc) was from Tatarigoroshi-hen.

>> No.2281135

In the game, the word "Yamainu" and "Hinamizawa Syndrome" appeared in Tatarigoroshi-hen.

>> No.2281504

Anyone know if there's an EP4 download out?

>> No.2281547

here you go, anon. It's the game itself, but english patch is still 90% complete... ;_;

>> No.2281560

>but english patch is still 28% complete...

Fixed it. Sadly.

>> No.2281569

well, the first patch is 90%.

>> No.2281706

Well, that's fine. Gives me a chance to play other games.

Count me in with those who fear that the anime going to suck.

>> No.2281771

Hey any fanart of the spears? Or of Battler being furniture?

>> No.2281811
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>> No.2281869
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not gonna happen

>> No.2282054

As an anon, I respect and support your, Beato's, depraved fetishes. May I suggest: having Battler lick your fingers clean while Rudolf kisses your shoes?

>> No.2282107
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>> No.2282136
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>> No.2282142
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Delicious full bodied stakes.

>> No.2282147
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>> No.2282149

garters hnnnnnnggggggg

>> No.2282156


I wish I had my own personal guard of strapping, busty girls from Hell. They'd really make an impression on the neighbors.

>> No.2282178
File: 949 KB, 1350x1159, 3514167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if she's a terrible mother or a mass murderess, I would hit that.

>> No.2282203 [SPOILER] 
File: 366 KB, 1000x1000, 3459488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2282226

Too bad they're all useless now.

>> No.2282235

Well, they do better in EP4.


>> No.2282241

You think the first patch will be done this weekend?

>> No.2282258


Chronotrig said 'A little over a week' a week ago.

So... Hopefully. They haven't updated to 100% yet though.

>> No.2282311
File: 129 KB, 501x700, 1zewpdu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Useless but oh-so-adorable.

>> No.2282642

If asked which body part I'd like pierced I would have to say the heart. I feel the heart is the most civilized and noble place to be stabbed

>> No.2282672
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>> No.2283173
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Mammon is still somewhat useful.

>> No.2283347


MOAR MANSERVICE! Bring out Ghoda!!!

>> No.2283350

It's shit.

>> No.2283935

What's the likeliness of a Beato x Battler end? Slim to none?

>> No.2283998


Considering what she did to Battler in episode 3.....Yeah,nothings going to happen. I wouldnt hope for a turn around of Beatrice either since when it comes to Ryukishi,the "bad" characters are nigh-impossible to change.


...Ohhh...? So now Umineko has trolls too?

>> No.2284030


This is weekend /jp/. Everything is trolled, no exceptions.

>> No.2284146

>I quit at the beginning of ep1

>> No.2284165

I found the introduction of characters at the airport quite a bit longer than I liked, and that stopped me for a week, but after that, it's fine.

>> No.2284222
File: 79 KB, 899x661, 1235749082374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also anyone have the other version of this?

>> No.2284249

The first half of the first episode does have a bad pace. It's not until around 30% in until the character introductions stop and the story picks up.

>> No.2284789

Umineko has pros and cons for me:

Family drama
George and Shannon
Pheonix Wright
Creative murders

Kannon and Jessica

>> No.2284847


>> No.2284851
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>> No.2284864
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>> No.2284947

>Creative murders

Eh. It overuses closed room murders.

>> No.2285161


It's a closed room murder mystery.

Half of them aren't even closed rooms anyway, Battler's just made to think they are.



>Kannon and Jessica

Get out.

>> No.2285302

There is actually someone who doesn't kind Kannon and jessica to be an extremly forced relationship?

>> No.2285374


There's no relationship. People don't seem to get the point of their story.

They haven't had a chance to have a relationship yet; it's essentially a story of them finally getting the courage to act on their feelings in episode 2... right before they die.

>> No.2285602

Sorry, but Beato is ALL OVER that meat. She sufffers from a large number of Freudian slips that hard to misunderstand -- like requiring Battler to strip naked before crawling on the ground before her. She all but slobers when ranting about how she would "love" him. But also frequently offers her advice regarding women at odd times.

>> No.2285727

>They haven't had a chance to have a relationship yet; it's essentially a story of them finally getting the courage to act on their feelings in episode 2... right before they die.

Most people don't like the fact that there's so much drama over their little crushes they have. Plus, while I have nothing against Jessica, I find Kanon to be a faggot.

>> No.2285761

> Airport
I love that airport scene, though I didn't like Higurashi's club activities too much.

> Uuuuuuu
I don't know what you mean. You mean Maria's "uu- uu-" annoys you?
But her redundant "uu- uu-" obviously aims to annoy us. It's an important noise, I think.

> Kanon and Jessica
Their relationship is loved by fans.
Actually half of Umineko fans are female and most of them love Jessica x Kanon.

>> No.2285783

I personally hate it, even more than George-Shannon.

>> No.2285833
File: 134 KB, 750x624, jessicashannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica - Shannon is my favorite pairing.

>> No.2285861
File: 142 KB, 646x505, umineko_tsundora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2285884

I dont know if Jessy is tsundora towards Kanon or if she just doesn't know that she's in love with Kanon herself yet.

She seems embarassed and unsure about her feelings, that could be the same thing though.

>> No.2285887
File: 81 KB, 550x400, umiTV-kanon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TV Kannon will look sort of like Lelouch.

I'm actually a little afraid the anime is going to drastically change the way people are drawn in fanart.

Like George, ahh they butchered him.

>> No.2286034

>remember the weeks without any updates and fall into the abyss of despair

>> No.2286701
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I was quite surprised when the true culprit appeared in episode 4.

>> No.2286705


I hate you

>> No.2286750
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>> No.2286759

Too bad you can see the pixels

>> No.2286902
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>> No.2286916

>I have only one thing to say...Nasu is a genius.
...Nasu wrote Umineko?

>> No.2286938

It was me. I wrote Umineko.

>> No.2286956

umineko is shit

writer tries to create drama by forcing characters together, would be a thousand times better if the relationship bullshit was left out

>> No.2286961


Besides, it'll make the game more popular as fans can think about making love to Shannon or Jessica without raging.

>> No.2286979

Who the fuck cares about Shannon or Jessica? They can have their retard counterparts for all I care.

Fuck yeah, Maria. I want to hear her moan 'uu-uuuu-uuu' as I penetrate her cute little ass.

>> No.2286984


Whoops, forgot my name.

>> No.2287002

I still think that the forced drama might be part of the plot, that Kinzo has a special reason for picking Shannon and Kanon out of that orphanage of their's. Maybe it's a way of increasing the 'magic' in the family bloodline, and would tie in to how Jessica and George are a lot more powerful in EP4.

>> No.2287008

Pathetic faggots. It's better to imagine raping Shannon as George is tied up and crying right next to her.

>> No.2287248

I don't mind Shannon x George because it seems less forced, and there's at least the threat of Eva comming in to fucking nuke their little tryst.

Jessica probably does nothing for the fangirls, but kannon would be hot meat that crowd. If they get him a quality seiyuu, they're going to go crazy over him, and by himself will make any relationship he's in popular by default. I don't think there's going to be a Code Geass effect where they don't particularily like the characters but the relationship itself is just too hot to pass up.

I believe anons of both sexes will like Beatrice, and for more-or-less for the same reason: her over-the-top, hysterical, comical evilness. She actually says kneel before zod. Loved it. I'm scared they're going to butcher her in the anime.

>> No.2287263
File: 473 KB, 800x561, araara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm scared they're going to butcher her in the anime.

Don't be, she'll be EPIC based on voice alone.

>> No.2287274


>> No.2287275

Who's doing the voice?

>> No.2287284

Sayaka Ohara, who did the voice of Hot Bangable Witch in xxxHolic, and Hot Bangable Gondolier in Aria.

>> No.2287293


And Hot Bangable Hostess in Toradora.

>> No.2287299


>> No.2287316
File: 191 KB, 1016x1520, f73f35cc492194f81bf08e85c1049d08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As well as Hot Bangable Class President

>> No.2287325

Source if this is part of a doujin.

>> No.2287369

Don't tell me that "forced drama" shit is making its way here from /a/.

>> No.2287384

I guess we'll have to wait and see in regards to her ability to do shrill, hysterical cackling. I hope to God they don't make her into a predominatly moe character. She's a female Alucard who's overdosed on endorphines. Seriously if she was human she'd have to go on medication for chemical imabalances in her brain.

>> No.2287405

Beato is moe, muu~

>> No.2287437

her character is crazy, of course

>> No.2287617

> Jessica probably does nothing for the fangirls
Most of Jessica's fanarts are drawn by fangirls.

>> No.2287725

Most of Umineko fanart is drawn by fangirls.

>> No.2287836

Most of Battler being raped by his Rudolph/Ronove is drawn by fangirls.

>> No.2287849

It's what I mean.
If "Jessica probably does nothing for the fangirls" is true, her fanarts must be exceptional.

>> No.2287864

She is a great self-insert character for them with that "My real self is not like this" attitude

>> No.2287882

Hideyoshi/Okonogi is my favorite pairing.

>> No.2287895

Her 'Why don't I have a boyfriend while I have done pretty much nothing to pursue it and expected a confession somehow till I decided to hammer my younger servant' disposition must also appeal.

>> No.2287913

Fangirls never needed any special reason to make fanart and fanfiction. They didn't like Suzaku, but that didn't stop them from producing mountains of doujins and erotic fanart of Suzaku x Leleuch. In short, fangirls don't need help like a self-insert character to produce bizarre ponography -- all they need is two characters who are, or who have at some point been alive. They don't need it to be in the shoujo style either -- if their source material wasn't shoujo-friendly, well, they are perfectly happy with fixing that.

So even if they aren't nescisarily all into Jessica, they'll be happy to throw her into a relationship with Kannon, who they definately would like. If they don't find Battler very compelling, they would be all over the Battler x Beato relationship.

The true self-insert fangirl character is Beatrice. That's why us anons can't help but to respect her deparavity and fetishes -- we realize she is really just a female version of us, having broken through the 4th wall and interacting with a 2D world, playing to our heart's content. And fangirls, are, indeed, female versions of us.

>> No.2288086


But they uh... do like Jessica.

She's consistently pretty high on the character popularity polls.

>> No.2288264

Any 2ch image threads or japanese fan art sites?

>> No.2288294

President Aria always makes me laugh in that picture

>> No.2288572
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>> No.2288878

You know what would make the Umineko anime a total trainwreck?
Jun Fukuyama as Kanon.

>> No.2288883

I like detective games, but a msterpiece this is not. It's a good horror-thriller read, but as a mystery it's shit.

>> No.2288891

Kanon's VA is Yuu Kobayashi. Get with it, anon.

>> No.2288893


Do witches exist

That's the mystery.

>> No.2288908 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 550x750, 090306pict14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the anime, anime Krauss is looking much better than Ryukishi's

>> No.2288913


Is it really hard to create something better than Ryukishi?

>> No.2288922
File: 83 KB, 550x750, 090306pict03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I realized it was Rudolph I posted, not Krauss.
Krauss is still dickugly.

Bottom-middle Maria is lookin' kinda HINAMIZAWA SYNDROME, by the way.

>> No.2288934

You should see manga Maria

>> No.2289019
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I have a bad feeling about this.

>> No.2289027
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>> No.2289032


>> No.2289035
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Witches don't exist confirmed

>> No.2289327

Endless Witch = Mugenjyou Mahjou?

>> No.2289397
File: 753 KB, 1691x1200, 09_32-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.2289402

vol 2 scans where?

>> No.2289447

Holy shit her iris!

>> No.2289483
File: 745 KB, 1691x1200, 09_34-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just needs some good spanking

>> No.2289751

I like the pudgy original Maria better, actually. It makes her look more normal and therefore more pathetic. Increases the pathos level.

>> No.2289776

oh look, a christian. how did that get in here?

>> No.2290870
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>> No.2290898
File: 72 KB, 899x661, UminekoReac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated the redesigns done for Higurashi PS2 with passion. Yet I think that redesining Maria to look like a more classical loli is a good thing. The first thing I said when I saw her age was "What"

>> No.2290901
File: 110 KB, 899x661, UminekoReac4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2290958

so win

>> No.2290961

Would I be able to understand this image if I played Umineko?

>> No.2291224

Is the partial patch for episode 4 out yet

>> No.2291404


Monday or Tuesday, so sayeth the translator.

>> No.2293225

so Friday is it then?

>> No.2293241

Maybe, but Witch-Hunt is probably the fastest translating group out there, along with Yandere and the guy doing all the DarkTranslations stuff.

>> No.2293250

Maybe if they brought Message on board they could finish it faster.

>> No.2293959


Actually WH is usually pretty good at keeping dates they set.

>> No.2294241

>multiple characters have witnessed magic, and done so from a dirst-person narrative position.
I'm not yet too far in episode 3, but what I get so far is basically you have to keep in mind that at the meta level it's a story told by Beatrice to Battler. If Battler didn't witness it with his own in-story eyes we only have the optional witness (who could be lying) or, if there is none, Beatrice's word for it (like any of the big murder fights so far), and if Battler did witness it directly there's a chance he misinterpreted, like being convinced Natsumi was shot by her own winchester because he doesn't know there are several of them, or like seeing all those occult things in the end of ep 2 after having, very probably, gotten drunk.

Ultimately so far it's a duel of narrators. There's incontrovertible facts, the red text and what Battler directly sees happen in-story, and then both Battler and Beatrice are trying to weave stories around that, with the goal of making the other accept your own story as the right one and emerge as the best narrator.

>> No.2294272

>Half of them aren't even closed rooms anyway, Battler's just made to think they are
Well yeah, that's the whole idea behind most of the closed room murder tricks.

>> No.2294416

Why do magics never appear on Battler's personal view?
What are magics in this story?
Why does meta-Beatrice need to "fight" to meta-Battler?
What is the meta-world?

We have to think of these since these are concerned with the structure of the story.

>> No.2295269

There is clearly supernatural forces at work. I don't know why the game still tries to pretend there could be any doubt.

>> No.2295290

The point is whether the culprit is supernatural or not. Higurashi had supernatural forces at work too, but the culprit was 100% natural.

>> No.2295303

I'm still trying to come up with an anti-fantasy reason for how the gold even exists in the first place and how Kinzo could build another house on the island and continually visit it, all without anyone else catching on.

>> No.2295304

that's what ruined Higurashi for me
and also what's probably gonna ruin Umineko

>> No.2295320 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2295323

some people have been posting about how the gold doesn't even exist in the first place.

>> No.2295329

How did it ruin Higurashi for you?

>> No.2295331

It's not necessarily true that supernatural forces are at work. Parallel universes are theoretically possible, and would explain how circumstances could be different for each iteration.

As far as Battler dreaming up witches and such, it could be all a delusion, a break from reality based on his discovery of information relating to what you find out in episode 4, that he might have actually been aware of subconsciously. Or a physical causation, like a brain tumor in every universe.

Everything can still be explained without the supernatural, since everything magical is seen through Battler's mind-eye when the actual incidents took place out of the view of anyone but the victim(s) and killer(s).

"Battler is insane" is a condition which allows for everything else to fall into place, while there still being real murders done by members of the family and staff.

>> No.2295346

Sort of like how through the question arcs of Higurashi, what you see through the eyes of K1 is not necessarily accurate, because he IS insane at one point. Same with Shmion.

>> No.2295372

If it doesn't, then there needs to be some way to explain how Kinzo could not only afford to salvage the family name, but also how to build two homes and keep quiet about that.

Also, a kind of neglected point, but I'm curious: who is actually credited with painting the Beatrice painting? Is it Kinzo himself?

>> No.2295376

>Parallel universes are theoretically possible

So what you're saying is that in a story where the same events occur in different ways, there's a possibility that there's a parallel universe, which by definition are the same events occurring in slightly different ways?

Are you SURE?

>> No.2295385 [DELETED] 

This was all explained in the first episode. He never used the gold itself.

>> No.2295392

They can't pretend Beatrice doesn't have the power and the will to commit the murders. Battler has directly experienced magic first-hand, and while it might be possible to claim: "Oh well, sure, Beato COULD kill them with magic, and even though she SAYS she does exactly that, it might be actually some human!" but then that's taking it to far into the realm of ridiculousness. Before EP3, it could have been claimed that Beato was making up a lot of stuff in regards to magic effects -- but now Battler has been slapped directly in the face with her magic...and not just when he's at her mercy in her magic nether-realm mansion or whatever it is. He sees other people interacting with Beato's power as well.

And what's especially madening is that Battler doesn't use arguments that might work, even in the face of what happens in EP3. Virtual reality or other form of manufactured sensory experience or memory alteration technique.

>> No.2295393

Thse aren't really big problems. The gold's got a fine in-game explanation, that it was given or lent to Kinzo by a rich person which he identifies as Beatrice. As for the hidden mansion, on a big private island with a forest Kinz's relatives are forbidden from entering, it's not really hard.

The only real weird thing is the loop structure, everything else can be narrators (Beatrice mainly) playing with you. Beatrice can show towers falling from the sky and goats and whatnot, but as mentioned before it's just her account of what happened, she's that good a storyteller. Note how chapter 2 onwards is framed by her telling stories to Battler. That means anything not narrated by Battler can actually be her telling a fancy story, which is why after she first chapter, which wasn't framed by her narration, you can start having narrators other than Battler and the first chapter's omniscient narrator, and all kinds of fancy supernatural stuff. The first chapter's a big clue in that sense, it establishes how Battler's the central point of view and anything he doesn't see is just holes to fill with hypotheses.

>> No.2295394

I've read through your question/statement a few times, and I'm not sure what you're trying to point out.

>> No.2295404

>Battler has directly experienced magic first-hand
Has he now? When does that happen? r is it only in the meta-bits?

>> No.2295410

Game board Battler has never seen magic as of episode 3.

Meta-Battler has, but Shcrodingers Cat Box theory explains it; they're just Beatrice 'presenting her case'. Seeing is not believing, in this case, as everything aside from red letters and Game-Battler's point of view has to be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.2295414

There are obviously parallel universes, because unless Battler and co. are getting murdered in the same universe multiple times and somehow forgetting it, all while time goes backwards or something, they're in different universes in each episode.

>> No.2295421

Except it can all litterally be a game of wits between Battler and Beato, in which case no one's actually getting murdered.

>> No.2295423

what, even the murders are fake?

>> No.2295427


First episode, a "witch" made up of golden butterflies takes shape infront of Natsuhi, and raises a staff. Wether or not she is killed in the same way Beatrice explains later on, if we accept that the narration in EP1 was impartial, than it MUST BE ACCEPTED that a supernatural being appeared before Natsuhi. If we accept the truth of a supernatural entity made up of golden butterflies, why not everything else? ANd if not everything else, on what basis can we pick and chose which golden butterfly magical phenomena to belive in? The fact istself that a magic phenomena occured forces us to realize this is a fantasy setting, and no matter how hard you try and argue against it, that's that.

>> No.2295438

In that case, what the hell are we even arguing about? Episodes 2 and 3 are literally cases presented by Beato which have no basis in reality. Of course magic would exist just as much as everything else in those worlds, because those worlds don't really exist.

>> No.2295447

Natsuhi's 'duel with the witch' at the end of Ep1 reminds me of Rudolph's suggestion of a duel in Ep3. Maybe she died trying to protect someone she thought was Jessica?

>> No.2295448

Battler wasnt the one that saw it.

Any scene thats not battler describing it might be false.
See episode 4.

>> No.2295459

>First episode, a "witch" made up of golden butterflies takes shape infront of Natsuhi, and raises a staff. Wether or not she is killed in the same way Beatrice explains later on, if we accept that the narration in EP1 was impartial, than it MUST BE ACCEPTED that a supernatural being appeared before Natsuhi.
Not quite. All we can make out of this is that Natsuhi possibly saw a person surrounded by what she associated to golden butterflies, having the witch story on her mind. And then she was shot with one of the winchesters that was then left near her, and that one last bit is the only thing Battler knows for sure, in fact.

>> No.2295465
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>> No.2295467


Butterflies are Beatrice's magic theory.

The answer is most likely someone confronted Natsuhi with another gun, shot her, and switched the guns.

>> No.2295473

My bet is it was Kinzo.

His death was largely glossed over, and the body was very unidentifiable.

>> No.2295479


I'm not going to be a dick and spoil episode 4 for you, but... oh who am I kidding, yes I will.

Kinzo is already dead before October 4th.

>> No.2295481

Well, if you accept that rather uncertain hypothesis the interesting bit then is: how does said duel of wits relate to the first episode, which isn't framed by it?

>> No.2295497

There are no more than 18 people on the island, eh?

>> No.2295498

Battler has been chopped to pieces and ressurrected multiple times, with magic. So what is gamer-Battler? Why doesn't he count? Because he's not actually in the game? How does that make him fake, or irrelevent to the discussion of magic? How is in-game Battler's viewpoint the "real" one? Umineko would have to reach to absurd, ludicrous depths to try to deny magic at this point. Gamer-Battler is the one trying to deny magic, while magic is slapping him in the face constantly. You guys are trying to hard to take the point of view you think from prior experience is the correct one.

>> No.2295500

It would probably mean the first episode actually happened.

And since we don't have any red text so far, pretty much anything, is possible. Even stuff that was later disproven thanks to red text in episode 2 and 3, because those are different "worlds" and if things from Shanon's reaction to George's proposal to the method used in murder, to who discovers the gold all are subject to change, then there's really not much that can be said for the house being subject to minor changes.

I don't subscribe to the house being different, not because it's impossible but because it would just be awful writing. But it IS still possible.

>> No.2295509

Eva wasn't a witch either

>> No.2295510

Wasn't he supposed to be the third/fourth twilight? With the stake in the head?

So the second twilight doesn't need to necessarily involve killing then, does it?

>> No.2295518

thats an awesome idea.
It might just mean betrayal


>> No.2295528

I didn't want to bring this up because it covers wording, but the actual twilight says they'll "Separate the ones that are close"

Is the Japanese more specific? Because the english could mean anything, from "separated from each other" to "separated from the remaining group of people"

>> No.2295536

Doubtful. The six toes on Kinzo's feet make it almost certain the burned corpse was his.

My hypothesis is that there are multiple killers on the island with a pact to kill the others that was agreed to before anyone even arrived for the family conference. If one of this group of killers inadvertently died through either discovery or by accident, it would make sense for another one of the group to cover up the evidence of the pact.

I've strongly suspected Jessica as either a killer or the killer since episode two. She was never onscreen with Game-Beatrice in 2. She has the same hair color as Beatrice and could have easily cosplayed the witch in order to encourage Shannon to start a relationship with George. She has a secret second life she lives at school which is slightly different from her personality at home. Even Eva mentioned that of all the people to hold a grudge in the family, it would be Jessica, who was raised to be a perfect daughter by her overbearing parents but will never become head of the family because of her sex.

>> No.2295540

I'm not saying "it's the corpse of someone else with six toes"

I'm saying it's not really a corpse.

>> No.2295574

So far gamer-battler seems to be a metaphor. Him and Beato are the litteral incarnations of the normal/supernatural sides of the story, battling for supremacy just like they do in the reader's mind. Don't mistake a narrative method for magic.

>> No.2295585

Don't bring up narrative methods in what essentially is a murder mystery.

When you believe something is true because it's implied, you make the writer much happier than he needs to be.

>> No.2295588

You can't take all this at face value. Even Beato points out at one point in episode 3 that humans' greatest failing is they suck at reading between the lines.

>> No.2295619

>Don't bring up narrative methods in what essentially is a murder mystery
Some of the cleverest murder mysteries are all about narrative methods. Maybe you should read some John Dickson Carr in general or Agatha Christie's murder of roger ackroyd.

>> No.2295824

You need to read more mystery novels.
