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2270402 No.2270402 [Reply] [Original]

Theoretical Fate route thread.

Pic related: mmm... Caster route...

>> No.2270406


>> No.2270410
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>> No.2270415


Why didn't you get to have sex with Ilya or Taiga?

>> No.2270419

Clearly, Issei would ask Shirou to go to the temple one day to help, and then he'd meet up with Caster instead of what's-his-face.

>> No.2270427

Fuck Caster, where's my Rider route?

>> No.2270434


I don't care much about routes as long as you get to have sex with everybody.

>> No.2270440

HA covers you for Rider then.

>> No.2270447

I'd fuck caster, if you know what I mean

>> No.2270448

If we could get a patch!

>> No.2270450
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>> No.2270451

Ilya gets mad at Shirou for Kiritsugu deserting her.
Caster gets mad at Berserker for helping Jason desert her.

Shirou asks Assassin for a 'ultimate attack to defeat all servants' and learns Tsubame Gaeshi. Proceeds to beat everyone singlehandedly.

>> No.2270456
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In Hollow Ataraxia.

>> No.2270462
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Could we get some plot with that powerleveling?

>> No.2270465


>Shirou asks Assassin for a 'ultimate attack to defeat all servants' and learns Tsubame Gaeshi. Proceeds to beat everyone singlehandedly.


>> No.2270467
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>'ultimate attack to defeat all servants'

>> No.2270469

Normally I'd complain about erotical black holes, but it's a fucking threesome, who cares?

>> No.2270492

Caster is a manipulative chessmaster with yandere tendencies. Shirou is... himself. Hilarity would ensue.

>> No.2270515
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That said, is there a version of this with caster in it and Archer NOT in it?

>> No.2270518


Is there a version of that where Ilya is naked?

>> No.2270523

First you'd need a CG with a naked Ilya. Good luck.

>> No.2270528

This just in! A FSN remake announced! It shall include:

Caster Route
Rider Route
Taiga Route
Ilya Route
The original routes, now with a better HF!

The release date is even set it'll come as a bonus disk with Duke Nukem Forever.

>> No.2270536

Haha, I lol'd.

>> No.2270555

Someone had to.

>> No.2270578

Best. Disk combo. EVER.

>> No.2270611

I LIKE the idea of a Caster route. With Tohsaka and Archer as the end bosses. Shit would be epic.

>> No.2270620

Master: Taiga.
Servant: Caster.

Caster summons Rider.
Caster rulebreaks Ilya's servant Saber.
Taiga befriends Ilya.

Yuri gang-bang.

>> No.2270638

Nah, you can't have a proper end to a FSN route without Kirei and/or Gil running the show at the end. Shirou'd get Rin on his side, same as usual. No idea what would happen to Saber though.

>> No.2270640

caster route would have the best start ever


>> No.2270648

>Master: Rin.
Servant: Caster.

Caster summons Rider.
Caster rulebreaks Ilya's servant Saber.
Rin befriends Ilya.
Saber Lily and Saber Alter pop up from an alternate reality and Rin befriends them.

Yuri gang-bang.

>> No.2270684

I wanted a Route where you team up with Shinji...

>> No.2270691


...I can't find my "why would you do that?" image, so I'll have to verbalize it.

Seriously, *why*?

>> No.2270706

lancers is chasing you, you jump on your bike and start hauling balls towards the temple because you're retarded(and Issei owns a gun?)

You see some homeless chick about to be hit by a bus and decide to play super hero(first tiger dojo is not saving the girl and getting pierced by lancer gay bulge at high speed), lancer thinks the bus killed you for a second time. Caster jams rule breaker in your ass to keep you from dying as thanks.

Enter caster route with delicious rin and caster arguments Later on and shirou projecting rule breaker for many lulz to be had.

>> No.2270709


Well, wouldn't it have been interessting? Also they hinted at that during the last Taiga Doujou.

>> No.2270712

I did too.


>> No.2270718
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>> No.2270721

The thought of DP'ing with Shinji on Sakura brings up disturbing Kafkaesque imagery.

Don't really want.

>> No.2270733

Ah Ren's back. What're your thoughts on a Caster route?

>> No.2270737

Other fun scenes.

Issei fawning over the strange blond foreign girl who's shown up at the temple.

Taiga and letting another adult woman live in the house.

honestly this would make for a fun ass doujin. It's sad the only shirou caster we get are 2 pages of gilgamesh vs rin.

>> No.2270739

just think of the conversation though.

>> No.2270744

Shinji would call Sakura a slut.
Shirou would be displeased.

>> No.2270746

and it would be an amazing scene.

>> No.2270770
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>> No.2270773

Someone send word to CCC!

>> No.2270800

It'd be really hard to plot out Shirou not being a total douchebag about women fighting yet still be enough of a hero to stoke Medea's crush on him. Also, if he went back to his place, Medea would basically have no mana, and she would turn Taiga into her funtoy the first moment Taiga objected to her having large tits and being around Shirou. So they would have to live at the temple... and Medea would have to brainwash Issei again. Souchirou would be a concern, too.

Then you have the issue of Medea having to do all her tricky mana stealing in secret, so as not to upset Shirou. Shirou would somehow have to discover UBW and projection... etc.

Rider might be a fake servant, which makes sense because she's an anti-hero, summoned by Caster. Two women with tragic pasts... both of them sadists, but Rider having a masochistic side, which leads to Caster "training" her well.

Although, the high points would be the eventual square off between the Caster/Shirou and Rin/Archer teams. Illya would not take kindly to it all, either, so you'd have Berserker stomping all over the temple at some point, and you'd discover Medea's tragic past. Shirou would have dreams about the Argonauts and Jason, and how Medea got screwed over. Caster vs. Berserker.

>> No.2270802

Then, when Caster finally thought Shirou would betray her like all the others, he mans up and affirms his trust in her, even if she doesn't deserve it. Then she spontaneously orgasms, ropes him up with BDSM gear, and mana transfusion begins.

Kotomine figures in somewhere, but I'd like a route where you're actually sort of friends with him, or at least where you do accept his mapo tofu.

As far as the ending, I don't care about Sakura. Rin could end up being Caster's apprentice once you beat her and show mercy, as both of them scheme to kill the other. Issei is your bro, still. Shinji gets turned into a stained glass window by Caster.

Kotomine lives on, because the Grail just gets destroyed, and plots how best to fuck over the world for his own amusement while the two of you eat mapo tofu. Caster becomes a housewife after cornering the mana market. Rider is glasses sexy. Taiga is distraught.

>> No.2270812

As usual, you are the most awesome guy on /jp/.

>> No.2270818
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God I want this now.

>> No.2270824

I was just trying to write it out for a simple thing like a doujin, not the actual route.

>> No.2270834

For a doujin? Like how long? 20~ page one shot?

That's not hard. You can make up something easy for that.

>> No.2270845

Be an even finer line to walk than getting UBW Good End... You fuck up even a little bit, and she's going to think Shirou's just like every other man and kill him.

>> No.2270857

That'll make for a good Tiger Dojo.

>> No.2270864
File: 103 KB, 1021x1014, eng_jason_and_the_argonauts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would make for a hilarious bad end if you decided to watch tv to pass the time instead of advancing plot like you could do in tsukihime.

and something along these lines came on.

>> No.2270887

That is one thing that Tsukihime beats Fate on, it's FAR more creative on ways to have you die horribly. Also a lot creepier.

>> No.2270890

I love that movie, its genre are my favorite old movies.

>> No.2270893

Nothing beats land shark.

>> No.2270899

I've always been particular to dark kiss mark.

>> No.2270910

Well refusing to fight and then getting killed by a loli and Hercules to 'Die Lorelei' comes fairly close.

>> No.2270913

Caster route:do we finally get a fucked to death bad end?

I don't remember any of those in fate or tsukihime(nero should have been female).

>> No.2270916

---As long as Arcueid is unable to move, blindly going outside would be dangerous.
Gripping the knife with one hand, I hold my breath.
Arcueid is silent too. She looks like she's being careful of what's around her.

The floor below is being noisy.
Perhaps the shock woke up the guests and maybe they're complaining to the hotel people.
It's still four in the morning, but even so, the noise is as loud as that of a festival.
---Even that falls silent a few minutes later.

The noise disappears.
A sickening silence.
The lights go out.
At the same time,
the sound of countless things hitting the door.

"Are you prepared, Shiki?"
Arcueid whispers in the dark.

"...... Prepared, for what?"
I don't even have to ask her.
---If remaining in here was a mistake...
Then that question was also a mistake.

I turn towards the door at the sound of it breaking.
No sound escapes from my mouth.
As I turn around, bright white teeth fill my vision.

Like a giant maw, capable of consuming me whole.
Somehow, I'm able to calmly tell it's the jaws of a shark.

Fresh blood spills everywhere.
With a thump, what remains of my body falls to the floor.
What falls is my head.
Everything below my face has been consumed in one bite.
That is the last scene I ever see.

>> No.2270917

That was a sexy bad end. I thought you were talking about ridiculous ends because of nonsensical choices.

>> No.2270925

she doesn't kill you all the way.

just enough to were you are in constant pain and nothing but a toy

>> No.2270926
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>land shark

>> No.2270929

I was at least.

>> No.2270935

I was just saying ends in general.
for recockulessness land shark wins.

>> No.2270948

I'm trying not to remember the details. That I remember the music is bad enough.

Creepiest thing in Fate by far. There's lots of stuff in Tsukihime that beat it though.

>> No.2270949

Idunno, I thought Land Shark was pretty fucking awesome. If you got it before surviving that particular night, it just made Nero that much scarier.

>> No.2270959


The illusion is over. Even though I desperately denied it until now, this confirms it. I am just a killer.
With my own hands, I destroyed what shouldn't have been destroyed. The foundations of my being are crumbling away."Kk----what's this, Yumizuka? It's just like you said."
I start to laugh. It seems I have gone insane. The truth that I am the killer seems so funny to me.
Outside the window, the far, distant moon shines.
My vision has turned red with no signs of returning normal. But my mind on earth has been swapped with that from some other planet. The years of accumulated perceptions exceedingly enumerate towards unknown equations of evolution. Nothing is even remotely the same. You can not tell the difference between the crimson you see and the crimson I see. Alas. It seems I am broken.
Or was everything just a humorous lie from the beginning? In that case, please let it all disappear tomorrow.
...... The stage set in the dark forest begins.
I don't quite understand, but if I am a killer, I must act like a killer. To begin with, let's go out into town and continue my dreams.
I catch a random person.
I take them to the alley and wait for the person to awaken.
After a while, the person's eyes open.
As gently as possible, I offer a welcome with both arms spread wide.
----Now then,
welcome to this wonderful killing chamber.

>> No.2270973

Oh, I don't disagree that it's awesome. But the choice you make to get it doesn't make sense. It's "I WILL FULFILL MY DUTY AND PROTECT ARC INSTEAD OF WANDERING OFF TO DI-JESUS CHRIST IT'S A SHARK, GET IN ITS MOUTH."

>> No.2270975

Thank you for proving my point scriptanon.

Then again, I was more creeped out by Shiki strangling Kohaku and jerking off on her at the same time, then jumping out the window and leaving her there crying (which itself is freaky for far side of the moon reasons).

>> No.2270979

On the top floor of a hotel skyscraper.

>> No.2270986

shiki isn't a dutiful hero like shirou he's just some guy who likes to fuck and not die.

>> No.2270987

Well, some of then aren't entirely non-sensical, but kinda random:

-The first around I decided not to tell Hisui about my night escapades and got killed in front of the house because she didn't open the gate.
-Another one I can think of is when I decide to fulfill my promise with Arcueid even though I'm dead tired. The day after both me and Kohaku got killed at school. wtf

>> No.2270988

Well, she was probably crying because it was Shiki that did it and she wasn't expecting anything of the sort to happen. Although if that was true, at the end of the route, she should've been in a mental institution completely broken down.

>> No.2270996

No, it's fine, it's simply a doll that Shiki abused.

>> No.2271004
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>> No.2271029

I don't remember either of those. I seem to have missed a lot of bad ends in Tsukihime.

The ones I remember are Nanaya slicing Akiha's fucking head in half and vanishing, and of course LAND SHARK!

>> No.2271034

The most bizzare thing about it is that even though Shiki does that in the storyline of Ciel's route (not a bad end), it is never brought up again properly. Which, in hindsight, probably ties to Kohaku being... well Kohaku and waving it off.

>> No.2271036
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fuck year

>> No.2271039

go replay tsukihime and get all the bad ends
they're the best part.

>> No.2271061

So I'm told, but I've got too much crap backed up that I need to finish as it is.

Another odd thing about Tsukihime is that it gives you some of the oddest choices imaginable even if you don't count the bad ends themselves. Example: Shiki's ideas for taking Arc out are the movies, (can't remember this one), and "She should be happy with a back alley right?"

>> No.2271079

it's where they first met.

>> No.2271083

I know, that's just a strange as hell way to phrase it.

>> No.2271093

maybe he wanted alley head, or it's just a translation thing that made sense in the japanese version.

>> No.2271136

Taiga route plot?

>> No.2271143
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>> No.2271177
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>> No.2271215

<spoiler>Kohaku doesn't die, as she purposefully led you to her buddy Roa.</spoiler>

>> No.2271223
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><spoiler>Kohaku doesn't die, as she purposefully led you to her buddy Roa.</spoiler>

>> No.2271235

I...I missed that one. That's hella awesome. Akiha and Shiki are great there.

>> No.2271250

I want a lancer route that involves getting wasted and picking up ugly woman at the bar.

>> No.2271254

> <>
Sorry for my fail there.

>> No.2271286

I think fate would have been more awesome if you got to pick your servant in the beggening by making choices based on your personality and not shirou's.

>> No.2271322

Yeah, and it would've taken 6 times longer to translate. Better hope that Message does a translation that'll run on your iron lung.

>> No.2271334

This is the greatest thing I have ever read. Thanks anon, now everything looks like crap by comparison.

>> No.2271342

Uh, no. Say what you will about Shirou, but he's actually a real character rather than a stand-in for the player. If you got to pick his personality, you couldn't really show his moral code changing or not changing.

>> No.2271348

So if SHIKI is dominant, he's pretty much Kohaku's bitch, but if Roa's in control, he's got Kohaku running things behind the scenes?

>> No.2271375

I think that's how it works, though it's difficult to say anything definitive considering how little Kohaku's real nature is foreshadowed in the Near-Side routes.

>> No.2271399

From everything I've seen, Roa doesn't really give a fuck about Kohaku in near-side. It's only when SHIKI is in charge that she makes any appearance.

>> No.2271453

You should remember that whether you pick Near Side or Far Side, things retroactively change.
In Near Side, where Roa surfaces enough for Arc to take action, Kohaku can't really manipulate SHIKI and meetings.
Also, in Far side, if you go with Akiha and she doesn't go after SHIKI, there are again not many chances. Plus, you didn't mess with the twins so she doesn't snap.

The Kohaku plan can only happen when Roa does not emerge and Shiki's most important person is either of the twins.

>> No.2271473
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I don't like caster but I'm hoping ataraxia will fix that for me in like 2 years when it's finished.

>> No.2271476

"It's true the ugly ones really do have more magical energy."

>> No.2271491

Still, I don't think Kohaku just sits on her ass during the non-twin routes. She gives Shiki the knife, for one, and is probably drugging him.

>> No.2271495

She doesn't get the chance to drug him. She takes a passive role in Near-Side.

>> No.2271500

Perhaps, but with Akiha staying close to him in her route, and Shiki being out in Near-side a LOT (plus, SHIKI not doing his shit), she can't have done much.
She just keeps being a doll that loves SHiki.

>> No.2271506

Doesn't she prepare his meals? You'd think she'd have plenty of opportunities there.

>> No.2271523

Drug him to do what?
There is no ribbon trigger (retroactive change of events as I said), no active SHIKI anymore, and he doesn't talk much to the twins eitherway.

>> No.2271544
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An Ayako route.

>> No.2271573

A fistfight between Shirou and Kotomine that ends in a draw, then Kotomine offers Shirou some mapo tofu.

Shirou accepts it.

>> No.2271581

Ayako is too perfect to have a human lover.

>> No.2271594

"This was quite entertaining. Fuck becoming a villain I'm going to be a boxer!"

kotomine good end.

>> No.2271595

What is Near/far side? I've only got four Tsukihime endings, so that might be why I don't know what it is, or is it another VN?

>> No.2271620

Kotomine would waste Shirou if Shirou wasn't made of swords.

I still think it would've been more amusing to have Kotomine as Shirou's adopted father.

>> No.2271621

Kotomine fist cannot be beat.

Seriously though, he can kung fu punch his way to becoming world champion.

>> No.2271627

Or rather, real father with Kiritsugu his adoptive one.

>> No.2271630

Actually, Shirou said it didn't matter that he was made of swords since Kotomine's kung fu punches did internal damage instead of external damage. His organs were being pasted despite the protection his metal body gave him.

>> No.2271633

ciel and arc are near

rest is far

>> No.2271641


Ahh, thank you Anon

>> No.2271646

But it's not like Kotomine was a master of the style, he was just emulating it. He was still probably receiving some damage from hitting a bunch of swords.

>> No.2271656

And that was without Kotomine doing magical reinforcement.
Fuck, Executors are to be feared.

>> No.2271670

If Kotomine had one of his Black Keys during that fight, he would've been able to kill Shirou.

>> No.2271676

And almost completely dead. The man didn't even have a heart, just a clump of black mud.

Fuck yeah, Kotomine.

>> No.2271686


Well, if we're going to give him "living" status, then Shirou gets "living" too.

2x for Archer Arm Shirou.

>> No.2271691

I doubt it. Shirou had a wall of swords beneath his skin and was protecting his head. Kotomine would probably do more damage just by punching.

>> No.2271693

He didn't fucking care, though. He went "This is a battle where you have to risk your body!" and just kept on pounding away at Shirou, even after his fists shattered.

>> No.2271703

Any time Shirou was knocked over, Kotomine probably could have skewered his head by throwing the Black Key.

>> No.2271705
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When oh when will we get a FHA patch?

>> No.2271725

I thought she and Roa formed some kind of an alliance. Kohaku feeds Shiki something that makes him want to slice up non-humans, and should the plan succeed, he'd get rid of both Arc and Akiha.

>> No.2271734

He'd probably need to take Shirou in the eye though. That's a hard shot to take, especially if the guy has his arms up by his head. Harder if the guy is in a fetal position on the ground.

>> No.2271739

Considering that he managed to stalemate True Assassin, I don't think that Kotomine would have much trouble with that shot.

>> No.2271747

No. Roa doesn't make deals with people. He just stabs Ciel with Black Keys and insults Shiki.

>> No.2271751

Harder if the guy is made of swords.

>> No.2271766
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why no one want archer route?

>> No.2271768

He's made deals with Nero in the past. Granted, that was before he rotted his mind proper away in an attempt at immortality.

>> No.2271781

UBW was the Archer route, with a Rin sex scene.

>> No.2271786

We only saw Kotomine land one hit with the Black Keys against True Assassin, and that was because True Assassin didn't consider it worth dodging. That isn't evidence that Kotomine has enough speed and aim when half-dead to hit someone in the eye with a thrown sword given a split-second opening.

>> No.2271811
File: 762 KB, 1280x1024, 1237181682212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Roa get loose then? I'd imagine someone had to release him, since otherwise he would have left his basement while Makihisa was still alive.

Pic related.

>> No.2271814

Nero is not the best definition of 'people'

>> No.2271989

He was at the time! Maybe. Like everything else in the expanded Nasuverse, that's a bit unclear.

>> No.2272430

Did I just see Archer there?

>> No.2272446

Just your imagination.

>> No.2272458

* Three Beads of Speed (Small)
* One Cup of Spirits
* One Incense of Training (3 Days)

>> No.2272462

Congratulations on getting your free gift key code which will give you access to in game items for Megaten!

Your Gift Code: 4TDN-B65T-BPNA-0461

>> No.2272474

When restraining dangerous creatures in basements, people tend to make sure they're not completely restrained, as it's much more exciting if there's a chance they'll get out.

>> No.2272479

"Roa" didn't get loose. SHIKI did. Kohaku let him out. But there's no indication that after Roa completely takes over that he conspires with Kohaku. More likely he ignored everything relating to her plans and just went with RAPEMOLESTKILLEATLAUGH.

>> No.2272568

I still think Kohaku is conspiring with Roa, mainly based on Shiki getting a lot of anemia attacks as soon as he starts eating her food, her giving him the package with the knife and bugging him to open it immediately, and finally the bad end where she seems to lead Shiki to Roa. There's also an aesthetic reason, as I find the idea of a traitor in your midst who never does anything horribly anticlimactic. There isn't a lot of direct evidence, though.

>> No.2272965

Well enough speculation, what was the best of the routes that WERE in the game. Generally speaking the opinion seems to be that UBW was the best and HF was the worst, and I agree with that.

>> No.2273594
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Archer/Rin/Lancer route.

Shirou gets killed by Ilya, Lancer gets freed from Kotomine and Rin takes a second servant. Then we have One Tsundere and two GAR. It would be epic, sexy, and homoerotic all at once.

>> No.2273610

A little thought on how various routes could happen.

Caster route - Very early in the game, Issei asks Shirou to help him out at the temple to fix something important. Shirou agrees, and when he's done and its dark out sees Caster stumbling along in bad shape. He goes to her and she passes out in his arms. He takes her home and feeds her. She grabs his arm and tells him her story, and is happy to realize he's at least a magus, even if a weak one. She asks him for mana transfusion. Shirou gives her tender lovin.

Seeing opportunity, she doesn't become his servant, she uses mana transfusion to sustain herself and limits her activity to teaching him to conserve her mana. Shirou summons Saber. Shirou x Caster x Saber commences. Caster finds a way to drain small amounts of energy from the populous without actually hurting them. The three of them proceed to absolutely dominate the other masters. Kotomine realizes how deadly they are and has Gilgamesh go and capture Caster while Saber and Shirou are out. Shirou becomes enraged and they confront Kotomine and Gilgamesh at the temple. True end has Saber destroying the grail and returning to her own time with Caster staying to live with Shirou as his lover, Good End has a theesome end where Shirou is able to maintain them both.

>> No.2273618

Ayako route - When Shirou stays afterwards to finish fixing bows and archery equipment, Ayako comes and helps him finish. They hear sounds of Lancer and Archer's battle outside. Shirou tells her to stay there while he investigates. Normal scene happens. After Rin heals him, he wakes up and goes to the dojo where a shocked Ayako sees all the blood on him and how woozy he seems. She helps him home. Lancer comes, and tries to kill him and her. Shirou summons Saber, who chases him off. Ayako has no clue whats going on and is in shock over what she's seen, so Shirou has to explain. Rin comes with Archer. Shirou holds back Saber from killing them. Rin becomes jealous that Ayako is there with Shirou. Saber and Shirou decide that they need to keep Ayako at Shirou's house because Lancer will just try to kill her again when she's alone for witnessing the fight.

Rin becomes an antagonist. She offers her help but its only because she has a crush on Shirou and doesn't want to lose out on him to her best friend. When its clear Ayako and Shirou become very close and start depending on each other, she shuts off her heart and goes into ruthless master mode, attempting to defeat them with Archer, who gladly agrees. The two sides fight, Archer reveals himself to be heroic spirit Emiya, has a war of words with Shirou, and Shirou learns UBW. He projects a bow for Ayako to use, allowing her to help after she insists she isn't going to sit on the sidelines and watch him get hurt as they've developed romantic feelings for each other. Saber and Shirou beat Rin and Archer. Shirou doesn't kill Rin, and although hurt she can't have Shirou, withdraws from the war and promises not to try and fight anymore. Shirou comes home exhausted, and lays down on his futon. Ayako comes into his room and admits she's had a crush on him for awhile, Shirou jackhammering commences. They go on to defeat Gilgamesh and Kotomine.

>> No.2273693

And Rin bangs Archer?

>> No.2273710

Yet more awesome stuff that will never ever happen...dammit...

>> No.2273714

Rin bangs Archer TO DEATH in order to take all his mana for a suicidal final attack.

>> No.2273718

I love how all the ALTERNATIVES feature no Sakura.
This would make SO much more sense if you have Sakura (as a member of the club) going mad and trying to do so with Rider ( no Shadow and Black Sakura in this scenario).
Plus, we can make this a 'Rin dies early' scenario due to a fuck-up by Shirou(sacrifice, false judgement etc), and Archer gets fucking pissed, thus for the next 2 days, he goes after Shirou in every possible way.

>> No.2273721

And it ends in lancer and archer having manly gay sex, while Rin sits in the corner by herself, having to settle for masturbation.

>> No.2273737

True Assassin route - Branches off of HF. After Shirou loses Saber at the temple, he's splashed lightly by some of the black substance from the grail. He manages to flee thanks to Rider's interference. When he gets home and falls asleep, he starts to have dreams of killing people. What shocks him is how much he's enjoying himself in those dreams.

Sakura's corruption to the grail taint proceeds. She goes to the Matou house, and Shinji tries to rape her. She splatters him on the walls. Zouken appears, shocked at how much faster the taint is spreading, and ends up getting splattered by an angry Sakura as well. True Assassin, now barely clinging to his existance, seeks out the only other servantless master, Shirou. He offers his services to Shirou who normally would be reluctant to accept an evil servant, but the grail taint thats messing with his mind and the corrupting dreams cause him to accept.

After bonding with True Assassin and having access to his dreams that night Shirou sees Hassan's past and all of the assassinations he's done. Grail tainted, the rush from the kill thrills him.

>> No.2273780
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>>2273718 If Rin died early and Archer was masterless he'd probably form a pact with Caster to kill Shirou. But yes, Archer would be pissed and trying to murder EVERYONE.

Or, rather, Berserker gets killed and Archer becomes Ilya's Servant.

>> No.2273801

can he have girl hassan or loli hassan from zero?

>> No.2273821


Shirou wakes up with the burning urge to kill something, and goes along with True Assassin to the other side of the city in the middle of the night. He finds a man walking and starts to follow him. He sneaks up behind the guy, traces a short sword, and proceeds to murder him. Shirou is hooked on the thrill. Assassin is impressed with Shirou's lack of morals. He comes home with a high, and finds Dark Sakura waiting for him.

Sakura angrily confronts him yandere style, asking him if he wants to fuck that whore Rin. With his primal desires pushed to the front of his mind due to his corruption, he looks at Sakura and tells her he'd much rather have her. Sakura looks shocked momentarily, but then drags Shirou to the bedroom and proceeds to screw his brains out. Choking, rough anal, and other fun things happen. Finally sated, Sakura admits she wants to punish Rin. Shirou agrees, thinking it will be fun.

The combo of Sakura x Rider x Shirou x True Assassin is too much for Rin and Archer to handle. Archer is severely wounded and shocked at how evil this version of his past is, and has to run to keep a chance of saving Rin possible. Sakura and Shirou take Rin back to the Emiya house, and proceed to rape her. Sakura makes Rin eat her out while Shirou pounds her from behind. Taiga walks in and is shocked by what she's seeing, too stunned to even move. Shirou walks over and drags her to the ground, where she's restrained by Sakura's magic and proceeds to rape her as well. Sakura feels guilty about Taiga since she and Shirou were the only two people to care for her and erases her memory of the event, but leaves Rin to suffer.

>> No.2273822
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Fuck that, F/sn Hassan is the most moe Hassan.

>> No.2273834
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I thought I was the only one, Anonymous.

>> No.2273867


Archer trys to save Rin by baiting Shirou away, telling him he's a future version of himself. They fight, and the taint from the grail brings out Shirou's latent talents, allowing him to fight almost on par with Archer. While Archer is tied up in battle, True Assassin uses his Zabinaya to surprise Archer and take his heart. Before he dies, he warns Shirou that the path he's on will only lead to suffering, both his own and others.

True Assassin sees the potential in Shirou, and decides to teach him a few techniques. Shirou traces Assassin's darks, and learns to throw them. After killing several more random townspeople, and removing Berserker from the picture, they go after Kotomine and Lancer to end it. An epic fight between Kotomine and Shirou commences, Kotomine throwing Black Keys and Shirou throwing Darks. Eventually it comes down to hand to hand, where Shirou is able to kill Kotomine, but not before he admits his satisfaction in seeing the adopted son of Kiritsugu fall so far and cause so much suffering. Sakura and Rider are able to overpower and defeat Lancer (who had not been killed by True Assassin early on).

The Ending - Avenger is born from the tainted grail, and is happy to join Sakura and Shirou in their murderous ways. Sakura x Shirou x Rider x True Assassin x Avenger dark ending.

>> No.2273870

Sounds like a long Bad End. And not a FSN bad end, a Tsukihime one, with all the rape and murder in the form of a fake acid trip that entails.

>> No.2273874

Yep, that's a Tsukihime level bad end right there.

>> No.2273875

Why doesn't Archer just snipe Shirou at this point?

>> No.2273889

Because he's an idiot who only uses his bow in Close to Mid range?

>> No.2273894
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How dare you question the hypothetical plot? You ungrateful idiot.

>> No.2273898
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Shirou isn't nanaya shiki.

I don't like the idea of him becoming a dick of a murderer.

he'd go honorable code assassin if anything or crazed moralfag.

>> No.2273905
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Archer, actually managing to access the record with his promise to Rin in UBW is summoned for the umpeemth time in the Grail War. Deciding to simply say, "Fuck it," Archer tells Rin exactly who he was, what he had been doing and all he knows about the war. He comes completely clean with her and even tells her the Grail is corrupt and there's no wish, that it needs to be destroyed.

>> No.2273921
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Does it strike anyone besides me as odd that Nasu listed fucking Gilgamesh (maniac that thinks he owns the world) as Chaotic Good and fake Assassin (honorable and loyal samurai) as Neutral Evil?

>> No.2273924

This would actually be a refreshing change of pace...though I'd think that Rin would just laugh at his face at first.

>> No.2273929

So you don't like the idea? I realize that yes, Shirou is nothing like Nanaya but still it would be an interesting route, after playing the first three it would certainly be a good mindfuck for the reader. Its not a good end, and not a bad end (bad end in the sense Shirou dies). Its just an end where he throws it away and becomes an evil prick.

If this had been a 4th route, where would it rank in popularity against Fate, UBW, and HF?

>> No.2273931

fake assassin was a neutral evil man in life
gilgamesh saved the planet earth and was a pretty cool guy back before he had all the evil in the world poured down his pants and his buddy enkidu died.

Rider chaotic good though Lulz.

>> No.2273932

This is by far the best scenario I've read.

My only suggestion is an actual Rin route, not the Archer route with a side of Rin. Not that I dislike Archer, but damn.

Or fuck, scrap that and let's make the game from Rin's perspective. ARCHER ROUTE, SABER ROUTE, LANCER ROUTE, GIL ROUTE, SAKURA ROUTE.

Maybe Ilya route because that tickles my fancy.

>> No.2273933

Sasaki Kojiro...HONORABLE?! He was a womanizer and a dick to everything that didn't involve his swordplay. That is why he should be Chaotic Neutral, only out there for his own gains.

>> No.2273938

Below HF, as most hate that because it's just so bloody depressing, even forcing you to kill SABER.

As for not liking the idea (I posted the Tsukihime comments, but not the Watchmen one), I do in the sense that it'd hit you like a brick in the face.

Note: the game does in fact distinguish Dead Ends from Bad Ends, though they both send you to Taiga and Ilya anyway.

>> No.2273939

I think it has to due with the fact that Gilgamesh was chaotic good before his grail taint, and Assassin's is based on the alignment of his profession and his summoner.

>> No.2273941

>>2273933 only out there for his own gains
That's called neutral evil, bro.

>> No.2273945



>> No.2273950

Shirou doesn't kill Saber, she's killed by the grail taint. For some people, killing Saber would be a plus.

>> No.2273953

If they get their alignment because of their old lives, then why is Berserker listed as Chaotic Insane (which isn't an alignment at all, bringing me back to my original point) when Hercules, while not exactly a pure and honorable guy, wasn't... yeah.

>> No.2273959

Not many people, and the end result is the same: dead Saber, after two routes of making us want to give her a hug (well, more than a hug, but whatever.)

>> No.2273966

hercules killed his family in insanity.

he was still quite broken minded by the time he killed he achieved godhood.

>> No.2273967

holy fucking shit

I came everywhere for the love of god fund it.

>> No.2273973

Could always modify it so that its Shirou Sakura Rider True Assassin and Dark Saber

>> No.2273974
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That's harsh, guy.

>> No.2273975

But he was WAY more put together than Berserker (killing his family was something Hera did to him, when he came to his sense- you know the story, why am I bothering?)

>> No.2273978
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Well, after she laughs in his face he'll tell her something insanely personal that would make her shut up. "Matou Sakura is your sister and your name is Tohsaka Rin."

Then we get Rin learning his back story and Archer actually opening up and getting his frustration out.

Rin as the lead for the win! Seriously, the best part of FSN was the fucking prologue.

>> No.2273980

If at the end they foreshadow a descent on the town from Tsukihime, this will be the most depressing, yet most fuckwin ending ever.

>> No.2273986

I must be the only one who didn't like the prologue.

Rin's thoughts are boring, goddamn.

>> No.2273987

Best end

>> No.2273988

Indeed. Maybe throw in a Dark Lancer for the fuck of it?

>> No.2273988,1 [INTERNAL] 

ghost side archival for a few good ideas

>> No.2273992

Sure, Sakura and Shirou could give Rin to Dark Lancer as his plaything.

>> No.2273995
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Well, the interaction between Rin and Archer was priceless. Also, interesting to note is that Shirou's thoughts of Rin mirrors hers about Archer.

>> No.2273996

Much better.

>> No.2273997

Chaotic Neutral

Chaotic neutral is called the "Anarchist" or "Free Spirit" alignment. A character of this alignment is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, shirks rules and traditions. They typically act out of self-interest, but do not specifically enjoy seeing others suffer.

Yeah...copypasta...but it fits him better.

>> No.2273998

Nah, it's the ugly ones that have the most magical energy.

>> No.2274001

Lancer also is better suited to that, yet instead his Lawful Neutral.

>> No.2274003
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It would work, somehow, and we would love it.

>> No.2274012

While it'll never be nearly as awesome as some alternate routes here, the HA patch will probably take care of quite a bit of our FSN wants. First of all, you get to fuck Sakura and Rider at the same time, which is just awesome.

>> No.2274015

I'd rather have Illya and Taiga.

>> No.2274016

That is because of his Geis and the fact that he was a Hero from the start. Kojiro just became infamous and it went from there...hell, Kojiro might not have even existed and Fake Assassin could just be another Hassan Trolling everyone for the LULZ!

>> No.2274019

The lack of Saber and Rin disappoints but the fact that you can even FUCK Rider is good as well.

>> No.2274033

Well these are the things doujins are for. Speaking of which, does anyone know what Crazy Clover Club has been up to recently, or if they broke up or anything like that?

>> No.2274040

glad someone liked it

>> No.2274041

Maybe they all got hired by Type-Moon?

>> No.2274047
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>> No.2274052

And it's actually plausible! But...whatever happened to Black Saber after Saber got offed in the temple? Just got turned to tang like everyone else?

>> No.2274064

Originally yeah, but she could easily be worked into the story.

>> No.2274065

Black Saber and Black Lancer got added in to the group.


And then there's this:

>> No.2274080

Hell! While we're at it! Let's have Touko, Ryougi, Azaka, Fujino and Mikiya visit Misaki City a little before Dark Shirou and company arrive (They're there because of a job from the church as freelancers or something) and the Misaki City Team would be the ones from Melty Blood and not Tsukihime...My head hurts now...

>> No.2274082
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Now see, it's that kind of thing that merits an "I came."

>> No.2274085

So, Battle Moon Wars, but GRIMDARK instead of hilarious and strange as fuck?

>> No.2274095

Gods I need to find Fate/Zero. A good and honorable Gilgamesh sounds like a crazy man's dream.

>> No.2274097

And makes more sense without the whole 'WHY THE HELL IS *insert name of supposedly dead enemy* ALIVE AGAIN?!' thing.

Oh, and by the way, Zel decides to pop in that dimension intervene in the battle that may destroy that particular Earth.

>> No.2274114

If you were trying to find something that made sense about Battle Moon Wars, you were about 12 genres away from the right spot.

>> No.2274326

/r/ing magical girl arc vs Gilgamesh scene. Any scene.

>> No.2276088

Ren's Caster Route:

Anonymous Caster Route:

Which is /jp/'s official Caster Route?
