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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 263 KB, 794x636, 0265465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22626803 No.22626803 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous Thread: >>22615835

You can learn Japanese.

>> No.22626810

you can learn japanese vocabulary and grammar, but you can't learn the language as a whole

>> No.22626813

finally mastered 干支. all 60 years acquired.

>> No.22626824


this is impressive

>> No.22626858
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>> No.22626881
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>> No.22626894


>> No.22626903


>> No.22626942




>> No.22626971


>> No.22627027


>> No.22627202

lost 5 kg since end of september down 38 kg now in total. now if only i could acquire japanese that'd be nice.

>> No.22627265

that new 禰豆子 and 逸善 doujin

>> No.22627277





>> No.22627283


>> No.22627356


>> No.22627381

where can i find it

>> No.22627391
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>> No.22627408
File: 55 KB, 1295x438, 1566018571105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to follow this guide, website one is outdated

>> No.22627443


>> No.22627516

just read the back of some frozen veggies and it says it's 賞味期限 is a few months into 2021
this baffles me quite a bit

>> No.22627518



>> No.22627532

Rotting is dishonorable.

>> No.22627568


Which of the 500 uses of な is that at the end? A shortened form of ない would make the most sense but I've never heard of such a thing. The other options are command form or the other version of the ね particle

>> No.22627576

read tae kim

>> No.22627594

>but I've never heard of such a thing.
never watched an episode of anime in your life?

>> No.22627634 [DELETED] 

why are you here

>> No.22627676

dorama acting is so fucking cringy. even the acting in my small slav country feels more natural than that.

>> No.22627680

tfw eternally sad and now banned too
wtf bros

>> No.22627686
File: 95 KB, 578x978, eurocentrism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chris is the best japanese learner ever. dude is smart as shit.

>> No.22627687

it's not supposed to be natural. do you go to a theatre and complain the acting is cringy cause they're too expressive?

>> No.22627697

Why も instead of と or something else?
Does も have some secondary meaning of repeating something?

>> No.22627701

no he's implying they are unable to act when in fact that's exactly what they're doing! is it because they have small brains that they can't appreciate acting?

>> No.22627707

it's not theater though. theatrical acting doesn't work on tv. there are tons of japanese movies that have good acting, why not on tv too?
oh it's you, stfu manlet

>> No.22627708

you're not supposed to read tae kim and pick apart every single detail of every sentence you're just supposed to get a basic idea of how to read then figure this shit out for yourself through thousands of hours input so please stop asking these questions because the answer isn't going to help you learn japanese

>> No.22627711

whats your discord info?

>> No.22627722

you just have a very angloamerican-centric view of what acting is so im afraid your racist views can't be cured and there's no point arguing about it.

>> No.22627753

good acting is subjective though. i prefer japanese style acting personally.

>> No.22627757
File: 41 KB, 470x470, kasa75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consuming more > studying grammar

>> No.22627759

it's either weeb delusion or low iq not many other explanations for that unfortunately

>> No.22627776

japanese have extremely high iq on average yet they prefer that style of acting (otherwise it wouldn't be popular; as you said they are capable of other styles of acting in movies too). which is why it's ultimately just racism that informs your viewpoint cause you think there is a monolithic "good" which is essentially defined by "what is popular in europe and america".

>> No.22627777



>> No.22627782

I mean watch 万引家族 or Tokyo Story and you'll see that good Japanese acting is more similar to western good acting although not quite there. Point is that most Japanese media has very bad acting. But when the acting is bad all around it probably doesn't bother you as a Japanese since it's normal for you

>> No.22627804
File: 6 KB, 688x152, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da cannot come after i adjective

>> No.22627825

it might be worth looking at some of the results before you draw any conclusions

>> No.22627838

is there a private tracker for dorama or do i have to trick some streaming site into thinking im nihonjin

>> No.22627851


>> No.22627866

it's the time of the year again
time for un届kable love

>> No.22627868

im looking at pics of its interface and can swear it either used to be public or i had an account either way time get power user on ab and wait for apps to open ty lads

>> No.22627874

dick didnt flinch

>> No.22627888


>> No.22627893

wish i had this passion for anything

>> No.22627904

i really wish there was a vn that could emulate what reading the トラブル manga did to my heart

>> No.22627966

wtf it better had a built in onahole for that price

>> No.22627995

watching anime on his ipod in the stall during lunch sounds like true assimilation to me

>> No.22628016

asane hamster

>> No.22628023

tfw everything fucking sucks so i'll have nothing to be nostalgic about in 30 years

>> No.22628031

post 2010 nukige are far better than the old stuff
that's one thing you could be nostalgic about in 30 years

>> No.22628085


yeah this is actually interesting as hell, the OP u posted earlier got me to click this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vINDEPAEtY0

read the description this guy is a fuckin champ i wish i was cool enough to just be like im about this 日本語 life time to import blue sky blues

>> No.22628203

i dont have an issue with orchestral stuff in fact one of the reasons i like logh so much is because the music but that's just really amateur shit

>> No.22628226
File: 1.76 MB, 2700x2450, japanese novels literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which ones are good??

>> No.22628243

dno ask /lit/

>> No.22628287
File: 174 KB, 708x400, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22628290

they don't read books either, so....

>> No.22628309

lots of pretentious bullshit on that list

>> No.22628320

all of them are worth reading im sure

>> No.22628327
File: 66 KB, 819x397, 1iQLmdL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill never understand how people say this when the first thing you see in ep 1 is a giant nine tailed fox lol

>> No.22628466

i think weve finally reached a peaceful time once again but a new enemy has risen in the form of post deleter guy >>22628441

>> No.22628482


>> No.22628560

how tf did nuke end up learning words like 手渡し,神経, 結構 +15 years into "ajatt"?

>> No.22628703
File: 2.94 MB, 854x480, whatisthis-2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you not like this acting??

>> No.22628704

you probably wont be able to get axanael to run so not that

>> No.22628727

i love the zabuza arc but right from the first episode theyve got guys coming out of 2 inch puddles never mind the spawning water prisons and dragons or teleporting through ice mirrors shit i dont see how thats comparable to roping into castles in the middle of the night and making copies of the enemy generals battle plans or whatever

>> No.22628747


Yotsuba ampersand is TRASH both as a material for beginners to use due to the slang and improper sentences and also the fact that its not very entertaining

>> No.22628775

you'll soon quit persona cuz it's too mendoukusai too look up shit manually
and if you're still bad you'll have a ton of stuff to look up
you'll probably have a better time with something hookable

>> No.22628795

haha good one bro

>> No.22628802

i still do well on those, in general i can read just fine at this point
but it feels so good to just fly through the text in the voiced sections without getting caught up on any readings

>> No.22628818

should make you think dang i rly gotta lvl up my reading ability. you should be flying thru reading txt similar to how you hear it spoken.

>> No.22628877

should i read the shana ln or watch the anime

>> No.22628899

on the animecards site there's a pastebin link that's supposed to be a guide for getting a sharex setup working on linux. it's been removed though, does anyone still have it?

>> No.22628916

idk but someone on discord might
you can find a link to it by way of itazura

>> No.22628931

i watched this raw while doing rtk and i wanted to kill myself.

>> No.22628935

was it really that bad?

>> No.22628948

tell 'em to try a particularly hard passage that requires some advanced intuition lost on taekimmers.

>> No.22628966

lmao dont press the spacebar

>> No.22628993

just turn off live conversion dumbass

>> No.22629077

Well, I'm gonna go the hard way and pick JALUP's sentence card pack for only $299.99

>> No.22629109

buy dollys books :)

>> No.22629131

it's a redditpasta, you dumb niggers

>> No.22629133

so much anime and visual novels and books you can download for free online and watch youtube forever. actually instead i think i will buy and read a text book or ""grammar" "guide"" in english :)

>> No.22629146

interesting, my 肉棒 is getting hard but i havent even enjoyed masturbating for the last 3 days

>> No.22629166


>> No.22629174

i don't browse reddit but it's always painfully obvious which posts are from there

>> No.22629191

can someone link me to a single good uppercaser post i don't think it's possible

>> No.22629192

Can someone link anon to this post?

>> No.22629200

the kanken dude recommended me some kanbun books in uppercase

>> No.22629203

Was it easy for you to "transition" from anime to drama and/or audiobooks or were the latter two a whole different ball game? I don't want to start listening to the latter two until I get to a decent level with anime.

>> No.22629213

based qm shitting on open source os kids

>> No.22629215

that's actually bad cause you shouldn't be wasting your time reading that stuff it's for giganerds

>> No.22629262

i didn't realize the digimon movie predated the series but it makes sense

>> No.22629268

look at this fool
what do you have to hide

>> No.22629355

where do yall get the autism to do more than 7 per day

>> No.22629370

remember to hit up yoga for tips

>> No.22629382

From what I've seen so far Yoga has done a very terrible job. Honestly I have never looked at any of his work so I can't say how good he is but all his plugins are kind of terrible. Not even something as simple as the retirement add-on works without breaking Anki and he refused to admit it for the longest time until several people talked shit about him for it and he finally managed to figure out what he fucked up (but still not fixed). And the more complicated pitch accent or full MIA add-on or whatever fucks with cards and styling in an irreversible way which is also something he got shit for. Not to mention how banal all the shit implemented with that plugin is, like google images inside Anki and ShareX inside Anki. Mindless shit you nobody needs.
But who knows maybe I'm just misassessing the situation and he is genius I'm still a programming noob myself after all.

>> No.22629416

it takes 1 click to make a card

>> No.22629432

no point just give up

>> No.22629440

Definitely not man, seems we have different recollections of how the thread used to be. Next thing you are going to tell me smaller case posting was also a thing way back then.

I am entirely in support of 'read more' by the way.

>> No.22629467

ive been lowercase posting since 2007 i always knew it was the way forward

>> No.22629476

wasoru deletes past posts bcus it costs too much server money to keep 100% of everything from 3 years ago

>> No.22629508

>uppercasers are phoneposters
i'd never thought of it that way
i remember qm said he blocked 4chan on his computer, and was only posting from cell phone at some point.

>> No.22629517

I occasionally do that because I spend less time on my phone than my PC but right now I'm not. I just always post like this everywhere on 4chan as that's how it is done on every board that isn't terrible.
When I'm posting with a trip at least I'm certainly not because I can't remember the trip and it's just part of my posting settings for this place.

>> No.22629525

i lowercase post even when im posting on my phone because im dedicated

>> No.22629530

only adds to the hilarity.
name a funnier character.

>> No.22629534 [DELETED] 

one time a lowercase girl was sitting in front of me in class, i could tell because i looked at her phone. she was typing in lowercase and all her contacts names were in lowercase as well. thats pretty hot in my opinion

>> No.22629553 [DELETED] 

was she asian and have you fucked her yet or are you planning to

>> No.22629554 [DELETED] 

it's pretty common these days especially among people who use twitter or tumblr etc

>> No.22629572 [DELETED] 

>Lowercasers are nomies
Just as I expected

>> No.22629580

le epic puff puff man is NOT funny.

>> No.22629583

/djt/ is a normie thread

>> No.22629584 [DELETED] 

stfu phoneposter

>> No.22629585

you'll have to elaborate because im not sure what you're trying to say here or what basis you have for saying it.

>> No.22629591

why do some people say "normie" instead of normalFAG?

>> No.22629601

adult goku

>> No.22629603

no more oldfags left here just a bunch of kiddies who got introduced to the sekrit club by twitter or some shit and you cant say fag on mainstream media so theyre used to saying normie instead

>> No.22629610

i never used ___fag because it was always cringe 10 year old stuff to me, not because i'm a fag leftist.

>> No.22629615

Because it makes you do that
Also my mom said bad word are bad

>> No.22629619

my perception of time has been fucked by neetdom so i cant fight you in that one but i feel like i remember it started as an ironic r9k and s4s thing more than 5 years ago but less than 10

>> No.22629635

i dont even know when s4s was made i just put that there cause i think i remembered that theyre one of the boards that gets their shit stolen like sp
its all a blur but i think it started with r9k during the pepe variant boom and the good boy points wagie tendies shit but idk imma need you to enlighten me

>> No.22629669

Is it even worth reading when you start learning since you won't be really be able to understand most sentences?

>> No.22629673

Probably not. Stick to subtitled anime.

>> No.22629675

is the sooner you start the better

>> No.22629678

*Japanese subtitled

>> No.22629695


>> No.22629697

fuck it bros im just gonna aim for 20 new cards a day similar to our kings matt and qm

>> No.22629699

yeah its the fundamental paradox of language learning. only way to learn something is to learn that you dont know something. you find lots of things you dont know by reading

>> No.22629736

gonna do 1000 new cards a day and be fluent in a month
wish me luck anikis

>> No.22629779

20k and we have a deal

>> No.22629856
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What keeps you going?

>> No.22629881

you can stop wondering cause there's not

>> No.22629888


>> No.22629911

>i laughed at the japanese but not at the english
banger for this feel

>> No.22629931

is matt dead lmfao

>> No.22629959

matt is mia khatz is kia nuke sucks kaufmans pratically brain dead whos our language guru now

>> No.22629967

you already know the way by now. you have to walk it for yourself

>> No.22629970


>> No.22629994

im talking about terraria obviously

>> No.22630004

matt never did more than 10 per day
i know this because someone posted one of his tweets about that recently

>> No.22630014

matt did sentence cards so in a sense he was doing 50+ cards a day assuming his sentences averaged 5 or more words.

>> No.22630026

10 sentence cards is not the same as 50 vocab cards.

>> No.22630029

you're right, sentence cards may be the equivalent of like 100 vocab cards because you're acquiring while you're doing your reps and that's not something vocab cards can do.

>> No.22630143

why do i see more references to people visiting america (vacation, business trips, etc.) than visiting china in anime and other japanese media

>> No.22630170

do they no longer want to after destroying them in 2 wars?

>> No.22630305

month 4 of listening focused training and i'm starting to believe it really is a critical mass thing, once you start to transcend the sounds uniqueness you start to just absorb the stuff you really want

>> No.22630358
File: 352 KB, 1067x583, kekkondekinaiotoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched 5 episodes of this garbage

>> No.22630359

thx for taking part
seems like everyone else who know nihongo got banned

>> No.22630400

around 10k but i couldnt hear but maybe a thousand and started doing listening all day now i can hear 5 thousandish and with ease, it's just cool knowing it actually works

>> No.22630404

all japanese "drama" is a cringefest

>> No.22630446

深夜食堂 is pretty comfy tb正直

>> No.22630459

Um bro I already programmatically created the best core deck. It's called EZ Core 600

>> No.22630613

i don't feed them but i like a bunch of jdramas, some are pretty bad but like hallmark channel tier but 90% of the ones i've seen were worth it and usually pretty emotional and interesting

>> No.22630744
File: 490 KB, 1920x1080, ゼロの使い魔 S01E04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i hear is taiga
it's not only the same voice but pretty much the same character

>> No.22630768


>> No.22630811
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>> No.22630840
File: 223 KB, 2048x1170, 1572286345932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22631003

who would have thought listening more gets you better at listening

>> No.22631032

being both a リア充 and オタク is the life
i’m jealous of those who can pull off both

>> No.22631039

>started doing listening all day
how many hours a day avg
and listening to what specifically?

>> No.22631079

let's use this song to learn the days of the week :)

>> No.22631103

lets learn about the input hypothesis :3

>> No.22631105

i do about 10 hours a day of active listening and the rest of the day is passive listening
i dont know whats helping the most but the things i used to get better:
every single episdode of terrace house
audio books
about 5 anime episodes a day
jdramas and movies
music and i'm constantly looking up lyrics
anki decks i converted into listening (underrated technique for forming sound memories)

>> No.22631110

just 10 hours of active listening a day for 6 months and you'll be able to hear 5000 out of 10000 words you knew bro :)

>> No.22631118

kill smiley poster

>> No.22631123

does it make you feel better or worse if that was the first time i posted a smiley in this thread

>> No.22631133

i think the original smiley poster is that stupid manlet ciaran
so i agree with your recommendation moe

>> No.22631135

folk banger

>> No.22631137


>> No.22631214 [DELETED] 

why are the minds of our youth so damaged and poisoned?

>> No.22631224 [DELETED] 

porn and social media

>> No.22631232 [DELETED] 

Stop blaming everybody and everything else.
Because the world is telling you something,
it’s telling you exactly what is wrong with you and how to fix it.
Seek not abroad, turn back into thyself,
for in the inner man dwells the truth.

>> No.22631236

smiley poster is our friend... he's here to help us...

>> No.22631240 [DELETED] 

dam thats a mood

>> No.22631319


>> No.22631337

its the spreadsheet every time

>> No.22631445

okay why ist not on the COR
where is it and how did you make it

>> No.22631584

It's not in COR because I don't use discord.

This is the deck https://i.fiery.me/9bg7.apkg

It's gets words from wareya's frequency list and then programmatically gets definitions and voiced audio for them

>> No.22631713



>> No.22631789

dunno but youre pretty based for actually reading japanese language stuff hats off to you

>> No.22631790

google 頭一つ抜けている

>> No.22631836


>> No.22631864 [DELETED] 


LMFAO and you guys told me gaijin cant become real japanese.....

>> No.22631912

is there a way to download large files on mega without downloading any software?

>> No.22632060
File: 169 KB, 733x789, stats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22632102

You're 32 days in right? I wonder how it calculates the 470 daily average because I tried and failed getting it from the other numbers there.

>> No.22632157

the streak tells you how long he's continuously been at it (or when was the last time they took a break), not when they got started

>> No.22632166

you gotta use chrome for that.

>> No.22632182

Does the 100% days learned mean something else than the obvious then?

>> No.22632201
File: 1 KB, 213x47, view by period options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, not really. the thing is, on anki, if you're looking at your statistics, you can select one of these 3 options, which is where the "Days studied" number and other such info is taken from.

>> No.22632205
File: 50 KB, 525x287, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22632211

barely got any input and did no new cards in two days due to circumstances and im feeling the guilt bros

>> No.22632231

so that autistic motivational enlightenment shitposting last week wasnt you?

>> No.22632253

stuff like this

>> No.22632278

Oh it was me and I was indeed reading Japanese at that time. That's around the time I finished Demonbane and moved on to read another VN, but I got bored again and reading my second VN hasn't taken off. The thing I want to do rather than occasional motivational boosts that make me do something for a day and then nothing for 3 days is make a more consistent effort. Physical health is probably a part of getting into the right mindset especially as a part of building discipline.

>> No.22632289

discipline equals freedom tbqh though i havent missed a workout in 3 months even when i dont feel like it at all but get lazy about japanese frequently so im not sure it's that simple

>> No.22632313
File: 34 KB, 703x229, anki_enLNsQTTtt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you can work it out from this one

>> No.22632343

So the 100% only refers to the 1 month but the 470 takes into account a longer period? The closest I got to 470 without exceeding it was by doing something weird by adding the past month and past week together and dividing it by 29. Calculating the most obvious ways left a pretty big margin.

>> No.22632370

That says you've been at it at least 11 years.

>> No.22632374

the numbers below the % are for "true reps". if you look at how many cards i actually did that day (at the top) it's much more

>> No.22632390

Oh I guess that's ciaran for a second I thought there was a new guy with 45k learned cards.

>> No.22632396

my anki stats only go back to july 2012

>> No.22632404

The top actually makes sense. I just got curious because when I did try the bottom numbers it didn't. I still don't get it but I guess it's just one of those things.

>> No.22632410 [DELETED] 

fuck off manlet fuckhead

>> No.22632422 [DELETED] 

why do you have to be so hostile? i haven't done anything wrong.

>> No.22632423 [DELETED] 

stop compensating for your tiny stature by flexing ur anki shit manlet

>> No.22632450 [DELETED] 

you seem very angry for no reason. i though it was supposed to be us short guys who were mad all the time, lol!

>> No.22632457 [DELETED] 

u cant bait me with that sub 100iq shit dude

>> No.22632524
File: 23 KB, 636x482, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.22632576



>> No.22632578

Decided to start reading stuff last night (fate kaleid prisma ilya 2wei) even though I'm at an N6 level, and it's crazy how many times って appeared in the pages I read and looking online that's apparently N3 grammar level. How is something which is so common so far away in terms of when you get taught it?

>> No.22632583


>> No.22632587

everything up to n2 is extremely common
also i'm pretty sure it shows up very early in your usual guides and textbooks even if it's labeled as n3

>> No.22632605

because jlpt levels are meaningless but their reasoning is probably that you need to learn other stuff, like regular と, before you can comprehend it properly

>> No.22632628

ok makes sense

>> No.22632677

I just checked this out by the way and I think it's a terrible deck. Far far from the idea I had.
But it's pointless to talk about it unless I actually bother making it. Your deck however I wouldn't recommend to anyone.

>> No.22632688
File: 7 KB, 725x148, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22632766
File: 60 KB, 661x433, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a mature retention rate that hovers between 50 and 66% it is simply impossible to learn this language. it's over.

>> No.22632770

i'd never noticed that ciaran was the anti-mal poster, but it makes sense

>> No.22632782

it's 72% tho

>> No.22632786

Well what's he gonna put on his mal, boring scream-fest shonen #6? Haha.

>> No.22632795

ciaran knows japanese though and hes only watched like 30 anime

>> No.22632797

what is the difference between 無関係 and 関係なし

>> No.22632814

ciaran isn't the hxh guy

>> No.22632816

I'm guessing you got 1 out of 3 supermature cards wrong after 32 days. Yeah you can't make it. Give up.

>> No.22632819

imagining a situation where i bring a girl with a body like 田中瞳 home to meet my parents

>> No.22632835

both me and hxh guy have only seen 30 anime

>> No.22632842

oh nvm nvm i was fuckin right as usual

>> No.22632848

supermature rate*

>> No.22632850

a 1000+ series guy said that hxh was one of the best shounen shows

>> No.22632870

not really a controversial sentiment.

>> No.22632877 [DELETED] 

shonen is probably the one good genre. it makes the most of the animated medium whereas other anime that are just trying to do comedy or serious drama are by far outclassed by live action or literature. the excitement to be found in shonen anime is unparalleled in live action or text based media however.

>> No.22632886 [DELETED] 

for good shonen this is true but not for dbz

>> No.22632898 [DELETED] 

pointless assertion since comparing shounen to any of the genres not classified based on the target audience (ie fantasy, sci-fi, comedy) makes no sense since shounen can be all of those as well.

>> No.22632904 [DELETED] 

There isn't a live action series I enjoy as much as LoGH so you're wrong.

>> No.22632905

just read 唸り as うねり it's over bros

>> No.22632907 [DELETED] 

shonen is not simply a classification based on age though.

>> No.22632921 [DELETED] 

logh doesn't need to be an anime though. it exhibits almost nothing of the medium itself.

>> No.22632940 [DELETED] 

it would be incredibly good.

>> No.22632944 [DELETED] 

And? Shonen don't need to be anime. A writer could describe the teleportation and sounds from the fists as they pummel each other at hyper speed. But animated is just more entertaining.

>> No.22632949

still can't stop being amazed that やってやる is a thing in japanese

>> No.22632953 [DELETED] 

my point is that they couldn't do it well without animation and it wouldn't be interesting. logh works just as well as a book or live action and would probably be better in those formats. same goes for every other anime except shonen.

>> No.22632958 [DELETED] 

>be better in those formats

>> No.22632981

That's why you always carry your meishi with you.

>> No.22633043 [DELETED] 

imagine cute characters doing cute shit. then some serious characters doing serious shit. and then throw in some "drama" like one character is sad because their dad disapproves of them or they've remembered some sad thing in their past or some other shallow dumbass thing i don't care about but oh wow they overcome their sadness and come to understand each other. that is probably every slice of life ever (the good ones anyway - in the bad ones literally nothing happens). now add some action, some good animation and a good soundtrack. that's kny. kny is just a straight upgrade over slice of life because it's got all the aspects of slice of life that people like but with pretty colors to stare at. and mind you kny is mediocre as far as shonen goes. the very best slice of life cannot compare to even mediocre shonen. wow. why does that genre even exist?

>> No.22633060

why is this deleted? another great rambling post from kny guy. you're hxh guy as well right?

>> No.22633104
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, 1555888336280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are the most alpha protags of the 2000s? say what u want about jojo but jotaro aint no bitch chef

>> No.22633135 [DELETED] 

how is this post deletion worthy but not the previous few dozen discussing anime vs live action and dbz and logh. it is the inconsistency that is weird to me.

>> No.22633167

i knew a girl in uni who was really into jojo but she hated jotaro and loved giorno

>> No.22633227

have you ever seen a vn character that you really wanted to bang?
me - yes

>> No.22633229

does anyone here know what it means to 珈琲をふりまう
the 国語辞典 didn't help: /

>> No.22633256


>> No.22633274

is it number 2

>> No.22633282

who's that

>> No.22633284

just seeing if u knew that word already or if you had to look it up
guess it's the latter

>> No.22633305

what do you mean I copied it wrong it's straight from the article

>> No.22633306

then post it

>> No.22633310

you wrote furimau instead of furumau

>> No.22633312


>> No.22633326

jamal didnt know

>> No.22633327

i couldn't reply to you cause i can't interpret this 'finna' word yet btw

>> No.22633340

no1 posted a weblio link bro just post the source article so we can laugh at you for saying you copied it right when you didn't

>> No.22633343

wait wtf is 振る舞い酒

>> No.22633349 [DELETED] 

who here likes weed

>> No.22633350

can you not figure that out given this entire conversation my friend

>> No.22633351 [DELETED] 

i like weed but only when someone else furumaus it

>> No.22633352

oh it was a goo link my bad
that def wasn't in sanseidou

>> No.22633353

oof i was thinking about the other meaning of furumau

>> No.22633358

that wasn't me

>> No.22633362

yes it is you probably just looked up ふりまう which isn't a word

>> No.22633367

? whoever it was should be able to figure it out based on this conversation

>> No.22633372

yeah me too at first

>> No.22633373

more like furuゲイ

>> No.22633379

its furuing gei men hallelujah

>> No.22633380

more like ふるちん

>> No.22633381

thanks whichever anon helped

>> No.22633403 [DELETED] 

imagine the absolute state of this janny reading our garbage and deleting posts lmao

>> No.22633404 [DELETED] 

Woah great jan

>> No.22633413

how much can you make translating javs?

>> No.22633425

full mai

>> No.22633443

red, crimson, scarlet

>> No.22633448

imi aru kedo imi nai

>> No.22633458

could you guys post some stats that i can ponder on instead of acquiring nihongo

>> No.22633466

ponder this

>> No.22633478

yeah, not reading ur crippled nihongo bro

>> No.22633484

i didn't write that
copied from an article I read

>> No.22633487

dunno if we can trust people's article copying skills in this thread

>> No.22633489

anon can't tell the diff between real nihongo and gaijin nihongo lol

>> No.22633501

rip janny

>> No.22633504

the only nihongo i even look at in these threads is imoutos posts

>> No.22633506

>meaning of 振 is?
>meaning of 舞 is?

>> No.22633510

i dont read a single post here desu i just use a predictive ml algorithm to tell me what to write so it fits with the thread lol

>> No.22633516

they're the easiest for you to read?

>> No.22633518

gonna drink more pop while watching mother

>> No.22633531

just recovered my 40th gigabyte out of 400 by reallocating those rar files from the world wide web
there's a 不幸中の幸い

>> No.22633534

what does pa tu manaa mean

>> No.22633536

seems to depend on who you ask
some anons keep swearing at her for using only hiragana

>> No.22633554

btw mother's acting isn't that bad since it's not theatrical nonsense. japanese people still suck at it compared to westerners though haha.

>> No.22633579

how difficult is oretuba on a scale of 1-10, 1 being hanahira-level and 10 being muramasa-level?

>> No.22633592

for a few weeks

>> No.22633593


>> No.22633598

people think they're selling james joyce level shit as vns or something it's all commercial and therefore highly readable

>> No.22633608

but for real these people are the unsung heroes of our time

>> No.22633611

still, you gotta think of molemen like me who've never stepped beyond their little cave, and can only imagine the universe as big as a cave is in comparison to a bug.

>> No.22633617


>> No.22633711

i am wondering which animes moeimmersionapproach recommends for input for people who suck at listening

>> No.22633728

i am wondering which animes jamal recommends for people who like getting their ass licked

>> No.22633730

he'd probably tell people to just watch lots of sol anime.

>> No.22633740

this wasnt me
t. didnt get my ass licked last weekend either anon

>> No.22633755

wait what the fuck is a 振る舞い出撃

>> No.22633756

最近 i've been thinkin of only mining unique kanji readings

>> No.22633760

fuck 60fps youtube videos

>> No.22633783

saikin ive been thinkin bout her bros...

>> No.22633787

im sorry but posting this IDOL is bannable offense

>> No.22633793

lol jamal

>> No.22633798
File: 28 KB, 586x279, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22633799

i hope jamal gets all the gifts he wants for christmas :)

>> No.22633801

a functioning dick is beyond santas scope of expertise

>> No.22633804

wtf happens at 3am?

>> No.22633806

look closely

>> No.22633815

the dawn of a new anki day


>> No.22633823

bunch of due cards for tha next day get added to ur shit

>> No.22633855


>> No.22633860


>> No.22633861

What's bad about it and what kind do you wanna make? The whole reason I made it autogenerated was so that I could tweak the whole thing easily

>> No.22633862

any vn like eustia? i liked the low fantasy setting and risia arc specifically

>> No.22633880


>> No.22633885

finna watch scryed since there are nip subs this better be good old man

>> No.22633897

name plz

>> No.22633909

if it takes 10 hours of active listening a day for 6 months to hear "5k words with ease" then how do all these ajatters understand "95-100% of non-mecha anime" after 3 hours of active listening for a year i just don't understand why doesn't anyone have an answer

>> No.22633919

his name is ganishka

>> No.22633927

how tf can anyone clAim to know how many words they can hear lol that's even more ridiculous than the % shit it doesn't make any sense whatsoever

>> No.22633931
File: 313 KB, 750x456, 1560517783486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genre: Action, Harem, Romance, Ecchi

>> No.22633932

if i can understand it, then it's gaijin nihongo

>> No.22633933

they lie and/or overestimate their ability.
either way i would not worry about other people.
or percentage numbers.
or hours or days or months.
make every day count is all that matters

>> No.22633937

at least the ones who don't watch with jp subs. how would they even realize.

>> No.22633951

LOL just figured out there's a difference between 直に and 直に

>> No.22633955

this killed me 2 years ago

>> No.22633958

its called bull shit, there are many levels of comprehension of words and how they play out in sentences and they're heavily exagerating their leve of comprehension, hate to break it to you but the anon is right it takes 10's of thousands of hours to truly start to hear japanese, no way around it

>> No.22633962
File: 50 KB, 1148x420, 1576852654073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this shit happen lol

>> No.22633971

better question why did ciaran ditch making ttgl subs for dbz

>> No.22633985

cause it takes like 2 hours to make 1 file and im lazy but maybe ill get back to it if the people are desirous of it

>> No.22633989

how long have you been studying for and how much of this do you understand?

i almost did this 10 times already

>> No.22634000


>> No.22634051

btw if anyone uses rep retire for anki i set it to 91 days which feels good. like before u retire the card and you hit pass you just feel like ok yeah i dont need to see that in anki again

>> No.22634083

i did that and regretted it since i don't get a lot of input and had low retention for those cards.

>> No.22634092

91 days is way too short there's a lot of words in my deck i probably won't see for years

>> No.22634182

ive forgotten cards at 6 month intervals so i wouldnt set it below that imo

>> No.22634268

i like to keep things fresh. anki is supplement for me. if i see the word again after retiring it and cant read it ill make a new sentence card for it from that context and probably remember it even better that time

>> No.22634326

Not saying you're wrong because I can't do that but the way I see it is that that card would practically retire itself after 2/3 more reps anyway. That's 8-15 secs. Which does add up to hours for thousands of cards. It's really up to anybody's personal circumstances.

>> No.22634339

Anyone got a chart of japan only games and how much japanese knowledge is required to play them?

>> No.22634358

agreed. ppl will have varying levels of card length and difficulty. sometimes i just delete cards right there because i don't want to look at them again. 91 day retire feels predictable to me (5 correct reps in a row) and i can usually remember back to the moment i made the card which makes retiring it feel really good (positive feedback loop). in the end you gotta do what makes your anki enjoyable and worthwhile. lot of times i won't see words i add to anki again anyways so getting 5 reps with them is probably more than i will see them in a couple years maybe so possibly they shouldnt even be in anki.

>> No.22634405

this might blow ur mind but japanese games are made for japanese people who know japanese so they dont really need such a chart lol

>> No.22634416
File: 357 KB, 2069x969, 1561646544410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really shouldn't have to repost this like everyone should have it saved on their computer by now but here you go
