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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2252774 No.2252774 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2252797


What is this I don't even...

>> No.2252804

It's from February, Eurofag.

>> No.2252806

Weeaboos use the japanese style of dates (dd/mm/yy)

>> No.2252810

Did she ask if she was kawaii?

>> No.2252814


>> No.2252825

It's a tucked trap.

No, we use 2009年2月6日.

>> No.2252828

>Weeaboos use the japanese style of dates (dd/mm/yy)

Japan uses yy/mm/dd.


>> No.2252834

yy/mm/dd is superior for cataloging

>> No.2252857

"Japanese style" lolwut. I've always used day/month/year.

>> No.2252860

It's not japanese style that's why

>> No.2252886

mm/dd/yyyy is fucking stupid.

>> No.2252903

It's European.

>> No.2252909

How many people went to the op's link thinking it was going to be a video about the girl in the op's picture?

Fess up.

>> No.2252911

Couldn't agree more.

>> No.2252920


When you say the date you say something like "August 24, 2003" or some shit. As you can see, it goes month, day, year.

Therefore: mm/dd/yy

>> No.2252923

dd/mm/yyyy, meters, grams, liters. why americans so stupid?

>> No.2252924

thats just in english

>> No.2252981

i lol'd so hard, thank you

>> No.2252994

so says the crumbled empire lol

>> No.2253005

I'm american and I hate the imperial measuring system. Metric is so much easier.

Also all they teach you after middle school is the metric system in schools. I dont even know how many oz are in a cup.

>> No.2253009

The entire world is crumbling, and there's very little anyone can do. The only societies that are going to survive are the ones that don't even have a system of money yet.

>> No.2253023

the entire world is a crumbled empire?

>> No.2253027
File: 66 KB, 640x480, cs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that man-beast doing with those pretty japanese girls?

>> No.2253028

Except China

>> No.2253029

>I'm not intelligent enough to switch two numbers in a sequence

>> No.2253033

Doesn't the UK use a freakish mixture of imperial and metric?

>> No.2253041

Enjoy your ambiguity.

Which date am I talking about?

>> No.2253035

Janitor must be fapping his angry inch.

>> No.2253038

as crazy as it sounds I think they all could do better

>> No.2253043

I cant tell if that fat cow is in japan or not.

>> No.2253045

December 12th 1999

>> No.2253048

I chuckled.

>> No.2253050
File: 45 KB, 800x600, look_around_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2253054

I fail to see how this proves eurofag superiority in any way. Also, look at OP's pic.


Anyone with even the smallest amount of logic would be able to conclude that it was February 6th, not June 2nd- since the latter hasn't even fucking passed yet.

>> No.2253055
File: 54 KB, 473x295, lolsorandom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2253062

*watches video in OP's post*

>> No.2253068

Why are people even arguing about this?
1. 15/03/2009 (little to big)
2. 2009/03/15 (big to little)

Shuffling is retarded. Case 2 is superior for filing.

>> No.2253080

Tripfag is right. This is a /b/-esque argument.

Then again, /jp/ is the new /b/.

>> No.2253091

*hits this Anon on his head for being a gaiafag*

Since when is *cyber movement acceptable on /jp/?

>> No.2253098

>I fail to see how this proves eurofag superiority in any way.
Because you can't tell what date it is. So everyone should stick to one format. dd/mm/yy makes more sense and came first. Although yy/mm/dd is superior.

>since the latter hasn't even fucking passed yet.
No shit sherlock. I wasn't even talking about the OP's date.

>> No.2253124

naw that wont be happening

>> No.2253133

The correct way is DD/MM/YY

Get it through your head.

>> No.2253127

But I already said that the first time this picture got posted.

>> No.2253137


*runs around with pants on head screaming baka*

*stops and stares at you until you give me a cookie* O__O

>> No.2253151

I'm an American that wants to move to Europe.

>> No.2253155

*uses asterisks to show actions, punches wall, is 300 lbs*

>> No.2253167

That still doesn't show any kind of superiority you nigger. All 3 date 'styles' can be used in a way where you can't distinguish them from the others.

One universal format would be better, but everyone is all "ROFL THE WAY I RITE MY DATES IS BETTER DEN DA WAY U RITE UR DATES". I don't see it happening.

>> No.2253170

I'm a European that wants to move to America.

>> No.2253186

I'm a Japanese guy that wants to take long vacations in America and Europe.

>> No.2253188

Good job repeating what I just said.

>> No.2253194

Time has no value to me, for I am phone

>> No.2253217

Minus your claims of eurofags having 'the best' date system.

>> No.2253224

ITT: Pseudo-intellectual faggots argue about pointless shit.

Thread hidden.

>> No.2253235

yyyy-mm-dd is the ISO standard. It also has the bonus that if you use that format, computers can just use regular sorting on it and you'll get properly sorted dates.

Everyone should just use it already.

>> No.2253298

>Minus your claims of eurofags having 'the best' date system.

>Although yy/mm/dd is superior.

Eurofags are using yy/mm/dd now? Good for them.

>> No.2253301

But I'm not a computer.

>> No.2253306

Stop that.
*punches wall, is 300 pounds*
