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2209624 No.2209624 [Reply] [Original]

Last time you fantasized about your sister?

>> No.2209633

The moment this thread is created

>> No.2209641


>> No.2209645

I don't have one.

>> No.2209649



>> No.2209650

Well it's been a week or so until I saw this thread...

>> No.2209652

Never. Why would you fantasize about your sister?

>> No.2209656

Because your sister is hot.

>> No.2209668

Sorry, but I only have interest in your sisters.

>> No.2209669

Sure is moralfag around here....

>> No.2209674

I've sometimes fantasized about female me from another dimension. That's kind of like a sister, right?

>> No.2209679

They might be so, but why not fantasize about someone else? But then again ... sisters and moms are likely the only females who have shown any level of giving a shit towards most of the people in /jp/

>> No.2209684



About two seconds ago.

>> No.2209688

I fantasize that I have a sister, does that count?

>> No.2209690

No, there is a word for this. Autogynophilia

>> No.2209696

Earlier today, riding in the car with her.

>> No.2209697

>female me

Protip: She's still going to be ugly.

>> No.2209699

whats moralfag about it?

>> No.2209705

But she's genetically my twin. How is that not incest?

>> No.2209712

I fapped in the back of the car to my sister once. It was a stealth fap though.

>> No.2209723

A few days ago, when I spoke to her on the phone. I've gotten the itch again where I want to ask her for pity sex the next time she comes in for vacation.

>> No.2209733

Its a gender-identity disorder. Go make yourself a woman suit and come back.

>> No.2209738


oh fuck you /jp/, you can't be serious - don't ask your sister for pity sex

>> No.2209739

>Pity sex

What is this I don't even

>> No.2209750

But I don't want to be a woman. I just want sex with someone I can trust.

>> No.2209756


WINcest if you ask me.

>> No.2209755

Are you in love, or just turned on by the idea of incest? I don't think I would want to have sex with my sister unless she wanted it as well. I would feel bad any other way

>> No.2209762

Seriously. It's your sister. The problem with asking her for pity sex is there's a good chance (if you're very close) she may actually oblige.

>> No.2209763

I've never consciously fantasized about my sister but a few months ago I did have a dream where I almost had sex with her.

>> No.2209764


Why not? I want to fuck SOMETHING and getting a girl here would be easy but emotionally unsatisfying. Girls at my school will blow you at the drop of a hat.

>> No.2209774

Then why are you dreaming about yourself as a girl? You could have created any number of different girls in your mind, and you picked yourself as one. That is where the disorder part comes in.

>> No.2210027,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Hey bro, I've been pretty close to her these past 20 years. I'm sure she has some secrets, but not all women are sluts.
Aww hell, what am I thinking. You probably know her better than I do.

Also, zip appears to have died again. Moot must really hate us.

>> No.2209779
File: 92 KB, 840x590, 1233672636143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I think about brother - sister love.

>> No.2209786


I'm not in love with her, and I have little emotional attachment to her anyway. She moved out a few years ago and I was never that close to her. The closest thing we ever did to sibling bonding was when we would smoke pot together. in before normalfag claims. I am turned on by incest, plus I think I would be a million times better boyfriend than the guy she's living with now.

>> No.2209793
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>> No.2209794


Wow, it's like living with Luka.

>> No.2209798

>plus I think I would be a million times better boyfriend than the guy she's living with now.


>> No.2209803

Hey, I'd like to know how exactly you'd plan to dupe your sister into pity sex. What would you say exactly?

>> No.2209808

The last time I played Hizashi No Naka No Real, I stopped because I started to fantasize so vividly about my sister than I decided to masturbate to that visual instead, doing all that stuff to my sis.

Thankfully, the feeling subsided after I came.

>> No.2209810


Because he's the main character, obviously.

>> No.2209817

Stealing her away from an inferior boyfriend is a noble goal indeed! And I guess if you're turned on by incest, asking for pity sex seems only natural. It just doesn't work for me. I wouldn't want to pressure my sister into doing something she might not want to.
I remember that doujin having pubic hair and me deleting it because of that.

>> No.2209841

Who else am I supposed to trust completely? Fag.

>> No.2209849
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>> No.2209853

Something I don't get about that faggot that's been ranting about that troll that's been ranting about supposedly having sex with his sister.

He says that sex with available girls would be emotionally unsatisfying


That he has little emotional attachment to his sister and only wants to fuck SOMETHING.

He should probably stop lying and admit that his sister is the only female that will still look at him in the eyes, since his mother already disowned him when she found his stash under the bed. How can you pretend that sex with another girl would be emotionally unsatisfying, and then say you'll go for a girl that's STILL emotionally unsatisfying ?


>> No.2209860


>> No.2210041,1 [INTERNAL] 

a real /jp/ user doesn't have a 3-d love life, this is so much normal faggotry in this thread.

>> No.2209878

Not being a fag, just explaining why its a disorder. Well, as far as what you said is concerned at least. Its actually fairly common at one point or another to fantasize about yourself as the other gender.

>> No.2209880


If you can imagine a man being born without a drop of testosterone in his body while somehow still remaining male, it would be my sister's boyfriend. The dude is a slave to his whackjob mother, he works for his insane grandparents who hold him hostage by threatening to fire him if he ever does something they disapprove of (like dating my sister because she's not jewish) and the dude never stands up to any of it, he just takes it. He lives in one of the fastest growing areas of the country, finding another job would not be hard (a year or two ago, anyway) and he would be free of all that bullshit but he just bent over and took it. I don't think he ever even said the word "no" in his life before my sister taught him to grow some balls. And he had sex with another girl after he met my sister who claimed she was on the pill but she really wasn't but he didn't use a condom anyway and now he has a kid to deal with. And because he has no post-secondary education, if he ever gets a job, all of his income will go towards child support because of his state's laws. I mean shit, if you get a girl in bed and you know she's a whackjob, don't take her at her word if she says she's on the pill. I don't see what my sister sees in this guy, he just seems empty inside to me. I know I'm not the most take-charge guy in the world, but fuck, I'd rather take a chance to improve my situation than be forever lorded over by my family.

>> No.2209903

One question: Is your sister at least pretty?

>> No.2209899


Nah, my mom still loves me, and I'm sure she found my stash. She probably wouldn't even care if I fucked my sister anyway, she used to be a hippy and believed in the whole free love thing.

>> No.2209914


Yeah, I think so. Massive tits, too. I could play with those all day.

>> No.2209927

So you think she'd be up for it if you proposed it. I mean, there's got to be some kind of a chance right?

>> No.2209928

3D, mature, woman. Obviously not.

>Massive tits, too.
Oh god you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.2209940

You guys must feel really protective of your sisters at times.

>> No.2209961

Mostly, but no more so than any other big brother. I don't fly into a rage whenever she's talking to boys or anything,

Of course, most of the friends she has are other girls.

>> No.2209965


I bet she would go for it. Recently, I think she feels guilty over treating me like shit when we were younger, and now she affectionately refers to me as her lil bro and telling me how proud she is of me and stuff and talking to me like we were ever close. The next time I see her, if I said something like "I know you're frustrated with your boyfriend and I'm lonely as hell at school, maybe we'll feel better if we yaranaika. No one needs to know, and it can be another secret between you and me" she might go for it. It's not like we had an ultra-conservative upbringing or anything, I doubt she's ever thought of incest but I don't think she'd be horrified of it, either. And if she is, I wouldn't really lose much, as I rarely see her anyway and I no longer live at home.

>> No.2209964

Speaking of wincest, http://archive.doesntexist.org/jp/cgi-board.pl/thread/1375000 should post another story. That was fappable, made up or not.

>> No.2209978

Enjoy prison.

>> No.2209979

Is it weird being protective of an older sister? Not that see needs it (so useless ;_;), she's been dating the same guy for 4-5 years now (only person she's been with) and he treats her better than anyone.

>> No.2209982


So you're someone who is maybe going to have apathy sex with a female he doesn't care about, that is also his sister. And you won't care either way.

Kakoi monogatari aniki

Back to /r9k/ with you.

>> No.2209985

How experienced are you with girls and how does she react you your (I'm assuming) inexperience?

>> No.2210004

Having it reported to the police brings you inline for multiple different felony charges. Not to mention being sent to counseling.

>> No.2210005

>only person she's been with


>> No.2210011


I have zero experience with girls. I had female friends in high school, but I have never been on a date nor kissed a girl. The only girl I have ever held hands with was a lesbian. My sister would probably welcome the chance to make me more experienced, she was shocked that I didn't have a girlfriend after so many years at university because she thinks I'm intelligent, compassionate and a good listener or whatever makes a good boyfriend these days. Most girls in my region would hardly consider those positive traits, though.

>> No.2210016

I'm very protective of my sisters (even the two who have a boyfriend/husband). I have every right to be protective of them, they are family after all.

>> No.2210026

Girls are always shocked to find a guy hasn't had a girlfriend. At least, they always say they are shocked. I get that line all the fucking time. So when I asked a girl that was bemoaning nobody wanting to date her that had said that to me previously "Why don't you date me?" she said "You're not my type." Then they're surprised I've never had a girlfriend.

Get over it, 3D women are bitches and aren't worth trying for.

>> No.2210027

So you have a sister that would willingly cheat on her boyfriend for you just to make you more experienced?

Awesome dude, just awesome.

>> No.2210041


I had a similar experience; I knew a girl who only dated good-looking guys because she liked to go to high-end clubs and shit and complained about how all men are so shallow and recently dumped her boyfriend because one of her friends make fun of his looks and now she didn't consider him to be good enough to be seen in public with. Then she asks me about my love life and nearly falls out of her chair when she hears that I don't have one. After that, I certainly didn't want to go out with her. Another girl I knew called me a liar when I said I was a virgin and got pissed off at me because she thought I was trying to act pathetic on purpose or something. It's not like I'm beating off girls with a stick while talking to them, I don't know what they expected.

>> No.2210053

several seconds

>> No.2210121
File: 861 KB, 2091x1067, incest-lol.1202329321410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2210159

I've told this story before but I dated a girl who admitted she was in love with her brother. I thought it was pretty weird at the time, now I'd probably encourage her. Anyway she married a mutual friend of ours and lives only a couple miles away now.

>> No.2210227

When my friend was about 15 and his sister was 9, him and her used to play with each other. Actually from what I remember he told me, he was too afraid to show her his penis, but he got to play around in her nether regions.

Now she's a complete slut though, plus she dropped out of highschool and takes all sorts of drugs. I don't know if what they did screwed her up or if she was already screwed up before that, they had a pretty bad family situation.

Myself though, I have never done anything with my sister. We get along great though and I'm even turning her into a weeaboo.

>> No.2210237
File: 255 KB, 800x600, 1225231304551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't...namely because she isn't got and never offers me nom noms....though generally the former reason is key.

>> No.2210245

she isn't got?

>> No.2210255


>> No.2210266

My step sister is sleeping in the next room. Maybe I should go over and grab her boobs (or lack of).

>> No.2210267

Oddly only in dreams, and thinking about it I seriously doubt it's with my sisters face or anything like that. It's more the idea of incest itself.

Personally I blame incest doujins. Actual incest is pretty unimaginable as I (and I imagine practically all brothers) just don't see my sister that way. Eitherway, thanks Japan.

>> No.2210292

Sometimes. If she ever got the courage to ask me to do something to her (I can see it in her eyes sometimes), I don't think I could refuse.

>> No.2210882

Fap fap fap.

>> No.2210924

Well this is blackmail material.

See you next Eye Ball/MoA

>> No.2210932

Incest in fiction is kind of hot, and at times I have fantasised about having sex with "a sister".

But thinking that way about my ACTUAL sister... no. Instant turn-off. And not because she's unattractive, it would just feel completely wrong. So the fantasy's always about myself as some other guy having sex with his fictional sister.

I guess it's just the scenario of breaking a taboo, doing something bad, that's exciting.

>> No.2210946

Or sometimes it's about myself as a girl having sex with her fictional sister, because that's even hotter. :3

>> No.2210956

You do know that I will deny everything and drag you off to meet a strange ice-skates-to-forehead accident, right?

>> No.2210972



>> No.2211008

So, for the people who do think about their sister in a sexual way, is it because they've had a close relationship with their sister? Did they have bad parents and had to rely on their siblings for support?

Sort of like the nature vs. nurture, I'm just curious if there's something that generally causes siblings (or I guess, just the one sibling) to cross that line, or if it's just some genetic mishap.

>> No.2211021

I just do it because incest is hot, our relationship is the same as most siblings, hated each other as teens, grew up and became pretty much indifferent towards each other

>> No.2211021,1 [INTERNAL] 

You guys and girls are pretty lucky to have sisters. It sounds like an interesting dynamic.
